Philips PCVC665K User Manual

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Philips USB PC Camera

Model PCVC665K


1 Introduction

Brilliant images and blazing colours. That's what you get with the Philips USB PC Camera. Forget about installing grabber cards and separate power supplies. You don't need them. Power is supplied direct to the

camera through the USB cable and the camera returns video straight to your PC!

This USB PC Camera has several unique features:

Full Plug&Play use of the USB port

Video images and still images in true VGA resolution of 640x480 pixels

Several top-of-the-line software packages included on CD-ROM, so you can start using the camera straightaway

Congratulations on purchasing the Philips USB PC Camera. This new digital camera is the most advanced means of recording high-quality movies or still pictures quickly and easily on your PC or laptop computer. After installation, the new camera can be used for all sorts of applications, such as:

Video e-mail / Video capture: Create your own video presentations, video mail, product demonstrations, training videos, Internet clips etc.

Snapshot images: Use images in presentations, create postcards, or send them via e-mail or on diskette. The camera works with all applications that use the TWAIN Interface to acquire an image.

Video conferencing: Use the camera for establishing a point-to-point video conference via a modem and telephone line with another PC Camera or a Video Phone. Or use the camera for network conferencing or Internet conferencing.

Editing and special effects: After recording the images you want with the Philips USB PC Camera, the images can be easily edited using image or video editing programs.

Congratulations again on choosing the Philips USB PC Camera. The following sections in this manual give a step-by-step description of the installation process and explain how to use the USB PC Camera.


2 Preparation

This HTML file describes how to install the hardware and software and how to create your first video recording.

2.1 Contents of the box

Check that the box contains the following items:

the Philips USB PC Camera;

one CD-ROM, containing the Philips installation software, application software packages and electronic software manuals;

Quick Install Guide.

2.2Your first video recording in four easy steps

The best way to quick results is as follows:

1.Unpack the box.

2.Put the Philips installation CD-ROM into your CD-ROM player, let the Philips installation program install the driver software and the application software, and connect the camera to the USB port (marked with

the USB-logo:

) when asked for by the installation program.

3.Start one of the video applications.

4.Have fun!


3 Camera and software installation

№ tf> rï1âxi№izâ thâ vidâD add audio p^rformar^ca tïffered by yi>ijr camera, wa havs moludad a PtiiMpa Intlallalian program m CD-ROM. Plaase follow ftiase diTBcHona for the OBmera inEtaDalüûn SKactty^ ard aurd thât you hâva ynur WindowaSS CD-ROM to htartd.

1, Unplug all yxHjr USB dovicaa {excapt USB haytaaard or USB mouse) before you etart.

2.IO£№t the Rhilipi iristâllâllon CD-ROM IblO B CD-ROM drfv4.

3r The insfellartion proyw should start aulomaticalsy. ff notn cllcü Ihe Wlrtdows 'Slart' butlon, then dick

'RunV and type:'X:>setup.eïe', where X stands for the dnue nsme oi your CD’ ROM driue. 4. Let Ihe Ptlil^s ibStallation program guida you through the salup procadura.

Set IV

FTiipi US0 PCVSA Cifnera CO Sdsii □ prqçssing tha lrrttdlSh№kf=l) WIîMd whcli nil giidayeu

though lha r«$l cd №fl E€tDp Pi«№awail.


5.When ashed for the W indowsQS CD-ROM. insert it info the drive ard dick 'OH'. Exit Ihe Windows 96

£et-up scra«ri if it appaars.

6.After the csmera software has tweo Instslledn the Philips insOHalvn program will ask you to connect the camera to the USB pod.

7. To install the vrdeo appiicatton software, dick me 'ApplKstlons' botlon, and follow the nslrxjctlons on ywr sgreen.



If Ih« initallalian program asMs you to p4ac« a drfforam CD-ROM in iTia CD-ROM Oriv«, fw ¡nslanoo №e l№tallafbon CD-ROM or Iho Wlndowsd^ CD-ROM, alwS)« ^ll untlL

• №e ‘busy' cursor Icon (usually a hour-glass POOH} has Oisappaared rrom yixir screen. and

■ tTie 'busy' LED on your CD-ROM drive extsг|gua^e5^

Uefore you press iTie eject butlon on tne CO-ROM dnve.

Th<s prevents Ibe appearance of a blue screen Windows error message prompting you to replace Ibe last CD­ ROM Inlolbe drive.

Sbould yorj enctwnler (ho Windows error message, correci the Pliie screen error by replacing the CD-ROM you Just removed and wart for Windows lo stop reading from ibe CD-ROM.

I.Wben the camera bas been installed, a test will be performed. Tnis test window confirms the correct Insiallatiion by sncwing you Ibe finei 'live' pictures from your USB PC Camere.

2.Exil itie Philips DlSlOllelion program after cloEirtg the test window.

3.Plug In any DS& devices you mlgTit have disconnected in Ihe first step of the inslallatian.

i.V«j aro now ready lo start writing with your Philips USB Camera. Have funl


4 Usïhg the applications

In ItlÌB. SBctian, we will give you a brief cjaecriptla-n of how to uea the video software packages included on CD-RGH. If you hiven't Installed these appllciUont yot, please read 'CsnrttH'a and software

insta llBtion' for Installation instriiotloos.

4.1 General

Eech software peefcege usually createg its own program group m the Windows Slart Menu which is activated try dtekimg the Windows Sten twtton. These program groups condaln ihe application program icon and ollw Hems СИе1р files, Electronic Menuals, Un^isleil Wizards, Readme files, etc.) for that specific software package. Vou can start the video eppiicatlons by clltAIng on them In ihe program groups just like any other W^idows eppiluatron, The shortcuis for ihg USB Camera сэп be found in the program group: 'Start f Programs f Philips

USB PC VGA Camera'.

The Phelps use PC Camera is only guaranleed to work with the applications included on the CD-ROM you received with the canwa.

Where to get help?

Programs usually ooni^ e help funotign within the program ihai allows you to aocess help aboul the exact use of Ihe program. Look far a Help topic on the menu ber or for Help butions on the menus (hemselves, |usl Ilka in any elher Windows Bfiptioation.

For detailed inlontiation about the use of these SoFtware packages, please need Ihe information aoctKnpenying the individual software packages. Art avalable тГогтаНоп is usually accassibla via the soDware's program

group, or Itireugh the Help Options in the program.

4.2 Video йчпа!1 and vtdao captura: Video Link Mail (by Smith Micro Softwara}

How to rKord and send g video mall.

1, Start VideoLink hlaH, The mpin window appears.

2. WaH for your camera to Initlallz«. and place the oemorp and microphone In an eppropfiste position.

3H Clioh the Record Pulton. VidenLlnh Mari will begin raoirding.

4. When you have (Inisherf reoordirig, click the Stop button.,

5. You can naw review your racordihg, save yoiM recording, mail ydur recording as an e-mai Or discard the reoording.

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Philips PCVC665K User Manual

4.3 Video ccxnmunicatíon software: NetMeeting (by lUlicroeoft)

^ Iftkiainll rlcHriccInig - HD f ^nnnfMihfini


I«ili ipeed[>ial Цв^

CunectDry. ifî micTioiiïTt com

CqlQfpqr BUÏT№3$

Efiai — ~ П = й MariT |T*d Haïtfl I Ciln/Stata i Goirt

|NOII n«cdl

IHel loQflfld art


Haw to wnnBct to a р4Г»П on the Ihtfrnnet or on a ТСРЛРnatworii.

1, T>pe ll4 name of the person you want ID call, gr ttig npfnp of thg compufter you went [p reegti,

2.Click on the

telephone Icon. X If NeH-leetiinj

doe& not have enough inf(HTnaiti(jn for (he conneclion, the

Advpnoed dialog

box appears


4, Only twD computéis In a

NeüMeetírig conFargnce can use alide for commorMcallon. All other parilcipsnts most communicate through other optMns, like Chat or the shared Whitehoard.


5 Settings

The «emera propsftiee and video} can only Oe changed from within an applica№n.




Vf^ - j* KHi ^

^5.1 Sound pnoparlieB

See —

AccesB to the sound pngpertte? Í9 dependent on the appticalion software

г eb*

But usually it will look something I8:g this wtien you open a 'Sound Settings'




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The Comoro hog no built-in m5croi)ho№, so a micioplwne (not ncJuded)


oorwiected to your sound cord will be used as a sound Input iof your video

opolicotionChech your sound recording capabilities with a recording


application, e.g. Sound Recorder from Windows. If you can record sourtd


ihrough your sound card w№ such an applrcallon, you «hould al» be able


to record »und and camera images together m any video application.

Nott: A mono miorapr>OrW can only produce a mono audio signal. Applications may offer you the choice of Dlhaf audio pualrlies, but bear in mind that a mono micropbone can never produce stereo soundsi

5,2 Camera pr&|i>ertjes

The Phihps USB PC Camera Is very user^fklendly and can be used intuitively. The vidH options can be adjusted m the tramerà Property Page'. Access to this properly page is dependent on the application soUware. For inelance, m one program you might choose 'Options' f 'Video Source' from the menu bar to open the property page However, In other applications you may ftave to open the 'Proferences' menu or the Video Options' menu.

Aooass the camera property page (ns location on the menus differs between applications) and you will see two tabs with usef'Chengeeble setlirigs. Most applications can show a live' video imaga on your noonitor. Always изо this option to see the effed of chenged setlings on your screen.

S.2.1 Cemera Controls

One of tbo property labs is 'Camera Controls'.

This lab shows you deveral carriera sailings you can change. If a setting can bo adjusted automaticefly by tho camera, there wHl he an active Auto chachlxM available to the right of (ho value box. Click Itoo ciieckbox to engage the automatic aOjjuslment for that setting.

Remove the check mark in 1Гн Auto checkbox bolore manually changing the »Itirvgs. Use the sliders ED change settings or type a numerical value in tho box lo the right of в particular slider. This value bo? to bo within the valid rartge for the setting, which ia diffaroni for every setting. Mo^t application^ can show a ^ivo'

video image on your morubcr. Always use this option to aae the effor^E of ohangod setlings Oh your screen I


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