Sirona Orthophos Plus Service manual

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The following are also required:
Spare parts list
Order no. 41 63 841
Circuit diagrams
– Hexagonal-head screwdrivers, angled, sizes 1, 5, 2 – 10 – Allen key, size 4, length 200 mm, for socket head screws – Set of hexagonal wrenches, sizes 4 – 14 with 1/4” ratschet, extension and
4 socket head (Allen) inserts 3 – 6 mm – Spirit level – Open-end wrenches, sizes 5.5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 30, and 19, 22 for Ceph – Torx screwdrivers, sizes 10, 20, 25 – Phillips)-head srewdriver, size 1 – Insulated slot-head screwdrivers, sizes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 – Pliers for retaining ring
Auxillary means
– Digital multimeter, accuracy class 1 – Soldering iron for cable repairs – Diagonal cutter – Cable ties – Teflon insulating tape
Important Notes 1
List of Messages
Checks and Adjustments
Service Routines
Technical modifications
1 Important Notes ................................................................................................................... 1 - 1
1.1 Important Notes ......................................................................................................... 1 - 3
1.2 List of software versions ........................................................................................... 1 - 5
1.3 Major Assemblies and Components .......................................................................... 1 - 6
1.4 Removing Panels ...................................................................................................... 1 - 9
1.5 Photographs of PC Boards ...................................................................................... 1 - 11
2 List of Messages................................................................................................................... 2 - 1
2.1 List of Help Messages .............................................................................................. 2 - 3
2.2 List of Error Messages ............................................................................................. 2 - 4
2.3 List of Service Routines ............................................................................................ 2 - 9
2.4 List of Error Messages for SIDEXIS ....................................................................... 2 - 10
3 Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................... 3 - 1
3.1 Unit cannot be switched on ....................................................................................... 3 - 7
3.2 Demonstration mode cannot be turned ON/OFF ...................................................... 3 - 9
3.3 Correcting error of help message H3 01. ............................................................... 3 - 11
3.4 Correcting errors of help messages H3 05 and H3 06. ........................................... 3 - 13
3.5 Correcting error of help message H3 07. ................................................................ 3 - 15
3.6 Correcting error of help message H3 12. ................................................................ 3 - 17
3.7 Correcting error of help message H3 16. ................................................................ 3 - 19
3.8 Correcting error of messages E1 01, E1 02, E2 03: Signal paths to
control board DX1 are interrupted. .......................................................................... 3 - 21
3.9 Correcting error of message E2 01: X-ray tube assembly overheated. .................. 3 - 23
3.10 Correcting error of message E2 04: Zero power range has been re-initialized. ...... 3 - 25
3.11 Correcting error of message E2 10: Max. radiation time of the
program is exceeded. .............................................................................................. 3 - 27
3.12 Correcting error of message E2 11: Anode voltage too high. ................................. 3 - 29
3.13 Correcting error of message E2 12: Anode current too high. .................................. 3 - 31
3.14 Correcting error of message E2 13: Filament voltage too high. .............................. 3 - 33
3.15 Correcting error of message E2 14: Short-circuit in bridge .................................... 3 - 35
3.16 Correcting error of message E2 15: VH
3.17 Correcting error of message E2 16: kV
3.18 Correcting error of message E2 20: Interrupted exposure lead in
Multitimer cable. ...................................................................................................... 3 - 41
3.19 Correcting error of message E2 40: VH setpoint out of tolerance. .......................... 3 - 45
3.20 Correcting error of message E2 45: mA setpoint out of tolerance. ......................... 3 - 47
3.21 Correcting error of messages E3 01, E3 02: Actuator M2 has not
left/reached the tripping position. ............................................................................ 3 - 49
3.22 Correcting error of messages E3 03, E3 04: Actuator M3 has
not left/reached the tripping position. ...................................................................... 3 - 51
continuously present. .......................... 3 - 37
– Cable is interrupted. ................... 3 - 39
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3.23 Correcting error of messages E3 05, E3 06: Cassette carriage has not
left/reached the reference point. ............................................................................... 3 - 53
3.24 Correcting error of message E3 09: Pulses for height adjustment are not
within allowed time. .................................................................................................. 3 - 55
3.25 Correcting error of messages E3 10, E3 11: Count for height adjustment
too high/too low for reference setting. ...................................................................... 3 - 59
3.26 Correcting error of message E3 12: Key for height adjustment pressed
during unit self-adjustment. ...................................................................................... 3 - 61
3.27 Correcting error of messages E3 27, E3 28: Zero point of forehead
support was not exited/reached. .............................................................................. 3 - 63
3.28 Correcting error of messages E3 32, E3 33: Start position for rotation was
not exited/reached. ................................................................................................... 3 - 65
3.29 Correcting error of message E3 36: Cassette holder was swivelled from the
Pan position during Pan exposure. ........................................................................... 3 - 69
3.30 Correcting error of message E3 39: Light barrier for Ceph position rotation
indicates invalid status ............................................................................................. 3 - 73
3.31 Correcting error of message E3 46: Position of cassette holder cannot
be determined. ......................................................................................................... 3 - 75
3.32 Correcting error of message E3 51: Faulty signals output by the
film drive control. ...................................................................................................... 3 - 77
3.33 Correcting error of message E4 01: Exposure aborted by SIDEXIS (with XOP) ..... 3 - 79
3.34 Correcting error of message E4 01: Exposure aborted by SIDEXIS (with XAB) ...... 3 - 81
3.35 Correcting error of message E4 02: Fault indicated by control unit of
Ceph motor. ............................................................................................................. 3 - 83
3.36 Correcting error of message E4 03: Light barrier for Ceph control not
emitting any pulses. ................................................................................................. 3 - 87
3.37 Correcting error of message E4 04: Motor M8 for secondary
diaphragm not moving. ............................................................................................. 3 - 89
3.38 Correcting error of message E4 06: Fault at one of the supply voltages
(with XOP) ................................................................................................................ 3 - 93
3.39 Correcting error of message E4 06: Fault at one of the supply voltages
(with XAB) ................................................................................................................ 3 - 95
3.40 Correcting error of message E4 08: Aborted by SIDEXIS during radiation
(with XOP) ................................................................................................................ 3 - 97
3.41 Correcting error of message E4 08: Aborted by SIDEXIS during radiation
(with XAB) .............................................................................................................. 3 - 101
3.42 Correcting error of message E4 09: Faulty signal from limit switches of
Ceph drive. ............................................................................................................. 3 - 105
3.43 Correcting error of message E4 11: Image receptor not ready for exposure
(with XOP) .............................................................................................................. 3 - 107
3.44 Correcting error of message E4 11: Image receptor not ready for exposure
(with XAB) .............................................................................................................. 3 - 111
3.45 Correcting error of message E4 14: Ceph holder not moving. ............................... 3 - 115
3.46 Correcting error of message E4 15: Ceph holder has not moved to the
upper/lower limit switch. ......................................................................................... 3 - 119
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3.47 Correcting error of message E4 16: Active signal present when switching ON
(with XOP) ............................................................................................................. 3 - 121
3.48 Correcting error of message E4 16: Active signal present when switching ON
(with XAB) ............................................................................................................. 3 - 123
4 Checks and Adjustments...................................................................................................... 4 - 1
4.1 Phantom radiograph — Adjusting actuators M2/M3 .................................................. 4 - 5
4.2 Checking and adjusting the X-ray beam for panorama radiograph ......................... 4 - 13
4.3 Checking and adjusting the X-ray beam for cephalometry..................................................
Cephalometer model No 33 14 320 ....... 4 - 19
4.4 Checking and adjusting the X-ray beam for cephalometry..................................................
Cephalometer model No 15 38 177 ....... 4 - 21
4.5 Checking the symmetry on the Cephalometer
Cephalometer model No 33 14 320 ....... 4 - 23
4.6 Checking the symmetry on the Cephalometer
Cephalometer model No 15 38 177 ....... 4 - 25
4.7 Checking and adjusting the ear olives Cephalometer model No 33 14 320 ....... 4 - 27
4.8 Checking and adjusting the ear olives Cephalometer model No 15 38 177 ....... 4 - 29
4.9 X-ray tube assembly: action to be taken during/after replacement ......................... 4 - 31
4.10 Radiographic density of spinal column not correct .................................................. 4 - 33
4.11 Checking exposure times ........................................................................................ 4 - 35
4.12 Checking the tube current ....................................................................................... 4 - 37
4.13 Adjusting board DX1 ............................................................................................... 4 - 39
4.14 Adjusting the correction switch for height adjustment ............................................. 4 - 41
4.15 Adjusting board DX8 (ABV adjustment) .................................................................. 4 - 43
4.16 Change anomaly basic setting ................................................................................ 4 - 45
5 Service Routines .................................................................................................................. 5 - 1
5.1 Selecting Service routines ......................................................................................... 5 - 7
5.2 Setting exposure readiness on the PC ...................................................................... 5 - 9
5.3 Service routine S.01 Radiation without rotation ...................................................... 5 - 11
5.4 Service routine S.02 Radiation without rotation for Ceph ........................................ 5 - 13
5.5 Service routine S.03 Setpoints: kV, mA, preheating ................................................ 5 - 15
5.6 Service routine S.04 Actual values: kV, mA, preheating .......................................... 5 - 19
5.7 Service routine S.05 Heating adjustment ................................................................ 5 - 23
5.8 Service routine S.06 Radiation counter (decimal display) ....................................... 5 - 27
5.9 Service routine S.07 Erasing the error memory ...................................................... 5 - 29
5.10 Service routine S.09 Erasing EEPROM DX1 .......................................................... 5 - 31
5.11 Service routine S.11 Setting the kV increase correction value for
Panorama radiographs ............................................................................................ 5 - 33
5.12 Service routine S.13 Hardware service ................................................................... 5 - 35
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5.13 Service routine S.14 Rotation functions ................................................................... 5 - 37
5.14 Service routine S.15 Checking the actuators ........................................................... 5 - 41
5.15 Service routine S.16 Film holder service .................................................................. 5 - 45
5.16 Service routine S.17 Unit identification .................................................................... 5 - 49
5.17 Service routine S.18 Checking the height adjustment .............................................. 5 - 51
5.18 Service routine S.19 Checking the forehead support ............................................... 5 - 59
5.19 Service routine S.20 Checking the forehead support width ..................................... 5 - 61
5.20 Service routine S.21 Programming the diaphragm numbers (without TSA) ............. 5 - 63
5.21 Service routine S.21 Programming the TSA diaphragm numbers ........................... 5 - 65
5.22 Service routine S.24 Software-Update of EEPROMS J115 ..................................... 5 - 67
5.23 Service routine S.25 Adjusting the film/screen combination or
the kVmA step series ............................................................................................... 5 - 69
5.24 Service routine S.26 Checking and adjusting AES
(Automatic Exposure Preselection) .......................................................................... 5 - 71
5.25 Service routine S.32 Image receptor service: Panorama /
Service routine S.33 Image receptor service: Ceph ................................................. 5 - 77
5.26 Service routine S.34 Ceph arm service Cephalometer model No 33 14 320 ...... 5 - 83
5.27 Service routine S.35 PC service .............................................................................. 5 - 89
5.28 Service routine S.36 Acceptance test dose measurement ...................................... 5 - 91
5.29 Service routine S.37 XAB OP service ...................................................................... 5 - 93
6 Repairs ..................................................................................................................................6 - 1
6.1 Replacing the gas-operated spring ............................................................................ 6 - 5
6.2 Replacing the rotation motor M1 ................................................................................ 6 - 9
6.3 Replacing the actuators M2/M3 ............................................................................... 6 - 13
6.4 Replacing the height adjustment motor M5 .............................................................. 6 - 15
6.5 Replacing the forehead support and/or the forehead support motor M6 ................. 6 - 17
6.6 Replacing the catch for the bite block/support segment .......................................... 6 - 21
6.7 Replacing the halogen lamp of the light-beam localizer ........................................... 6 - 23
6.8 Replacing the lamp of the Cephalometer Cephalometer model no. 15 38 177 ...... 6 - 27
6.9 Replacing/adjusting the sensor potentiometer of the Cephalometer
Cephalometer model no. 15 38 177 ...... 6 - 29
6.10 Replacing the cassette holder for panoramic radiographs ....................................... 6 - 33
6.11 Replacing the rope and/or the cassette drive motor M4 .......................................... 6 - 35
6.12 Replacing motor M7 and potentiometer R2 ............................................................. 6 - 39
6.13 Replacing motor M8 and potentiometer R3 ............................................................. 6 - 41
6.14 Replacing socket contact for image receptor ........................................................... 6 - 43
6.15 Replacing rotary knob and sensor ejector ................................................................ 6 - 45
6.16 Replacing ring cable L10 .......................................................................................... 6 - 47
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7 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................7 - 1
7.1 Checking the height adjustment ............................................................................... 7 - 7
7.2 Checking the forehead support .............................................................................. 7 - 11
7.3 Checking the diaphragm wheel .............................................................................. 7 - 13
7.4 Checking the cassette holder ................................................................................. 7 - 15
7.5 Checking the image receptor ................................................................................. 7 - 17
7.6 Checking the bite block/contact segment/chin rest in the bite block holder ........... 7 - 19
7.7 Checking the light localizer ..................................................................................... 7 - 21
7.8 Checking the conventional cephalometer ............................................................... 7 - 23
7.9 Checking the digital cephalometer ......................................................................... 7 - 25
7.10 Checking X-ray exposures ..................................................................................... 7 - 27
7.11 Checking the actual kV/mA values and the preheating .......................................... 7 - 29
7.12 AES/phantom/needle phantom exposure with ORTHOPHOS Plus/Plus Ceph ...... 7 - 31
7.13 Phantom/needle phantom exposure with ORTHOPHOS Plus DS/Plus DS Ceph . 7 - 35
7.14 Checking cables for damage .................................................................................. 7 - 37
7.15 Checking the grounding straps ............................................................................... 7 - 39
7.16 Checking the shielding of the cables ...................................................................... 7 - 41
7.17 Checking light barrier housings V2 to V8/ring cable ............................................... 7 - 43
7.18 Checking the toothed belt, deflection roller and toothed roller on
height adjustment motor M5 ................................................................................... 7 - 45
7.19 Checking the flat belt on rotation motor M1 ............................................................ 7 - 49
7.20 Checking the protective ground wire and the unit’s leakage current ...................... 7 - 51
8 Technical modifications .......................................................................................................8 - 1
8.1 History - Service Manual D3297 ............................................................................... 8 - 3
8.2 Additional Documentation: ....................................................................................... 8 - 4
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1 Important Notes

Contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Important Notes
1.1 Important Notes ................................................................................................................... 1 - 3
1.2 List of software versions ..................................................................................................... 1 - 5
1.3 Major Assemblies and Components .................................................................................... 1 - 6
1.4 Removing Panels ................................................................................................................ 1 - 9
1.5 Photographs of PC Boards ................................................................................................ 1 - 11
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1.1 Important Notes

1.1 Important Notes
The ORTHOPHOS® Plus DS / Plus DS Ceph / 5 / Plus / Plus Ceph operates with the following nominal line voltages: 208 V, 230 V, 50/60 Hz. The permissible line voltage fluctuations The internal line resistance
Remote control The unit can be equipped with a remote control inside the treatment room or outside an X-ray room. For the tests the Multitimer can/must be removed from the remote control module and is to be connected directly to the
unit (for remote control with the Multitimer without coiled cable, the coiled cable has to be connected for the tests accord­ing to the installation instructions).
Remember that the fault can then be in the deactivated cable.
Warm-up time, self-adjustment, cool-down time, After power-up the unit always requires a warm-up time of one minute.
During this time, the self-adjustment routine for the mechanical elements and electronics of the unit is executed. Pressing a key during the self-adjustment causes an error indication at the Multitimer and on the lateral operating panel. The cool­down time between two consecutive exposures is ensured by the automatic exposure blockage determined by the pulse/ pause ratio. The count down of the waiting time required is indicated on the Multitimer. The turn-off time of board XAB­OP must be at least 60s; otherwise the unit will not function correctly (no exposure readiness).
For demonstration units Now, no X-ray radiation is generated. Upon completion of the self-adjustment S.88 is indicated on the Multitimer the forehead support has reached position 10.00.
must not exceed 0.8 Ω.
set the test switch S1/S88 on board DX31 to position 2. LED V3 must not light up. Pull plug X2.
are 230 V + 6%, –10%, and 208 V ± 10%.
turn-off time
The overall software version Multitimer D4 as well as the version number of the memory card. Refer to the list of software versions. When switching the unit ON the versions are indicated on the Multitimer for about three seconds after the segment test.
Interference of radio telephones with electromedical equipment The use of mobile telephones in the area of the medical practice or clinic is prohibited in order to ensure the
operational reliability and safety of electromedical equipment.
Disposal The X-ray tube assembly contains a tube which can implode, a small amount of beryllium, a lead lining and some mineral
Removal of the unit Prior to the disassembly and removal of the unit the transport safety screw must be screwed into the vertical column (see Installation Instructions).
Error messages Error messages are indicated on the Multitimer and on the lateral control panel.
Help messages H if radiographic readiness is not reached Help messages are displayed on the Multitimer and on the lateral control panel.
, WARNING, risk of injury
of the unit is determined by the software versions of the EPROMs on board DX1 and of the
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1 - 3
1.1 Important Notes
If you have to remove panels from the unit. Refer to section "Removing panels". With the panels removed, remember that incident direct sunshine or bright room light can cause unit malfunctions by ac-
tivating the light barriers.
Therefore: Avoid direct sunshine and bright lighting above the unit
NOTE: For ORTHOPHOS Plus DS TSA, take TSA image receptor out of side holder before removing the panels.
Remember when reattaching the panels: Secure sheet metal covers with screws.
IMPORTANT: For reasons of EMC it is essential Reinstall all panels.
Do not move the secondary diaphragm by hand or subject it to any stress when removing from the package.
Measurements Before connecting a measuring instrument, always switch the unit OFF. Select the required current/voltage type and set the measuring range according to the expected value. Carry out continuity tests only with the unit switched off.
If the release of several exposures with radiation is required for checking the measuring results, you must observe the specified cool-down intervals. This is ensured by the automatic exposure blockage (see Operating Instructions).
The pulse/interval ratio is 1:10, which means a 10 second pause has to follow after 1 second of radiation. This pulse/in­terval ratio is automatically guaranteed by the automatic exposure blockage.
However, preferable for the X-ray tube is a pulse/pause ratio of 1:20.
to insert all screws.
Adhere to the radiation protection guidelines before generating radiation.
Test runs initiated by pressing the T key on the Multitimer followed by actuation of the exposure release button are exe­cuted without radiation, i.e. the kV/mA displays remain blank. l
Replacing parts Always turn the unit OFF before replacing any parts.
When parts located close to the line transformer are to be replaced, switch off the power at the distributor box for the on­site electrical system for safety reasons
To protect electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) on boards, always wear the wrist band found inside the unit.
The unit must be checked and newly adjusted following the replacement of the DX1 electronics, the X-ray tube assembly or a diaphragm.
The article numbers for ordering spare parts can be found in the spare parts list, order no. 41 63 841. The figures in the spare parts list offer valuable assistance when replacing spare parts.
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1.2 List of software versions

1.2 List of software versions
IMPORTANT: No other combinations of software are allowed since these could result in undefined faults.
ORTHOPHOS Plus DS / Plus DS Ceph
Versions no. memory card
Software Multitimer D4
Software board DX1
0 2 3
0 6
I 4
Unit identification e.g. 10
Overall software
Version 02.1 013 06 18 2.2 1.0 Version 02.2 013 06 20 2.2 Version 02.3 10.96 013 06 21 2.2 2.0 Version 02.4 12.96 013 06 22 2.2 Version 02.4 02.97 013 06 22 2.21 2.1 Version 02.5 06.97 014 06 23 2.21
Version 02.6 01.98 014 06 25 3.2 < to
Version 02.7 06.98 20 06 26 3.2/4.2 Version 02.8 01.99 20 06 27 3.2/4.2 Reduced kV/mA steps Version 03.10 08.99 20 06 30.10 4.2 Version 04.10 09.99 20 06 31.10 4.2/5.2 kV/mA steps adjustable Version 05.10 11.00 20 06 35.10 5.28/5.3/
Version 06.10 04.02 21 06 36.10 5.52/5.54 Correcting error E4 04/E3 48 Version 01.12 07.01 20 06 10.12 5.5 Supports TSA digital Version 02.12 02.02 20 06 10.12 5.52 USB-Box Version 03.12 05.02 21 06 11.12 5.52/5.54 Correcting error E4 04/E3 48 Version 03.12 08.02 21 06 36.10 11.12 5.55
SIDEXIS Service-
3.2 General update has been sent
Pulse/interval blockage 1:10. LEDs of ORTHOPHOS symbol are active during service routines.
to all customers.
Supports XAB-OP
ORTHOPHOS 5 / Plus / Plus Ceph
Unit identification e.g. 50
Overall software DX1
Ver si on
Ver si on
Ver si on
Ver si on
Ver si on
Ver si on
Ver si on
Ver si on
Ver si on
020 06 011.50
020 06 010.51
020 06 010.52
020 06 012.50
020 06 011.51
020 06 012.52
020 06 013.52
021 06 13.50
021 06 014.52
ORTH. Plus
ATTENTION! Invalid data are indicated if DX1 switch S101 is in the wrong position.
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1 - 5

1.3 Major Assemblies and Components

1.3 Major Assemblies and Components
Main switch
Terminal strip K1, transformer T1 and board DX31 behind door and cover.
Remote control . . .
. . . without
coiled cable
. . . with
coiled cable
Rear panel
M6 V2
DX7, A DX32
DX1 DX20, M
Control cable of remote control
M3 V4
R1 V5, V7
M2 V3
M5 V6, V8
DX5 D6
X-ray tube assembly
S3, S4 S2
DX71 DX91
H1, H2 light localizer
Serial no. hardware software
DX71 and DX20 omitted from serial no. 1400 (ORTHOPHOS Plus DS), 50400 (ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph)
DEB discontinued as of serial no. 2000 (ORTHOPHOS Plus DS), 52000 (ORTHOPHOS Plus DS Ceph) and replaced by XAB OP, XAB D
A = Membrane keypad BE = Image receptor DEB, EDC, RHB, D, DX, XAB= PC boards M = Memory card H1 = X-ray tube assembly F1, F2 = Main fuses M1 = Motor for rotation M2/3 = Actuators M5 = Motor for height adjustment M6 = Motor for forehead support movement H1/H2 = Light localizer K = Connector/terminal strips on/in the unit
L = Leads/cables R1 = Potentiometer for forehead support S = Switch S X = Connectors on boards V2 - V8 = Light barriers V2 = Forehead support, zero position V3 = Start position for actuator M2 V4 = Start position for actuator M3 V5 = Start position for rotation V6 = Height adjustment pulses V7 = Rotation ring in Ceph position V8 = Ceph synchronization pulses
= Correction switch for height adjustment
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1 - 6 D 3297. 04.2007
1.3 Major Assemblies and Components
Main switch
Rear panel
Terminal strip K1, transformer T1 and board DX31 behind door and cover.
Remote control . . .
M6 V2
V11, V12
DX8, M4,
DX7, A DX32
M3 V4
R1 V5, V7
M2 V3
M5 V6, V8
X-ray tube assy
H1, H2 Light localizer
DX5 D6
S3, S4 S2
. . . without
coiled cable
A = Membrane keypad D, DX = PC boards M = Memory card H1 = X-ray tube assembly F1, F2 = Main fuses M1 = Motor for rotation M2/3 = Actuators M4 = Motor for cassette movement M5 = Motor for height adjustment M6 = Motor for forehead support movement H1/H2 = light localizer K = Connector/terminal strip on/in the unit L = Leads/cables
. . . with
coiled cable
Control cable of remote control
Serial no. hardware software
R1 = Potentiometer for forehead support S = Switch S X = Connectors on boards V2 - V8 = Light barriers V2 = Forehead support, zero position V3 = Start position for actuator M2 V4 = Start position for actuator M3 V5 = Start position for rotation V6 = Height adjustment pulses V7 = Rotation ring in Ceph position V8 = Ceph synchronization pulses
= Correction switch for height adjustment
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1 - 7
1.3 Major Assemblies and Components
Serial number
DAB = Image receptor supply board, Ceph BE = Image receptor EDC = Image receptor electronics M7 = Motor for Cephalometer with brake
and encoder M8 = Motor for patient diaphragm H3 = Light localizer D10 = Control board D11 = Control panel
LED indication of help messages V1 = Cool-down interval V2 = X-ray tube assembly position Pan / Ceph V3 = Setting of diaphragm V4 = Position of forehead support V5 = Height adjustment V6 = Image receptor plug-in position /
exposed film inserted
V7 = Readiness for exposure SIDEXIS /
cassette holder not in position
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1.4 Removing Panels

1.4 Removing Panels
X-ray tube assembly, rotation ring
Push this cuff aside before lifting off the panel!
Align lower panel to the rotation ring (gap of equal width). Secure with 2 M4 screws from below.
Always tighten the four mounting screws!
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1 - 9
1.4 Removing Panels
Unit carriage
Special screwdriver
Transformer cover
Spare fuses
5 – 29 screws
This cover can only be removed after the panels behind the rotation ring have been taken off.
NOTE: For ORTHOPHOS Plus DS TSA, take TSA imagereceptor out of side holder before removing the panels.
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1.5 Photographs of PC Boards

1.5 Photographs of PC Boards
DX1 board
33 13 108
with Memory Card 256kB
MA setpoint
VH setpoint
Switch S101
Position 2 (at right) otherwise reading from memory card not possible
51 67 080
with Memory Card 256KB or 2MB
Switch S101
Position 2 (at right otherwise reading from memory card not possible
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1 - 11
1.5 Photographs of PC Boards
DX20 / DX31 boards
S.88 Position 2 Demonstration­mode
S.88 Demonstration mode
X2 High voltage
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DX32 board
1.5 Photographs of PC Boards
DX32 E4
DX32 E5
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1 - 13
1.5 Photographs of PC Boards
DX5 / DX8 / DX91 boards
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RHB board
1.5 Photographs of PC Boards
D+5V A+5VA-5VA+24VD+24V+18V-18V
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V200 V100 V112V122V212V232V222
1 - 15
1.5 Photographs of PC Boards
DEB board
V905 V900 V216V221V910 V670 V350 V232V231
V216 LED, Out clock pulses TDI V221 LED, radiographic mode V231 LED, Ceph radiography mode V232 LED, Panoramic radiography mode V350 LED, EDC Reset (not inserted) V670 LED, PC exposure readiness ACTIVE signal V900 LED, digital supply voltage RHB +24V V905 LED, analog supply voltage RHB +24V V910 LED, supply voltage DEB +5V ORTHOPHOS V950 LED, supply voltage DEB +5V PC (if XOP not correctly configured)
V905 V900 V910 V221 V216 V670 V350 V231 V232 V950 Status
XXXStandby Pan
X X X Standby Ceph X X X X X Panoramic radiography mode X X X X X Ceph radiography mode
XXXXglowsX X XCeph radiography mode X-ray
Panoramic radiography mode Image generation test image
Ceph radiography mode Image generation test image
Panoramic radiography mode X-ray
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54 53 571 D 3297
XAB OP and XAB D boards
1.5 Photographs of PC Boards
V900 V901
V900 = RD Transmit, GN Receive V901 = RD Link (adress recognition), GN 100Mbps (Megabits per sec)
Coding switch
V12 V11
V5 LED, TDI distance pulses V6 LED, IMAGE radiographic mode V7 LED, radiographic mode Pan/Ceph V8 LED, Panorama-Aufnahmemodus V9 LED, V continuous V10 LED, VCC +5V V11 LED, Digital supply voltage +24V V12 LED, Analog supply voltage +24V V13 LED, PC exposure readinesst ACTIVE signal
V13 V5
V6 V7 V8
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1.5 Photographs of PC Boards
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2 List of Messages

Contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
List of Messages
2.1 List of Help Messages ........................................................................................................ 2 - 3
2.2 List of Error Messages ........................................................................................................ 2 - 4
2.3 List of Service Routines ...................................................................................................... 2 - 9
2.4 List of Error Messages for SIDEXIS ................................................................................. 2 - 10
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