Mixing of SAS and SATA drives in the same enclosure is only supported in columns,
for example, column 1 is all SAS and column 2 is all SATA. Also, mixing of drives of different
capacities in the same column is not supported.
The Gateway E-842R SAS Enclosure Platform is a 2U (rack space) disk drive enclosure, housing
twelve low profile (1-inch high), 3.5-inch form factor hard drives, which can be either:
•3 GB direct dock SAS disk drives,
•3 GB direct dock SATA disk drives, or
•3 GB dual path SATA disk drives through an active/active SATA mux transition card.
The system provides as much as 6TB of data storage per enclosure when 500 GB drives are
Expansion enclo sure
RAID enclosure expansion is achiev ed b y connecting expansion enclo sures. Multiple enclosur es are
connected together using SAS pat ch cables. You can connect as many as five enclosures. For more
information, see “Enclosure cabling - multiple enclosures” on page 25.
The enc losure
The Gateway E-842R design concept is based on an enclosure subsystem together with a set of
plug-in modules. The enclosure platform, as equipped, includes:
•Chassis and backplane with integrated (front panel mounted) operator’s panel.
•As many as 12 drive carrier modules, containing either:
•3 GB direct dock SAS disk drives,
•3 GB direct dock SATA disk drives, or
•3 GB dual path SATA disk drives through an active/passive SATA mux transition card.
airflow. See “Dummy carrier modules” on page13.
Dummy carrier modules must be fitted in all unused drive bays to maintain
•Two plug-in power supply modules, 100-240 V AC, 350 W.
•One plug-in cooling fan module.
•Two plug-in controller modules, each incorporating a RAID controller and a StorView
Enclosur e chas sis
The chassis consists of a sheet metal enclosure assembly containing a backplane printed circuit
board (PCB) and m odule runner system.
•The chassis front panel incorporates an integrated operator’s (Ops) panel.
•The backplane PCB provides logic level signal and low voltage power distribution paths.
•The chassis has 19-inch rack mounting features so it fits into a standard 19-inch rack and
The chassis assembly contains 12 drive bays at the front, each of which accommodates the
appropriate plug-in drive carrier module. The 12 drive bays are arranged in 3 rows of 4 drives per
row . In t he back , the ch assi s ass embly contain s fiv e plug-i n module ba ys t o hou se tw o powe r supply
modules (PSUs), a cooling fan module, and two c ontroller modules, whic h are installed hori z ontally
(one above the other) in the right bay.
Management Module.
If only one controller module is installed, a blank module must be installed
in the unused slot.
uses 2 EIA units of rack space (3.5” high).
A drive bay is defined as the space required to house a single 1.0" high, 3.5-
The enclosure’ s f ront panel has an integrated operat or’ s (Ops) panel w ith four LEDs. The Ops panel
provides you with a high level indication of the operation of the enclosure. See “Ops panel LEDs”
on page 8 for details of the LED status conditions.
separately. To replace the Ops panel, you must replace the entire enclosure.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
The Ops panel is an integral part of the enclosure assembly and cannot be replaced
Enclosure replacement should only be performed by trained personnel.
Visible alarms
The functional modules have associated status LEDs. The Ops panel shows a consolidated status
for all modules. LEDs show constant green or blue to indicate good or positive status. Constant
or flashing orange LEDs indicate the presence of a fault within that module.
Power OnCo nstant green Good or posit ive status
System Fa ultConstant orange: fault present Indicates a problem with a power supply, cooling, or
controller module. For more information, see the
tables in “Power supply module LEDs” on page 13,
“Cooling Module LED” on page13, and “Controller
module LEDs” on page15.
Logical FaultC onstant orange: fault present Indicates f ailure of a dr iv e module. Th e failing module
is indicated by the Fault LED. For more information,
see the table in “Drive carrier m odul e faults” o n
page 16.
Box IdentityConstant bl ue: en closure ident ityYou can light this LED through the management
interfaces to indicate which enclosure requires
servi ce act ion s.
See “Ops panel LEDs” on page8 for a description of the Ops panel LED states.
Audible alarms
The Gateway E-842R enclosure includes an audible alarm which indicates when a fault state is
present. The following conditions activate the audible alarm:
•Fan fau lt
•Voltage out of range
•Over temperature
•Thermal overrun
•Syste m fau l t
•Logi ca l Fa ul t
•Power supply module fault
When the audible alarm sounds, you can mute it b y pressing the Alarm Mute button on the front
panel. For more information, see “Audible alarm mute” on page 16.
The plug-in module s
A Gateway E-842R enclosure requires the following modules for normal operation:
•Two 350 W AC power supply modules.
•One cooling module.
•One or two controller modules.
•As many as 12 drive carrier modules.
•Dummy drive carrier modules, as required.
No drive bays should be left comple tely empty. Dummy carriers or bl ank modul es
must be installed in all unused bays.
AC po wer suppl y module
Two, 100V-260 VAC 350 W power supply modules are supplied and mounted in the back of the
enclosure as part of the enclosure’s core product.
Power supply module input voltage operating ranges are nominally 115V or 230V AC, selected
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
T wo LEDs mount ed on the r ear panel of the pow er supply module indicate the status of th e module:
Multiple power supply modules
In order to maintain the appropriate airflow, you must always operate the Gateway E-842R with
two power supply modules installed. The two power supply modules operate together so if one
fails, the other maintains the power supply and cooling while you replace the faulty module.
Module replacement should only take a few minutes to perform but must be completed within
10 minutes from removal of the failed module.
Cooling module
The cooling module provides system cooling, thermal monitoring, and control functions.
System airflow is from the front to the back of the enclosure:
Power On & OK
OffOffNo AC power (either power supply module)
OffOnNo AC power (this power supply module only)
OnOffAC present, power supply module on and OK
OnOnPower supply module fan fault
Module Fault
Power supply module fault (over temperature, over
voltage, over cur r e nt, or power supply module fan fail)
•Cooling air passes over drives and through the midplane to a central air passage.
•The cooling module pulls air from the air passage and from the controller modules.
The system must be operated with a low pressure rear exhaust installation
(back pressure created by rack doors and obstacles not to exceed 5 pascals (0.5mm
water g au ge) ) .
•The power supply modules pull cooling air fr om t he air pass age at the back of the enc lo sure .
The module has an orange Cooling Module Fault LED.
LED status is described in the following table:
Module Fault (Orange)Status
OffEnclosure Off - Indic ate d by pow er supp ly module and contr oller
OffEnclosure On - Fan OK
OnCooling module fan failure
module OK lights
Contr oller module
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Operation of the enclosure with any modules missing disrupts the airflow and the
drives do not receive sufficient cooling. All openings must be filled before operating the
When only one controller module is installed, a blank m odule mu st b e ins talled in the vacant
controller module slot at the rear of the enclosure to maintain airflow and ensure correct
Do not mix Disk I/O modules and RAID Controller modules in the same enclosure. Disk
I/O modules are only installed in the expansion enclosure and RAID Controllers are only
installed in the RAID enclosure.
One or two controller modules (depending on your configuration) are supplied and mounted in
the back of the enclosure as part of the Gateway E-842R enclosure core product.
The plug-in controller modules have been designed for integration into the enclosure, providing
external FC cable interfacing with the host computer system.
The backplane incorporates a connection to each of the SAS ports within the controller modules.
The controller module’s internal processor monitors error conditions on each disk drive port.
Processors housed on the controller modules prov ide enclosure management interfac ing to devices
on the backplane, power supply module, controller module, and Ops panel to monitor internal
functions. These processors operate in a dual active configuration to allow failover.
The module incorporates LED indicators. For the location of the LED indicators, see “Controller
module LEDs” on page 8.
External ports
The RAID controller module has the following external ports:
•Two external (host) SAS ports that allow for fitting of Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP)
modules, with auto-bypass at the output. Either or both of these SFP ports can be used to
provide connection to the host controllers. Each host port operates at 3 Gb/s, giving an
effective speed of 6 Gb/s. These ports are also backwards compatible with 2 Gb/s hosts.
•An SAS expansion port suppor ts a s man y as four expansion enclosur es t hr ough an SFF-8470
•An RJ45 10/100BaseT Ethernet port lets you connect the controller to a network to enable
out-of-band management and monitoring using the embedded StorView GUI software.
Only shielded, Cat 5 (or better) cables should be used for connection to the
Ehternet port for EMC performance.
•There is also an RS232 socket which provides an alternative user interface to the RJ45
Although the RS232 port is similar in appearance to a USB port, it requires a
special cable and you should not attach a USB cable to it.
The recommended configurations are shown in “Ethernet connection” on page 24 and “Enclosure
cabling - multiple enclosures” on page25.
StorView Management software
The StorView Storage Management software which is embedded in the controller module is a
full-featured, graphical, HTML-based software suite designed to configure, manage, and monitor
the controller module storage solution. T he module is configured w i th a base IP address t o l et you
connect to it. See “StorView Storage Management software” on page29 or the Gateway E -842R StorVi ew Sto rag e Ma nag emen t Soft wa re User Gui de for further information.
LED functionsLED stateDefinition
Battery faultOrangeWhen lit, this LED indicates that the backup
Cache activeOrangeWhen lit, this LED indicates that the RAID
Controller a ctivity on drive
bank 0
Controller a ctivity on drive
bank 1
OrangeWhen lit, this LED indicate s ac ti vity on the Bank
OrangeWhen lit, this LED indicate s ac ti v i ty on the Bank
battery unit is missing, has low voltage, has
experienced a time-out on charge indicating a
faulty bat t ery, or has exper ience d a fa u lt in the
chargin g circuitr y.
controller cac he has data s a ved in me mory but
not written to the disk array.
0 disk drives.
1 disk drives.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Batt ery module
Each controller module assembly includes a removable battery module (for the location, see
“Controller module” on page8). The battery module contains a replaceable Li-Ion battery pack,
as shown i n the f ol low ing illu str ation. T he bat t ery pack pr ot ec ts the cach e cont ents if th e A C pow er
fails. You can check the amount of battery time available through the Management Interface. The
amount of time available is dependent on the amount of cache in the system.
See “Battery mo dule” on pag e 24 for removal and replacement procedures.
Controller OKGreenWhen lit, this LED indic at e s tha t RAID contr oller
activity is normal.
Controller faultOrangeWhen lit, this LED indicates that a RAID
controller fault has occurred.
Ethernet statusGreenWhen lit, this LED indicates that the Ethernet
port has a valid connection.
OrangeWhen lit, this LED indicates that the Ethernet
port has activity.
SAS activityGreenWhen lit, these LEDs show I/O activity on the
specific port lane indicated.
Disk I/O module
The expansion enclosure houses one or two Disk I/O modules. They provide the drive expansion
for the RAID enclosure . When expanding the sy stem, y ou may add up to f our expansion enclos ures.
This will give you a total of five enclosures including the RAID enclosure. A fully loaded system
will provide a total of 60 disk drives.
I/O modules are only installed in the expansion enclosure and RAID Controllers are only
installed in the RAID enclosure.
Processors housed on the Disk I/O modules provide enclosure management and an interface to
the devices on the backplane, PSU, Disk I/O module and Ops panel, which monitor internal
functions. These Disk I/O module processors operate in a master-slave configuration to allow for
The enclosure may be configured with either one or two modules. If only one Disk I/O module is
installed, a blank module must be installed in the unused bay.
Each SAS connector has four LEDs adjacen t to the connector. The LEDs indica te I/O activity on that
specific SAS port lane where each port has four lanes.
the Disk I/O module in the next E-842R enclosure in a multiple enclosure configuration, See
“Enclosure cabling - multiple enclosures” on page 25 for further information on enclosure
Do not mix Disk I/O modules and RAID Controller modules in the same enclosure. Disk
The OUT port on the RAID Controller or DIsk I/O module connects to the IN port on
Driv e carr ier module
The drive carri er module comprises a hard disk mounted in a carrier . Each dri ve bay hou ses a single,
low profile, 1.0-inch high, 3.5-inch form-factor disk drive in its carrier. The carrier has mounting
locations for SAS or SATA drives.
The front cap also supports an ergonomic handle which provides the following functions:
•Inserting the carri ers i nto the drive b ays
•Removing the carriers from drive bays
•Positive “spring loading” of the drive/backplane connector
•An anti- tamper lock op erated by a torx-socket type key
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Drive status indicat ors
Each drive carrier has two LEDs, an upper (green) and lower (orange). In n ormal operation the
green indicator is ON and flickers as the drive operates. The orange indicator is only ON i f there
is a drive fault. If the green LED is OFF when the orange LED is ON, a power control circuit failure
is indicated.
Power On & OK
OnOffNormal o peration
OnOnDrive fault
OffOnA power co ntrol circuit failure
Module Fault
Anti-tamper locks
Anti-tamper locks are installed in the drive carrier handles and are accessed through the small
cutout in the latch section of the handle. These locks are provided to disable the normal “pinch”
latch action of the carrier handle.
Dummy ca rrier mo dules
Dummy carrier modules are provided for fitting in all unused drive bays. They are designed as
integral drive module front caps and must be installed in all unused drive bays to maintain a
balanced airflow.
Blank modules
Operation of the enclosure with any modules missing disrupts the airflow and the
drives do not receive sufficient cooling. All openings must be filled before operating the
When only one controller module is installed, a blank m odule mu st b e ins talled in the vacant
controller module slot at the rear of the enclosure to maintain airflow and ensure correct
Do not mix Disk I/O modules and RAID Controller modules in the same enclosure. Disk
I/O modules are only installed in the expansion enclosure and RAID Controllers are only
installed in the RAID enclosure.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Getting Start ed
• Introduction
• Planning your inst allation
• Enclosure installation pr ocedures
• Module installation
• Enclosure conf iguration
• Enclosure cabling - single enc losur e
• Ethernet connec tion
• Enclosure cabling - multiple enclo sure s
• Driv e slot ar rangeme nt
• Po wer cord conne ction
• Grounding checks
• Management int er fa ces
CHAPTER 2: G etting Sta rted
When connecting the enclosure, use only the power cords supplied or cords which
match the specification quoted in “Specifications” on page29.
This chapter e xplains ho w to install your enclosure int o a n industry-standard, 19-inch rack cabinet
and configure the enclosure sub-system.
Planning y our installation
Blank modules or dummy carrier modules MUST be installed in ALL unused bays or
the enclosure may overheat.
Befor e you begin installation, yo u should become familiar with the con f iguration requirements of
your enclosure , detailed in the f ollow ing table. The corr ect posi tions of each of the optional plug-in
modules are shown in the illustration. See “Ethe rnet connec tion ” on p age24 and “Enclosure cabling
- multiple enclosures” on page 25 for details of controller module configurations.
Module Location
Drive baysAll drive bay s mu st hav e a driv e carr ier module or dumm y dri ve carr ier module instal led. No bay s should
Power supply (PSU)
Cooling moduleInstall the cooling module in the rear bay, as shown in the following illustration.
Controller moduleTwo RAID controller modules (or one controller module and one blank module) can be installed,
Disk I/O moduleTwo Disk I/O modules (or one Disk I/O module and one blank module) can be installed, depending on
be left empty.
T wo pow e r suppl y mod ule s mu st be installe d. F ull pow er r edun dancy is pr o v ided w hile a f ault y mo dule
is replaced. Install the power s upp ly modules in the left rear bays, as sho wn in the f oll owing illustrat io n.
depending on the configuration you require. The modules are installed horizontally (one above the
other) in the right rear bay.
the configuration you require. The modules are installed horizontally (one above the other) in the right
rear bay.
Drive carrier modules must always be installed in drive locations 1 and 12. This is the
minimum configuration required for the system to operate and provide SES Management
The enclosure driv e bay numbering conv ention is shown in the illustration on page16. A drive bay
is defined as the space required to house a single 1.0-inch high, 3.5-inch disk drive in its carrier
Driv e carrier conf iguration
Before you begin installation, you should become familiar with the configuration
requirements of your enclosure. There must be a drive present in drive locations 1 and 12
to enable SES communications to operate. Installing drives in both of these bays provides
redundant SES communication paths.
When planning your system configuration, remember that all enclosure drive bays must be filled
with either a drive carrier or dummy drive carrier module. No bays should be left empty.
Enclo sure installation procedur es
An enclosure with all component parts installed is too heavy for a single person to
safely install alone into a rack cabinet.
The following procedures describe the installation of an enclosure and highlight any critical
requirements and good handling practices you should follow to ensure a successful installation.
Make sure that you wear a suitable anti-static wrist or ankle strap and observe all
conven ti o nal ESD p recautions when han dl ing modules and compone nts. Avoid c on tact with
such things as backplane components and module connectors.
CHAPTER 2: G etting Sta rted
Preparing the sit e and host s erver
The E-842R system supports most of the widely used operating systems. However
deployment on M ic r osoft Windows requires t he .i nf dri v e r fil e whic h i s found on the Gat eway
External Storage CD (ESCD). (For Windows Servers, insert the ESCD and install the .inf file.)
Before you begin, make sure t hat the site where you intend to set up and us e your storage system
has the following:
•Standard AC power from an independent source or a rack power distribution unit with a
UPS (universal power supply).
•A host computer with a standard Fibre Channel HBA (host bus adapter) with the latest BIOS
and drive rs. Follo w the instr uction s pro vided wit h y our HBA and inst all the HBA an d its dri ver
software, if necessary.
Unpacking t he enclosur e sy stem
The package contents and unpacking procedure are outlined in the following illustration.
The accessory box contains the AC power cord(s), a serial communication cord, and the software
and the Gateway External Storage CD (ESCD). The accessory box insert contains the adjustable rail
slides and hardware parts to rack mount the enclosure.
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