BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange Version 4.1 Service Pack 6
© 2008 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved.
BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool


You can run the BlackBerry® Calendar Synchronization Tool on a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server to find and correct differences between the calendar entries on users’ BlackBerry devices and the calendar entries on users’ computers. You can specify the recurring day and time whe n the tool runs, how many days in advance of the current date that the tool checks users’ calendars for synchronization errors, and whether the tool checks calendar entries for all users, the users on a specific messaging server, or a specific user.
By default, the tool writes information about calendar synchronization errors to the BlackBerry Messaging Agent log file. You can configure the tool to correct automatically the calendar synchronization errors that it finds.
The tool is located in the Tools directory on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server installation media. The file name is TraitTool.exe.


BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Microsoft® Exchange version 4.1 SP6

Managing the BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool

Specify a setting

1. At the command prompt, navigate to the folder that the TraitTool.exe file is located in.
2. Type: TraitTool <level> -trait <name> -set <value>
For <level>, type the level that you want to specify a setting for. See “Configuration levels” below.
For <name>, type the trait that you want to specify. See “BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool traits” below.
For <value>, type a value for the trait that you specified. See “BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool traits” below.
3. Press ENTER.

Delete a setting

If you delete the setting for a trait, the trait uses the setting that is defined at the next highest level. If no values are defined, the default setting is used. For example, if you delete a setting at the user level, the trait uses the setting that is defined at the server level.
1. At the command prompt, navigate to the folder that the TraitTool.exe file is located in.
2. Type: TraitTool <level> -trait <name> -erase
For <level>, type the level that you want to delete a setting for. See “Configuration levels” below.
For <name>, type the trait that you want to delete the setting for. See “BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool traits” below.
3. Press ENTER.
Last saved: 14/08/2008
BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool

View the current settings

1. At the command prompt, navigate to the folder that the TraitTool.exe file is located in.
2. Type: TraitTool <level> -list
For <level>, type the level that you want to view the settings for. See “Configuration levels” below.
3. Press ENTER.

Configuration levels

Settings at the user level take precedence over settings at the server level. Settings at the server level take precedence over settings at the global level. Settings at the global level take precedence over the default settings.
Level Description
-global The setting that you specify applies to all users.
-server <servername> The setting that you specify applies to all users on a specific messaging server.
-user <smtpaddress> The setting that you specify applies to a specific user.

BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool traits

Trait Description Trait values
SmartSyncEnable This trait turns on or turns off the
BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool.
SmartSyncTriggerHour This trait specifies the hour that
the BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool starts running.
SmartSyncDays This trait specifies the number of
days in advance of the current date that the BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool checks for calendar synchronization errors.
SmartSyncSchedule This trait specifies the recurring
day or days when the BlackBerry Calendar Synchronization Tool runs. To specify more than one value, you can use a comma­separated list.
To turn on the tool, type true.
To turn off the tool, type false.
The default value is false.
0 through 23, where 0 is 12:00 AM and 23 is 11:00 PM.
The default value is 0 (12:00 AM).
1 through 365
The default value is 1.
Last saved: 14/08/2008
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