NEC T3415 User Manual

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The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable property of NEC Computer Systems Division, Packard Bell NEC, Inc. (hereinafter “NEC CSD”) and/or its lice nsor s. NEC CSD and/or its licens ors , as ap prop ria te, res erve a ll pat ent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this document, including all desi g n, manu fa c t ur in g, r eproduc ti o n, u se, a nd s a l es r ight s th ereto, except to the extent said r i ghts a re expr essly grant e d to oth ers.
The NEC CSD product(s) discussed in this document are warranted in accordance with the terms of the Warranty Statement accompanying each product. However, actual performance of each such product is dependent upon factors such as system configuration, customer data, and operator contr ol. Since imp lemen ta tio n by custo mers of each p rodu ct may var y, th e suitability of specific product configurations and applications must be determined by the customer and is not warranted by NEC CSD.
To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is subject to change at any time, without notice. Reproduction of this document or portions thereof without prior written approval of NEC CSD is pr ohibite d.
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First Printing — August 1999
Copyright 1999
NEC Computer Systems Division
6000 Florin-Perkins Road
Sacramento, CA 95828-1037
All Rights Reserved
Using This Guide
Text Conventions.............................................................................xi
Related Documents.........................................................................xii
1 Reviewing System Features
Front Features............................................................................... 1-2
System Controls and Lamps .................................................. 1-3
Diskette Drive A.................................................................... 1-4
Universal Serial Bus Port....................................................... 1-4
CD-ROM Drive..................................................................... 1-5
DVD-ROM Drive.................................................................. 1-5
Tape Backup Unit.................................................................. 1-5
Zip Drive............................................................................... 1-6
PC Card Adapter................................................................... 1-6
LS-120 SuperDisk Drive ....................................................... 1-6
Rear Features................................................................................ 1-7
External Connectors.............................................................. 1-8
Power Supply Features.........................................................1-10
Inside Features.............................................................................1-10
System Board .......................................................................1-11
Network Board.....................................................................1-12
Modem Board......................................................................1-12
Storage Device Support........................................................1-12
Chassis ........................................................................................1-12
System Features...........................................................................1-13
Preloaded Operating System.........................................1-14
NEC OS Restore CD.....................................................1-15
NEC Application and Driver CD...................................1-15
Contents iii
2 Setting Up the System
Cable Connections........................................................................ 2-2
Startup.......................................................................................... 2-3
Shutdown...................................................................................... 2-4
Power-Saving Operation............................................................... 2-5
System Care.................................................................................. 2-6
Protecting Your System From Damage.................................. 2-6
Keeping Your System in Good Condition.............................. 2-8
Moving or Shipping Your System.......................................... 2-9
More Information.........................................................................2-10
3 Configuring the System
Configuration Tools and Utilities.................................................. 3-2
BIOS Setup Utility........................................................................ 3-5
How to Start BIOS Setup....................................................... 3-6
How to Use BIOS Setup........................................................ 3-7
Main Menu............................................................................ 3-7
Advanced Menu...................................................................3-11
Security Menu ......................................................................3-18
Exit Menu............................................................................3-19
FLASH Utility.............................................................................3-20
NEC OS Restore CD....................................................................3-21
Introducing OS Restore Options...........................................3-21
Choosing a Restore Program.................................................3-21
Launching the NEC OS Restore CD.....................................3-22
Auto Rebuild and Restore.....................................................3-24
Custom Rebuild and Restore.................................................3-26
Fixing the Operating System.................................................3-29
NEC Application and Driver CD..................................................3-31
Launching the Application and Driver CD ............................3-31
Installing Software...............................................................3-32
NEC Help Center.........................................................................3-33
Installing the NEC Help Center ............................................3-33
Uninstalling the NEC Help Center........................................3-34
Resolutions for NEC VistaScan USB Monitors............................3-34
iv Contents
System Board Jumper Settings.....................................................3-35
Processor Jumper Settings....................................................3-37
Clear CMO S/Pass word.........................................................3-38
Power On Mode...................................................................3-40
4 Installing Options
General Rules............................................................................... 4-2
Safety Precautions......................................................................... 4-3
System Unit Covers...................................................................... 4-4
Removing the Left Side Cover............................................... 4-5
Replacing the Left Side Cover............................................... 4-7
Removing the Right Side Cover............................................. 4-9
Replacing the Right Side Cover............................................4-11
System Board Options..................................................................4-12
Memory Upgrade.................................................................4-13
Checking System Memory............................................4-15
Removing a DIMM.......................................................4-16
Installing a DIMM........................................................4-17
Processor Upgrade................................................................4-19
Removing a Celeron or Pentium III Processor...............4-20
Inst alling a Cel eron or Pentium III Upgrade Process or ..4- 22
Removing the Pentium II Processor...............................4-24
Installing the Pentium II Upgrade Processor..................4-26
Expansion Boards........................................................................4-29
Locating Expansion Slots and Connectors ............................4-30
Installing an Expansion Board..............................................4-31
Removing an Expansion Board.............................................4-33
AGP Board..................................................................................4-33
Removing the AGP Graphics Board.....................................4-33
Installing the AGP Graphics Board.......................................4-34
Data Storage Devices...................................................................4-35
Locating Device Bays...........................................................4-35
Preparing the Device ............................................................4-37
Connecting Device Cables....................................................4-37
Diskette Drive Signal Cable..........................................4-40
IDE Signal Cables.........................................................4-41
System Power Cables....................................................4-41
Contents v
Cabling Storage Devices.......................................................4-41
IDE Drive Cabling........................................................4-42
Diskette Drive Cabling..................................................4-43
PC Card Adapter Cabling..............................................4-43
Network Board Wake-On LAN Cabling........................4-44
Installing Storage Devices....................................................4-45
Removing the Front Panel.............................................4-45
Replacing the Front Panel.............................................4-48
Installing a 3 1/2-Inch Hard Drive.................................4-48
Installing a 5 1/4-Inch Device........................................4-51
5 Solving System Problems
Solutions to Common Problems.................................................... 5-2
System Problems................................................................... 5-2
Diskette Drive Problems........................................................ 5-4
Monitor Problems.................................................................. 5-5
Keyboard/Mouse Problems.................................................... 5-6
CD-ROM Drive Problems..................................................... 5-7
Speaker Problems .................................................................. 5-8
How to Clean the Mouse ............................................................... 5-9
Battery Replacement....................................................................5-11
How to Get Help..........................................................................5-14
Help From Your Company...................................................5-14
Help From Your NEC CSD Dealer.......................................5-14
Help From NEC CSD Technical Support Center...................5-15
NEC CSD Warranty/Non-Warranty Repair Service..............5-16
6 Getting Services and Support
NEC CSD Website........................................................................ 6-2
NEC CSD FTP Site....................................................................... 6-3
Email/Fax Technical Support Service............................................ 6-3
NEC CSD Bulletin Board System................................................. 6-4
NEC CSD Technical Support Services.......................................... 6-7
vi C ont ent s
A Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment
Making Your Computer Work for You..........................................A-2
Arrange Your Equipment.............................................................. A-4
Adjust Your Chair.........................................................................A-5
Adjust Your Input Devices ............................................................A-7
Adjust Your Monitor.....................................................................A-9
Vary Your Workday....................................................................A-11
Pre-existing Conditions and Psychosocial Factors.......................A-12
Checking Your Comfort: How Do You Measure Up?..................A-13
Checking Your Chair...........................................................A-13
Checking Your Keyboard....................................................A-13
Checking Your Mouse.........................................................A-13
Checking Your Monitor.......................................................A-13
Checking You .....................................................................A-14
B System Specifications
System Processor..........................................................................B-2
Processor Support..................................................................B-2
Secondary Cache...................................................................B-3
Processor Socket ...................................................................B-3
Random Access Memory (RAM)..................................................B-3
Cache Memory .............................................................................B-3
Read Only Memory (ROM)..........................................................B-3
Calendar Clock.............................................................................B-4
Input/Output (I/O) Features ...........................................................B-4
Video Memory..............................................................................B-5
Sound System...............................................................................B-6
Fax/Modem Board........................................................................B-6
Peripherals ....................................................................................B-6
Network Board......................................................................B-6
AGP Graphics Board.............................................................B-7
Diskette Drive.......................................................................B-7
Hard Drive............................................................................B-8
Content s vii
CD-ROM Drive.....................................................................B-8
DVD-ROM Drive..................................................................B-8
PC Card Adapter...................................................................B-9
Zip Drive...............................................................................B-9
Tape Backup Unit..................................................................B-9
Dimensions .................................................................................B-10
System Unit......................................................................... B-10
Power .........................................................................................B-10
Operating Environment...............................................................B-10
viii Contents
Using This Guide
The PowerMate VT 300 Series User’s Guide provides a comprehensive reference to infor mat ion about your computer.
The guide contains the following information:
Chapter 1, Reviewing Syste m Featur es, provides a look at
the front, rear, internal, and peripheral features of the syste m. It also gives a summary of t he system’s hardware , software, and secur it y featur es.
The chapter includes a quick-reference chart for finding information described more fully later in the document.
Chapter 2, Setting Up the System, explains how to set up,
start up, and shut down the syste m. It also provides information on insta lling applications, and tips on caring for the system.
Chapter 3, Configuring the System, describes how to use
the software utilities shipped with your system, including the BIOS Setup Utility, t he NEC OS Rest ore CD, and the NEC Applicat ion and Driver CD. It also pro vides info rmation fo r setting s ys tem bo ard jumpers .
Chapter 4, Installing Options, provides detailed
installation procedures for system upgrades and options. Chap ter 5, Solving System Proble ms , contains
troubleshooting tips fo r solvin g simple pr oblems a nd describes how to find help when you cannot solve a problem yourself.
Using This Guide ix
Chapter 6, Getting Services and Support, describes the
services avai lable t o you for info rmation and help, and describes how to access the services.
Appendix A, Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment,
contains guidelines to help you use your computer productively and safely. This appendix also instructs you on how to set up and use your computer to reduce your risk of developing nerve, muscle, or tendon disorders.
Prolonged or impr oper use of a c om puter workstation m ay pose a risk of serious injury. To reduce your ri sk of i njur y, set up and use your computer in the manner described in Appendix A, Setting Up a Healthy Wor k Envir onm ent.
Appendix B, System Specifications, provides a technical
description of your computer and its components.
x Using This Guide
Text Conventions
This guide u ses the following text co nventions.
Warnings, caut ions, and notes have the following
Warnings aler t you to situations that could result in serious personal i njury or loss of life.
Cautions indicate situations that can damage the hardware or software.
the material being described.
Notes give important information about
Names of keyboard keys are printed as they appear on the
keyboard, for example, Text or keystrokes that you enter appear in boldface type.
For example, type File names are printed in uppercase letters. For example,
Ctrl, Alt
and press
, or
Using This Guide xi
Related Documents
In addition to this guide, the following printed documentation ships with your computer.
NEC PowerMate VT 300i Series Quick Setup/Quick
The Quick Setup shows how to quickly get the system connected and powered on.
The Quick Reference briefly describes the documentation, NEC CSD tools and utilities, so ftware applications, and services availa ble w ith the NEC PowerMate® VT 300 Series computer.
How Does Your Workplace Measure Up?
This brochure provides information for setting up and using the computer productively and safely. Informat ion includes guidelines to reduce the risk of injury associated with using a computer.
NEC PowerMate VT 300 Series Release Notes
Release Not es pro v ide additional information about the computer that was not available at the time the user’s guide was printed.
xii Using This Guide
Your system comes with the following online document ation on the NEC Application and Driver CD.
NEC Help Center
The NEC Help Center is an online guide to Po wer Mate computers. It provides infor mation about your system under the following topics: System Tour, System Information, System Upgrades, Service and Support, and Reference.
Healthy Environment
This is an online h elp file that complements the “How Does Your Workplace Measure Up?” broc hur e .
In addition, service and re ference manuals are available on the Internet at the Service and Support area of the NEC CSD website (see Chapter 6 for access information).
Using This Guide xiii
Reviewi n g System Features
Front Features
Rear Features
Inside Features
System Features
Prolonged or impr oper use of a c om puter workstation m ay pose a risk of serious injury. To reduce your ri sk of i njur y, set up and use the computer in the manner described in Appendix A, Setting Up a Healthy Wor k Envir onm ent.
This chapter highlights system hardware and software, and describes the secur it y feat ur es of the system.
Front Features
The following figure shows the featur es on the front of the syste m. A brie f description fo llow s the figure.
Front features
– CD-ROM Drive
– Diskette Drive
– Power/Sleep Button
1-2 Reviewing Syst em Featu res
– Power/Sleep Lamp
– Hard Drive Lamp
– USB Port
System Controls and Lamps
System contro ls let you se lect specific system operat ions. Lamps let you know the status of system operation. The following describes the controls and lamps. The previous figure shows the co nt ro ls and lamps o n the fro nt of the system.
Power/Sleep button
Press this button to turn on system power. To turn off power, press the button and hold in place until the system powers down (approximately three to four seconds).
Press and immediat ely release t he power/sleep button to suspend system operation when you plan to be away from your computer for a short time. Th is place s the system in a power saving mode. If you have a VESA-compliant monitor, your monitor also goes into a power-saving mode.
Press any key or move your mouse to resume system operation at the point where you stopped it.
An amber system unit power lamp indicates that the system is in a power-saving mode.
Power/Sleep lamp
The power/sleep lamp indicat es whet her s yst em power is on or off. It also lets you know if the system is operating in a power-saving mode.
A steady green lamp indicates that the power is on to all system components. An amber lamp indicates that the system is in Sleep mode with full-power reduction.
Reviewing System Features 1-3
Har d drive lamp
A lit lamp indicates that t he hard drive is active. The green lamp tells you tha t the ha rd drive is read ing or writing data.
Do not turn off the system unless absolutely necessary whil e the hard drive lamp is lit. To do so can damage your hard driv e or data.
Diskette Drive A
Use diskett e drive A to copy data files to and from a diskette. You can also use it as a bootable drive for loading and starting pro grams fro m a diskette.
To prevent damage to your disket te drive and data, do not turn off the system or remove a diskette while the diskette drive busy lamp is lit.
Universal Serial Bus Port
The universal serial bus (USB) port on the front of the system allows you to easily and conveniently add plug and play USB devices without opening up the system. You simply plug the USB device into the port. You can connect up to 127 devices including a mouse, monitor, keyboard, printer, scanner, speakers, and more. A second USB port is on the rear of the system.
1-4 Reviewing Syst em Featu res
CD-ROM Drive
Some models come with a 32X Max or 40X Max variable speed CD-ROM drive. Use the CD-ROM drive to load and start progr ams fro m a compact disc (CD). You can also use the CD-ROM drive to play your audio CDs.
The CD-ROM drive operates at different speeds depending on whether the CD you are using contains data or music. This allows you to get your data faster and to see smoother animation and video.
Some models come with a 4X or 6X digital video disc (DVD)-ROM drive (Windows 98 systems only). The drive offers many improvement s over the standard CD-ROM technology, including superior video and audio playback, faster data access, and greater storage capacities.
The DVD-ROM drive uses DVD technology to read DVD discs as well as standard audio and video CDs.
Tape Backup Unit
Some models come with a tape backup unit. If your system has a tape backup unit, you can use it to quickly back up all or part of your system’s files to a high-capacity tape cartridge. Backup software helps you tailor the backup process to protect your files and app lications. Files are compressed during the backup process to conserve space and to speed up the process.
Reviewing System Features 1-5
Zip Drive
Some models come wit h a Zip® drive. Use the Zip drive to back up work, archive old files, and transport your work. Store up to 100 MB of data on a 3 1/2-inch Zip disk.
PC Card Adapter
If your model has a PC card adapter, you can add PC cards to the system. A PC card is insert ed into a PC card slot similar to inserting a diskette in a diskett e drive.
Each type of PC card has a different function. With your PC card adapter, you can add a number of functions to your system with a variet y of PC cards.
LS-120 SuperDisk Drive
Some models come with an LS-120 MB SuperDisk™ dr ive, in place of the 3 1/2-inch diskette drive. The drive offers high­capacity, removable data sto r age through use o f SuperDisk diskettes that hold up to 120 MB of data. The SuperDisk drive is fully compatible with 1.44 MB disket tes and can read or write to the diskettes.
1-6 Reviewing Syst em Featu res
Rear Features
On the rear of your computer, you’ll find external connectors, the power supply socket and voltage select switch, and expansion board slots. The following figure shows the features.
Rear features
– Power Socket
– Voltage Selector Switch
– Mous e Port
– Keyboard Port
– USB Port
– Serial Port 1
– Serial Port 2
– Line Out Jack
– Line In Jack
– Microphone In Jack
– Fan
– Printer Po rt
– MIDI Port
– VGA Monitor Connector
– Expansion Slots
Reviewing System Features 1-7
External Connectors
External connecto r s let you att ach periphera l devices, such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer to your system. Your system has the fo llowing exter na l co nnect ors.
Mouse port
Attach the mouse that comes w ith your computer to this port. The mouse port supports a PS/2-compatible mouse.
Keyboard port
Attach the keyboard that comes with your computer to the ke yboard port.
The keyboard port supports a PS/2®-compatible (personal system/2-compatible) 101-key or 104-key keyboard (in the U.S. and Canada) or a 102-key keyboard (in the United Kingdom and Germany) with a 6-pin mini DIN connector.
VGA monitor connector
The system comes with an acce lerated graphics port (AGP) graphics board. The external video graphics array (VGA) connector on the AGP board supports an NEC MultiSync® monitor , NEC VistaScan™ monitor, or other VGA-compatible monitor with a 15-pin connector. Att ach the signal cable from your monitor to the VGA connector.
Printer port
Use this port to connect a parallel printer with a 25-pin connector to the system.
Serial ports 1 and 2 (COM1 and COM2)
Attach a serial device with a 9-pin connector to these serial ports. Serial devices include a pointing device, serial printer, or a modem.
Unive rsal Se rial Bus port
This port adds a USB connector at the rear of the system (see “Universal Serial Bus Port” earlier in this chapter) .
1-8 Reviewing Syst em Featu res
Audio connectors
The following connector s co me integrat ed o n t he syste m board (see the preceding figure for jack locations).
Microphone in jack The microphone in jack lets you connect a microphone for recording audio information in your data s ystem files.
Line in jac k The line in jack lets you connect a stereo audio device suc h a s a stereo amp lifier or a ca s s e tte o r minidisc player for playback or recording.
Line out jack The line out jack allows you to connect an amplified output device, such as powered speakers or headset, a stereo tape recorder, or an external amplifier for audio output.
MIDI/Joyst ick co nnect or
The MIDI/Joystick connector lets you attach a joystick to your system for use with games.
Fax/modem ports
Some models come with a V.90 rated 56-kilobytes per second (Kbps) fax/mo dem board. The fax/mo dem boa rd allows the connection of a phone line to the computer for fax and data communications functions.
Dual fax/modem ports let you use a telephone line for the fax/modem and your telephone.
LAN connector
Some models come with a networ k board. Use the RJ-45 compatible port on the board for connect ing the system to an Ethernet local-area net work (LAN).
Reviewing System Features 1-9
Power Supply Features
Your system has the following power supply features:
Power socket
Connect your power cable to t his socket . Voltage selector switch
Sets the voltage for your system to 115 volts or 220 volts.
Set the switch cor r ectly for the voltage in your area. Most wall outlets in the United States and Canada are 115 volts. O utlets in Europe, Australi a, and Asi a ( ex c ept T aiwan) are 230 volts. Tai wan uses 115-volt outlets.
Pow e r supply fa n
The power supply fan cools the power supply and other system component s to keep t hem from overheating. Keep the area near the fan clear for proper vent ilat ion.
Inside Features
See the following figure for the location of features w ithin the system. Feature descriptions follow.
1-10 Reviewing System Features
Inside the system
– Power Supply
– System Board
– Expansion Slots
– Accessible Device Bays
System Board
The syste m processor, memory, audio subsystem, s yst em battery, internal connecto r s, and externa l connectors are on the system board. For information on the external connector s, see “External Connecto rs” earlier in this chapter.
The system board supports a diskette drive and up to four IDE devices such as IDE hard drives, IDE CD-ROM drive, IDE DVD-ROM drive, and IDE Zip drive.
Internal connecto r s on the system board include:
primary and secondary IDE co nnectors
diskette drive connect or
front panel connectors for lamp, USB, and audio signals
– Diskette Drive
– AGP Board Connector
– Hard Drive
Reviewing System Features 1-11
power connector s
AGP graphics board connector
three PCI connecto r s
one ISA connector
additional connectors include the CD Audio In, Modem
In, Wake-On LAN, and fan.
Network Board
Some models come wit h a 3 Co m® 10/100Base-T Ethernet net work boar d, an Intel® EtherE xpress® Pro100 +10/100 Ethernet network board, or a GVC D110G 10/100 network board installe d in a PC I slot .
Modem Board
Some models come wit h a Robotics® 56K Python V.90 ISA modem board or a Lucent V.90 Winmodem PCI board. Connect your telephone line to th is board.
Storage Device Support
Five storage device bays accommodat e up to three accessib le devices and two internal hard drives.
The NEC micro tower chassis conforms to the Intel ATX form factor specificat ion. The c hass is features the following:
standardized chassis s ize and d imensions
standardized system board size and dimensions
standardized ATX 145 watt power supply.
1-12 Reviewing System Features
If ordered, some systems come with two high-quality stereo speakers. One of the speakers connects to the line out jack at the rear of the system unit.
An AC adapter comes with the speakers. I n stall the AC adapter along with the speakers.
Adjust the speaker volume by using the vo lume cont ro l on the front of the syste m or on the right speaker . Yo u can also use the Windows sound software. To bring up the Windows volume control, double click the speaker icon on the t askbar (next to the syste m clock). Use the software to balance the sound between the left and right speaker s.
System Features
Your computer hardware and software deliver the performance and technologies you need for all your challenging tasks today and into the future.
The PowerMate VT 300 Series includes the following hardware features:
PC98 Compliance
All the hardware in the system has been certified by Microsoft® to be PC98 compliant.
The system comes with a Celeron® processor, Pentium® II processor, or Pentium III processor. Processor speed depends o n s yst em model. The processors are fast, power ful pro cessors that lend t he mse lves to computational, graphical, and networking tasks.
Reviewing System Features 1-13
Audio on the System Board
The system board comes w ith an audio subs yst em. The audio chipset gives you a surrou nd sound system for three­dimensio nal sou nd effe c ts — much like a live per formance. It also provides wavetable synthesis. (Wavetable synthes is uses actual recordings of real sound effects and musical instr uments for a dynamic audio experience.)
Flashable ROM BIOS
The system’s ROM BIOS features system setu p configuration, Plug and Play support, and flash support for easy and economical BIOS upgrades.
System Memory
Your computer comes with at least 32 MB o f non-ECC synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM) and supports up to 512 MB.
AGP Graphics Board
All models ship with an AGP gr aphics board. AGP enhances graphics performance, particularly for 3-D applications.
Po wer Manageme nt Options
Power management opt ions conserve energy and reduce power costs.
NEC CSD provides a variety o f applicat ions and hardware utilities with your system to let you take advantage of your hardware capabilities.
Preloaded Operating System
The Microsoft® Windows NT®, Windows® 95, or Windows 98 operating system comes loaded o n your syst em.
1-14 Reviewing System Features
NEC OS Restore CD
In the event of operat ing system problems, you can rest ore your operating system using the NEC OS Restore CD. The NEC OS Restore Program on the CD provides a “Fix OS” Restore option for reinstalling the Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating system while leaving data files intact. This feature lets you back up your data files before performing a complete restore of the operating system.
The OS Restore program also provides options for reformatting and repartitioning the hard drive. In addition, the program automatically deter mines which dr ivers are needed for your original hardware configuration and insta lls them during the restore.
NEC Application and Driver CD
Your system comes with an NEC Application and Driver CD. Use this CD to install any or all of the software that comes with your system, including:
Microsoft® Internet Explorer
Internet Exp lorer prov ides a t op-no tch browse r with preloaded links for easy access to t he world wide web. Also use Internet E xplorer to access one of the many new browser-based utilities.
Netscape® Browser
Netscape provides a top-notch browser with preloaded links for easy access to the wor ld wide web. Also use Netscape to access o ne of the many new browser - based utilities.
Reviewing System Features 1-15
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader
Use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read and print portable document format (PDF) files found on the Internet and PDF documents included with various software applications.
Network™ Assoc iat es VirusScan® Software
Protect the system from viru ses by running VirusScan. PartitionMagic™
Repartition your hard drive while leaving your data intact with PartitionMagic. Includes BootMagic™ software for eas il y mana g in g multip le op er a t ing systems.
NEC Help Center
The NEC Help Center is an online guide with information about the Power Mate system.
Healthy Environment
This is an online version of the printed brochure, Setting up a Healthy Environment.
The NEC Applicat ion and Driver CD also contains a wide selection of dr ivers for hardwar e that is compatible with PowerMate series co mputers. These drivers are provided with the original manufacturer’s inst allation wizard s t o ensure correct inst allation.
The system has hardware, software, and mechanical securit y features that offer protection against unauthorized access to your system and data. The following security featur es ar e available with the syst em.
Passwor d security
The BIOS Setup utility includes a feature t hat lets you set up either a user or supervisor password, or both.
1-16 Reviewing System Features
The user password controls booting of the system and controls access to the Setup utility and the keyboard. (User access to the BIOS Setup utility is limited to a subset o f all BIOS Setup parameters when a supervisor password has been set .)
The supervisor password allows full access to t he system and the BIOS.
Windows network secur it y features
To learn more about the network security features available through the Windows operating system, refer to your Windows documentation or consult your system administrator.
Locking tab
The system also has a lock ing tab o n the rear of the chassis. The tab fits through a slot on t he rear edge of the chassis cover when the co ver is on. When a pad lock is used in the tab, the system is physically prot ected from chassis intrusion.
Reviewing System Features 1-17
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