Limitorque Actuation Systems
Accutronix MX
Quick Mounting Instructions

3Accutronix MX Quick Mounting Instructions • LMENIM2312
Flow Control
Limitorque Actuation Systems
The Limitorque Accutronix MX is the technological leader
among electric actuators and the simplest device to install
and commission. Follow this simple step-by-step installation
guide to install the MX on all valve types. Refer to the
following documents for more set-up information:
• LMAIM2310, Quick Start-Up Instructions
calibration of valve position limits
• LMAIM2306, Installation and Operation Manual
complete installation instructions
Preparing the Stem Nut 4
Type “B” Bases: Torque-only Applications 4
Standard B4/B4E Base 4
Optional B1 Base (not applicable for MX-85 or -140) 5
Type “A” Bases: Thrust-only Applications 6
Standard A1/A1E Base 6
Type “BL” Drive: Splined-drive Applications (not applicable for MX-85 or -140) 11
Mechanical Installation of MX Actuator onto Valve or Gearbox 11
Mounting (Type “B” Bases): Torque-only 12
Removal (Type “B” Bases): Torque-only 12
Mounting (Type “A” Bases): Thrust-only 12
Removal (Type “A” Bases): Thrust-only 13
Checking the Settings 13

4 LMENIM2312 • Accutronix MX Quick Mounting Instructions
Flow Control
Limitorque Actuation Systems
Preparing the Stem Nut
The Accutronix MX has two (2) basic base designs:
• Torque-only base, designated by a “B” prefix
• Thrust-only base, designated by an “A” prefix
Type “B” Bases: Torque-only Applications
Standard B4/B4E Base
The standard MX actuator base is the B4 torque-only and includes a
mounting plate and steel torque nut, which may be machined to fit a
valve or gearbox.
A B4E torque nut can be provided and may be installed to allow for
extended stem acceptance.
B4 base B4E base
Exploded view of B4/B4E base
Drive sleeve
Torque nut
Retaining ring
Accutronix MX

5Accutronix MX Quick Mounting Instructions • LMENIM2312
Flow Control
Limitorque Actuation Systems
1. Remove the retaining ring (B4 base) or spiral-wound ring (B4E base)
that retains the torque nut in the drive sleeve.
2. Remove the torque nut. If the torque nut is difficult to remove, insert a
suitable device into the drive sleeve through bore and gently tap it
loose from the handwheel end.
3. Machine the torque nut to suit the valve stem or gearbox input shaft
(see LMASS2326, MX Performance and Dimensions for maximum
stem capacity). Ensure sufficient clearance for a smooth, sliding fit.
1. Clean the torque nut thoroughly and lightly grease.
2. Replace the torque nut in the drive sleeve. Ensure the torque nut
meshes with the drive lugs.
3. Refit the retaining ring (B4 base) or spiral-wound ring (B4E base).
Optional B1 Base (not applicable for MX-85 or -140)
An optional torque base assembly may be added to allow for a greater
stem acceptance. This base is supplied with a fixed bore and key as
defined by ISO 5210.
No disassembly is required since the torque nut has been machined to
an international standard. Clean the bore and lightly grease.
B1 base