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The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However,
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Gateway 2000 may improve and/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to
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In the interest of continued product development, Gateway 2000 reserves the right to make
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The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However,
changes are ma de pe rio dic ally. These changes are incor por ate d in new er pu bli cati on ed iti ons. ALR
may improve and/or change products described in this publication at any time. Due to continuing
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In the interest of continued product development, ALR reserves the right to make improvements in this
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Trademark Acknowledgments
ALR is a registered trademark of Advanced Logic Research, Inc. All other product names mentioned
herein are used for identification purposes only, and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective companies.
Index ....................................................................................... 49
iv Gateway ALR 7200R User’s Guide Supplement
About This Guide
Conventions Used in this Guide............................vii
About This Guide
The purpose of this User’s Guide Supplement is to help you get your system
draw er installed and running. This guide pro vides step-b y-step setup an d
operating instructions, along with detail ed illustrations t hroughout the
document. Belo w is a summary of the sections to fol lo w:
Chapter 1: Introduction e xplains installation r equirements for y our ALR
Chapter 2: Conv erting from Mini-Tower t o Rack-Mount pro vid es step-b ystep procedures detailing ho w to con vert the ALR 7200 mini-to w er cha ssis
to a rack-mountable syst em dra w er .
Chapter 3: Installation explains ho w to inst all the rack-mountab le dra w er
into a cabinet.
Chapter 4: T roub leshooting pro vide s reference ma terial on
troubleshooting y our system.
Appendix A: Regulatory Compliance Statements pro vides a listing of
compliance standards that this s ystem meets.
For addi tional information on this system, refer to the ALR 7200 User’s
Guide and Maintaining and T r oubl eshooting the ALR 7200.
We recommend you take time to r ead through the manual bef ore using the
system. If you encounter a prob lem, refer to the h andy troublesho oting
section pro vided.
vi Gateway ALR 7200R User’s Guide Supplement
Conventions Used in this Guide
This is an example of an
important note that may
appear in the manual.
Throughout this booklet, you will see the fol lo wing con ventions :
System User’s GuideNames of publications and files are
SidebarsSidebars denote critical information
A key name corres ponds to a key on
the keyboard.
A plus sign indica tes that the keys on
either side of it must be pressed
Commands to be entered as well as
messages that appear on your
monitor are printed in bolded “Arial Narrow” font .
Options to select are boldfaced.
such as war nings, important
information, and important notes.
Congratulations on your purchase of the ALR 7200R. W ith t he arrival of
your new syst em, you are pr obabl y eager to instal l your syste m and ha ve it
Installation Requirements
The ALR 7200R system draw er is desi gned for an of fice environment and
allows for floor-le vel entry of all cables through the opening i n the bottom
of the cabinet. No special peripher al cab le entry kits are required. The
cabinet can be installed in a r aised floor en vironme nt as we ll as in a soli d
floor office environment.
Proper planning is necessary to minimize prob lems during setup. When
determining the setup location for the syst em, keep in mind the si ze (height
and width) of stairs, ele vat ors, hall wa ys, and doorw a ys.
Once the cabinet is at its final destination, lo w er the stabilizi ng feet by
turning them clockwise until they make a firm contact with the floor . The
stabilizing feet help pre vent the cabinet from tippin g or rocking w hen the
draw er is e xtended.
If you are install ing sev eral cabinets t ogether, "gang" them together b y
removing th e side panels betw een the c abinets and bolti ng the cabinets
together . Remo ving the in-betw een side panels al lo ws efficient routing of
cables betw een the cabin ets to help maintain a c ommon electrical ground.
A kit designed to facilitate this is a vailab le from th e manufacturer .
If your system came configured as a tow er , pl ease refer to Cha pter 2:
Converting f r om Mini-Tower to Rac k-Mount, for information on con v erting
your system. If con ve rsion is not necessary, you may skip to Chapter 3:
Install the Rack-Mount Panels......................... 6
The ALR 7200 minitow er chassis pro vides the capabili ty to easil y con vert
into a fully fun ctional, standard 19" r ack-mountab le dra w er . To accomplish
this, a Rack Conv ersion Kit is a v ailab le. If your syste m came preconfigured for rack installation, you may skip thi s section and proceed to
Chapter 3.
Before proceeding, turn off syst em pow er and disconnect all peri pherals.
Remove Existing Panels
1. Remove the three scre ws located on the rea r of the system.
2. Slide the top panel back, then pull t he co ver up.
3. Remove the tw o screws l ocated on the rear of t he system, left side.
4. Slide the side panel back, then pull the c o ver of f.
5. From the inside of the cha ssis, remo ve t he tw o scre ws securing the
bezel to the chassis.
4 Gateway ALR 7200R User’s Guide Supplement
6. Holding onto the bottom handle, firmly pull bezel aw a y from chassis.
7. From the inside of the system, push out the pi n, located in the center of
the plastic foot, with a scre wdri ver. Remov e F eet from t he bottom of
the minitower.
Introduction 5
Install the Rack-Mount Panels
Keyboard Inhibit Switch
should be turned off or the
connector unplugged from
the system board. See
Figure 1-3 in the ALR 7200
User’s Guide.
1. Install Rack bus module to rear of system. Plug connec tor to system
2. Replace the left side panel using thumb scr ews pr o vided in kit.
3. Replace top panel with a rack-mountab le side panel.
4. Install Control Housing o ve r po w er button.
5. Install the Panel Brack et.
6. Remove blanking panel s, corresponding to the devices being used ,
from Front Panel. If a de vice is not being used , leave the
corresponding blanking panel in place. Plastic snap plugs, used to
cov er scre w holes, may be remo ved and st ored on the top of the panel
7. Install the Front P anel.
6 Gateway ALR 7200R User’s Guide Supplement
Chapter 3:
Installing the System Drawer.................................. 8
Installing the Mounting Rails........................... 8
Mounting the System Drawer........................ 10
Connecting the System Drawer............................ 13
Drawer heights are
measured in U’s. Each U is
equivalent to 1.75 inches.
The ALR 7200R is 6U’s
(10.5 inches) high.
Installing the Mounting Rails
1. Remove the side rails from the mounting rails, b y depressing the
retention clips and sliding them of f.
2. Mount the side rails on the system chass is with the 8 scre ws (4 to each
side) pro vided. The retention cl ips should go to w ard the rear of t he
8 Gateway ALR 7200R User’s Guide Supplement
3. If the mounting rails ha ve not p revi ously been i nstalled , position the
draw er templ ate (P/N 65770050-00) in the ca binet so that the side
matches the corresponding side you wish to install.
4. Mark the screw hole locat ions onto the vertical mounting strips in t he
cabinet as sho wn on the templat e. The marks will l ocate the mounting
holes of the rail bracke ts and front panel.
5. Attach the front bracket t o the front cabinet v ertical mounting strip
using two scr ews as marked. Attach the rear bracket to t he rear
cabinet vertical mounting strip.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to mount the second set of brackets.
7. T o secure the r ails to the mounting brack ets, begin with the rear of the
rail first. Slide inner rails forward to g ain access to mounting holes . If
the latch locks the rail int o place, release the l atch to allo w the ra ils to
slide freely.
8. Install the mounting scre ws through the r ail into the rear mount ing
9. T o secure t he front of the r ail, slide inner rail so th at the opening alig ns
with the mounting holes.
10. Install the mounting scre ws. Verify that the inner rails slide in and out
Installing the System Drawer 9
Mounting the System Drawer
The system drawer is
heavy and awkward. To
avoid possible injury or
damage to the system, get
some help when lifting it
into place, aligning the rails
and installing it into the
to mount the system drawer
1. Pull forward the inn er rails inside the mounting rails unti l the inner
latch locks the inner rail i n the "out" positi on.
2. Pull the inner slides all th e wa y forw ard.
3. Lift the system dra w er to the same height as the mounting rails and
align the rails on the dra w er with cabin et mounting rails.
10 Gateway ALR 7200R User’s Guide Supplement
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