Gateway ALR 9000 User Manual

Gateway ALR 9000
User’s Guide
Part # 8503432 A MAN US GW2K 9000 USR GDE R2 7/98
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Copyright © 1998 Gateway 2000, Inc. All Rights Reserved 610 Gateway Drive N. Sioux City, SD 57049 USA
All Rights Reserved
This publication is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted by any means or in any form, without prior consent in writing from Gateway 2000.
The information in this manual has bee n carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, changes are made periodically. These changes are incorporated in newer publication editions. Gateway 2000 may improve and/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to continuing system improvements, Gateway 2000 is not responsible for inaccurate information which may appear in this manual. For the latest product updates, consult the Gateway 2000 web site at In no event will Gateway 2000 be liable for direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
In the interest of continued product development, Gateway 2000 reserves the right to make improvements in this manual and the products it describes at any time, without notices or obligation.
Trademark Acknowledgments
AnyKey, black-and-white spot design, ColorBook, CrystalScan, Destination, EZ Pad, EZ Point, Field Mouse,
Gateway 2000, HandBook, Liberty, T elePath, V ivitron, stylized “G” design, and “You’ve got a friend in the business” slogan are registered trademarks and “All the big trends start in South Dakota” slogan, GATEWAY, and Gateway Solo are trademarks of Gateway 2000, Inc. Intel, Intel Ins ide logo, and Pentium are registered trademarks and MMX is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, M S, MS-DOS, and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only, and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Copyright © 1998 Advanced Logic Research, Inc. (ALR) All Rights Reserved 9401 Jeronimo Irvine, CA 92618 USA
All Rights Reserved
This publication is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted by any means or in any form, without prior consent in writing from ALR.
The information in this manual has bee n carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, changes are made periodically. These changes are incorporated in newer publication editions. ALR may improve and/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to continuing system improvements, ALR is not responsible for inaccurate information which may appea r in this manual. For the latest product updates, consult the ALR web site at www.alr .com. In no event will ALR be liable for direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any de fect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
In the interest of continued product development, ALR reserves the right to make improvements in this manual and the products it describes at any time, without notic es or obligation.
Trademark Acknowledgments
ALR is a registered trademark of Advanced Logic Research, Inc. All other product names mentioned he rein are used for identification purposes only, and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
ii Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide


Important Safety Instructions............................................................... vii
Regulatory Compliance Statements................................................... viii
Computer Virus Notice........................................................................... x
Preface ................ .............. .............. .......... .............. .............. .xiii
About This Guide................................................................................ xiv
Conventions Used in this Guide........................................................... xv
Getting Started ....................... ........................ .................. ........ 1
Before You Begin.................................................................................... 2
Assembling Your System ....................................................................... 3
Inspecting the Contents.................................................................... 3
Connecting Peripherals........................................................................... 4
Powering Up the System......................................................................... 5
System Features ...................................... ....................... ........ 7
Basic Architecture................................................................................... 8
Front Panel............................................................................................... 9
Reset Switch..................................................................................... 9
3.5-inch Floppy Disk Drive............................................................. 9
SCSI CD-ROM Drive...................................................................... 9
Bezel Doors.................................................................................... 10
Storage Bays................................................................................... 10
Keyboard Inhibit Switch................................................................ 10
Power On/Off Switch..................................................................... 10
LED Indicators............................................................................... 10
Bezel Keylock................................................................................ 11
InforManager™ (IFM) LCD......................................................... 11
Rear Panel.............................................................................................. 12
ECC Reset Switch.......................................................................... 12
Parallel Port .................................................................................... 12
Mouse Port...................................................................................... 13
Keyboard Port................................................................................. 13
Serial Port 1 .................................................................................... 13
Serial Port 2 .................................................................................... 13
Power Supply Fault Reset Switch ................................................. 13
Chassis Keylocks (2)..................................................................... 13
Redundant Power Supply Subsystem........................................... 13
System Board........................................................................................ 15
CPUs and CPU Slots..................................................................... 16
Voltage Regulator Module............................................................ 16
Floppy Drive Controller................................................................ 16
Hard Drive Controller.................................................................... 17
Adaptec® AIC™-7880 SCSI Controller..................................... 17
I/O Card Slot.................................................................................. 17
Expansion Slots.............................................................................. 18
Memory.......................................................................................... 18
InforManager™............................................................................. 18
InforManager™ LCD ................................................... ...........21
About InforManager™......................................................................... 22
CPU Menu............................................................................................. 24
RAM Menu........................................................................................... 25
Disk Activity Menu .............................................................................. 26
Fan and Temperature Menu ................................................................. 27
Power Menu.......................................................................................... 28
Lock Menu............................................................................................ 29
System Menu ........................................................................................ 30
LCD Reset...................................................................................... 31
ID Setup.......................................................................................... 32
Alarm/ID/Speaker Menu...................................................................... 33
System Tolerances................................................................................ 34
Troubleshooting ............ ........................ ....................... ...........35
Maintenance ...........................................................................43
iv Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide
Handy Checklists.................................................................................. 36
Looking Things Over..................................................................... 36
Verifying Your Configuration....................................................... 36
Common Problems............................................................................... 37
Drive Problems.............................................................................. 38
Monitor Problems.......................................................................... 39
Printer Problems ............................................................................ 40
Installation Problems..................................................................... 41
Cleaning the Mouse.............................................................................. 44
Cleaning the Keyboard.......................................................................... 45
Cleaning the Monitor Screen................................................................ 45
Index ................................................................................. IN-47
vi Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide

Important Safety Instructions

Observe the following guidelines when performing any work on your system:
Follow all instructions marked on this product and in the documentation.
Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol
cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Do not use this product near water. Do not spill liquid on or into the product.
Do not place this product on an unstable surface.
Openings in the system cabinet are provided for ventilation. Do not block or cover these
openings. Do not place this product near or upon a radiator or heat register.
Use only the power source indicated on the power supply. If you are not certain about your
power source, consult your reseller or the local power company.
This product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding plug (a plug with a grounding pin). This
plug will only fit into a grounded power outlet. THis is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace the outlet.
Do not walk on the power cord or allow anything to rest on it.
If you use an extension cord with this system, make sure the total ampere ratings on the
products plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the extension cord ampere rating. Also, the total ampere requirements for all products plugged into the wall outlet must not exceed 15 amperes.
Never insert objects of any kind into the system ventilation slots.
Do not attempt to service the system yourself except as explained elsewhere in the manual.
Adjust only those controls covered in the instructions. Opening or removing covers marked
“Do Not Remove” may expose you to dangerous voltages or other risks. Refer all servicing of those compartments to qualified service personnel.
Under any of the following conditions, unplug the system from the wall outlet and refer
servicing to qualified personnel:
a. The power cord or plug is damaged. b. Liquid has been spilled into the system. c. The system does not operate properly when the operating instructions are followed. d. The system was dropped, or the cabinet is damaged. e. The product exhibits a distinct change in performance.
The system power cord serves as the main disconnect for the computer . T he wall outlet must be easily accessible by the operator.
Der Netzstecker dient zur Hauptunterbrechung des Computers. Die Wandsteckdose muB fur den Techniker gut zuganglich sein.

Regulatory Compliance S tatements

American Users
The Federal Communications Commission warns the users that changes or modifications to the unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Canadian Users:
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency ener gy and, if not installed and use d in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmf ul interference to radio or television reception. However , there is no guarantee that interference wi ll not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to r adio and television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipme nt off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the inte rference by on e or more of the fol lowing measur es:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Accessories: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class B digital device. The accessories associated with this equipment are as follows:
Shielded video cable
Shielded power cord.
These accessories are required to be used in order to ensure compliance with FCC rules.
viii Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of Industry Canada.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe A prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par Industrie Canada
Couper le courant avant l’entretien.
This Information T echnology Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the following European directives:
[i] EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amending directive 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC as
- EN 50081-1:1992 according to EN 55022:1995 Class A EN 61000-3-2:1995 or EN 60555-2:1986 EN 61000-3-3: 1995
- EN50082-1:1992 according to EN 61000-4-2:1995 or IEC 801-2:1984 ENV 50140:1994 or IEC 801-3:1984 EN 61000-4-4:1988 or IEC 801-4:1998 EN 60950:1988+A1, A2, A3
[ii] Low Voltage Directive (Safety) 73/23/EEC as per EN 60950: 1992
European Users:
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the V olunt ary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take corrective action.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to the Australian/New Zealand standard AS/NZS 3548 set out by the Spectrum Management Agency.
Disconnect power cords before servicing.
Japanese Users:
Australian and New Zealand Users:

Computer V irus Notice

What is a virus?
A virus is a program written with malicious intent for the sole purpose of creating havoc in a computer system. It attaches itself to executable files or boot sectors, so it can replicate and spread. Some viruses may only cause your system to beep or display messages or images on the screen. Other viruses are highly destructive and corrupt or erase the contents of your files or disks. To be safe, never assume any virus is harmless.
What types of viruses are known?
V iruses a re iden tifie d by how th ey infe ct compu ter sys tems.
Program Viruses infect executable program files such as.COM, .EXE,
.OVL, .DR V, .SYS, and .BIN.
Boot Viruses attach themselves to a Boot Record, Master Boo t, F AT , and
Partition T able.
Multipartite Viruses are both program and boot infectors.
How does a virus spr ead and contaminate?
There are many ways a virus can spread and infect your system. Howev er, a virus is inactive until the infected program is executed, or a boot record is read. Thereafter, the virus loads itself into system memory and begins to copy and spread itself. Diskettes used in a contaminated s ystem can get infected and in turn, transfer the virus when used in another system. A virus can also spread via programs downloaded from bulletin boards or the internet. Remember that viruses cannot appear all by themselves. They have to be written then spread through direct contact with executable programs or boot sectors.
What can users do to protect their systems?
A wareness is the key . Users need to learn about the existence of viruses, how they perpetuate, and what to do to protect their systems by reducing the likelihood of virus contamination. The following may help:
x Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide
Obtain an anti-virus program and make it a habit to scan the system
regularly . These programs may be purchased from a local software store or obtained via shareware on the internet or on-line service providers such as CompuServe, Prodigy, AOL, DeltaNet, etc.
Make backup copies of all files and write-protect the disks.
Obtain all software from reputable sources and always scan new software
for any viruses prior to installing files.
If you suspect your system has been infected, you must find and remove the viruses immediately using an anti-virus program. Next, reboot your system as follows: shut the system down, then power it off for at l east fifteen seconds before powering it back on. This is the only way to ensure the virus does not remain in your system RAM.
What do we do to prevent virus contaminati on?
W e stand by the integrity of our products. Our staff takes every precaution to ensure our files are free from viruses. These precautions include:
Using McAfee VirusScan, a leading anti-virus software that detects and
removes over 95% of known viruses and provides comprehensive protection including local and network drives, CD-ROMs, floppies, boot sectors, and partition tables. V irusScan als o provides advanced protection against unknown viruses. W e continuously update and use the most current version of McAfee VirusScan on all of our products.
All master diskettes are write-protected and scanned at least twice prior to
manufacturing release.
Sample production diskettes are periodically scanned as an additional
quality check.
All incoming products such as systems to repair, vendor diskettes, hard
drives, and trade-show units are scanned for viruses.
All systems are given a final boot test prior to shipping.
Unfortunately , today’ s technology makes the creation of newer viruses possible, some of which can elude even the best scanners available. Hence, there is no absolute guarantee of virus immunity on any product. If you believe you have received an infected product from us, please contact Technical Support. Our staff will assist you in correcting the problem immediately.
xii Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide


About This Guide .................................................xiv
Conventions Used in this Guide............................xv

About This Guide

This guide is designed to be a handy deskt op reference for user s of all levels. I t contains instructions to hel p the user unpack and set up t he computer. Basic information regarding system featur es as w ell as procedures on ho w to connect peripherals are a lso pro vided.
Chapter 1: Getting Started explains ho w to se t up the system, from assembling your system and identifying t he proper connection s to arranging your works pace.
Chapter 2: System Features co ve rs information about the internal and external features as w ell as the syst em architecture and supported operat ing systems.
Chapter 3: InforManag er™ LCD discusses the I FM displa y with detail s about the various menus and inst ructions on ho w to navi gate through them.
Chapter 4: T roub leshooting pro vide s reference mater ial on troubleshooting y our system.
Chapter5: Maintenance pro vides information on cleaning and maintaining your system.
Please take the time to rea d through the manual befor e using your computer . In the unlikel y event you encounter a prob lem, refer to the handy troubleshooting sect ion located to w ards the end of t his guide.
xiv Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide

Conventions Used in this Guide

Throughout this booklet, you will see the fol lo wing con ventions :
<Enter> A key name correspon ds to a key on the
<Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del> A plus sign indicates that the keys on
either side of it must be pressed simul­taneously.
Setup Commands to be entered as well as
messages that appear on your monitor are printed in "ARIAL" font.
System User’s Guide
Sidebars (note example sh own on th e right)
Names of publicatio ns and fi le s are itali­cized.
Sidebars denote critical information such as warnings, information, and important notes.
This is an example of an important note that may appear in the manual.
Conventions Used in this Guide xv
xvi Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide
Chapter 1:

Getting Started

Before You Begin....................................................2
Assembling Your System........................................ 3
Connecting Peripherals...........................................4
Powering Up the System......................................... 5

Before You Begin

Congratulations on your purchase of this computer . W ith the arriv al of your new system, y ou are probab l y eager to as semble and hav e it oper ating. This section will help you a ccomplish the follo wing:
Assemble the system
Connect your monitor and k eyboard
Po w er up the syst em
Carefully read and f ollo w these instructions to e nsure your syst em operates correctly.
2 Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide

Assembling Y our System

10410 System
ced Keyboard
Power Cables
1. Prepare a clean, flat, and firm surface for your computer . Allo w at least three inches at the r ear for cabl ing and air circulat ion.
2. Protect your computer from e xtreme temperature and humidi ty. Do not expose your co mputer to direct sunlight , heater ducts, and other heat-generating objects.
3. Keep y our system a wa y fr om equipment that generates magnet ic fields. Even a telephone placed too closely to the system ma y cause interference.

Inspecting the Conten ts

Unpack the product carton and inspect the contents. Standa rd systems include the follo wing items.
- User’s Guide
- Technical Reference
Check the packing list to ve rify that all equi pment and associated manuals are included in your sh ipment. Inspect e verything carefull y. If you suspect any damage from shipping, contact Technical Support.
When returning equipment to the factory, you must first obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from Technical Support.
Keep the product carton and foam packing, in case y ou hav e to send the system out (i.e. for repair , etc.) I f you return y our system to the manufacturer in differ ent packaging, you r warranty ma y be v oided.
Assembling Your System 3

Connecting Peripherals

Refer to the illustrations and procedures belo w w hen connecting peripherals to your s ystem.
1. Connect the keyboard to the k eyboard port.
2. Connect the monitor video cab le to the video port. The location of the
3. Connect the monitor pow er cable to an A C outlet or preferab ly, a surge
4. Verify that the Voltage Selection Switch on each po w er suppl y is set
Using the pow er cab le(s) suppli ed with your syst em, connect the the po w er supply to an A C outlet. If your system is eq uipped with more than one pow er suppl y, connect each of the po w er supplies to a separ ate A C outlet.
4 Gateway ALR 9000 User’s Guide
Figur e 1: Connecti ng P er ipher als
port may vary depending on the type of video card installed in y our system.
control outlet station.
for the proper volta ge in your area (115V or 230V).
+ 44 hidden pages