NEC Display Solutions
5 steps to choose the perfect
digital signage player

More and more organisations are discovering how digital signage gets messages through
more eectively than printed posters or other alternatives. Dynamic Signage attracts more
customers, leading to increased sales and visitor loyalty.
Choosing the right hardware is important to
maximise the success of your installation. In
addition to the displays themselves, the media
player is critical as it drives what the visitor sees
and when. In this document we have analysed
some of the important steps you should consider
when selecting your signage player. NEC’s OMi
computing concept includes a broad range of
seamlessly embeddable media player solutions
for any performance need. They meet or exceed
your specic use delivering versatility and power
to create, schedule or deliver your business
critical content.
NEC’s OMi range of integrated player solutions fulll a wide range of needs, offering:
Easy Installation Fully embedded | Cable free | Internal power connection
Greater Flexibility Modular and interchangeable | Upgradable | Open platform
Tailor-made Solution High level of customisation options for all individual needs
Safer Investment Low failure rates | 24/7 operation | Manufacturer 3 year warranty
Low TCO Low operational efforts | Low energy consumption and related cost
Simplified Usage Single point of contact for service and maintenance