Gateway ALR 8200R User Manual

Gateway ALR 8200R User’ s Guide
Part #8502953 A MAN US GW2K 8200R USR GDE R0 6/98
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The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, changes are made periodically. These changes are incorporated in newer publication editions. Gateway 2000 may improve and/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to continuing system improvements, Gateway 2000 is not responsible for inaccurate information which may appear in this manual. For the latest product updates, consult the Gateway 2000 web site at www.gatewa In no ev en t will Gatew a y 2000 be liab le for direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
In the interest of continued product development, Gateway 2000 reserves the right to make improvements in this manual and the products it describes at any time, without notices or obligation.
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AnyKey, black-and-white spot design, ColorBook, CrystalScan, Destination, EZ Pad, EZ Point, Field Mouse, Gateway 2000, HandBook, Liberty, T eleP ath, Vivitron, stylized “G” design, and “Y ou’ve got a friend in the business” slogan are registered trademarks and “All the big trends start in South Dakota” slogan, GA TEW AY, and Gatewa y Solo are trademarks of Gateway 2000, Inc. Intel, Intel Inside logo, and Pentium are registered trademarks and MMX is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only, and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
ii Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
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Preface ................ .............. .............. .......... .............. .............. ..vii
About This Guide................................................................................ viii
Conventions Used in this Guide............................................................ ix
Getting Started ....................... ........................ .................. ........ 1
Before You Begin.................................................................................... 2
System Access......................................................................................... 3
Static Electricity Precautions........................................................... 3
Opening the System......................................................................... 3
Closing the System........................................................................... 5
Installing the Processor Drawer.............................................................. 7
Inspecting the Contents.................................................................... 7
Installing the Processor Drawer in the Rack................................... 8
Connecting Peripherals.................................................................. 13
Using an AutoSwitcher with Multiple System Drawers.............. 14
Powering Up the System....................................................................... 16
Quick Check................................................................................... 16
Completing the Installation............................................................ 18
System Features .......... ....................... ........................ ..........21
Basic Features........................................................................................ 22
Front Panel............................................................................................. 24
Dual Redundant 400-Watt Power Supplies.................................. 24
3.5-inch Diskette Drive.................................................................. 25
CD-ROM Drive.............................................................................. 25
LED Indicators............................................................................... 26
Buttons............................................................................................ 26
RAID Cage Bay ............................................................................. 26
Rear Panel.............................................................................................. 27
I/O Ports.......................................................................................... 27
Power Connectors.......................................................................... 28
Expansion Slot Cover Plates.......................................................... 28
System Board......................................................................................... 29
Chassis Fans ................................................................................... 30
Power Connectors.......................................................................... 30
Front Panel Connectors.................................................................. 31
Drive Controllers and Connectors................................................. 32
Server Management Connectors................................................... 33
System Jumpers............................................................................. 34
Battery............................................................................................ 35
Expansion Slots.............................................................................. 35
I/O Connectors............................................................................... 35
Processor Subsystem..................................................................... 36
Memory.......................................................................................... 37
Components ...........................................................................39
Processors.............................................................................................. 40
Installing a Pentium II Processor................................................... 41
Installing A VRM (for Processor 2).............................................. 44
Changing the Processor Speed...................................................... 45
System Memory.................................................................................... 46
Configuring Your Memory........................................................... 46
Installing DIMMs.......................................................................... 47
Adapter Cards ....................................................................................... 49
Storage Bays.......................................................................................... 51
Removing the Drive Bay Assembly............................................. 52
Removing the 5.25-inch Device.................................................... 53
Installing a 5.25-inch Device......................................................... 54
3.5-inch Devices............................................................................ 55
RAID Bay ...................................................................................... 58
BIOS Setup ................... ................... ....................... ................65
iv Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
About the BIOS Setup Utility............................................................... 66
Using the BIOS Setup Utility............................................................... 67
Main Menu Screen......................................................................... 68
Advanced Menu Screen................................................................. 72
Security Menu Screen.................................................................... 81
Power Menu Screen....................................................................... 83
Boot Menu Screen......................................................................... 84
Exit Menu Screen........................................................................... 86
Updating the BIOS................................................................................ 87
Maintaining and Cleaning Your System ............ ....................89
Maintaining Your System..................................................................... 90
Maintaining your Hard Drive ........................................................ 90
Cleaning The System............................................................................ 93
Cleaning the Mouse........................................................................ 93
Cleaning the Keyboard................................................................... 94
Cleaning the Monitor Screen......................................................... 94
Cleaning the Monitor Case............................................................ 94
Troubleshooting .....................................................................95
Introduction............................................................................................ 96
Important Safety Instructions................................................................ 97
Computer Virus Notice......................................................................... 99
What is a Virus............................................................................... 99
Types of Viruses............................................................................. 99
Virus Contamination...................................................................... 99
Protecting Your System............................................................... 100
Virus Prevention........................................................................... 100
Troubleshooting Checklist.................................................................. 102
Verifying Your Configuration..................................................... 102
Troubleshooting Guidelines......................................................... 102
CD-ROM Problems ............................................................................ 103
Hard Disk Problems............................................................................ 104
Memory/Processor Problems.............................................................. 105
Modem Problems................................................................................ 106
Peripheral/Adapter Problems.............................................................. 107
Printer Problems.................................................................................. 109
System Problems................................................................................. 110
Video Problems................................................................................... 112
Error Messages.................................................................................... 114
Setting the Jumpers ............... ........................ ......................119
System Board Jumpers........................................................................ 120
Clear CMOS Jumper.................................................................... 120
Processor Setting Jumper............................................................. 120
RAID Backplane Jumpers.................................................................. 121
SCSI ID Address Settings ........................................................... 121
Active Termination...................................................................... 122
Auto Start/Delay Start.................................................................. 122
Cluster Option.............................................................................. 123
Regulatory Compliance Statements ....................................125
FCC Notice.......................................................................................... 126
Industry Canada Notice...................................................................... 127
CE Notice............................................................................................ 127
VCCI Notice ....................................................................................... 128
Australia/New Zealand Notice........................................................... 128
Index .....................................................................................129
vi Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide

Pref ace

About This Guide .................................................viii
Conventions Used in this Guide.............................ix

About This Guide

The purpose of this User’s Guide is to help you unpack, ass emble, and install the system. This guide provides step-by-step setup and operating instructions along with detailed illu strations throughout t he document. Below is a summary of the sections to f ollo w:
Chapter 1: Get ting Started cov ers information about the int ernal and external features as w ell as the syst em architecture and supported operat ing systems.
Chapter 2: Sy stem F eat ures explains the main features of your system, including ho w to assembl e it, identifying connec tors and arranging your workspace.
Chapter 3: Components describes the major components inc luded in the system.
Chapter 4: BIOS Setup describes the BIOS setup util ity and pro vides detailed descriptions of the scre ens, fields, and options within that program.
Chapter 5: Maintai ning and Cleaning Y our Syst em pro vides instructions on standard maintenance tasks and proced ures for cleanin g the exterior portions of the computer .
Chapter 6: T r oubleshooti ng provides detail ed instructions on troubleshooting v arious prob lems that you ma y e xperience whi le running the server .
We recommend you take time to read through the man ual before using the system. If you encounter a prob lem, refer to the h andy troublesho oting section in this guide.
viii Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide

Con ventions Used in this Guide

Throughout this booklet, you will see the fol lo wing con ventions :
Convention Description
+ ALT + D
System User's Guide
Sidebars Sidebars denote critical information
This is an example of an important note that may appear in the manual.
A key name corresponds to a key on the keyboard.
A plus sign indicates that the keys on either side of it must be pressed simultaneously.
Commands to be entered as well as messages that appear on your monitor are printed in “ font.
Names of publications and files are italicized.
Options to select are boldfaced.
such as warnings, important information, and important notes.
Conventions Used in this Guide ix
x Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
Chapter 1:

Getting Started

Before You Begin.................................................... 2
System Access......................................................... 3
Static Electricity Precautions........................... 3
Opening the System ......................................... 3
Closing the System........................................... 5
Installing the Processor Drawer.............................. 7
Inspecting the Contents.................................... 7
Installing the Processor Drawer in the Rack ... 8
Connecting Peripherals.................................. 13
Powering Up the System....................................... 16
Quick Check................................................... 16
Completing the Installation............................ 18

Before You Begin

Congratulations on your purchase. With the arriv al of your ne w system, you are probabl y eager to install the processor dra w er in y our rack syste m and have i t operating. This section sho ws y ou ho w to:
Access the system interior
Install the processor dra w er
Connect the monitor and keybo ard
Po w er up the syst em
Carefully read and f ollo w these instructions to e nsure that the system operates correctly.
2 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide

System Access

Static Electricity Precautions

Caution! Prevent Static-Electricity Damage
Static Electricity Preventions
WEAR A GROUNDING WRIST STRAP (a vailab le at most electronic stores).
T urn off the system power.
Touch the back of the power supply fan, located on the back of the case.
Remove the system case cover .
Static Electricity Precautions
A v oid static-causing surfaces such as plastic and styrofoam in your work area.
Remove the parts from their antistatic bags only when you are ready to use them. Do not la y parts on the outside of antistatic bags since only the inside provides antistatic protection.
Alwa ys hold cards by their ed ges and their metal mounting bracket. Avoid touching components on the cards and the edge connectors that connect to expansion slots.
Never slide cards or other parts over any surface.

Opening the System

Depending on your purpose, you may need to open onl y the front portion of the system, or you ma y need to remo v e the top co v er entirel y. Follo w the instructions specific to the task you want to accomplish as indicated in each section.
Removi ng the Top Cover
You can either open or remo v e the top co v er , depending on which i nternal components you need to access. Opening the top co ver pr o vides access to the pow er supp ly subsyst em, the blo w ers , the hard disk dri ve mount ing brackets, the 3.5-inch disket te driv e, the data cab les and the RAID ba y
Pow er the system OFF and disconnect both power cords before proceeding. Installing any component while the power is ON may cause permanent damage to the system. This product contains hazardous moving parts.
Ensure that turned OFF and the power cord(s) disconnected before opening or removing the cover .
the computer is
System Access 3
This product contains hazardous moving parts. Ensure that the computer is turned OFF before opening or removing the cover .
backplane. If you requir e access to the sy stem board to upgrade the processor , install memory , or an adapter card, you must remove the top cov er entirel y.
Opening the T op Cover
Disconnect both po wer cords and po w er do wn the system.
On the top front of the system, turn each of the thr ee slotted retaine rs
90 degrees counter-clockwise.
4 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
Figur e 1: Openi ng the Top Cover
Lift the lid co verin g the front portion of the system.
Removing the T op Cover
Disconnect both po wer cords and po w er do wn the system. On the top front of the system, turn each of the thr ee slotted retaine rs
90 degrees counter-clockwise.
Remove the three scre ws from each side of the top co ver and the four
screws from the back of t he top co ve r . Remove the top co ver.
Figur e 2: Remo ving the Top Cover

Closing the System

Before closing the system, ver ify that all connect ors and boards are properly instal led and firmly seated.
System Access 5
Reinstalling the T op Co ver
This procedure assumes that yo u have remov ed the top co ver entirel y. If you opened the top co ver , but di d not remo ve it , close the co v er and refer to Step 3 onl y .
Replacing the T op C over
Position t he top co ve r on the chassis, aligni ng the three holes on each
side and four holes in back. Reinstall the scre ws remo ved w hen the top cover was remov ed (three
on each side and four in back). T urn the three slott ed retainers 90 degrees clockwise to secure t he
front portion of the top co ver in p lace.
6 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
Figur e 3: Rei nstalling the Top Cover

Installing the Pr ocessor Drawer

This processor dra w er is a 4U system, meaning that i t requires 7 vertical inches (1.75” x 4) of rack s pace for installat ion. Check the rack configuration to make sure you ha ve at least this much space. You may ha ve to remo v e blank p anels or rearrange existing dra w ers to provide enough clearan ce.
Protect the system from extreme temper ature and humidity. Position the rack a wa y from direct sunl ight, heater ducts, and other hea t­generating objects.
Keep your sys tem a wa y fr om equipment that generates magnet ic fields. Even a telephone placed too close to the system ma y cause interference.
If the new system dra w er is configured for A C operation, protect it against A C line spikes b y using a 3-prong, 115-V or 230-V (depending on the voltage supplied in yo ur locality), an d an AC surge control outlet station. The sys tem ma y require tw o separa te A C outlets (one per pow er suppl y).

Inspecting th e Contents

Unpack the carton and inspect the contents. Standar d systems include th e following items:
System Draw er
Po w er Cab le(s)
User’s Guide
Enhanced Keyboard
Check the packing list to ensure t hat all equipment and associ ated manuals are included in your sh ipment. Inspect e verything carefull y. If you suspect any damage from shipping, contact Technical Support immediately
Keep the product carton and foam packing, in case you have to ship t he system.
If you return the system in different packaging, your warranty may be voided.
Installing the Processor Drawer 7

Installing the Processor Drawer in the Rac k

Rails must be installed on the proce ssor dra w er and in the cabi net before you can install the pr ocessor dra w er .
Installing the Mounting Rails
Drawer heights are measured in “U’s.” Each U is 1.75 inches, measured vertically on the rack. Your processor drawer is a 4U drawer , and is 7 inches high.
Install the mounting rails on t he processor dra w er.
Installing the Mounting Rails
After unpacking the processor dra w er , re mo ve the side rails from the
mounting rails by depr essing the retention c lips and sliding them of f. Mount the side rails on the processor dra w er with the tw elv e (12)
screws pro vided. The ret ention clips sho uld go to ward the rear of the cabinet.
8 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
Figur e 4: I nstalling the Mounting Rail s
If the mounting rails ha ve not p revi ously been i nstalled , position the
draw er templ ate in the cabinet/r ack so that the side matche s the corresponding side you wish to install.
Figur e 5: Mountin g the Br ackets on the Cabinet
Mark the screw hole locat ions onto the vertical mounting strips in t he
cabinet, as sho wn on the template. The marks wil l locate the mounting holes of the rail bracke ts and front panel.
Attach the front bracket t o the front cabinet v ertical mounting strip
using two scr ews. Att ach the rear brack et to the rear cabinet vertical mounting strip.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to mount the second rail br acket.
Installing the Processor Drawer 9
Mount the rail in the rail brack ets using a single screw for e ach end of
the rail. See Figure 6.
Figur e 6: Att aching the Ca binet Mounting Rails
10 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
T o secure the r ear of the rai l, slide the inner rai ls forwar d to gain access to the mounting holes. The latch may lock the rail into pl ace. Release the latch to al lo w the rails to slide freel y. T o secure the front of the rail, slide the inner ra il so that the opening a ligns with the mounting holes. Verify that the inner rails slide free ly.
Mounting the Processor Drawer in the Cabinet
After you install t he rails on both the cabi net and the processor dr a wer , insert the draw er into t he cabinet.
Mounting the Processor Drawer in the Cabinet
Pull the inner cabinet mounting rails ( in the cabinet) all the wa y
forward until the retaining latches l ock the rails in the “ out” position. Lift the processor dra w er to the same height as the mounting rai ls and
align the rails on the dra w er wit h the cabinet mounting rails. See Figure 7.
The processor drawer is heavy . To prevent injury and possible damage to the equipment, we recommended that you have assistance when trying to mount the drawer into the cabinet.
Figur e 7: Inst alling the Pr ocess or Dr awer
Installing the Processor Drawer 11
Insert the side rails on the processor dra w er into the cabinet mounti ng
rails and push the dra w er e venl y into the cabinet until the latches o n the draw er rai ls lock. See Figure 8.
12 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
Figur e 8: Ca binet Rail Retaini ng Latches
Press the latches on both side ra ils of the processor dr a w er and push the draw er into the cabinet unti l the front panel touche s the vertical mounting rails. The dra w er may mo v e reluctantl y at first. How e ver . i t should mov e smoothl y, without binding or restriction, thereafter .

Connecting Peripherals

Refer to Figure 9 and the foll ow ing procedure w hen connecting opti onal peripherals to your system.
Figur e 9: Connecti ng P er ipher als
Connecting Peripherals
Po w er of f all dra w ers and de vices in t he cabinet prior to at taching an y
of the system dra w er cable s. Verify that the system draw er pow e r switch is i n the OFF position.
Connect controller and data cab les to their r especti ve de vices as
appropriate (e.g., SCSI cables to QHS Dra wer , or P arallel cab les to printer , etc.)
Installing the Processor Drawer 13
If another system dra w er is insta lled in the same cabinet a nd you wish
to daisy chain them to gether (for the InforManager), connect the ne w system draw er to t he existi ng dra wer with a RackBus cab le.
Connect the keyboard, mouse and video cables to their respecti ve
ports. Systems with multiple processor dra w ers ma y require connecting these cabl es to an autosw itcher unit. Refer t o your r ack system user’s guide or Figure10 on page 15 for proper connections.
Connect the monitor po w er cable to an appropriate po w er sour ce.
Verify that the Voltage Selector Switches on the po w er supplies a re set
for the proper voltage (115V or 230V). Connect the system po w er cables to the po w er input conne ctors.
Connect the other end of the system po w er cab les to the ap propriate
pow er source s.

Using an AutoSwitcher with Multiple System Drawers

Multiple system dra w ers instal led in the same system cabine t can share a single set of peripheral de vices (monitor , k eyboar d and mouse). This is accomplished by using an Auto Switcher .
The AutoSwitcher pro vides ex clusiv e control of the monitor , as w ell as routes the keyboard a nd mouse inputs to the cu rrently selected syst em draw er .
14 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
Since the devices t hemselves (that is, the ke yboard, the mouse and the monitor) are plugged into the AutoSwitcher , connecting the system dra w ers to an AutoSwitcher requires e xtender cabl es. Refer to F igure 10 for example connection details .
Figur e 10: Connec ting to an AutoSwi tcher
Installing the Processor Drawer 15
For safety reasons, the top cover must be closed and secured while the system is running.
Under no circumstances return any equipment without obtaining a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.

P owering Up the System

Press the On/Off switch on the front panel, and the green LED on the front panel will illuminate ON.
If you turn off th e system, you must w ait at l east ten seconds before you turn the system back on.
The system self-checks the memory even i f the monitor is not connec ted. If the monitor is connected and po w ered ON, the scre en displays the pow er -up sequence.
If more than one processor is inst alled , th e system displa ys whic h processor it is currently testing .
If any errors are encountered, your system displays t hem on the monitor.
If a monitor is not connected or th e system is unab le to displa y an error, an error beep code sounds.
If the system encounters an error , it is usual ly nonfatal, meaning the system functions until the error can be corrected (usuall y through the BIOS Setup). In the rare case of a fatal error, cont act your Technical Support for field service support.

Quick Check

If your system does not oper ate correctly, re-read the instructions for the procedure(s) you ha v e performed. If an error occurs within an application, consult the documentation supplied with the software.
This section identifies solutions to common problems. If the suggestions i n this section are not helpful , try calling Technical Support. In the event of a problem, the follo wing c hecks should be performed:
Looking Things Over
Sometimes, the simplest things can cause troub le. If y ou encounter a problem, perform the follo win g checks:
16 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
Are the pow er c ords connected to the proc essor dra w er and an
appropriate po w er source?
Is the pow er source suppl ying po w er?
If a pow er stri p is used, is it switched on? Is the circuit break er set?
Does the voltage select ion switch on t he system’s po w er suppl y
reflect the proper v oltage?
V erifying Your Configuration
If your system is not ope rating correctly, the BIOS may contain an invalid configuration parameter. Enter the BIOS pro gram and check your configuration settings.
Troubleshooting Guidelines
As you troubleshoot t he system, keep the fol lo wing guidelines in mind:
Never remo v e the system co v er while the s ystem is po w ered on.
Do not attempt to open the monitor , it is e xtremel y dangerous.
Even if the monitor po wer is disconnected , stored ener gy within the
monitor components can cause a painful or harmful shock.
If a peripheral such as the k eyboard, mouse, drive, or printer does
not appear to w ork, ensure that all con nections are secur e.
If an error message is display ed on the screen, writ e it do wn, w ord-
for-w ord. You may be asked about it when calli ng Technical
Only qualified personnel should open the system for maintenanc e.
If you are qualified to maintain the system your self, make certain
you are properl y grounded before opening the syst em chassis.
Powering Up the System 17

Completing the Installation

Installing a Cable Retractor
A cable retractor pr o vides the follo wing advantages:
Reduced strain on the dra w er cab les and connectors
Simplified maintenance because the cables are kept nea tly out of the way
Installing a Cable Retractor
Position t he cable ret ractor to the rear side of the cabinet so t hat the
mounting holes on both retractor and c abinet are aligned. Using two scre ws, secur e the cab le retractor to th e mounting holes on
the rear of the system dra w er.
18 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
Figur e 11: Inst alling a Cab le Retr actor
Dressing the Cables
Attach the cables to t he cable ret ractor .
Dressing the Cables
Route the cable(s) fr om the rear of the system drawer ove r to the cab le
retractor , where it i s mounted on the rear of the dra w er . Secure the cables to t he cable ret ractor with tie wraps ( the cable
retractor is designed with ti e holes to permit installati on of tie wraps).
Figur e 12: Routi ng Cab le on the Cab le Retr actor
Leave e nough slack in the cab les to allo w the m to flex w hen the
draw er is pulle d out. Check the cables for ti ght spots wh ile the dra w er is being pull ed
forward and pushe d back into place . Check for stress po ints, especiall y at the bends in the cabl e retractor and w here the cab le retract or is mounted to the vertical mounting rail.
Powering Up the System 19
Route the cables to the ir destinations and se cure with tie wraps as
required. If necessary , bundle and se cure exces s cable with a tie wrap to ke ep it
out of the wa y.
Securing the System
Physical securi ty for the system is depen dent upon the securi ty pro vided b y the cabinet.
Securing the System
Close the rear door of the system cabi net and lock if desire d.
Push the system dra wer back until its front panel presses agains t the
vertical mounting rails in the cabinet. Secure the dr a we r with four screws.
Close the front door and lock if des ired.
20 Gateway ALR 8200R User’s Guide
+ 120 hidden pages