HEIDENHAIN ND 1200R User Manual

0 (0)
Operating Instructions
ND 1200R Radial
Software Version
English (en) 6/2013
5 6
2 3
8 9
1 LCD screen 2 Soft keys 3 Axis keys 4 Command keys 5 Arrow keys 6 Wide keys 7 Numeric keypad 8 Send key 9 LCD On/Off key

ND 1200R panel keys

Panel keys are used to enter target position coordinates, send data via RS-232 and USB ports and configure operational parameters.
Panel function key Panel key Soft keys: Functions change in support of the activities displayed
on the LCD.
Axis keys: used to enter target positions.
Command keys: Control target and data entry processes.
Arrow keys: Used to scroll through lists and navigate menus and
setup screen data fields.
ND 1200R Radial 3
Panel function key Panel key
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Wide keys: Two programmable Wide keys are used to perform frequently used functions. These keys can easily be located by touch without taking your eyes off the part. By default the left fast track key is assigned the SEND2 function and the right is assigned the ZERO2 function. Users can program either wide key as described later in the Hotkeys portion of Chapter 2: Installation, Setup and Specifications.
Numeric keypad: Used to enter numeric data. Additionally, the decimal point key and +/- key are used to adjust the contrast
of the LCD display.
Send key: Used to transmit target data to a computer or USB printer.
LCD On/Off key: Press the LCD on/off button to turn the LCD display off without removing power from the ND 1200R. Press the button a second time to restore the LCD display. Additionally, the LCD On/Off key can be used to clear target data, datums and skews.
4 Preface

ND 1200R rear panel

1 Power switch 2 Power cord connector and fuse holder 3 Power ground access 4 HEIDENHAIN 15 pin universal touch probe sensor 5 Measurement axis connectors 6 RS-232 serial port connector 7 Not supported in the ND 1200R 8 Tilt base mechanical tightness adjustment

ND 1200R side panel

1 Speaker/headset jack 2 USB Type A connector 3 RJ-45 Foot switch/hand switch/keypad connector
ND 1200R Radial 5

Information contained in this manual

This User's manual covers the operation, installation, setup and specifications of the ND 1200R. Operating information is contained in chapter 1. Installation, setup instructions and specifications are contained in chapter 2.

Fonts used in this manual

The following fonts are used to indicate operator controls or to show emphasis:
Operator controls - SOFT KEYS and other PANEL KEYS are shown
in upper case.
Emphasis - Items of special interest or concepts that are
emphasized to the user are shown in bold type.

Showing sequences of key presses

The ND 1200R user performs sequences of soft key and panel key presses to complete tasks. These sequences are indicated using text as shown in the following example:
Press the MENU soft key, press the DATUM soft key and then
press the ZERO soft key is sometimes abbreviated as:

Symbols within notes

Notes are marked with symbols on the left indicating the type, or potential severity of the information.
General Information
This is additional or supplementary information about an activity or concept.
This warns of a situation or condition that could lead to measurement errors, equipment malfunction or equipment damage. Do not proceed until the message is read and understood.
Caution - Risk of electric shock
This warns of a situation or condition that could lead to electrical shock and to personal injury or death. Do not proceed until the message is read and understood.
6 Preface

Safety considerations

General accepted safety precautions must be followed when operating the system. Failure to observe these precautions could result in damage to the equipment, or injury to personnel. It is understood that safety rules within individual companies vary. If a conflict exists between the material contained in this manual and the rules of a company using this system, the more stringent rules should take precedence.
The ND 1200R is equipped with a 3-wire power plug that includes a separate ground connection. Always connect the power plug to a 3-wire grounded outlet. Use of 2-wire power plug adapters or any other connection accessories that remove the third grounded connection create a safety hazard and should not be permitted.
Unplug the ND 1200R from the power outlet and seek the assistance of a qualified service technician if:
The power cord is frayed or damaged or the power plug
is damaged
Liquid is spilled or splashed onto the enclosureThe ND 1200R has been dropped or the exterior has
been damaged
The ND 1200R exhibits degraded performance or
indicates a need for service some other way

ND 1200R measurement axes

The ND 1200R DRO can display 2 or 3 axes depending on the model purchased. DRO screen images used throughout this manual show different numbers of axes and are for illustration only.

Software version

The software version is shown in the About setup screen discussed later in chapter 2.


Use only a cloth dampened with water and a mild detergent for cleaning the exterior surfaces. Never use abrasive cleaners, and never use strong detergents or solvents. Only dampen the cloth, do not use a cleaning cloth that is dripping wet.
ND 1200R Radial 7
8 Preface

1 Operation

1.1 ND 1200R Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R..................................................................................................................... 13
Switching on the ND 1200R ........................................................................................................................ 13
Establishing a repeatable machine zero....................................................................................................... 14
Switching off the ND 1200R........................................................................................................................ 14
Panel key descriptions................................................................................................................................. 15
LCD screen and soft key layout................................................................................................................... 17
DRO mode screen and soft keys ......................................................................................................17
Distance from target mode screen and soft keys.............................................................................18
ND 1200R Menus ........................................................................................................................................ 19
1.3 Preparing to drill ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Power-up the ND 1200R.............................................................................................................................. 23
Establish machine zero................................................................................................................................ 23
Adjust LCD screen contrast......................................................................................................................... 24
Select unit of linear measure....................................................................................................................... 24
Select a coordinate system ......................................................................................................................... 24
Probing a position ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Select a probe diameter............................................................................................................................... 26
Aligning the part to an axis .......................................................................................................................... 27
Establish a datum ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Setting a datum from a probed point ................................................................................................29
Setting a datum from a skew line .....................................................................................................29
Setting a datum on the center of a hole............................................................................................29
Moving a datum........................................................................................................................................... 30
1.4 Targets .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Entering a target .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Entering an absolute target position..................................................................................................31
Entering an incremental target position ............................................................................................33
Editing and clearing targets ......................................................................................................................... 35
Editing a target ..................................................................................................................................35
Deleting a target................................................................................................................................35
Clearing the target list .......................................................................................................................35
Marking a target........................................................................................................................................... 36
1.5 Target patterns.................................................................................................................................................. 37
Frame pattern .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Rectangle pattern ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Line pattern.................................................................................................................................................. 40
Circle pattern ............................................................................................................................................... 41
1.6 Target programs................................................................................................................................................ 42
Saving a program......................................................................................................................................... 42
Running a program ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Mirroring a program..................................................................................................................................... 44
Deleting a program .............................................................................................................
1.7 Navigating to a target........................................................................................................................................ 46
......................... 45
ND 1200R Radial 9

2 Installation, Setup and Specifications

2.1 ND 1200R Shipment Contents ..........................................................................................................................48
Items included with the ND 1200R ..............................................................................................................48
Optional items possibly included..................................................................................................................48
Repackaging the ND 1200R .........................................................................................................................49
2.2 Hardware Installation.........................................................................................................................................50
Assembling the mounting stand ..................................................................................................................50
Benchtop location and mounting ......................................................................................................50
Arm mounting (optional) ...................................................................................................................51
Connecting power........................................................................................................................................52
Connecting encoders and probes.................................................................................................................53
Connecting a computer................................................................................................................................54
Connecting a headphone..............................................................................................................................55
Connecting a USB printer.............................................................................................................................55
Connecting an optional foot switch or remote keypad.................................................................................56
2.3 Software setup ..................................................................................................................................................57
Setup menu..................................................................................................................................................58
Setup example: entering the supervisor password......................................................................................59
Order of setup..............................................................................................................................................61
Language selection and product version......................................................................................................62
Supervisor password....................................................................................................................................63
Encoder configuration ..................................................................................................................................65
Encoders screen ...............................................................................................................................65
Misc screen ......................................................................................................................................68
Probe configuration ......................................................................................................................................69
Radial screen.....................................................................................................................................69
Error correction.............................................................................................................................................71
Linear error correction (LEC).............................................................................................................71
Display formatting ........................................................................................................................................74
Display screen...................................................................................................................................74
Hot key assignments....................................................................................................................................76
Hot keys screen................................................................................................................................76
Print formatting ............................................................................................................................................79
Print screen.......................................................................................................................................79
Port configuration.........................................................................................................................................81
Ports screen......................................................................................................................................81
Audio volume ...............................................................................................................................................85
Misc screen ......................................................................................................................................85
Key repeat rate adjustment..........................................................................................................................86
Misc screen ......................................................................................................................................86
Screen saver activation ................................................................................................................................87
Misc screen ......................................................................................................................................87
Time and date settings.................................................................................................................................88
Clock screen .....................................................................................................................................88
2.4 Specifications.....................................................................................................................................................89
Dimensions ..................................................................................................................................................90
Arm mount bracket ...........................................................................................................................91


1.1 ND 1200R Overview

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The ND 1200R is an advanced digital readout (DRO) system for radial drilling machines using analog or TTL encoders. The system allows the operator to directly enter either cartesian or polar coordinates for target positions. This alleviates the requirement of either pre-drilling holes or a previous operation of marking out the holes on an expensive machine elsewhere. The system defaults to cartesian coordinates when entering target positions and polar coordinates when navigating to a target.
The following functions are available in the ND 1200R:
Reference mark evaluations for distance-coded and single reference
Linear error correction
1.1 ND 1200R Overview
Multilingual LCD user interface: language is selected by the userSoft key functions under LCD change to support different user
Arrow keys for easy navigation of lists and menusSkew compensation for part alignment, eliminating the need for
time-consuming fixturing
Absolute and incremental targetingAxis zero for establishing a datumNumber keypad with:
Number keys for data entryDecimal point and +/- keys for data entry and LCD screen contrast
User-defined hot keys that program panel and optional remote keys
to initiate commonly used functions.
User-defined programs to save target sequencesDirect entry of cartesian or polar target coordinatesUser-defined drilling patterns for:
Frame patternRectangular patternLine pattern
Circle patternSpeaker jack outputs for quiet or noisy environmentsOptional remote foot switch and keypad facilitate measurement
when the user is not close to the front panel
ND 1200R Front panel
12 1 Operation
1.2 Basic Functions of
the ND 1200R

Switching on the ND 1200R

Switch on the ND 1200R. The POWER switch is located on the rear of the enclosure. After switching the power on, or after a power failure, the power-up screen will be displayed.
Press the FINISH key to advance from the power-up screen to the DRO.
Your ND 1200R is now ready for operation and is in the Current Position operating mode. Encoder position values will be displayed for all axes.
Power-up screen
DRO screen

1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R

ND 1200R Radial 13

Establishing a repeatable machine zero

If your ND 1200R was configured to establish a machine zero upon power-up, a message will be displayed asking you to cross reference marks or enter hard-stop axis reference positions. The machine zero is used by the ND 1200R to apply error correction data. To establish a repeatable machine zero you must either:
Move the stage to have encoder reference mark crossings
recognized on each axis or
move the stage to the hard-stop reference position and press
ENTER on each axis when no encoder reference marks are present.
If the requirement to cross reference marks is bypassed by pressing the CANCEL soft key, error correction data that might be stored in your ND 1200R will not be

Switching off the ND 1200R

Switch the ND 1200R off. The parameter settings, error compensation tables and recorded programs that have been saved during operation will be
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
retained in memory.
14 1 Operation

Panel key descriptions

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Descriptions of panel key functions are provided in the following pages for COMMAND, AXIS, WIDE, SEND, LCD ON/OFF and ARROW keys. Soft key functions are also described later in the next section as part of screen and soft key layout descriptions.
Command keys Function
Enter data: Press the enter key to enter
values into configuration fields. Pressing the enter key indicates that data in a field is ready for use.
Finish a target entry: Press the finish key to complete a target entry or select the next target in a program.
Delete data or target: Press the cancel key to delete data in configuration fields or any highlighted target from the target list.
Quit current activity: Press the quit key to abandon the current task and return to the DRO screen or to exit the target list.
ND 1200R Panel keys
AXIS keys Function
Enter a target: Press an Axis key to enter
target position coordinates.
ND 1200R Radial 15
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
WIDE keys Function
SEND key Function
Transmit target data: Press the SEND key
to transmit target data to a computer or a USB printer.
LCD ON/OFF key Function
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
Turn the LCD off or clear data: Press the
LCD ON/OFF key to toggle between LCD on and LCD off, or to clear target data, datums and part alignments (skews).
Left frequently used function: Press the left WIDE key to initiate the function programmed for this key. The factory default function for this key is SEND2. Refer to "Hot key assignments” on page 76 for additional information.
Right frequently used function: Press the right WIDE key to initiate the function programmed for this key. The factory default function for this key is ZERO2. Refer to "Hot key assignments” on page 76 for additional information.
ARROW keys Function
Navigate menus and setup screen data fields.
16 1 Operation

LCD screen and soft key layout

ND 1200R LCD screens display information in one of three operating modes:
DRO mode displays current positions of axesDistance from target mode displays the distance from a target
Setup mode displays ND 1200R setup screens
Soft keys change to support activities shown on the screens.
Setup screens and soft keys are described in Chapter 2: Installation, Setup and Specifications.
DRO mode screen and soft keys
The DRO screen shows:
List of targets on the left sideUnit of measure, current datum and program number in the upper
right corner
The current positions of all axesPart alignment status: a small rectangle over the axis letter indicates
that the part is aligned to a measurement axis (a skew was performed)
Soft key functions for target selection, unit of measure, datuming,
cartesian or polar coordinates and menus
DRO screen showing current axis positions
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
DRO soft keys Function Goto Press the GOTO soft key to select a target to
navigate to.
MM or IN Toggles between millimeters and inches units
of measure. The current unit of measure is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
Datum Press the datum soft key to probe, zero, move
or skew a datum.
R/A or X/Y Toggles between cartesian and polar
coordinates displayed on the LCD screen.
Menu Press the MENU soft key to access program,
ND 1200R Radial 17
datum, pattern and setup menus.
Distance from target mode screen and soft keys
The Distance from target screen shows:
List of targets on the left sideUnit of measure, current datum and program in the upper right
The the distance from a target positionPart alignment status: a small rectangle over the axis letter indicates
that the part is aligned to a measurement axis (a skew was
Soft key functions for target selection, editing a target, absolute or
incremental distance selection, cartesian or polar coordinates
selection and menu access
DRO soft keys Function Goto Press the GOTO soft key to select a target to
Edit Press the EDIT soft key to access the target
INC or ABS Toggles between incremental and absolute
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
R/A or X/Y Toggles between cartesian and polar
Menu Press the MENU soft key to access program,
navigate to.
editing screen and edit the coordinates of the selected target.
datum, pattern and setup menus.
Distance from target screen showing the distance from the current position to the target position
18 1 Operation

ND 1200R Menus

Press the MENU soft key to display menu titles over the soft keys at the bottom of the LCD screen. Press a menu soft key to display the corresponding menu screen. Menus include:
PROGRAMS menu PROGRAMS functions
Press the PROG soft key to display the PROGRAMS screen and soft keys for program functions. Soft keys include:
Run Press the RUN soft key to
play a program of recorded target positions.
Save Press the SAVE soft key to
save a program that can be played back later.
Menu titles are displayed over soft keys at the bottom of the LCD screen
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
Mirror Press the MIRROR soft key
Delete Press the DELETE soft key
Print Press the PRINT soft key to
to mirror and run a program.
to delete the selected program.
transmit a program to a computer or a USB printer.
ND 1200R Radial 19
DATUM menu DATUM functions
Press the DATUM soft key to display soft key selections for zeroing, moving and skewing the datum. Soft keys include:
Probe Press the PROBE soft key
to enter the probe diameter using the numeric keypad.
Zero Press the ZERO soft key to
select an axis, axes or hole for zeroing the datum.
Move 0 Press the MOVE 0 soft key
to move the datum to a new location.
Skew Press the SKEW soft key to
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
compensate electronically for non-square part alignment on the primary axis.
20 1 Operation
PATTERN menu PATTERN functions
Press the PATTERN soft key to select a drilling pattern. Soft keys include:
Frame Press the FRAME soft key
to enter the parameters to define a frame drilling pattern. Refer to "Frame pattern” on page 38
Rect Press the RECT soft key to
enter the parameters to define a rectangle drilling pattern. Refer to "Rectangle pattern” on page 39
Line Press the LINE soft key to
enter the parameters to define a line drilling pattern. Refer to "Line pattern” on page 40
Circle Press the CIRCLE soft key
to enter parameters to define a circle drilling pattern. Refer to "Circle pattern” on page 41
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
ND 1200R Radial 21
SETUP menu SETUP functions
Press the SETUP menu soft key to display the collection of SETUP screens used to configure the ND 1200R. Use of the setup menu is explained in Chapter 2: Installation, Setup and Specifications.
Access to setup menu configuration data fields is password restricted to supervisors and other technically qualified personnel. Configuration mistakes can result in serious measurement errors.
1.2 Basic Functions of the ND 1200R
22 1 Operation

1.3 Preparing to drill

Power-up the ND 1200R

Switch on the ND 1200R. The POWER switch is located on the rear
of the enclosure. After switching the power on, or after a power failure, the power-up screen will be displayed. See "Switching on the ND 1200R" on page 13.
Press the FINISH key to advance from the power-up screen to the
If your ND 1200R was configured to establish a machine zero upon powering up, a message will be displayed asking you to cross reference marks or specify axis references manually.

Establish machine zero

A repeatable machine zero is required for the DRO to apply the calibration chart to the machine geometry correctly.
It is not recommended to use the machine without active calibration. This would lead to unknown position errors.
Usually the calibration is based on referencing via reference marks on the encoders. To establish the machine zero after power-up:
Move the stage to have the reference mark crossings recognized on
each axis.
If the machine zero is determined via hard stops:
Move the stage to the hard-stop reference position and press
ENTER on each axis.
1.3 Preparing to drill
ND 1200R Radial 23

Adjust LCD screen contrast

If necessary, adjust the LCD screen contrast using the decimal point and +/- keys located on the numeric keypad.
Press the DECIMAL POINT key to increase the
Press the +/- key to decrease the contrast.

Select unit of linear measure

Press the MM or IN soft key to toggle between
millimeters and inches.
1.3 Preparing to drill

Select a coordinate system

Press the X/Y or R/A key to toggle between cartesian
and polar coordinate systems.
24 1 Operation

Probing a position

A position can be probed with a hard probe or a touch probe. To probe a point with a hard probe:
Touch the edge of the workpiece with the probe.Press the ENTER key.Enter the probe diameter.Press the ARROW key that indicates the probe compensation
To probe a point with a touch probe:
Touch the edge of the workpiece with the probe. The point and the
direction of probing will be entered automatically.
1.3 Preparing to drill
Probing a position with a hard probe
Probing a position with a touch probe
ND 1200R Radial 25

Select a probe diameter

A probe is required to zero the axes on a workpiece. The diameter of the probe can be adjusted. This is needed to compensate for the offset of the part from the edge of the probe being used.This diameter is either the diameter of the touch probe or hard probe being used.
To assign a probe diameter:
Press the DATUM soft key.Press the PROBE soft key.Enter the probe size.Press the FINISH key.
1.3 Preparing to drill
26 1 Operation

Aligning the part to an axis

Accurate drilling requires the part to be perfectly aligned along an axis. Misaligned parts result in targeting errors. Use the SKEW function to convert machine coordinates to part coordinates and compensate for part misalignment. Perform a skew each time a new part is mounted.
Measure a skew line by probing a straight edge of the part on a major measurement axis or by probing two or more pre-drilled holes.
The skew alignment edge or line must be oriented within 45 degrees of the measurement axis.
Aligning a part edge to an axis
To align a part edge to an axis:
Align the part on the stage.Press DATUM>SKEW.Probe a minimum of two points along a part edge. In the example
shown here, the part is aligned to the X-axis by probing three points along the bottom edge of the part.
Press the FINISH key.
The part could alternately have been aligned along a vertical edge to the Y-axis.
The orientation of the cartesian coordinate system depends on the type of machine. It can be changed by the supervisor (password required).
1.3 Preparing to drill
Three points are probed to align the bottom edge of a part to the X-axis
ND 1200R Radial 27
Aligning a pair of holes to an axis
There are certain times when the part needs to be aligned on the center of two pre-drilled holes.
To align a pair of holes to an axis:
Align the part on the stage.Press DATUM>SKEW>HOLE.Probe a minimum of three points around the edge of the first hole
to be used in the skew.
Press the FINISH key to complete the first hole measurement.Press the HOLE soft key.Probe a minimum of three points around the edge of the second
hole to be used in the skew.
1.3 Preparing to drill
Press the FINISH key to complete the second hole measurement.Press the FINISH key to complete the skew.
Distributing the probed points evenly around the circumference of the hole will provide a more accurate placement for the center of the hole.
Three points are probed for each hole to align the center of the holes with the X-axis
28 1 Operation

Establish a datum

A datum can be created from a probed point, the center point of a probed hole or a point created from the intersection of the skew alignment line and another line perpendicular to the skew alignment line.
Setting a datum from a probed point
To set the datum from a probed point:
Press DATUM>ZERO>XY.Probe the desired location of the datum.
Setting a datum from a skew line
The first point of a skew line is automatically set as the datum. The datum is most commonly created from a point that is the intersection of the skew alignment line and a second part edge line.
To set the datum from a skew line:
Perform a skew alignment.Press DATUM>ZERO.Press the soft key for the axis to zero along (the same axis used for
the skew line).
Probe a point on the part edge perpendicular to the skew line. The
datum is now set to the intersection of the skew alignment line and the probed part edge.
Setting a datum on the center of a hole
The center of a hole is found by probing a minimum of three points on the edge of the hole.
To set the datum from the center of a hole:
Press DATUM>ZERO>HOLE.Probe a minimum of three points around the edge of the hole.Press the FINISH key.
1.3 Preparing to drill
A skew is performed along the bottom and a point is probed on the side perpendicular to the skew line
Distributing the probed points evenly around the circumference of the hole will provide a more accurate placement for the center of the hole.
A minimum of three points is probed around the edge of a hole
ND 1200R Radial 29

Moving a datum

If the datum of the part is not reachable by a probe it can be moved by entering the coordinates from a point that has been probed.
To move the datum:
Press DATUM>MOVE 0.Enter the X distance in relationship to the probed datum point.Press the ENTER key.Enter the Y distance in relationship to the probed datum point.Press the FINISH key.
1.3 Preparing to drill
30 1 Operation
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