Metrohm AG
Oberdorfstrasse 68
CH-9101 Herisau
1st Edition 2002
These instructions are protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Although all the information given in these instructions has been checked with great care, errors
cannot be entirely excluded. Should you notice any mistakes please inform the author at the
address given above.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ....................................................1
1.1 Description of the instrument ...................................................1
1.2 Parts and controls.....................................................................2
1.3 Information about the Instructions for Use..............................4
1.3.1 Organization.................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Notation and pictograms.............................................................. 5
1.4 Safety information .....................................................................6
1.4.1 Electrical safety ............................................................................. 6
1.4.2 General safety rules ...................................................................... 6
2 Installation .....................................................7
2.1 Setting up the instrument .........................................................7
2.1.1 Packaging ..................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Checks .......................................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Location ........................................................................................ 7
2.2 Mains connection......................................................................7
2.2.1 Setting the mains voltage ............................................................. 7
2.2.2 Fuses ............................................................................................ 9
2.2.3 Mains cable and mains connection ............................................. 9
2.2.4 Switching the instrument on/off .................................................... 9
2.3 Electrical connection ..............................................................10
2.3.1 Operation in a modular IC system.............................................. 10
2.3.2 Operation with a 761 Compact IC.............................................. 10
2.4 Valve connections ...................................................................11
2.5 Software installation ...............................................................12
3 Operation ......................................................13
3.1 Manual operation ....................................................................13
3.2 Operation via «IC Net».............................................................13
3.2.1 Symbol for 816 IC Eluent Selector.............................................. 14
3.2.2 Instrument parameters in the "816 IC Eluent Selector" window . 14
4 Annex ............................................................17
4.1 Technical data .........................................................................17
4.1.1 Parts and controls....................................................................... 17
4.1.2 RS 232 Interface ......................................................................... 17
4.1.3 Mixer speed ................................................................................ 17
4.1.4 Mains connection ....................................................................... 18
4.1.5 Safety specifications................................................................... 18
4.1.6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)......................................... 18
4.1.7 Ambient temperature .................................................................. 18
4.1.8 Housing....................................................................................... 19
4.2 Standard equipment................................................................19
4.3 Optional accessories ..............................................................20
4.4 Validation / GLP....................................................................... 21
4.5 Warranty and conformity ........................................................22
4.5.1 Warranty...................................................................................... 22
4.5.2 EU Declaration of Conformity ..................................................... 23
4.5.3 Certificate of conformity and system validation ......................... 24
4.6 Index ........................................................................................25
816 IC Eluent Selector/ 8.816.1003 Instructions for Use
Table of Contents
List of illustrations
Figure 1: Front panel of the 816 IC Eluent Selector ......................................2
Figure 2: Rear panel of the 816 IC Eluent Selector .......................................3
Figure 3: Setting the mains voltage...............................................................8
Figure 4: Connecting the 816 IC Eluent Selector to 762 IC Interface..........10
Figure 5: Connecting the 816 IC Eluent Selector to a PC ........................... 10
Figure 6: Flow diagram of the IC Eluent Selector........................................11
816 IC Eluent Selector/ 8.816.1003 Instructions for Use
1.1 Description of the instrument
1 Introduction
1.1 Description of the instrument
The 816 IC Eluent Selector has two 3-way valves and can be integrated in an IC system via an RS232 interface. When used in a Metrohm
IC system it can be operated completely by remote control.
Up to three different eluents can be used with the 816 IC Eluent Selector. In this way the 816 IC Eluent Selector makes it easy to use step
gradients in order to optimize the separating performance of your system with difficult samples. A further frequent application is its use in a
2-channel system for investigating samples which require different
separating systems for their complete analysis, e.g. the determination
of cations and anions in a single sample. In combination with the
2-channel version of the 812 IC Valve Unit and the 761 Compact IC with
suppressor, the 816 IC Eluent Selector forms a compact IC system with
which the cations and anions in a single sample can be determined.
816 IC Eluent Selector/ 8.816.1003 Instructions for Use
1 Introduction
1.2 Parts and controls
34 56
IC Eluent Selector816
Figure 1: Front panel of the 816 IC Eluent Selector
for manual operation of the 816 IC
Eluent Selector.
1 A, B, C
These keys are only active in the
manual mode. They can be used for
the manual selection of the required
The LED 2 for the selected eluent
lights up.
The LED shows the instrument status.
2 A, B, C
The LEDs show which eluent has been
LED lights up: valve is open; the
particular eluent can pass through the
IC Eluent Selector.
LED is off: valve is closed.
3 EXT.
Switches between external control
and manual control of the instrument.
4 EXT.
The LED shows whether the instrument
is under external (LED lights up) or
manual (LED is off) control.
5 Valve I
Switches eluents A and B.
6 Mixing chamber
Has no function in the 816 IC Eluent
Selector; the eluents simply pass
through this component.
7 Valve II
Switches eluent C.
816 IC Eluent Selector/ 8.816.1003 Instructions for Use
1.2 Parts and controls
f = 50 - 60 Hz
S = 40 VA
8 9 10
1 A(T)
WARNING - Fire Hazard -
For cont i nued pr otect i on repl ace onl y
with the same type and rating of fuse
Mi xer speed
1ON234 1234
Type 1.816.0010 Nr.
Ma de by Me tr ohm He ri sau Sw it zer land
11 12
13 14
Figure 2: Rear panel of the 816 IC Eluent Selector
8 Mains switch
for switching the instrument on and
9 Mains connection
Mains connection: see Section 2.2.
off: I = ON 0 = OFF
Mains connection: see Section 2.2.
10 Model and serial number 11 Ground connection
12 Fuse holder
Changing the fuses: see Section
13 Mixer speed
Dip switch for setting the stirring rate in
the mixing chamber: see Section 4.1.3.
We recommend that the mixing chamber is kept switched off
14 RS 232
RS 232 interface for remote control of
the 816 IC Eluent Selector: see
Section 4.1.2.
(all switches
816 IC Eluent Selector/ 8.816.1003 Instructions for Use
1 Introduction
1.3 Information about the Instructions for Use
Please study the instructions carefully before you start to use the 816
IC Eluent Selector. The instructions contain information and warnings
that must be observed by the user in order to guarantee the safe use
of the instrument. Please keep these instructions near the instrument
so that they are always to hand when required.
1.3.1 Organization
These 8.816.1003 Instructions for Use for the 816 IC Eluent Selector
provide you with a comprehensive overview of the installation, start up,
operation, troubleshooting and technical specifications of this instrument. The instructions are arranged as follows:
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Installation
Section 3 Operation
Section 4 Annex
General description of the instrument, parts and
controls, safety information
Setup, mains connection, connection to the IC system,
flow diagram
Manual operation, remote control
Technical data, standard equipment, options,
warranty, declaration of conformity, index
In order to find the information you require about the 816 IC Eluent Selector you should either use the Contents or the Index.
816 IC Eluent Selector/ 8.816.1003 Instructions for Use