Metrohm 824 User Manual

CH-9101 Herisau/Switzerland E-Mail Internet
824 Easy Sample Changer
Instructions for Use
8.824.1003 08.2002/ dm
Teachware Metrohm AG Oberdorfstr. 68 CH-9101 Herisau
1st Edition 2002
These instructions are protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Although all the information given in these instructions has been checked with great care, errors cannot be entirely excluded. Should you notice any mistakes please inform the author at the address given above.
© Metrohm Ltd. 2002 Printed in Switzerland
II 824 Easy Sample Changer, Contents

Table of contents

1 Introduction ..................................................1
1.1 Instrument description...................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Two versions ............................................................................... 1
1.2 Information about these Instructions for Use ................................ 3
1.3 Parts and controls ............................................................................. 4
1.3.1 The keypad ................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Individual parts and standard accessories ................................5
1.4 Safety information ............................................................................. 7
1.4.1 General:....................................................................................... 7
1.4.2 Electrical safety ........................................................................... 7
2 Installation.................................................... 8
2.1 Instrument setup ............................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Packaging ................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Checks ........................................................................................ 9
2.1.3 Location ...................................................................................... 9
2.2 Mains connection .............................................................................. 9
2.3 Keyboard connection...................................................................... 10
2.4 Attaching and equipping a titration head ..................................... 11
2.4.1 Attaching and equipping the KF titration head ........................ 12
2.4.2 Attaching the splash protector ................................................. 13
2.4.3 741 Magnetic Stirrer.................................................................. 13
2.5 Attaching the 759 Swing Head ....................................................... 14
2.5.1 Procedure.................................................................................. 14
2.6 Connecting devices to the Remote socket................................... 15
2.6.1 Remote connections................................................................. 15
2.7 Serial connection (RS232) .............................................................. 18
2.8 Sample racks ................................................................................... 19
2.8.1 Positioning a sample rack ........................................................ 20
3 Operation ....................................................21
3.1 The <SELECT> key.......................................................................... 21
3.2 Settings............................................................................................. 22
3.2.1 Setting the working position of the lift....................................... 22
3.2.2 Setting the rinsing position of the lift......................................... 22
3.2.3 Setting the shifting position of the lift........................................ 23
3.2.4 Setting the stirrer rate................................................................ 23
3.3 Manual operation............................................................................. 24
3.3.1 Moving the lift............................................................................ 24
3.3.2 Rotating the sample rack.......................................................... 24
3.3.3 Switching the stirrer on/off ........................................................ 24
3.3.4 Operating the pumps................................................................ 24
3.4 Automatic operation........................................................................ 25
3.4.1 Preparing a sample series........................................................ 25
3.4.2 Method selection ...................................................................... 25
3.4.3 Starting a method ..................................................................... 25
3.4.4 Interrupting a method run ......................................................... 26
3.4.5 Canceling a method run ........................................................... 26
824 Easy Sample Changer, Contents III
3.5 Functions of the LEDs..................................................................... 27
3.5.1 The Status LED ......................................................................... 27
3.5.2 The [SELECT] LEDs ................................................................. 27
3.5.3 LEDs 1 to 4 ............................................................................... 27
4 Standard methods ......................................29
4.1 Information about the methods...................................................... 29
4.2 Method labels ................................................................................... 30
4.3 Method 1 ........................................................................................... 30
4.4 Method 2 ........................................................................................... 31
4.5 Method 3 ........................................................................................... 32
4.6 Method 4 ........................................................................................... 33
4.6.1 Editing methods........................................................................ 34
5 Maintenance information ...........................35
5.1 Maintenance / Service ..................................................................... 35
5.2 Care / Maintenance .......................................................................... 35
6 GLP validation.............................................36
7 Troubleshooting .......................................... 37
7.1 Error messages................................................................................ 37
8 Annex...........................................................39
8.1 Technical data.................................................................................. 39
8.1.1 Interfaces .................................................................................. 39
8.1.2 Pump connections.................................................................... 39
8.1.3 Lift ............................................................................................. 39
8.1.4 Turntable................................................................................... 39
8.1.5 Stirrer......................................................................................... 39
8.1.6 Power supply ............................................................................ 40
8.1.7 Safety Specifications ................................................................ 40
8.1.8 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)....................................... 40
8.1.9 Ambient temperature................................................................ 40
8.1.10 Dimensions and materials........................................................ 41
8.2 Method listings................................................................................. 42
8.2.1 Method 1................................................................................... 42
8.2.2 Method 2................................................................................... 43
8.2.3 Method 3................................................................................... 44
8.2.4 Method 4................................................................................... 45
8.3 Connecting external pumps ...........................................................46
8.4 Connecting rinsing and aspirating equipment............................. 47
8.4.1 Attaching the distributor and tubing......................................... 47
8.4.2 Spray nozzles ........................................................................... 47
8.4.3 Aspiration tip............................................................................. 49
8.5 Sample beakers for Karl Fischer titrations ................................... 49
8.6 Standard equipment ........................................................................ 50
8.6.1 824 Easy Sample Changer....................................................... 50
IV 824 Easy Sample Changer, Contents
8.7 Optional accessories ...................................................................... 53
8.7.1 6.5610.020 KFT Equipment...................................................... 53
8.7.2 772 Pump Unit (2.772.0020)..................................................... 54
8.7.3 772 Pump Unit (2.772.0030)..................................................... 56
8.7.4 Optional accessories and instruments..................................... 57
8.7.5 Connection cables.................................................................... 57
8.7.6 Sample racks and sample beakers.......................................... 58
8.7.7 Electrodes for Sample Changers ............................................. 59
8.8 Warranty and conformity................................................................ 60
8.8.1 Warranty .................................................................................... 60
8.8.2 EU Declaration of Conformity for 824 Easy Sample Changer . 61
8.8.3 Declaration of Conformity: 824 Easy Sample Changer ...........62
Index............................................................ 63

List of illustrations

Fig. 1 Keypad ....................................................................................................................... 4
Fig. 2 Side view of 824 Easy Sample Changer .................................................................... 5
Fig. 3 Rear view .................................................................................................................... 6
Fig. 4 824 Easy Sample Changer – peripheral devices ....................................................... 8
Fig. 5 Fuse holder............................................................................................................... 10
Fig. 6 Rear panel of instrument .......................................................................................... 10
Fig. 7 Macro-titration head ................................................................................................. 11
Fig. 8 Micro-titration head .................................................................................................. 11
Fig. 9 KF Titration head ...................................................................................................... 12
Fig. 10 Attaching the splash protector ................................................................................. 13
Fig. 11 Attaching the magnetic stirrer .................................................................................. 13
Fig. 12 Attaching the 759 Swing Head................................................................................. 14
Fig. 13 Connecting a 7xx Titrino ........................................................................................... 15
Fig. 14 Connecting an 8xx Titrando...................................................................................... 16
Fig. 15 Connecting a Titrino and Dosimat............................................................................ 16
Fig. 16 Connecting a 780/781 pH Meter .............................................................................. 17
Fig. 17 Connecting the 759 Swing Head ............................................................................. 17
Fig. 18 Connecting a computer............................................................................................ 18
Fig. 19 Attaching a sample rack........................................................................................... 20
Fig. 20 6.2142.010 Keypad for sample changer ................................................................. 34
Fig. 21 Pump connections ................................................................................................... 46
Fig. 22 Distributor ................................................................................................................. 47
Fig. 23 Attaching the spray nozzles and the aspiration tip .................................................. 48
Fig. 24 Titration head with aspiration and rinsing equipment .............................................. 48
Fig. 25 Function of the spray nozzles................................................................................... 48
Fig. 26 Karl Fischer sample beaker...................................................................................... 49
824 Easy Sample Changer, Contents V
1.1 Instrument description

1 Introduction

The Metrohm 824 Easy Sample Changer is an instrument for numerous applications. It was specially developed for the industrial or analytical laboratory and therefore covers a wide spectrum of applications. It pro­vides indispensable support when processing a large sample series throughout the whole titration sector, for various measurement jobs, or for other analytical purposes.
Due to the well-developed communication interfaces (parallel remote control and serial RS 232), not only can it communicate with the large range of Metrohm titration and dosing instruments but it can also con­trol or be controlled by a personal computer. For this purpose Metrohm offers the versatile Tinet titration software. These capabilities predestine it for all conceivable automation jobs in a modern laboratory, even in conjunction with highly integrated laboratory data systems.

1.1 Instrument description

The greatest advantage of the 824 Easy Sample Changer lies in its very easy user operation. For carrying out simple applications the prede­fined standard methods may be used without any modifications being needed. The simple keyboard allows the use of all the functions used in the daily routine tasks of the 824 Easy Sample Changer.

1.1.1 Two versions

The 824 Easy Sample Changer is supplied in two different versions.
The 2.824.0010 version includes a complete set of accessories for working with the supplied macro-titration head to process large- to me­dium-size sample vessels.
The 2.824.0020 version includes a complete set of accessories for working with the supplied micro-titration head to process smaller sam­ple vessels.
Both versions are supplied with a sample rack and suitable sample vessels as standard. A particularly suitable set of KFT equipment can be ordered for carrying out Karl Fischer titrations with the 824 Easy Sample Changer.
Pump control
For rinsing the electrodes and for aspiration of the sample solutions ei­ther one or two peristaltic pumps can be connected directly to the 824 Easy Sample Changer. The Metrohm 772 Pump Unit is also available in versions with accessories for aspiration or rinsing.
824 Easy Sample Changer, Introduction 1
1.1 Instrument description
Standard sample racks
Exchangeable standard sample racks are available for a wide range of different sized vessels. Each rack has a predefined "special beaker" po­sition. This is used for placing a rinsing or conditioning beaker on the rack. In this way, for example, it is possible to condition or rinse an elec­trode after each titration.
Standard methods
The predefined standard methods of the 824 Easy Sample Changer not only have an optimized sample processing sequence but also have both a start sequence and a final sequence which are carried out be­fore and after a series of samples respectively.
759 Swing Head
For processing a larger number of samples the 759 Swing Head can be installed on the sample changer. This drive is used instead of the stan­dard titration head and can, for example, be fitted with a titration head for direct titration in the sample vessels. By using the 759 Swing Head it is possible to use multi-row sample racks and therefore to process lar­ger numbers of samples within a very short time.
The basis
The 824 Easy Sample Changer was developed on the basis of the time­proven Metrohm 730 Sample Changer and therefore offers the possibil­ity of the free definition of run sequences, method parameters and rack data throughout a very wide range. This requires the use of the “ SC Controller” Sample changer keypad.
2 824 Easy Sample Changer, Introduction
1.2 Information about these Instructions for Use

1.2 Information about these Instructions for Use

Please read through these Instructions for Use before you start to use the 824 Easy Sample Changer. The following notations and pictograms are used in these instructions:
35 Operating element
The operating elements are explained on pages 4ff.
Danger This symbol indicates a possible risk of death or injury to the user and possible damage to the instrument or its compo­nents by electricity.
Danger/Warning This symbol indicates a possible risk of death or injury to the user and possible damage to the instrument or its compo­nents.
Attention This symbol indicates important informa­tion. Read the information provided before you continue.
Information This symbol indicates additional information and tips which may be of particular use to you.
824 Easy Sample Changer, Introduction 3
1.3 Parts and controls

1.3 Parts and controls

1.3.1 The keypad

1 Status LED
Easy Controller
1 ________________________
2 ________________________
3 ________________________
4 ________________________
Met ro h m
Indicate the user mode
3 LEDs 1 to 4
Method selection
Stirrer/Pump status
Configuration steps
Error display
4 Labeling field for methods
5 Arrow key up / Stirrer 1
Lift up
Method selection
Stirrer 1 on/off
Sets lift position and stirrer rate
6 Arrow key right / Pump 2
Rotates rack clockwise
Pump 2 on/off
Next configuration step
7 Arrow key down / Stirrer 2
Fig. 1 Keypad
7 8
Lift down
Method selection
Stirrer 2 on/off
Sets lift position and stirrer rate
8 Arrow key left / Pump 1
Rotates rack counterclockwise
Pump 1 on/off
Previous configuration step
9 User mode / Interrupt method /
Acknowledge error message
10 Initialize changer / Cancel method
11 Start method / Continue method
4 824 Easy Sample Changer, Introduction
1.3 Parts and controls

1.3.2 Individual parts and standard accessories

The 824 Easy Sample Changer must not be operated without the splash protector 13 and connections cover 17 in position.
Fig. 2 Side view of 824 Easy Sample Changer
12 Tubing guide 16 Mains switch and fuse holder
13 Splash protector 6.2751.010 17 Connections cover 6.2752.010
14 Lift 18 Tower
15 Sample rack e. g. 6.2041.310 19 Remote interface
20 Stirrer connection
824 Easy Sample Changer, Introduction 5
1.3 Parts and controls
Pump 1
Pump 2
16 V
16 V
max. 300 mA
max. 300 mA
Line sleeve
Pump connectors
Manufacturing number
RS 232 Keybo ard
Made by Metrohm Herisau Switzerland
Fig. 3 Rear view
Type 1.824.0010 Nr.
Keyboard connector
RS232 connector
6 824 Easy Sample Changer, Introduction
1.4 Safety information

1.4 Safety information

Warning! This instrument should only be used in accordance with the information given in these Instructions for Use.

1.4.1 General:

This instrument left our works in perfect condition from the point of view of its operational safety (see Technical data, safety specification). To keep it in this condition and to continue to operate safely the following information must be carefully observed.

1.4.2 Electrical safety

Please observe the following guidelines:
Only qualified Metrohm personnel should carry out service work on
electronic components.
Do not open the instrument housing as this could damage the in-
strument. The housing contains no components which could be serviced or exchanged by the user.
Electrical safety when handling the instrument is guaranteed within the scope of Standard IEC 61010-1. However, please observe the following point:
Protection against electrostatic charges
Warning! Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic charges and can be destroyed by a discharge. Always remove the mains connection cable from socket 12 before making or breaking electrical connections on the rear panel of the instrument.
Connection to the electricity supply:
This instrument must only be operated at the specified mains voltage.
Repair and maintenance:
If faults or malfunctions occur while using the 824 Easy Sample Changer we recommended that you first check that the connection to the control instrument has been made correctly.
The instrument must not be opened. This is reserved exclusively for authorized service personnel.
824 Easy Sample Changer, Introduction 7
1.4 Safety information

2 Installation

This section describes the things you should pay attention to when un­packing and starting up the 824 Easy Sample Changer. It also tells you how a complete automation system is built up. The following illustration provides an overview of the peripheral devices which can be attached to an 824 Easy Sample Changer:
712 713
665 725 765 775 776
Personal Computer
759 Swing Head
772 Pump Unit
pH Meter / Ion meter Conductometer
722/802 Rod stirrer
741 Magnetic stirrer
824 Easy Sample Changer
Remote Box MSB
731 Relay Box
Fig. 4 824 Easy Sample Changer – peripheral devices
Titrino family
808/809 Titrando
8 824 Easy Sample Changer, Installation
2.1 Instrument setup

2.1 Instrument setup

2.1.1 Packaging

The 824 Easy Sample Changer and its specially packed accessories are supplied in very protective special packaging. Please store this packaging in a safe place; it is the only way in which the safe transport of the instrument can be guaranteed.

2.1.2 Checks

Please check that the delivery is complete and undamaged immedi­ately on receipt (compare with delivery note and list of accessories given in Section 8.6). If transport damage is evident please refer to the information given in Section 8.8.1 ''Warranty'.

2.1.3 Location

The 824 Easy Sample Changer has been developed for indoors use and must not be used in explosion-endangered surroundings. Place the instrument on a suitable vibration-free laboratory bench, pro­tected as much as possible from corrosive atmospheres and contami­nation by chemicals. Select a location in which the ambient temperature is normally between +5 °C and +45 °C. The instrument should be protected against exces­sive variations in temperature and direct sunshine.
If an instrument which has been stored under cold conditions is brought into a warm room then the atmospheric humidity may con­dense inside the instrument and form water. In order to avoid damaging the instrument please wait for at least one hour before switching it on.

2.2 Mains connection

Please observe the following rules when connecting the instrument to the electricity supply. If the instrument is operated with an incorrectly set mains voltage and/or an incorrect mains fuse then it represents a fire hazard!
Setting the mains voltage Before you switch on the 824 Easy Sample Changer for the first time please check that the mains voltage set on the instrument (see illustra­tion on the following page) corresponds to your local mains voltage. If this is not the case then you must alter the mains voltage as follows:
824 Easy Sample Changer, Installation 9
2.3 Keyboard connection
Pull out mains cable
Remove the mains cable from the mains supply connection of the 824 Easy Sample Changer.
Remove the fuse holder
Use a screwdriver to loosen the fuse holder beside the mains supply connection and remove it completely.
Check the fuse and replace it
Carefully remove the built-in fuse for the intended voltage from the fuse holder and check its specifications (the position of the fuse in the fuse holder is indicated by the white arrow beside the voltage range):
100120 V 0.5 A (slow blow) Metrohm-No. U.600.0014 220240 V 0.25 A (slow blow) Metrohm No. U.600.0011
Insert fuse
Exchange the fuse if necessary and replace it in the fuse holder.
Insert fuse holder
Depending on the required mains voltage, insert the fuse holder so that the white arrow of the corresponding voltage range points to the white bar; this is to the right of the fuse holder (see below).
220 – 240 V
120 V
240 V
100 – 120 V
240 V
120 V
Fig. 5 Fuse holder
Mains switch
Mains connection
Fuse holder
Attach connections cover
Position the connections cover in the guide rail above the connections strip. The connections cover protects the connections from spilt chemi­cals.

2.3 Keyboard connection

Type 1.824.0010 Nr.
RS 232 Keyboard
Made by Metrohm Herisau Switzerland
Fig. 6 Rear panel of instrument
10 824 Easy Sample Changer, Installation
The keyboard is attached to the connection 24 provided for it on the rear panel of the instrument. To remove the connection press both sides of it together.
2.4 Attaching and equipping a titration head

2.4 Attaching and equipping a titration head

Macro-titration head
Attachment screws
SGJ14 Sleeve
SGJ9 Guiding sleeve
Propeller stirrer
Fig. 7 Macro-titration
Note about the Macro-titration head
Micro-titration head
Buret tip
Rod stirrer
Screw nipple
Fig. 8 Micro-titration head
Only special micro-electrodes can be used with the micro­titration head; see list of accessories, p. 46.
The SGJ14 opening marked by an arrow is bored at a slight angle so that a rod stirrer or an electrode can be centered in narrow titration vessels.
824 Easy Sample Changer, Installation 11
2.4 Attaching and equipping a titration head

2.4.1 Attaching and equipping the KF titration head

KFT Titration head
ttachment screws
Double Pt-electrode
Buret tips
Screw nipple
O-Ring (below)
Fig. 9 KF Titration head
In order to ensure an optimal seal of the titration vessel the M10 threads should be inserted into the titration head together with the O-rings.
12 824 Easy Sample Changer, Installation
2.4 Attaching and equipping a titration head
When attaching the tubing and cable connections these should be led from the titration head through the tubing guide in order not to restrict the range of movement of the lift. Take care that the tubing is long enough to accommodate the whole range of movement of the lift.

2.4.2 Attaching the splash protector

For safety reasons the 824 Easy Sample Changer should not be oper­ated unless the splash protector is in its proper position.
Fig. 10 Attaching the splash protector

2.4.3 741 Magnetic Stirrer

Fig. 11 Attaching the magnetic stirrer
On both sides of the tower loosen knurled nuts
Slip the slot-shaped openings of the splash
protector 13 over the attachment screws and tighten up knurled nuts 26 again.
If the knurled nuts 26 are loosened slightly it is
easy to adjust the height of the splash protector
Apart from the micro-titration head, the
2.824.020 version also includes a 741 Magnetic Stirrer. The use of the 741 Magnetic Stirrer is particularly recommended for Karl Fischer titrations. The 2.741.0010 Magnetic Stirrer can be attached to the tower by using the holder (6.2034.020) and supplied screws as shown in the drawing alongside.
824 Easy Sample Changer, Installation 13
2.5 Attaching the 759 Swing Head

2.5 Attaching the 759 Swing Head

In order to accurately move to the individual sample vessels when multi­row sample racks are used (see p. 19), the 759 Swing Head can be used instead of a normal titration head. It is equipped with either a titra­tion head (Model 2.759.0020) or with a transfer head (Model
2.759.0010). The 759 Swing Head with titration head can be used with the 2-row sample rack M48-1. The swing head version with the transfer head is in­tended for use with the 3-row sample racks M128-2, M129-2 and M142-

2.5.1 Procedure

Switch off instrument.
Remove the titration head 14 by loosening the four screws on both
the outer sides of the lift.
759 Swing
Fig. 12 Attaching the 759 Swing Head
Screw off the tubing guide from the titration head 14.
Attach the new titration head (6.1462.020) or the transfer head
(6.1462.010) to the bottom of the swing head by using the three screws provided.
Screw the tubing guide 12 onto the new titration or transfer head.
Attach new titration or transfer head to the lift and fasten it with the
four screws.
Connect the 759 Swing Head to the Remote socket 19 of the 824
Easy Sample Changer, see also p. 17.
Place a multi-row sample rack on the turntable of the sample
Switch on instrument.
If the swing head moves when the instrument is switched on then
this means that it has been recognized by the 824 Easy Sample Changer and is ready for use.
If the swing head does not move when the instrument is switched on
then switch the instrument off and then on again.
14 824 Easy Sample Changer, Installation
2.6 Connecting devices to the Remote socket

2.6 Connecting devices to the Remote socket

Connection cable
If the 824 Easy Sample Changer is to be connected to other devices then only Metrohm cables should be used as these are the only cables that guarantee perfect data transfer.
Note: The Remote cable for the 824 Easy Sample Changer have a marking at each end which indicates the instrument for which the particular end is intended to be used and the connection to which it is to be connected.
Example (standard Remote cable):
Titrino B
692 / 712 / 713
Before peripheral devices are connected the sample changer must be switched off as otherwise the instruments could be damaged.

2.6.1 Remote connections

Sample changer — Titrino
with standard cable
Fig. 13 Connecting a 7xx Titrino
Cable 6.2141.020
824 Easy Sample Changer, Installation 15
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