Blackberry INTERNET SERVICE User Manual

BlackBerry Internet Service
Version: 3.0
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry Internet Service overview...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
BlackBerry Internet Service Email overview............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
BlackBerry Internet Service architecture................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
BlackBerry Internet Service features....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Setup features............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Email messaging features......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Contact synchronization features............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
BlackBerry device features........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Security features........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
BlackBerry Internet Service requirements.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Supported BlackBerry enabled devices................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Supported email accounts........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Requirements for wireless email reconciliation...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Attachment requirements......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Supported BlackBerry devices.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Supported features of BlackBerry devices.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Subscriber computer requirements.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Process flows.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Process flow: Sending an email message to a BlackBerry device that is associated with a BlackBerry email address................................................................ 18
Process flow: Sending an email message from a BlackBerry device using a BlackBerry email address......................................................................................... 18
Process flow: Forwarding an email message from an email account to a BlackBerry email address.............................................................................................. 18
Process flow: Adding an email address to the BlackBerry Internet Service....................................................................................................................................... 18
Process flow: Sending an email message to an integrated email address for delivery to a BlackBerry device (polling).............................................................. 19
Process flow: Sending an email message to an integrated email address for delivery to a BlackBerry device (real-time delivery)........................................... 19
Process flow: Sending an email message from a BlackBerry device using an integrated email address....................................................................................... 19
Process flow: Deleting an email message from a BlackBerry device using an integrated email address....................................................................................... 20
Process flow: Synchronizing contact information to a BlackBerry device (polling)........................................................................................................................... 20
Process flow: Synchronizing contact information to a BlackBerry device (real-time delivery)........................................................................................................ 20
Process flow: Synchronizing contact information from a BlackBerry device...................................................................................................................................... 20
Glossary....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Legal notice................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Feature and Technical Overview

BlackBerry Internet Service overview

BlackBerry Internet Service overview
The BlackBerry® Internet Service is an email and Internet service for BlackBerry devices that is designed to provide subscribers with automatic delivery of email messages, mobile access to email message attachments, and convenient access to Internet content.
This document describes all of the available features for the BlackBerry Internet Service email platform. Not all features are available for certain products. For more information about each product, view the online help for the product.

BlackBerry Internet Service Email overview

Subscribers can add up to ten email addresses for supported email accounts to their BlackBerry® Internet Service account. The BlackBerry Internet Service is designed to retrieve email messages from these integrated email accounts, deliver the email messages to subscribers' BlackBerry devices, and provide wireless email reconciliation for supported email accounts. Subscribers with Google Mail™ accounts can synchronize contacts between their email account and their BlackBerry device.
Subscribers can also create a BlackBerry email address that they can use to send and receive email messages on their BlackBerry device. Subscribers access the BlackBerry Internet Service using a browser on their BlackBerry device or using the email setup application on their BlackBerry device.
If subscribers have a user name and password for their BlackBerry Internet Service account, they can log in using a browser on their computer.
Feature and Technical Overview

BlackBerry Internet Service architecture

Architecture: BlackBerry Internet Service

BlackBerry Internet Service architecture
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry Internet Service architecture
Component Description
engine The engine is a core component of the BlackBerry® Internet Service and polls subscriber email
accounts at specific time intervals, retrieves new email messages, and sends them to the BlackBerry device or BlackBerry enabled device. The engine also manages email reconciliation with email addresses that subscribers have added to the BlackBerry Internet Service.
integrated email accounts Integrated email accounts are existing email accounts that subscribers add to the BlackBerry
Internet Service. Supported email accounts include Yahoo!®, Google Mail™, IMAP, POP, and accounts that use Microsoft® Outlook® Web Access. If subscribers add an existing email address to their BlackBerry Internet Service account, the BlackBerry Internet Service checks the email account and sends the new email messages to the BlackBerry device. Depending on the email service provider's implementation, the BlackBerry Internet Service either polls the subscriber's email account for new email messages approximately every 15 minutes, or the email service provider's system notifies the BlackBerry Internet Service when new email messages arrive.
BlackBerry email address BlackBerry Internet Service subscribers can create an email address for their BlackBerry device.
The engine receives new email messages for the BlackBerry email address and sends them to the subscriber’s BlackBerry device.
BlackBerry Internet Service subscriber UIs
The BlackBerry Internet Service subscriber UIs provide subscribers with access to settings for managing their email addresses.
HTML: Subscribers with a user name and password log in to this web site using a browser on a computer.
WAP: Subscribers access this web site using their BlackBerry device. Subscribers that use BlackBerry enabled devices access an HTML version of the BlackBerry Internet Service web site. Subscribers might access the web site automatically or log in with a user name and password.
Email setup application: Subscribers log in automatically when they open the application on their BlackBerry device. Some subscribers might need to log in manually with a user name and password
BlackBerry Internet Service administration web site
The BlackBerry Internet Service administration web site provides access to administrators for managing subscriber accounts using a browser on their computer.
BlackBerry® Infrastructure The BlackBerry Infrastructure belongs to Research In Motion and manages email messages on
various wireless networks to and from the BlackBerry device and the BlackBerry Internet Service.
BlackBerry® Provisioning System The BlackBerry Provisioning System controls subscribers' access to BlackBerry services based on
the services that wireless service providers provide. For example, when a subscriber tries to create a BlackBerry Internet Service account using the BlackBerry Internet Service web site, the BlackBerry Provisioning System verifies that the subscriber has permission to create the account.
Feature and Technical Overview
Component Description
subscriber's computer with BlackBerry® Desktop Software
The subscriber's computer with BlackBerry Desktop Software provides subscribers with a connection to their BlackBerry device. Subscribers can perform any of the following actions:
synchronize organizer data such as contacts, calendar entries, tasks, and memos between their BlackBerry device and their computer
back up and restore BlackBerry device data
transfer files between their BlackBerry device and their computer
add applications to their BlackBerry device
set up and manage email message forwarding or wireless calendar synchronization if their administrator advises them to do so
For more information, see the online help that is available in the BlackBerry Desktop Software.
BlackBerry Internet Service architecture
Feature and Technical Overview

BlackBerry Internet Service features

BlackBerry Internet Service features

Setup features

BlackBerry Internet Service setup
Feature Description
simple setup In a few steps, subscribers can set up email with the BlackBerry® Internet Service using the email setup
application, a browser on their BlackBerry device, or a browser on a computer.
language support Subscribers can view the BlackBerry Internet Service web site or email setup application in the following
Brazilian Portuguese
European Portuguese
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Feature and Technical Overview
Feature Description
switching BlackBerry devices Subscribers can switch the BlackBerry device that is associated with their BlackBerry Internet Service account
if they decide to use a new BlackBerry device.
character set support The BlackBerry Internet Service supports ISO-2022-JP and UTF-8.
BlackBerry Internet Service features
Support for multiple email addresses
Subscribers can receive email messages from up to ten email accounts on their BlackBerry® device.
Feature Description
support for existing work email addresses Subscribers can add work email addresses for email accounts that use a Microsoft®
Exchange server that they access using Microsoft® Outlook® Web Access to the BlackBerry® Internet Service. When subscribers use Microsoft Outlook Web Access, the BlackBerry Internet Service can access subscribers' work email messages from their organization's messaging servers.
The BlackBerry Internet Service polls subscribers' email accounts at specific time intervals and retrieves new email messages when they arrive.
support for existing personal email addresses
Subscribers can add personal email addresses for existing, supported email accounts that use IMAP4 and POP3 protocols.
When subscribers send email messages using their Google Mail™, Yahoo!®,AOL® or Windows Live™ Hotmail® email address, the BlackBerry Internet Service sends these email messages using real-time delivery.
The BlackBerry Internet Service supports the Enhanced Google Mail™ plug-in, which allows subscribers to add stars to and label email messages and conversations, report email messages as spam email messages, and search the inbox.
Note: Depending on the wireless service provider, Windows Live Hotmail might not be supported.
simple setup of supported email addresses When subscribers add an email address for most supported email accounts, they are not
required to submit detailed server information (for example, port number, servers, SSL/no SSL). Instead subscribers only need to provide their email address and password.
BlackBerry email address Subscribers can create a BlackBerry email address that they can use to send or receive email
messages on their BlackBerry device. When subscribers send email messages using their BlackBerry email address, the BlackBerry Internet Service sends these email messages using real-time delivery.
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