User‘s Manual
Interface for Encoders
English (en) 6/2014
List of tables .......................................................................................................................... 5
List of figures ......................................................................................................................... 7
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 9
1. 1 About absolute encoders ................................................................................. 9
1. 2 About PROFINET technology .......................................................................... 10
1. 3 Encoder Profiles ............................................................................................... 12
1. 4 References ....................................................................................................... 13
1. 5 Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 14
2 Installation..................................................................................................................... 15
2.1 Cables and standards ...................................................................................... 15
2.2 Connectors and pin configuration ................................................................... 16
2.3 Shielding concept of the encoder ................................................................... 17
2.4 MAC-address ................................................................................................... 17
2.5 LED indication ................................................................................................. 18
3 Configuration example ................................................................................................ 19
3.1 Device description file installation (GSDML) ................................................... 19
3.2 Setting encoder configuration ........................................................................ 21
3.3 Setting encoder device name ......................................................................... 24
3.4 Setting encoder parameters ........................................................................... 28
3.5 Isochronous real time settings (RT Class 3) ................................................... 31
4 PROFINET IO data description ................................................................................... 35
4.1 Encoder profile overview, PNO order no.3.162 ............................................. 35
4.2 Application Class definition ............................................................................. 36
4.3 Standard signals .............................................................................................. 36
4.4 Standard telegrams ........................................................................................ 37
4.4.1 Standard Telegram 81 ...................................................................... 37
4.4.2 Standard Telegram 82 ...................................................................... 38
4.4.3 Standard Telegram 83 ...................................................................... 39
4.4.4 Standard Telegram 84 ...................................................................... 40
4.5 Manufacturer telegram 59001 ........................................................................ 41
4.6 Format of G1_XIST1 and G1_XIST2 ............................................................... 42
4.7 Format of G1_XIST3 ....................................................................................... 43
4.8 Control word 2 (STW2_ENC) .......................................................................... 44
4.9 Status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC) ........................................................................... 45
4.10 Control word (G1_STW).................................................................................. 46
4 .11 Status word (G1_ZSW) ................................................................................... 47
4.12 Real time communication ............................................................................... 48
5 Alarms and warnings ................................................................................................... 50
5.1 Diagnostics and Alarms .................................................................................. 50
5.2 Channel diagnostics ........................................................................................ 50
5.3 Sensor status word ......................................................................................... 51
6 Acyclic Parameter Data ................................................................................................ 52
6.1 Acyclic data exchange ..................................................................................... 52
6.2 Identification and Maintenance (I&M functions) ............................................ 52
6.3 Base mode parameter access........................................................................ 53
6.3.1 General characteristics .................................................................... 53
6.3.2 Parameter requests and responses ............................................... 53
6.3.3 Changing the preset value .............................................................. 53
6.3.4 Reading the preset value ................................................................ 54
6.4 Supported parameters .................................................................................... 55
6.4.1 Parameter 922, read only ................................................................ 55
6.4.2 Parameter 925, read/write .............................................................. 55
6.4.3 Parameter 964, read only ................................................................ 55
6.4.4 Parameter 965, read only ................................................................ 55
6.4.5 Parameter 971, read/write .............................................................. 55
6.4.6 Parameter 974, read only ................................................................ 55
6.4.7 Parameter 975, read only ................................................................ 56
6.4.8 Parameter 979, read only ................................................................ 56
6.4.9 Parameter 980, read only ................................................................ 57
6.4.10 Parameter 61000, read/write .......................................................... 57
6.4.11 Parameter 61001, read only ............................................................ 57
6.4.12 Parameter 61002, read only ............................................................ 57
6.4.13 Parameter 61003, read only ............................................................ 57
6.4.14 Parameter 61004, read only ............................................................ 57
6.4.15 Parameter 65000 read/write ........................................................... 57
6.4.16 Parameter 65001, read only ............................................................ 58
6.4.17 Parameter 65002, read/write .......................................................... 58
6.4.18 Parameter 65003, read only ............................................................ 58
6.5 Example of reading and writing to a parameter............................................. 59
6.5.1 Used blocs ....................................................................................... 60
7 Functional description of the encoder ...................................................................... 68
7. 1 Code sequence ............................................................................................... 69
7. 2 Class 4 functionality ........................................................................................ 69
7. 3 G1_XIST1 Preset control ................................................................................ 70
7. 4 Scaling function control .................................................................................. 70
7. 5 Alarm channel control ..................................................................................... 71
7. 6 Compatibility mode ......................................................................................... 72
7. 7 Preset value .................................................................................................... 73
7. 8 Scaling function parameters ............................................................................ 74
7.8.1 Measuring units per revolution ........................................................ 74
7.8.2 Total measuring range ..................................................................... 75
7. 9 Maximum Master Sign-of-Life failures ........................................................... 79
7. 10 Velocity measuring units ................................................................................. 80
7. 11 Encoder profile version ................................................................................... 81
7. 12 Operating time ................................................................................................ 81
7. 13 Offset value ..................................................................................................... 82
7. 14 Acyclic data ..................................................................................................... 83
7. 14.1 PROFIdrive parameters ................................................................... 83
7.14.2 Encoder parameter numbers .......................................................... 84
7.14.3 Parameter 65000 and 65002- Preset value .................................... 85
7.14.4 Parameter 65001-Operating status ................................................. 86
7.14.5 Parameter 65003- operating status 64 bit ...................................... 89
7.14.6 Identification & Maintenance functions.......................................... 90
8 Firmware upgrade ........................................................................................................ 91
8.1 Firmware upgrade in a PROFINET network .................................................. 92
8.2 Error handling .................................................................................................. 96
8.3 TFTP server installation .................................................................................. 98
9 Encoder replacement using LLDP ............................................................................ 10 0
10 Encoder state machine ...............................................................................................106
10.1 Normal operation state .................................................................................. 10 7
10.1.1 Profile version 4.x ........................................................................... 10 7
10.1.2 Profile version 3.x ........................................................................... 10 7
10.1.3 Profile version 3.x and 4.x .............................................................. 107
10.2 Parking state .................................................................................................. 10 7
10.3 Set/shift home position (Preset) .................................................................... 10 7
10.3.1 Preset depending on different telegrams ...................................... 108
10.3.2 Absolute preset with negative value ............................................. 108
10.4 Error state ...................................................................................................... 10 8
10.5 Error acknowledgement ................................................................................ 108
10.6 Start up ........................................................................................................... 108
11 Frequently asked questions FAQ ..............................................................................10 9
List of tables
List of tables
Table 1 Bus Connection .......................................................................................... 16
Table 2 Power supply connection ........................................................................... 16
Table 3 Led indication .............................................................................................. 18
Table 4 GSDML file ................................................................................................. 19
Table 5 Standard signals .......................................................................................... 36
Table 6 Output data Telegram 81 ............................................................................ 37
Table 7 Input data Telegram 81 ............................................................................... 37
Table 8 Output data Telegram 82 ............................................................................ 38
Table 9 Input data Telegram 82 ............................................................................... 38
Table 10 Output data Telegram 83 ............................................................................ 39
Table 11 Input data Telegram 83 ............................................................................... 39
Table 12 Output data Telegram 84 ............................................................................ 40
Table 13 Input data Telegram 84 ............................................................................... 40
Table 14 Format of G1_XIST3 ................................................................................... 43
Table 15 Control word 2 (STW2_ENC) ...................................................................... 44
Table 16 Detailed assignment of control word 2 (STW2_ENC) ............................... 44
Table 17 Status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC) ....................................................................... 45
Table 18 Detailed assignment of status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC) ................................ 45
Table 19 Control word (G1_STW) ............................................................................. 46
Table 20 Status word (G1_ZSW) ............................................................................... 47
Table 21 Channel diagnostics .................................................................................... 50
Table 22 Sensor status word..................................................................................... 51
Table 23 Changing the preset value .......................................................................... 53
Table 24 Reading the preset value (request) ............................................................ 54
Table 25 Reading the preset value (response).......................................................... 54
Table 26 Hardware components ............................................................................... 59
Table 27 Software components ................................................................................ 59
Table 28 Parameters of SFB52 ................................................................................. 63
Table 29 Parameters of SFB53 ................................................................................. 64
Table 30 Supported encoder functions ..................................................................... 68
Table 31 Code sequence ........................................................................................... 69
Table 32 Class 4 functionality .................................................................................... 69
Table 33 G1_XIST1 Preset control ............................................................................ 70
Table 34 Scaling function control .............................................................................. 70
Table 35 Alarm channel control ................................................................................. 71
Table 36 Compatibility mode ..................................................................................... 72
Table 37 Compatibility mode overview..................................................................... 72
Table 38 Measuring units per revolution .................................................................... 74
Table 39 Maximum master Sign of life failures ........................................................ 79
Table 40 Velocity measuring units............................................................................. 80
List of tables
Table 41 Encoder profile ............................................................................................ 81
Table 42 Operating time ............................................................................................ 81
Table 43 Offset value ................................................................................................. 82
Table 44 Supported PROFIdrive parameters ............................................................ 83
Table 45 Encoder parameter numbers ..................................................................... 84
Table 46 Parameter 65000, Preset value .................................................................. 85
Table 47 Parameter 65002, Preset value 64 bit ........................................................ 85
Table 48 Parameter 65001, Operating status ........................................................... 86
Table 49 Parameter 65001, Sub index ...................................................................... 87
Table 50 Parameter 65001, Sub index 1 ................................................................... 88
Table 51 Parameter 65003, Operating status 64 bit ................................................ 89
Table 52 Parameter 65003, Sub index ...................................................................... 89
Table 53 Identification & Maintenance ..................................................................... 90
List of figures
List of figures
Figure 1 Bus connectors .......................................................................................... 16
Figure 2 Power supply connector ............................................................................ 16
Figure 3 Installation of GSDML file .......................................................................... 20
Figure 4 Encoder configuration ................................................................................. 21
Figure 5 Example of connected encoder ................................................................. 22
Figure 6 Telegram selection ...................................................................................... 23
Figure 7 Selected telegram....................................................................................... 23
Figure 8 How to set encoder device name .............................................................. 24
Figure 9 Device name ............................................................................................... 24
Figure 10 Assign device name ................................................................................... 25
Figure 11 Assign name ............................................................................................... 26
Figure 12 How to verify device name......................................................................... 26
Figure 13 Verify device name ..................................................................................... 27
Figure 14 Parameter Access point ............................................................................. 28
Figure 15 Parameter data............................................................................................ 29
Figure 16 Save and compile ........................................................................................ 29
Figure 17 Download settings ...................................................................................... 30
Figure 18 Open Interface properties .......................................................................... 31
Figure 19 RT Class option ........................................................................................... 31
Figure 20 Interface properties..................................................................................... 32
Figure 21 IO Cycle properties ..................................................................................... 32
Figure 22 Port settings ................................................................................................ 33
Figure 23 Topology settings ........................................................................................ 33
Figure 24 Domain management ................................................................................. 34
Figure 25 Overview of encoder profiles ..................................................................... 35
Figure 26 Absolute value in G1_XIST1 ....................................................................... 42
Figure 27 Absolute value in G1_XIST2 ....................................................................... 42
Figure 28 Real time Communication .......................................................................... 48
Figure 29 Request data block, DB1 ............................................................................ 60
Figure 30 Response data block, DB2 ......................................................................... 60
Figure 31 Instance data block, DB3 ............................................................................ 61
Figure 32 Instance data block, DB .............................................................................. 61
Figure 33 Organization block, OB1 ............................................................................. 62
Figure 34 Diagnostic address of slot 1 ....................................................................... 65
Figure 35 Variable table ............................................................................................... 66
Figure 36 Cyclic operation ........................................................................................... 76
Figure 37 Non cyclic operation, preset control enabled ............................................. 77
Figure 38 Non cyclic operation, preset control disabled ............................................ 78
Figure 39 Firmware upgrade startpage ...................................................................... 92
Figure 40 Firmware upgrade settings......................................................................... 93
List of figures
Figure 41 Firmware upgrade confirmation page ........................................................ 94
Figure 42 Firmware upgrade status page .................................................................. 95
Figure 43 SolarWinds TFTP server ............................................................................. 98
Figure 44 SolarWinds TFTP server settings ............................................................... 99
Figure 45 LLDP Properties ........................................................................................ 100
Figure 46 LLDP Port configuration ............................................................................ 101
Figure 47 LLDP Partner port settings ....................................................................... 102
Figure 48 Open Topology editor ................................................................................ 103
Figure 49 Topology editor.......................................................................................... 103
Figure 50 Edit Ethernet node .................................................................................... 104
Figure 51 Factory reset ............................................................................................. 105
Figure 52 Factory set confirmation ........................................................................... 105
Figure 53 Encoder state machine ............................................................................. 106
1 Introduction
1.1 About absolute encoders
With an absolute encoder each angular position is assigned a coded position value generated by a code disc equipped with several parallel fine graduations tracks which are scanned individ­ually. On single turn encoders, i.e. an encoder producing absolute positions within one revolution, the absolute position information repeats itself with every revolution. So called multi turn encoders can also distinguish between revolutions. The numbers of unique revolutions is determined by the resolution of the multi turn scan­ning and repeats itself after the total resolution is reached. A ma­jor benefit of absolute encoder type is that if the encoder loses power, the encoder is able to keep track of its position also if the shaft is turned during the power loss. This is due to the genuine absolute scanning principle.
An absolute encoder can also be used to calculate a digital speed value. By internally dividing the difference in position with a small delta time an accurate speed value can be calculated and trans­mitted to the subsequent electronics for closed loop control.
1.2 About PROFINET technology
PROFINET is the open industrial Ethernet standard of PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) for automation. PROFINET uses TCP/IP and IT standards, and is in effect, real-time Ethernet . The PROFINET concept features a modular structure so that users can select the cascading functions themselves. They differ essentially because of the type of data exchange to fulfill the partly very high requirements of speed.
In conjunction with PROFINET, the two perspectives PROFINET CBA and PROFINET IO exist. PROFINET CBA is suitable for the component-based communication via TCP/IP and the real-time communication for real-time requirements in modular systems engineering. Both communication options can be used in parallel.
PROFINET IO was developed for real time (RT) and isochronous real time (IRT) communication with the de-centralized periphery. The designations RT and IRT merely describe the real-time prop­erties for the communication within PROFINET IO.
To achieve these functions, three different protocol levels are de­fined:
TCP/IP for PROFINET CBA and the commissioning of a plant with reaction times in the range of 100ms
RT (Real-Time) protocol for PROFINET CBA and PROFINET IO applications up to 1 ms cycle times
IRT (Isochronous Real-Time) for PROFINET IO applications in drive systems with cycles times of less than 1ms
Interfacing the peripherals devices such as encoders is imple­mented by PROFINET IO. Its basis is a cascading real-time con­cept. PROFINET IO defines the entire data exchange between controllers (devices with "master functionality") and the devices (devices with "slave functionality"), as well as parameter setting and diagnosis.
PROFINET IO is designed for the fast data exchange between Ethernet-based field devices and follows the provider-consumer model. The configuration of an IO-System has been kept nearly identical to the "look and feel" of PROFIBUS.
A PROFINET IO system consists of the following devices:
The IO Controller, which contains the automation program and controls the automation task.
The IO Device, which is a field device such as an encoder, mon- itored and controlled by an IO Controller.
The IO Supervisor is software typically based on a PC for set- ting parameters and diagnosing individual IO Devices.
An application relation (AR) is established between an IO Control­ler and an IO Device. These ARs are used to define communica­tion relations (CR) with different characteristics for the transfer of parameters, cyclic exchange of data and handling of alarms.
The characteristics of an IO Device are described by the device manufacturer in a General Station Description (GSD) file. The lan­guage used for this purpose is the GSDML (GSD Markup Lan­guage) - an XML based language. The GSD file provides the su­pervision software with a basis for planning the configuration of a PROFINET IO system.
Within PROFINET IO, process data and alarms are always trans­mitted in real time (RT). Real time in PROFINET is based on the definition of IEEE and IEC, which allow for only a limited time for execution of real-time services within a bus cycle. The RT com­munication represents the basis for the data exchange for PROFINET IO and real-time data are always treated with a higher priority than TCP (UDP)/IP data.
1.3 Encoder Profiles
Profiles are pre-defined configurations of the functions and fea­tures available from PROFINET for use in specific devices or appli­cations such as encoders. They are specified by PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International) working groups and published by PI. Pro­files are important for openness, interoperability and interchange­ability, so that the end user can be sure that similar equipments from different vendors perform in a standardized way. HEIDENHAIN comply with the definitions in the encoder profile
3.162, version 4.1. The encoder device profile describing encoder functionality and additional information about PROFINET can be ordered from PROFIBUS User Organization, PNO.
PROFINET is generally defined by PROFIBUS & PROFINET Inter­national (PI) and backed by the INTERBUS Club and, since 2003, is part of the IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 standards.
PROFIBUS User Organization
Haid-und-Nue Straβe 7 D 76131 Karlsruhe Te l: + 49 721 96 58 590 Fax: + 49 721 96 58 589
1.4 References
Profile Encoders for PROFIBUS and PROFINET V4.1, Order No. 3.162
Profile Drive Technology, PROFIdrive V4.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3. 172
PROFIBUS Encoder Profile V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.062
PROFIBUS Guidelines, Part 1: Identification & Maintenance Func­tions V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.502
PROFIBUS Guidelines, Part 3: Diagnosis, Alarms and Time Stamp­ing V1.0, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.522
PROFINET Application Layer Service Definition Application Layer Protocol Specification, Version 2.0, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.332
PROFIBUS Guidelines: PROFIBUS Interconnection Technology V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.142
PROFINET Guidelines: PROFINET Cabling and Interconnection Technology V1.99, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.252
1.5 Abbreviations
PI PROFIBUS and PROFINET International IO Input/Output DO Drive Object DU Drive Unit AR Application Relation CR Communication Relation MLS Master Sign-Of-Life RT Real Time Ethernet IRT Isochronous Real Time Ethernet IsoM Isochronous Mode LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol GSD General Station Description GSDML General Station Description Markup Language UDP User Datagram Protocol TCP Transmission Control Protocol IP Internet Protocol DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol MAC Media Access Control I&M Identification & Maintenance
2 Installation
A summary of the PROFINET guideline: PROFINET Cabling and interconnection Technology V 1.99, PROFIBUS International, Order No 2.252 is provided in this section.
2.1 Cables and standards
Two shielded copper cables twisted in pairs are defined as the normal transmission medium for PROFINET networks. In such networks the signal transmission is performed in accordance with 100BASE-TX at a transmission speed of 100 Mbps (Fast­Ethernet).
Only shielded cables and connecting elements are allowed in a PROFINET network. The individual components have to satisfy the requirements of Category 5 in accordance with IEC 11801. The entire transmission path has to meet the requirements of Class D in accordance with IEC 11801. Furthermore, PROFINET cables shall have a cable cross-section of AWG 22 in order to enable even complex cabling structures through minimum damping. For this reason, the specification of the PROFINET cables supports a modular setup, which ensures an IEC 11801-compliant structure on adherence to simple installation rules.
Transmission channels lengths are determined by the type of ca­ble being used. The choice of cable is to be such that a transmis­sion channel length of 100 meter is achieved between two active network devices. The use of a high number of plug connections has a negative effect on attenuation and reflection and conse­quently reduces the transmission channel length. A maximum of three interconnections can be inserted between two active de­vices without reduction of the permissible transmission lengths of 100 meters.
Table 2 Power supply connection
2.2 Connectors and pin configuration
M12 connectors are used for connecting the bus lines to the en­coder. The M12 connector used is a 4-pin female shielded D-coded version.
The correct arrangement of the bus connectors are specified as follows:
Port 1
Port 2
Figure 1 Bus connectors
Note: The encoder provides integrated switch functionality
between the two M12 connectors used for PROFINET communication. It is important to distinguish between these ports when IRT-communication is used.
The M12 connector used for power supply of the encoder is con­stituted by a 4-pin male shielded A-coded version. The correct arrangement of the power supply line is specified as follows:
Figure 2
Power supply connector
Note: Passive T-couplings are not possible to use in a
PROFINET network. All devices must be connected through active network components.
Signal Function Pin
Tx+ Transmission data + 1
Tx- Transmission data - 3
Rx+ Receiver data + 2
Rx- Receiver data - 4
1 Bus Connection
Signal Function Pin
+E Vo lt Power supply 1
Not connected - 2
0 Volt 0 Volt 3
Not connected - 4
2.3 Shielding concept of the encoder
Automation systems in an industrial environment are subjected to high levels of electromagnetic disturbance. Switching large elec­trical loads creates high interference levels that can be picked up in various ways by electronic devices with detrimental effects. Even under such conditions, electric components within an auto­mation system must still guarantee a continuous, uninterrupted function.
The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the entire plant must be ensured by using suitably designed components and assem­bling them correctly to make up the system. Data cabling is con­sidered as a passive system and cannot be tested for EMC com­pliance individually. Nevertheless, cabling and connection ele­ments for PROFINET supports compliance with devices require­ments by providing a high-quality, comprehensive shielding con­cept.
To achieve the highest possible noise immunity and resistance against other EMC related disturbances the bus and power supply cables shall always be shielded. The screen should be connected to ground on both ends of the cable. In certain cases compensa­tion current might flow over the screen.
2.4 MAC-address
PROFINET IO field devices are addressed using MAC addresses and IP addresses. All field devices have a unique MAC address. The MAC address is constituted by a 6 byte Ethernet address for each individual station and is unique worldwide. The MAC address consists of two parts, the first 3 bytes represents the manufac­turer-specific ID and the last 3 bytes represents a consecutive number. The MAC address of the encoder is printed on the en­coder label for commissioning purposes.
No power
No connection to anoth-
- bus disconnected
Blinking* red
Parameterization fault,
- Slave not configured
Wrong station address
System failure
Diagnosis exists, slave in data exchange mode
Data exchange and en­coder functions properly
Blinking* green
Blinking green
Firmware upgrade in process
Blinking* red
Blinking red
Failure during firmware upgrade
The blinking frequency is 0.5 Hz. Minimal indication time is 3 seconds.
2.5 LED indication
The following table defines diagnostic indications shown by the encoders two bi-colored LEDs.
er device. Criteria: No data ex-
no data exchange Criteria: Data exchange correct, however the en­coder did not switch to the data exchange mode
- Master not availble/ switched off
yet or wrong configu­ration
- Actual configuration of the slave differs from the nominal configura-
Table 3 Led indication
3 Configuration example
GSDML file
This chapter will illustrate how to setup and configure a PROFINET encoder for working in RT Class 1 mode. In the follow­ing examples SIMOTION SCOUT V. and D435 motion con­troller is used. Please refer to the manufacturer of the configura­tion tool if other configuration tools are being used.
3.1 Device description file installation (GSDML)
In order to start using an absolute encoder with PROFINET inter­face, a device description file needs to be downloaded and im­ported to the configuration software. The device description file is called a Generic Station Description Markup Language file and contains the necessary implementation parameters needed for a PROFINET IO device.
The GSDML file can be downloaded from
Table 4 GSDML file
Configuration example
Configuration example
Installation of GSDML-files
Figure 3 Installation of GSDML file
1. Select Options -> Install GSD File and click the Browse button to navigate to the location of the GSD file. If a bitmap picture representing the encoder is requested, make sure that the bitmap file is located in the same folder as the GSDML file. A bitmap file is included in the zip-file downloadable from
www. heidenhain.com.
2. Select the GSD file and click the Installbutton to start installing the selected GSD file.
3.2 Setting encoder configuration
When the GSD file has been installed the supported encoder types can be found in the HW Configuration under PROFINET IO­>Additional Field Devices->Encoders->JH Group PROFINET En­coders. Select either multi turn 25 bit or single turn 13 bit encoder, dependent on the type of encoder to be configured. Drag and drop the encoder onto the PROFINET IO system as shown in the picture below. In the example below one 25 bit multiturn encoder was chosen. If more than one encoder shall be configured, then the following steps need to be done once for each device.
Configuration example
Figure 4 Encoder configuration
Configuration example
When correctly done, the encoder will appear on the PROFINET IO system as shown in figure 5 below.
Figure 5 Example of connected encoder
Configuration example
The next step will be to choose the data length and the type of data that should be sent to and from the IO controller. This is done by choosing different telegrams. Available telegrams for the multi­turn 25 bit encoder can be found under Multiturn 25 Bit -> EO Multiturn. In the example below standard telegram 81 is used. Drag and drop the telegram onto slot 1, sub slot 2 as shown in the figure 6 below. For more information regarding the different telegrams refer to chapter 4.4.
6 Telegram selection
The Standard Telegram 81 will appear on slot 1 sub slot 2 according to figure 7 below.
Figure 7 Selected telegram
Note: The steps above need to be performed once for each
Configuration example
3.3 Setting encoder device name
In a PROFINET network all IO devices needs to have a unique de­vice name. The encoders are delivered without any device name preset from the factory. To set the encoder device name, double click on the encoder icon to open the Properties window.
Figure 8 How to set encoder device name
In the Properties window, enter an appropriate device name in the Device name field.
Figure 9 Device name
Make sure that the checkbox Assign IP address via IO controller is checked if the IP address for the encoder should be assign via the IO controller.
Then select PLC-> Ethernet->Assign Device Name to open the Assign device name window.
Figure 10 Assign device name
Configuration example
Configuration example
Choose the device on which the device name should be changed and then click on the Assign name button to adopt the changes and then click on the Close button. The MAC address of the en­coder is written on the encoder label.
Figure 11 Assign name
Note: All connected devices need to be assigned a unique
device name.
After changing device name, it is recommended to verify that the performed change has been done. This is done by opening the Verify Device Name window found under PLC->Ethernet->Ver ify Device Name.
Figure 12 How to verify device name
Configuration example
In the Verify Device Name window, verify that the Device name has changed and the status is OK as shown in the example ac­cording to figure 13 below.
Figure 13 Verify device name
Configuration example
3.4 Setting encoder parameters
This chapter describes how to change the user parameters in the encoder.
To set the encoder user parameters double click on the Parameter Access point field located under slot 1.1 as shown in figure 14, to open the Properties window.
Figure 14 Parameter Access point
Configuration example
In the Properties window, choose the Parameters" tab. To set the parameter data, change the value of the different parameters by clicking on the drop down list in the Value field for the respective parameter. For more information regarding parameter data, see chapter 7.
Figure 15 Parameter data
When the configuration and parameterization of the device has been done, the settings need to be saved and compiled. This is done by clicking on the Save and Compile option under the Sta­tion tab.
Figure 16 Save and compile
Configuration example
Then the settings need to be downloaded to the IO-controller. This is done by clicking on the Download option under the PLC Ta b .
Figure 17 Download settings
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