ECOVACS D58 User Manual

Robot Vacuum Cleaner
D58 User Guide
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1. Safety Instruction................. . . . . . . . . . .
User Gui de.. .......................... . .. .... 9. Remote Control..... . .............
Power Supply for the Product........ ......
The Spectrum of Product Use........ ...... Use of Remote Control
Notes before Cleaning........ ............... 10.Virtual Wa ll.. ...... ..........
Child Safe ty................... ....... ......... Battery Placement.
Battery Replacement and Disposal Use of Virtual Wall
Resource Util ization
When Product is in Failure.......... ......
2. Content in the Original Package and 13. M aint enance..... ............................
Technical Parameter....... .........
3. Name of Parts
The Host .. ........................... ... . ...
LCD and Control Panel........................10
4. Battery Charging........ ..............
Assembly Charging Block............. ....
Chargi ng........... ........ ..
5. Power On/Pause/Power Off ....... .....
Power O n.......................... .. ... .
Pause. ......................... ..... . ........
Power Off............................ .........
6. ......... 13
Mode Selection.......... ...............
Automatic Cleaning Mode .... ... ...
Border Cleaning Mode.... ........... ..
..................................... 9
.............................6 11. Border Tape......................................20
........ 10
...... ................. 11
.. ..... 3 .............. ... 17
... 3 Battery Placement..............................17
... 5 ... ................... 18
. ..... 5 .............................18
.........6 ..............................19
..... 6 12. Day-to-Day Storage.......................... 2 1
........... 7
..... . ... 9
... 10
... 12
.... ...... . 1 2
.. ...... 12
...... 12
...... ... . 13
... .... 14
3 Set Frequency and Cancel Timing........17
.. 4 ........................18
.... 21
The Host Cleaning..............................21
Dust Box Cleaning
Cotton Filter and Filters Cleaing..........
Sponge Filter Replacement
Main Brush Cleaning...................... ..
Side Brush Cleaning
Side Brush Replacement.....................24
Driving Wheel Cleaning.......................24
Up-Ground Height Sensor Cleaning.....24
Dust Sensor Cleaning................. ........25
14. Alarming.......... ........ .... .......
15. Commo n Failure.... ......................
16. ..... 27
Other P robl ems. ......... ............ .... .
..... ....... .. 25
..... 26
Fixed Point Cleaning Mode........ ... ...
Inten sive ...... .... 14
Go Back Charging Mode......... .... ....
7. Automatic Charging............................15
.......... 15
8. Appointment Timing....... ..........
Set Appointment Time.........................15
Set Current Time
Cleaning Mode...... .. ...
... . 14
.. ... 14
1.Safety Instruction
En j o y S ma r te r L i f e!
Set up
War n ingWhere ther e i s a drop off in t he cleaning ar ea due t o a step or
stairs and they are not car pet ed, you should operate t he u nit to s ee t hat the unit c an detec t the step with out fall ing over the edge. I t may become necessa ry to pl ace a ph ysi cal barr ier at t he edge to keep the unit from fa lli ng over t he drop b ut make s ure the p hys ical ba rri er is hig h enough so that y ou or a family m emb er will not trip on t he ba rrier and cause t hem selves injury.
Do not open the equ ipm ent . The components insi de th e rob ot host are beyond repair by
user himself, s uch a s rem ote control and virtual wall.
This product is o nly f or do mestic use, not suitable for indust ry or o utd oor s urroundings.
Please do not pre ss LC D.
The User Guide
Please confor m to th e bas ic safety precautions as follows:
Read the conten t in th is us er guide carefully and install the ro bot a cco rding to the detailed instruction s.
Safekeeping t his g uid e. If you transfer this machine to anot her p ers on, please make sure attach this book let .
Any inconsist ent o per ation with this guide would probabl y cau se se rious damage to both human being a nd th e
machine itsel f.
Power Supply for the Product
Electricit y
Draw out
Draw out
the plug
the plug
The power suppl y is fr om a Ni -MH chargeable battery inside the h ost o f the
robot and it is spe cia lly a ssigned with a charging block to do rec ycl abl e charge.
Please double c hec k the m arked supply voltage on the chargin g blo ck an d
make sure it is app lie d acc ording to the instructions.
Do not use the dama ged p owe r cord or plug, while contact our after -sa les
service or find o ur au tho rized supplier to maintain.
As the charging b loc k is he avy, please never drag t he bl ock v ia pulling it’s
power cord.
● Remember neve r to tw ist a nd swing or screw the power cord excess ive ly, neither to bloc k it wh en cl ose the door. We sho uld n ot put heavy things on it as well.
Do not let power co rd to uch h ot or sharp surfaces.
Do not draw out the p lug b y pul ling the cord.
Keep wet hands aw ay fr om th e plug or machine.
Pull the plug out o f soc ket w hen you no longer use the charging bloc k for some time.
Use dry cloth to wi pe th e dus t on the plug frequently.
The Spectrum of the Product Use
This robot is app lic abl e to domestic sweeping, including w ood en fl oor, rubber floor, ce ram ic ti le, linoleum and medium or short-ha ire d car pet however, it is ina ppl ica ble to long-haired carpet.
It can not be used fo r the f loo r as below:
-- - - Have water on th e sur fac e ( includi ng fl amm able liquids) , such
as wet floor.
-- - - Inside toilet, sh owe r roo m or other humid situation.
-- - - Staircase
-- - - The room with furna ce or f lam e
The following o bje cts a re definitely forbidden:
-- - - Not extinguishe d soo t, bu rning cigarette butts or match, bec aus e
these objects w oul d cau se fire.
-- - - Sharp objects lik e gla ss de bris, pin, paper clip, ston es, g ypsum, and large piece o f pap er. These things may blo ck th e mac hin e.
-- - - Water or other kind of liquid, es pec ial ly detergent, kerosene, petrol, paint , alc oho l, perfume, as well as carpet or floor cl ean ing s olution. It would make the i nte rio r of the machine wet, so that may cause short­circuit.
-- - - The toner of laser pr int er an d copier which may bring fire and explosion.
Please keep the m ach ine a way from hot source such as oven and fireplace, be cau se th e hot can distort the crust.
● Do not use the mach ine i n the s urroundings with any explosi on ri sk. For example, at g as st ati on, oil depot, chemical plant and so on .
Never use the mac hin e out doors. As rain or solid dust may get insid e it an d cause damage.
Do not repair or ch ang e any p erformance by yourself.
Do not throw or ben d the m ach ine.
Do not dampen it, o r els e the s hort-circuit would cause fire or el ect ric
shock acciden t.
Take care of routin e mai nte nance and keep it in a clean place.
Do not expose the m ach ine i n the extreme hot or cold surrounding s. This
product is not al low ed to l ong-time kept in the temperature be low z ero o r over thirty deg ree .
Do not keep the mac hin e in th e liquid or expose it to high humidity.
Do not place the ma chi ne cl ose to burning cigarette or fire.
Notes before Cleaning
En j o y S ma r te r L i f e!
● Take extra care of th e rob ot wh en the first it works. Please remove the obstacles whe n it is b eyo nd the robot. Try to avoid the situation t hat t he robot stops wor kin g.
Make precauti ons t o sol ve the problem which may make the clean ing i n
trouble, such a s:
-- - -
-- - - Permian the ed ge of t he ca rpe t.
-- - - The hanging ta ble c lot h and curtain should not touch the grou nd.
-- - - The flammable obj ect s hou ld be cut from the fire source.
-- - - Sort out the tangle d pow er co rd on the floor.
Check whether t he ma in br ush is correctly fixed inside the rob ot be for e
Examine if the du st bo x is em pty and insure it is fixed before it works.
See if up-groun d hei ght s ensor and dust sensor are wiped clean .
Keep the easily k noc k ove r objects in a safe place.
Child Safety
● Child, physic all y or me ntally disabled and inexperi enc ed ar e not allowed to use it, unless t hei r saf ety supervisor is there to give instr uct ion .
Battery Replacement and Disposal
Take good care of the p rod uct a nd keep it beyond child and people who ca n
not judge dange r nea rby. Extra attention shou ld be p aid w hen it working.
You should get the person insi de th e roo m kno w that the machine is
working, in ord er to a voi d man-made damage like tripping.
Do not take robot a s toy. Carefully attention sho uld b e pai d when child or pet
is around.
● The plastic pac kag e may b ring danger of asphyxia and is suppos ed to keep away from ch ild .
You need to contact our after-sal es wh en yo u want to change the battery. It will cause expl osi on if y ou use replacement battery of wrong m ode l.
● There is potent ial d ang er if you use other producer' s batt ery and charging bloc k. The damage cause hence is n ot wi thi n the w arranty.
st arts
Resource Utilization
When Product is in Failure
● Please dispos e the s pen t battery properly, be cau se th ere is hazardous substance whi ch ma y pol lute the environment.
Conform with lo cal e nvi ronmental legislation and di spo se it a t the r ecovery site.
● Do not take the pac kag e mat erial as domestic garbage and disca rd it freely.
Please delive r the p ack age material to proper recovery sit e for r ecy cle.
Do not repair or di sas sem ble the machine when there is damage of t he power cord or fai lur e of .
Contact our aft er- sal es service or our designate mainten anc e org anization for professio nal r epa ir.
th e host
2.C on te n t
En j o y S ma r te r L i f e!
Host C har gin g block Vi rtu al wall
edge auto
Remote contro l
Side brush Rol l bru sh clean-up
Robo t Vacuum C leane r
D58 Use r Guide
User guide
Border Tape
Battery for vir tua l wal l
Battery for rem ote c ont rol
Magnetic addi ng to ol
technique parameter
The host The charging bl ock
Work ing v oltage In-put voltag e
Rated power
Capacity of dus t box
Charging dura tio n
Duration upon f ull battery 60 minu tes
Max Coverage up on full battery
Net weight
DC14.4V AC220-240V
0.25meter/s eco nd
About 3 hours
rated out-put v olt age
rated frequen cy
rated power
rated out-put currency
About 60 minute s
In-put voltag e
In-put voltag e
330×330×100 mm
Remote contro l distance
Virt ual w all
Remote contro l
+ 22 hidden pages