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The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to beaccurate. Howev er,
changes are made periodically.These changes are incorporated in newer publication editions.
Gateway 2000 may improveand/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to
continuing system improvements, Gateway 2000 is not responsible for inaccurate information which
may appear in this manual. For the latest product updates, consult the Gateway 2000 web site at
www.gateway .c om. In no eventwill Gateway2000 be liable fordirect, indirect, special, exemplary,
incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, evenif
advised of the possibility of such damages.
In the interest of continued product development, Gateway2000 reserves the right to make
improvements in this manual and the products it describes at any time, without notices or obligation.
T rademark Acknowledgments
AnyKey ,black-and-white spot design, ColorBook, CrystalScan, Destination, EZ Pad, EZ Point, Field
Mouse, Gateway 2000, HandBook, Liberty,TelePath,Vivitron, stylized “G” design, and “You’vegot a
friend in the business” slogan are registered trademarks and “All the big trends start in South Dakota”
slogan, GAT EWAY ,and Gateway Solo are trademarks of Gateway 2000, Inc. Intel, Intel Inside logo,
and Pentium are registered trademarks and MMX is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, MS,
MS-DOS, and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other
product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only,and may bethe trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
This publication is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of it may bereproduced
or transmitted by any means or in any form, without prior consent in writing from ALR.
The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to beaccurate. Howev er,
changes are made periodically.These changes are incorporated in newer publication editions. ALR
may improve and/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to continuing
system improvements, ALR is not responsible for inaccurate information which may appear in this
manual. For the latest product updates, consult the ALR web site at
be liable for direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from
any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
In the interest of continued product development, ALR reserves the right to make improvements in this
manual and the products it describes at any time, without notices or obligation.
T rademark Acknowledgments
ALR is a registered trademark of Advanced Logic Research, Inc. All other product names mentioned
herein are used for identification purposes only,and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective companies.
Throughout this guide, you will see the follo wing conv entions:
Manual Conventions
ENTERKeyboard key names ar e printed in small
TRL+ALT+DELA plus sign indicatesthatthe keysmustbe
pressed simultaneously.
SetupCommands to be ent ered, options to
select,and messages that appear on your
monitor are printed in bold.
User’s Guide
Namesof publicationsandfilesareprinted
in italic.
A note informs you of special circumstances.
A cautionwarnsyouofpossible damage to
equipment or loss of data.
A warning indicates the possibility of personal injury.
An import ant notifies you of an important
point or an essential st ep which may prevent the system or process from working.
viiiGateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
Safety instructions
Observe the following safety inst ructions when using your system:
•Follow all instructions mar ked on the syst em and in the
•When the system is turned of f, a small amount of elec trical current
still runs through the system. Alwa ys unplug the system from the
electrical outlet before cleaning the system or opening the co ver .
•Do not use this product near water or a heat source, such as a
radiator or heat register .
•Do not spill anything on or into the system. The best wa y to avoid
spills is t o a v oid e ating or drinki ng near the se rver.
•Make sure y ou set u p the system on a stab le work surface.
•Openings in the system cabinet a re pro vided for ve ntilation. Do not
block or cov er these openings. Make sure you pro vide adequate
space around the system for ventilation when you set up yo ur work
area. Never insert objects of any kind into the system venti lation
•Use the voltage setting for your area. The voltage selec tor switch is
set at the factory to the correct voltage.
Do not attempt to service
thesystem yourselfexcept
as explained elsewhere in
the system documentation.
Adjust only those controls
covered in the instructions.
Opening or removing
covers marked “Do Not
Remove” may expose you
to dangerous electrical
voltages or otherrisks.
•This system is equipped with 3-wire grounding plugs (plugs with a
grounding pin). These plugs onl y fit into grounded power outlet s.
This is a safety feature. Do not defeat the purpose of the grounding
pin. If you are unab le to insert the plug i nto t he outle t, co ntact an
electrician to replace the outlet.
•Do not walk on the pow er cord or allo w anything to rest on it.
•If you use an extension cord with this system, make sure the total
ampere ratings of the components plugged into the extension cord
do not exceed the extension cord ampere rating. Also, the total
ampere requirements for all products plugged into the wall outlet
must not exce ed 15 amper es.
•There is a danger of explosion if the CMOS (complementary
metal-oxide se miconductor) battery is r eplaced inc orrectl y.
Replace the battery with the same or equivalent type recommended
by the manufacturer . Dispose of used batteries according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
•Unplug the system f rom the w all outl et and refer servicing to
qualified personnel if:
•The power cor d or plug is damaged.
•Liquid has been spilled into the sys tem.
•The system does not operate properly when the opera ting
instructions are foll owed.
•The system was dropped or the cabine t is da maged.
•The system’s performance changes.
xGateway ALR 9250RUser’s Guide
Additional inf ormation sources
Along with this manual, you can find additional information by using the
Gatew a y Support Cent er
Access the Gate wa y Support Center at www.gatewa y .c om/support to access
information about your system or ot her Gate w a y products. Some types of
information you can access are:
•Hardware dri ver (including BIOS) and softw are application
Completing the install ation......... ...... ..... ...... ..16
Power down the system
and disconnect both power
cords before proceeding
with system access.
Installing any component
while the power is on may
causep ermanent damage
to the system.
System access
System access is pr o vide d b y a hinged top co v er. All system components
can be accessed through t his cover .
Static electricity precautions
Static electricity can damage computers and other sensiti ve electronic
equipment. Precauti ons such as those described belo w should b e tak en
before opening the system draw er , or touching any of the components, and
prior to removing an y new component from its protecti ve packaging.
Caution! Prevent Static-Electricity Damage
Static Electricit y Prev ention s
1. WEAR A GROUNDING WRIST STRAP (available at most electronic
2. T urn off the system pow er.
3. T ouch the back of the power suppl y fan, located on the back of the case.
5. Remo v e t he sys tem case cover .
Static Electri city Pr ecautio ns
•Avoid static-causing surfaces such as pla stic and styrofoam in y our work
•Remove t he parts from their ant istati c bags onl y w hen you are ready to use
them. Do not lay parts on the outside of antistatic bags since only the
inside provi des antis tatic prot ection.
•Always hold ca rds b y their e dges and their metal mounting brac ket. Avoid
touching components on the ca rds and th e edge connectors th at connec t to
expansion slots.
•Never slide cards or other parts ov er any surface.
Openin g thesystem
Depending on your purpose, you ma y need to open only the front portion of
the top cov er, or you may need to remo ve the top cov er entirel y . Foll ow the
instructions specific to the task you want to accomplish as indicated in each
2Gateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
Opening the topcover
The top cover is hinged so y ou can open it to acce ss t he internal
components without removi ng it entirely.
T o open the top cover
1. Po w er do wn the system.
2. While observing the static elect ricity precautions on pa ge 2, turn each
of the three sl otte d retainer s 90 degrees cou nterclockwise. See t he
illustration Opening the Top Co ver below .
Opening the Top Cover
3. Lift the lid co vering the front portion of t he system to access the pow er
supply subs ystem, the fans, the hard dis k dr iv e mounting bra cket, t he
3.5-inch disk ette drive, the data cab l es, and t he RAID bay backplane.
Chapter 1: Getting Started3
Removingthe topcover
The back portion of the draw er holds the syst em board and the add-in cards.
Remove the top cov er to access these components.
T o remove the top cover
1. Remove t he three sc re ws f rom each s ide of the t op cover and the f our
screws from the bac k of t he top c o v er. See the ill ustrati on Removing
the T op Co ver belo w .
T opcover
2. Remove the top cov er .
4Gateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
Removing the Top Cover
Closing the system
Before closing the system, verify that all connectors and boards are
properly install ed and firmly seated.
Reinstalling the topcover
After you hav e completed the procedures in volving the back portion of the
draw er , replac e the top cove r .
To replace the top cover
1. Position the top cove r on the chassis, aligning the three holes on each
side and four holes in back. See the illustration Reinstalling the T op
Cove r be lo w.
Reinstalling the T op Co ver
Chapter 1: Getting Started5
2. Replace the scre ws remo v ed w hen the t op cover was remo v ed (thr ee
on each side and four in back).
3. T urn t he thr ee sl otted ret ainers 90 degrees clockwise to sec ure t he
front portion of t he top c o v er in pl ace.
6Gateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
Installing the CPU drawer
If the rails hav e not been mounted on the processor drawer at the factory,
you must install them. The brackets must be installed in the rack.
Requirements for i nstallat ion of the dr a w er a re liste d belo w.
•This CPU dra w er is an 4U syste m, meaning that it r equires 7
vertical inches (1.75" x 4") of rack space for installation. Check
your rack configuration to make sure you have at least this much
space. You may have to remo ve bla nk panels or rearrange existing
draw ers to pro vide enough clearance.
•Protect your system from extreme temperature and humidity.
Position y our rack aw a y from direct sunlight, heater ducts, and
other heat-generating objects .
•Keep y our syst em a w ay from equipment that gene rates m agnetic
fields. Even a telephone placed too c losel y to the system may
cause interference.
•Your new system drawe r is configured for AC operation. Protect it
against AC line spik es by using a 3-prong, 110 V or 220 V
(depending on the voltage supplied in your localit y), and an AC
surge contr ol outlet station. The s ystem re quires tw o se parate AC
outlets (one per pow er supply) .
Inspect ing the contents
Unpack the carton and inspe ct t he cont ents. Sta ndard systems inclu de the
following ite ms:
Drawer heightsare
measured in “U’s.” Each U
is 1.75
", measured
vertically on the rack.
•System Drawer
•P ow er Cab les
•User’s Guide
•Software Utilitie s (Diskettes or CD)
Check the packing list to ensure all equipment and associated manuals are
included in y our sh ipment. Inspect ev erything ca refull y. If you suspect an y
damage from shipping, contact technical support immediately
Keepthe product carton
and foam packing, in case
system in different
packaging, your warranty
Chapter 1: Getting Started7
Installingt heCPUdra werinth e rack
These procedures assume that the mounting rails hav e not been installed on
the dra w er at the factory and that the brack ets have not been insta lled i n the
rack. If these procedures hav e been completed , you can skip them.
Installingthe mountingrails
The mounting rails are provided in the accessory kit. If they ha ve already
been installed on the system dra wer, y ou can ski p thi s procedure.
T o install the mounting rails
1. After unpacking the system draw er , note that the side rails come
preassembled with the mounting rails. Prior to mounting the side rails
to the system chassis, they must be remov ed from the mounting rails.
Remove t he side r ails f rom the mounting r ails b y depressi ng the
retention clips and sli ding t hem of f.
2. Mount the side r ails on the syst em chassi s wit h the t w elv e scre ws
provide d. See the illustration Mounting the Side Rails belo w. The
retention clips should go tow ard the rear of the cabinet.
8Gateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
Retention clips
Mounting the Side Rails
3. Position the 4U drawe r template in the cabinet/rack so that the side
matches the corresponding side you wish t o inst all.
4. Mark the scre w hole l ocations on t he v ertical mounting stri ps i n the
cabinet, as sho wn on the template. The marks will locate the mounting
holes of the r ail bra cket s and fr ont p anel.
5. Attach the front bracke t t o the fr ont cabinet v ertical mounting strip
using tw o screws.
6. Attach the rear bracke t to the re ar ca binet v ertical mounting strip. See
the illustration Mounting the Brackets on the Cabinet belo w .
Mounting the Brac kets on the Cabinet
7. Repeat Steps 4 through 6 to mount t he second rail.
Chapter 1: Getting Started9
8. T o se cure t he rea r of the ra il, sli de the inner rai ls forw ard to g ain
access to the mounting holes. The latch may lock the rail into place.
Release the latch to allo w the rails to slide freel y. T o secure the front of
the rail, slide the inner rail so that the opening aligns with the
mounting holes. See the illustration Attaching the Cabinet Mounting
Rails belo w. V erify t hat the i nner ra ils slide fr eely.
Mounting the CPUdrawerin thecabinet
When the rails and the br ack ets are i nstal led, you are r eady to instal l th e
draw er in t he cabine t. Check the sys tem spe cifications for the weight of the
The CPU drawer is heavy .
T oprevent injury and
possible damage to the
equipment, we
recom mended thatyou get
help when trying to mount
the drawer into the cabinet.
10Gateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
draw er and use appropriate precautions wh en performing the installation.
1. Pull the inner cabinet mounting rails (in the cabinet) all the wa y
Attaching the Cabinet Mounting Rails
T o mount the drawer in the cabinet
forward until the retaining latch es lock the rails in the “out” position.
2. Lift the CPU draw er to the same height as the mounting rails and align
the rails on the draw er with the cabinet mounting rails.
3. Insert the side rails on the CPU drawer into the cabinet mounting rails
and push the drawer e ve nly into the c abinet until the latc hes on the
draw er rails lock. See the illustrat ion Installing the Draw er belo w.
Installing the Dr aw er
Chapter 1: Getting Started11
4. Press the latches on both side rails of the CPU drawer and push the
draw er into the cabinet until the front panel touches the vertical
mounting rails. S ee the illus tration Cabine t Rai l Retainin g Latches
below. The draw er ma y move reluc tantly at first. How ev er , it should
move smoothl y, without binding or restriction, ther eafter.
Connectin g peripherals
Refer to “Connecting P eripherals” on page 13 and the followin g procedures
when connecting optional peripherals to y our system.
1. Po w er off all dra w ers and devices in the cabinet prior to attaching an y
12Gateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
Cabinet Rail Retaining Latches
T o connect peripherals
of the system draw er cables.
2. Verify that t he syste m drawer po w er switc h i s in the OFF position.
3. Connect controller and data cables to their respecti ve de vices as
appropriate (for example, SCSI cab les to a storage draw er , or parallel
cables to a printer , etc.) See the illustration Connecti ng Periphera ls
To printer
T o power
CPU drawer
SCSI channel
T ape storage drawer
Keyboard and mouse tray
Connecting Peripher als
4. Connect the keyboard , mouse, and video cab les to their respectiv e
ports. Systems with multipl e CPU dr a wers may require connecting
these cables to an autoswitcher unit. Refer to your rack system user’s
guide or “Connecting to an AutoSwitcher” on page 14 for the proper
5. Connect the monitor pow er cable to an appropriate po w er source.
6. Verify that t he v oltage sel ector swit ches on the power s upplies are set
for the proper volta ge ( 115V or 23 0V).
7. Connect the system pow er cables to the po wer input connec tors
8. Connect the other end of the system power cab les to the appropriate
pow er so urces.
Chapter 1: Getting Started13
Becausethe keyboard,
plugged into the
AutoSwitcher, connecting
the system drawers to an
AutoSwitcher requires
extender cables.
Using an autoswitcher
Multiple system dra wers installed i n the s ame syste m cabinet c an sha re a
single set of peripheral de vices ( monitor , k eyboa rd, and mouse) through the
use of an AutoSwitcher.
The AutoSwitcher provi des exclusiv e control of the monitor and routes the
keyboard an d mouse inputs to t he currentl y se lected s ystem dra wer .
Installing the AutoSwitcher is described in the Rack-Mountable System User’s Guide. See the illustration Connecting to an AutoSwitcher below for
example connections.
To printer
CPU drawer
To power
4/8 autoswitcher
CPU drawer #2
Connecting to an AutoSwitcher
Keyboardandmousetr ay
SCSI channel
AutoDAT backup drawer
SCSI channel 2
Storage drawer
SCSI channel 1
To m onito r
14Gateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
Po wering up the system
Lift the plastic cover o ver the po w e r s witch on the front pa nel a nd press i t,
and the green LED immediate l y beside t he po w er switc h t urns on.
If you turn off the server, you must w ait at le ast t en seconds before you t urn
it back on.
The system self-checks the memory even if the monitor is not connected. If
the monitor is connected and pow ered on, the screen displa ys the pow er-up
•If more than one CPU is installed, the system displa ys which CPU
it is currentl y testi ng.
•If any e rrors are encounte red, the server displ a ys t hem on the
monitor .
•If a monitor is not connected or the syste m is unab le to display an
error, it sounds a n error beep code.
Thetopcover mustbe
closed and secured while
thesystem is running.
•If the system e ncounters an erro r , it i s usuall y a nonfatal error,
meaning the system continues to function until the error is
corrected (usually through the BIOS Setup). In the rare case of a
fatal error, contact Ga te w a y for field service support.
Lookingthi ngsov er
Sometimes the simplest things can cause trouble. Before po w ering up the
system, perform the foll o wing checks:
•Are the po wer cords connected to the CPU syste m drawer and an
appropriate po wer source?
•Is the pow er source supplying po w er?
•If a po wer strip is used, is it s witc hed on? I s the circuit breake r se t?
•Does the v oltage sel ection switc h on the syst em’s pow er supply
reflect the proper v oltage ?
Under no circumstances
return any equipment
without obtaining a Return
Material Authorization
(RMA) number.
Chapter 1: Getting Started15
monitor, it contains
components thatare
extremely dangerous. Even
if themonitor’s poweris
energy within the monitor’s
components can causean
electric shock.
V erifying your configuration
If the server i s not operating correctly, the BIOS may conta in an in v al id
configuration parameter. Enter the BIOS Setup pr o gram or the SSU and
check the configuration settings.
Troub leshootingguideli nes
As you troubleshoot y our system, keep the follo wing guidelines in mind:
•Never remo ve the syst em cover s while the system is pow ered up.
•If a periphera l such as the ke yboard, mouse, dri v e, or pri nter does
not work, ensure that all connections are secure.
•If an error message displays on the screen, write it down, w ord-for -
word. You may be asked a bout it whe n cal ling Technical Support.
•Only qualified personnel should open the syste m for maint enance.
•If you are qualified to maintain the system, make certain you are
properly grounded be fore opening the system’s chassis.
Completingth e installation
Once the cables are connected , you can use the system. Ho we ver , there are
some further procedures that help to ensure a clean installation and a
superior w orking e n vir onment for future maintenance acti vite s.
Installinga cable retractor
Cable retr actors of f er setup adv antages i n tha t the y reduce str ain on the
draw er cable s and connectors as well as simplifying maintenance because
they keep t he cab le s neatl y out of the way .
1. Position the c able retr actor to the r ear s ide of the c abinet so tha t the
16Gateway ALR 9250R User’s Guide
To install a cable retractor
mounting holes on both retr actor a nd cabinet are a ligned.
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