ZyXEL NBG6815 User Manual


Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java


In order to use the web configurator you need to allow:

Web browser pop-up windows from your device.

JavaScript (enabled by default).

Java permissions (enabled by default).

Note: The screens used below belong to Internet Explorer version 6, 7 and 8. Screens for other Internet Explorer versions may vary.

Internet Explorer Pop-up Blockers

You may have to disable pop-up blocking to log into your device.

Either disable pop-up blocking (enabled by default in Windows XP SP (Service Pack) 2) or allow pop-up blocking and create an exception for your device’s IP address.

Disable Pop-up Blockers

1In Internet Explorer, select Tools, Pop - u p Block e r and then select Tu r n Off Pop - u p Block e r. Figure 104 Pop-up Blocker

You can also check if pop-up blocking is disabled in the Pop - u p Block e r section in the Pr iv a cy tab.

1In Internet Explorer, select Tools, I n t e r n e t Opt ion s, Pr iv a cy.

2Clear the Block pop - u ps check box in the Pop - u p Block e r section of the screen. This disables any web pop-up blockers you may have enabled.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions

Figure 105 Internet Options: Privacy

3Click Ap p ly to save this setting.

Enable Pop-up Blockers with Exceptions

Alternatively, if you only want to allow pop-up windows from your device, see the following steps.

1In Internet Explorer, select Tools, I n t e r n e t Opt ion s and then the Pr iv a cy tab.

2Select Se t t in gs…to open the Pop - u p Block e r Se t t in gs screen.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions

Figure 106 Internet Options: Privacy

3Type the IP address of your device (the web page that you do not want to have blocked) with the prefix “http://”. For example,

4Click Ad d to move the IP address to the list of Allow e d sit e s. Figure 107 Pop-up Blocker Settings

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions

5Click Close to return to the Pr iv a cy screen.

6Click Ap p ly to save this setting.


If pages of the web configurator do not display properly in Internet Explorer, check that JavaScript are allowed.

1In Internet Explorer, click Tools, I n t e r n e t Opt ion s and then the Se cu r it y tab. Figure 108 Internet Options: Security

2Click the Cu st om Le v e l... button.

3Scroll down to Scr ipt in g .

4Under Act iv e scr ipt in g make sure that En a ble is selected (the default).

5Under Scr ipt in g of Ja v a a pple t s make sure that En a ble is selected (the default).

6Click OK to close the window.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions

Figure 109 Security Settings - Java Scripting

Java Permissions

1From Internet Explorer, click Tools, I n t e r n e t Opt ion s and then the Se cu r it y tab.

2Click the Cu st om Le v e l... button.

3Scroll down to M icr osoft V M .

4 Under Ja v a pe r m ission s make sure that a safety level is selected.

5Click OK to close the window.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions

Figure 110 Security Settings - Java

JAVA (Sun)

1From Internet Explorer, click Tools, I n t e r n e t Opt ion s and then the Adv a n ce d tab.

2 Make sure that Use Ja v a 2 for < a pple t > under Ja v a ( Su n ) is selected.

3Click OK to close the window.

Figure 111 Java (Sun)

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox 2.0 screens are used here. Screens for other versions may vary slightly. The steps below apply to Mozilla Firefox 3.0 as well.

You can enable Java, Javascript and pop-ups in one screen. Click Tools, then click Opt ion s in the screen that appears.

Figure 112 Mozilla Firefox: TOOLS > Options

Click Con t e n t to show the screen below. Select the check boxes as shown in the following screen.

Figure 113 Mozilla Firefox Content Security

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions


Opera 10 screens are used here. Screens for other versions may vary slightly.

Allowing Pop-Ups

From Opera, click Tools, then Pr e f e r e n ce s. In the Ge n e r a l tab, go to Ch oose h ow y ou pr e fe r t o h a n dle pop - u ps and select Ope n a ll pop - u ps.

Figure 114 Opera: Allowing Pop-Ups

Enabling Java

From Opera, click Tools, then Pr e fe r e n ce s. In the Adv a n ce d tab, select Con t e n t from the leftside menu. Select the check boxes as shown in the following screen.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix A Pop-up Windows, JavaScript and Java Permissions

Figure 115 Opera: Enabling Java

To customize JavaScript behavior in the Opera browser, click Ja v a Scr ipt Opt ion s.

Figure 116 Opera: JavaScript Options

Select the items you want Opera’s JavaScript to apply.

NBG6815 User’s Guide



Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address

Note: Your specific NBG6815 may not support all of the operating systems described in this appendix. See the product specifications for more information about which operating systems are supported.

This appendix shows you how to configure the IP settings on your computer in order for it to be able to communicate with the other devices on your network. Windows Vista/XP/2000, Mac OS 9/ OS X, and all versions of UNIX/LINUX include the software components you need to use TCP/IP on your computer.

If you manually assign IP information instead of using a dynamic IP, make sure that your network’s computers have IP addresses that place them in the same subnet.

In this appendix, you can set up an IP address for:

Windows XP/NT/2000 on page 168

Windows Vista on page 171

Windows 7 on page 174

Mac OS X: 10.3 and 10.4 on page 178

Mac OS X: 10.5 and 10.6 on page 181

Linux: Ubuntu 8 (GNOME) on page 184

Linux: openSUSE 10.3 (KDE) on page 188

Windows XP/NT/2000

The following example uses the default Windows XP display theme but can also apply to Windows 2000 and Windows NT.

1 Click St a r t > Con t r ol Pa n e l.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address

2In the Con t r ol Pa n e l, click the N e t w or k Con n e ct ion s icon.

3Right-click Loca l Ar e a Con n e ct ion and then select Pr ope r t ie s.

4On the Ge n e r a l tab, select I n t e r n e t Pr ot ocol ( TCP/ I P) and then click Pr ope r t ie s.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address

5The I n t e r n e t Pr ot ocol TCP/ I P Pr ope r t ie s window opens.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address

6Select Obt a in a n I P a ddr e ss a u t om a t ica lly if your network administrator or ISP assigns your IP address dynamically.

Select Use t h e f ollow in g I P Addr e ss and fill in the I P a ddr e ss, Su b n e t m a sk , and D e fa u lt ga t e w a y fields if you have a static IP address that was assigned to you by your network

administrator or ISP. You may also have to enter a Pr e fe r r e d D N S se r v e r and an Alt e r n a t e D N S se r v e r , if that information was provided.

7 Click OK to close the I n t e r n e t Pr ot ocol ( TCP/ I P) Pr ope r t ie s window.

8Click OK to close the Loca l Ar e a Con n e ct ion Pr ope r t ie s window.

Verifying Settings

1Click St a r t > All Pr ogr a m s > Acce ssor ie s > Com m a n d Pr om pt .

2In the Com m a n d Pr om pt window, type "ipconfig" and then press [ENTER].

You can also go to St a r t > Con t r ol Pa n e l > N e t w or k Con n e ct ion s, right-click a network connection, click St a t u s and then click the Su ppor t tab to view your IP address and connection information.

Windows Vista

This section shows screens from Windows Vista Professional.

1Click St a r t > Con t r ol Pa n e l.

2In the Con t r ol Pa n e l, click the N e t w or k a n d I n t e r n e t icon.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address

3 Click the N e t w or k a n d Sh a r in g Ce n t e r icon.

4Click M a n a ge n e t w or k con n e ct ion s.

5Right-click Loca l Ar e a Con n e ct ion and then select Pr ope r t ie s.

Note: During this procedure, click Con t in u e whenever Windows displays a screen saying that it needs your permission to continue.

6Select I n t e r n e t Pr ot ocol V e r sion 4 ( TCP/ I Pv 4 ) and then select Pr ope r t ie s.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address

7The I n t e r n e t Pr ot ocol V e r sion 4 ( TCP/ I Pv 4 ) Pr ope r t ie s window opens.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address

8Select Obt a in a n I P a ddr e ss a u t om a t ica lly if your network administrator or ISP assigns your IP address dynamically.

Select Use t h e f ollow in g I P Addr e ss and fill in the I P a ddr e ss, Su b n e t m a sk , and D e fa u lt ga t e w a y fields if you have a static IP address that was assigned to you by your network

administrator or ISP. You may also have to enter a Pr e fe r r e d D N S se r v e r and an Alt e r n a t e D N S se r v e r , if that information was provided.Click Adv a n ce d .

9Click OK to close the I n t e r n e t Pr ot ocol ( TCP/ I P) Pr ope r t ie s window.

10 Click OK to close the Loca l Ar e a Con n e ct ion Pr ope r t ie s window.

Verifying Settings

1Click St a r t > All Pr ogr a m s > Acce ssor ie s > Com m a n d Pr om pt .

2In the Com m a n d Pr om pt window, type "ipconfig" and then press [ENTER].

You can also go to St a r t > Con t r ol Pa n e l > N e t w or k Con n e ct ion s, right-click a network connection, click St a t u s and then click the Su ppor t tab to view your IP address and connection information.

Windows 7

This section shows screens from Windows 7 Enterprise.

1 Click St a r t > Con t r ol Pa n e l.

2In the Con t r ol Pa n e l, click V ie w n e t w or k st a t u s a n d t a sk s under the N e t w or k a n d I n t e r n e t category.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


ZyXEL NBG6815 User Manual

Appendix B Setting Up Your Computer’s IP Address

3Click Ch a n ge a da pt e r se t t in gs.

4Double click Loca l Ar e a Con n e ct ion and then select Pr ope r t ie s.

NBG6815 User’s Guide


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