Games PC FREELANCER User Manual

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0103 Par t No. X09-48136
This document outlines the primary default keyboard and mouse controls in
Flight Controls
Mouse Flight Left-click and drag (toggle with SPACEBAR)
Accelerate W or mouse wheel forward
Decelerate S or mouse wheel backward
Afterburner TAB Strafe Left A Strafe Right D Brake Reverse X Engine Kill Z Cruise Engine Toggle SHIFT+W
Pause Game F1 Minimize HUD BACKSPACE Trade Request U
(Multiplayer) Group Invite I
(Multiplayer) Turret Cam H Rear Cam V 1st/3rd Person CTRL+V
View Toggle
Select Object Left-click Target Closest Enemy R Next Target T Fire Active Weapons Right-click Fire Missiles Q Drop Mine E Deploy Countermeasure C Tractor Beam B Deploy Nanobots G Shield Battery F
Dock F3 Go To F2 Join Formation F4 Free Flight ESC
Table of Contents
Ship HUD...............................................................................2
.................................................... 4
Main Menu........................................................................... 4
In-Game Menus................................................................... 5
Basic Doctrine of the Liberty Security Force......6
Section 1: An Introduction to LSF Protocol........ 7
Declaration of Intent .................................................... 8
Base HUD ........................................................................... 8
Base Protocol.................................................................. 9
Buying and Selling ......................................................... 10
Mission Protocol ............................................................ 12
Section 2: Basics of Flight ........................................13
Free-Flight Mode ............................................................ 14
Maneuver Mode................................................................ 15
Way Points and Best Paths .......................................... 16
Section 3: Jump Gates and Trade Lanes...............18
Key Commands..................................................................20
Section 4: Basics of Combat .................................... 22
Offensive Strategies .................................................... 23
Firing .................................................................................24
Color Coding .................................................................. 25
Targeting Arrows and Brackets
............................... 26
Defensive Strategies
.................................................... 30
Section 5: The Neural Net ....................................... 32
Neural Net Log .............................................................. 32
Nav Map/Mission Log
..................................................... 32
Inventory ......................................................................... 34
Player Status
................................................................. 35
Current Information ..................................................... 35
Conclusion....................................................................... 35
The Freelancer Guild (Multiplayer) 36
Chatting 36 Grouping 36 Trading 37 Connecting to a Server 38 Starting Your Own Server 39 For More Information 39
Safety Warning
About Photosensitive Seizure
A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including  ashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.
These seizures may have variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or mo­mentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.
The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions:
• Play in a well-lit room.
• Do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.
If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.
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Developed by Digital Anvil for Microsoft Corporation.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respec­tive owners.
Targeting Reticle
Allows pilot to monitor and analyze all nearby objects
Closest Enemy
Links pilot to all LSF information databases
Neural Net Log
Allows pilot a variety of  ight options
Free Flight
Allows pilot to monitor basic ship systems
Thruster Reserves Level
Available Power
Player Shield Status
Player Ship Hull Health
Ship Speed
Collect Loot
Allows pilot to choose weapons and deploy repair equipment
Use Nanobots
Use Shield Battery
Pilot Weapons List
Cargo Scanner/Tractor Beam
Formation Members
Switch to Target
Switch to Contact List
Nav Map/Mission Log
Player Status
Current Information
Go To
This is the basic HUD you will see when in  ight.
Brackets, arrows, and the targeting reticle help pilot track and analyze objects. See Section 4 for more information.
Information about pilot and ship. See Section 4 for more information.
Insert the
CD into your CD-ROM drive, and then follow
the onscreen prompts.
Setup does not automatically run, do the following:
1. On the Start Menu, click Run.
2. Type D:\setup.exe (where D represents your CD-ROM drive).
3. On the Setup screen, click Install, and then follow the onscreen prompts.
Main Menu
The Main Menu has the following options:
NEW GAME Begin a new game.
LOAD GAME Load a previously saved game.
MULTIPLAYER Begin a game in Multiplayer Mode.
OPTIONS Modify visuals, audio, and keyboard controls;
view credits.
EXIT Exit game and return to the desktop.
In-Game Menus
In-game menus (during  ight, on base, or in Multiplayer Mode) offer slightly different options, including Save Game.
To manually save a game
1. Press F1.
2. Click Save Game.
3. Type a game title or description, and then press ENTER.
Periodically during gameplay, your status and location are automatically saved.
NOTE: You cannot manua ll y sav e a gam e when
in sp ace o r Multi player Mode.
Basic Doctrine
of the
Liberty Security
WARNING: T hi s doc ument c ontains clas si  ed
techn ical da ta, t he expo rt of w hich vi olate s the L ibert y Secur ity Pri vacy Ac t (Ti tl e 12, LADSF Sec. 2 132, et seq. ). Viol ators a re subje ct to p rosec ution.
Trent, Leaving Bretonia to make your fortune in space, are you? All I can say is keep your head on; there’s a lot of grotty butchers
out there who started just like you—honest folk, looking for their place among the stars. And I don’t simply mean the criminal element, either; the rebels and the governments are almost as corrupt as the thugs out there.
Study this Liberty combat manual. I got it from a Junker at the Jersey Debris Field off Manhattan. It’s a few years old and the LSF isn’t exactly forthcoming about certain information, but I’ve  lled in the blanks where I could. You’ll undoubtedly
 nd the thing quite illuminating, and it might just save you from becoming another interstellar vapor trail. Staying put in Leeds,
Richard W. Tobias
1 An Introduction
to LSF Protocol
Welcome and congratulations! You have already proven exemplary in skill and intelligence, traits we hope to embellish with the most current and time-tested  ight and combat procedures. Yet the characteristic valued above all else in the Liberty Security Force (LSF) cannot be learned, it is innate, and it is the single attribute that distinguishes good soldiers from great ones: the subordination of personal welfare to the higher law of justice, to something greater than us all. To the Liberty Security Force.
Declaration of Intent
The purpose of this manual is to familiarize prospective pilots with LSF protocol, tactics, and technology. While the LSF recognizes that the written word is no substitute for experience in the  eld, we place requirements upon individual pilots far greater than those found in other organizations. For that reason, a solid understanding of LSF methodology is critical to a pilot’s success, long before he or she enters a combat scenario. The  rst section of this manual explains how an LSF of cer is expected to behave while on a base.
NOTICE: No n- compl iance w ith LSF proc ed ure a s
outli ned i n this documen t may r esult i n fed eral prose cutio n.
Base HUD
This is how the HUD appears when you are on a base, space station, or other stationary object.
Base Protocol
When you travel to one of the many bases in the Sirius Sector, you will encounter the following environments:
LAUNCH PAD Allows you to return to the Launch
Pad. From there, click the Launch to Space icon to launch to space. The actual Launch Pad icon may be different from the one pictured here, depending on your location.
BAR Allows you to network with people from all over
the colonies, many of whom offer vital information, useful rumors, and lucrative job offers. Bars generally feature Job Boards and News Monitors for further opportunities and information.
Trent: For the right price, some
pubgoers can clear your reputation
with a rival faction.
COMMODITY TRADER Allows you to buy
or sell Food, Fuel, Oxygen, Medicine, and other items. Be aware that commodity traders occasionally traf c in illegal goods.
EQUIPMENT DEALER Allows you to buy
or sell weapons and equipment, and repair your ship.
SHIP DEALER Allows you to trade your ship.
The standard LSF  ghting vessel is the Liberty Light Fighter, available on Manhattan, Los Angeles, Denver, and Houston.
Trent: Of the 40 or so ship types
available in Sirius, choose one that suits your needs. Freighters are great for merchant work, but you can’t beat
a heavy  ghter in a skirmish.
Launch Pad
Launch to Space
Commodity Trader
Equipment Dealer
Ship Dealer
Buying and Selling
LSF protocol for buying or selling weapons, equipment, commodities, and ships is as follows: Go to the appropriate vendor (commodity, equipment, or ship), then select the dealer (or dealer icon) to open a trade window. In the left Inventory panel, your inventory is itemized. The dealer’s inventory is itemized in the right Dealer panel. The middle panel displays item prices and quantities selected from either list. The bottom panel displays information on any item. Select an item on the dealer side; if you have the funds, cargo space, and skill level necessary, you may buy it. To sell, select an item from your Inventory panel.
Equipment Dealers
If you have purchased an item that must be mounted
externally on your ship, a mount button will appear on the item display in your Inventory panel (see above). If the button appears locked, the item is properly mounted; otherwise it has been stored in your cargo hold. All available hardpoints are listed  rst in your Inventory panel, and unmounted weapons are listed at the bottom.
Commodity Traders
When purchasing commodities, you are given the option
to determine quantity by using a slider bar in the center panel. Your money and cargo space determine the maximum quantity purchasable.
Ship Dealers
When you trade in your old ship, your cargo usually
transfers automatically. In rare circumstances where it does not, untransferred items will appear in the Dealer panel, and are sold when you  nalize the transaction. If you wish to keep an item that was not transferred, you must make space in your cargo hold by removing something else.
> > >
A few purchasing differences between vendors should be pointed out.
Item health
Trent: Believe it or not, dealers aren’t in it for the love. Check the color box next to any commodity you buy or sell to compare the dealer’s prices with
the galactic average. Yellow’s average, green’s good, and red is robbery. If you’re selling stuff, colored
circles show how you’re faring.
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