Q-See QP1341 User Manual

The images and videos can be accessed by inserting the USB plug into computer’s USB port. Open it as you would any other drive or external USB flash memory device.
Video files are located in the VIDEO folder.
Still images can be found in the IMAGE folder.
Audio files are saved in the RECORD folder.
It is recommended that you save these files to your hard drive before editing or playing back.
Unwanted files can be removed from the drive through the normal means.
Because of the many different video playback programs available and their constantly updating nature, we cannot provide a complete list of compatible software. Windows Media Player will generally play the video files created by this pen depending on your particular configuration.
If your default media player does not properly play back the video, then you can either download a codec (plug-in) to allow it to work with M-JPEG (or MJPG) video, or you can download a standalone player. A simple web search will yield useful results.
At the time of this writing, the DivX codec plug-in for Windows Media Player has been demonstrated to provide good results.
For both Mac and PC computers, a free video playback option is DivX Plus Player which is available at http://www.divx.com.
The free KMPlayer software will open and play your videos on a Windows PC. It is available for free online at http://download.cnet.com where you can search for it by that name.
Still images can be opened in Windows’ Image Viewer, Apple’s Preview and commonly available photo editing software.
Double-clicking on an audio recording will launch your default audio playback software. If you wish to use another program instead, you should first launch that software and then open the file from within that program.
Apple’s iTunes software has been demonstrated to work with these audio files on both the Mac and PC platforms.
Rotate the metal collar at the tip to extend or retract the writing nib.
The pen can be used as a standard USB Flash memory stick for transporting and transferring files.
When the camera’s memory is full or the bat­tery has run out of power, the Status Indicator light will alternately flash amber and blue for five seconds. It will then save the current file and shut down. You must remove the files stored on the memory to make space available to record further or recharge the battery as appropriate.
User Manual
Shadow 1
Surveillance Pen
Model QP1341
manuals and software
Video Format AVI
Video Encoding M-JPEG
Video Resolution 1280x960 VGA
Video Frame Rate 30fps ± 1 fps
Picture Format JPG
Image Resolution 1.3 Megapixels 1280x1024
Image Aspect Ratio 4:3
Audio File Format WAV
Operating Systems Windows XP/Vista/7
and 10.7
Power Input DC5V
Interface Type USB
Apple Macintosh OSX 10.6
• When taking pictures, you will get the best results if both you and your subject are relatively still.
• The camera should be at least one foot from your subject when taking pictures.
• While recording video, you should try to keep the camera steady and avoid rapid movements for best video quality.
• You should not hold the pocket clip while taking video or recording audio in order to avoid blocking the microphone or lens.
If the pen’s functions stop responding, use a suitable, NON-METALLIC tool to depress the reset button located below the status light.
Or, in the case of a steady amber light, simply allow the battery to drain and then recharge.
• Obey applicable laws. You are responsible for using this recorder in accordance with all local, state and Federal laws.
• Performs best at room temperature. This recorder will operate in environments between 32° and 104° F (0°-40°C). Use or storage in extreme temperatures can reduce the life of this product.
• Avoid excessive moisture. Optimal operating environment is 20-80% humidity. This camera is not waterproof. High humidity or immersion could fog up the lens or cause damage to internal components.
• Avoid strong light. Do not aim camera at the sun or aim a strong light source directly into the lens as it could cause damage.
• Avoid contamination. Do not use this camera in excessively dusty environments or other areas where fine particles could get into the lens or other components.
If the device no longer functions or can no longer be repaired, it must be disposed of according to regulations regarding electronic waste. By not disposing of electronic items in household waste you will not only be following the law, but contributing to the protection of the environment.
Trademarks: All brand names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Q-See is a registered trademark of DPS, Inc. Disclaimer: The information in this document is subject
to change without notice. The manufacturer makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, of any kind with respect to completeness of its contents.
Manufacture shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever from misuse of this product.
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Thank you for your purchase of the Q-See Shadow 1 Surveillance Pen. This versatile tool is built around an ultra-mini camera which combines 1.3-megapixel still photography and high-resolution real-time video with audio in a compact, discrete package. Store nearly 4,000 pictures or 2 hours of video on the internal 4GB memory. View or save your files on any Windows or Macintosh computer with a USB port. Re­charge the pen with the included charger or from a computer’s USB port.
1. Operation Button
2. Status indicator light
3. Camera lens
4. Microphone
(behind pocket clip)
5. Reset button
6. USB plug
7. Mode Switch
1 Left = Video 2 Center = Still Image 3 Right = Audio Recording
8. Ball-point pen
The pen features a high-capacity rechargable lithium polymer battery. This form of battery does not have a “memory” effect meaning that it can be recharged at any time without loss of capacity. However, it is recommended that you fully charge the battery and then use the camera normally until it is fully discharged before recharging. Cycling the battery in this manner for the first five times will ensure maximum battery capacity and operation time.
When charging the battery – whether using the included charger, or plugged into an active USB port – the status light will flash amber until the battery is fully charged. During the first few uses, allow the pen to continue charging for an hour after the light stops flashing.
When using the charger, the green light will illuminate to indicate that it is receiving power. When the battery is fully charged, the pen’s status light will shine a steady amber.
To ensure that your camera records the proper date and time on the files, you should run the Setting Time Tools V2.0 program located in the folder of the same name on the included mini-CD.
Your pen must be turned off before connecting it to the PC and this application will only function on a computer running the Windows operating system.
When the program launches, a Command window will open and the program will update the date and time based on your computer’s settings.
Depending upon your computer’s settings, you may see a warning about the pen’s drive not being available. The warning is normal as the program re-mounts the pen. Click “Continue” and the status of the update will be displayed in the Command window. Keep clicking “Continue” until you see the “Success” message in the window. Your pen now is set to the proper date and time.
1. Move the Mode Switch to Position 1 (use the pen’s tip if needed).
2. Press the Operation Button briefly. The Status Indicator light will illuminate amber and blink once to indicate that it is ready to record.
3. Clicking the Operation Button again will begin the recording. The status light will turn blue to indicate that the pen is recording video.
4. Press the Operation Button again
to end the recording. The Status Indicator light will switch from blue to amber indicating that the recording has been saved and the camera is now on “standby” and ready to record more video.
5. To turn off the camera, press and hold the Operation Button until the Status Indicator light goes off. To conserve energy, the camera will automatically turn off after a few minutes of inactivity as well.
1. Move the Mode Switch to Position 2 in the center (use the pen’s tip if needed.)
2. Press the Operation Button briefly to turn the camera on. The Status Indicator light will illuminate amber and blink once to indicate readiness.
3. Press once on the Operation Button to take a picture. The Status Indicator light will darken to indicate that the picture is being recorded. When it illuminates again, the camera is ready to take another picture.
4. To turn off the camera, press and hold the Operation Button until the Status Indicator light goes off. To conserve energy, the camera will automatically turn off after a few minutes of inactivity as well.
Standby Standby
Standby Standby
1. Move the Mode Switch to Position 3 on the right (use the pen’s tip if needed.) The effective range is 30’.
2. Press the Operation Button briefly to turn the camera on. The Status Indicator light will illuminate amber and blink once to indicate readiness.
3. Press once on the Operation Button to begin recording. The Status Indicator light will change to blue and continue blinking during the recording session.
4. To stop recording, press on the Operation Button again and the light will return to a steady amber color.
5. To turn off the camera, press and hold the Operation Button until the Status Indicator light goes off. To conserve energy, the camera will automatically turn off after a few minutes of inactivity as well.
The Shadow 1 can be used as web camera when connected to a Windows PC via a USB cable. Us­ers of Windows Vista and Windows 7 will need to use the AMCap software on the included mini-CD.
Please note that you should have your pen turned off prior to connecting to the computer. It also does not matter which mode your pen is set (video, camera, audio) as the software will control the camera. The pen does not record sound in webcam mode so you will need to use a headset with a microphone if you wish to include audio. You will also not be able to use the pen as a USB storage device while it is in this mode.
Windows XP
Connect your pen to your computer. When the “New Device” message pops up, press and hold the Operation Button until the light glows steady (not blinking) amber. You should then see a new pop-up stating “New USB Video Device found.” Go to My Computer and click on the icon labelled USB Video Camera to begin using it.
Windows Vista and Windows 7
Drag the WebCam Software folder to your hard drive before using it.
Launch the AMCap software. You will receive a pop-up message stating, “Sorry, you have no video capture hardware.” Click on OK to dismiss this message and click and hold the Operation Button until the light glows a steady (not blinking) amber. Select “UVC” or “USB Video Device” from the Devices menu in the AMCap window to see the video from your pen’s camera. As with the video recording mode, you will have best results if the camera is steady.
You have the option to create a file to save video captured by the pen in web camera mode. This video is saved on the computer rather than on the pen. You can
use “Set Capture File...” under the File menu to create this file, along with the maximum size. Or, you may
create this same file by Selecting “Start Capture” from the Capture menu.
The basic Windows Media Player will be able to play back the saved .avi file to view the video.
Previously-recorded video will be overwritten in this file so it is best to “Save As” when playing the AVI file back in your media player software.