Silvercrest SDW 1200 A1 Operating instructions

Silvercrest SDW 1200 A1 Operating instructions
















Waffle Maker SDW 1200 A1
























Waffle Maker


Operating instructions


Dubbelt våffeljärn

Dobbelt vaffeljern









ID-Nr.: SDW 1200 A1-06/10-V2

SDW 1200 A1








1. Intended Use






Technical data






Items supplied






Appliance description






Safety Instructions






Before the first usage




7. Baking waffles






Cleaning and care










10. Disposal




11. Warranty & Service




12. Importer




13. Recipes


Read the operating instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time and preserve this booklet for later reference. Pass the manual on to whomsoever might acquire the appliance at a later date.

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1. Intended Use

This appliance is intended for baking waffles in a domestic environment. It is not intended for the preparation of other foods nor for commercial or industrial purposes.

2. Technical data

Voltage: 220-240 V / ~ 50 Hz

Power consumption: 1200 W

3. Items supplied

Double Waffle Machine

Operating manual

4. Appliance description

1 Operating light (red / green)

2 Browning regulator

3 Grip

5. Safety Instructions

To avoid potentionally fatal electric shocks:

Ensure that the appliance never comes into contact with water when the power plug is inserted into a wall socket, especially if it is being used in the kitchen and close to the sink.

Ensure that the power cable never gets wet or moist when the appliance is in use. Place the power cable such that it cannot be squashed or damaged in other ways.

Always remove the power plug from the wall sokket after use.

Arrange for defective power plugs and/or cables to be replaced at once by qualified technicians or our Customer Service Department.

To avoid the risks of fire or injury:

Parts of the appliance will become hot during operation; you should hold the appliance only by the grip. The browning regulator can also become hot after a certain amount of operation – it is therefore best to wear oven mitts.

Pastry can catch fire! Therefore, never place the appliance under flammable objects, especially flammable curtains.

Never leave the appliance unattended when it is in use.

This appliance is not intended for use by individuals (including children) with restricted physical, physiological or intellectual abilities or deficiences in experience and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or receive from this person instruction in how the appliance is to be used.

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

Very hot steam clouds can escape when opening the lid. It is thus best to wear oven mitts when opening the appliance.

Do not use an external timing switch or a separate remote control system to operate the appliance.

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6. Before the first usage

Before taking the appliance into use check to ensure that the appliance, the power plug and the power cable are all in a serviceable condition and that all packaging materials have been removed.

First clean the appliance as described chapter “8. Cleaning and care”.

Lightly grease the baking surfaces with butter, margarine or oil that is suitable for baking.

Heat the appliance briefly to the maximum temperature with the lid closed:

1.To do this, insert the power plug into a wall socket and slide the browning regulator 2 all the way to the right.

2.The red operating light 1 glows as long as the power plug is in the socket. The green operating light 1 glows as soon as the appliance is sufficiently warmed up

Remove the power plug and, with the lid open, allow the appliance to cool down .

Clean the appliance again as described under “8. Cleaning and care”. The Waffle Machine is now ready for use.

7. Baking waffles

When you have prepared a pastry that is intended for baking in the waffle machine:

1.Heat the appliance up with the lid closed. For this, insert the plug into a mains power socket and slide the browning regulator 2 to heating level 4

2.As soon as the green operating light 1 glows the appliance is sufficiently warmed up.

Grease the hot baking surfaces lightly with butter, margarine or oil that is suitable for baking.

Spread the pastry evenly over the lower baking surface. To determine the correct amount of pastry, fill it until the pastry lightly touches the edge of the baking area. If necessary, increase the amount of pastry used in the next waffle. Make certain that the pastry does not run over the edge of the baking surface. Now close the lid.

After 2 minutes at the earliest you can open the lid to check the baking result. Opening the lid earlier will only tear the waffle.

After about three minutes the waffle is baked


As the ideal level of browning is very dependent on personal taste and the type of pastry, the baking time can vary: Therefore, bake the waffles until your personally desired level of browning is achieved. The level of browning can be determined either by adjusting the browning regulator 2 or by the length of baking time. In this way you can bake crispy golden waffles.

When removing the waffles ensure that you do not damage the coating of the baking surfaces. If you do, it will be harder to separate the waffles from the surfaces.


If you want to warm up cold waffles, use heating level 1 on the browning regulator 2. Do NOT place any fresh pastry on the baking surface, as these temperatures are suitable only for warming up, they are not suitable for baking.

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After baking the last waffle, remove the power plug from the wall socket and allow the appliance to cool with the lid up.

8. Cleaning and care


Never open the casing of the appliance. There are no user-serviceable elements inside. When the casing is open, there is the risk of receiving a fatal electrical shock. Before cleaning the appliance, remove the power plug from the wall socket and allow the device to cool down completely.


Under no circumstances may the components of the appliance be submerged in water or other liquids! There would be the risk of a fatal electric shock upon the next use of the appliance should moisture be present in the voltage conducting elements .

First of all, clean the baking surfaces with a dry paper towel to soak up the grease residue.

Then clean all surfaces and the power cable with a lightly moistened dish cloth. Always dry the appliance well before using it again.

Do not use detergents or solvents. These could not only cause damage to the appliance, they can also leave traces that could be baked into the next waffles.

In the case of stubborn residues:

NEVER make use of hard objects. These could damage the coatings of the baking surfaces.

It is better to lay a wet wash cloth on the encrusted residues in order to soften them.

9. Storage

Allow the appliance to cool off completely before putting it into storage.

Wind the power cable around the retainer at the base of the appliance.

Store the appliance in a dry location.

10. Disposal

Do not dispose of the appliance in your normal domestic waste. This product is subject to the European guideline 2002/96/EC.

Dispose of the appliance through an approved disposal centre or at your community waste facility. Observe the currently applicable regulations.

In case of doubt, please contact your waste disposal centre.

Dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally responsible manner.

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11. Warranty & Service


12. Importer

The warranty for this appliance is for 3 years from


the date of purchase. The appliance has been ma-


nufactured with care and meticulously examined be-


fore delivery. Please retain your receipt as proof of


purchase. In the event of a warranty claim, please

make contact by telephone with our Service Depart-


ment. Only in this way can a post-free despatch for


your goods be assured.


The warranty covers only claims for material and


maufacturing defects, but not for transport damage,


for wearing parts or for damage to fragile compo-


nents, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for


private use only and is not intended for commercial


use. The warranty is void in the case of abusive and


improper handling, use of force and internal tampe-


ring not carried out by our authorized service


branch. Your statutory rights are not restricted in


any way by this warranty.


The warranty period will not be extended by repairs


made under warranty. This applies also to replaced


and repaired parts. Any damage and defects extant


on purchase must be reported immediately after un-


packing the appliance, at the latest, two days after


the purchase date. Repairs made after the expira-


tion of the warranty period are subject to payment.




Tel.: 0871 5000 700 (£ 0.10 / minute)




Kompernass Service Ireland


Tel.: 1850 930 412 (0,082 EUR/Min.)


Standard call rates apply. Mobile operators may vary.




CY Kompernass Service Cyprus


Tel.: 800 9 44 01




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13. Recipes

1. Basic Batter

For approx. 20 waffles

250 g Margarine or Butter (at room temperature) ca. 250 g Sugar

1 packet of Vanilla sugar

5 Eggs

500 g Flour

1 packet Baking powder

500 ml milk

1 dash of Rum

Grease the baking surfaces, close the appliance and allow it to heat up.

Whisk the eggs and then mix them with the sugar and the margarine or butter into a smooth batter. Add the rum and vanilla sugar. Add the flour and baking powder and stir.

Finally, gradually mix in the milk until the batter has a smooth and soft consistency.

Place about 2 tablespoons of batter into the middle of the lower baking surface, then close the waffle iron. Let each waffle bake for about 3 minutes until golden brown. Lay the cooked waffles on a cake grill.

2. Almond Waffles

For approx. 8 waffles

200 g soft butter

200 g ground almonds

300 g flour

100 g sour cream 1/4 l milk

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. curry powder

Grease the baking surfaces, close the appliance and allow it to heat up.

Stir the butter together with the almonds, flour, sour cream, milk, salt and curry powder. Taste the batter and add seasonings as desired.

Place about 2 tablespoons of batter into the middle of each lower baking surface, then close the waffle iron. Let each waffle bake for about 3 minutes until golden brown. Lay the ready waffles on a cake grill.

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3. Chocolate Waffles

For approx. 8 waffles

200 g soft butter

200 g Sugar

4 eggs

150 g Crème fraîche

80 g Chocolate drops

200 g Flour

Grease the baking surfaces, close the appliance and allow it to heat up.

Beat the butter with the sugar, eggs and crème fraîche until creamy. Stir in the chocolate chips and the flour.

Place about 2 tablespoons of batter into the middle of each lower baking surface, then close the waffle iron. Let each waffle bake for about 3 minutes until golden brown. Lay the ready waffles on a cake grill.

4. Mandarine waffels

For approx. 8 waffles

1 Tin of Mandarine pieces

(175g drained weight)

200 g Soft butter

200 g Sugar

2 Eggs

150 g Vanilla yoghurt

200 g Flour

50 g Edible starch

Drain the tangerines. Grease the baking surfaces, close the appliance and allow it to heat up.

Beat the butter with the sugar and eggs until creamy. Mix in the tangerines, it is alright if they disintegrate. Then blend in the yoghurt, flour and the edible starch.

Place about 2 tablespoons of pastry mixture into the middle of each lower baking surface, then close the waffle iron. Let each waffle bake for about 3 minutes until golden brown. Lay the ready waffles on a cake grill.

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5. Tomato Waffles

For approx. 8 waffles

5 Eggs

100 g Soft butter

1 tsp. Salt

8 tbsp. Butter milk

150 g Flour

100g Tomatos, dried and marinaded in oil

3 Stalks of basil

Grease the baking surfaces, close the appliance and allow it to heat up.

First separate the eggs. Beat the whites until stiff. Beat the yolks with the butter and salt until creamy. Then blend in the butter milk and the flour.

Drain the tomatos and cut them into small pieces. Wash the basil and shake it dry. Pluck off the leaves and cut into small pieces. Stir the tomatoes and basil into the mixture, then mix in the egg white. Stir the batter occasionally so that the tomato pieces are distributed evenly.

Place about 2 tablespoons of pastry mixture into the middle of each lower baking surface, then close the waffle iron. Let each waffle bake for about 4 minutes until golden brown. Lay the ready waffles on a cake grill.

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1. Käyttötarkoitus






Tekniset tiedot






Toimituksen piiriin kuuluvat osat






Laitteen kuvaus












Ennen ensimmäistä käyttökertaa




7. Vohveleiden valmistaminen






Puhdistus ja hoito










10. Hävittäminen




11. Takuu & huolto




12. Maahantuoja




13. Herkullisia vohvelireseptejä


Säilytä käsikirja myöhempää käyttöä varten. Jos myyt laitteen, anna käsikirja uudelle omistajalle!

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1. Käyttötarkoitus

Tämä laite on tarkoitettu vohvelien valmistamiseen kotitalouksissa. Sitä ei ole tarkoitettu muiden elintarvikkeiden valmistamiseen eikä käytettäväksi kaupalliseen tai teolliseen tarkoitukseen.

2. Tekniset tiedot


220-240 V / ~ 50 Hz


1200 W

5. Turvaohjeet

Hengenvaarallisen sähköiskun välttämiseksi:

Varmista, ettei laite joudu milloinkaan kosketuksiin veden kanssa, kun verkkopistoke on pistorasiassa. Kiinnitä asiaan erityishuomiota, jos käytät vohvelirautaa tiskialtaan läheisyydessä.

Pidä huolta siitä, ettei virtajohto kastu konetta käytettäessä. Vedä virtajohto siten, ettei johto tartu, puristu tai vaurioidu muulla tavalla.

Irrota pistoke pistorasiasta aina käytön jälkeen.

Anna valtuutetun ammattihenkilöstön vaihtaa vaurioitunut verkkojohto tai verkkopistoke välittömästi uuteen vaarojen välttämiseksi.

3.Toimituksen piiriin kuuluvat osat

Paloja loukkaantumisvaarojen välttämiseksi:



• Laite saattaa kuumentua käytön aikana. Tartu

• Kaksoisvohvelirauta


tästä syystä aina vain kahvaan. Myös säädin voi

• Käyttöohje


kuumentua laitetta käytettäessä – käytä




4. Laitteen kuvaus


• Lähellä olevat esineet saattavat palaa! Älä sen ta-


kia koskaan aseta laitetta helposti syttyvien esinei-



den alapuolelle, älä varsinkaan helposti syttyvien

1 Merkkivaloa (Punainen / Vihreä)


verhojen alle.

2 Säädin


• Älä koskaan jätä laitetta vartioimatta, kun se on

3 Kahva





• Älä anna laitetta sellaisten henkilöiden (mukaan



lukien lapset) käyttöön, joiden fyysiset, aistilliset



tai henkiset kyvyt tai kokemuksen ja tiedon puute



estävät heitä käyttämästä laitetta turvallisesti, jol-



lei heitä ole aikaisemmin valvottu tai opastettu



laitteen käytössä.



• Selvitä lapsille laite ja sen vaarat, jotta he eivät



leikkisi laitteella.



• Kun kansi avataan, laitteesta voi purkautua kuum-



aa vesihöyryä. Kun avaan kannen, käytä paisto-






• Älä käytä laitetta ulkoisen ajastimen tai erillisen



kauko-ohjatun järjestelmän avulla.





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6.Ennen ensimmäistä käyttökertaa

Varmista ennen laitteen käyttöönottoa seuraavat asiat: laitteen, verkkopistokkeen sekä virtajohdon tulee olla moitteettomassa kunnossa kaiken pakkausmateriaalin tulee olla poistettuna.

Puhdista laite kohdan “8. Puhdistus ja hoito” kuvaamalla tavalla.

Levitä paistoalueelle ohut kerros paistamiseen tarkoitettua voita, margariinia tai öljyä.

Sulje kansi ja kuumenna laite nopeasti korkeimpaan lämpötilaansa:

1.Aseta verkkopistoke pistorasiaan ja käännä säädintä 2 oikealle.

2.Punainen merkkivalo 1 palaa aina kun verkkopistoke on pistorasiassa. Vihreä merkkivalo 1 syttyy heti, kun laite on kuumentunut.

Vedä verkkopistoke pistorasiasta ja anna avatun laitteen jäähtyä.

Puhdista laite uudelleen kohdan “8. Puhdistus ja hoito” kuvaamalla tavalla. Nyt vohvelirautaon käyttövalmis.

7. Vohveleiden valmistaminen

Jos olet valmistanut vohveliraudoille tarkoitetun taikinan:

1.Lämmitä laite kansi suljettuna. Työnnä tätä varten verkkopistoke pistorasiaan ja työnnä ruskistussäädin 2 tasolle 4.

2.Laite on kuumentunut heti, kun vihreä merkkivalo 1 syttyy.

Levitä paistoalueelle ohut kerros paistamiseen tarkoitettua voita, margariinia tai öljyä.

Levitä taikina tasaisesti alemmille paistopinnoille. Oikean taikinamäärän saat määriteltyä täyttämällä taikinaa niin, että se koskettaa paistopinnan reunaa kevyesti. Tarvittaessa voit lisätä taikinamäärää seuraavaan vohveliin. Varmista, ettei taikina valu paistopintojen reunan ulkopuolelle. Sulje kansi.

Voit avata kannen aikaisintaan 2 minuutin kuluttua tarkastaaksesi paistotuloksen. Jos avaat kannen aikaisemmin, vohveli repeytyy.

Vohveli on paistunut valmiiksi n. 3 minuutin kuluttua.


Koska ihanteellinen ruskistusaste riippuu huomattavasti henkilökohtaisesta mausta ja taikinan laadusta, paistoaika voi vaihdella: Paista siksi vohveleita niin kauan, kunnes haluttu ruskistusaste on saavutettu. Ruskistusaste voidaan määrittää joko ruskistussäädintä 2 siirtämällä tai paistoajan avulla. Näin voidaan paistaa kullankeltaisista aina rapean ruskeisiin vohveleihin.

Kun otat vohvelin pois varmista, ettei paistoalueen pinnoite vahingoitu. Se voi vaikeuttaa vohveleiden irrottamista.

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