Metrohm 838 User Manual

838 Advanced Sample Processor
Metrohm AG CH-9100 Herisau Switzerland Phone +41 71 353 85 85 Fax +41 71 353 89 01
838 Advanced Sample Processor
09.2005 dm
Teachware Metrohm AG CH-9100 Herisau
This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Although all the information given in this documentation has been checked with great care, errors cannot be entirely excluded. Should you notice any mistakes please send us your comments using the address given above.
Documentation in additional languages can be found on
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Information about these Instructions for Use..................................2
1.1.1 Note............................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Notation and pictograms ...........................................................................2
2 Operation 3
2.1 Operating principles..........................................................................3
2.1.1 Display........................................................................................................3
2.1.2 Keypad.......................................................................................................4
2.1.3 The keys .....................................................................................................5
2.1.4 Instrument dialog .....................................................................................11
2.1.5 Data input.................................................................................................13
2.1.6 Text input..................................................................................................14
2.2 Configuration .................................................................................. 16
2.2.1 Miscellaneous ..........................................................................................16
2.2.2 Tower settings..........................................................................................18
2.2.3 Rackdefinitionen ......................................................................................20
2.2.4 Dosing units .............................................................................................23
2.2.5 RS232 settings.........................................................................................24
2.3 Composition of a method .............................................................. 25
2.3.1 Run sequences and method parameters................................................25
2.3.2 Sample Processor settings......................................................................27
2.3.3 Stirrer settings ..........................................................................................28
2.3.4 Dosing drive settings ...............................................................................29
2.3.5 Behavior during timeout...........................................................................30
2.3.6 Manual stop options ................................................................................31
2.3.7 Programming of sequences ....................................................................32
2.3.8 LEARN mode ...........................................................................................32
2.3.9 TRACE-Funktion.......................................................................................33
2.4 Commands...................................................................................... 34
2.4.1 Sample Processor commands ................................................................34
2.4.2 Switching components ............................................................................38
2.4.3 Dosing drive control.................................................................................39
2.4.4 Communication commands ....................................................................41
2.4.5 Auxiliary commands.................................................................................45
2.5 Managing methods......................................................................... 46
2.5.1 User-defined methods .............................................................................46
2.5.2 POWERUP method..................................................................................47
2.6 Run control ..................................................................................... 48
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor III
2.7 Manual operation............................................................................ 49
2.7.1 Turning the sample rack / Positioning the samples................................49
2.7.2 Moving the lift...........................................................................................49
2.7.3 Setting the sample position .....................................................................50
2.7.4 Pump control ...........................................................................................50
2.7.5 Switching the stirrers................................................................................50
2.7.6 Dosing device control..............................................................................51
2.7.7 Display interface signals.......................................................................... 51
2.7.8 Interface control .......................................................................................52
2.7.9 External pump control..............................................................................53
2.7.10 Switching the injection valve....................................................................53
2.7.11 Rack initialization .....................................................................................53
2.8 Dosing and liquid handling............................................................ 54
2.8.1 Dosimats and Dosinos ............................................................................54
2.8.2 Liquid handling functions ........................................................................59
2.8.3 The DOS command.................................................................................60
2.8.4 Pictograms...............................................................................................60
2.8.5 Liquid handling functions in detail........................................................... 61
3 Appendix 64
3.1 Sample racks .................................................................................. 64
3.1.1 Metrohm standard sample racks ............................................................64
3.1.2 Magnet codes..........................................................................................65
3.1.3 Rack data.................................................................................................65
3.2 The Remote interface ..................................................................... 68
3.2.1 Output lines..............................................................................................68
3.2.2 Input lines.................................................................................................68
3.2.3 SCN command ........................................................................................69
3.2.4 CTL-Befehl ...............................................................................................69
3.3 LEARN mode................................................................................... 70
3.3.1 Setting lift and robotic arm positions.......................................................70
3.3.2 Rack adjustment......................................................................................71
3.3.3 Parametrizing sequence commands ......................................................71
3.4 Disabling keypad functions ........................................................... 72
3.4.1 Disable whole keypad .............................................................................72
3.4.2 Disable configuration...............................................................................72
3.4.3 Disable parameter ...................................................................................72
3.4.4 Disable method storage functions ..........................................................73
3.4.5 Disable display ........................................................................................73
3.5 786 Swing Head settings ............................................................... 74
3.6 Error messages .............................................................................. 76
3.7 Initializing the working memory .................................................... 78
3.8 Standard methods .......................................................................... 80
IV Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor
3.8.1 Method "LAT"............................................................................................81
3.8.2 Methode "MLAT".......................................................................................83
3.8.3 Method "DT" .............................................................................................86
3.8.4 Method "VA"..............................................................................................88
4 Index 90
List of Illustrations
Fig. 1 Key pad....................................................................................................4
Fig. 2 Dialog arrangement ...............................................................................12
Fig. 3 Selection list...........................................................................................13
Fig. 4 Text input ...............................................................................................15
Fig. 5 Sample series ........................................................................................26
Fig. 6 Dosino 800 with Dosing units ................................................................54
Fig. 7 Dosing unit from below..........................................................................55
Fig. 8 Dosing unit - ports ................................................................................. 59
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor V
1.1 Information about these Instructions for Use
1 Introduction
Like all Metrohm Sample Processors, the 838 Advanced Sample Proc­essor can be operated as stand-alone device or be controlled entirely by a PC software (e. g. «IC Net»). In the latter case the particular func­tions of the instrument are invoked directly by the PC software. The keypad of the 838 Advanced Sample Processor therefore is not neces­sary.
In a stand-alone system with a keypad connected, the 838 Advanced Sample Processor can execute methods containing command se­quences automatically. These sequences may be programmed freely in a wide range. The Sample Processor can even be operated manually to prepare a sample series.
«IC Net 2.3» (Service release 3 or later) sets a parameter in the 838 Advanced Sample Processor, which forces the Sample Processor to reset all of it's device settings and delete all stored methods on start­up (RAM init). This behavior is intended and necessary for controlling the Sample processor with «IC Net».
If a 838 Advanced Sample Processor is to be used as a stand-alone system with keypad control and instrument methods, which previously was controlled by «IC Net 2.3», the setting mentioned above has to be switched off beforehand. In «IC Net» uncheck the check box "Autoinit" which is accessible after right-clicking the Sample Processor icon in the working system.
The 838 Advanced Sample Processor is delivered with four standard methods for voltammetric analysis. These can be used in the connec­tion with the Metrohm 797 VA Computrace.
Operating and programming of the 838 Advanced Sample Processor is described in this Instructions for Use.
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Introduction 1
1.1 Information about these Instructions for Use
1.1 Information about these Instructions for Use
1.1.1 Note
Please read through these Instructions for Use carefully before you start to use this instrument. The instructions contain information and warnings that must be observed by the user in order to guarantee the safe use of the instrument.
1.1.2 Notation and pictograms
The following notation and pictograms are used in these Instructions for Use:
Location Menu item, parameter or input value
<OK> button, key
This symbol indicates a possible risk of death or injury to the user if the instructions are not followed correctly.
Warning This symbol indicates a possible risk of damage to the in­struments or their components if the instructions are not fol­lowed correctly.
Attention This symbol indicates important information. Read the in­formation provided before you continue.
Remarks This symbol indicates additional information and tips.
2 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Introduction
2.1 Operating principles
2 Operation
As well as the basic functions that can be carried out manually, this sec­tion also described the configuration of the Advanced Sample Proces­sor. Detailed descriptions of the way that run sequences are created and how methods are managed are given.
2.1 Operating principles
2.1.1 Display
The keypad (SC Controller) display consists of two lines each with 24 characters.
The first line is used as the title line and shows the current method to­gether with the number of processed samples. In the editing mode the menu titles are shown here.
The second line is used as the status line and shows specific activities that depend on the operating condition. It is used as the input line in the editing mode.
Normal state
Method name
Pump status
Sample counter
******** counter 1/12
PUMP--++STIR+---- ready
Stirrer status
Method sequence
Running sequence
******** counter 2/12 START 03 WAIT 11 s
Current command with line number
Editing mode
Menu line or command
Menu title
>Sample sequence 1 MOVE 1 : sample
Instrument status
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 3
2.1 Operating principles
2.1.2 Keypad
******** counter 0/112 PUMP-- STIR- ready
Me t r o h m
Fig. 1 Key pad
Below the 2-line display there are three LEDs. The two LEDs 'FILL' and 'INJECT' indicate the current position of the injection valve. The LED 'LEARN' lights up when the learn mode is activated.
Most keys have two functions, depending on whether the Sample Proc­essor is in the normal operating mode or in the editing mode.
Selection menus can be accessed with the upper row of keys (<CON- FIG>, <PARAM>, <USER METHOD>). The other keys on the left­hand side of the keypad are used for navigation in the menus or for al-
4 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.1 Operating principles
2.1.3 The keys
The menu keys
tering parameters. For entering parameters the numerical block on the right-hand side of the keypad is also available.
The lowest row of keys (<HOLD>, <STOP>, <START>) are used for the direct control of a method sequence.
If the Sample Processor is integrated in a PC-controlled automation system and is entirely controlled via the RS232 interface, it is possible to operate the instrument without the keypad.
The <CONFIG> key opens the selection menu for the configuration of the Sample Processor.
The <PARAM> key opens the selection menu for editing the run se­quences and method parameters.
The <User Method> key opens the selection menu for opening, sav-
ing and deleting default or user-defined methods.
Lift operation and sample positioning keys
With the <> and <> keys the lift can be moved up and down respectively. The lowest possible lift position is defined by the configu­ration parameter '
max. stroke path'.
In the editing mode the arrow keys <> and <> are used
for navigation in the particular menu or submenu.
With the <HOME> key the lift is returned to the rest position (0 mm),
i.e. to the uppermost stop. <END> moves the lift to the predefined working position (see p. 20).
In the editing mode the <HOME> and <END> keys move to
the first and last line of the menu or submenu respectively.
With the < NEXT> and < PREV> keys the sample rack can be
rotated forward or backward by one position. If necessary, the lift is automatically raised to the shifting position. When the rack position has been reached the robotic arm will automatically be aligned to the corresponding rack position.
During data input the <SELECT> key is used to select a pre-
defined entry from a selection list.
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 5
2.1 Operating principles
The <SELECT> key allows to select from a given list of entries when editing a parameter.
Editing and sequence control
When editing a method sequence the <INSERT> and <DELETE>
keys are used to insert or delete a command line.
Command keys
The <CLEAR/RESET> key is used to initialize the Sample Processor and dosing devices. This corresponds to the switching-on process.
During data input the <CLEAR/RESET> key is used to de-
lete an entry or to reset the default value. In text entry mode the last character is deleted.
During a method sequence the <QUIT> key can be used to termi- nate the command which is currently being carried out. The following command is executed.
During data input the <QUIT> key is used to terminate an en-
try. During navigation in a menu the <QUIT> key is used to exit the active (sub)menu and select the next highest menu level.
During data input the <ENTER> key is used to accept the entry.
The <SAMPLE> key is used to set the current sample position. This has to be done before a sample series is run.
At the start of a method this position is assumed to be the first sample in a series. If no sample position has been set then the Sample Proc­essor will select rack position 1.
With <MOVE> a vessel or a particular rack position can be moved to the active tower or a robotic arm can be swung to an external position.
As well as the actual sample beaker a maximum of 16 possible spe­cial beakers can also be defined. A particular rack position can be moved to directly by entering the position number (with the numerical keys). The direction and speed of rotation can be altered in the parameter menu.
6 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.1 Operating principles
For safety reasons it is only possible to rotate the sample rack when the lift or both lifts are located in the shifting position or above it. Dur­ing a rack rotation the lift (or both lifts) are automatically first raised to the predefined shift height.
When a method is started a second time, without switching off and on again, the last accessed sample position is memorized and be ap­plied in the next method run.
Raises or lowers the lift. The predefined lift positions (working position, rest position, rinsing position, shifting position, special position) can be selected with the <SELECT> key. They can be entered and saved separately for each rack in the configuration menu. As well as the predefined lift positions it is also possible to enter abso­lute lift positions in mm via the numerical keys.
The <PUMP> key is used for switching the peristaltic pump. The pump rate can be selected in 15 steps. Selecting a sign (+ or –) with the pump rate allows to set the direction of the rotation of the pump drive.
Under <PARAM>,
>manual stop you can define whether the peri-
staltic pump should be switched off with the <STOP> key or not.
The <STIR> key is used for controlling the stirrers. A stirrer can be switched on permanently or switched on for a given period and then switched off again. The <SELECT> key is used to select both the stirrer and the function. The current status of the stirrer is shown di­rectly in the display.
STIR: T1 : ON s Display: STIR +- (+=on -=off) STIR: MSB2 : 10 s Display: STIR 10 s
In this case in the first line the stirrer at tower 1 is switched on. The stir­rer is selected with the <SELECT> key. As can be seen in the sec- ond line, the duration of the stirring process can also be entered. The stirring rate can be set for each stirrer in the parameter menu. Under <PARAM>,
>manual stop you can define which stirrers can
be switched off with the <STOP> key.
The <DOS> key is used to control the connected dosing devices. Both positive and negative volumes can be dosed. Negative volumes are used for aspirating liquids, e.g. during pipetting. As well as entering the volume to be dosed (with the numerical keys), <SELECT> can also be used to select additional functions:
- Filling the dosing or exchange unit (fill)
- Initializing the exchange of a Dosing unit (release)
- Preparing the tubing systems and cylinder (prep.)
- Emptying the tubing system and the dosing cylinder (empty)
- Ejecting the cylinder contents (Eject)
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 7
2.1 Operating principles
- Driving the piston to the max. volume
- Compensating for the play between piston and spindle (compen.)
- Valve switching (port)
The first parameter of the DOS command stands for the number of the dosing instrument (1…3, * = all) and the Dosino port (e. g. 1.1 stands for Dosino 1, port 1), the second parameter for the function or the vol­ume to be dosed.
DOS: 2.1 <ENTER> 4.51 ml <ENTER>
DOS: 2.* <ENTER> <SELECT> ... fill <ENTER>
The dosing and filling rates can be set in the parameter menu.
Shows the incoming signals or data from the Remote or the serial RS232 interfaces. This function is used for checking the data communication with con­nected devices. The first parameter shows the selected interface. The second parame­ter shows the signals or data that are received directly.
If the parallel Remote interface (Rm) is selected then the signal states of the incoming Remote lines are shown in binary form (1=line active, 0=line inactive).
If the serial RS232 interface (RS) is selected then the data string re­ceived via this interface will be shown (14 characters per line).
Controls external devices via the Remote or RS232 interface. The first parameter sets the interface (<SELECT>). The second pa­rameter defines the status of the lines (Remote lines) or data (RS232 interface) to be outputted via the selected interface.
2nd parameter, for Remote interface
Binary pattern with 14 digits (0, 1 or ∗) for the 14 output lines or prede- fined binary pattern (<SELECT> selection), e.g. etc.
2nd parameter, for RS232 interface
Data string with up to 14 alphanumeric characters (any). The default value "&M;$G" (for starting Metrohm instruments) can be set with <CLEAR>.
The <WAIT> key has no function in the normal operating condition. It is used to insert the WAIT command in a run sequence.
8 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.1 Operating principles
Sequence control
The <EXT> key is used to switch on and off the pump connectors on the rear side of the tower. On entry of the address of the connector (1 or 2) the current state of the connected pump is switched, i. e. a cur­rently active pump is switched on. The display indicates the current state of the pump conncectors (i. e.
PUMP–+; + means active, means inactive).
PUMP on/off no. ? <2> display: PUMP -+-- PUMP on/off no. ? <2> display: PUMP ----
In this case pump 2 is switched on and off.
Under <PARAM>,
>manual stop you can define whether the pump
connectors should be switched off with the <STOP> key or not.
The <VALVE> key is used to switch the position of the injection valve at the tower of the Advanced Sample Processor.
VALVE: inject
<ENTER> switches the injection valve to the displayed position. This function is only working in the Sample Processor models
2.838.0x20 with built-in injection valve.
With the <RACK> key the sample rack can be initialized. The con­nected peripheral devices (e.g. Dosimats, Dosinos) are not affected by this. The sample rack and lift (both lifts in 2-tower versions) are moved to the zero position and automatic rack recognition is carried out. The SAMPLE variable (= rack position of the current sample) is reset to
The <START> key starts a method. A start is only possible when the Advanced Sample Processor is in the normal operating condition, i. e. when the display shows
If <START> is activated after an interruption (<HOLD>, see below), then the sequence continues with the next command.
The <START> can also be used to carry out a single command line in a run sequence (TRACE function), see p. Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert..
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 9
2.1 Operating principles
The <STOP> key ends a method.
If a sample series is stopped manually with <STOP> then the final sequence of a method will not be carried out. When the <STOP> key is pressed the functions listed in the parameter menu under
stop will be carried out.
The <HOLD> key interrupts a method sequence.
Connected peripheral devices will not be stopped automatically. Only the method sequence will be interrupted. In the HOLD condition a method can be completely terminated with <STOP> or continued with <START>.
After an error message in the method sequence the Advanced Sam­ple Processor switches automatically to the HOLD condition after <QUIT>.
10 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.1 Operating principles
2.1.4 Instrument dialog
The instrument dialog of the Advanced Sample Processors is arranged in menu levels in which the following rules apply:
Main menu
The <CONFIG>, <PARAM> and <USER METHOD> keys of the Sample Processor open a main menu whose thematically arranged submenus are accessed by repeatedly pressing this key or with <>. The name of the main menu appears in the first line.
Each submenu has its own title which is indicated by in the lower line of the display. From the title you can use <ENTER> to access the individual questions with which the most important instru­ment settings can be altered. The first line of the display always shows the name of the active submenu.
Navigation in the menus is by the cursor keys; with <HOME> you can access the first line of the menu and with <END> the last one.
<QUIT> exits the active menu and accesses either the next superior menu or the normal operating condition.
">" and appears
<ENTER> always opens a submenu or confirms the data input of the lowest menu level.
Input lines
For input lines without
":" the values can be entered by the numerical
keys. The set value is accepted with <ENTER> and the next line ap­pears.
For input lines with
":" predefined values can be selected with the
<SELECT> key. <ENTER> accepts the set value and the next line appears.
Depending on the parameter, <CLEAR> is used to set the initial value. The <CLEAR> key is also used to reject incorrectly entered values.
<QUIT> exits the questions and returns to the submenu.
The following schematic diagram shows the instrument dialog ar­rangement.
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 11
2.1 Operating principles
Normal state
Kex title >Submenu 1
Key title >Submenu 2
>Submenu 1 Inquiry 1
>Submenu 1 Inquiry 2
>Submenu 1 Inquiry n
>Submenu 2 Inquiry 1
Key title >Submenu n
Fig. 2 Dialog arrangement
>Submenu 2 Inquiry 2
>Submenu 2 Inquiry n
12 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.1 Operating principles
2.1.5 Data input
Input line
Either one or two parameters can be entered in a menu line or a se­quence. A blinking block cursor indicates where a parameter can be entered.
<Select> list
>stirring rates stirrer tower 1 3
 
Title line Input line
Menu entry Cursor Parameter
>sample sequence 04 STIR T1 : 1 s
Command 1
parameter 2nd parameter
Title line Input line
Switching between the parameters is carried out with the arrow keys <> and <>. <ENTER> moves the cursor automatically to the right, <QUIT> moves it to the left.
Data can usually be entered directly by the numerical keys of the keypad. For entries marked by a colon the <SELECT> key can be used to dis- play a selection of entries. This selection is cyclically arranged like a re­volving drum.
>RS232 settings baud rate: 9600
>RS232 settings
baud rate: 2400
4800 2400 1200
Fig. 3 Selection list
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 13
2.1 Operating principles
2.1.6 Text input
The text editor can be used wherever provision is made for the entry of a text.
Numbers can be entered directly via the keypad.
The "<" or ">" keys open the text editor. With "<" an existing character
string is deleted and the text cursor moves to the left-hand end of the
input field. With ">" an existing character string is retained, the text cur­sor moves to the last character of the existing text. A character string is displayed that consists of all the characters that can be entered in alphabetic order. The currently selected character always blinks (text cursor).
Character selection
The "<" and ">" keys move the character string made up of all the se- lectable characters (upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, arranged alphabetically) in the selected direction past the text cursor. Pressing either of these keys once moves the character string in the corresponding direction by one position. Rapid character string movement is achieved by keeping the key pressed down.
Confirming character selection
The <ENTER> key appends the character currently under the text cursor to the existing text line. When the complete width of the text in­put field has been filled the text input mode is exited and the text line is accepted with <ENTER>.
Delete character
The <CLEAR> key deletes the last character of an existing text line. The text cursor automatically moves one character to the left.
Ending text input
<QUIT> exits the text input mode. The displayed text line can then be accepted with <ENTER> or rejected by pressing <QUIT> a second time.
14 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.1 Operating principles
>store method method: ********
"<" or ">"
blinking text cursor
>store method
>store method method:
>store method method: Chloride
blinking text cursor
"<" or ">"
character chain
2x ">"
Fig. 4 Text input
The figure above shows how a character string can be entered, e.g. for naming a method. Text input is concluded with <QUIT>. The whole of the entered character string is then shown and can be accepted with <ENTER> or rejected with <QUIT>.
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 15
2.2 Configuration
her l
2.2 Configuration
Main menu:
configuration >auxiliaries
configuration >tower 1
configuration >rack definitions
configuration >Dosing units
configuration >RS232 settings
Open submenu with <ENTER>
Use <> or <> to move up and down by one
menu item
Use <HOME> or <END> to move to the first or last menu item
Use <QUIT> to return to operating condition
2.2.1 Miscellaneous
configuration >auxiliaries
>auxiliaries dialog: english
Use <QUIT>
for next hig
english, deutsch, français, español
>auxiliaries display contrast 3
0…3…7 0 = low contrast
>auxiliaries beeper: ON
>auxiliaries external Start: off
on, off
Normally the Sample Processor takes over the complete run control for a sample series as the "Master". This may be unwanted, particularly if an automated system has been set up that includes instruments that are not from Metrohm. This is why the Sample Processor can also be started from any external instrument via the Remote interface.
external Start: ON the run sequences of the Sample Processor will
be started as soon as input line 7 is activated at the Remote interface (low level).
Submenu for basic settings
Open the submenu with <ENTER>
Select dialog language
Set display contrast
7 = high contrast
Beep for warnings on or off
Switch on external start via Remote line (Input 7)
16 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.2 Configuration
The run sequences of the Sample Processor will be stopped when input line 6 is activated (low level). The technical details can be found in the
8.789.1033 Technical Reference of the Sample Processors.
>auxiliaries >>running time meter
Shows the elapsed time
0…9999 h
Submenu for running time meter, open with <ENTER>
>>running time meter elapsed time 0.0 h
Warning limit for running time meter
OFF, 0…9999 hours
>>running time meter warning OFF h
The running time meter is used to support the regular mainte­nance of the Sample Processor. If a warning limit is entered then, when this period has elapsed, a message will appear indicating that maintenance is required.
>auxiliaries device label
8 ASCII characters
Name of the instrument for identification
>auxiliaries program 5.838.0012
read only
Program version
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 17
2.2 Configuration
2.2.2 Tower settings
configuration >tower 1
Submenu for basic settings for the tower
Open the submenu with <ENTER>
>tower 1 max. stroke path 125 mm
0…125…235 mm
Max. lift range for Lift 1
This max. stroke path setting is important for safety reasons. Correct entry of this value can prevent, that i. e. an injection needle or tubing will be bent. The working head cannot move any lower than the position entered here (0 mm = upper stop of lift). Make these settings before you edit the rack definitions.
>tower 1 min. beak. radius * mm
*, 1…100 mm * = any value
Sets the minimum required beaker ra­dius for processing a sample
This is also a safety setting. In order to prevent a fully equipped, wide titration head from trying to enter a narrow sample beaker a limit for the minimum necessary beaker radius can be entered here. During a method sequence the value entered here will be compared with the value given for the effective beaker radius in the rack table before the lift is lowered and, if necessary, an error message will be produced. Entering * prevents a comparison from being made.
>tower 1 >>swing head 1
Submenu Swing Head Open with <ENTER>
If a 786 Swing Head equipped with a robotic arm is mounted on the Sample Processor then it is essential that the correct settings for the mounted robotic arm are entered, as otherwise the instrument will not be able to position it exactly.
Each of the following settings can be interactively defined with the LEARN function. Press the <LEARN> key and then move the lift or robotic arm with the arrow keys <> and <> or <> and <>. The set values can be accepted with <ENTER> and corrected later.
For further explanations of the LEARN mode, see section 2.3.8.
Setting the rinsing height for ex­ternal positions *
0…235 mm
>>swing head 1 rinse position 0 mm
Setting the swing height for ex­ternal positions *
0…235 mm
>>swing head 1 shift position 0 mm
18 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.2 Configuration
Swing angle for external posi-
tion 1 *
Offset…84.00…max. angle+offset
>>swing head 1 external pos.1 117.00°
0° = points to rack center
The swing angle for the external positions is entered as an abso­lute angle. The input limits are defined by the offset of the Swing Head drive (approx. 9°) and the set max. swing angle range.
Setting the working height for external position 1 *
0…235 mm
>>swing head 1 work position1 0 mm
Swing angle for external posi­tion 2 *
… up to external pos. 4
* can be set with LEARN function
>>swing head 1 external pos.2 117.00°
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 19
2.2 Configuration
her l
2.2.3 Rackdefinitionen
configuration >rack definitions
>rack definitions >>recall rack
Use <QUIT>
for next hig
In order to make a modification to the definition of a sample rack the rack data must first be loaded. The data of the Metrohm standard racks is stored under their ordering number.
>recall rack name: 6.2041.450
10 ASCII characters
The <SELECT> key can be used to make a selection from the saved rack data. The rack data is loaded with <ENTER>. The first selection to appear is the rack name of the currently attached rack.
>recall rack code 000001
The magnet code is used for the unambiguous identification of the rack. The magnet code is recognized during the initialization of the rack. This is why the <RACK> key should be pressed whenever a rack is changed.
For security reasons the max. stroke path should be set before modifications of the lift positions are made, see section 2.2.1.
>recall rack work position T1 0 mm
0…235 mm (in mm from upper stop point)
>recall rack rinse position T1 0 mm
0…235 mm (in mm from upper stop point)
>recall rack shift position T1 0 mm
0…235 mm (in mm from upper stop point)
>recall rack special pos. T1 0 mm
0…235 mm (in mm from upper stop point)
>recall rack beaker radius * mm
*, 1…100 mm * = any value
This setting is required for the check of the beaker radius, see p. 17.
Submenu for defining individual racks
Open the submenu with <ENTER>
Load rack definitions
Name of the rack to be loaded
Magnet code of the rack See table on p. 65.
Working position for sample positions *)
Rinsing position for sample positions *)
Shifting position for sample positions *)
Special position for sample positions *)
Effective beaker radius for the sample positions on the rack
20 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
2.2 Configuration
her l
>recall rack beaker sensor: off
Tower, SwingH, off
Selection of the beaker sensor
Not implemented.
>recall rack rack offset 0.00°
Correction for the rotation angle of the sample rack *
All the above lift positions and the rack offset can be set by using the
<LEARN> function.
Special beaker positions
Use <QUIT>
for next hig
>>recall rack >>>special positions
Submenu special beaker positions Open with <ENTER>
Special beaker positions are predefined places on a sample rack that are not treated as sample positions. They can be occupied by rinsing beakers or
conditioning beakers and selectively addressed during a run sequence. Up to 16 special beaker positions can be defined per rack. For each special beaker the work position of the lift and the beaker radius can be set, see above.
Selection of special beaker
Rack position of the special beaker
etc. up to special beaker 16
>>>special positions special beaker 1
>>special positions 1 rack position 0
0…number Pos.
0 = not defined
>rack definitions >>store rack
Save rack definitions
In order to store modifications to the definition of a sample rack the submenu
>>store rack is selected.
>store rack name: 6.2041.310
10 ASCII characters
Name of rack
With the <SELECT> key you can select one of the existing rack names. The rack data is stored with <ENTER>. Any rack name can be used. The input of any rack name can be made directly via the numerical keys or in the text
Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation 21
2.2 Configuration
input mode, see p. 14. Selection of the alphanumerical characters with the < and > keys or <PRINT> and <RACK>.
>rack definitions >>delete rack
Delete rack definitions
The submenu >>delete rack must be selected if a rack definition is to be deleted.
>delete rack name: 6.2041.310
Name of the rack
The <SELECT> key can be used to select one of the existing rack names. <ENTER> confirms the selection. <QUIT> stops the deletion process. Before the deletion a question appears.
>rack definitions delete 6.2041.310 ?
<ENTER> confirms the deletion. <QUIT> stops the deletion process.
When the submenu ' data a request appears about saving the rack data.
>rack definitions overwrite 6.2041.310 ?
>rack definitions' is exited without saving modified
Confirm the question (store the rack definitions) by pressing the <ENTER> key. Reject storage with <QUIT>.
22 Metrohm 838 Advanced Sample Processor, Operation
+ 71 hidden pages