ZYXEL NBG6818 User guide

Default Login Details
User’s Guide


AC2600 Multi-Gigabit Security WiFi Router Model: NBG6818
Version 1.00 Edition 2, 08/2020
Copyright © 2020 Zyxel Communications Corporation
Screenshots and graphics in this book may differ slightly from your product due to differences in your product firmware or your computer operating system. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate.
Related Documentation
•Quick Start Guide The Quick Start Guide shows how to connect the NBG6818 and access the Web Configurator wizards.
It contains information on setting up your network and configuring for Internet access.
•More Information Go to support.zyxel.com to find other information on the NBG6818
NBG6818 User’s Guide

Document Conventions

Warnings and Notes
These are how warnings and notes are shown in this guide.
Warnings tell you about things that could harm you or your device.
Note: Notes tell you other important information (for example, other things you may need to
configure or helpful tips) or recommendations.
Syntax Conventions
• Product labels, screen names, field labels and field choices are all in bold font.
• A right angle bracket ( > ) within a screen name denotes a mouse click. For example, Setting > Internet > Internet Connection means you first click Setting in the navigation panel, then the Internet sub menu and finally the Internet Connection tab to get to that screen.
Icons Used in Figures
Figures in this user guide may use the following generic icons. The NBG6818 icon is not an exact representation of your device.
NBG6818 Wireless Device Laptop Computer
Switch Firewall Server
Internet Desktop Computer Smartphone
NBG6818 User’s Guide

Contents Overview

Contents Overview
User’s Guide ......................................................................................................................................10
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Wizard .................................................................................................................................................... 17
The Web Configurator ......................................................................................................................... 27
NBG6818 Modes ................................................................................................................................... 34
Standard Mode .................................................................................................................................... 36
................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Bridge Mode ......................................................................................................................................... 39
Tutorials .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Technical Reference ........................................................................................................................55
Applications .......................................................................................................................................... 56
WAN ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
Wireless LAN ........................................................................................................................................ 102
LAN ....................................................................................................................................................... 113
Security ................................................................................................................................................ 123
System .................................................................................................................................................. 130
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................. 141
NBG6818 User’s Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Document Conventions .................................................................. ....................................................3
Contents Overview .............................................................................................................................4
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................................5
Part I: User’s Guide.......................................................................................... 10
Chapter 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................11
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Applications .................................................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Ways to Manage the NBG6818 .................................................................................................... 12
1.4 Good Habits for Managing the NBG6818 ................................................................................... 12
1.5 Resetting the NBG6818 .................................................................................................................. 13
1.5.1 How to Use the RESET Button ................................................................................................ 13
1.6 The WPS Button ............................................................................................................................... 13
1.7 LEDs .................................................................................................................................................. 14
1.8 Desk Mounting ................................................................................................................................ 15
1.9 Wall Mounting ................................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 2
Wizard .................................................................................................................................................17
2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Accessing the Wizard ..................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 3
The Web Configurator........................................................................................................................27
3.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Accessing the Web Configurator ................................................................................................. 27
3.3 Navigation Panel ............................................................................................................................ 29
3.3.1 Standard Mode Navigation Panel ...................................................................................... 30
3.3.2 Bridge Mode Navigation Panel ........................................................................................... 32
Chapter 4
NBG6818 Modes.......................................... ............................................ .... .......................................34
4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 34
4.2 Modes .............................................................................................................................................. 34
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 5
Standard Mode..................................................................................................................................36
5.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 36
5.2 What You Can Do .......................................................................................................................... 36
5.3 Standard Mode Status Screen ...................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 6
Bridge Mode......................................... ... ............................................ .... ...........................................39
6.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 39
6.2 What You Can Do .......................................................................................................................... 39
6.3 Setting your NBG6818 to Bridge Mode ........................................................................................39
6.3.1 Accessing the Web Configurator in Bridge Mode ............................................................ 40
6.4 Bridge Mode Status Screen ........................................................................................................... 41
Chapter 7
7.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 42
7.2 Run a Speed Test ............................................................................................................................ 42
7.3 Configure the NBG6818’s WiFi Networks ......................................................................................43
7.4 Enable or Disable a WiFi Network ................................................................................................. 45
7.5 Add Clients to a Profile .................................................................................................................. 46
7.6 Set a Profile’s WiFi Schedule .......................................................................................................... 47
7.7 Pause or Resume Internet Access on a Profile ............................................................................ 49
7.8 Turn on or off the NBG6818’s LED (Light) ...................................................................................... 50
7.9 Change Your NBG6818 Operating Mode ................................................................................... 51
7.10 Configure a Port Forwarding Rule .............................................................................................. 52
Part II: Technical Reference...........................................................................55
Chapter 8
Applications .......................................................................................................................................56
8.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 56
8.1.1 What You Can Do ................................................................................................................. 56
8.1.2 What You Need To Know ..................................................................................................... 56
8.1.3 Before You Begin ................................................................................................................... 57
8.2 Parental Control ............................................................................................................................. 57
8.2.1 Device Screen ....................................................................................................................... 57
8.3 OpenVPN Server/Client ................................................................................................................. 61
8.3.1 OpenVPN Server Screen ...................................................................................................... 61
8.3.2 OpenVPN Account Screen .................................................................................................. 63
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Table of Contents
8.3.3 OpenVPN Client Screen ....................................................................................................... 65
8.4 USB Application .............................................................................................................................. 67
8.4.1 SAMBA Server Screen ........................................................................................................... 67
8.4.2 FTP Server Screen .................................................................................................................. 69
8.4.3 USB Media Sharing Screen ................................................................................................... 71
8.5 Access Your Shared Files From a Computer ............................................................................... 73
8.5.1 Using Windows Explorer ........................................................................................................ 73
8.5.2 Using FTP Program ................................................................................................................. 74
Chapter 9
WAN ....................................................................................................................................................77
9.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 77
9.2 What You Can Do .......................................................................................................................... 77
9.3 What You Need To Know .............................................................................................................. 78
9.3.1 Configuring Your Internet Connection ............................................................................... 78
9.4 Internet Connection Screen .......................................................................................................... 79
9.4.1 IPoE Encapsulation ................................................................................................................ 79
9.4.2 PPPoE Encapsulation ............................................................................................................ 82
9.4.3 PPTP Encapsulation ............................................................................................................... 85
9.5 NAT & Port Forwarding Screen ...................................................................................................... 87
9.5.1 Add Port Forwarding Rule Screen ....................................................................................... 89
9.6 Passthrough Screen ........................................................................................................................ 91
9.7 Port Trigger Screen ......................................................................................................................... 92
9.7.1 Add Port Trigger Rule Screen ............................................................................................... 94
9.8 Dynamic DNS Screen ..................................................................................................................... 95
9.9 UPnP Screen .................................................................................................................................... 96
9.9.1 Turning On UPnP in Windows 7 Example ............................................................................ 97
9.9.2 Turning on UPnP in Windows 10 Example .......................................................................... 99
Chapter 10
Wireless LAN .....................................................................................................................................102
10.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 102
10.1.1 What You Can Do ............................................................................................................. 102
10.1.2 What You Should Know ....................................................................................................103
10.2 Main WiFi Screen ........................................................................................................................ 106
10.3 Guest WiFi Screen ....................................................................................................................... 108
10.4 MAC Filter Screen ...................................................................................................................... 108
10.4.1 Add MAC Address Screen ............................................................................................... 109
10.5 WPS Screen ................................................................................................................................. 110
10.6 Scheduling Screen ..................................................................................................................... 112
Chapter 11
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Table of Contents
11.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 113
11.2 What You Can Do ...................................................................................................................... 113
11.3 What You Need To Know .......................................................................................................... 113
11.4 LAN IP Screen .............................................................................................................................. 114
11.4.1 Static DHCP Table-Add/Edit Rule Screen ....................................................................... 117
11.4.2 Configure LAN Screen in Bridge Mode .......................................................................... 119
11.5 IPv6 LAN Screen .......................................................................................................................... 120
Chapter 12
Security .............................................................................................................................................123
12.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 123
12.1.1 What You Can Do ............................................................................................................. 123
12.1.2 What You Need To Know ................................................................................................. 123
12.2 IPv4 Firewall Screen ................................................................................................................... 124
12.2.1 IPv4 Firewall-Add Rule Screen ......................................................................................... 126
12.3 IPv6 Firewall Screen .................................................................................................................... 127
12.3.1 IPv6 Firewall-Add Rule Screen ......................................................................................... 128
Chapter 13
13.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 130
13.2 What You Can Do ...................................................................................................................... 130
13.3 Status Screen ............................................................................................................................... 130
13.4 General Setting Screen .............................................................................................................. 133
13.5 Remote Access Screen .............................................................................................................. 135
13.6 Maintenance Screen ................................................................................................................. 136
13.7 Operating Mode Screen ........................................................................................................... 137
13.8 Logs Screen ................................................................................................................................. 139
Chapter 14
14.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 141
14.2 Power, Hardware Connections, and LEDs ............................................................................... 141
14.3 NBG6818 Access and Login ...................................................................................................... 142
14.4 Internet Access ........................................................................................................................... 143
14.5 Resetting the NBG6818 to Its Factory Defaults ........................................................................ 144
14.6 Wireless Connections ................................................................................................................. 144
14.7 USB Device Problems ................................................................................................................. 146
Appendix A Customer Support ..................................................................................................... 147
Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address................................................................... 153
Appendix C Common Services .....................................................................................................172
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Appendix D Legal Information ...................................................................................................... 175
NBG6818 User’s Guide

User’s Guide


1.1 Overview

This chapter introduces the main features and applications of the NBG6818, also called ARMOR G1.
The NBG6818 extends the range of your existing wired network without additional wiring, providing easy network access to mobile users. You can set up a wireless network with other IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac compatible devices. The NBG6818 is able to function both 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks at the same time.
A range of services such as a firewall and content filtering are also available for secure Internet computing.
There is an USB port on the side panel of your NBG6818. You can connect an USB memory stick, an USB hard drive, or an USB device for file sharing. The NBG6818 automatically detects the USB device.


1.2 Applications

Your can have the following networks with the NBG6818:
Wired. You can connect network devices via the Ethernet ports of the NBG6818 so that they can communicate with each other and access the Internet.
Figure 1 Internet Access Application: Wired Connection
Wireless. Wireless clients can connect to the NBG6818 to access network resources. You can use WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) to create an instant network connection with another WPS-compatible device.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
Figure 2 Internet Access Application: Wireless Connection
WAN. Connect to a broadband modem/router for Internet access.
Figure 3 Internet Access Application: Ethernet WAN

1.3 Ways to Manage the NBG6818

Use the following method to manage the NBG6818.
• Web Configurator. This is recommended for everyday management of the NBG6818 using a (supported) web browser.
• Zyxel ARMOR. This is the app you can use to manage the NBG6818 on your cellphone. To install the app, scan the QR code on the QSG.

1.4 Good Habits for Managing the NBG6818

Do the following things regularly to make the NBG6818 more secure and to manage the NBG6818 more effectively.
• Change the password. Use a password that’s not easy to guess and that consists of different types of characters, such as numbers and letters.
• Write down the password and put it in a safe place.
• Back up the configuration (and make sure you know how to restore it). Restoring an earlier working configuration may be useful if the device becomes unstable or even crashes. If you forget your password, you will have to reset the NBG6818 to its factory default settings. If you backed up an earlier configuration file, you would not have to totally re-configure the NBG6818. You could simply restore your last configuration.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.5 Resetting the NBG6818

If you forget your password or IP address, or you cannot access the Web Configurator, insert a thin object into the Reset hole on the side of the NBG6818 to reload the factory-default configuration file. This means that you will lose all settings that you had previously saved.
1.5.1 How to Use the RESET Button
1 Make sure the power LED is on.
2 Locate the Reset hole.
3 Insert a thin object into the Reset hole for longer than eight seconds to reset the NBG6818 back to its
factory-default configuration.

1.6 The WPS Button

Your NBG6818 supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), which is an easy way to set up a secure wireless network. WPS is an industry standard specification, defined by the Wi-Fi Alliance.
WPS allows you to quickly set up a wireless network with strong security, without having to configure security settings manually. Each WPS connection works between two devices. Both devices must support WPS (check each device’s documentation to make sure).
Depending on the devices you have, you can either press a button (on the device itself, or in its configuration utility) or enter a PIN (a unique Personal Identification Number that allows one device to authenticate the other) in each of the two devices. When WPS is activated on a device, it has two minutes to find another device that also has WPS activated. Then, the two devices connect and set up a secure network by themselves.
You can use the WPS button in the Web Configurator of the NBG6818 to activate WPS in order to quickly set up a wireless network with strong security.
1 Make sure the power LED is on (not blinking).
2 Open the Web Configurator.
3 Click Settings > WiFi > WPS, and the press the WPS button.
4 Press the WPS button on another WPS-enabled device within range of the NBG6818.
Note: You must activate WPS in the NBG6818 and in another wireless device within two
minutes of each other.
For more information on using WPS, see Section 7.2 on page 42.
NBG6818 User’s Guide

1.7 LEDs

Figure 4 Front Panel
Chapter 1 Introduction
The following table describes the front panel LED.
Table 1 Front Panel LED
White On The NBG6818 is receiving power.
Blinking The NBG6818 is booting.
Dark Blue On Blue tooth is ready.
Blinking Blue tooth configuration is in process.
Amber Blinking (Slow) The NBG6818 is upgrading firmware.
Blinking (Fast) The NBG6818 is resetting.
Purple Blinking WPS configuration is in process.
Purple and Dark Blue
Red On The NBG6818 detects and error while self-testing, or there is a
Blinking The NBG6818 is receiving power and ready for use.
device malfunction.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Figure 5 Rear Panel

1.8 Desk Mounting

Place the side of the NBG6818 with rubber feet carefully on the desk.

1.9 Wall Mounting

Chapter 1 Introduction
You may need screw anchors if mounting on a concrete or brick wall.
Table 2 Wall Mounting Information
Distance between holes 10.50 cm
M4 Screws Two
Screw anchors (optional) Two
Figure 6 Screw Specifications
1 Select a position free of obstructions on a wall strong enough to hold the weight of the device.
2 Mark two holes on the wall at the appropriate distance apart for the screws.
Be careful to avoid damaging pipes or cables located inside the wall when drilling holes for the screws.
3 If using screw anchors, drill two holes for the screw anchors into the wall. Push the anchors into the full
depth of the holes, then insert the screws into the anchors. Do not insert the screws all the way in - leave a small gap of about 0.5 cm.
If not using screw anchors, use a screwdriver to insert the screws into the wall. Do not insert the screws all the way in - leave a gap of about 0.5 cm.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
4 Make sure the screws are fastened well enough to hold the weight of the NBG6818 with the connection
5 Remove the rubber feet.
6 Align the holes on the back of the NBG6818 with the screws on the wall. Hang the NBG6818 on the
screws. Figure 7 Wall Mounting- Rubber Feet
NBG6818 User’s Guide

2.1 Overview

In this chapter, you will learn how to:
• Go through NBG6818 (ARMOR G1) wizard steps
• Configure basic settings for your WiFi
• Create a myZyxel Cloud account.

2.2 Accessing the Wizard

Launch your web browser and type "http://zyxelwifi.com" or "http://zyxelwifi.net" as the website address.


Note: The wizard appears automatically when the NBG6818 is accessed for the first time or
when you reset the NBG6818 to its default factory settings.
1 Your NBG6818 will check the status of your Internet connection the first time you log in.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
2 The following screen shows if you are connected to the Internet. Click Next to go to the next step in the
The following screen shows if you are not connected to the Internet.
Note: You may need to turn off your network firewall if access to the Internet from the
NBG6818 is blocked.
You need to connect to the Internet to access your NBG6818. See Section 14.4 on
page 143 if you cannot connect to the Internet.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
3 Enter 1-128 single-byte printable ASCII characters but not "''<>^$& as your 2.4G/5G WiFi Name and WiFi
Password. Select the check box Keep 2.4G & 5G name the same if you want to use the same name for
your 2.4G and 5G WiFi.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
4 Wait a moment for your WiFi settings to be applied to your NBG6818.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
5 The following screen shows if you have set up your WiFi name and password successfully. Click Next to
go to the next step in the wizard.
6 Wait a moment for the NBG6818 to check if your device is updated with the latest firmware. If not, your
NBG6818 will automatically update the firmware.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
7 You need to create a myZyxel Cloud account to log into the NBG6818. Click Next to go to the next step
in the wizard.
8 A pop up message shows. Click OK to be redirected to the registration website of myZyxel Cloud.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
9 Enter your Email and Password if you already have a myZyxel Cloud account. If not, you can create one
by clicking Sign Up. You can also click the Facbook or Google icon to create an account with your Facebook or Google account.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
10 The legal page shows after you log in. Select the check box I understand and agree the Zyxel Cloud
Terms of Use and then click Confirm.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
11 The following page asks for your authorization to use your account. Click Authorize to finish registering
your myZyxel Cloud account. You will be directed back to the NBG6818 web configurator.
12 Wait a moment for your NBG6818 to link to your myZyxel Cloud account.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Wizard
13 You can create a local password to access the NBG6818 directly. You can choose to log in with your
myZyxel Cloud account or your local password the next time you log in.
Note: You can change your local password in System > General Settings. See Section 13.4 on
page 133 for more information.
NBG6818 User’s Guide

3.1 Overview

This chapter describes how to access the NBG6818 Web Configurator and provides an overview of its screens.
The Web Configurator is an HTML-based management interface that allows easy system setup and management via Internet browser. Use a browser that supports HTML5, such Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. The recommended screen resolution is 1024 by 768 pixels.
In order to use the Web Configurator you need to allow:
• Web browser pop-up windows from your device.
• JavaScript (enabled by default).
• Java permissions (enabled by default).

The Web Configurator

3.2 Accessing the Web Configurator

1 Make sure your NBG6818 hardware is properly connected (refer to the Quick Start Guide).
2 Launch your web browser.
3 If the NBG6818 is in Standard Mode (the default mode), enter "http://zyxelwifi.com" in the browser’s
address bar. If the NBG6818 is in Bridge Mode, type “http:// (DHCP-assigned IP)” in the browser’s address bar.
4 On the displayed login screen, log in using your myZyxelCloud username and password or the local
Note: If this is the first time you are accessing the web configurator or if the device has been
reset, you must complete the setup wizard, see Chapter 2 on page 17.
Note: For setting and changing the local password, see Section 13.4 on page 133.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 3 The Web Configurator
5 The NBG6818 Overview screen displays allowing you to monitor your NBG6818. It shows if the NBG6818 is
online, and how many wireless clients are currently connected to your device, as well as their upstream/ downstream data rates.
Figure 8 Overview (Standard Mode)
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 3 The Web Configurator
Figure 9 Overview (Bridge Mode)

3.3 Navigation Panel

Use the submenus on the navigation panel to configure NBG6818 features. Your navigation panel varies depending on the mode of your NBG6818.
See Chapter 5 on page 36 for more information on Standard Mode.
See Chapter 6 on page 39 for more information on Bridge Mode.
NBG6818 User’s Guide
Chapter 3 The Web Configurator
3.3.1 Standard Mode Navigation Panel
Figure 10 Navigation Panel (Standard Mode)
The following table describes the submenus.
Table 3 Settings > System > Status (Standard Mode)
Overview Use this screen to:
• View read-only information about your NBG6818
• Configure WiFi settings
• Change the brightness of your device’s LED
Diagnose Advanced
Speed Test
Speed Test History
Parental Control Device Use this screen to:
Profile Use this screen to enable or configure existing parental control rules.
OpenVPN Server OpenVPN
OpenVPN Account
Use this screen to check the speed of the connection between your NBG6818 and the broadband modem/router.
Use this screen to view a summary of previously run speed tests.
• View devices information
• Add and configure parental control rules or schedules
Use this screen to create and configure an OpenVPN server account.
Use this screen to:
• View basic information about NBG6818 OpenVPN server
• View basic information about clients that are connected to the NBG6818 OpenVPN server
NBG6818 User’s Guide
+ 153 hidden pages