Nec DSX-40 brochure

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In addition to the many home amenities you’ve thoughtfully chosen to simplify and enhance
your life, we would like to offer the same sophistication and modern conveniences for your home communications system.
Flexible Intercom – for complete room-to-room calling capability.
Intercom is a great way to find people in the house, especially if you have a large home and you wish to speak to someone in another room or on another floor without shouting or running from room to room. As an extra convenience, you can page all telephones at once and announce, for example, when dinner is ready. Intercom is also a great security device that allows you to hear what is going on in other areas of your home or to know who is outside before opening the door or gate.
Multi-line Capability – to maximize communications within your busy household.
Today’s homes have multiple phone lines – a home phone line, his and her business and fax lines, etc. The DSX system gives you the capability to use these lines as you wish, by providing access from any room in the house. Privacy features allow you to designate which phones can share your private lines. No longer are you confined to your home office when working from home.
Sophisticated Answering System – your personal assistant.
An answering system is a great way to direct calls without having to answer the phone. Since you can have a different menu for each phone line, it’s a professional way for home businesses to keep their calls separate from the household. Each user can have their own personal greetings, providing additional information for the caller. You can even allow the caller to reach you on your mobile phone, at the office, or at any other number, by simply pressing a key.
The DSX-40 offers elegant styling, convenience and flexibility for the way you live.
All DSX telephones are available in black or white, have a built-in speakerphone, large display, and two-position angle adjustment. In addition, the built-in low-profile wall mount is ideal for use in a kitchen, garage, or master bath. Enhanced models also offer an adjustable backlit display and illuminated dial pad - great for use in low-light areas.
With several telephone models to choose from, each user can select and personalize their phone for their individual needs. Easily create a personal phonebook, choose a distinctive ring or program one-button calling to frequently dialed numbers of family members, friends, or businesses. In addition, each user has the flexibility to adjust the handset and speaker volume, and set the display contrast and brightness to meet their specific requirements.
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