Apple Qmaster 4 User Manual

Apple Qmaster 4
User Manual
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Welcome to Apple Qmaster5Preface
About Apple Qmaster5 About the Apple Qmaster Documentation5 Additional Resources6
Using Apple Qmaster7Chapter 1
The Apple Qmaster Distributed Processing System8 The Apple Qmaster Interface10 Installing Apple Qmaster, Shake, and Other Applications14 Setting Up Rendering Services and Shared Storage15 Submitting Batches for Apple Qmaster Processing16 Using Nodes Without Apple Qmaster Installed29 Setting Environment Variables in Apple Qmaster31

Welcome to Apple Qmaster

The Apple Qmaster system provides automated work distribution and processing for high-volume projects created with digital visual effects software packages such as Shake.
This preface covers the following:
About Apple Qmaster (p. 5)
About the Apple Qmaster Documentation (p. 5)
Additional Resources (p. 6)

About Apple Qmaster

The Apple Qmaster application described in this document is the graphical “client interface” that you use to submit jobs for distributed rendering and processing. Apple Qmaster can accept jobs from Shake, Autodesk Maya, and any UNIX command-line program. The Apple Qmaster application is one of several applications in the Apple Qmaster distributed processing system. The complete system includes controls for configuring clusters of processing computers and for monitoring, pausing, resuming, or canceling work that has been submitted.
Important: Apple Qmaster 4 is designed to work closely with Final Cut Pro X and later
and Motion 5 and later. All mentions of Final Cut Pro and Motion in this document refer to these versions.

About the Apple Qmaster Documentation

Apple Qmaster comes with various documents that will help you get started as well as provide detailed information about the application. To access these documents, open Apple Qmaster and choose Help > Apple Qmaster Help.
Apple Qmaster User Manual: This document describes the Apple Qmaster client application only. For information about how to create a complete network for Apple Qmaster processing, as well as information about how the Apple Qmaster application works with the rest of the Apple Qmaster system, see the Compressor 4 User Manual.
Compressor User Manual: In addition to explaining how to use Compressor, this document explains how to set up and maintain an Apple Qmaster distributed processing network for use with Compressor or digital visual effects software packages such as Shake.
Apple Qadministrator User Manual: This document describes the Apple Qadministrator cluster management application only. You use this application to manually configure clusters using managed services.
Share Monitor User Manual: This brief document describes how to use Share Monitor to monitor the transcoding progress of batches and jobs.

Additional Resources

Along with the documentation that comes with Apple Qmaster, there are a variety of other resources you can use to find out more about Apple Qmaster.
Compressor Websites
For general information and updates, as well as the latest news on Compressor, go to:
Apple Service and Support Websites
For software updates and answers to the most frequently asked questions for all Apple products, go to the general Apple Support webpage. You’ll also have access to product specifications, reference documentation, and Apple and third-party product technical articles.
For software updates, documentation, discussion forums, and answers to the most frequently asked questions for Compressor, go to:
6 Preface Welcome to Apple Qmaster

Using Apple Qmaster

The Apple Qmaster application is the client software you use to submit jobs and batches (for Shake and related software) to the larger Apple Qmaster system, an automated work distribution and processing solution for high-volume projects.
Note: The “Apple Qmaster and Distributed Processing” chapter in the Compressor User Manual is the primary documentation for the Apple Qmaster distributed processing
This chapter covers the following:
The Apple Qmaster Distributed Processing System (p. 8)
The Apple Qmaster Interface (p. 10)
Installing Apple Qmaster, Shake, and Other Applications (p. 14)
Setting Up Rendering Services and Shared Storage (p. 15)
Submitting Batches for Apple Qmaster Processing (p. 16)
Using Nodes Without Apple Qmaster Installed (p. 29)
Setting Environment Variables in Apple Qmaster (p. 31)

The Apple Qmaster Distributed Processing System

Batch of
processing jobs
Client computer
Jobs are submitted.
Destination folder
Files are placed at
specified destination.
Apple Qmaster cluster
Processing is
performed by cluster.
Computers that submit batches to Apple Qmaster are called clients. An Apple Qmaster job is a processing task in the form of a project shared by Final Cut Pro or Motion, a
Compressor or Apple Qmaster batch, a Shake file, or other commands, that uses UNIX commands to specify settings such as rendering instructions and file locations and destinations.
Although a batch can include just one job, you will typically want to submit several jobs at once for processing. Similarly, several people can use the same Apple Qmaster system at the same time, with several client computers sending batches in the same time frame. Batches are managed and distributed by the computer that is designated as the Apple Qmaster cluster controller.
8 Chapter 1 Using Apple Qmaster
Note: The “Apple Qmaster and Distributed Processing” chapter in the Compressor User Manual is the primary documentation for the Apple Qmaster distributed processing


Batches are submitted for processing from the client computers. A client computer can be any computer that has Compressor, Final Cut Pro, or Motion installed and is on the same network as the cluster controller. Multiple client computers can be on the same network, using the same cluster to do the processing for various applications. See
Submitting Batches with the Apple Qmaster Application for details.


When a client sends batches to the Apple Qmaster system, all the processing and subsequent moving of any output files is performed by a group of Apple Qmaster–configured computers called a cluster. To set up Apple Qmaster services, you either configure computers to work with This Computer Plus, create a QuickCluster in Compressor, or use the Apple Qadministrator application to create one or more clusters of service nodes, with one cluster controller included in each cluster. Each computer in the cluster is connected to the other computers in the cluster through a network connection. See the Apple Qadministrator User Manual for more information on specialized cluster setup.
Note: See the Shake Support website ( for an online guide to setting up a full-time “render farm,” incorporating an Xserve computer and cluster nodes.

Service Nodes

When you combine multiple nodes into a cluster, they function as one very powerful computer because all their resources are shared. You make a computer available as a service node by configuring it in the Compressor Apple Qmaster Sharing window. The steps involved in using this window to configure a service node are described in “Configuring Service Node Processing” in the Compressor User Manual, available in Compressor Help.

Cluster Controllers

The cluster controller software acts as the manager of a cluster. The cluster controller directs the distribution of batches within the cluster. It has the ability to determine the best use of the cluster resources based on work and availability variables. You make a computer available as a cluster controller by turning on the cluster controlling service in the Apple Qmaster Sharing window in Compressor. (See “Configuring Service Nodes and Cluster Controllers” in the Compressor User Manual, available in Compressor Help.)
9Chapter 1 Using Apple Qmaster

The Apple Qmaster Interface

Pop-up menus
Batch table
Batch name

Toolbar buttons

Submit To field
The Apple Qmaster application described in this document is one part of the larger distributed processing system described in The Apple Qmaster Distributed Processing
System. The Apple Qmaster application is the client software you use to submit jobs and
batches to the system. Both this application and the larger system are known by the same name (Apple Qmaster).
The Apple Qmaster window contains a toolbar; a Batch Name field; a Submit To field; the Batch table; buttons to add, remove, and submit jobs (dimmed until at least one job is in the Batch table); and pop-up menus to choose job types and batch priority.
Toolbar Buttons
The Apple Qmaster toolbar contains the following buttons.
History: Opens the History drawer, where you can view a fulllog of all batchessubmitted from your computer, check the current status of all processing batches, and resubmit
10 Chapter 1 Using Apple Qmaster
any batches listed in the log.
Set Environment: Opens a dialog where youcan add environment variables and preflight scripts.
Notification: Opens a dialog where you can set (or reset) an email address to which the status of a batch completion or failure can be sent. Apple Qmaster does not currently support SMTP servers that require authentication. The following list shows the processing service type followed by the notification label used in the emails and logs:
Local Compressor service:
Distributed Compressor service:
Distributed Apple Qmaster service:
Share Monitor: Opens Share Monitor, which allows you to view the status of all batches being processed.

Batch Table

This is the large middle area of the Apple Qmaster window that lists the individual jobs in a batch.
The Batch table includes the following columns.
Type: One of four job types: Shake, Maya, Generic Render, Shell (UNIX).
Command: The actual command for the job.
Working Directory: If relevant, the directory from which you want the command to be executed.

Text Fields and Pop-Up Menus

Around its periphery, the Apple Qmaster window includes other important interface elements for creating and submitting jobs and batches.
Batch name field: This is where you can enter the name of a particular batch. (This is the name that appears in Share Monitor.)
Submit Topop-up menu: Use this pop-up menu to choose an available cluster to process the current batch.
11Chapter 1 Using Apple Qmaster
+ 23 hidden pages