Apple MAC OS X SERVER 10.3 Migration Manual

Mac OS X Server Migration

For Version 10.3 or Later
© 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Mac OS X Server software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid for support services.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple Computer, Inc., is not responsible for printing or clerical errors.
Use of the “keyboard” Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws.
Apple, the Apple logo, AppleShare, iMac, Mac, Macintosh, Mac OS, Power Mac, QuickTime, WebObjects, and Xserve are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. eMac and Finder are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Preface 5 What’s in This Guide
What’s Included in This Guide
Getting Additional Information
Chapter 1 7 Before You Begin
Upgrading Versus Migrating
Migration Scenarios
Migrating in Place
Migrating to a New Server
Migrating Users and Groups
Saving and Reusing User and Group Accounts
System Accounts
Migrating Data for Managed Mac OS 8 and 9 Users
Migrating Other Data
After Migration
Chapter 2 13 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Understanding What You Can Migrate
Tools You Can Use
Migrating in Place From Version 10.2
Migrating to a New Server From Version 10.2
Chapter 3 37 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Understanding What You Can Migrate
Tools You Can Use
Migrating in Place From Version 10.1
Migrating to a New Server From Version 10.1
Chapter 4 59 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
Understanding What You Can Migrate
Tools You Can Use
Migrating in Place From Version 1.2
Migrating to a New Server From Version 1.2
Chapter 5 83 Migrating From AppleShare IP
Understanding What You Can Migrate
Tools You Can Use
Migrating in Place From ASIP
Migrating to a New Server From ASIP

What’s in This Guide

Use this guide when you want to migrate data to Mac OS X Server version 10.3 from previous versions of the server.
The guide contains procedures for reusing data you’ve been using on older servers when you can’t or don’t want to upgrade.

What’s Included in This Guide

This guide is organized into several chapters:
Chapter 1 contrasts upgrading and migrating and summarizes topics of interest for migration. Chapters 2 through 5 tell you how to migrate data from these versions of the server
to version 10.3:
Mac OS X Server version 10.2 (Chapter 2)
Mac OS X Server version 10.1 (Chapter 3) Mac OS X Server version 1.2 (Chapter 4)
AppleShare IP (Chapter 5)
Each chapter provides specific instructions for two migration scenarios:
Migrating in place Migrating to a new server
is a scenario in which you reuse your existing server computer.
is a scenario in which you move data to a different

Getting Additional Information

This guide refers you to several other guides in the server suite for certain details:
The getting started guide provides installation and setup instructions for version
Some administration guides contain detailed instructions for some tasks.

Before You Begin

Take a few moments to become familiar with upgrading and migrating.
If you’re using Mac OS X version 10.1 or 10.2, you may not need to migrate. You might be able to version 10.3 while automatically preserving existing data and service settings.

Upgrading Versus Migrating

You can upgrade your version 10.1 or 10.2 server to version 10.3 if:
You don’t need to reformat the current server’s hard drive.
Your current server hardware meets the minimum system requirements for version 10.3.
You can install Mac OS X Server version 10.3 on any of these computers:
The computer must have:
Xserve G5 Power Mac G4 Macintosh Server G4 Macintosh Server G3 Power Mac G3 iMac eMac
At least 128 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM). At least 256 MB of RAM is required for high-demand servers running multiple services. At least 4 gigabytes (GB) of disk space available. A built-in USB port.
your server, a process that installs and sets up Mac OS X Server
The getting started guide provides instructions for upgrading.
Even if your existing server meets the minimum requirements for upgrading, you may want to migrate instead of upgrade. For example, you may be updating some of your computers and decide that you want to reestablish your server environment on one or more of the updated computers.
The migration scenarios used in this guide address how to migrate data when you can’t upgrade or when you want to move existing server data to a different computer.

Migration Scenarios

The instructions in each of the remaining chapters of this guide are grouped into two migration scenarios: migrating in place and migrating to a new server.

Migrating in Place

Use this scenario when you want to reuse your existing server’s computer for Mac OS X Server version 10.3.
Make sure that the server hardware meets the minimum system requirements for version 10.3, listed on the previous page.

Migrating to a New Server

Use this scenario when you want to reuse an existing server’s data on a different computer.
Before you migrate to the new computer, use the instructions in the getting started guide to perform installation and initial server setup of version 10.3 on the target computer.

Migrating Users and Groups

All versions of the server provide tools that help you migrate user and group accounts.

Saving and Reusing User and Group Accounts

The tool you use to save existing user and group accounts depends on the version of the server you’re migrating from:
From You use
Mac OS X Server version 10.2 Workgroup Manager
Mac OS X Server version 10.1 Server Admin
Mac OS X Server version 1.2 Mac_OS_X_Server_1.2_Export_Tool
AppleShare IP AppleShare IP Migration utility or Mac OS Server Admin
All these tools except AppleShare IP Migration write account records to an export file. To import users and groups from the file into an existing directory for use with version
10.3, you use Workgroup Manager or the dsimport tool in version 10.3.
8 Chapter 1
Before You Begin
The AppleShare IP Migration utility preserves existing user and group accounts (and, optionally, other data) without using export files.
Each chapter provides instructions for using these tools as appropriate.

System Accounts

When you install the server, several user and group accounts are created automatically. These predefined accounts are sometimes called by the server system software. See the user management guide for a description of how predefined accounts are used.
You can’t change the names or IDs of system accounts. So when you migrate users and groups, make sure you don’t try to do so. However, you can add users during migration to two system groups: admin and wheel:
Wheel is a group that gives members almost as much control as root. If you’re a
member of the wheel group, you can use the su (superuser) command in the Terminal application to log in to a remote computer as the root user. Use ssh to log in, type su, then supply the root password when prompted.
The admin group gives members the rights to administer Mac OS X Server. Admin users can use server management applications and install software that requires administrator privileges.
system accounts
, because they’re used
Here are the predefined user accounts:
Name Short name UID
Unprivileged User nobody -2
System Administrator root 0
System Services daemon 1
Sendmail User snmsp 25
Printing Services lp 26
Postfix User postfix 27
World Wide Web Server www 70
Apple Events User eppc 71
MySQL Server mysql 74
sshd Privilege Separation sshd 75
QuickTime Streaming Server qtss 76
Cyrus User cyrus 77
Mailman User mailman 78
Unknown User unknown 99
Chapter 1
Before You Begin
And here is a list of the predefined group accounts:
Short name Group ID
nobody -2
nogroup -1
wheel 0
daemon 1
kmem 2
sys 3
tty 4
operator 5
mail 6
bin 7
staff 20
smmsp 25
lp 26
postfix 27
postdrop 28
guest 31
utmp 45
uucp 66
dialer 68
network 69
www 70
mysql 74
sshd 75
qtss 76
mailman 78
appserverusr 79
admin 80
appserveradm 81
unknown 99
10 Chapter 1
Before You Begin
Migrating Data for Managed Mac OS 8 and 9 Users
On Mac OS X Server version 10.3, Macintosh Manager version 2.2 is used to manage preferences of users of computers running software earlier than Mac OS X. On earlier server versions, these applications were used to manage such clients:
On this server This application managed pre-Mac OS X users
Mac OS X Server version 10.2 Macintosh Manager version 2.2
Mac OS X Server version 10.1 Macintosh Manager version 2.1
Mac OS X Server version 10.0 Macintosh Manager version 2.0
Mac OS X Server version 1.2 Macintosh Manager version 1.4
AppleShare IP version 6.2 and version 6.3
Procedures for migrating data for these users vary with the server from which you’re migrating because the location of managed user data storage varies:
On servers prior to Mac OS X Server version 10.0, managed user information was
maintained in a database different from the database used to store accounts. Since version 10.0, all account data has been stored in a directory services directory and imported into Macintosh Manager for preference management.
On Mac OS X Server version 10.0 and later, user account data includes the location of a user’s home directory. Personal user documents and user-specific settings (such as Apple menu items or preferences) are stored there. On earlier servers, this data was kept on the volume designated as a workgroup’s document storage volume. This meant that users could have different sets of preferences if they belonged to different workgroups.
Macintosh Manager version 2.2 stores user preferences in /Library/Classic/ in the user’s home directory. Earlier versions of client management applications stored preferences in /Library/ in the user’s home directory on the server volume.
Macintosh Manager version 1.4 or At Ease for Workgroups version 5.0
Each chapter provides instructions for migrating Mac OS 9 managed preferences that are tailored to the environment from which you’re moving.

Migrating Other Data

Other data you may be able to migrate, depending on the server version you’re currently using, includes web files, WebMail, and the mail database.
Individual chapters in this guide summarize what you can migrate from previous servers to Mac OS X Server version 10.3.
Chapter 1
Before You Begin

After Migration

When you’ve finished migrating, consider whether you want to take advantage of any of the newer features to update your server data. For example:
You can convert a shared NetInfo directory to LDAP. See the Open Directory
administration guide for details about the advantages of using LDAP and how to use Server Admin to conduct the conversion.
You can convert to Open Directory password validation from a different strategy. Authentication and password validation are fully documented in the Open Directory administration guide.
You can update Mac OS 9 user computers to run Mac OS X. The user management guide contrasts Mac OS 9 and X client management.
12 Chapter 1
Before You Begin
Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Use the instructions in this chapter when you need to migrate data from a version 10.2 server.
This chapter is for Mac OS X Server version 10.2 environments that can’t perform an upgrade installation of version 10.3. Such environments might:
Require hard drive reformatting
Be using server hardware that doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements described on page 7 Want to move server data to an updated computer
Before using the instructions in this chapter, upgrade your server to version

Understanding What You Can Migrate

“Migrating in Place From Version 10.2” on page 15 and “Migrating to a New Server From Version 10.2” on page 26 describe how to reuse the following version 10.2 data with version 10.3:
Web configuration data
Web content
MySQL data
Mail database
WebMail data
FTP configuration files
NetBoot images
WebObjects applications and frameworks
Tomcat data
AFP settings
IP firewall configuration
DNS configuration
DHCP settings
User data, including home directories
QuickTime Streaming Server files and directories
Macintosh Manager data
User and group accounts
If you’re using any of the following, make a note of any settings you want to continue to use, then see the document indicated for instructions on re-creating the settings after using the instructions in this chapter.
To set up See the
Computer accounts User management guide
NFS file services File services administration guide
Windows services Windows services administration guide
Print service Print service administration guide

Tools You Can Use

Several tools are available:
You use Workgroup Manager to export version 10.2 user and group accounts to a
character-delimited file, and then import them into a version 10.3 server. You can also import users and groups using the command-line dsimport tool.
You use the amsmailtool tool to migrate the mail database.
You use the 49_webconfigmigrator tool to migrate your web configuration.
You use the nidump, niload, and 50_ipfwconfigmigrator tools and the NetInfo
Manager application to migrate your IP firewall configuration.
You use the nidump, niload, and 51_afpconfigmigrator tools and the NetInfo
Manager application to migrate your AFP configuration.
You use the nidump and niload tools and the NetInfo Manager application to
migrate your DHCP configuration.
Instructions in the following sections explain when and how to use these utilities.
14 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2

Migrating in Place From Version 10.2

To install Mac OS X Server version 10.3 on a computer running version 10.2, follow the instructions in this section.
1 Make a full backup of current server.
10 Test the new server.
Workgroup Manager
Read & Write
9 Set up share points and privileges.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
Read & Write
Read Only
2 Copy current data to another hard disk or partition.
Macintosh HD
3 Note current share points and privileges.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
4 Export user and group info to another hard disk or partition.
Workgroup Manager
5 Install Mac OS X Server 10.3.
6 Set up home directory infrastructure.
Macintosh HD
Workgroup Manager or dsimport tool
8 Copy data to new server.
7 Import previously
exported user and group files.
Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2 15
Step 1: Make a full backup of your current server
Use your current backup program to create a backup copy of your version 10.2 server.
Step 2: Copy current data to another hard disk or partition
Save all the data files you want to reuse with Mac OS X Server version 10.3. You can keep them on the same computer, but make sure you place them on a disk or partition that won’t be overwritten when you do the clean 10.3 installation.
Web Configuration Data
Save the directory /etc/httpd/ and all its contents. Also save the file /etc/webperfcache/ webperfcache.conf.
Web Content
Copy web content you want to reuse from:
Any other location in which it resides
MySQL Data
Mac OS X Server version 10.2 preinstalled version 3.23 of MySQL. Version 10.3 preinstalls a newer version—version 4.0.
Make copies of your MySQL 3.23 databases, stored in /var/mysql/, if you want to migrate to version 4.0.
Mail Database
Save the mail database, if you want to reuse it. Its default location is /Library/ AppleMailServer/.
Webmail Data
If you’ve been using the SquirrelMail installed when you installed version 10.2 and want to continue using it after migration, make a copy of the address books and preferences stored in /var/db/squirrelmail/data/.
FTP Configuration Files
To migrate your FTP settings, save these configuration files:
In this directory Save these files
/Library/FTPServer/ Configuration
/Library/FTPServer/Messages banner.txt
16 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
ftpaccess ftpconversions ftphosts ftpgroups ftpusers
welcome.txt limit.txt
Save the AFP configuration after running the following command from the Terminal application. This command writes the AFP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a file named afpconfig:
nidump -r /config/AppleFileServer . > afpconfig
NetBoot Images
You can migrate NetBoot images created using Mac OS X Server version 10.2.
Save the <name>.nbi folder for each image you want to migrate, noting the path to the folder if you want to re-create it in version 10.3.
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
Save WebObjects applications and frameworks located in:
Save a copy of webobjects.conf for reference if you want to modify the new version of apache.conf to reproduce your current settings.
For more information about migrating WebObjects data, see the Java Converter documentation on the WebObjects 5 Developer disc.
Tomcat Data
Save any Tomcat servlets you want to reuse. They’re in /Library/Tomcat/webapps.
If you’ve installed Axis independent of the version supplied with your server, save any Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) services.
IP Firewall
Save the IP firewall configuration after running the following command from the Terminal application. This command writes the IP firewall configuration record stored in NetInfo to a file named firewallconfig:
nidump -r /config/IPFilters . > firewallconfig
Save the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
Save the DHCP settings after running the following command from the Terminal application. This command writes the DHCP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a file named DHCPconfig:
nidump -r /config/dhcp . > DHCPconfig
User Data
Save any user data files you want to reuse, especially home directory folders.
Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2 17
Macintosh Manager Data
If you use Macintosh Manager and want to continue using it, copy the following folders:
/Library/Macintosh Manager/Multi-User Items/
/Library/Macintosh Manager/Managed Preferences/
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Save files and folders in /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
For more information about migrating QTSS, see the QuickTime Streaming Server administration guide.
Step 3: Note current share points and privileges
If your version 10.2 server has share points and privileges you want to re-create on the new server, make a note of them. Note which share points are for home directories.
Step 4: Export users and groups to another hard disk or partition
Use Workgroup Manager to export user and group accounts from a NetInfo or LDAPv3 directory into a character-delimited file that you can import into a directory for use with Mac OS X Server version 10.3.
To export users and groups:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button, then use the At pop-up menu to
open the directory from which you want to export accounts.
2 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
3 Select the user list tab to export users or the group list tab to export groups.
4 To export all accounts listed, don’t select any of them. To export a specific account,
select it. To export multiple accounts, select them while holding down the Command or Shift key.
5 Choose Server > Export.
6 Specify a name for the export file and the location where you want it created. Save the
file in a location that is not overwritten when you do a clean installation of Mac OS X Server version 10.3.
7 Click Export.
When you export users using Workgroup Manager, password information is not exported. If you want to set passwords, you can modify the export file before you import it or you can set passwords after importing, as described in step 7.
18 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Step 5: Install Mac OS X Server version 10.3
Follow the instructions in the getting started guide for performing a clean installation of Mac OS X Server version 10.3.
If you’ve been using Macintosh Manager to manage preferences for Mac OS 9 clients and want to continue doing so, also install Macintosh Manager 2.2.
Step 6: Set up the home directory infrastructure
Set up the destination for home directories you want to restore.
The home directory location identified in imported user accounts must match the physical location of the restored home directories, including the share point location.
For detailed instructions on how to perform individual steps in the following procedure, see the user management guide.
To prepare the server to store home directories:
1 Create the folder you want to serve as the home directory share point, if required. You
can use the predefined /Users folder, if you like.
2 Open Workgroup Manager on the server where you want the home directories to
3 Click Sharing to set up a share point for the home directories.
If the user accounts will reside in a shared Open Directory directory, create a dynamically automounted AFP or NFS share point for the home directories. Make sure the share point is published in the directory where the user accounts that depend on it will reside.
4 In Workgroup Manager on the computer from which you’ll import users, click Accounts,
and then open the directory into which you’ll import users.
5 If you’ll restore home directories in locations that won’t exactly match the locations
identified in exported user records, you can define a preset that identifies the restore location. If you identify the preset when you import users, the new location will replace the existing location in user records.
You can also use the preset to specify other default settings you want imported users to inherit, such as password validation settings, mail settings, and so forth.
Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2 19
Step 7: Import previously exported users and groups
You can use Workgroup Manager or the dsimport tool to import users and groups. See the command-line administration guide for dsimport instructions and a description of the export file format.
To import users and groups using Workgroup Manager:
1 Place the export file(s) you created in step 4 in a location accessible from your server.
2 You can modify user accounts in an export file if you want to set passwords before
importing users.
Alternatively, you can set up the preset you defined in step 6 so that user passwords are validated using Open Directory authentication and set up the password options so that users are forced to change their passwords the next time they log in.
3 In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button.
4 Click the globe icon in the toolbar to open the directory into which you want to import
5 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
6 Choose Server > Import, select the import file, and specify import options.
If you’re importing user accounts and using a preset created in step 6 for default home directories or other settings, make sure you identify the preset.
7 Click Import.
8 To create home directories for imported users, you have several options.
Create home directories one at a time by selecting a user account in Workgroup Manager, clicking Advanced, then clicking Create Home Now.
Create all the home directories by using the -a argument of the createhomedir command. For details, see the command-line administration guide or the man page for createhomedir.
A home directory associated with an AFP share point is automatically created the first time a user logs in if it doesn’t exist already.
20 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Step 8: Restore saved data
Copy the files you want to reuse from their backup location.
Web Configuration Data
To migrate the web configuration:
1 Save the file /etc/httpd/servermgr_web_httpd_config.plist and the directory /etc/
httpd/sites_disabled/ and all its contents from the version 10.3 server.
2 Replace the /etc/httpd/ directory and its files on the version 10.3 server with the /etc/
httpd/ directory and its contents that you saved on the former server. Also restore the saved /etc/webperfcache/webperfcache.conf.
3 Copy the file /etc/httpd/servermgr_web_httpd_config.plist and the directory /etc/
httpd/sites_disabled/ and all its contents into the restored /etc/httpd/ directory.
4 Open Server Admin and make sure that web service isn’t running.
5 Open the Terminal application. As the root user, type the 49_webconfigmigrator
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/49_webconfigmigrator
A log of the changes made to the files is created in /Library/Logs/Migration/ webconfigmigrator.log. Original versions of changed files in /etc/httpd are renamed to httpd.conf.obsolete, httpd_macosxserver.conf.obsolete, and mime_macosxserver.types.obsolete. A new httpd.conf file is created.
6 In Server Admin, start web service.
Web Content
Copy saved web content to:
MySQL Data
Restore saved MySQL 3.23 databases in /var/mysql.
There are a few commands you can use on an old database to remove dependency on the ISAM table format, which has been deprecated:
Run mysql_fix_privilege_tables to enable new security privilege features.
Run either mysql_convert_table_format (if all existing tables are ISAM or
MyISAM) or ALTER TABLE table_name TYPE=MyISAM on all ISAM tables to avoid the deprecated ISAM table format.
Refer to the documentation on the MySQL website for migration details before running these commands:
Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2 21
Mail Database
To migrate the mail database:
1 Make sure that mail service is not running.
Open Server Admin, then click Mail. If it is not grayed out, click Stop Service.
2 Place the saved database in the default location: /Library/AppleMail Server/. Make
sure that no extra files are in that location.
3 Make sure that there is free space on the destination disk equal to the size of the mail
4 Open the Terminal application.
5 As the root user, type the /usr/bin/cyrus/tools/amsmailtool command. For information
about this tool, type the following command or see the command-line administration guide:
/usr/bin/cyrus/tools/amsmailtool -help
Webmail Data
Place saved address books and preferences in /var/db/squirrelmail/data/.
FTP Configuration Files
Copy saved FTP configuration files to:
AFP Configuration
To migrate the AFP configuration:
1 Restore the afpconfig file.
2 Open Server Admin and make sure that AFP isn’t running.
3 Open NetInfo Manager, located in /Applications/Utilities.
4 Authenticate and go to /config.
5 Choose Directory > New SubDirectory to create a record in /config.
6 Change the name of the new record from newdirectory to AppleFileServer by selecting
the name property’s value and editing it.
7 In the Terminal application, run the following command from the directory in which
the afpconfig file resides:
sudo niload -r /config/AppleFileServer . < afpconfig
8 Type the 51_afpconfigmigrator command:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/51_afpconfigmigrator
9 In Server Admin, start AFP service.
22 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
NetBoot Images
Copy the <name>.nbi folder for each image you want to migrate, optionally placing it into the location where it previously resided.
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
Make manual modifications to the new installed version of apache.conf if you want to reuse the previous server’s web configuration.
Copy saved WebObjects applications and frameworks to:
Tomcat Data
Restore Tomcat servlets to /Library/Tomcat/webapps.
Place any SOAP services you want to migrate in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/axis (a symlink to /System/Library/Axis/webapps/axis). Mac OS X Server version 10.3 includes a version of Axis that may be newer or older than the version you’ve been using.
IP Firewall Configuration
To migrate the IP firewall configuration:
1 Restore the firewallconfig file.
2 Open Server Admin and make sure that firewall service isn’t running.
3 Open NetInfo Manager, located in /Applications/Utilities.
4 Authenticate and go to /config.
5 Choose Directory > New SubDirectory to create a record in /config.
6 Change the name of the new record from newdirectory to IPFilters by selecting the
name property’s value and editing it.
7 In the Terminal application, run the following command from the directory in which
the firewallconfig file resides:
sudo niload -r /config/IPFilters . < firewallconfig
8 Type the 50_ipfwconfigmigrator command:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/
9 In Server Admin, start firewall service.
DNS Configuration
Restore the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2 23
DHCP Settings
To migrate the DHCP configuration:
1 Restore the DHCPconfig file.
2 Open Server Admin and make sure that DHCP service isn’t running.
3 Open NetInfo Manager, located in /Applications/Utilities/.
4 Authenticate and go to /config.
5 Choose Directory > New SubDirectory to create a record in /config.
6 Change the name of the new record from newdirectory to dhcp by selecting the name
property’s value and editing it.
7 In the Terminal application, run the following command from the directory in which
the DHCPconfig file resides:
sudo niload -r /config/dhcp . < DHCPconfig
8 In Server Admin, start DHCP service.
User Data
Restore saved user data files.
Place home directories in locations that match the locations in the imported user records. If necessary, you can use Workgroup Manager to edit user accounts so the locations in the account and on disk are the same.
Managed preferences you set up using Macintosh Manager 2.2 should be in the correct location in restored home directories: ~/Library/Classic/Preferences. All you need to do is restore the following folders:
/Library/Macintosh Manager/Multi-User Items/
/Library/Macintosh Manager/Preferences/
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Follow instructions in the QuickTime Streaming Server administration guide to reuse files and folders saved from /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
24 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Step 9: Set up share points and privileges
Re-create the share points and privileges as required.
To create a share point and set privileges:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and click Sharing.
2 Click the All tab and select the volume or folder you want to share.
3 Click the General tab and select “Share this item and its contents.”
4 Change the owner and group of the shared item by typing names or dragging them
from the drawer accessible by clicking the Users & Groups button.
5 Use the pop-up menus to change the privileges for the Owner, Group, and Everyone.
6 Click the Copy button to apply the ownership and privileges to all items within the
share point if you want to override privileges that other users may have set.
7 Click Save.
New share points are automatically shared using AFP, SMB, and FTP, but not NFS. To export a share point using NFS, use the Protocol pane.
Step 10: Test the new server
To test the new server:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and inspect user and group accounts.
2 Open Server Admin and inspect settings for services whose configuration data you
Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2 25

Migrating to a New Server From Version 10.2

To move data from a Mac OS X Server version 10.2 computer to a computer with Mac OS X Server version 10.3 installed, follow the instructions in this section. If you’ve been using Macintosh Manager to manage preferences for Mac OS 9 clients and want to continue doing so, also install Macintosh Manager 2.2 on the version 10.3 computer.
1 Export user and group info.
Workgroup Manager
9 Test the new server.
Workgroup Manager
Read & Write
Read & Write
8 Set up share points and privileges.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
2 Create archive files of data and user export file.
Read Only
Macintosh HD
3 Note current share points and privileges.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
4 Copy archive files to new server.
5 Set up home directory infrastructure.
Macintosh HD
7 Relocate data files on new server.
26 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Workgroup Manager or dsimport tool
6 Import user and group files.
Step 1: Export users and groups
Use Workgroup Manager to export user and group accounts from a NetInfo or LDAPv3 directory into a character-delimited file that you can import into a directory for use with Mac OS X Server version 10.3.
To export users and groups:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button, then use the At pop-up menu to
open the directory from which you want to export accounts.
2 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
3 Select the user list to export users or the group list tab to export groups.
4 To export all accounts listed, don’t select any of them. To export a specific account,
select it. To export multiple accounts, select them while holding down the Command or Shift key.
5 Choose Server > Export.
6 Specify a name for the export file and the location where you want it created.
7 Click Export.
When you export users using Workgroup Manager, password information is not exported. If you want to set passwords, you can modify the export file before you import it or you can set passwords after importing, as described in step 6.
Step 2: Create archive files
Save all the data files that you want to reuse with Mac OS X Server version 10.3. In step 4 you’ll move the files described below, as well as the export file created in step 1, to the version 10.3 computer.
For large amounts of data, you may want to create one or more tar archives or use
/usr/bin/mkdmg to create disk image files. Both disk images and tar files can be
transferred using FTP.
To create a tar archive, use the tar command in the Terminal application. The command’s -c flag creates a new archive file in tar format. Use the -f flag to identify the archive file name. Use the -v (verbose) flag to view useful information as the command executes:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/MM.tar /MyHFSVolume/Macintosh\ Manager
The escape character (\ in the example above) indicates a space in the name. You can also use quotation marks to handle embedded spaces:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/MM.tar "/MyHFSVolume/Macintosh Manager"
Web Configuration Data
Save the directory /etc/httpd/ and all its contents. Also save the file /etc/webperfcache/ webperfcache.conf.
Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2 27
Web Content
Copy web content you want to reuse from:
Any other location in which it resides
MySQL Data
Mac OS X Server version 10.2 preinstalled version 3.23 of MySQL. Version 10.3 preinstalls a newer version—version 4.0.
Make copies of your MySQL 3.23 databases, stored in /var/mysql/, if you want to migrate to version 4.0.
Mail Database
Save the mail database, if you want to reuse it. Its default location is /Library/ AppleMailServer/.
Webmail Data
If you’ve been using the SquirrelMail installed when you installed version 10.2 and want to continue using it after migration, make copies of the address books and preferences stored in /var/db/squirrelmail/data/.
FTP Configuration Files
To migrate your FTP settings, save these configuration files:
In this directory Save these files
/Library/FTPServer/ Configuration
/Library/FTPServer/Messages banner.txt
ftpaccess ftpconversions ftphosts ftpgroups ftpusers
welcome.txt limit.txt
Save the AFP configuration after running the following command from the Terminal application. This command writes the AFP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a file named afpconfig:
nidump -r /config/AppleFileServer . > afpconfig
NetBoot Images
You can migrate NetBoot images created using Mac OS X Server version 10.2.
Save the <name>.nbi folder for each image you want to migrate, noting the path to the folder if you want to re-create it in version 10.3.
28 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
Save WebObjects applications and frameworks located in:
Save a copy of webobjects.conf for reference if you want to modify the new version of apache.conf to reproduce your current settings.
For more information on migrating WebObjects data, see the Java Converter documentation on the WebObjects 5 Developer disc.
Tomcat Data
Save any Tomcat servlets you want to reuse. They’re in /Library/Tomcat/webapps.
If you’ve installed Axis independent of the version supplied with your server, save any Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) services.
IP Firewall
Save the IP firewall configuration after running the following command from the Terminal application. This command writes the IP firewall configuration record stored in NetInfo to a file named firewallconfig:
nidump -r /config/IPFilters . > firewallconfig
Save the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
Save the DHCP settings after running the following command from the Terminal application. This command writes the DHCP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a file named DHCPconfig:
nidump -r /config/dhcp . > DHCPconfig
User Data
Save any user data files you want to reuse, especially home directory folders.
Macintosh Manager Data
If you use Macintosh Manager and want to continue using it, copy the folder named Multi-User Items. It’s located in /Library/Macintosh Manager/.
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Save files and folders in /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
For more information on migrating QTSS, see the QuickTime Streaming Server administration guide.
Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2 29
Step 3: Note current share points and privileges
If your version 10.2 server has share points and privileges you want to re-create on the version 10.3 server, make a note of them. Note which share points are for home directories.
Step 4: Copy archive files to the new server
Transfer the files you saved in steps 1 and 2 to the version 10.3 server.
To transfer tar files or disk images using FTP:
1 Use Server Admin on the new server to start FTP service.
2 Set up sharing for a folder into which you’ll place files you transfer from the 10.2
3 On the version 10.2 server, use FTP service to copy the tar files or disk images to the
version 10.3 computer.
4 Double-click a tar file to extract its contents. Double-click a disk image to mount it.
Step 5: Set up the home directory infrastructure
Set up the destination for home directories you want to restore.
The home directory location identified in imported user accounts must match the physical location of the restored home directories, including the share point location.
For detailed instructions on how to perform individual steps in the following procedure, see the user management guide.
To prepare the server to store home directories:
1 Create the folder you want to serve as the home directory share point, if required. You
can use the predefined /Users folder, if you like.
2 Open Workgroup Manager on the server where you want the home directories to
3 Click Sharing to set up a share point for the home directories.
If the user accounts will reside in a shared Open Directory directory, create a dynamically automounted AFP or NFS share point for the home directories. Make sure the share point is published in the directory where the user accounts that depend on it will reside.
4 In Workgroup Manager on the computer from which you’ll import users, click Accounts,
then open the directory into which you’ll import users.
30 Chapter 2 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
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