TAC Xenta® 421A/422A
Universal Input and Digital Output Module
Physical Inputs and Outputs
TAC Xenta 421A/422A can be used as a normal Xenta I/O
module or as a certifi ed L
• 4 Universal Inputs (UI)
• 5 Digital Outputs (DO)
In addition, TAC Xenta 422A has fi ve manual switches, one for
each DO that can be set
• manual Off
• manual On
• Auto
To confi gure the inputs and outputs, and to specify the transmission of values, either ordinary TAC Menta®/Xenta confi guration or nci SNVTs are used. The usage is explained overleaf
("SNVT vs TAC Xenta I/O module Communication".)
The use of SNVTs requires explicit information listed below.
UI Confi guration
Each of the four UI:s (1-4) is confi gured with
nciInput1-4 0 = not connected (default value)
1 = 1.8 kohm thermistor
2 = DI, green indication
3 = 0-10 V
4 = 0-20 mA
5 = 10 kohm thermistor
6 = DI, red indication
7 = DI, green inverted indication
8 = DI, red inverted indication
ONMARK® device. It has
Off: state=0, value=0
On: state=1, value=100
Invalid: state=255
nvoTemp1-4 (thermistor, any type; invalid=327.67)
UI Value Transmission
The UI value will be transmitted
a) when the change in value is large enough (set individually
b) at a specifi ed time interval (common for all UIs)
a) is determined by
nciSndDelta1-4 (dimensionless; default value=2)
Size of change to cause transmission
Ex.: 1 means
- if confi gured as analog input: 1%
- if confi gured as temperature input: 1 °
If the UI is confi gured as a digital input, a status change will
always be transmitted.
b) is determined by
nciSndHrtBt "Heartbeat" interval in seconds (default=60)
A valid and confi gured UI value will be sent at least once during each interval regardless of change.
The transmissions will be distributed over time to avoid momentary communication overload.
Confi guration Instruction
per UI)
DO Values
If confi gured to be a digital input (DI, any type), its function is
further determined by the corresponding bit in
If bit=0: NO, normally open (default value)
If bit=1: NC, normally closed
Pulse counting is not available for SNVT communication.
UI Values
Depending on the UI confi guration, each UI n=1-4 generates
a valid value in one of these (the other two are set invalid):
nvoAnalog1-4 (0-10 V or 0-20 mA, converted to 0-100%;
nvoDigital1-4 (DI, any type)
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Bit 0 Bit 15
DI 1
DI 2
DI 3
DI 4
The digital output values to the output (DO, n=1-5) are received as:
nviDO1-5 switch:state
state=0 or >1: Off
state=1: On
For the TAC Xenta 422A, the DO values may be overridden by
manual switches. Their status is indicated in
nvoHandBoard1-5 switch:state.
state=0: manual Off
state=1: manual On
state=255 ('invalid'): Auto
Any DO status change will immediately be transmitted.
DO Values in the Off-line Condition
The DO values are expected to be updated regularly. However, this may be prevented by communication failure or, temporarily, after power-up.
(continued ...)

To determine if all nviDO1-5 are to be considered valid, an
interval counter is used:
nciRcvHrtBt No. of seconds until nviDO1-5 are consid-
If bit=1: Use default value as specifi ed by
nciOffl ineVal, using the following bits, where the value to be
used is specifi ed (0 or 1). (Default value=0.)
ered invalid. (0: function is not used; default value.)
If this happens, due to communication failure, the behavior is
determined by
nciOffl ineBeh, using the following bits:
Bit 0 Bit 15
DO 1
DO 2
DO 3
DO 4
DO 5
If bit=0: Keep latest value (default).
Bit 0 Bit 15
DO 1
DO 2
DO 3
DO 4
DO 5
The TAC Xenta 421A/422A can be used in networks with
either LONMARK communication or TAC Xenta I/O module communication. The device automatically determines which type
of communication to use.
Green blink
at comm.
or 0.1 Hz
In the Power-up state, the green LED blinks "Off-line". The
State diagram
TAC Xenta
I/O module
TAC Xenta I/O module
TAC Xenta
I/O module
I/O on-line:
green 0.5 Hz
device is open for both SNVT and TAC Xenta I/O module
communi cation.
Previous confi guration, if defi ned, will apply until a change is
SNVT received
The device enters the SNVT state. The device is confi gured
when the nci:s are updated. The green LED will light up when
there is communication or approximately every 10 seconds.
SNVT transmission is determined by the nciSndDelta1-4 or
the nciSndHrtBt values.
The device remains in the SNVT state until a TAC Xenta I/O
module communication state is established, or until the next
power-up. In the SNVT state it is possible to change the confi guration by updating the network confi guration inputs nci:s.
TAC Xenta I/O module Communication
The TAC Xenta I/O module communication state is accepted
only after a thorough protocol initiation. This may be initiated
at any time.
In the TAC Xenta I/O module communication state, no nvi:s
or nci:s can be used. The green LED blinks on-line at about
0.5 Hz.
Input SNVTs are ignored, also when the device is off-line from
the controller.
However, output SNVT transmission is still performed using a
hard-coded interval of about 10 seconds.
Once in the TAC Xenta I/O module communication state, the
device can only enter the SNVT state after a new Power-up. At
this stage all nci:s must be updated, since the same memory
area is used by both the SNVT and TAC Xenta I/O module
communication confi guration parameters.
Note! As the TAC Xenta I/O module communication state is
a 'dead-end' (until power-up), any mis-addressed communication may cause the I/O module to loose its SNVT communication state.
TAC Xenta I/O module communication is inititiated by the controller at events specifi ed below. If an I/O module intended for
SNVT communication has been used in another confi guration
and happens to have an address that is used by the I/O module communication, the I/O module will be 'lost' in this state.
TAC Xenta I/O module communications will be initiated by the
following events:
• Controller power-up
• I/O module power-up
• Controller application download
• Recovery after communication failure
Service pin
Red LED (Confi guration error)
- blinking: unconfi gured node
- steady: appl.less (or hw fault)
Green LED (Communication)
- SNVT: at communication or ~ once in 10 sec.s
- TAC Xenta I/O mod communication:
on-line ~ every other sec; off-line ~ 5 blinks per sec
LED indicators on front panel
(4) 02-00002-01-en, Nov 2009