Akai MPC60 User Manual

Software version 2.0
Operator's Manual
By Roger Linn
Document revision date: April 20, 1989
Power requirements
Power requirements for electrical equipment differ from area to area. The operating voltage of this machine is preset at the factory according to its intended destination. However, some models are equipped with a voltage selector. If your machine is so equipped, before connecting, check to see that the VOLTAGE SELECTOR on the rear panel is set to the voltage for your area. If not, please set it correctly before plugging in the
power cord:
220V, 50 Hz for Europe except UK. 240V, 50 Hz for UK and Australia. 120V, 60 Hz for U.S.A. and Canada.
If the VOLTAGE SELECTOR on your machine looks like this: If the VOLTAGE SELECTOR on your MPC60 looks like the diagram on the right, please disconnect the power cord, then set the switch to the correct voltage for your area, using a flat screwdriver.
What you should know to protect yourself and the Akai MPC60:
Watch out! You might get an electric shock.
• Never touch the power plug with wet hands.
• Always pull out the power plug by the plug and never the cord.
• Only let a qualified professional repair or reassemble the Akai MPC60. An unauthorized person might touch the internal parts and receive a serious electric shock.
• Never allow a child to put anything, especially metal, into the Akai MPC60.
Let's protect the Akai MPC60 too.
• Use only a household AC power source. Never use a DC power source.
• If water is spilled on the Akai MPC60, disconnect the power and call your dealer.
• Make sure that the Akai MPC60 is well ventilated and away from direct sunlight.
• To avoid damage to the internal circuits and the external surface, keep away from heat (stoves, etc.)
• Avoid using spray type insecticide near the Akai MPC60. It can damage the finish and might ignite suddenly.
• To avoid damaging the finish, never use denaturated alcohol, paint thinner or other similar chemicals to clean the Akai MPC60.
• Place the Akai MPC60 on a flat and solid surface.
Warning - This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J or Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
"This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications"
For customers in the UK
The wires in the mains lead of your machine are coloured in accordance with the following code: Blue: Neutral Brown: Live As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured markings indentifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black.
The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red.
• When wiring a plug, do not connect any wire to the larger pin marked either by "E" or by this symbol:
Ensure that all terminals are securely tightened and that no loose strands of wire exist.
Table of contents
1.1 Welcome!
1.2 How to use this manual
2.1 Overview
2.2 Hooking up your system and turning the MPC60 on
2.3 The CURSOR keys
2.5 The SOFT KEYS (1-4)
2.6 The HELP key
2.7 The Dynamic drum pads
2.7.1 The FULL LEVEL and 16 LEVELS keys
2.7.2 The BANK 2 key
2.7.3 The HIHAT DECAY slider and the AFTER key
2.8 The DRUM MIX key - adjusting the stereo drum mixer
2.9 Playing the preset sequences
2.9.1 Changing sequences while playing
2.10 Adjusting the playing tempo
2.11 The MAIN SCREEN key - how to exit any function
2.12 The RESET TO DEFAULTS function
3.1 Overview
3.2 How sequences, tracks and channels are organized
3.3 The PLAY/RECORD screen - the main operating mode of the MPC60
3.4 How to assign "drums" and "non-drums" tracks
3.5 The PLAY/RECORD keys
3.6 An example of recording a drum sequence
3.7 An example of recording a sequence with both drums and keyboard parts
3.8.1 Correcting timing errors
3.8.2 The SHUFFLE feature
3.8.3 The SHIFT TIMING feature
3.8.4 The NOTE REPEAT feature
3.9 Tempo
3.9.1 The tempo screen
3.9.2 Mid-sequence tempo changes
3.9.3 The TAP TEMPO key
3.9.4 Speed limitations at fast tempos
3.10 The WAIT FOR KEY key
3.11 The AUTO PUNCH key
3.12 The 2ND SEQUENCE key
3.13 The COUNT IN key
3.14 The recording metronome
3.15 The two FOOT SWITCH inputs
3.16 The "Free sequence memory" display
3.17 Recording Midi system exclusive data
3.18 Transferring sequences to and from other sequencers
3.19 The "Analyzing sequence. Please wait..." message
4.1 Overview
4.2 The ERASE key
4.2.1 Erasing notes while overdubbing ("Live erase" mode)
4.2.2 The Erase screen
4.3 The EDIT key
4.3.1 Viewing time signature changes
4.3.2 Creating a new sequence
4.3.3 Inserting blank bars into a sequence
4.3.4 Deleting bars from within a sequence
4.3.5 Copying a section, including all tracks, and inserting it elsewhere
4.3.6 Copying a single track to another area or merging it with other data
4.3.7 Copying an entire sequence to another sequence
4.3.8 Converting a song into a single long sequence
4.3.9 Shortening or lengthening a single bar
4.3.10 Changing the velocity or duration of a group of notes after recording
4.4 The STEP EDIT key
4.4.1 The step edit screen
4.4.2 Using step edit
4.4.3 Step recording
4.5 The EDIT LOOP key
4.5.1 Using EDIT LOOP as an "UNDO" function
4.6 The TRANSPOSE key
5.1 Overview
5.2 The song mode screen
5.3 An example of creating and playing a song
6.1 Overview
6.2 Sampling a new sound
6.3 Editing an existing sound
6.4 Tuning the drums
6.5 The echo mixer
6.6 Assigning the 8 assignable mix outputs
6.7 Transferring sounds over midi: the Midi Sample Dump
6.8 Triggering a drum from an external signal - the audio trigger
6.9 Mixer modes, hihat decay thresholds, mufti-pitch mode
7.1 Overview
7.2 Saving a sequence
7.3 Saving all sequences and songs
7.4 Saving a drum sound
7.5 Saving all drum sounds
7.6 Saving a parameter file
7.7 Loading, era s ing or renaming files
7.7.1 Files which automatically load on power-up
7.8 Formatting a disk
7.9 Copying an entire disk
7.10 "Attention" screens encountered during disk operations
7.11 The "Save warning" light above the DISK key
8.1 Overview
8.2 The Sync screen
8.3 Syncing to SMPTE
8.4 Syncing to FSK24
8.5 Syncing to 1/4 no t e clicks
8.6 Syncing to Midi Clock and Song Position Pointer
8.7 Syncing to Midi Time Code
9.1 Overview
9.2 T he midi input filter, midi soft through, sustain pedal processing
9.3 External drum triggering, the midi " drums" channel
9.4 The ME-35T Audio/Midi Trigger interface screen
9.5 Midi implementation charts
10.1 Features
10.2 Technical specifications
10.3 What to do if your MPC60 isn’t working properly
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 Welcome!
Thank you for purchasing the Akai MPC60. The Akai engineering team, my engineering team and myself have all worked very hard to bring to you a product which we truly believe answers the needs of today's professional musician. I am sure you will find that the combination of innovative features, high sound quality, ease of use and attention to detail will be very useful in the process of composition, recording and performing. It has been said that technology has always had a profound influence on art. If this is true, I invite you all to take this piece of technology and use it to change the direction of music for tomorrow. Now, let's begin...
P.S. I'd like to know if you use the MPC60 on any famous records. If so, I'd appreciate it if you would write a brief letter to your local distributor and
'll tell me. Thanks.
1.2 How to use this manual
The MPC60 and this manual were designed for people who don't like reading manuals and want to start working immediately.
The manual teaches the MPC60's operation in a logical, step-by-step manner. The sections are presented in the order that most people want to learn them. To start using your MPC60 as soon as possible, we recommend that you first read (or skim) through sections 2 and 3, "The Basics" and "Recording sequences", to get a general understanding of the MPC60. After that, you will find that most other functions are very easy to figure out by experimentation:
1. Press the key which you think would most likely contain the function you are looking for. For example, to sample a new sound, press the SOUNDS key.
2. Follow the instructions presented on screen. If you're confused, press and hold the HELP key for further explanation.
3. If you still can't figure it out, find the section in the manual which explains that function, either by looking in the table of contents or the index.
Section l: Introduction 11
Section 2: The Basics
2.1 Overview
This section is a simple introduction to operating the MPC60. In this section you will learn to:
• Hook up the MPC60 to your system.
• Enter and change data and parameters using the CURSOR keys, the NUMERIC KEYPAD, the DATA CONTROL, and the +/- keys
• Use the SOFT KEYS and the HELP key
• Play the drums and use the associated keys
• Adjust the stereo drum mixer
• Play the preset sequences
• Adjust the playing tempo and a few other basic functions
Section 2: The Basics 15
2.2 Hooking up your system and turning it on:
To get started using the drum machine section:
1. Connect the power cord to an AC outlet. 2. Connect the STEREO OUT LEFT and STEREO OUT RIGHT jacks to the inputs of an amplifier or mixer.
Note: If you are only using the MPC60 as a drum machine right now, you don't need any other connections. Skip down to the section "Turning the MPC60 on".
To also use the sequencer section with a single integrated keyboard synthesizer:
1. Connect the synthesizer's MIDI OUT to the MPC60's MIDI IN 1. You may alternatively use MIDI IN 2. Both inputs merge together. 2. Connect the MPC60's MIDI OUT 1 to the MIDI IN of the synthesizer.
To use the sequencer section with a midi master keyboard and separate multiple midi sound modules:
1. Connect the MIDI OUT of the midi keyboard to the MIDI IN 1 of the MPC60. You may alternatively use MIDI IN 2. Both inputs merge together. 2. Connect the MIDI OUT 1 of the MPC60 to the MIDI INPUT of the first midi sound module. 3. Connect the MIDI THRU of the first sound module to the MIDI INPUT of the second sound module. 4. Connect the MIDI THRU of the 2nd sound module to the MIDI INPUT of the third sound module, and continue this until all sound modules are connected.
The above hookup only uses one of the four midi output jacks of the MPC60. Later in the manual, you'll learn how to use all 4 of the midi output jacks.
To use the sampling input, foot switches, sync input/output, echo inputs/outputs, individual mix output 1 - 8, or the metronome output, please read the corresponding sections of the manual.
Note: the RS-232C computer port currently has no function.
Turning the MPC60 on
1. Of the disks which are included with the MPC60, find the disk "STUDIO SET and SYSTEM ALL" and place it into the disk drive. This disk contains a general purpose set of drum sounds and a collection of demonstration sequences.
Note: Every time you turn the MPC60's power on, you must re-load the drum sounds (and sequences if desired) from disk. This is because ALL SOUND AND SEQUENCE MEMORY IS LOST WHEN YOU TURN THE POWER OFF. While it is true that most drum machines hold their memory when power is removed, these are devices with very low memory capacity. There are no samplers and no high capacity sequencers which retain memory when power is removed for one reason: the cost of low-power memory, which can be kept active by a battery, is much more expensive than the type of memory commonly used. We at Akai believe the customer would prefer to pay a substantially lower price for the minor inconvenience of saving his work to disk before powering down. For this reason, whenever you do any sampling or editing of sounds, or recording or editing of sequences, you must always save the changes to disk, or the changes will be lost!
2. Turn the power ON and wait for about 1 1/2 minutes for the MPC60 to load the sounds and sequences into memory. While loading, the screen will display the following message:
Note: If the version number is a lower number than 2.00, your MPC60 is running an older software version. If so, you should update your MPC60 to version 2.00. To update your MPC60, contact your dealer or service center and say "I want to have the latest software update installed in my MPC60".
When finished loading (after about one minute), the following screen should a
Section 2: The Basics
This is the PLAY/RECORD screen. It is the main operating mode of the MPC60 and all playing and recording of sequences is done while this screen is displayed. This screen will be discussed further in the section entitled "Recording sequences'". If at any time while operating the MPC60 you are confused and want to return to this mode, press the MAIN SCREEN key.
Note: There are three other disks included with the MPC60:
These disks contain 3 additional sets of drum sounds, but contain the same demonstration sequences. To hear the sounds on these disks, follow the above instructions again, but use one of these disks instead. It is also possible to load the files on these disks by using the DISK key, discussed later in the section "Saving to and loading from disk".
2.3 The CURSOR keys
While the PLAY/R,ECORD screen is showing, notice that a small rectangular block is blinking near the upper left corner. This is called the CURSOR. It is possible to move the cursor around the screen using the four grey direction keys in the CURSOR section of the panel. Try doing this, then return the cursor to the upper left corner where it was.
Notice that the cursor does not move from letter to letter, but rather jumps across many letters at a time, landing only in certain locations, usually to the right of a colon (":"). These areas are called DATA FIELDS and each one controls a specific parameter. For example, the upper leftmost data field is called SQNC, an abbreviation for "sequence". To the right of this field is another field containing the name for the selected sequence number, followed by the TMPO field, an abbreviation for "tempo".
The PLAY/R,ECORD screen is one of many screens available on the MPC60. Each of the panel keys presents at least one unique screen, and each screen has its own unique data fields. Try pressing a few of the different keys in the COMMANDS section of the panel such as DISK or TEMPO/SYNC. When you're finished, press MAIN SCREEN to return to the PLAY/RECORD screen.
Section 2: The Basics
To change the data in a field, move the cursor to it and type in the new number using the numeric keypad, followed by ENTER. For example, to change to sequence number 2:
1. Move the cursor to the SQNC field;
2. Type 2, followed by ENTER.
Notice that the sequence name (located immediately to the right of the sequence number) now automatically changes, because it must now display the name of sequence 2. Try changing the playing tempo in the same way (move the cursor to the TMPO field).
Another use of the numeric keypad is to select from a list of options presented on-screen. For example, pressing the DISK key causes the followin
screen to be displayed:
If a screen like this is displayed, you are expected to select one of the options by pressing a single number - it is not necessary to press ENTER afterwards.
Another way of changing on-screen data is to use the DATA CONTROL. While the cursor is in a data field, if the DATA CONTROL is rotated one "step" to the right (as you turn the knob, you can "feel" the steps), the on-screen number will increment by 1. If the DATA CONTROL is rotated one step to the left, the on-screen number will decrement by 1. Continuously turning the DATA CONTROL will repeatedly increment or decrement the on-screen value. It is not necessary to press ENTER after turning the data control.
There are certain data fields called "choice" fields. These fields do not contain numeric data, but rather a specific number of preset
selections, but only one may be active at a time. In this case, the DATA CONTROL is used to select from the available options. For example,
press the OTHER key and move the cursor to the RATE field, which is a "choice" field. Now turn the DATA CONTROL and notice that with each step of the control, a different preset option appears.
The + and - keys
Pressing the "+" key has the same effect as turning the DATA CONTROL one step to the right. It either increments a number in a numeric field or chooses a new option in a "choice" field.
Pressing the "-" key has the same effect as turning the DATA CONTROL one step to the left. It either decrements a number in a numeric field or chooses a new option in a "choice" field.
2.5 The SOFT KEYS (1 - 4)
In the upper right corner of the front panel are four buttons labeled SOFT KEY 1, SOFT KEY 2, SOFT KEY 3 and SOFT KEY 4. The functions of these buttons change from one screen to another and are always displayed on the lowest line of the screen. For example, while the PLAY/RECORD screen (accessed by pressing the MAIN SCREEN button) is showing. notice the lowest line:
Section 2: The Basics
There are four titles enclosed in angle brackets ("<" and ">"). The titles are <Trak=ON >, <Solo=OFF>, <Tmpo=SEQ> and <SortTrks>. These four titles indicate the functions of the four soft keys, but only while this screen is showing. Each of the many functions in the MPC60 displays a unique screen of data, and the lowest line of each of these screens indicates the function of the 4 soft keys while that screen is showing. Demonstrate this by pressing the ERASE key, then the TIMING CORRECT key, then MAIN SCREEN to return to the PLAY/RECORD screen. Some screens have less than four active soft keys and some have none.
2.6 The HELP key
Whenever this key is pressed and held down, the contents of the screen will be temporarily replaced with a paragraph of further explanation about the function you are currently working with. To return to the previous screen, release the HELP key. There is a different help screen for every data field in every screen in the MPC60. To demonstrate this:
1. Press HELP, notice the screen, then release it;
2. Move the cursor to a different field;
3. Press HELP again, notice the different screen and release it.
The 16 drum pads are dynamic- the harder you strike them, the louder the drum will sound.
2.7.1 The FULL LEVEL and 16 LEVELS keys
• The FULL LEVEL key: The FULL LEVEL key defeats the variable dynamics of the drum pads, causing all drums to play at full dynamic level, regardless of how hard or soft the pad is struck. However, this has no effect on drums which are playing back from sequences. Press FULL LEVEL once to turn this mode ON (the light will go on); press it again to turn it OFF.
• The 16 LEVELS key: This key has 2 functions, but only one may be in use at a time:
1. It may be used to play a single drum at 16 fixed dynamic levels, using the 16 pads.
2. It may be used play a single drum at 16 fixed tunings, using the 16 pads.
To select which of these 2 functions is currently in use, press the SOUNDS key, then select option 8, "Mixer/hihat/other", and the following screen will appear:
Section 2: The Basics
Now, move the cursor to the lowest field on the screen entitled FUNCTION OF options:
1. "16 VOLUMES": If this option is selected, the 16 LEVELS key
"16 LEVELS". This is a "choice" type field and has 2
will cause a single sound to play from all dynamic levels with the softest level on the lower leftmost pad and the loudest level on the upper rightmost pad.
16 pads, but at 16 fixed
2. "16 TUNINGS": If this option is selected, the 16 LEVELS key
will cause a single sound to play from all 16 pads, but at 16 fixed chromatic tunings, with the lowest tuning (-12 semitones) on the lower leftmost pad, and the highest tuning (+3 semitones) on the upper rightmost pad. If this mode is active and the pads are played while recording, these tunings are remembered within the sequence. After recording, the tuning of each note may be adjusted in Step edit mode. This is explained further in the Step edit section of this document.
Use the DATA CONTROL to select which function you wish to use. Once set, your selection will be retained even after power is removed. When you've finished, press the MAIN SCREEN key to return to the PLAY/RECORD screen.
To use the 16 LEVELS key (regardless of the selected function):
1. Play the pad of the drum you want to use.
2. Press the 16 LEVELS key. The light will go on indicating the feature is active. Now, the drum you played in step 1 will sound when any of the pads are played, but at 16 fixed dynamic levels (if "16 VOLUMES" is active) or at 16 fixed tunings (if "16 TUNINGS" is active).
3. To turn this feature off, press 16 LEVELS again and the light will go off.
NOTE: The "16 TUNINGS" feature does not operate if the Hihat is selected.
NOTE 2: The MPC60 performs its tuning all digitally without any distortion, but substantial distortion may be heard if a drum is tuned which was recorded at too high a record level. If you notice this distortion when tuning your own sampled sounds, the only solution is to re-sample your sound at a lower volume or to use a different sound which was not over-recorded.
2.7.2 The BANK 2 key
The MPC60 may contain as many as 32 drums in memory at once, yet there are only 16 front panel play pads. This button is used to select between bank 1 (the first 16 drums: Hihat through Percussion 4) and bank 2 (the second 16 drums: Drum01 through Drum16). Normally, bank 1 is active. To activate bank 2, press BANK 2 and the light will go on to indicate bank 2 is active. To return to bank 1, press BANK 2 again and the light will go out.
2.7.3 The HIHAT DECAY slider & the AFTER key
The slider controls the decay time of any notes played on the hihat pad, similar to how the foot pedal on a real hihat controls its decay time. Also, to add realism, one of three samples is played, depending on the position of the slider:
1. If a hihat is played while the slider is in the lower 1/3 of its range, a "closed hihat" sample is played; 2. If a hihat is played while the slider is in the middle 1/3 of its range, a "medium open hihat' sample is played; and 3. If the hihat is played while the slider is in the upper 1/3 of its range, an "open hihat" sample is played.
It is possible to change the thresholds within the slider's travel at which one hihat sample changes to another. To do this, read section 6.9 of the manual entitled "Mixer modes, hihat decay thresholds, mufti-pitch mode".
The decay information is recorded into the sequence with each hihat note,
allowing every nuance of your hihat performance to be remembered.
Normally, the WHAT DECAY slider has no effect on hihat notes playing back from sequences. However, if the AFTER key is pressed (and the light goes on), the slider not only sets the decay for all new notes played, but also overrides the decay of any existing hihats playing in sequences. Further, if in RECORD or OVERDUB modes while the AFTER light is on, the current setting of the decay slider will replace decay settings for any existing hihats playing in the active track. To activate the AFTER mode, press AFTER (the light will go on). To deactivate it, press AFTER again (the light will go off).
Note: The RECORD and OVERDUB modes will be described in the
next chapter, "Recording sequences".
Section 2: The Basics 25
2.8 The DRUM MIX key - adjusting the stereo drum mix
To adjust the individual volume and pan settings for the stereo mix outputs, press the DRUM MIX key and this screen will appear:
This is a graphic simulation of a 16 channel stereo mixer. For each channel, there is a four letter abbreviation of a drum, a graphic representation of a volume slider, and a graphic representation of a rotary pan control. Depending on the setting of the BANK 2 switch, either the first 16 drums (HIHT - PRC4) or the second 16 drums (DRO1 -DR16) will be displayed for adjustment. You can press the BANK 2 switch before or during the drum mix operation.
To adjust the volume of a particular drum: 1. Press the pad of the drum to be adjusted - the small triangle will move to directly above the selected drum; 2. Rotate the DATA CONTROL. As you turn it, the graphic volume slider will move up or down, indicating that the volume of the selected drum is being changed.
To adjust the pan position of a particular drum: 1. Press the pad of the drum to be adjusted - the small triangle will move to directly above the selected drum; 2. Press the CURSOR UP key - the small triangle will now point upwards, toward the graphic pan knob; 3. Rotate the DATA CONTROL. As you turn it, the graphic pan knob will move between one of 15 pan positions, indicating that the pan of the selected drum is being changed.
Even though no soft key functions are displayed on the screen, there is one active soft key: If SOFT KEY1 is pressed, the mixer changes to a mode in which all drums are changed simultaneously, indicated by 16 cursor triangles across the screen. This may be a global level or pan change. You can change between level and pan with the UP an DOWN cursor keys. To return to normal operation, press soft key 1 again.
NOTE: It is possible to select a special mode in which all mix changes made in real time while recording will be replayed on playback, just like an automated mixer. This is explained in section 6.9 of the manual entitled "Mixer modes, hihat decay thresholds, multi-pitch mode".
2.9 Playing the preset sequences
To play some of the preset sequences included with the MPC60, perform the following steps:
1. If you have not already done so, load the preset sounds and sequences from disk as described in the section "Turning on the MPC60" or Section 7 - "Saving to and loading from disk". Make sure the STEREO MIX VOLUME control and your amplifier/mixer controls are set properly.
2. Make sure the PLAY/R,ECORD screen is showing. If not, press MAIN SCREEN;
3. Make sure the cursor is currently in the upper left field of the screen, entitled SQNC, and that the number in this field is 1. If not, press 1, then ENTER;
4. Press the PLAY START key - sequence number 1 should start playing in a loop;
5. Press the STOP key - the sequence should stop playing;
6. Press 2, then ENTER - the name for sequence number 2 should appear directly to the right of the sequence number;
7. Press the PLAY START key - sequence number 2 should start playing in a loop;
8. Press the STOP key - the sequence should stop playing;
9. Turn the data wheel (very carefully) one step to the right, which should cause the sequence number to increment to 3;
10. Press the PLAY START key - sequence number 3 should start playing in a loop;
11. Press the STOP key - the sequence should stop playing.
2.9.1 How to change sequences while playing
It is also possible to change sequences while the MPC60 is playing. If you do, the newly selected sequence will not start playing until the current sequence has finished. When the new sequence number is entered, the top line of the screen will display the message:
Section 2: The Basics
This indicates that the newly selected sequence (in this case, sequence number 2) will start playing once the current sequence has finished playing.
IMPORTANT!: This process will only operate while the top line of the PLAY/RECORD screen displays the following words before the
new se
uence is selected:
This indicates that the MPC60 is NOT enabled for recording. This process will NOT operate if the MPC60 is enabled for recording, indicated by the followin
top line of the PLAY/RECORD screen:
If these words are displayed, you must first disable recording by doing the following:
1. Select a different sequence; then
2. Re-select the original sequence
This feature is very useful for creating the structure of a song in real time while the MPC60 is playing. For example, while the sequence containing the 1st verse is playing, you could enter the sequence number contain the chorus, which will starting playing once the verse sequence is finished. Then, you might enter the sequence number containing the second verse, which will start playing once the chorus sequence has finished. This process may be continued infinitely.
NOTE: If you use the DATA CONTROL to select a new sequence while playing, only the next higher or next lower sequence may be selected. If you want to select a sequence which is greater than one higher or lower, you must use the numeric keypad (remember to press ENTER after you have entered the new sequence number).
NOTE 2: If you notice a timing irregularity at the point of transition from one sequence into another, the problem may be due to the assignments of the PROG field (in the PLAY/RECORD screen) for the sequence which plays immediately after the timing irregularity. The PROG field is described in section 3.3, "The PLAY/RECORD screen- the main operating mode of the MPC60". If, while playing one sequence, you change to a sequence containing these program assignments, the sequence's program assignments are sent out at the moment that the sequence starts to play in the song. This can present a problem because most synthesizers require a brief time delay while changing programs, and this delay time will cause any notes existing at the start of the new sequence to be delayed. This delay is brief in most synthesizers, but is usually enough to cause a timing irregularity at the start of the sequence. To avoid this problem, remove any assignments of the PROG field for the sequence which you are changing to while playing (in the above described manner). This problem does not apply to sequences containing only drums tracks.
2.10 Adjusting the playing tempo
To adjust the playing tempo:
1. From the PLAY/RECORD screen, move the cursor to the TMPO field - this is the tempo setting; 2. Change the tempo either by typing in a new tempo number and pressing ENTER, or by turning the
There are other ways to adjust the tempo and many other tempo related parameters. These will be discussed later in the section entitled
Section 2: The Basics 29
2.11 The MAIN SCREEN key- how to exit any function
Pressing the MAIN SCREEN key at almost any time will return you back to the main PLAY/R,ECORD screen of the MPC60 without damaging any data. Use this key as a "panic" button - if you find yourself in some function you don't understand and want to get out.
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