Apple System 7 Pro User Manual

The System 7 Pro MultiPack As designed to help you upgrade system software on multiple Macintosh or PowerBook computers. Installing System 7 Pro will upgrade the system software to version 7.1.1 in addition to installing other software.
The MultiPack contains software and instructions for creating an upgrade server -- a central source from which users can install the software over the network.
There are four parts to the group upgrade:
- upgrading your own Macintosh or PowerBook
- planning the upgrade tasks required for your group
- setting up the System 7 Pro upgrade server
- performing the group upgrade
The four parts of this handbook guide you through these four stages of the upgrade.
If you have already installed System 7
This handbook describes the upgrade to System 7 Pro from System 6 or earlier. If you are upgrading from version 7.0 or 7.1, you have already completed most upgrade tasks.
Application software
Most application programs that were compatible with system software version
7.0 or 7.1 should be compatible with System 7 Pro. Use the new Compatibility Checker program to ensure full compatibility.
Network software
New versions of network software are installed with System 7 Pro, but these are required only on computers being upgraded. AppleTalk, AppleShare, and other network services behave identically in System 7 and System 7 Pro. (However, to run on a computer with system software version 7.1.1, AppleShare servers must be upgraded to version 3.0.1.)
LaserWriter drivers
New versions of LaserWriter drivers are installed with System 7 Pro, but these are required only on computers being upgraded. The new drivers can coexist on your network with version 7.0 or 7.1 drivers.
Instructions for upgrading from version 7.0 or 7. 1
The group upgrade from version 7.0 or 7. 1 to System 7 Pro involves three steps. For each step, you can use either the System 7 Pro CD-ROM or the floppy disks in the MultiPack.
1. Upgrade your own Macintosh or PowerBook.
See the next part of this handbook, "Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook."
2. Set up the upgrade server.
Follow the instructions in the third part, "Setting Up the Group Upgrade
3. Upgrade your group's Macintosh and PowerBook computers over the network or directly from the installation disks.
Follow the instructions in the fourth part, "Performing the Group Upgrade."
You can skip all other instructions in this handbook, and use it only as needed for reference or to answer questions.
For information about new features, see the booklet What's New in System 7
Pro, included in the MultiPack.
If you won't be using the CD-ROM
The MultiPack includes installation software in both CD-ROM and floppy disk form.
If you don't have a CD-ROM drive, you can use this guide and the floppy disks to create an upgrade server and perform the group upgrade. However, the administrator tools on the CD-ROM aren't included on the floppy disks.
The group upgrade at a glance
Upgrading your own Macintosh or PowerBook
- Use the Compatibility Checker program to check the compatibility of software installed on your disks.
- Use the Installer program to install System 7 Pro.
- Update your CD-ROM driver software if your Macintosh or PowerBook is connected to a CD-ROM drive.
Planning the group upgrade
- Check the quick reference table to determine what products on your network need upgrading.
- Read the "Group Upgrade Q&A" section to learn more about performing a group upgrade.
- Plan the pace of the upgrade and the number of upgrade servers.
- Assess the compatibility of application programs and system software installed on your group's computers.
- Assess the compatibility of your network software, internet routers, servers, and other network services.
- Determine whether any computers An your group will require memory upgrades.
Setting up the group upgrade server
- Read the overview "What's on the System 7 Pro CD-ROM" to get familiar with the disc's contents.
- Choose one of the methods described for making the disc's contents accessible to users.
- Mount the System 7 Pro CD-ROM on an AppleShare server or share it with System 7 file sharing.
- If necessary, create an upgrade server from the installation disks.
- Monitor the performance of the upgrade server.
Performing the group upgrade
- Upgrade the LaserWriter drivers on any computers that will continue to use System 6.
- Upgrade the printer software on any AppleShare print servers.
- Make installation disks (using the disk image files provided) if any users are unable to install over the network from the upgrade server.
- Install System 7 Pro on users' computers.
- Use the Inter»Poll network utility to monitor the status of user upgrades.
- Refer to the section "Supporting Users: Upgrade Q&A" at the end of the book to answer questions about the upgrade and new features of the software.
This part contains the following sections:
- Upgrading System 6 LaserWriter drivers
- Upgrading AppleShare print servers
- Using Disk Copy to make installation disks for users
- Installing System 7 Pro on users' computers
- Monitoring user upgrades with Inter»Poll
- Supporting users: Upgrade Q&A
Once you've prepared the network and set up the upgrade server, follow these instructions to perform the group upgrade.
The final section, "Supporting Users: Upgrade Q&A," is designed to help you
answer the questions most frequently asked by users whose system software has been newly upgraded to System 7.
Upgrading System 6 LaserWriter drivers
If some computers on your network will continue to use System 6 after others are using System 7, you should upgrade the printer drivers on the System 6 computers to avoid version conflicts that interfere with printing.
!! WARNING: You cannot use System 6 LaserWriter drivers on a System 7
Macintosh. ! !
You can upgrade the printer software over the network from the System 7 Pro CD-ROM or from one of the System 7 Pro installation disks provided.
1. Open the printing folder or disk.
- Using the System 7 Pro CD-ROM:
Open the Printer Update folder.
- Using the installation floppy disks:
Open the disk containing the printing software.
2. Open the Installer program.
The Installer's Welcome screen appears.
3. Click OK to clear the Welcome screen.
The Installer dialog box appears, listing the printer drivers to be updated and the disk on which the drivers will be installed.
а. If necessary, click the Switch Disk button until the name of the disk you want appears.
5. Click Easy Install to accept the printer drivers listed, or Customize to select from all available printer drivers.
The Easy Install dialog box lists only the printer types that are already installed on your computer.
б. When you see a dialog box reporting that installation was successful, click Quit and restart your computer.
Upgrading AppleShare print servers
A Macintosh used as an AppleShare print server may require upgrading, depending on the version of AppleShare software you are using.
AppleShare Print Server 3.0
AppleShare Print Server version 3.0 requires no upgrade to work with System 7 computers on the network. However, if System 7 is installed on the Macintosh
running the print server, it must use version 3.0.1 of the AppleShare Print
Server software.
AppleShare Print Server 2.0
A Macintosh using AppleShare Print Server version 2.0 does not need to be upgraded to System 7, but its printer drivers need to be updated.
1. Shut down the print server software.
2. Install the printer driver update as described in the earlier section, "Upgrading System 6 LaserWriter Drivers."
3. Drag the LaserPrep icon from the Printing folder to the Server folder of
the print server.
а. Restart the print server and start up the AppleShare Print Server software.
Using Disk Copy to make installation disks for users
If any users do not have access to your upgrade server, you can use the Disk Copy program and the disk images included on the System 7 Pro CD-ROM to make copies of the installation disks.
!! IMPORTANT: You must use Disk Copy to create installation disks. You
cannot drag installation files or drag the image files. !!
If you plan to copy high-density (1.4 MB) disks, make sure that Disk Copy's memory size is set to at least 1.6 MB. You can copy the contents of high­density master disks only onto other high-density disks.
The Disk Copy program is in the Disk Images folder on the System 7 Pro CD ROM.
Making copies from an image file
An image file contains an exact image of a floppy disk. You can use an image file to create duplicate floppy disks.
To create one or more disks from an image file:
1. Open Disk Copy.
Click to remove the introductory screen. The Disk Copy window appears.
2. Choose Single Copy or Multiple Copies from the File menu.
3. Click Load Image File.
4. Select the image file you want to copy and click Open.
5. When the image file is loaded, click Make A Copy to start copying.
If you are making multiple copies, this button is called Make Some Copies.
б. Insert disks when instructed by the program.
7. Click Quit when you are finished.
Installing System 7 Pro on users' computers
You can install the new system software over the network from the System 7 Pro CD-ROM, or from the System 7 Pro installation disks provided.
Administrator instructions
If you, the network administrator, will be installing the new system software on users' computers, you will repeat the process that you followed on your own computer (as described in "Upgrading Your Own Macintosh or PowerBook" earlier in this handbook):
- Check the compatibility of programs installed on the computer's disks.
- Install the system software.
- Choose a printer.
User instructions
If network users are upgrading their own computers, you can provide them with the booklet What's New in System 7 Pro, included with the software. You can order extra copies from your Apple dealer.
In addition to installation instructions, What' s New in System 7 Pro contains instructions for checking software compatibility, which is an important part of the upgrade process. If users are upgrading without this booklet, be sure to provide them with appropriate compatibility instructions.
Server access template
The Administrator Tools folder on the System 7 Pro CD-ROM contains brief instructions to help users connect to the upgrade server.
Customize these instructions by adding the zone, server, and volume name of your upgrade server and then distribute copies to users.
Monitoring user upgrades with Inter»Poll
The Administrator Tools folder on the System 7 Pro CD-ROM includes the Inter»Poll network administration utility. You can use this program to monitor the status of user upgrades from your own Macintosh or PowerBook.
Inter»Poll scans the network and lists versions of the System, Finder, and
LaserWriter files for each active Macintosh or PowerBook. Inter»Poll is also
useful for other network monitoring tasks, but only the version-listing feature is needed to monitor a group upgrade. This feature is described below.
To verify system and printer software versions:
1. Open Inter»Poll.
The Network Search window appears.
2. Select the AppleTalk zones to be searched.
The box in the upper-left corner of the window displays all zones visible to the Inter»Poll workstation. The search will include any zone(s) you select in this list. The zone in which the Inter»Poll program is registered is selected
by default.
If your network contains no internet routers, no zones are listed.
3. Click Start to begin the search.
The Device List window is displayed. You can stop the search anytime by clicking the Stop button.
а. Choose System Information from the Special menu.
The System Information window appears.
5. Click System File Version, Finder File Version, or LaserWriter Driver
Version to choose the type of software for which to list versions.
б. Click Get System Info.
Inter»Poll begins scanning the network and returns the version information
requested for each device included in the Device List. When all devices have
been scanned, the Get System Info button flashes.
To list versions of a different type of software, click System File Version,
Finder File Version, or LaserWriter Driver Version and then click the Get
System Info button again.
!! Using Inter»Poll with System 7: If you open Inter»Poll on a Macintosh or PowerBook using a version of System 7, an alert box may appear warning that the Responder file is not installed. Ignore this alert. !!
Supporting users: Upgrade Q&A
This section contains brief answers to the questions users ask most frequently when upgrading to System 7 Pro. The topics are organized into four groups:
- General questions
- Memory in System 7
- System 7 file sharing
- Fonts in System 7
General questions
After installing System 7 Pro, my computer will not start up properly. Can I start up from a floppy disk?
Yes. A startup floppy disk is included with the software. In addition, the System 7 Pro CD-ROM contains disk images of this disk in two versions: The 800K version contains system version 6.0.7, and a 1.4 MB version contains System 7.1. These disks contain minimum system software configurations and should be used only to start up the system for troubleshooting when other methods fail.
Note: This startup floppy disk will not work on Macintosh and PowerBook computers introduced after October 1992. If you have one of these models, use
the Disk Tools disk that came with your computer as a startup floppy disk.
I've installed a system extension C%NIT) that isn't compatible with System 7 Pro, and my computer won't start up. How can I get the system to bypass it?
If you hold down the Shift key while the system software is loading, extensions will not be loaded. (Hold down the Shift key until you see the Welcome to Macintosh message.) When the system is running, drag this extension out of the System Folder.
A system extension (INIT) that was working before the upgrade has been moved to the Extensions folder and no longer works.
Try dragging the extension out of the Extensions folder to the System Folder window. If the extension has any supporting files associated with it, make sure they are also at the root level of the System Folder. If the extension still doesn't work, drag it out of the System Folder and contact the vendor for upgrade information.
What does the Printer Update Installer script for System 6 actually install?
It installs a new version of PrintMonitor, a new Backgrounder file to support background printing, and new printer drivers corresponding to the printer drivers previously installed in the Macintosh or PowerBook.
Can I move hard disks and floppy disks between computers running System 6 and System 7?
Yes. However, a locked disk created in System 7 must be unlocked before it can be used with System 6.
When a disk that has been used with System 6 is used with System 7, the disk is updated to work with System 7 (a message informs you of the status of the update).
When a System 7 disk is used with System 6, you may see new folders named Desktop Folder and Trash.
What happens if I throw away the Desktop and Trash folders that appear when I use a System 7 disk with a System 6 Macintosh ?
These folders contain whatever items are located at the desktop level or in the Trash on that disk. If you throw away either of these folders, any item that was located on the desktop or in the Trash will be erased.
Do desk accessories work with System 7?
Yes. Desk accessories continue to work, but they are no longer the only items that appear in the Apple ()) menu. Any item that you drag into the folder named Apple Menu Items will appear in the Apple ()) menu and will open when chosen from that menu.
The "suitcase" files containing desk accessories (which were previously installed with Font/DA Mover) can now be simply dragged onto the System
Folder icon; their contents are automatically placed in the Apple Menu Items
You can also use a desk accessory by opening the suitcase, dragging the desk
accessory out, and double-clicking its icon.
Can I continue to use MacroMaker macros that I created in System 6?
No. MacroMaker cannot be used with System 7.
Can I reinstall System 6 on a Macintosh or PowerBook that has been upgraded to System 7?
If a user must revert to System 6 for any reason, a temporary solution is to attach an external disk on which System 6 is installed and use this as the startup disk until System 6 is no longer needed.
If the Macintosh or PowerBook must revert completely to System 6, you must first throw away the System 7 System Folder. (If the System Folder contains any fonts or extensions you want to save, copy them before you delete it.) Then reinstall the system software from your original System 6 installation disks.
It appears that MultiFinder is always on under System 7. Can I turn it off?
No. The new Finder incorporates the capabilities that were previously provided by MultiFinder. You can always open more than one application program at a time.
Memory in System 7
Why do programs sometimes seem to run out of memory even on computers with lots of available RAM?
Each application program sets aside a preset amount of memory when it's opened. You can see the memory size by using the Get Info command in the
Finder. You can increase a program's memory size by entering a larger amount.
The amount of memory available for opening a given program is limited by the amount of RAM already in use by the system software and other open programs.
Which Macintosh models can use virtual memory?
Any Macintosh based on a Motorola 68030 or 68040 microprocessor can use virtual memory. See the technical specifications for your computers for more information.
Macintosh computers based on the Motorola 68020 can be upgraded with a paged memory management unit C&MMU) processor to use virtual memory.
How much free space do I need on my hard disk to use virtual memory?
The hard disk must have free space equal to the total amount of memory you want CRAM plus virtual memory), plus additional space for documents you save while virtual memory is turned on.
For example, if you wish to work with 16 megabytes of memory and your Macintosh currently has 8 megabytes of RAM installed, you will need to have free disk space of at least 16 megabytes.
Is virtual memory compatible with current versions of application software?
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