Blackberry MAT-03196-001 User Manual

Installation & Getting Started Guide
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino
Version 2.0
BlackBerryTMEnterprise Server Software Installation & User’s Guide. Last revised 05/01/01 Part Number: MAT-03196-001
At time of printing, documentation complies with software version: 2.0. © 1997-2001, Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved.
RIM, Research In Motion, the RIM logo, BlackBerry, RIM 950 Wireless Handheld, RIM 957 Wireless Handheld, the BlackBerry logo, the “envelope in motion” symbol and “Always On, Always Connected” are trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM and Research In Motion are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Notes and Domino are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
While every effort has been made to ensure technical accuracy, information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment of the part of Research In Motion Limited.
Warning: This document is for the use of licensed users only. Any unauthorized copying, distribution or disclosure of information is a violation of copyright laws. For more information on BlackBerry, contact: 1-877-255-2377
Research In Motion Limited
295 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3W8 Tel. (519) 888-7465 Fax (519) 888-6906 Web site: Email: Printed In Canada
Overview ...........................................................................................5
About BlackBerry and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server....5
About this guide........................................................................7
In your package.........................................................................7
Setup and installation .....................................................................9
System requirements ................................................................9
Pre-Installation checklist........................................................10
Firewall configuration............................................................12
Important setup overview .....................................................14
Logging in to the Administrator account............................14
Installing the server................................................................15
Creating the BlackBerryAdmins group...............................26
Adding administrators to the BlackBerryAdmins group .30
Starting the server add-in task..............................................31
Changing the polling interval ...............................................31
Resolving Connection Errors ................................................31
Uninstalling the software.......................................................33
Administration tasks.....................................................................37
Opening the BESAdmin window .........................................37
Connecting a handheld to the cradle...................................39
Adding users ...........................................................................41
Enabling and disabling a handheld .....................................44
Purging pending messages....................................................46
Generating encryption keys ..................................................47
Monitoring email statistics ....................................................48
Reading the status fields ........................................................49
Sending a message to one user .............................................50
Changing a user’s handheld..................................................51
Viewing global statistics ........................................................52
Server-level administration .........................................................57
Adding handheld licenses .....................................................57
Sending an All Points Bulletin ..............................................58
BESMonitor and BESAlert ...........................................................61
Checking server status ...........................................................61
Configuring BESAlert.............................................................63
Frequently asked questions .........................................................67
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software License Agreement .71
BlackBerry™ is a mobile email solution that consists of the BlackBerry handheld, docking cradle, BlackBerry Desktop Software, and flat-rate airtime on a nationwide wireless network.
About BlackBerryand the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server performs email redirection for all BlackBerry users in an organization. It performs the following functions for each user:
Monitors the user’s inbox for new mail
Applies filters (defined by the user) to new messages, to determine if and how the BlackBerry service will relay the message to the user’s BlackBerry handheld
Compresses and encrypts new messages and delivers them to the BlackBerry handheld over the Internet
Receives, over the Internet, messages composed on the BlackBerry handheld, then decrypts and decompresses the messages for the corporate Lotus Domino server to deliver
Overview — About BlackBerry and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server runs as a Lotus Domino Server task that can monitor many users at once over a single administrative connection to the Lotus Domino server. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server maintains a direct TCP/IP connection (Server Routing Protocol or SRP) to the wireless network. This mode of connection requires that you configure your corporate firewall to allow the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to connect through port
3101. This is not a “hole” in the firewall, since only an outbound­initiated connection is required.
Figure 1 shows an example of events that occur when an external email message is sent to a user on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
Figure 1: Sample email path with BlackBerry Enterprise Server
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
Overview — About this guide
About this guide
This BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software Installation and Getting Started Guide will help you set up your system for installation, install
the server software, and get started with the server administration tools.
Please consult the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Online Help (installed with your software) for procedures, tips, and troubleshooting. To open the online guide, click the Help button in any of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server windows.
In your package
Your BlackBerry Enterprise Server package should contain the following:
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software CD
•ThisBlackBerry Enterprise Server Software Installation & Getting
Started Guide
SRP Authentication label (located on the CD jewel case)
If any of these components are missing, please contact technical support at 1-887-255-2377 (U.S./Canada).
Installation and Getting Started Guide
Setup and installation
This chapter includes the following components:
System requirements and pre-installation checklist
Installing BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software
Importing system information
Creating the BlackBerryAdmins group
Uninstalling BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software
System requirements
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino Software requires the following hardware and software components:
PC with an Intel Pentium II processor or compatible (233
MHz or higher, 128 MB RAM, 1 GB hard drive)
Windows NT® 4.0 server, Service Pack 3 or higher
(where the Lotus Domino server is in the LocalDomainServers group)
Server and Client 4.6 or higher installed
Setup and installation — Pre-Installation checklist
Pre-Installation checklist
Use this checklist to track the specific information required when you install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Keep this information for future reference. The information you enter will be required if you need to contact our support department.
Hardware - minimum requirements
PC with an Intel Pentium II processor or compatible (233 MHz or higher)
128 MB RAM.
1 GB free disk space
10 Mbps LAN connection
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software
This document assumes that your BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino will be in the same Lotus Notes Named Network as the Lotus Domino mail server.
Windows NT® 4.0 server, Service Pack 3 or higher installed _________________________________
Lotus® Domino ________________________________________
Ensure the Lotus Domino server is in the LocalDomainServers group
Server and Client 4.6 or higher installed
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
Setup and installation — Pre-Installation checklist
You will be asked for the SRP Identifier and the SRP Authentication Key. You can find this information on the label on your BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino installation CD. It is highly recommended that you write down these values in the spaces provided below. ___________________________________________________________
TCP/IP Common Name (the first part of a server name, for example, Server1, where the full server name is Server1/Server/ BlackBerry) or NETBIOS Name of BlackBerry Enterprise Server: ___________________________________________________________
Platform your mail servers run on: ___________________________________________________________
Lotus Notes Organization Name: ___________________________________________________________
System Attendant (name of System Administrator, used for sending email alerts in a valid SMTP address format, e.g. ___________________________________________________________
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Installation Folder Location:
default or __________________________________
SRP Host (the SRP Address value provided on your installation CD label):___________________________________
SRP Identifier: S_______________________________________
Installation & Getting Started Guide
Setup and installation — Firewall configuration
SRP Authentication Key: ________________________________ _______________________________________________________
The authentication key is very long. To simplify installations, upgrades, and reinstalls, create a .txt file containing your authentication key. You can use this .txt file to copy the key and paste it into the Authentication Key field. Keep this file in a secure directory.
Lotus Domino Data Directory location: (for example, C:\Lotus\Domino\Data)
Name of the Name and Address Book (Domino Directory): _______________________________________________________
Your corporate firewall must be able to resolve Internet addresses using DNS.
Firewall configuration
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server initiates connections to the wireless network in an outbound direction. To support BlackBerry in an environment with a firewall in place, the firewall must be configured to allow the computers running BlackBerry Enterprise Server within the company to initiate TCP/IP connections to an outside server listening on port 3101. If the firewall is a proxying
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
Setup and installation — Firewall configuration
firewall, the proxy must be transparent. Please ensure that your firewall is configured to accommodate these types of connections.
A transparent proxy does NOT m odify requests or responses through the proxy during proxy authentication and identification, whereas a non-transparent proxy (where the client specifies the hostname and port number of the proxy) IS used to modify requests or responses through the proxy. If you have a non-transparent proxy, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server can be configured to access an internal proxy address which is then translated externally to the SRP Host on port 3101.
Installation & Getting Started Guide
Setup and installation — Important setup overview
Important setup overview
To ensure successful installation and setup of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, please follow this setup order. (Detailed procedures follow for each step in the overview.)
Log in with an Administrator account on the Lotus Domino Server where the BlackBerry Enterprise Server will run.
Install the Blackberry Enterprise Server software on the Lotus Domino Server that acts as the gateway to the wireless network.
Create the BlackBerryAdmins group and add administrators to it.
Start the BlackBerry Enterprise Server service.
Logging in to the Administrator account
1. On the server where the BlackBerry Enterprise Server will run, log in with a Windows NT administrator account to the account you usually use for Administrator-level tasks. This account will be used throughout the installation. For simplicity, we will refer to this account as your “Administrator account”.
The BlackBerryAdmins group will not be created when you install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server; you will need to create a BlackBerryAdmins group in the Name and Address Book (Domino Directory) and add administrators to it.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
You must have W indows NT Administrator privileges as well as Lotus Domino Administrator privileges to log in.
Setup and installation — Installing the server
Installing the server
Follow these steps to install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
1. Insert the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino CD
into the CD drive of the computer that will run the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
2. Double-click the Installer folder to open it. Double-click
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino to start installation. A Welcome screen appears.
For instructions on uninstalling, see “Uninstalling the software” on page 33.
Installation & Getting Started Guide
Setup and installation — Installing the s erver
3. Click Next. The License Agreement window appears.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
Setup and installation — Installing the server
4. Please read the license agreement carefully; proceeding with
the installation indicates that you accept its conditions. Click Yes to continue. The Setup Type window appears.
Installation & Getting Started Guide
Setup and installation — Installing the s erver
5. To install the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, select BlackBerry Server and Utilities. This option installs the BlackBErry
Enterprise Server task and the administrator interface. If you are installing a BlackBerry Enterprise Server Administration Console, select BlackBerry Utilities Only. This option installs only the administrator interface. Click Next to continue. The first BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino Setup screen appears.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
Setup and installation — Installing the server
If you want to ma nage the BlackBerry Enterpr ise Server from another machine, (running Windows N T with SP3 or higher, or Windows 2000), install the Utilities on that machine as well as on this machine.
6. In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino Setup
screen labelled System Attendant,intheSystem Attendant field, type the email address of the System Administrator. Use a valid email address that can send and receive Alert or Warning messages.
7. Click Next to continue. The second BlackBerry Enterprise
Server for Lotus Domino Setup screen appears.
Installation & Getting Started Guide
Setup and installation — Installing the s erver
8. In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino Setup screen labelled SRP Host and Authentication Information, enter the following values under Connection to SRP:
•IntheHost Name field, enter the SRP Address (also
referred to as SRP Host) provided on the installation CD label. The SRP Host connects to the wireless network. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server can sit anywhere on the LAN and route its TCP/IP traffic through the firewall or
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
Setup and installation — Installing the server
through a transparent proxy server.
A transparent proxy does NOT m odify requests or responses through the proxy during proxy authentication and identification, whereas a non-transparent proxy (where the client specifies the hostname and port number of the proxy) IS used to modify requests or responses through the proxy. If you have a non-transparent proxy, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server can be configured to access an internal proxy address which is then translated externally to the SRP Host on port 3101.
•InthePort field, the SRP Port, configured during the firewall configuration process, is set to 3101, and is typically not changed. This is an outbound-initiated connection. Click Next to continue.
9. During your initial installation, click Test Connection.The setup program will perform a test to ensure that the server can connect to SRP Host.
If the test is successful, messages will confirm your connection. From the DOS prompt, press Enter to continue. Click OK to close the message and continue the installation.
If the test is not successful, you will see an error message. Note the error code, and press Enter. Click OK in the dialog box to close the error message.
If the SRP test is not successful, you will have to stop the installation and correct the reason for the failure before you can restart the installation. See the “Resolving Connection Errors” section of this guide for a list of common errors and suggestions for their resolution.
10. In the SRP Authentication section, enter the SRP Identifier and Authentication Key obtained from the label on the installation
Installation & Getting Started Guide
Setup and installation — Installing the s erver
CD. These values are unique to each host license. Each BlackBerry Enterprise Server requires its own unique SRP Identifier and Authentication Key.
The authentication key is v ery long. Tosimplify installations, upgrades, and reinstalls, create a .txt f ile containing your authentication key.You can use this .txt file to copy the key and paste it into the Authentication Key f ield. Keep this file in a secure directory.
11. Click Next to continue.
12. The Choose Destination Location window appears. In the Choose Destination Location window, ensure that the destination path is correct and click Next.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
Setup and installation — Installing the server
The default path for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server is
C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\
Installation & Getting Started Guide
Setup and installation — Installing the s erver
13. In the Select Program Folder window, ensure the correct folder is selected and click Next to complete the installation.
14. When the installation is complete, you will see a confirmation window.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server Software for Lotus Domino
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