heidenhain iTNC 530 Programming Manual

User’s Manual HEIDENHAIN Conversational Programming
iTNC 530
NC software 606 420-02 606 421-02 606 424-02

Controls of the TNC

F %
S %

Keys on visual display unit

Key Function
Split screen layout
Toggle the display between machining and programming modes
Soft keys for selecting functions on screen
Shifts between soft-key rows

Alphanumeric keyboard

Key Function
File names, comments
DIN/ISO programming

Machine operating modes

Key Function
Manual Operation
Electronic Handwheel

Program/file management, TNC functions

Key Function
Select or delete programs and files, external data transfer
Define program call, select datum and point tables
Select MOD functions
Display help text for NC error messages, call TNCguide
Display all current error messages
Show calculator

Navigation keys

Key Function
Move highlight
Go directly to blocks, cycles and parameter functions

Potentiometer for feed rate and spindle speed

Feed rate Spindle speed

Programming modes

Key Function
Positioning with Manual Data Input
Program Run, Single Block
Program Run, Full Sequence
Programming and Editing
Test Run

Cycles, subprograms and program section repeats

Key Function
Define touch probe cycles
Define and call cycles
Enter and call labels for subprogramming and program section repeats
Program stop in a program

Tool functions

Key Function
Define tool data in the program

Coordinate axes and numbers: Entering and editing

Key Function
Select coordinate axes or enter them into the program
Call tool data

Programming path movements

Key Function
Approach/depart contour
FK free contour programming
Straight line
Circle center/pole for polar coordinates
Circle with center
Circle with radius
Circular arc with tangential connection
Chamfering/corner rounding
Decimal point / Reverse algebraic sign
Polar coordinate input / Incremental values
Q-parameter programming / Q-parameter status
Save actual position or values from calculator
Skip dialog questions, delete words
Confirm entry and resume dialog
Conclude block and exit entry
Clear numerical entry or TNC error message
Abort dialog, delete program section

Special functions / smarT.NC

Key Function
Show special functions
smarT.NC: Select next tab on form
smarT.NC: Select first input field in previous/next frame

About this Manual

The symbols used in this manual are described below.
This symbol indicates that important information about the function described must be considered.
This symbol indicates that there is one or more of the following risks when using the described function:
Danger to workpieceDanger to fixturesDanger to toolDanger to machineDanger to operator
This symbol indicates that the described function must be adapted by the machine tool builder. The function described may therefore vary depending on the machine.
This symbol indicates that you can find detailed information about a function in another manual.
About this Manual

Would you like any changes, or have you found any errors?

We are continuously striving to improve documentation for you. Please help us by sending your requests to the following e-mail address: tnc-userdoc@heidenhain.de.

TNC Model, Software and Features

This manual describes functions and features provided by TNCs as of the following NC software numbers.
TNC model NC software number
iTNC 530, HSCI and HeROS 5 606 420-02
iTNC 530, HSCI and HeROS 5 606 421-02
iTNC 530 Programming Workstation, HeROS 5
The suffix E indicates the export version of the TNC. The export versions of the TNC have the following limitations:
Simultaneous linear movement in up to 4 axes
HSCI (HEIDENHAIN Serial Controller Interface) identifies the new hardware platform of the TNC controls.
HeROS 5 identifies the operating system of HSCI-based TNC controls. The machine tool builder adapts the usable features of the TNC to his
machine by setting machine parameters. Some of the functions described in this manual may therefore not be among the features provided by the TNC on your machine tool.
TNC Model, Software and Features
TNC functions that may not be available on your machine include:
Tool measurement with the TT
Please contact your machine tool builder to become familiar with the features of your machine.
606 421-02
Many machine manufacturers, as well as HEIDENHAIN, offer programming courses for the TNCs. We recommend these courses as an effective way of improving your programming skill and sharing information and ideas with other TNC users.
User’s Manual for Cycle Programming:
All of the cycle functions (touch probe cycles and fixed cycles) are described in a separate manual. Please contact HEIDENHAIN if you require a copy of this User’s Manual. ID: 670 388-xx
smarT.NC user documentation:
The smarT.NC operating mode is described in a separate Pilot. Please contact HEIDENHAIN if you require a copy of this Pilot. ID: 533 191-xx.
TNC Model, Software and Features

Software options

The iTNC 530 features various software options that can be enabled by you or your machine tool builder. Each option is to be enabled separately and contains the following respective functions:
Software option 1
Cylinder surface interpolation (Cycles 27, 28, 29 and 39)
Feed rate in mm/min for rotary axes: M116
Tilting the machining plane (Cycle 19, PLANE function and 3-D ROT soft key in the Manual operating mode)
Circle in 3 axes with tilted working plane
Software option 2
5-axis interpolation
Spline interpolation
3-D machining:
M114: Automatic compensation of machine geometry when
working with swivel axes
TNC Model, Software and Features
M128: Maintaining the position of the tool tip when positioning
with tilted axes (TCPM)
FUNCTION TCPM: Maintaining the position of the tool tip when
positioning with tilted axes (TCPM) in selectable modes
M144: Compensating the machine’s kinematic configuration for
ACTUAL/NOMINAL positions at end of block
Additional parameters for finishing/roughing and tolerance
for rotary axes in Cycle 32 (G62)
LN blocks (3-D compensation)
DCM Collision software option Description
Function that monitors areas defined by the machine manufacturer to prevent collisions.
DXF Converter software option Description
Extract contours and machining positions from DXF files (R12 format).
Additional dialog language software option
Function for enabling the conversational languages Slovenian, Slovak, Norwegian, Latvian, Estonian, Korean, Turkish, Romanian, Lithuanian.
Page 396
Page 268
Page 680
Global Program Settings software option Description
Function for superimposing coordinate transformations in the Program Run modes, handwheel superimposed traverse in virtual axis direction.
AFC software option Description
Function for adaptive feed-rate control for optimizing the machining conditions during series production.
KinematicsOpt software option Description
Touch-probe cycles for inspecting and optimizing the machine accuracy.
3D-ToolComp software option Description
3-D radius compensation depending on the tool’s contact angle for LN blocks.
Page 416
Page 427
User’s Manual for Cycles
Page 427
Extended Tool Management software option
Tool management that can be changed by the machine manufacturer using Python scripts.
Interpolation Turning software option Description
Interpolation turning of a shoulder with cycle
CAD Viewer software option Description
Opening of 3-D models on the NC control. Page 285
Remote Desktop Manager software option
Remote operation of external computer units (e.g. a Windows PC) via the user interface of the TNC
Page 200
User’s Manual for Cycles
Page 712
TNC Model, Software and Features
Cross Talk Compensation software option (CTC)
Compensation of axis couplings Machine Manual
Position Adaptive Control (PAC) software option
Changing control parameters Machine Manual
Load Adaptive Control (LAC) software option
Dynamic changing of control parameters Machine Manual
TNC Model, Software and Features

Feature content level (upgrade functions)

Along with software options, significant further improvements of the TNC software are managed via the Feature Content Level (FCL) upgrade functions. Functions subject to the FCL are not available simply by updating the software on your TNC.
All upgrade functions are available to you without surcharge when you receive a new machine.
Upgrade functions are identified in the manual with FCL n, where n indicates the sequential number of the feature content level.
You can purchase a code number in order to permanently enable the FCL functions. For more information, contact your machine tool builder or HEIDENHAIN.
FCL 4 functions Description
Graphical depiction of the protected space when DCM collision monitoring is active
Page 400
Handwheel superimposition in stopped condition when DCM collision monitoring is active
3-D basic rotation (set-up compensation)
FCL 3 functions Description
Touch probe cycle for 3-D probing User’s Manual for
Touch probe cycles for automatic datum setting using the center of a slot/ridge
Feed-rate reduction for the machining of contour pockets with the tool being in full contact with the workpiece
PLANE function: Entry of axis angle Page 484
User documentation as a context-sensitive help system
smarT.NC: Programming of smarT.NC and machining can be carried out simultaneously
Page 399
Machine Manual
User’s Manual for Cycles
User’s Manual for Cycles
Page 164
Page 124
TNC Model, Software and Features
FCL 3 functions Description
smarT.NC: Contour pocket on point pattern
smarT.NC Pilot
smarT.NC: Preview of contour programs in the file manager
smarT.NC: Positioning strategy for machining point patterns
FCL 2 functions Description
3-D line graphics Page 156
Virtual tool axis Page 601
USB support of block devices (memory sticks, hard disks, CD-ROM drives)
Filtering of externally created contours Page 441
Possibility of assigning different depths to each subcontour in the contour formula
Touch-probe cycle for global setting of
TNC Model, Software and Features
touch-probe parameters
smarT.NC: Graphic support of block scan
smarT.NC: Coordinate transformation smarT.NC Pilot
smarT.NC: PLANE function smarT.NC Pilot
smarT.NC Pilot
smarT.NC Pilot
Page 134
User’s Manual for Cycles
User’s Manual for Touch Probe Cycles
smarT.NC Pilot

Intended place of operation

The TNC complies with the limits for a Class A device in accordance with the specifications in EN 55022, and is intended for use primarily in industrially-zoned areas.

Legal information

This product uses open source software. Further information is available on the control under
U Programming and Editing operating mode U MOD function U LEGAL INFORMATION soft key

New functions 606 42x-01 since the predecessor versions 340 49x-05

Opening and Editing of externally created files is new (see
“Additional tools for management of external file types” on page
New functions in the task bar added (see “Soft-key row” on page
Enhanced functions for configuration of the Ethernet interface (see
“Configuring the TNC” on page 651)
Improvements regarding Functional Safety FS (option):
General information on Functional Safety FS (see “General
Information” on page 560)
Explanation of terms (see “Explanation of terms” on page 561)Checking the axis positions (see “Check axis positions” on page
Activating feed-rate limitation (see “Activating feed-rate
limitation” on page 564)
Improvements regarding the general status view of a TNC with
functional safety (see “Additional Status displays” on page 564)
The new HR 520 and HR 550 FS handwheels are supported (see
“Traversing with electronic handwheels” on page 548)
New software option 3-D ToolComp: 3-D tool radius compensation
depending on the tool’s contact angle on blocks with surface normal vectors (LN blocks, see "3-D tool radius compensation depending on the tool’s contact angle (3D-ToolComp software option)", page 515)
3-D line graphics is now also possible in full-screen mode (see “3-D
Line Graphics (FCL2 Function)” on page 156)
A file selection dialog for selecting files in different NC functions and
in the table view of the pallet table is available now (see “Calling any program as a subprogram” on page 291)
DCM: Saving and restoring of fixture situationsDCM: The form for test program generation now also contains icons
and tooltips (see “Check the position of the measured fixture” on page 408)
DCM, FixtureWizard: Touch points and probing sequence are shown
more clearly now
DCM, FixtureWizard: Designations, touch points and measuring
points can be shown or hidden as desired.(see “Operating FixtureWizard” on page 405)
DCM, FixtureWizard: Chucking equipment and insertion points can
now also be selected by mouse click
DCM: A library with standard chucking equipment is available now
(see “Fixture templates” on page 404)
DCM: Tool carrier management (see “Tool Holder Management
(DCM Software Option)” on page 413)
In the Test Run mode, the working plane can now by defined
manually (see “Setting a tilted working plane for the test run” on page 626)
New functions 606 42x-01 since the predecessor versions 340 49x-05
In Manual mode the RW-3D mode for position display is now also
available (see “Position Display Types” on page 663)
Entries in the tool table TOOL.T (see “Tool table: Standard tool data”
on page 176)
New DR2TABLE column for definition of a compensation table for
tool radius compensation depending on the tool’s contact angle
New LAST_USE column, into which the TNC enters the date and
time of the last tool call
Q parameter programming: QS string parameters can now also be
used for jump addresses of conditional jumps, subprograms or program section repeats (see "Calling a subprogram", page 289, see "Calling a program section repeat", page 290 and see "Programming If-Then decisions", page 315)
The generation of tool usage lists in the Program Run modes can be
configured in a form (see “Settings for the tool usage test” on page
The behavior during deletion of tools from the tool table can now be
influenced via machine parameter 7263 see "Editing tool tables", page 183
In the positioning mode TURN of the PLANE function you can now
define a clearance height to which the tool is to be retracted before tilting to tool axis direction (see “Automatic positioning: MOVE/TURN/STAY (entry is mandatory)” on page 486)
The following additional functions are now available in the expanded
tool management (see “Tool management (software option)” on page 200):
Columns with special functions are also editable nowThe form view of the tool data can now be exited with or without
saving changed values
The table view now offers a search functionIndexed tools are now shown correctly in the form viewThe tool sequence list includes more detailed information nowThe loading and unloading list of the tool magazine can now be
loaded and unloaded by drag and drop
Columns in the table view can be moved simply by drag and drop
Several special functions (SPEC FCT) are now available in the MDI
operating mode (see “Programming and Executing Simple Machining Operations” on page 604)
There is a new manual probing cycle that can be used to
compensate workpiece misalignments by rotating the rotary table (see “Workpiece alignment using 2 points” on page 586)
New touch probe cycle for calibrating a touch probe by means of a
calibration sphere (see User's Manual for Cycle Programming)
New functions 606 42x-01 since the predecessor versions 340 49x-05
KinematicsOpt: Better support for positioning of Hirth-coupled axes
(see User's Manual for Cycle Programming)
KinematicsOpt: An additional parameter for determination of the
backlash in a rotary axis was introduced (see User's Manual for Cycle Programming)
New Cycle 275 for Trochoidal Slot Milling (see User’s Manual for
Cycle Programming)
In Cycle 241 "Single-Fluted Deep-Hole Drilling" it is now possible to
define a dwell depth (see User's Manual for Cycle Programming)
The approach and departure behavior of Cycle 39 "Cylinder Surface
Contour" can now be adjusted (see User's Manual for Cycle Programming)
New functions 606 42x-01 since the predecessor versions 340 49x-05

New Functions with 606 42x-02

New function for opening 3-D data (software option) directly on the
TNC (see "Open 3-D CAD data (software option)" page 285)
Improvement of Dynamic Collision Monitoring (DCM):
Chucking equipment archives can now be activated (see “Loading
fixtures under program control” on page 412) and deactivated (see “Deactivating fixtures under program control” on page 412) under program control
The display of stepped tools has been improvedWhen you select tool carrier kinematics, the TNC now displays a
graphical preview of the carrier kinematics (see “Assigning the tool-carrier kinematics” on page 186)
Extension of the functions for multiple axis machining:
In manual mode, you can now also travel the axes again when
TCPM and Tilt Machining Plane are active at the same time
You can now also change tools when M128/FUNCTION TCPM is active
File management: archiving of files in ZIP archives (see "Archive
files" page 137)
The nesting depth for program calls has been increased from 6 to 10
New Functions with 606 42x-02
(see “Nesting depth” on page 293)
smarT.NC-UNITs can now be inserted anywhere in plain-language
programs (see “smartWizard” on page 447)
There is now a search function based on tool names available in the
tool selection pop-up window (see “Search for tool names in the selection window” on page 193)
Improvements in pallet machining:
The new column FIXTURE has been added to the pallet table to be
able to activate fixtures automatically (see "Pallet Operation with Tool-Oriented Machining" page 528)
The new workpiece status SKIP has been added to the pallet table
(see "Setting up the pallet level" page 534)
If a tool sequence list is created for a pallet table, the TNC now
also checks that all the NC programs of the pallet table are available (see “Calling tool management” on page 200)
The new host computer operation was introduced (see “Host
computer operation” on page 675)
The SELinux security software is available (see “SELinux security
software” on page 93)
Improvements to the DXF converter:
Contours can now also be extracted from .H files (see “Data
transfer from plain-language programs” on page 284)
Preselected contours can now also be selected in the tree
structure (see “Selecting and saving a contour” on page 274)
A snap function facilitates contour selectionExtended status display (see “Basic settings” on page 270)Adjustable background color (see “Basic settings” on page 270)Display can be changed between 2-D and 3-D (see “Basic
settings” on page 270)
Improvements to the global program settings (GS):
All the form data can now be set and reset under program control
(see “Technical prerequisites” on page 418)
Handwheel superimposition value VT can be reset when tool is
changed (see “Virtual axis VT” on page 426)
If the Swapping Axes function is active, it is now permitted to
position to machine-based positions on the axes that have not been swapped
Using the new SEL PGM function you can assign variable program
names via QS string parameters call them with CALL SELECTED (see “Define program call” on page 446)
Improvements to the tool table TOOL.T
Using the FIND ACTIVE TOOL NAMES soft key you can check
whether identical tool names are defined in the tool table (see "Editing tool tables" page 183)
The input range of the delta values DL, DR and DR2 have been
increased to 999.9999 mm (see "Tool table: Standard tool data" page 176)
The following additional functions are now available in the expanded
tool management (see “Tool management (software option)” on page 200):
Importing of tool data in CSV format (see “Import tool data” on
page 205)
Exporting of tool data in CSV format (see “Export the tool data”
on page 206)
Marking and deleting of selectable tool data (see “Delete marked
tool data” on page 207)
Inserting of tool indices (see “Operating the tool management”
on page 202)
New Functions with 606 42x-02
New cycle 225 Engraving (see User’s Manual for Cycle
New cycle 276 Contour Train (see User’s Manual for Cycle
New cycle 290 Interpolation Turning (software option, see User’s
Manual for Cycle Programming)
In the thread milling cycles 26x a separate feed rate is now available
for tangential approach to the thread (see User’s Manual for Cycle Programming)
The following improvements were made to the KinematicsOpt
cycles (see User’s Manual for Conversational Programming):
Newer, faster optimization algorithmIt is no longer necessary to run a separate measurement series for
position optimization after angle optimization
Return of the offset errors (change of machine datum) to the
parameters Q147-149
More plane measuring points for ball measurementRotary axes that are not configured are ignored by TNC when
executing the cycle
New Functions with 606 42x-02

Changed functions 606 42x-01 since the predecessor versions 340 49x-06

Q-parameter programming: In the FN20 function WAIT FOR you can
now enter 128 characters (see “FN 20: WAIT FOR: NC and PLC synchronization” on page 335)
In the calibration menus for touch probe length and radius, the
number and name of the active tool are also displayed now (if the calibration data from the tool table are to be used, MP7411 = 1, see "Managing more than one block of calibrating data", page 580)
During tilting in the Distance-To-Go mode, the PLANE function now
shows the angle actually left to be traversed until the target position (see “Position display” on page 471)
The approach behavior during side finishing with Cycle 24 (DIN/ISO:
G124) was changed (see User's Manual for Cycle Programming).
Changed functions 606 42x-01 since the predecessor versions 340 49x-06

Changed functions with 606 42x-02

Tool names can now be defined with 32 characters (see “Tool
numbers and tool names” on page 174)
Improved and simplified operation by mouse and touchpad in all
graphics windows (see “Functions of the 3-D line graphics” on page
Various pop-up windows have been redesignedIf you do a Test Run without calculating the machining time, the TNC
generates a tool usage file nevertheless (see “Tool usage test” on page 197)
The size of the Service ZIP files has been increased to 40 MB (see
“Generating service files” on page 163)
M124 can now be deactivated by entering M124 without T (see “Do
not include points when executing non-compensated line blocks: M124” on page 374)
The PRESET TABLE soft key has been renamed to DATUM
The SAVE PRESET soft key has been renamed to SAVE ACTIVE
Changed functions with 606 42x-02
Table of Contents
First Steps with the iTNC 530
Programming: Fundamentals, File Management
Programming: Programming Aids
Programming: Tools
Programming: Programming Contours
Programming: Data Transfer from DXF Files or Plain-language Contours
Programming: Subprograms and Program Section Repeats
Programming: Q-Parameters
Programming: Miscellaneous Functions
Programming: Special Functions
Programming: Multiple Axis Machining
Programming: Pallet Editor
Manual Operation and Setup
Positioning with Manual Data Input
Test Run and Program Run
MOD Functions
Tables and Overviews
Industrial PC 6341 with Windows 7 (Option)

1 First Steps with the iTNC 530 ..... 51

1.1 Overview ..... 52
1.2 Machine Switch-On ..... 53
Acknowledge the power interruption and move to the reference points ..... 53
1.3 Programming the First Part ..... 54
Select the correct operating mode ..... 54
The most important TNC keys ..... 54
Create a new program/file management ..... 55
Define a workpiece blank ..... 56
Program layout ..... 57
Program a simple contour ..... 58
Create a cycle program ..... 61
1.4 Graphically Testing the First Program ..... 64
Selecting the correct operating mode ..... 64
Select the tool table for the test run ..... 64
Choose the program you want to test ..... 65
Select the screen layout and the view ..... 65
Start the program test ..... 65
1.5 Tool Setup ..... 66
Selecting the correct operating mode ..... 66
Prepare and measure tools ..... 66
The tool table TOOL.T ..... 66
The pocket table TOOL_P.TCH ..... 67
1.6 Workpiece Setup ..... 68
Selecting the correct operating mode ..... 68
Clamp the workpiece ..... 68
Align the workpiece with a 3-D touch probe system ..... 69
Set the datum with a 3-D touch probe ..... 70
1.7 Running the First Program ..... 71
Selecting the correct operating mode ..... 71
Choose the program you want to run ..... 71
Start the program ..... 71

2 Introduction ..... 73

2.1 The iTNC 530 ..... 74
Programming: HEIDENHAIN conversational, smarT.NC and ISO formats ..... 74
Compatibility ..... 74
2.2 Visual Display Unit and Keyboard ..... 75
Visual display unit ..... 75
Sets the screen layout ..... 76
Operating panel ..... 77
2.3 Operating Modes ..... 78
Manual Operation and Electronic Handwheel ..... 78
Positioning with Manual Data Input ..... 78
Programming and Editing ..... 79
Test Run ..... 79
Program Run, Full Sequence and Program Run, Single Block ..... 80
2.4 Status Displays ..... 81
“General” status display ..... 81
Additional status displays ..... 83
2.5 Window Manager ..... 91
Soft-key row ..... 92
2.6 SELinux security software ..... 93
2.7 Accessories: HEIDENHAIN 3-D Touch Probes and Electronic Handwheels ..... 94
3-D touch probes ..... 94
HR electronic handwheels ..... 95

3 Programming: Fundamentals, File Management ..... 97

3.1 Fundamentals ..... 98
Position encoders and reference marks ..... 98
Reference system ..... 98
Reference system on milling machines ..... 99
Polar coordinates ..... 100
Absolute and incremental workpiece positions ..... 101
Setting the datum ..... 102
3.2 Creating and Writing Programs ..... 103
Organization of an NC program in HEIDENHAIN Conversational ..... 103
Define the blank: BLK FORM ..... 103
Creating a new part program ..... 104
Programming tool movements in conversational format ..... 106
Actual position capture ..... 108
Editing a program ..... 109
The TNC search function ..... 113
3.3 File Management: Fundamentals ..... 115
Files ..... 115
Show externally created files on the TNC ..... 117
Data backup ..... 117
3.4 Working with the File Manager ..... 118
Directories ..... 118
Paths ..... 118
Overview: Functions of the file manager ..... 119
Calling the file manager ..... 121
Selecting drives, directories and files ..... 122
Creating a new directory (only possible on the drive TNC:\) ..... 125
Creating a new file (only possible on the drive TNC:\) ..... 125
Copying a single file ..... 126
Copying files into another directory ..... 127
Copying a table ..... 128
Copying a directory ..... 129
Choosing one of the last files selected ..... 129
Deleting a file ..... 130
Deleting a directory ..... 130
Marking files ..... 131
Renaming a file ..... 133
Additional functions ..... 134
Working with shortcuts ..... 136
Archive files ..... 137
Extract files from archive ..... 138
Additional tools for management of external file types ..... 139
Data transfer to or from an external data medium ..... 144
The TNC in a network ..... 146
USB devices on the TNC (FCL 2 function) ..... 147

4 Programming: Programming Aids ..... 149

4.1 Adding Comments ..... 150
Function ..... 150
Entering comments during programming ..... 150
Inserting comments after program entry ..... 150
Entering a comment in a separate block ..... 150
Functions for editing of the comment ..... 151
4.2 Structuring Programs ..... 152
Definition and applications ..... 152
Displaying the program structure window / Changing the active window ..... 152
Inserting a structuring block in the (left) program window ..... 152
Selecting blocks in the program structure window ..... 152
4.3 Integrated Pocket Calculator ..... 153
Operation ..... 153
4.4 Programming Graphics ..... 154
Generating / not generating graphics during programming ..... 154
Generating a graphic for an existing program ..... 154
Block number display ON/OFF ..... 155
Erasing the graphic ..... 155
Magnifying or reducing a detail ..... 155
4.5 3-D Line Graphics (FCL2 Function) ..... 156
Function ..... 156
Functions of the 3-D line graphics ..... 156
Highlighting NC blocks in the graphics ..... 158
Block number display ON/OFF ..... 158
Erasing the graphic ..... 158
4.6 Immediate Help for NC Error Messages ..... 159
Displaying error messages ..... 159
Display HELP ..... 159
4.7 List of All Current Error Messages ..... 160
Function ..... 160
Show error list ..... 160
Window contents ..... 161
Calling the TNCguide help system ..... 162
Generating service files ..... 163
4.8 The Context-Sensitive Help System TNCguide (FCL3 Function) ..... 164
Function ..... 164
Working with the TNCguide ..... 165
Downloading current help files ..... 169

5 Programming: Tools ..... 171

5.1 Entering Tool-Related Data ..... 172
Feed rate F ..... 172
Spindle speed S ..... 173
5.2 Tool Data ..... 174
Requirements for tool compensation ..... 174
Tool numbers and tool names ..... 174
Tool length L ..... 174
Tool radius R ..... 174
Delta values for lengths and radii ..... 175
Entering tool data into the program ..... 175
Entering tool data in the table ..... 176
Tool-carrier kinematics ..... 186
Using an external PC to overwrite individual tool data ..... 187
Pocket table for tool changer ..... 188
Calling tool data ..... 191
Tool change ..... 194
Tool usage test ..... 197
Tool management (software option) ..... 200
5.3 Tool Compensation ..... 208
Introduction ..... 208
Tool length compensation ..... 208
Tool radius compensation ..... 209

6 Programming: Programming Contours ..... 213

6.1 Tool Movements ..... 214
Path functions ..... 214
FK free contour programming ..... 214
Miscellaneous functions M ..... 214
Subprograms and program section repeats ..... 214
Programming with Q parameters ..... 214
6.2 Fundamentals of Path Functions ..... 215
Programming tool movements for workpiece machining ..... 215
6.3 Contour Approach and Departure ..... 219
Overview: Types of paths for contour approach and departure ..... 219
Important positions for approach and departure ..... 220
Approaching on a straight line with tangential connection: APPR LT ..... 222
Approaching on a straight line perpendicular to the first contour point: APPR LN ..... 222
Approaching on a circular path with tangential connection: APPR CT ..... 223
Approaching on a circular arc with tangential connection from a straight line to the contour: APPR LCT ..... 224
Departing on a straight line with tangential connection: DEP LT ..... 225
Departing on a straight line perpendicular to the last contour point: DEP LN ..... 225
Departure on a circular path with tangential connection: DEP CT ..... 226
Departing on a circular arc tangentially connecting the contour and a straight line: DEP LCT ..... 226
6.4 Path Contours—Cartesian Coordinates ..... 227
Overview of path functions ..... 227
Straight line L ..... 228
Inserting a chamfer between two straight lines ..... 229
Corner rounding RND ..... 230
Circle center CCI ..... 231
Circular path C around circle center CC ..... 232
Circular path CR with defined radius ..... 233
Circular path CT with tangential connection ..... 235
6.5 Path Contours—Polar Coordinates ..... 240
Overview ..... 240
Zero point for polar coordinates: pole CC ..... 241
Straight line LP ..... 241
Circular path CP around pole CC ..... 242
Circular path CTP with tangential connection ..... 243
Helical interpolation ..... 244
6.6 Path Contours—FK Free Contour Programming ..... 248
Fundamentals ..... 248
Graphics during FK programming ..... 250
Converting FK programs into HEIDENHAIN conversational format ..... 251
Initiating the FK dialog ..... 251
Pole for FK programming ..... 253
Free programming of straight lines ..... 253
Free programming of circular arcs ..... 254
Input possibilities ..... 254
Auxiliary points ..... 258
Relative data ..... 259
+ 695 hidden pages