Metrohm 847 User Manual

CH-9101 Herisau/Schweiz E-Mail Internet
847 USB Lab Link
Lab Link Server
Instructions for Use
8.847.1003 05.2006 / ars
Teachware Metrohm AG Oberdorfstrasse 68 CH-9101 Herisau
These instructions are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Although all the information given in these Instructions has been checked with great
care, errors cannot be entirely excluded. Should you notice any mistakes please inform the author at the address given above.
847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server

Table of contents

Introduction................................................................. 1
1.1 Instrument description............................................................. 1
1.1.1 Arrangement and functions.................................................. 2
1.2 Information about these Instructions for Use ......................... 3
1.2.1 Organization ......................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Notation and pictograms .....................................................4
1.3 Parts and controls .................................................................... 5
1.4 Safety information .................................................................... 5
1.4.1 Electrical safety.....................................................................5
2 Installation .................................................................. 6
2.1 Requirements ........................................................................... 6
2.2 Lab Link Server configuration .................................................7
2.2.1 Software installation .............................................................7
2.2.2 Basic settings ....................................................................... 7
2.3 847 USB Lab Link configuration ............................................ 16
2.3.1 Connection to Titrando and network..................................16
2.3.2 Parameter configuration.....................................................16
3 Operation................................................................... 24
3.1 Making new connections or editing existing ones ............... 24
3.2 Making a connection .............................................................. 32
3.3 Delete connection .................................................................. 33
3.4 Breaking and remaking connections..................................... 34
3.5 Remote service....................................................................... 34
3.6 847 Configuration report........................................................ 36
4 Troubleshooting ........................................................ 37
4.1 Faults ..................................................................................... 37
5 Appendix.................................................................... 39
5.1 Technical data ........................................................................39
5.1.1 Interfaces............................................................................39
5.1.2 Ambient temperature..........................................................39
5.1.3 Power supply...................................................................... 39
5.1.4 Dimensions.........................................................................39
5.1.5 Disposal.............................................................................. 39
5.2 Standard equipment............................................................... 40
847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server
5.3 Warranty and conformity........................................................41
5.3.1 Warranty .............................................................................41
5.3.2 Declaration of Conformity ..................................................42
6 Index...........................................................................43
847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Instrument description

The Lab Link System consists of the instrument 847 USB Lab Link and the PC program Lab Link Server. It allows the Ethernet connection (e.g. intra­net, LAN) of a Titrando system with Touch Control. Several Titrando systems can transfer their data (methods, results, LIMS data, etc.) to a networked PC with installed Lab Link Server software via such a TCP/IP connection. In this way correspondingly configured folders of the server PC are available to Touch Control as an additional memory medium.
In addition, the Titrando system has the possibility of sending e-mail mes­sages via the Lab Link Server.
A further feature of the Lab Link System is the possibility of using a network printer. You can print out your current sample data and reports on a printer in the network directly from Touch Control.
The remote service function of the Lab Link System can be used for "Long Distance Service", i.e. your Titrando system can be serviced by technicians without them having to be physically present. Access to your system is via the network.
847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server 1
1 Introduction

1.1.1 Arrangement and functions

The following illustration shows the schematic arrangement of a Titrando system for network operation in combination with the Lab Link Server. Pe­ripheral devices such as stirrers, etc. have been left out for reasons of clarity.
Each Titrando system consists of at least one Titrando, one Touch Control for control and an 847 USB Lab Link, which provides the network connec­tion. The illustration shows 4 systems that are managed by the Lab Link Server. All systems can print out on the "Network Printer",
847 USB
Network Printer
Fig. 1 Titrando system with Ethernet connection
2 847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server
1 Introduction

1.2 Information about these Instructions for Use

1.2.1 Organization

Please study these instructions carefully before you start to use the 847 USB Lab Link and the Lab Link Server. The instructions contain information and warnings that must be observed by the user in order to guarantee the safe use of the instrument. Please keep these instructions near the instru­ment so that they are always to hand when required.
These Instructions for Use for the 847 USB Lab Link and the Lab Link Server provide a comprehensive overview about the installation, startup, operation, troubleshooting and technical specifications of the instrument.
The Instructions for Use are arranged as follows:
General description of the instrument, operating elements and safety information
Installation of the instrument and the server
Setting up and operating the instrument
Description of possible problems and their solution
Technical data, standard equipment, warranty and declaration of conformity
In order to find the required information should either use the Table of contents or the Index.
847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server 3
1 Introduction

1.2.2 Notation and pictograms

The following notations and pictograms (symbols) are used in these instruc­tions:
Control element, instrument element see illustration in Section 1.3
Button on the user interface
This symbol indicates a possible risk of damage to the instrument or its compo­nents if the given information is not properly observed.
Caution This symbol indicates important infor­mation that you should read before continuing.
Note This symbol indicates additional infor­mation and tips which may be of par­ticular use to you.
4 847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server
1 Introduction

1.3 Parts and controls

Fig. 2 Front view 847 USB Lab Link
LED "Power" Display
Lit up when power supply of the 847 USB Lab Link, via Titrando, is suffi­cient (exception: with USB hub, see p. 16)
RJ45 network connection (Ethernet)
Connection to network (10 Mbit/s)
LED "Status" Display
Blinks irregularly during data transfer

1.4 Safety information

This instrument should only be used in accordance with the information given in these instructions for Use.

1.4.1 Electrical safety

Please observe the following guidelines:
Do not open the 847 USB Lab Link housing. This could destroy the
device. Inside the housing there are no components that the user can service or exchange.
USB connection
USB-Port (type B), connection to Ti­trando
Electrical safety when handling the 847 USB Lab Link is guaranteed within the framework of the EN/IEC 61010-4 and EN 55022 standards.
847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server 5
2 Installation

2 Installation

2.1 Requirements

In order to network a Titrando system using the 847 USB Lab Links you re­quire the following equipment (see also Section 5.1 Technical data).
Titrando system with Touch Control
847 USB Lab Link
at least a 10 Mbit network with RJ45 Ethernet cable
one free IP address per 847 USB Lab Link; Subnet Mask and Gate-
way must be known or have to be assigned by the DHCP server
The Lab Link Server software should be installed on a PC with the following requirements:
Processor: Pentium III
RAM: 256 MB
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP
Free hard disk memory: 50 MB for program files and sufficient
space for the planned Titrando data
Network connection with at least 10 Mbit/s
The use of Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP as the operating system is absolutely essential.
The installation of the Lab Link Server must be carried out as "Administra­tor". If you are using an NTFS file system then take care that the users intending to utilize the server operation have full rights of access to the data folders that have to be set and to all subfolders created in them. This can be checked in Windows Explorer in the security settings in which the properties of the corresponding folders are defined. Please note that for the operation of the Lab Link Server software the corresponding user must remain continuously logged in under Windows.
Windows XP: The safety settings described above are only accessible when the option "Use simple file release" is switched off in the menu Extras / File options / View in Windows Explorer.
6 847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server
2 Installation

2.2 Lab Link Server configuration

2.2.1 Software installation

On the server PC start the installation program Titrando.exe in the main folder of the accompanying CD and select the option Lab Link Server. You can also start the corresponding installation program Setup.exe directly from the folder Lab Link Server. Follow the instructions given by the pro­gram.

2.2.2 Basic settings

After successful installation start the program Lab Link Server. The main program window opens:
Under File / Preferences you should first configure some standard settings. These will then appear automatically as defaults when setting up new con­nections. Later, you can alter or complete these settings (see Section
The standard settings of all the tabs under File / Preferences can be reset together to the values they had immediately after the program installation with the [Default] button.
847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server 7
2 Installation
A common default root path can be defined for the data (methods, determi­nations etc.) of all the Titrando systems connected to the Lab Link Server. The specific folders for the individual Lab Link connections are defined sepa­rately (see Section 3.1). Additionally, you can select a standard printer for all connected Titrando systems.
1. Under Default root path enter the required Default root path.
2. Under Default printer select the printer that is to be adopted as the de-
fault printer for all Lab Link connections. Any local printer or one available in the network can be selected here, provided that it has been installed on the PC.
8 847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server
2 Installation
E-Mail defaults
Error and warning messages from the Touch Control can be sent by e-mail to any address. Under E-Mail defaults you can define the standard instruc­tions for the corresponding settings of the Lab Link connections.
1. Enter the SMTP Mail Server address of your mail server.
2. Define a Sender
in the mail header of the E-Mail.
3. Enter the Sender
4. Define a Receiver E-Mail name.
5. Enter the Receiver E-Mail address. If an invalid e-mail address is en-
tered the sender e-mail address will receive a message that the e-mail cannot be delivered.
E-Mail name which has to appear as the E-Mail sender
E-Mail address.
847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server 9
2 Installation
1. Activate the checkbox Windows write protection of transferred file, if
you want to provide all files (methods, determinations etc.) transferred from the Titrando system to the Lab Link Server with a write protection.
Files transferred from the Titrando system to the Lab Link Server are not write protected by default outside the Touch Control. By activating this checkbox all files can be protected by the Windows write protection after transmission to the server, so that they cannot be directly overwritten or deleted in a Win­dows file manager (e.g. Explorer). This Windows write protection should not be confused with the write protection option in Touch Control under Method options / Save automatically, which provides an internal system protection against accidental overwriting or deletion of files.
Please note that, if the "Windows write protection" is activated, there is no possibility of deleting or overwriting an already existing file on the server from the Titrando system. In this case the "Windows write protection" for the particular file must first be manually disabled at the Lab Link server PC.
10 847 USB Lab Link / Lab Link Server
2 Installation
2. File name check for method files only: When files are saved, the Ti­trando checks the exclusivity of the file name in all folders and subfolders in the folder defined as Root path for the particular Lab Link connection. This check could take some time, particularly when a large number of de­termination files are stored in a single (sub)folder. By activating this checkbox this check can be switched off for all files with the exception of the methods. This increases the performance, but the Titrando user must then personally ensure that no files names are used twice.
If you automatically save your determinations (see Instructions for Use for PC Control / Touch Control) the Touch Control will provide an exclusive name. In this case it is sufficient if you let the system check the exclusivity of the method names only.
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