AMI 493 RAID controller firmware
update and drive installation
If you add a new hard drive to an existing array that has an
AMI 493 controller (firmware version B147 or older), the
Power Console Plus software will scan the drive in a
continuous loop.
To remedy this situation, do one of the following:
Use the interim solution to install a new drive, perform
a migration, or create a new array.
- OR -
Update the controller firmware to version B148 or greater.
The firmware update is located on the technical support
page on the www.gatewayatwork.com Web site.
Important If the firmware is no t av ailab le, perf orm the int erim solution.
Interim solution:
Turn off the server.
2 Install the new hard drive.
3 Turn on the server.
4 During the server startup procedure, press CTRL+H to open
the WebBIOS utility and perform the RAID migration or
create another array for the new drive.
5 When done, exit WebBIOS, then reboot the server.

T o update the AMI 493 RAID contr oller firmware:
Reboot the server and write down the controller firmware
version when it appears on the screen.
2 Go to the gatewayatwork.com Web site. At the top of the
page, select the
, click the Server Updates link.
Technical Support link. Under Driver
3 Locate the AMI 493 controller drivers and download
firmware version B148 to your local drive.
4 Double-click the self-extracting file, and follow the
onscreen instructions to install the firmware update.
5 Install the new drive.
A MAN US AO UPD 493BIOS /FW R0 11/00