Apple MAC OS X 10.4 Security Configuration

Mac OS X
Security Configuration
For Version 10.4 or Later Second Edition
Apple Inc.
© 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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Preface 9 About This Guide
Target Audience
What’s New in Mac OS X Version 10.4
What’s in This Guide
Using This Guide
Using Onscreen Help
11 12 13 13 14
Mac Help The Mac OS X Server Suite Getting Documentation Updates Getting Additional Information Acknowledgments
Chapter 1 15 Introducing Mac OS X Security Architecture
Security Architectural Overview
16 16 16 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19
UNIX Infrastructure
Access Permissions
Security Framework
Layered Security Defense Built-In Security Services
Keychain Services
Secure Transport Services
Certificate, Key, and Trust Services
Authorization Services
Smart Card Services Authorization versus Authentication
Chapter 2 21 Installing Mac OS X
System Installation Overview
21 22 23 23 23
Disabling the Open Firmware Password Installing from CD or DVD Installing from the Network Restoring from Preconfigured Disk Images
Initializing System Setup
24 25 25
26 27 27
28 28 29 29 29 30
Using Setup Assistant Creating Initial System Accounts Setting Correct Time Settings
Updating System Software
Updating from an Internal Software Update Server Updating from Internet-Based Software Update Servers Updating Manually from Installer Packages Verifying the Integrity of Software
Repairing Disk Permissions
Kinds of Permissions POSIX Permissions Overview ACL Permissions Overview Using Disk Utility to Repair Disk Permissions
Chapter 3 31 Protecting Hardware and Securing Global System Settings
Protecting Hardware
32 33 33
34 34
35 36 37 38 38 39 39
Disabling Hardware
Removing Mac OS 9
Using the Command Line to Remove Mac OS 9 Running Mac OS 9 from a CD or DVD Running Mac OS 9 from a Disc Image
Securing System Startup
Using the Open Firmware Password Application Configuring Open Firmware Settings Using Command-Line Tools to Secure Startup Requiring a Password for Single-User Mode
Configuring Access Warnings
Enabling Access Warnings for the Login Window Enabling Access Warnings for the Command Line
Chapter 4 41 Securing Accounts
Types of User Accounts
42 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 50
Guidelines for Creating Accounts Defining User IDs Securing Nonadministrator Accounts Securing Administrator Accounts Securing the System Administrator Account
Understanding Directory Domains
Understanding Network Services, Authentication, and Contacts Configuring LDAPv3 Access Configuring Active Directory Access
Using Strong Authentication
Using Password Assistant
52 52 52 53 53
55 56 57
Using Smart Cards Using Tokens
Using Biometrics Setting Global Password Policies Storing Credentials
Using the Default User Keychain
Securing Keychain Items
Creating Additional Keychains
Using Portable and Network-Based Keychains
Chapter 5 59 Securing System Preferences
System Preferences Overview
Securing .Mac Preferences
Securing Accounts Preferences
Securing Appearance Preferences
Securing Bluetooth Preferences
Securing CDs & DVDs Preferences
Securing Classic Preferences
Securing Dashboard and Exposé Preferences
Securing Date & Time Preferences
Securing Desktop & Screen Saver Preferences
Securing Displays Preferences
Securing Dock Preferences
Securing Energy Saver Preferences
Securing International Preferences
Securing Keyboard & Mouse Preferences
Securing Network Preferences
Securing Print & Fax Preferences
Securing QuickTime Preferences
Securing Security Preferences
Securing Sharing Preferences
Securing Software Update Preferences
Securing Sound Preferences
Securing Speech Preferences
Securing Spotlight Preferences
Securing Startup Disk Preferences
Securing Universal Access Preferences
Chapter 6 97 Securing Data and Using Encryption
Understanding Permissions
Setting POSIX Permissions
98 99
Viewing POSIX Permissions
Interpreting POSIX Permissions
10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 101 101 10 2
Modifying POSIX Permissions
Setting File and Folder Flags
Viewing Flags
Modifying Flags
Setting ACL Permissions
Enabling ACL
Modifying ACL Permissions
10 2 Setting Global File Permissions 10 3 Securing Your Home Folder 10 4 Encrypting Home Folders 10 5 Using FileVault Master Keychain 10 5 Encrypting Portable Files 10 6 Creating a New Encrypted Disk Image 10 7 Creating an Encrypted Disk Image from Existing Data 10 7 Creating Encrypted PDFs 10 8 Securely Erasing Data 10 9 Using Disk Utility to Securely Erase a Disk or Partition 10 9 Using Command-Line Tools to Securely Erase Files
11 0 Using Secure Empty Trash
111 Using Disk Utility to Securely Erase Free Space 111 Using Command-Line Tools to Securely Erase Free Space
Chapter 7 113 Securing Network Services
113 Securing Apple Applications 113 Securing Mail 11 4 Securing Web Browsing 11 5 Securing Instant Messaging 11 5 Securing VPN 117 Securing Firewall 11 8 About Internet Sharing
11 9 Enabling TCP Wrappers 12 0 Securing SSH 12 0 Enabling an SSH Connection 121 Configuring a Key-Based SSH Connection 12 4 Preventing Connections to Unauthorized Host Servers 12 5 Using SSH as a Tunnel 12 6 Securing Bonjour 12 7 Securing Network Services 12 7 Securing AFP 12 8 Securing Windows Sharing 12 8 Securing Personal Web Sharing 12 8 Securing Remote Login 12 9 Securing FTP Access
12 9 Securing Apple Remote Desktop 12 9 Securing Remote Apple Events 12 9 Securing Printer Sharing 12 9 Securing Xgrid 13 0 Intrusion Detection Systems
Chapter 8 131 Validating System Integrity
131 About Activity Analysis Tools 131 Using Auditing Tools 13 2 Configuring Log Files 13 2 Configuring syslogd 13 3 Local System Logging 13 4 Remote System Logging 13 5 About File Integrity Checking Tools 13 5 About Antivirus Tools
Appendix A 137 Security Checklist
13 7 Installation Action Items 13 8 Hardware and Core Mac OS X Action Items 13 8 Account Configuration Action Items 13 9 Securing System Software Action Items 13 9 .Mac Preferences Action Items
14 0 Accounts Preferences Action Items 14 0 Appearance Preferences Action Items 14 0 Bluetooth Preferences Action Items
141 CDs & DVDs Preferences Actions Items 141 Classic Preferences Action Items
14 2 Dashboard and Exposé Preferences Action Items 14 2 Date & Time Preferences Action Items 14 2 Desktop & Screen Saver Preferences Action Items 14 2 Dock Preferences Action Items 14 3 Energy Saver Preferences Action Items 14 3 Securing International Preferences 14 3 Securing Keyboard & Mouse Preferences 14 3 Network Preferences Action Items 14 4 Print & Fax Preferences Action Items 14 4 QuickTime Preferences Action Items 14 4 Security Preferences Action Items 14 5 Sharing Preferences Action Items 14 5 Software Update Preferences Action Items 14 5 Sound Preferences Action Items 14 5 Speech Preferences Action Items 14 6 Spotlight Preferences Action Items
Contents 7
14 6 Startup Disk Preferences Action Items 14 6 Data Maintenance and Encryption Action Items 14 6 Network Services Configuration Action Items 14 8 System Integrity Validation Action Items
Appendix B 149 Daily Best Practices
14 9 Password Guidelines 14 9 Creating Complex Passwords 15 0 Using an Algorithm to Create a Complex Password
151 Safely Storing Your Password 151 Password Maintenance
15 2 Email, Chat, and Other Online Communication Guidelines 15 2 Computer Usage Guidelines
Glossary 15 5
Index 167
8 Contents

About This Guide

This guide provides an overview of features in Mac OS X that can be used to enhance security, known as hardening your computer.
This guide is designed to give instructions and recommendations for securing Mac OS X version 10.4 or later, and for maintaining a secure computer.

Target Audience

This guide is for users of Mac OS X version 10.4 or later. If you’re using this guide, you should be an experienced Mac OS X user, be familiar with the Mac OS X user interface, and have at least some experience using the Terminal application’s command-line interface. You should also be familiar with basic networking concepts.
Some instructions in this guide are complex, and deviation could result in serious adverse effects on the computer and its security. These instructions should only be used by experienced Mac OS X users, and should be followed by thorough testing.
What’s New in Mac OS X Version 10.4
Mac OS X version 10.4 offers the following major security enhancements: Â Access control lists. Provide flexible file system permissions that are fully compatible
with Windows Server 2003 Active Directory environments and Windows XP clients.
 Secure instant messaging. Your private, secure iChat Server, based on Jabber XMPP
protocol, integrates with Open Directory for user accounts and authentication.
 Software update server. By enabling the new Apple Software Update Server,
administrators can control which updates their users can access and when.
 Certificate management. Certificate Assistant is an easy-to-use utility that helps you
request, issue, and manage certificates.
 Smart cards as keychains. Use a smart card to authenticate to your system or
 Secure erase. Secure erase follows the U.S. Department of Defense standard for the
sanitation fro magnetic media.
 VPN service is now Kerberized. Use Kerberos-based authentication for single sign-on
to a VPN network.
 Firewall enhanced. The firewall service has been enhanced to use the reliable open
source IPFW2 software.
 Antivirus and antispam. New adaptive junk mail filtering using SpamAssassin and
virus detection and quarantine using ClamAV.

What’s in This Guide

This guide can assist you in securing a client computer. It does not provide information about securing servers. For help with securing computers running Mac OS X Server version 10.4. or later, see Mac OS X Server Security Configuration.
This guide includes the following chapters, arranged in the order that you’re likely to need them when securely configuring your computer:
 Chapter 1, “Introducing Mac OS X Security Architecture,” explains the infrastructure of
Mac OS X. It also discusses the different layers of security within Mac OS X.
 Chapter 2, “Installing Mac OS X,” describes how to securely install Mac OS X. The
chapter also discusses how to securely install software updates and explains permissions and how to repair them.
 Chapter 3, “Protecting Hardware and Securing Global System Settings,” explains how
to physically protect your hardware from attacks. This chapter also tells you how to secure settings that affect all users of the computer.
 Chapter 4, “Securing Accounts,” describes the types of user accounts and how to
securely configure an account. This includes securing the system administrator account, using Open Directory, and using strong authentication.
 Chapter 5, “Securing System Preferences,” describes recommended settings to secure
all Mac OS X system preferences.
 Chapter 6, “Securing Data and Using Encryption,” describes how to encrypt your data
and how to use secure erase to ensure old data is completely removed.
 Chapter 7, “Securing Network Services,” describes how to protect the computer by
securely configuring network services.
 Chapter 8, “Validating System Integrity,” describes how to use security audits to
validate the integrity of your computer and data.
 Appendix A, “Security Checklist,” provides a checklist that guides you through
securing your computer.
 Appendix B, “Daily Best Practices,” explains best practices for creating and managing
passwords. It also discusses communication and computer usage guidelines.
 The Glossary defines terms you’ll encounter as you read this guide.
10 Preface About This Guide
Note: Because Apple frequently releases new versions and updates to its software, images shown in this book might be different from what you see on your screen.

Using This Guide

The following are suggestions for using this guide: Â Read the guide in its entirety. Subsequent sections might build on information and
recommendations discussed in prior sections.
 The instructions in this guide should always be tested in a nonoperational
environment before deployment. This nonoperational environment should simulate as much as possible the environment where the computer will be deployed.
 This information is intended for computers running Mac OS X. Before securely
configuring a computer, determine what function that particular computer will perform, and apply security configurations where applicable.
 A security checklist is provided in the appendix to track and record the settings you
choose for each security task and note what settings you change to secure your computer. This information can be helpful when developing a security standard within your organization.
Important: Any deviation from this guide should be evaluated to determine what
security risks it might introduce and take measures to monitor or mitigate those risks.

Using Onscreen Help

To see the latest help topics, make sure the computer is connected to the Internet while you’re using Help Viewer. Help Viewer automatically retrieves and caches the latest help topics from the Internet. When not connected to the Internet, Help Viewer displays cached help topics.

Mac Help

You can view instructions and other useful information and documents in the server suite by using onscreen help.
On a computer running Mac OS X, you can access onscreen help from the Finder or other applications on the computer. Use the Help menu to open Help Viewer.
Preface About This Guide 11
The Mac OS X Server Suite
The Mac OS X Server documentation includes a suite of guides that explain the available services and provide instructions for configuring, managing, and troubleshooting the services. All of the guides are available in PDF format from:
This guide ... tells you how to:
Getting Started, Getting Started Supplement, and Mac OS X Server Worksheet
Collaboration Services Administration
Command-line Administration Use commands and configuration files to perform server
Deploying Mac OS X Computers for K-12 Education
Deploying Mac OS X Server for High Performance Computing
File Services Administration Share selected server volumes or folders among server clients
High Availability Administration Manage IP failover, link aggregation, load balancing, and other
Java Application Server Guide Configure and administer a JBoss application server on Mac OS X
Mac OS X Security Configuration Securely install and configure Mac OS X computers.
Mac OS X Server Security Configuration
Mail Service Administration Set up, configure, and administer mail services on the server.
Migrating to Mac OS X server from Windows NT
Network Services Administration Set up, configure, and administer DHCP, DNS, VPN, NTP, IP firewall,
Open Directory Administration Manage directory and authentication services.
Print Service Administration Host shared printers and manage their associated queues and print
QuickTime Streaming Server 5.5 Administration
System Imaging and Software Update Administration
Upgrading And Migrating Use data and service settings that are currently being used on
Install Mac OS X Server and set it up for the first time.
Set up and manage weblog, chat, and other services that facilitate interactions among users.
administration tasks in a UNIX command shell.
Configure and deploy Mac OS X Server and a set of Mac OS X computers for use by K-12 staff, teachers, and students.
Set up and manage Mac OS X Server and Apple cluster computers to speed up processing of complex computations.
using these protocols: AFP, NFS, FTP, and SMB/CIFS.
hardware and software configurations to ensure high availability of Mac OS X Server services.
Securely install and configure Mac OS X Server computers.
Move accounts, shared folders, and services from Windows NT servers to Mac OS X Server.
and NAT services on the server.
Set up and manage QuickTime streaming services.
Use NetBoot and Network Install to create disk images from which Macintosh computers can start up over the network. Set up a software update server for updating client computers over the network.
earlier versions of the server software.
12 Preface About This Guide
This guide ... tells you how to:
User Management Create and manage user accounts, groups, and computer lists. Set
up managed preferences for Mac OS X clients.
Web Technologies Administration Set up and manage a web server, including WebDAV, WebMail, and
web modules.
Windows Services Administration Set up and manage services including PDC, BDC, file, and print for
Windows computer users.
Xgrid Administration Manage computational Xserve clusters using the Xgrid application.
Mac OS X Server Glossary Learn about terms used for server and storage products.

Getting Documentation Updates

Periodically, Apple posts new onscreen help topics, revised guides, and help topics. The new help topics include updates to the guides.
 To view new onscreen help topics, make sure your computer is connected to the
Internet and access the Mac Help page.
 To download the latest guides and solution papers in PDF format, go to the
Mac OS X Server documentation webpage:

Getting Additional Information

For more information, Apple provides the following resources: Â Read Me documents—Important updates and special information. Look for them on
the installation discs.
 Mac OS X Server website (—Gateway to extensive
product and technology information.
 Apple Support website (—Access to hundreds of articles
from Apple’s support organization.
 Apple Customer Training website (—Instructor-led and self-paced
courses for honing your server administration skills.
 Apple Certification Programs website (—In-depth
certification programs designed to create a high level of competency among Macintosh service technicians, help desk personnel, technical coordinators, system administrators, and other professional users.
 Apple Discussions website (—Discussions forums for
sharing questions, knowledge, and advice with other administrators.
 Apple Product Security Mailing Lists website (
announce)—Mailing lists for communicating by email with other administrators about security notifications and announcements.
 Open Source website (—Access to Darwin open
source code, developer information, and FAQs.
Preface About This Guide 13
 Apple Product Security website (—Access to
security information and resources, including security updates and notifications.
For additional security-specific information, consult these resources: Â NSA security configuration guides (—The National Security
Agency provides a wealth of information on securely configuring proprietary and open source software.
 NIST Security Configuration Checklists Repository (
category.html)—The National Institute of Standards and Technology repository for security configuration checklists.
 DISA Security Technical Implementation Guide (—
The Defense Information Systems Agency guide for implementing secure government networks. A Department of Defense (DoD) PKI Certificate is required to access this information.
 CIS Benchmark and Scoring Tool (—The Center for
Internet Security benchmark and scoring tool used to establish CIS benchmarks.


Apple would like to thank the National Security Agency for their assistance in creating and editing the security configuration guides for Mac OS X 10.4 ‘Tiger’ client and server.
14 Preface About This Guide
1 Introducing Mac OS X Security
Mac OS X delivers the highest level of security through the adoption of industry standards, open software development, and smart architectural decisions.
With Mac OS X, a security strategy is implemented that is central to the design of the operating system, ensuring that your Mac is safe and secure. This chapter describes the features in Mac OS X that can be used to enhance security on your computer.
 Open source foundation. Using open source methodology makes Mac OS X a more
robust, secure operating system, because its core components have been subjected to peer review for decades. Problems can be quickly identified and fixed by Apple and the larger open source community.
 Secure default settings. When you take your Mac out of the box, it is securely
configured to meet the needs of most common usage environments, so you don’t have to be a security expert to setup your computer. The default settings make it very difficult for malicious software to infect your computer. Security can be further configured on the computer to meet organizational or user requirements.
 Modern security architecture. Mac OS X includes state-of-the-art, standards-based
technologies that enable Apple and third-party developers to build secure software for the Mac. These technologies support all aspects of system, data, and networking security required by today’s applications.
 Innovative security applications. Mac OS X includes features that take the worry out
of using a computer. For example, FileVault protects your documents using strong encryption, an integrated VPN client gives you secure access to networks over the Internet, and a powerful firewall secures your home network.
 Rapid response. Because the security of your computer is so important, Apple
responds rapidly to provide patches and updates. Apple works with worldwide partners, including the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), to notify users of any potential threats. Should vulnerabilities be discovered, the built-in Software Update tool automatically notifies users of security updates, which are available for easy retrieval and installation.

Security Architectural Overview

Mac OS X security services are built on two open source standards: Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) and Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA). BSD is a form of the UNIX operating system that provides fundamental services, including the Mac OS X file system, and file access permissions. CDSA provides a much wider array of security services, including finer-grained access permissions, authentication of users’ identities, encryption, and secure data storage. The default security settings on your Mac OS X computer are configured to be secure from local network and Internet attacks.

UNIX Infrastructure

The Mac OS X kernel—the heart of the operating system—is built from BSD and Mach. Among other things, BSD provides basic file system and networking services and implements a user and group identification scheme. BSD enforces access restrictions to files and system resources based on user and group IDs. Mach provides memory management, thread control, hardware abstraction, and interprocess communication. Mach enforces access by controlling which tasks can send a message to a given Mach port (a Mach port represents a task or some other resource). BSD security policies and Mach access permissions constitute an essential part of security in Mac OS X, and are both critical to enforcing local security.

Access Permissions

An important aspect of computer security is the granting or denying of access permissions (sometimes called access rights). A permission is the ability to perform a specific operation, such as gaining access to data or to execute code. Permissions are granted at the level of folders, subfolders, files, or applications. Permissions are also granted for specific data within files or application functions.
Permissions in Mac OS X are controlled at many levels, from the Mach and BSD components of the kernel through higher levels of the operating system, and—for networked applications—through the networking protocols.

Security Framework

Apple built the foundation of Mac OS X and many of its integrated services with open source software—such as FreeBSD, Apache, and Kerberos, among many others—that has been made secure through years of public scrutiny by developers and security experts around the world. Strong security is a benefit of open source software because anyone can freely inspect the source code, identify theoretical vulnerabilities, and take steps to strengthen the software. Apple actively participates with the open source community by routinely releasing updates of Mac OS X that are subject to independent developers’ ongoing review—and by incorporating improvements. An open source software development approach provides the transparency necessary to ensure that Mac OS X is truly secure.
16 Chapter 1 Introducing Mac OS X Security Architecture
This open approach has clear advantages and a long, well-documented history of quickly identifying and correcting source code that could potentially contain exploitable vulnerabilities. Mac OS X users can comfortably rely on the ongoing public examination by large numbers of security experts, which is made possible by Apple’s open approach to software development. The result is an operating system that is inherently more secure.

Layered Security Defense

Mac OS X security is built on a layered defense for maximum protection. Security features provide solutions for securing data at all levels, from the operating system and applications to networks and the Internet.
 Secure worldwide communication—Firewall and mail filtering help prevent
malicious software from compromising your computer.
 Secure applications—Authentication using keychains and encryption using FileVault
helps prevent intruders from using your applications and viewing data on your computer.
 Secure network protocols—Secure sockets layer helps prevent intruders from
viewing information exchange across a network and Kerberos secures the authentication process.
 Operating system—POSIX and ACL permissions help prevent intruders from
accessing your files.
 Hardware—The Open Firmware Password application helps prevent people who can
access your hardware from gaining root-level access permissions to your computer files.
Secure Worldwide Communication Internet
Secure Applications
Secure Network Protocols
Security Services
Secure Boot/”Lock Down”
Chapter 1 Introducing Mac OS X Security Architecture 17
Operating System

Built-In Security Services

Mac OS X has several security services that are managed by the security server daemon. Security server implements several security protocols such as encryption, decryption, and authorization computation. The use of the security server to perform actions with cryptographic keys enables the security implementation to maintain the keys in a separate address space from the client application, keeping them more secure.

Keychain Services

A keychain is used to store passwords, keys, certificates, and other secrets. Due to the sensitive nature of this information, keychains use cryptography to encrypt and decrypt secrets, and they safely store secrets and related data in files.
The Mac OS X keychain services enable you to create keychains and provide secure storage of keychain items. Once a keychain is created, you can add, delete, and edit keychain items, such as passwords, keys, certificates, and notes for one or more users. A user can unlock a keychain through authentication (by using a password, digital token, smart card, or biometric reader) and applications can then use that keychain to store and retrieve data, such as passwords.

Secure Transport Services

Secure Transport is used to implement Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. These protocols provide secure communications over a TCP/IP connection such as the Internet by using encryption and certificate exchange.

Certificate, Key, and Trust Services

The certificate, key, and trust services include functions to:
 Create, manage, and read certificates  Add certificates to a keychain  Create encryption keys  Manage trust policies
These functions are carried out when the services call a variety of Common Security Service Manager (CSSM) functions. This is all transparent to users.

Authorization Services

Authorization services give applications control over access to specific operations within an application. For example, a directory application that can be started by any user can use authorization services to restrict access for modifying directory items to administrators. In contrast, BSD provides access permissions only to an entire file or application.
18 Chapter 1 Introducing Mac OS X Security Architecture

Smart Card Services

A smart card can be a plastic card (similar in size to a credit card) or a USB dongle that has memory and a microprocessor embedded in it. The smart card is capable of both storing information and processing it. Smart cards can securely store passwords, certificates, and keys. A smart card normally requires a personal identification number (PIN) or biometric measurement (such as a fingerprint) as an additional security measure. Because it contains a microprocessor, a smart card can carry out its own authentication evaluation offline before releasing information. Smart cards can exchange information with a computer through a smart card reader.

Authorization versus Authentication

Authorization is the process by which an entity, such as a user or a computer, obtains the right to perform a restricted operation. Authorization can also refer to the right itself, as in “Anne has the authorization to run that program.” Authorization usually involves first authenticating the entity and then determining whether it has the appropriate permissions.
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or service. Authentication is normally done as a step in the authorization process. Some applications and operating system components carry out their own authentication. Authentication might use authorization services when necessary.
Chapter 1 Introducing Mac OS X Security Architecture 19
20 Chapter 1 Introducing Mac OS X Security Architecture
2 Installing Mac OS X
Though the default installation of Mac OS X is highly secure, it can be customized for your particular network security needs.
By securely configuring the different stages of the installation process and understanding Mac OS X permissions, you can make sure that your computer is hardened to match your security policy.

System Installation Overview

If Mac OS X was already installed on the computer, consider reinstalling it. By reinstalling Mac OS X, and reformatting the volume, you avoid potential vulnerabilities caused by previous installations or settings.
Because there might still be some recoverable data left on the computer, you should securely erase the partition that you’re installing Mac OS X on. For more information, see “Using Disk Utility to Securely Erase a Disk or Partition” on page 109.
If you decide against securely erasing the partition, securely erase free space after installing Mac OS X. For more information, see “Using Disk Utility to Securely Erase Free Space” on page 111.

Disabling the Open Firmware Password

Before installing Mac OS X, you should first disable the Open Firmware password.
If you already have Mac OS X version 10.4 installed, you can use the Open Firmware Password application to disable the Open Firmware password. For more information, see “Using the Open Firmware Password Application” on page 36.
Note: If you are using an Intel-based Macintosh computer, you cannot use the following method to disable the Open Firmware password. Use the Open Firmware Password application instead.
To disable the Open Firmware password:
1 Restart the computer while holding down the Command, Option, O, and F keys.
2 Enter the Open Firmware password when prompted.
If you are not prompted to enter a password, the Open Firmware password is already disabled.
3 Enter the following commands:

Installing from CD or DVD

When you install Mac OS X version 10.4 from the original installation discs, you should do two things: erase the partition where you will install Mac OS X, and install only the packages that you plan on using.
Before installing Mac OS X, you should first securely erase the partition you want to install Mac OS X on. For more information, see “Using Disk Utility to Securely Erase a Disk or Partition” on page 109.
WARNING: To install Mac OS X, you must erase the contents of the partition you’re
installing on. Be sure to back up the files that you want to keep before continuing.
To install Mac OS X version 10.4 from the original installation discs:
1 Insert the first of the Mac OS X installation discs in the optical drive.
2 Restart the computer while holding down the C key.
The computer will start up using the disc in the optical drive.
3 Follow the installation steps until you reach the “Select a Destination” step.
4 Choose a partition to install Mac OS X on, and click Options. Select “Erase and Install.”
In “Format disk as,” choose “Mac OS Extended (Journaled).”
Mac OS Extended disk formatting provides extended file characteristics that enhance multiplatform interoperability.
5 Click OK and then click Continue.
6 In the “Easy Install on partition_name” step, click Customize. Deselect any packages that
you do not plan on using. Do not select the X11 package unless you have a use for it.
The X11 X Window system lets you run X11-based applications in Mac OS X. While this might be useful, it also makes it harder to maintain a secure configuration.
Removing additional unused packages not only frees up disk space, but reduces the risk of attackers leveraging potential vulnerabilities in unused components.
7 Click Install.
22 Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X

Installing from the Network

There are several ways to deploy images from the network. When choosing a method, make sure you can do it securely. When retrieving the image over a network, make sure that the network is isolated and can be trusted. For information about deploying images from a network, see the getting started guide. Verify the image to make sure that it is correct. For more information about verifying images, see “Verifying the Integrity of Software” on page 28.

Restoring from Preconfigured Disk Images

One of the most efficient ways to deploy secure computers is to configure a model computer first, using all of the security settings requested by your organization. Create a disk image of the computer after thoroughly testing the computer’s settings, making sure that the computer meets your organization’s standards. You can then deploy this image without having to manually configure individual settings on each computer.
You can use NetBoot or Apple Software Restore (ASR) to restore your computer from a network-based disk image. With NetBoot, you can restore an image directly from the network. With ASR, you can restore an image deployed by an ASR server, or you can save that image to disk. By saving the image to disk, you can verify its validity before using it. If you’re deploying multiple computers simultaneously, ASR can be much more efficient.
For information about how to use NetBoot, see the system imaging and software update administration guide. For information about how to use ASR, enter man asr in a Terminal window. For information about how to use Disk Utility to create disk images, see the system imaging and software update administration guide.

Initializing System Setup

After installing Mac OS X, the computer restarts and loads Setup Assistant.

Using Setup Assistant

Setup Assistant initially configures Mac OS X. You can use Setup Assistant to transfer information from other computers and send registration information to Apple. Setup Assistant configures the first account on the computer as an administrator account. Administrator accounts should only be used for administration. Users should use standard user accounts for day-to-day computer use.
Note: Apple protects information submitted by the Setup Assistant, but you should avoid entering any information considered sensitive by your organization.
To use Setup Assistant without providing confidential information:
1 Proceed to the Do You Already Own a Mac step. Select “Do not transfer my
information,” and click Continue.
Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X 23
2 Proceed to the Your Internet Connection step. Click Different Network Setup.
Select “My computer does not connect to the Internet,” and click Continue.
Even if you can configure the computer to access your network, you should disable network access until your network services settings are secure and validated. For more information, see Chapter 7, “Securing Network Services,” on page 113.
If you don’t disable your network connection, an additional step, Enter Your Apple ID, appears. Don’t enter any values in the provided fields. The administrator account should only be used for administration, so there’s no need for an Apple ID.
3 In Registration Information, press Command-Q. Click “Skip to bypass the remaining
registration and setup process.”
When you bypass the remaining registration and setup process, you can’t go back to change any settings. Before bypassing, you might want to go back through the steps to remove any sensitive information. Once you enter information in the Your Internet Connection step, you cannot go back to that step to change your network settings. You can then only change network settings after completing installation.
If you enter registration information, an additional step, Register With Apple, will be added later in the installation process. Select Register Later, but don’t register with Apple.

Creating Initial System Accounts

After completing the initial steps of Setup Assistant, you’re presented with the Create Your Account step. In this step, you create a system administrator account. You should make sure that this account is as secure as possible.
Note: The system administrator account should be used only for performing administrative tasks. You should also create additional accounts for nonadministrative use. For more information, see “Types of User Accounts” on page 41.
To set up a secure system administrator account:
1 In the Name and Short Name fields, enter names that are not easily guessed.
Avoid easily guessed names and short names like “administrator” and “admin.” You can use either the long name or the short name when you’re authenticating. The short name is often used by UNIX commands and services.
2 In the Password and Verify fields, enter a complex password that is at least twelve
characters long and composed of mixed-cased characters, numbers, and special characters (such as ! or @).
Mac OS X supports only passwords that contain standard ASCII characters.
For more information, see “Creating Complex Passwords” on page 149.
24 Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X
3 In the Password Hint field, do not enter any information related to your password.
If a hint is provided, the user is presented with the hint after three failed authentication attempts. Any password-related information provided in the field could compromise the integrity of the password. Adding contact information for your organization’s technical support line would be convenient and doesn’t compromise password integrity.
4 Click Continue.

Setting Correct Time Settings

After creating the system administrator account, you’ll configure the computer’s time settings. You must configure the computer’s time settings correctly because several authentication protocols, such as Kerberos, require valid time settings to work properly. Also, security auditing tools rely on valid time settings.
Mac OS X can set the time automatically by retrieving date and time information from a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. You should still set valid time settings in case you decide to disable this feature, or incase you don’t have access to a secure internal NTP server.
For more information about using a secure NTP server, see “Securing Date & Time Preferences” on page 72.

Updating System Software

After installing Mac OS X, be sure to install the latest approved security updates. Mac OS X includes Software Update, an application that downloads and installs software updates either from Apple’s Software Update server or from an internal software update server. You can configure Software Update so that it checks for updates either periodically or whenever you choose. You can also configure Software Update to download, but not install, updates, in case you want to install them later.
Before installing updates, check with your organization for their policy on downloading updates. They might prefer that you use an internal software update server, which reduces the amount of external network traffic and lets the organization prequalify software updates against organization configurations before updating individual systems.
Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X 25
System updates should be installed immediately after the operating system installation. Software updates are obtained and installed in several ways:
 Using Software Update to download and install updates from an internal software
update server
 Using Software Update to download and install updates from Internet-based
software update servers
 Manually downloading and installing updates as separate software packages
Important: All security updates published by Apple contain fixes for security issues,
and are usually released in response to a specific known security problem. Applying these updates is essential.
If Software Update does not install an update that you request, contact your network administrator. Failure to update indicates that the requested update might be a malicious file.
Important: If you have not secured and validated your settings for network services
you should not enable your network connection to install software updates. For information, see Chapter 7, “Securing Network Services,” on page 113. Until you have securely configured your network services settings, you will be limited to using the manual method of installing software updates.
For more information, see “Securing Software Update Preferences” on page 90.

Updating from an Internal Software Update Server

Your computer automatically looks for software updates on an internal software update server. By using an internal software update server, you reduce the amount of data transferred outside of the network. Your organization can control which updates can be installed on your computer.
If you run Software Update on a wireless network or untrusted network, you run a chance of downloading malicious updates from a rogue software update server. Software Update, however, will not install a package that has not been digitally signed by Apple.
If you connect your computer to a network that manages its client computers, the network can require that the computer use a specified software update server. Or, you can enter the following command in a Terminal window to specify your software update server:
defaults write CatalogURL http://
address of your software update server.
with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP
26 Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X

Updating from Internet-Based Software Update Servers

Before connecting to the Internet, make sure your network services are securely configured. For information, see Chapter 7, “Securing Network Services,” on page 113.
Instead of using your operational computer to check for and install updates, consider using a test-bed computer to download updates and verify file integrity before installing updates. You can then transfer the update packages to your operational computer. For instructions on installing the updates, see “Updating Manually from Installer Packages” on page 27.
You can also download software updates for all of Apple’s products at
To download and install software updates using Software Update:
1 Choose Apple () > Software Update.
After Software Update looks for updates to your installed software, it displays a list of all updates. To get older versions of updates, go to the software update website at
2 Select the updates you want to install, and choose Update > Install and Keep Package.
When you keep the package, it is stored in the /Library/Packages/ folder. If you do not want to install any of the updates, click Quit.
3 Accept the licensing agreements to start installation.
Some updates might require your computer to restart. If, after installing updates, Software Update asks you if you want to restart the computer, do so.
Important: Make sure updates are installed when the computer can be restarted
without affecting the users accessing the server.

Updating Manually from Installer Packages

Software updates can be manually downloaded for all of Apple’s products from using a computer designated specifically for downloading and verifying updates. The download should be done separately so that file integrity can be verified before the updates are installed.
It is possible to review the contents of each security update before installing it. To see the contents of a security update, go to Apple’s Security Support Page at and click the “Security Updates page” link.
To manually download, verify and install software updates:
1 Go to and download the necessary software
updates on a computer designated for verifying software updates.
Note: Updates provided through Software Update might sometimes appear earlier than the standalone updates.
Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X 27
2 Review the SHA-1 digest (also known as a checksum) for each update file downloaded,
which should be posted online with the update package.
3 Check all downloaded updates for viruses.
4 Verify the integrity of each update.
For more information, see“Verifying the Integrity of Software” on page 28.
5 Transfer the update packages from your test computer to your current computer. The
default download location for update packages is /Library/Packages/. You can transfer update packages to any location on your computer.
6 Double-click the package. If the package is located within a disk image (dmg) file,
double-click the dmg file, and then double-click the package.
7 Proceed through the installation steps.
8 Restart the computer, if requested.
Install the appropriate system update and then install any subsequent security updates. These updates should be installed in order by release date, oldest to newest.

Verifying the Integrity of Software

Software images and updates can include a SHA-1 digest, which is also known as a checksum. You can use this SHA-1 digest to verify the integrity of the software. Software updates retrieved and installed automatically from Software Update verify the checksum before installation.
To verify software integrity:
1 Open Terminal.
2 Use the sha1 command to display a files a file’s SHA-1 digest.
$ /usr/bin/openssl sha1
is the full path filename of the update package or image for
which the SHA-1 digest is being checked.
If provided, the SHA-1 digest for each software update or image should match the digest created for that file. If it does not, the file was corrupted in some way and a new copy should be obtained.

Repairing Disk Permissions

Before you modify or repair disk permissions, you should understand Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) and Access Control List (ACL) permissions. POSIX permissions are standard for UNIX operating systems. ACL permissions are used by Mac OS X, and are compatible with Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP.
28 Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X

Kinds of Permissions

Before you modify or repair disk permissions, you should understand the two kinds of file and folder permissions that Mac OS X Server supports:
 Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) permissions—standard for UNIX
operating systems.
 Access Control Lists (ACLs) permissions—used by Mac OS X, and compatible with
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows XP.
Note: In this guide, the term “privileges” refers to the combination of ownership and permissions, while the term “permissions” refers only to the permission settings that each user category can have (Read & Write, Read Only, Write Only, and None).

POSIX Permissions Overview

POSIX permissions let you control access to files and folders. Every file or folder has read, write, and execute permission defined for three different categories of users (Owner, Group, and Everyone). There are four types of standard POSIX permissions that you can assign: Read&Write, Read Only, Write Only, None.
For more information, see “Setting POSIX Permissions” on page 97.

ACL Permissions Overview

Access Control List provides an extended set of permissions for a file or folder and enables you to set multiple users and groups as owners. An ACL is a list of access control entries (ACEs), each specifying the permissions to be granted or denied to a group or user, and how these permissions are propagated throughout a folder hierarchy. In addition, ACLs are compatible with Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, giving you added flexibility in a multiplatform environment.
ACLs provide more granularity when assigning privileges than POSIX permissions. For example, rather than giving a user full write permission, you can restrict him or her to the creation of only folders and not files.
If a file or folder has no ACEs defined for it, Mac OS X applies the standard POSIX permissions. If a file or folder has one or more ACE defined for it, Mac OS X starts with the first ACE in the ACL and works its way down the list until the requested permission is satisfied or denied. After evaluating the ACEs, Mac OS X evaluates the standard POSIX permissions defined for the file or folder. Then, based on the evaluation of ACL and standard POSIX permissions, Mac OS X determines what type of access a user has to a shared file or folder.
For more information, see “Setting ACL Permissions” on page 101.
Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X 29

Using Disk Utility to Repair Disk Permissions

Installing software sometimes causes file permissions to become incorrectly set. Incorrect file permissions can create security vulnerabilities. Disk Utility repairs only POSIX permissions or the minimal ACL permissions.
Most software you install in Mac OS X is installed from package (.pkg) files. Each time something is installed from a package file, a “Bill of Materials”(.bom) file is stored in the packages receipt file. Each Bill of Materials file contains a list of the files installed by that package, along with the proper permissions for each file.
When you use Disk Utility to verify or repair disk permissions, it reads the Bill of Materials files from the initial Mac OS X installation and compares its list to the actual permissions on each file listed. If the permissions differ, Disk Utility can repair them.
You should repair disk permissions, if you experience symptoms that indicate permission related problems after installing software, software updates, or applications.
Note: If you’ve modified permissions for files, in accordance with organizational policies, be aware that repairing disk permissions can reset those modified permissions to those stated in the “Bill of Materials” files. After repairing permissions, you should re-apply the file permission modifications to stay within your organizational policies.
To repair disk permissions:
1 Open Disk Utility.
2 Select the partition that you want to repair.
Be careful to select a partition, not a drive. Partitions are contained within drives and are indented one level in the list on the left.
3 Click Repair Disk Permissions.
If you do not select a partition, this button is disabled.
4 Choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility.
5 Choose Installer > Quit Installer, and click Restart.
30 Chapter 2 Installing Mac OS X
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