Installing the H.320 Expansion Card and Software
The product you purchased features Apple Media Conference, an application
program you use to set up video conferences, collaborate with others,
excha nge live video and sound, and share information over a network. Apple
Media Conference takes advantage of the networking capability already built
into your computer so you can connect with other video conferencing systems
over a high-speed AppleTalk local area network, such as Ethernet.
In addition, you can use Apple Media Conference to communicate over an
ISDN wide area network. The product includes an H.320 expansion card that
lets you connect your computer to an ISDN line and communicate with other
video conferencing systems that comply with the H.320 international video
conferencing standard.
About ISDN: An ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) line can carry
more data than a standard phone line. You can send voice, data, and images
simultaneously over a single ISDN lin e. An ISDN line offers high-quality
voice communication and high-speed data communication.
1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, Macintosh, Macintosh
Quadra, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Power
Macintosh and Sound Manager are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. NuBus is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

The product you purchased comes with the following accessories:
m an H.320 card with a DAV (Digital Audio and Video) ribbon cable
m a telephone handset, with cable, to use while video conferencing (the
computer’s speaker can be turned off while the handset is in use to assure
m an ISDN cable that plugs into the H.320 card inside your computer on on e
end, and to an ISDN wall jack on the other end
m H.320 software (on the QuickTime Conferencing H.320/ISDN disk)
special DAV ribbon cable for connecting the H.320 card to your computer.
To install and use the H.320 card, you must have the following:
m a Power Macintosh 7100
m an ISDN line with an S-interface
m system software version 7.5 or later
m QuickTime Conferenci ng software
What’s in this booklet
This booklet contains information on installing the card in your computer,
plugging in the handset a nd ISDN line, installing the H.320 software, and
opening the Apple Media Conference program. A service representative may
have completed some or all of these steps for you. Please keep this booklet: if
you ever need to reinstall your card or its accessories or software, you can use
this booklet as a reference.
If you have a Macintosh Quadra 840AV computer, you also need a
AV or 8100AV computer, or a Macintosh Quadra
AV computer, with 16MB of random-access memory (RAM)

Installing the H.320 card
The H.320 card is installed in your computer by a n authorized service
representative. In general, it is not recommended that you remove the card.
However, if the card needs to be reinstalled, follow these steps:
1 Refer to the manual that came with your computer. Locate the chapter that explains how
to install an expansion card. Follow the instructions carefully to remove the computer’s
cover and install the card. (See the illustrations on the following pages.)
Do not replace the computer’s cover.
2 Plug the connector at the end of the H.320 card’s ribbon cable into the computer’s DAV
port. (The illustrations that follow show the card installed in each model of computer
DAV connector Ribbon cable
Power Macintosh 8100
H.320 card