Huawei C-Marx-Keyboard Quick Start Guide [ru]

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English (United Kingdom)……………………………………………………………….….2





Español (Latinoamérica) ………………….………………………………………………9













HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard is only compatible with the HUAWEI MatePad Pro.

Installation and Pairing

After the installation is complete, follow the onscreen instructions on your tablet to pair the keyboard with it. After the pairing is successful, you can use the keyboard for input.

If the indicator light on the upper right corner of the Caps button is repeatedly going on for 1 second and off for 1 second, the keyboard is discoverable via Bluetooth.

Multi-screen Collaboration

Place the area of the NFC sensor of your phone against the icon on the keyboard to achieve seamless Multi-screen Collaboration between your phone and tablet. For details, refer to the Tips app on your tablet.


English (United Kingdom)

HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard is only compatible with the HUAWEI MatePad Pro.

Installation and Pairing

After the installation is complete, follow the onscreen instructions on your tablet to pair the keyboard with it. After the pairing is successful, you can use the keyboard for input.

If the indicator light on the upper right corner of the Caps button is repeatedly going on for 1 second and off for 1 second, the keyboard is discoverable via Bluetooth.

Multi-screen Collaboration

Place the area of the NFC sensor of your phone against the icon on the keyboard to achieve seamless Multi-screen Collaboration between your phone and tablet. For details, refer to the Tips app on your tablet.



Le HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard est uniquement compatible avecle HUAWEI MatePad Pro.

Installation et association

Après l'installation, veuillez suivre les instructions à l'écran de la tablette pour associer cette dernière au clavier. Une fois l'association faite, vous pouvez utiliser le clavier pour saisir du texte.

Si le voyant dans le coin supérieur droit du bouton de verrouillage des majuscules s'allume 1 seconde, puis s'éteint 1 seconde de manière répétée, alors le clavier est détectable via Bluetooth.

Collaboration multi-écrans

Placez la zone du capteur NFC du téléphone sur l'icône du clavier pour une Collaboration multi-écrans fluide entre le téléphone et la tablette. Pour plus de détails, consultez l'application Astuces sur la tablette.


Huawei C-Marx-Keyboard Quick Start Guide


HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard ist nur kompatibel mit dem HUAWEI MatePad Pro.

Installation und Kopplung

Nachdem die Installation abgeschlossen ist, befolgen Sie die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm Ihres Tablets, um die Tastatur damit zu koppeln. Nach erfolgreicher Kopplung können Sie die Tastatur zur Eingabe verwenden.

Wenn die Anzeigeleuchte in der rechten oberen Ecke der Taste Caps wiederholt 1 Sekunde lang aufleuchtet und 1 Sekunde lang verlischt, ist die Tastatur über Bluetooth erkennbar.



Für eine reibungslose Multi-Screen-Interaktion zwischen Smartphone und Tablet richten Sie den Bereich des NFC-Sensors Ihres Smartphones auf das Symbol auf der Tastatur. Weitere Details finden Sie in der App Tips auf Ihrem Tablet.



HUAWEI Smart Magnetic Keyboard è compatibile solo con HUAWEI MatePad Pro.

Installazione e associazione

Al termine dell'installazione, seguire le istruzioni sullo schermo del tablet per associare la tastiera. Al termine dell'associazione, è possibile utilizzare la tastiera come strumento di input.

Se la spia nell'angolo in alto a destra del pulsante MAIUSC lampeggia a intermittenza (accesa per un secondo, spenta per un secondo), la tastiera può essere rilevata tramite Bluetooth.

Collaborazione multi-schermo

Posizionare l'area del sensore NFC del telefono sull'icona della tastiera per implementare la collaborazione multi-schermo tra telefono e tablet. Per dettagli, consultare l'app Suggerimenti sul tablet.


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