Metrohm 862 User Manual

862 Compact Titrosampler
Metrohm AG CH-9101 Herisau Switzerland Phone +41 71 353 85 85 Fax +41 71 353 89 01
862 Compact Titrosampler
8.862.8002EN 10/2009 dm/jb
Teachware Metrohm AG CH-9101 Herisau
This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Although all the information given in this documentation has been checked with great care, errors cannot be entirely excluded. Should you notice any mistakes please send us your comments using the address given above.

Table of contents

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Instrument description ......................................................... 1
1.1.1 Instrument components .......................................................... 1
1.1.2 Titration and measuring modes ................................................ 2
1.1.3 Intended use ........................................................................... 2
1.2 About the documentation ................................................... 3
1.2.1 Symbols and conventions ........................................................ 3
1.3 Safety instructions ................................................................ 4
1.3.1 General notes on safety ........................................................... 4
1.3.2 Electrical safety ........................................................................ 4
1.3.3 Tubing and capillary connections ............................................. 5
1.3.4 Personnel safety ...................................................................... 5
1.3.5 Flammable solvents and chemicals ........................................... 7
1.3.6 Recycling and disposal ............................................................. 7
Table of contents
2 Overview of the instrument 8
3 Installation 10
3.1 Setting up the instrument .................................................. 10
3.1.1 Packaging .............................................................................. 10
3.1.2 Checks .................................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Location ................................................................................ 10
3.2 Removing the safety shield and cable cover .................... 11
3.3 Mounting the Dosino ......................................................... 11
3.4 Connecting the Dosino ....................................................... 13
3.5 Setting up the titration head ............................................. 14
3.6 Connecting a stirrer ............................................................ 17
3.7 Connecting keyboard, printer and other USB devices .... 18
3.8 Connecting a balance ......................................................... 20
3.9 Connecting a sensor ........................................................... 21
3.10 Remote connections ........................................................... 23
3.10.1 Miscellaneous remote cables ................................................. 23
3.10.2 Example systems .................................................................... 24
4 Titration and automation sequences 28
862 Compact Titrosampler
3.11 Mounting the cable cover and the safety shield ............. 26
3.12 Connecting the mains cable .............................................. 27
4.1 Dynamic equivalence point titration (DET) ....................... 28
Table of contents
4.2 Monotonic equivalence point titration (MET) .................. 28
4.3 Endpoint titration (SET) ..................................................... 29
4.4 Automation sequences ...................................................... 29
4.4.1 Dipping in special .................................................................. 29
4.4.2 Dipping in special 2 ............................................................... 30
4.4.3 Double dipping ...................................................................... 31
4.4.4 Rinsing in sample ................................................................... 32
4.4.5 Rinsing in special ................................................................... 32
4.4.6 Pump control ......................................................................... 33
4.4.7 Dosing auxiliary solutions ....................................................... 34
5 Operation 35
5.1 Switching the instrument on and off ............................... 35
5.2 Fundamentals of operation ............................................... 36
5.2.1 The keypad ............................................................................ 36
5.2.2 Structure of the dialog windows ............................................ 37
5.2.3 Navigating in the dialog ......................................................... 37
5.2.4 Entering text and numbers ..................................................... 38
5.2.5 Selecting from a selection list ................................................. 39
5.3 Formula editor .................................................................... 39
5.4 Methods .............................................................................. 41
5.4.1 Creating a new method ......................................................... 41
5.4.2 Saving a method ................................................................... 42
5.4.3 Loading a method ................................................................. 43
5.4.4 Exporting a method ............................................................... 44
5.5 Sample data ........................................................................ 45
5.5.1 Sample table ......................................................................... 45
5.5.2 Entering sample data in the main dialog ................................ 48
5.6 Performing a sample series ............................................... 49
5.6.1 Starting the sample series ...................................................... 49
5.6.2 Pausing a sample series and continuing ................................. 50
5.6.3 Status of the sample series ..................................................... 52
5.6.4 Special case: Calibrations ....................................................... 52
5.7 Live modifications .............................................................. 53
5.7.1 Editing the sample data of the running determination ............ 53
5.7.2 Editing the sample table while a determination is running ...... 54
5.7.3 Live parameters ..................................................................... 55
5.8 Results ................................................................................. 56
5.9 Statistics .............................................................................. 58
5.10 Printing a report manually ................................................. 59
5.11 Manual control ................................................................... 61
5.11.1 Rotating the sample rack ....................................................... 61
5.11.2 Moving the lift ....................................................................... 62
5.11.3 Dosing ................................................................................... 62
862 Compact Titrosampler
6 System settings 69
Table of contents
5.11.4 Measuring ............................................................................. 66
5.11.5 Stirring .................................................................................. 67
6.1 Basic settings ...................................................................... 69
6.2 Lift settings (Lift) ................................................................ 72
6.3 Managing sensors .............................................................. 73
6.3.1 General ................................................................................. 73
6.3.2 Editing the sensor data .......................................................... 74
6.4 Managing solutions ............................................................ 75
6.4.1 General ................................................................................. 75
6.4.2 Editing the solution data ........................................................ 76
6.5 Managing common variables ............................................ 77
6.5.1 General ................................................................................. 77
6.5.2 Editing common variables ...................................................... 78
6.6 File management ................................................................ 79
6.7 Configuring external devices ............................................. 80
6.8 Instrument diagnosis .......................................................... 83
6.8.1 Loading program versions and language files ......................... 83
6.8.2 Diagnosis functions ............................................................... 84
7 Parameters 85
7.1 Dynamic equivalence point titrations (DET) ..................... 85
7.1.1 Start conditions ..................................................................... 85
7.1.2 Titration parameters .............................................................. 86
7.1.3 Stop conditions ..................................................................... 91
7.1.4 Evaluation ............................................................................. 93
7.1.5 Calculation ............................................................................ 96
7.1.6 Statistics ................................................................................ 98
7.1.7 Reports .................................................................................. 98
7.2 Monotonic equivalence point titrations (MET) .............. 100
7.2.1 Start conditions ................................................................... 100
7.2.2 Titration parameters ............................................................ 101
7.2.3 Stop conditions ................................................................... 106
7.2.4 Evaluation ........................................................................... 107
7.2.5 Calculation .......................................................................... 110
7.2.6 Statistics .............................................................................. 112
7.2.7 Reports ................................................................................ 112
862 Compact Titrosampler
7.3 Endpoint titrations (SET) .................................................. 114
7.3.1 Conditioning ....................................................................... 114
7.3.2 Start conditions ................................................................... 115
7.3.3 Titration parameters ............................................................ 117
7.3.4 Control parameters EP1 ....................................................... 119
7.3.5 Control parameters EP2 ....................................................... 122
7.3.6 Stop conditions ................................................................... 122
Table of contents
7.3.7 Calculation .......................................................................... 123
7.3.8 Statistics .............................................................................. 125
7.3.9 Reports ................................................................................ 125
7.4 pH calibration (CAL) ......................................................... 127
7.4.1 Calibration parameters ........................................................ 127
7.4.2 Buffers ................................................................................ 128
7.4.3 Reports ................................................................................ 129
7.5 Automation: Dipping in special ....................................... 130
7.6 Automation: Dipping in special 2 ................................... 131
7.7 Automation: Double dipping ........................................... 132
7.8 Automation: Rinsing in sample ....................................... 133
7.9 Automation: Rinsing in special ....................................... 134
8 Handling and maintenance 135
8.1 General .............................................................................. 135
8.2 Quality Management and validation with Metrohm .... 135
9 Troubleshooting 137
9.1 SET titration ...................................................................... 137
9.2 Miscellaneous ................................................................... 138
10 Appendix 139
10.1 Dosing unit ........................................................................ 139
10.1.1 Maximum dosing and filling rate .......................................... 139
10.1.2 Parameters for preparing (PREP) and emptying (EMPTY) ....... 139
10.2 Stirring rate ....................................................................... 140
10.3 Balance .............................................................................. 140
10.4 USB devices ....................................................................... 141
10.4.1 Numerical USB keypad 6.2147.000 ...................................... 141
10.4.2 Key assignment of a USB keyboard ...................................... 142
10.4.3 PC mouse ............................................................................ 142
10.4.4 Printer ................................................................................. 143
10.5 System initialization ......................................................... 143
10.6 Remote interface .............................................................. 145
10.6.1 Pin assignment of the remote interface ................................ 145
10.6.2 Status diagram of the remote interface ................................ 146
11 Technical specifications 147
11.1 Measuring inputs .............................................................. 147
11.1.1 Potentiometry ...................................................................... 147
11.1.2 Polarizer .............................................................................. 147
11.1.3 Temperature ........................................................................ 148
862 Compact Titrosampler
12 Conformity and warranty 152
Table of contents
11.2 Dosing drive ...................................................................... 149
11.3 Lift ..................................................................................... 149
11.4 Turntable ........................................................................... 149
11.5 Interfaces and connectors ............................................... 149
11.6 Mains connection ............................................................. 150
11.7 Safety specifications ........................................................ 150
11.8 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ............................. 150
11.9 Ambient temperature ...................................................... 151
11.10 Reference conditions ........................................................ 151
11.11 Dimensions ........................................................................ 151
12.1 Declaration of Conformity ............................................... 152
12.2 Warranty (guarantee) ....................................................... 153
12.3 Quality Management Principles ...................................... 154
13 Accessories 156
13.1 Scope of delivery 2.862.0010 ......................................... 156
13.2 Optional accessories ........................................................ 160
Index 163
862 Compact Titrosampler

Table of figures

Table of figures
Figure 1 Front 862 Compact Titrosampler ....................................................... 8
Figure 2 Rear 862 Compact Titrosampler ........................................................ 9
Figure 3 Removing shields ............................................................................. 11
Figure 4 Mounting the Dosino ...................................................................... 12
Figure 5 Connecting the Dosino .................................................................... 13
Figure 6 Equip the titration head ................................................................... 14
Figure 7 Installing rinsing nozzles and aspiration tip ...................................... 15
Figure 8 Setting up the distributor ................................................................. 16
Figure 9 Rod stirrer 802 Stirrer ...................................................................... 17
Figure 10 Connecting a stirrer ......................................................................... 17
Figure 11 Connecting USB devices ................................................................. 18
Figure 12 Connecting the USB stick ................................................................ 19
Figure 13 Connecting the 6.2147.000 USB keyboard with USB stick and
printer ............................................................................................. 20
Figure 14 Connecting the USB hub with USB stick, printer and the 6.2148.030
RS-232/USB Box (for connecting balances). ..................................... 20
Figure 15 Connecting a balance ...................................................................... 20
Figure 16 Connecting pH or redox electrodes ................................................. 21
Figure 17 Connecting a reference electrode .................................................... 22
Figure 18 Connecting a temperature sensor .................................................... 22
Figure 19 Connecting a polarizable electrode .................................................. 23
Figure 20 Remote cable with lettering ............................................................. 24
Figure 21 Remote connection 862 Compact Titrosampler - 843 Pump Station -
Dosimat plus ................................................................................... 24
Figure 22 Remote connection 862 Compact Titrosampler - Dosimat ............... 25
Figure 23 Mounting the shields ....................................................................... 26
Figure 24 Connecting the mains cable ............................................................ 27
Figure 25 Reagent dosing for DET ................................................................... 28
Figure 26 Reagent dosing for MET .................................................................. 28
Figure 27 Reagent dosing for SET ................................................................... 29
Figure 28 Keypad 862 Compact Titrosampler .................................................. 36
Figure 29 Directory structure on the USB stick ................................................. 80
Figure 30 Tubbs method for determining the equivalence point ...................... 96
Figure 31 Rotational speed depending on stirring rate .................................. 140
Figure 32 Pin assignment of remote socket and plug .................................... 145
Figure 33 Remote status diagram .................................................................. 146
862 Compact Titrosampler
1 Introduction

1.1 Instrument description

The 862 Compact Titrosampler is a versatile analysis instrument which combines a titrator and a compact sample changer in a single unit. It is the central control instrument in an automation system that can also include, in addition to a Dosimat (for adding auxiliary solutions), a pump for rinsing and aspirating the sample vessels.
Given automation sequences and titration modes can be individually para­meterized and saved as sample-specific methods. Methods can be expor­ted on a USB stick and then copied onto another instrument quickly and easily.

1.1.1 Instrument components

The 862 Compact Titrosampler has the following components:

1 Introduction

Permanently mounted sample rack with 11 positions for sample beak­ers and one position for a rinsing beaker.
Lift with titration head
For two electrodes, one rod stirrer, two dosing tips, one aspiration tip and three rinsing nozzles.
Sensor connectors
Four connectors for the following sensor types:
– pH or redox electrodes – reference electrodes – polarizable electrodes – temperature sensors (Pt1000 or NTC)
Stirrer connector
For a rod stirrer with propeller stirrer.
MSB connector (Metrohm Serial Bus)
For connecting a Dosino.
USB (OTG) connector
The 6.2151.100 adapter can be used to connect, for example, a USB hub or a USB stick (for system backup or method export).
Remote connector
For connecting a Dosimat and/or an 843 Pump Station as well as other instruments with a remote interface.
862 Compact Titrosampler
1.1 Instrument description

1.1.2 Titration and measuring modes

The following titration and measuring modes are supported:
Dynamic equivalence point titration. The reagent is added in variable
volume steps.
Measuring modes:
pH (potentiometric pH measurement) – U (potentiometric voltage measurement) – Ipol (voltametric measurement with adjustable polarization cur-
Upol (amperometric measurement with adjustable polarization
Monotonic equivalence point titration. The reagent is added in con-
stant volume steps.
Measuring modes:
pH (potentiometric pH measurement) – U (potentiometric voltage measurement) – Ipol (voltametric measurement with adjustable polarization cur-
Upol (amperometric measurement with adjustable polarization
Endpoint titration at one or two specified endpoints.
Measuring modes:
pH (potentiometric pH measurement) – U (potentiometric voltage measurement) – Ipol (voltametric measurement with adjustable polarization cur-
Upol (amperometric measurement with adjustable polarization
Electrode calibration.
Measuring mode:
pH (calibration of pH electrodes)

1.1.3 Intended use

The 862 Compact Titrosampler is designed for usage as an automation system in analytical laboratories. It is not suitable for usage in biochemi­cal, biological or medical environments in its basic equipment version.
This instrument is suitable for dosing chemicals and flammable solvents. The usage of the 862 Compact Titrosampler therefore requires that the user has basic knowledge and experience in the handling of toxic and caustic substances. Knowledge with respect to the application of the fire
862 Compact Titrosampler
prevention measures prescribed for laboratories or production plants is also mandatory.

1.2 About the documentation

Please read through this documentation carefully before putting the instrument into operation. The documentation contains information and warnings which have to be followed by the user in order to ensure safe operation of the instrument.

1.2.1 Symbols and conventions

The following symbols and styles are used in this documentation:
Cross-reference to figure legend
The first number refers to the figure number, the second to the instrument part in the figure.
1 Introduction
Instruction step
Carry out these steps in the sequence shown.
Method Dialog text, parameter in the software
File New
[Next] Button or key
Menu or menu item
This symbol draws attention to a possible life hazard or risk of injury.
This symbol draws attention to a possible hazard due to electrical current.
This symbol draws attention to a possible hazard due to heat or hot instrument parts.
This symbol draws attention to a possible biological hazard.
862 Compact Titrosampler

1.3 Safety instructions

1.3 Safety instructions

1.3.1 General notes on safety

This instrument may only be operated in accordance with the specifica­tions in this documentation.
This instrument has left the factory in a flawless state in terms of technical safety. To maintain this state and ensure non-hazardous operation of the instrument, the following instructions must be observed carefully.
This symbol draws attention to a possible damage of instruments or instrument parts.
This symbol marks additional information and tips.

1.3.2 Electrical safety

The electrical safety when working with the instrument is ensured as part of the international standard IEC 61010.
Only personnel qualified by Metrohm are authorized to carry out service work on electronic components.
Never open the housing of the instrument. The instrument could be damaged by this. There is also a risk of serious injury if live components are touched.
There are no parts inside the housing which can be serviced or replaced by the user.
862 Compact Titrosampler
1 Introduction
Mains voltage
An incorrect mains voltage can damage the instrument.
Only operate this instrument with a mains voltage specified for it (see rear panel of the instrument).
Protection against electrostatic charges
Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic charges and can be destroyed by discharges.
Always pull the mains cable out of the mains connection socket before connecting or disconnecting electrical appliances on the rear panel of the instrument.

1.3.3 Tubing and capillary connections

Leaks in tubing and capillary connections are a safety risk. Tighten all connections well by hand. Avoid applying excessive force to tubing connections. Damaged tubing ends lead to leakage. Appropriate tools can be used to loosen connections.
Check the connections regularly for leakage. If the instrument is used mainly in unattended operation, then weekly inspections are manda­tory.

1.3.4 Personnel safety

Wear protective goggles and working clothes suitable for laboratory work while operating the 862 Compact Titrosampler. It is also advisable to wear gloves when caustic liquids are used or in situations where glass vessels could break.
862 Compact Titrosampler
1.3 Safety instructions
Always install the safety shield supplied with the equipment before using the instrument for the first time. Pre-installed safety shields are not allowed to be removed.
The 862 Compact Titrosampler may not be operated without a safety shield!
Personnel are not permitted to reach into the working area of the instrument while operations are running!
A considerable risk of injury exists for the user.
In the event of a possible blockage of a drive, the mains plug must be pulled out of the socket immediately. Do not attempt to free jammed sample vessels or other parts while the device is switched on. Blockages can only be cleared when the instrument is in a voltage-free status; this action generally involves a considerable risk of injury.
The 862 Compact Titrosampler is not suitable for utilization in bio­chemical, biological or medical environments in its basic equipment ver­sion.
Appropriate protective measures must be implemented in the event that potentially infectious samples or reagents are being processed.
862 Compact Titrosampler

1.3.5 Flammable solvents and chemicals

All relevant safety measures are to be observed when working with flammable solvents and chemicals.
Set up the instrument in a well-ventilated location. Keep all sources of flame far from the workplace. Clean up spilled fluids and solids immediately. Follow the safety instructions of the chemical manufacturer.

1.3.6 Recycling and disposal

This product is covered by European Directive 2002/96/EC, WEEE – Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
The correct disposal of your old equipment will help to prevent negative effects on the environment and public health.
1 Introduction
More details about the disposal of your old equipment can be obtained from your local authorities, from waste disposal companies or from your local dealer.
862 Compact Titrosampler

2 Overview of the instrument

Figure 1 Front 862 Compact Titrosampler
Safety shield (6.2751.130)
With knurled screws for mounting. The safety shield can be folded up.
Sample rack
For 11 sample beakers and one rinsing beaker (6.1459.300, 120 mL)
Special position
For a rinsing beaker
Titration head
With two retracted dosing tips and four stoppers.
Dosino holder (6.2057.110)
For fixing the dosing drive and the titrant bottle (1 L).
862 Compact Titrosampler
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 Overview of the instrument
Figure 2 Rear 862 Compact Titrosampler
Warning symbol
(see Chapter 1.3.4, page 5)
Electrode connector (Ind.)
For connecting pH or redox electrodes with integrated or separate reference electrode. Socket F.
Temperature sensor connector
For connecting temperature sensors of the Pt1000 or NTC types. Two B sockets, 2 mm.
Remote connector
For connecting instruments with a remote interface. D-Sub, 9-pin.
USB (OTG) connector
For connecting printers, USB sticks, USB hubs, etc.
Mains connection socket
Tubing and cable cover
Electrode connector (Ref.)
For connecting reference electrodes. Socket B, 4 mm.
Electrode connector (Pol.)
For connecting polarizable electrodes, e g. double Pt electrodes. Socket F.
MSB connector
Metrohm Serial Bus.
For connecting the 800 Dosino. Mini DIN, 9-pin.
Stirrer connection
For 802 Stirrer (rod stirrer).
Type plate
Contains specifications concerning mains voltage and serial number.
862 Compact Titrosampler

3.1 Setting up the instrument

3 Installation

3.1 Setting up the instrument

3.1.1 Packaging

The instrument is supplied in highly protective special packaging together with the separately packed accessories. Keep this packaging, as only this ensures safe transportation of the instrument.

3.1.2 Checks

Immediately after receipt, check whether the shipment has arrived com­plete and without damage by comparing it with the delivery note.

3.1.3 Location

The instrument has been developed for operation indoors and may not be used in explosive environments.
Place the instrument in a location of the laboratory which is suitable for operation, free of vibrations, protected from corrosive atmosphere, and contamination by chemicals.
The instrument should be protected against excessive temperature fluctu­ations and direct sunlight.
862 Compact Titrosampler

3.2 Removing the safety shield and cable cover

Figure 3 Removing shields
3 Installation
If you remove the safety shield and the cable cover before, the installation of the accessories is easier to carry out. Proceed as follows:
Loosen the knurled screws on the sides of the tower and remove the
safety shield.
Loosen the knurled screws on the rear of the tower and remove the
cable cover.
Do not forget to refasten these two shields after the installation of the accessories.

3.3 Mounting the Dosino

The 800 Dosino is used for adding titrant. The titrant bottle can be placed next to the tower of the 862 Compact Titrosampler.
862 Compact Titrosampler
3.3 Mounting the Dosino
Figure 4 Mounting the Dosino
Attach the dosing unit
Connect the filling tubing to port 2 on the underside of the dosing unit and screw the dosing unit onto the titrant bottle.
Place the titrant bottle
Open the bracket on the right-hand side of the tower with the aid of the knurled screw. Place the titrant bottle with the dosing unit on the support surface. Fix the bottle with the bracket and fasten the knurled screw.
Attach the dosing drive
Insert the 800 Dosino with the guide pins into the openings on the upper side of the dosing unit. Fix the 800 Dosino with a rotation to the left. Note the markings.
862 Compact Titrosampler

3.4 Connecting the Dosino

Connect the Dosino to the MSB socket on the rear of the instrument. The Dosino is automatically recognized when switching on the instrument.
Figure 5 Connecting the Dosino
3 Installation
Make sure that the flat side of the plug matches the marking on the socket.
862 Compact Titrosampler

3.5 Setting up the titration head

3.5 Setting up the titration head
Equipping the titration head without rinsing equipment
Figure 6 Equip the titration head
Insert the rod stirrer (802 Stirrer) from above into the rear opening of
the titration head.
Guide the 6.1909.050 stirring propeller over the drive shaft of the
rod stirrer from below and press firmly.
Insert an electrode into the left-hand opening of the titration head.
Connect a 6.2104.020 electrode cable to the electrode. Connect the
other end to the electrode connector Ind. (see "Connecting pH or redox electrodes", page 21).
Manually screw the enclosed 6.1805.100 FEP tubing to the dosing
tip mounted on the titration head. Connect the other end of the tub­ing to the dosing unit on the Dosino.
862 Compact Titrosampler
3 Installation
The remaining openings of the titration head can be sealed with the enclosed stoppers provided.
Equipping the titration head with rinsing equipment
An 843 Pump Station (with two pumps) can be used when the sample processing requires the rinsing of the electrodes and the aspiration of the processed sample solution. The 843 Pump Station is available as model version with complete rinsing and aspiration equipment. The rinsing and aspiration equipment is installed as follows:
Figure 7 Installing rinsing nozzles and aspiration tip
Insert the three 6.2740.020 spray nozzles into the titration head
according to the illustration. The position of the individual spray noz­zles can also be adjusted as required in terms of height.
Manually screw the three 6.1805.420 FEP tubings (with M6 thread)
firmly to the spray nozzles.
Insert the 6.1543.120 aspiration tip into the front opening of the
titration head. It can be adjusted in terms of height and its tip can be cut as required to the necessary length.
Manually screw the 6.1805.200 aspiration tubing (with M8 thread)
firmly to the aspiration tip.
862 Compact Titrosampler
3.5 Setting up the titration head
Setting up the distributor
The 6.1818.240 distributor must be mounted on the rear side of the tower for complete installation of the rinsing and aspiration equipment. It is supplied with the 843 Pump Station.
First loosen the knurled screws of the cable and tubing cover and then remove it. Proceed as follows:
Figure 8 Setting up the distributor
Loosen both union nuts on the distributor and guide each of
them over the end of one 6.1812.000 PTFE tubing.
Fasten the tubing ends to the distributor and fix in place with the
union nuts.
Connect the free tubing ends with a disposal or rinsing canister.
Manually screw the 6.1805.420 rinsing tubings already mounted on
the titration head firmly into the openings with M6 threaded bores on the distributor.
Manually screw the 6.1805.200 aspiration tubing with M8 thread
firmly into the remaining opening on the distributor.
Loosen the two screws on the rear panel of the instrument with a
hexagon key and use it to screw the distributor firmly.
Enclosed with the 862 Compact Titrosampler is the 6.1815.010 spiral band. You can wrap cables and tubings with it. This will ensure that the cables and tubings are arranged in an organized manner.
862 Compact Titrosampler
Use the four knurled screws to remount the cable and tubing cover.
Close the safety shield again after the titration head has been equipped. The 862 Compact Titrosampler is not permitted to be operated unless the safety shield is correctly mounted.

3.6 Connecting a stirrer

A DIN socket for connecting a rod stirrer 802 Stirrer is located on the rear of the instrument.
Figure 9 Rod stirrer 802 Stirrer
Take care to observe correct orientation of the contact pins when plug­ging in the connection cable. The rib on the outside of the plug must match the reference mark (above) on the socket.
3 Installation
862 Compact Titrosampler
Figure 10 Connecting a stirrer

3.7 Connecting keyboard, printer and other USB devices

3.7 Connecting keyboard, printer and other USB devices
The 862 Compact Titrosampler has a USB (OTG) connector. Use the provi­ded 6.2151.100 adapter USB MINI (OTG) - USB A for connecting USB devices as e.g. printers, keyboards or USB sticks, see the following figure.
Figure 11 Connecting USB devices
Switch the instrument off before connecting or disconnecting a USB device or a USB stick.
The 862 Compact Titrosampler can recognize the device immediately after switching on.
The following devices can directly be operated on the USB connector with the 6.2151.100 adapter:
USB sticks (for the backup or storing of methods) 6.2147.000 numerical USB keypad USB hub (with or without an own power supply)
The 6.2147.000 numerical USB keypad serves for comfortable numer­ical input and for navigating in the dialog. In addition, it provides two USB connectors. Connect additional USB devices to the keypad.
862 Compact Titrosampler
USB stick
3 Installation
Most of the USB devices need a so-called hub in order to work cor­rectly.
A USB hub is a distributor to which several USB devices can be connec­ted. USB hubs are available in specialty stores in a number of different models.
The USB (OTG) connector of the 862 Compact Titrosampler has no such hub. The 6.2147.000 numerical USB keypad has a USB hub and two USB connectors.
The following devices can only be connected to a 6.2147.000 numerical keypad or to a USB hub:
Printer (with USB connector, use the 6.2151.020 connecting cable) Barcode reader (with USB cable) Mouse (PC mouse with USB cable, for navigating in the dialog)
The following devices can only be connected to a USB hub:
PC keyboard (with USB cable, for the comfortable input of letters and
Keypad with numerical keypad (with USB cable)
If you wish to connect a variety of instruments without own power supply, then you must possibly use a USB hub with own power supply
(self powered). The USB (OTG) connector of the 862 Compact Titrosam­pler is not designed for supplying power to several devices with elevated electricity requirements.
Figure 12 Connecting the USB stick
862 Compact Titrosampler

3.8 Connecting a balance

USB stick
USB stick
RS-232/USB Box
Figure 13 Connecting the 6.2147.000 USB keyboard with USB stick and
3.8 Connecting a balance
Figure 14 Connecting the USB hub with USB stick, printer and the
6.2148.030 RS-232/USB Box (for connecting balances).
Balances are equipped with a serial RS-232 interface as a rule. To connect a balance, you require a 6.2148.030 RS-232/USB Box.
Figure 15 Connecting a balance
862 Compact Titrosampler
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