HEIDENHAIN Inverter Systems and Motors Technical Manual

Technical Manual
Inverter Systems and Motors
for the Contouring Controls
TNC 410 M TNC 426 M TNC 430 M iTNC 530 MANUALplusM MANUALplus 4110 CNC PILOT 4290
Januar 2010 Ver08
208 962-21 (208 962-E8) · 12/2010 · pdf
This Technical Manual has been written for all machine tool manufacturers. It contains all of the information necessary for the mounting and electrical installation of HEIDENHAIN inverter systems and HEIDENHAIN motors. With each update, you will receive a set of supplementary pages free of charge. Always sort these pages into your Technical Manual immediately. In this way, your manual will always be up-to-date. You can use extracts from this manual to supplement your machine documentation. If you increase the size of the manual format (17 cm x 24 cm) by the factor 1.225, you will have DIN A4 format. No documentation can be perfect. To stay up to date, documentation must change constantly. It is also thrives on your comments and suggestions for improvement. Please help us by telling us your ideas.
DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH E/P Department Dr.-Johannes-Heidenhain-Str. 5 83301 Traunreut
April 2007 Ve 06
208 962-21 (208 962-E6) · 3 · 4/2007 · S · Printed in Germany · Subject to change without notice

1 Update Information No. 1

1.1 Compact Inverters

New compact inverters
• UE 211B: Continuous load on axes: 2 x 7.5 A; 1 x 15 A
• UE 241B: Continuous load on axes: 2 x 7.5 A; 1 x 23 A
New connections on the bottom of the UE 2xxB compact inverter. These
connections are reserved for future applications and must not be wired.
New sliding switch on the front of the UE 2xxB compact inverter. This
enables the spindle unit of the compact inverters to be used as an axis.

1.2 Modular Inverters

New UV 120 regenerative power supply unit with KDR 120 commutation
reactor UV 120: DC-link full-load power: 22 kW
New line filters for UV 120 and UV 140
Note the dimensions of the new line filter!
New UP 110 braking resistor module
The UP 110 braking resistor module is required so that, if the power supply from the UV 120 and UV 140 power supply modules fails, the braking energy from the motors can be dissipated.
Continuous load on spindle: 20 A
Continuous load on spindle: 31 A

1.3 Motors

New synchronous motors QSY 96G, QSY 112D, the QSY 116 series, and
QSY 155
Designation Stall torque M
QSY 96G 5.2 Nm 4500 rpm QSY 116C 5.2 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 116E 7.2 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 116J 10.0 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 155A 8.3 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 155B 12.2 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 155D 21.6 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 155F 26.1 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 112D 72.0 Nm 2000 rpm
New QAN 164B asynchronous motor
• Rated speed n
• Power rating P
This Technical Manual lists the input values for the machine parameters of
the current controller of the TNC and MANUALplusM for HEIDENHAIN motors.
: 1350 rpm
: 31.5 kW
Rated speed n
April 2000 Update Information No. 1 1 – 1

1.4 Replacing Instructions

Page Change Remove
Title New date of issue August 99 April 2000 Chapter 1 Update Information Update Info. 1 Chapter 2 Printing errors corrected
Documentation of changes in the
UE 211B, UE 241B have been addedUV 120, KDR 120 have been addedNew line filterUP 110 has been added
Chapter 3 First issue of the chapter Entire chapter Entire chapter Chapter 4 Printing errors corrected Entire chapter Entire chapter Chapter 5 Printing errors corrected
UE 211B, UE 241B have been added
Chapter 6 Printing errors corrected
UV 120, KDR 120 have been addedNew line filterUP 110 has been added
Chapter 7 Description changed
QSY 96G, QSY 112D, QSY 116 series
and QSY 155 have been added
QAN 164B has been addedNew input values for current controller
Chapter 8 Subject Index Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Insert Page
1 – 2 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1 Update Information No. 2

1.1 Compact inverter

Length of ribbon cable delivered with the UE 2xxB changed

1.2 Modular Inverters

New EPCOS 35 A line filter added for the regenerative UV 120 power supply
New connections on the bottom of the UM 1xx power module. These
connections are reserved for future applications and must not be wired.
If disturbances in the line power supply net occur with the regenerative
power supply units even though HEIDENHAIN commutating reactors and line filters are being used, the new three-phase current capacitor must be used.

1.3 Motors

QSY 96A has been addedPower and torque characteristic for QAN 134D has been addedMachine parameters for the current controller for QAN 134D have been
New power cable with UL certification
February 2001 Update Information No. 2 1 – 1

1.4 Replacing Instructions

Page Change Remove
Title New date of issue August 99 February 2001 Chapter 1 Update Information Update Info. 2 Chapter 2 Printing errors corrected
New Id. Nr. for the UE 2xxB ribbon
UE 2xxB power consumption correctedEPCOS 35 A line filter added,
FINMOTOR removed
Selection tables for ribbon cables and
covers revised
Chapter 3 Printing errors corrected
Selection of the braking resistor
Chapter 4 Printing errors corrected
Demands of the line power supplyNew three-phase current capacitorPW 210 mounting instructions modified
Chapter 5 Printing errors corrected Entire chapter Entire chapter Chapter 6 Printing errors corrected
EPCOS 35 A line filter added,
FINMOTOR removed
Notes for connecting the motor brakeNew connections for the power
Chapter 7 Printing errors corrected
Notes for connecting the motor brakeNew power cable with UL certificationQSY 96A has been addedTerminal box illustration correctedRotatable flange sockets modifiedPower and torque characteristic for
QAN 134D has been added
Input values for the current controller
on the QAN 134D have been added
Chapter 8 Subject Index Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Insert Page
1 – 2 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1 Update Information No. 3

1.1 General Information

New SM 110 voltage protection module for use with synchronous spindle
Temperature sensor on the PW 1x0Double-row configuration of the HEIDENHAIN inverter system

1.2 Compact Inverters

UE 241B no longer availableNew regenerative compact inverters
• UR 230: Continuous load on axes: 2 x 7.5 A
• UR 240: Continuous load on axes: 3 x 7.5 A
• UR 242: Continuous load on axes: 3 x 7.5 A; 1 x 25 A
New connections for controlling the motor brakes: X344, X392 and X393

1.3 Modular Inverter

New UV 150 regenerative power supply unit with KDR 150 commutation
reactor UV 150: DC-link full-load power: 50 kW
New UM 115 power moduleNew variants of the UV 1xx power unitsCurrent consumptions from the 15-V and 24-V power supply of the inverter
system must be inspected
New connections for controlling the motor brakes: X344 and X392
Continuous load on spindle: 25 A
Continuous load on spindle: 35 A
Continuous load on spindle: 35 A

1.4 Motors

QSY 96, QSY 116, QSY 155 with EQN 1325 absolute multiturn rotary
New QSY 155B synchronous motors with n
Designation Stall torque M
QSY 155B 13 Nm 2000 rpm QSY 155C 17.7 Nm 3000 rpm
Input values for the digital current controller
July 2002 Update Information No. 3 1 – 1
= 2000 rpm and QSY 155C
Rated speed n

1.5 Replacing Instructions

Page Change Remove
Title New date of issue February 99 July 2002 Chapter 1 Update Information Update
Chapter 2 Printing errors corrected
UE 241 B removedUR 2xx, UV 150, KDR 150 and UM 115 addedContinuous load and short term rating for different
PWM frequencies
Peak performances for 0.2 sCurrent consumption of the 15-V and 24-V supplyCovers included in the items supplied with the
compact inverters
Selection tables for ribbon cables and covers revisedSM 110 voltage protection module addedDouble-row configuration of inverter systems
Chapter 3 Performance overview of a drive system added Entire chapter Entire
Chapter 4 Note on radio interferences
Cross sections of the power cablesHEIDENHAIN recommends use of the three-phase
current capacitor
Note on leakage current
Chapter 5 Printing errors corrected
UE 241B removedUR 2xx addedNew connections for controlling the motor brakes:
X344, X392 and X393
Line fuse for UE 2xx, UV 102, UE 2xxBTemperature switch on the PW 110BAdditional voltage to X70, X71, X72Tightening torque of the electrical screw connections
Dimensions only in mm
Chapter 6 New connections for controlling the motor brakes:
X344 and X392
Printing errors correctedLine fuse for UV 1x0Temperature switch on the PW 110BAdditional voltage to X70, X71, X72Tightening torque of the electrical screw connections
Dimensions only in mm
Entire chapter Entire
Entire chapter Entire
Entire chapter Entire
Entire chapter Entire
Insert Page
Info. 3
1 – 2 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors
Page Change Remove
Chapter 7 Printing errors corrected
Entire chapter Entire
Bend radii of the power and encoder cables
Insert Page
Calculation of the maximum torque of a drivePin layout for speed encoders with EnDat interfaceNote on differences between internal connections, ID
label and motor tables of QAN 30 and QAN 4S
Power modules for QAN 3M: UM 111B, UM 121BTurning radius for connectors changedIncorrect assignment for the fan connection on QAN
104 and QSY 112D
QSY 96, QSY 116, QSY 155 with EQN 1325 absolute
multiturn rotary encoder added
QSY 155B (n
= 2000 rpm) and QSY 155C added
Specifications for QSY 155B revisedCharacteristic curves revisedBearing service life for QSY 041B, QSY 071B,
QSY 090B, QSY 093B and QSY 112 series
Bearing service life for QAN 104, QAN 134 and
QAN 164B
Dimensions only in mmInput values for the digital current controller
Chapter 8 Keyword index Entire chapter Entire
July 2002 Update Information No. 3 1 – 3
1 – 4 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1 Update Information No. 4

1.1 General Information

New axis-enabling module (Id. Nr. 341 518-01) that allows you to switch off
power modules in modular inverter systems group-by-group. The axis­enabling module is mounted onto the power module and separates the unit bus. All power modules that are connected after the axis-enabling module to the unit bus are switched of via X72 of the unit bus, and no longer via X72 of the UV(R) 1x0.

1.2 Modular Inverter

New variant of the UV 140 power supply unit (Id. Nr. 335 009-04) with
improved PCB and improved housing.
New UVR 150 power supply unit (Id. Nr. 384 708-01) with new power supply
unit and additional connections for supplying the CC 42x with +5 V and 0 V.

1.3 Motors

New QSY 116J EcoDyn, QSY 155B EcoDyn, QSY 155C EcoDyn, QSY 155F
EcoDyn synchronous motors The following NC software versions are required for controlling these motors in the EcoDyn operating mode:
• iTNC 530: 340 420-06 and later
• MANUALplus 4110: 354 809-11 and later
• CNC PILOT 4290: 340 460-14, 362 796-10 and later
Designation Stall torque M
QSY 116J EcoDyn 10.0 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 116J EcoDyn 13.0 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 155C EcoDyn 17.7 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 155C EcoDyn 21.6 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 155C EcoDyn 26.1 Nm 3000 rpm
New QAN 200M, QAN 200L, QAN 200U asynchronous motors
Designation Rated speed n
QAN 200M 1500 rpm 5.5 kW QAN 200M 1500 rpm 7.5 kW QAN 200M 1500 rpm 10 kW
Rated speed n
Rated power output P
March 2003 Update Information No. 4 1 – 1

1.4 Replacing Instructions

Page Change Remove
Title New date of issue May 2002 March 2003 Chapter 1 Update Information Update Info. 4 Chapter 2 Corrective action, UVR 150 has been added, new
UV 140 variant, cover length has been added ,
axis-enabling module has been added Chapter 3 UVR 150 has been added Entire chapter Entire chapter Chapter 4 UVR 150 has been added,
corrective action Chapter 5 Corrective action, PW 210 dimension drawing has
been revised Chapter 6 Corrective action, UVR 150 has been added,
PW 210 dimension drawing has been revised Chapter 7 Corrective action,
QAN 200, QSY 116J, QSY 155B EcoDyn,
QSY 155C EcoDyn, QSY 155D EcoDyn,
QSY 155F EcoDyn have been added Chapter 8 Keyword index Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Insert Page
1 – 2 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1 Update Information No. 5

1.1 Overview

New diagnosable compact inverters, power supply units and modular
Improvement of various compact inverters, power supply units and modular
Possibility of coupling power supply units for increasing the dc-link power
(separate dc-links).
New motors.Diagnosability of motors with EnDat interface.Improvement of the navigation through the Manual by QuickLinks for the
overviews of inverter systems, accessories and motors.
March 2005 Update Information No. 5 1 – 1

1.2 Compact Inverters

1.2.1 Non-Regenerative Compact Inverters

New compact inverter UE 110, rated power output 10 kW
• Continuous load on axes (at f
• Continuous load on spindle (at f
New compact inverter UE 112, rated power output 10 kW
• Continuous load on axes (at f
• Continuous load on spindle (at f

1.2.2 Regenerative Compact Inverters

The following compact inverters were improved:
= 3.3 kHz): 3 x 6 A
= 3.3 kHz): 24 A
= 3.3 kHz): 3 x 6 A, 1 x 9 A
= 3.3 kHz): 24 A
Designation (new)
Designation (old)
Improvement Rated power
UR 230D UR 230 New, more powerful
power supply unit with separate 5-V connection on the front panel (X74).
Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
UR 240D UR 240 New, more powerful
power supply unit with separate 5-V connection on the front panel (X74).
Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
UR 242D UR 242 New, more powerful
power supply unit with separate 5-V connection on the front panel (X74).
Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
output of dc-link
22 kW
22 kW
22 kW
1 – 2 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1.3 Modular Inverters

1.3.1 Non-Regenerative Power Supply Units

The following non-regenerative power supply units were improved:
Designation (new)
UV 130D UV 130 New, more powerful

1.3.2 Regenerative Power Supply Units

New power supply unit UVR 130D, rated power output 30 kW
• Diagnosable
• Load capacity of 5 V = 20 A, with separate connecting terminals (X74)
• Load capacity of 15 V = 2.0 A
• Load capacity of 24 V = 4.0 A
The following regenerative power supply units were improved:
Designation (new)
UVR 120D
UVR 140D
UVR 150D
a. Available as of the beginning of 2005.
Improvement Rated power
power supply unit with separate 5-V connection on the front panel (X74).
Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Improvement Rated power
UV 120 New, more powerful
power supply unit with separate 5-V connection on the front panel (X74).
Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
UV 140 New, more powerful
power supply unit with separate 5-V connection on the front panel (X74).
Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
UVR 150 New, more powerful
power supply unit with separate 5-V connection on the front panel (X74).
Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Increased rated power.
output of dc­link
30 kW
output of dc­link
22 kW
45 kW
55 kW (up to now 50 kW)
March 2005 Update Information No. 5 1 – 3

1.3.3 Inverters

The following inverters were improved:
Designation (new)
UM 111D UM 111
Designation (old)
Improvement Continuous load
Additional features for diagnostic functions.
UM 111BD UM 111B
Higher maximum
current values. Module width only 50 mm.
Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Higher maximum
current values.
UM 112D UM 112 Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Higher rated current
Higher maximum
current values.
UM 113D UM 113 Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Higher rated current
Higher maximum
current values.
UM 114D UM 114 Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Higher rated current
Higher maximum
current values.
UM 115D UM 115 Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Higher rated current
Higher maximum
current values.
UM 121D UM 121 Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Higher maximum
current values.
UM 121BD UM 121B Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Higher maximum
current values.
at f
= 5 kHz
7.5 A
15 A/20 A
25 A/34 A (up to now 23 A/ 31 A)
40 A/56 A (up to now 32 A/ 50 A)
60 A/90 A (up to now 48 A/ 75 A)
96 A/125 A (up to now 70 A/ 100 A)
2x 7.5 A
2x 15 A/1x 20 A
1 – 4 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1.4 Accessories

Designation (new)
Designation (old)
Improvement Continuous load
= 5 kHz
at f (axis/spindle)
UM 122D UM 122 Additional features for
diagnostic functions.
Higher rated current
Higher maximum
current values.
2x 25 A/1x 34 A (up to now 2x 23 A/ 1x 31 A)
a. As of mid-2005 (depending on software). Information available
New ZKF 110 dc-link filter for use with linear motors or torque motors
• Rated power: 30 kW
• Max. power during S6-20% cycle: 67 kW
• Max. leakage current < 1.3 A
New ZKF 120 dc-link filter for use with linear motors or torque motors
• Rated power: 30 kW
• Max. power during S6-20% cycle: 67 kW
• Max. leakage current < 6 A
• Modular design
New ZKF 130 dc-link filter for use with linear motors or torque motors
• Rated power: 55 kW
• Max. power during S6-20% cycle: 100 kW
• Max. leakage current< 6 A
• Modular design
• Integrated cooling (fan)
• Unit bus interface (X79)
New adapter module for coupling the power supply units
• Modular design
• Integration of the supply bus (X69) in the monitoring system
New KDR 130B commutating reactor
• Rated current: 3 x 40.5 A
• Thermally permissible continuous current: 3 x 45 A
March 2005 Update Information No. 5 1 – 5

1.5 Motors

1.5.1 Synchronous Motors

Designation Stall torque M
QSY 130C EcoDyn 6 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 130E EcoDyn 9 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 190C EcoDyn 28 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 190D EcoDyn 38 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 190F EcoDyn 47.6 Nm 3000 rpm QSY 190K EcoDyn 62.5 Nm 3000 rpm

1.5.2 Asynchronous Motors

Designation Rated speed n
QAN 260M 1500 rpm 15.5 kW QAN 260L 1500 rpm 20.0 kW QAN 260U 1500 rpm 24 kW QAN 260W 750 rpm 12 kW QAN 320M 1500 rpm 32 kW QAN 320W 750 rpm 18 kW
Rated speed n
Rated power output P
1 – 6 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1.6 Technical Manual Documentation

Overviews with brief information and QuickLinks for accessing the following
• Inverter Systems (Chapter 2.2)
• Motors (Chapter 7.2)
Introduction of QuickLinks in the component specifications in Chapter 2,
"Introduction," for accessing the respective subjects.
Expansion of Chapter 4, "Mounting and Operating Conditions."Various connection overviews for inverter systems were added to
Chapter 4, "Mounting and Operating Conditions."
Expansion of connection overviews and dimensional drawings. Similar
components are illustrated in separate overviews.
Some changes were made to the structure of the Technical Manual.

1.7 Replacing Instructions

Due to the comprehensive changes to the Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors, it is not possible to replace the old pages with the new.
March 2005 Update Information No. 5 1 – 7
1 – 8 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1 Update Information No. 6

1.1 General Information

Chapter 4 – Mounting and Operating Conditions – was expanded:
Connection and adjustment to different types of networksUse of climate control unitsConnection requirements when water cooling is usedThe power connection of regenerative and non-regenerative inverter
systems was revised
Requirements for supply lines and bus cable

1.2 Power Supply Units

New regenerative power supply units
• UVR 160D: Rated power output of 80 kW
• UVR 160DW: Rated power output of 80 kW
UV 106B power supply unit as a replacement for the UV 106

1.3 Power Modules

New power module
• UM 116DW: Water cooling
Air cooling
Water cooling

1.4 Motors

New QAN 200UH and QAN 260 UH hollow-shaft motors
Designation Rated power output P
QAN 200UH 10 kW 1500 rpm QAN 260UH 22 kW 1500 rpm
New QAN 320L asynchronous motor
• Rated speed n
• Rated power output P
Terminal box of the motors of the QAN 320 series revised since
August 2006.
: 1500 rpm
: 40 kW
Rated speed n
April 2007 Update Information No. 1 1 – 1
Siemens synchronous motors added

1.5 Accessories

Designation Rated power output P
Rated speed n
1FK7042-5AF71 0.82 kW 3000 rpm 1FK7060-5AF71 1.48 kW 3000 rpm 1FK7063-5AF71 2.30 kW 3000 rpm 1FK7080-5AF71 2.14 kW 3000 rpm 1FK7083-5AF71 3.30 kW 3000 rpm 1FK7100-5AF71 3.77 kW 3000 rpm 1FK7101-5AF71 4.87 kW 3000 rpm 1FK7103-5AF71 4.40 kW 3000 rpm
Siemens motors with hollow shaft added
Designation Rated power output P
Rated speed n
1PM6105-2DF81 7.50 kW 1500 rpm 1PM6133-2DF81 11.0 kW 1500 rpm
EPCOS 120 A line filter with integrated three-phase capacitorKDR 160 commutating reactor with a rated current of 3 x 117 ASM 130 voltage protection module for maximum phase currents of 300 ACoolant connection for components with water cooling

1.6 Replacing Instructions

Page Change Remove Page Insert Page
Title New date of issue November 2004 April 2007 Chapter 1 Update Information Update Info. 6 Chapter 2 Revised completely Entire chapter Entire chapter Chapter 3 Page numbering changed Entire chapter Entire chapter Chapter 4 Revised completely Entire chapter Entire chapter Chapter 5 Description changed
UV 106B
Chapter 6 Description changed
UVR 160DW, UVR 160D, UM 116DW
Chapter 7 Description changed
QAN 200UH, QAN 260UHQAN 320L1FK7042, 1FK7060, 1FK7063,
1FK7080, 1FK7083, 1FK7100, 1FK7103
1PM6105, 1PM6133
Chapter 8 Keyword index Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
Entire chapter Entire chapter
1 – 2 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors

1 Update Information No. 7

1.1 General Information

Chapter 4 – Mounting and Operating Conditions – was expanded:
Check list
Anyone connecting a machine with a HEIDENHAIN inverter system must take note of the information presented there. The revised version of Chapter 4 is available for downloading from the FileBase.

1.2 Accessories

New axis-release module
An axis-release module is used to switch a group of axes on and off independently of other axes. The new axis-release module makes it possible to address both axes and spindles as “axis groups.” The selection is made using jumpers. ID number of the new axis-release-module: ID 573 732-02 It replaces the previous axis-release module (ID 341 518-02). The new axis­release module is compatible in its functions to its predecessor, but the installation differs. Comprehensive mounting instructions are included with the new axis-release module.
VAL-MS surge voltage arrester
The VAL-MS 230/FM single-pole surge voltage protector from Phoenix serves to protect the machine from overvoltages on the conductors, and separates the protection element from the mains when it has become overloaded due to high-energy surge voltages. Three surge arresters are necessary for a machine tool connected to three-phase line power. The surge arrester is also equipped with a double-throw switch as a remote indicator switch.
Specifications Surge voltage arrester
Phoenix VAL-MS 230/FM
IEC test class II EN type T2 Rated voltage 230 V Rated frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz Arrester rated voltage
(L-N) Nominal discharge surge current 20 kA Max. discharge surge current 40 kA Module width Approx. 17.7 mm ID 648 720-xx
Please also refer to the manufacturer’s data sheet. There you will find further specifications and information regarding the surge voltage arrester.
April 2008 Update Information No. 7 1 – 1
275 Vac
EPCOS 80 A line filter with integrated three-phase capacitor
Specifications EPCOS 80 A line filter
Suitable for UV 140, UVR 150, UVR 130 D,
UVR 140D, UVR 150D Rated voltage 3 x 480 V Rated frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz Rated current 3 x 80 A Power loss Approx. 75 W Degree of protection IP 20 Weight 11 kg Capacity 3 x 32 µA ID 640 908-xx
1 – 2 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors
Line filters HEIDENHAIN offers Epcos line filters with integrated three-phase capacitor.
The following filter arrangements are allowed when using these filters and for connecting other devices:
Power connection
Machine tool
Main switch
EPCOS filter with
three-phase capacitor
inverter system
Power connection
Main switch
EPCOS filter with
three-phase capacitor
Regenerative HEIDENHAIN
inverter system
Equipment in accordance with
IEC 61000-6-2 (immunity for industrial
(also possible)
Line filter for
inverter operation
Any other equipment
in accordance with
IEC 6100-6-1, 2
Equipment in accordance with
IEC 61000-6-2 (immunity for
residential, commercial and
light-industrial environments)
Machine tool
Line filter
The illustrated filter arrangements comply with all environment requirements for radio interference suppression as per EN 55011 Limit Class A for industrial networks.
If you want to connect additional consumers, you must ensure that the line filters are designed for correspondingly high currents.
April 2008 Update Information No. 7 1 – 3
CMH 120 capacitor module
For maintaining the dc-link voltage during a power failure. This is necessary, for example, to perform LIFTOFF completely even if direct drives are used. Several CMH modules can be connected in parallel in order to increase capacitance.
Specifications CMH 120
DC-link voltage Max. 850 V Capacitance 10.0 mF Module width 50 mm Degree of protection IP 20 ID 591 116-xx
1 – 4 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors
UP 120 braking resistor module
For powerful, regenerative inverter systems that use a UVR 160D (W) supply unit, usually two UP 110 were connected in parallel. With the UP 120, there is a powerful braking resistor module available now that can replace the two UP 110.
Specifications UP 120
Switching voltage 740 V Power 150 kW (for 2 s) Resistance 3.6 Ω Degree of protection IP 20 Weight 7.2 kg ID 605 731-xx
April 2008 Update Information No. 7 1 – 5
KDR 130C commutating reactor
In contrast to the KDR 130B, the primary and secondary connecting lines are now placed on terminals and separate lines are used for further connection. The terminals are suitable for lines with a cross section up to 16 mm
specifications are the same as for the KDR 130B.
Specifications KDR 130 C
Rated voltage 3 x 400 V Rated frequency 50 Hz/60 Hz Thermally permissible continuous
3 x 45 A
current Rated current 3 x 40.5 A Power loss Approx. 250 W Degree of protection IP 00 Weight Approx. 15 kg ID 646 271-xx
. The
190 226
1 – 6 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors
ZKF 140 dc-link filter
The ZKF 140 must be connected with the UVR 1xxD supply unit via the X79 unit bus. When choosing the ZKF, ensure that its rated power is at least as high as the connected torque or linear motors.
Specifications ZKF 140
Rated power 80 kW Peak power S6-40% 110 kW Peak power S6-20% 140 kW Peak power 160 kW
Max. leakage current < 6.0 A
24 V
440 mA
Current consumption
Integral cooling Yes Degree of protection IP 20 Weight Approx. 15 kg ID 597 954-01
a. 40% cyclic duration factor for duty cycle time of 10 minutes (S6-40%) b. 20% cyclic duration factor for duty cycle time of 10 minutes (S6-20%) c. 4 s cyclic duration factor for duty cycle time of 20 s
d. After making your selection, check the current consumption of the 15 V
supply of the entire modular inverter system. See page 2 – 54.
and the 24 V*1
¬ 5.5 ¬ 12
April 2008 Update Information No. 7 1 – 7

1.3 Compact Inverters

New UE 21xD diagnosable compact inverters
These compact inverters are equipped with a 5-V power pack for supplying the MC/CC. The power pack provides up to 16 A. The X74 connecting terminal for an additional supply of 5 V to the MC/CC is new. The UV 105 power supply unit for MC/CC is no longer necessary in combination with these compact inverters!
1 – 8 HEIDENHAIN Technical Manual for Inverter Systems and Motors
+ 670 hidden pages