Sirona Heliodent Plus Service manual

Cover page
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Table of contents
Service Manual HELIODENT

Table of contents

General information.................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Structure of the document............................................................................. 7
1.1.1 Identification of the danger levels..................................................... 7
1.1.2 Formats and symbols used .............................................................. 7
1.2 General safety information ............................................................................ 8
1.3 Operation notes............................................................................................. 9
1.4 Changing the device configuration................................................................ 11
1.4.1 Changing the cone length ................................................................ 11
1.4.2 Using and changing a diaphragm .................................................... 11
1.5 Measures when exchanging spare parts ...................................................... 12
1.5.1 Safety-related tests .......................................................................... 12
1.6 Demo mode................................................................................................... 13
1.7 List of software versions................................................................................ 14
1.8 Round and angular support arm system ....................................................... 14
1.9 The most important subassemblies .............................................................. 15
1.10 Labeling......................................................................................................... 17
1.11 Removing covers .......................................................................................... 19
1.11.1 Wall module ..................................................................................... 19
1.11.2 Remote control and remote timer..................................................... 20
1.11.3 X-ray tube unit.................................................................................. 21
1.12 Overview of PC boards ................................................................................. 22
1.12.1 Generator board DX1....................................................................... 22
1.12.2 Control board DX4 ........................................................................... 23
1.13 Required items .............................................................................................. 24
1.13.1 Additional documents....................................................................... 24
1.13.2 Tools and auxiliary materials............................................................ 24
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List of messages ...................................................................................................... 25
2.1 Error messages............................................................................................. 25
2.1.1 General ............................................................................................ 25
2.1.2 Structure........................................................................................... 25
2.1.3 List of error messages...................................................................... 26
Table of contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual HELIODENT
Troubleshooting....................................................................................................... 29
3.1 Error message: NONE ................................................................................. 29
3.2 Error message: E5 01 02 / E5 01 14 / E5 01 12.......................................... 32
3.3 Error message: E5 01 22 ............................................................................. 33
3.4 Error message: E6 01 23 ............................................................................. 34
3.5 Error message: E7 01 01 ............................................................................. 36
3.6 Error message: E7 04 51 - Door contact error ............................................. 38
Maintenance............................................................................................................ 39
4.1 Checking the shielding ................................................................................. 39
4.1.1 Test ................................................................................................. 39
4.1.2 Positions.......................................................................................... 39
4.2 Checking the protective ground connections ............................................... 41
4.2.1 Test ................................................................................................. 41
4.2.2 Positions.......................................................................................... 41
4.3 Checking exposure time and high voltage kV .............................................. 43
4.4 Checking the deadman function................................................................... 44
4.5 Checking the release button......................................................................... 45
4.5.1 General............................................................................................ 45
4.5.2 Release button on PC board DX1 (coiled cable)............................. 45
4.5.3 Release button on PC board DX4 (coiled cable)............................. 46
4.5.4 Release button on front panel on PC board DX4............................ 47
4.6 Checking the front panel .............................................................................. 48
4.6.1 Visual check .................................................................................... 48
4.6.2 Front panel test ............................................................................... 48
4.7 Checking and adjusting the support arm...................................................... 50
4.7.1 Round support arm system ............................................................. 50
4.7.2 Angular support arm system ........................................................... 51 Checking and adjusting the angular scissor arm.............. 51 Checking and adjusting the angular scissor arm is parallel 52
4.8 Checking the X-ray tube assembly joint....................................................... 54
4.9 Checking the ceiling model .......................................................................... 57
4.10 Checking HELIODENT PLUS on the mobile stand...................................... 59
4.11 Checking the tube current ............................................................................ 60
4.12 Checking the protective ground wires .......................................................... 61
4.13 Checking the unit leakage current................................................................ 63
4.14 Checking insulation resistance on the power supply cord of the mobile stand 64
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Table of contents
Service Manual HELIODENT
Service routines........................................................................................................ 65
5.1 Operation ...................................................................................................... 65
5.2 Overview ....................................................................................................... 66
5.3 Service routines (list)..................................................................................... 67
5.3.1 Service routine S01.......................................................................... 67
5.3.2 Service routine S02.......................................................................... 67
5.3.3 Service routine S03.......................................................................... 67
5.3.4 Service routine S04.......................................................................... 67
5.3.5 Service routine S05.......................................................................... 68
5.3.6 Service routine S06.......................................................................... 68
5.3.7 Service routine S07.......................................................................... 69
5.3.8 Service routine S08.......................................................................... 69
5.3.9 Service routine S09.......................................................................... 69
5.3.10 Service routine S10.......................................................................... 70
5.3.11 Service routine S11.......................................................................... 70
5.3.12 Service routine S12.......................................................................... 70
5.3.13 Service routine S13.......................................................................... 71
5.3.14 Service routine S14.......................................................................... 71
5.3.15 Service routine S15.......................................................................... 72
5.3.16 Service routine S16.......................................................................... 73
5.3.17 Service routine S17.......................................................................... 73
5.3.18 Service routine S18.......................................................................... 74
5.3.19 Service routine S19.......................................................................... 74
5.3.20 Service routine S20.......................................................................... 75
5.3.21 Service routine S21.......................................................................... 75
5.3.22 Service routine S22.......................................................................... 75
5.3.23 Service routine S23.......................................................................... 76
5.3.24 Service routine S24.......................................................................... 76
5.3.25 Service routine S25.......................................................................... 76
5.3.26 Service routine S26.......................................................................... 77
5.3.27 Service routine S27.......................................................................... 77
5.3.28 S28 service routine .......................................................................... 78
5.3.29 Service routine S29.......................................................................... 78
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Table of contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Service Manual HELIODENT
Repair....................................................................................................................... 79
6.1 Safety-related tests ....................................................................................... 79
6.2 Replacing X-ray tube assembly H1............................................................... 79
6.3 Replacing PC board DX1 .............................................................................. 85
6.3.1 Removing a defective board DX1 .................................................... 85
6.3.2 Installing the new board DX1 ........................................................... 86
6.3.3 Connection in the control panel for cable L2.................................... 87
6.3.4 Connecting the power cable............................................................. 87
6.3.5 Attach the EMC additional plate for the wall adapter to the power
6.4 Replacing PC board DX4 .............................................................................. 89
6.5 Replacing the power supply cord for the mobile stand ................................. 90
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT

General information

1.1Structure of the document

Structure of the document

1.1.1 Identification of the danger levels

To prevent personal injury and material damage, please observe the warning and safety information provided in these operating instructions. Such information is highlighted as follows:
An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily injury or death.
A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury.
A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the product or an object in its environment.
Application instructions and other important information.
Tip: Information on making work easier.

1.1.2 Formats and symbols used

The formats and symbols used in this document have the following meaning:
1. First action step
2. Second action step
Alternative action
➢ Individual action step
See "Formats and symbols used [ → 7]"
● List Designates a list.
"Command / menu item" Indicates commands, menu items or
Prompts you to do something.
Identifies a reference to another text passage and specifies its page number.
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1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.2General safety information Service Manual HELIODENT

General safety information

Radiation protection
The valid radiation protection regulations and measures must be observed. The statutory radiation protection equipment must be used.
In case of malfunctions, cancel the exposure immediately by letting go of the exposure release button.
Handling boards
Electrical components of the unit can be destroyed.
Prior to opening the unit
➢ Please comply with the usual precautionary measures for handling
printed circuit boards (ESD).
➢ Make sure you touch a ground point to discharge yourself prior to
touching the components.
➢ Use an ESD wrist band and connect it to the protective ground wire.
Risk of crushing
Gaps appear between the internal hinges when moving the angular support arm.
Fingers may be crushed in these gaps.
➢ Ensure that you never place your fingers in the gaps between the
hinges, neither during operation nor for cleaning purposes.
Installation by authorized personnel
Operational reliability
Installation and servicing may be performed only be personnel specifically authorized by Sirona.
Power connection
Shock hazard
People can be injured or electrical components of the unit destroyed.
➢ It is essential that you switch off the unit PRIOR to beginning the
installation or servicing.
Modification to the product
Modifications to the product
Modifications which may affect the safety of the operators or third parties are prohibited by law!
Support arm system additiona l co mponents
No additional components on the support arm system
It is not permissible to fix additional components to the support arm system.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT
1.3Operation notes
Nominal line voltage
Remote control The unit may be equipped with a remote control to be used inside the
Switch-on procedure

Operation notes

Nominal voltage: 120V, 200V– 240V
Permissible fluctuation: ± 10%
Rated current: At 120 V: 10 A
At 200 – 240 V: 6 – 5 A
Nominal frequency: 50/60 Hz
Internal line impedance: At 120 V 0.3 ohms
At 200 – 240 V 0.8 ohms
treatment room or outside of the X-ray room.
The release button with coiled cable can/must be removed from the remote control and connected directly to the unit for testing.
Keep in mind that the disconnected cable may be the cause of defects.
Do not press any buttons when switching on the unit!
➢ Switch the unit on.
ª It will execute an electronic self-testing routine.
ª The operational readiness indicator must be lit up.
Cooling period The cooling period between two exposures is maintained by an automatic
exposure blocking function according to the pulse/pause ratio.
Software version The DX4 board determines the software version.
You can find the software version with the following steps:
● Start service routine "2."
● A label next to the main switch includes an imprint of the software version.
Disturbance of electronic equipment caused by cell phones
To ensure safe operation of medical electrical equipment, the use of mobile wireless phones in practice or hospital environments is prohibited.
Environmentally sound dis posal
In accordance with Directive 2012/19/EU and national disposal regulations regarding old electrical and electronic devices, please be advised that such items must be disposed of in a special way within the European Union (EU). These regulations require environmental friendly usage/disposal of old electrical and electronic devices. Such items must not be disposed of as domestic refuse. This has been expressed using the icon of the “crossed out trash can” since March 24, 2006, amongst other methods.
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Please observe the disposal regulations applicable in your country.
1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.3Operation notes Service Manual HELIODENT
X-ray tube unit
The X-ray tube assembly contains a tube which can implode, lead lining, and mineral oil.
Removing covers Observe the section on "Removing covers".
Measurements Observe the following when taking measurements:
● Always switch the unit off before connecting a measuring instrument.
● Select the correct current/voltage type and adjust the measuring range to match the expected readings.
● Perform continuity tests only on units which are switched off.
● If several exposures with radiation must be taken to check a measurement, make sure that the prescribed cool-down intervals are observed.
– They are maintained by an automatic exposure blocking function
(see Operating Instructions).
● Observe the radiation protection guidelines before releasing the radiation.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT
1.4Changing the device configuration

Changing the device configuration

1.4.1 Changing the cone length

If the cone length is changed, this change must be registered with service routine S06 [ → 68].

1.4.2 Using and changing a diaphragm

If a diaphragm needs to be used, this change must be registered with service routine S07 [ → 69].
If a diaphragm is replaced or removed, this change must also be registered with service routine S07 [ → 69].
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1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.5Measures when exchanging spare parts Service Manual HELIODENT

Measures when exchanging spare parts

Spare parts
The article numbers for ordering spare parts can be found in the spare parts list, Order No. 62 34 111
The diagrams contained in the spare parts list provide a useful guide when replacing parts.
➢ Always switch the unit off before replacing parts.
The following must be observed when replacing individual subassemblies:
● The unit must be disconnected from the power supply before replacing any parts near the power supply, the power switch, or the power supply board.
Disconnect the unit from the junction box of the building installation.
● Always wear an ESD wrist band to protect sensitive components on printed circuit boards (ESD) and attach it to a ground conductor (green/yellow).
● Always check the unit after replacing PC boards DX1 and DX4 or the X-ray tube assembly.
● For safety reasons, the support arm must be secured with the safety belt when replacing the X-ray tube assembly.

1.5.1 Safety-related tests

A protective conductor test and a leakage current test must be performed prior to the installation or the hand-over of the unit as well as after repair work.
See Sections "Protective conductor test [ → 61]" and "Leakage current test."
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT
1.6Demo mode

Demo mode

1. Set service routine "26" to "On".
2. Switch the unit off.
3. Open the protective cover of the wall module.
4. Attach cables V (blue) and W (pink) on terminal strip X500.
5. Close the protective cover of the wall module.
6. Switch the unit back on.
ª The message "E1 11 88" appears on the display.
7. Acknowledge this message by pressing any key (not a release button).
ª The demo mode is now activated.
ª When a release button is activated, no X-ray radiation will be
The unit is in "demo mode".
1. Set service routine "26" to "Off".
2. Switch the unit off.
3. Open the protective cover of the wall module.
4. Attach cable V (blue) to terminal strip X500.1.
5. Attach cable W (pink) on terminal strip X500.2.
6. Close the protective cover of the wall module.
7. Switch the unit back on.
ª The demo mode was deactivated.
ª When a release button is activated, X-ray radiation will be generated.
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1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.7List of software versions Service Manual HELIODENT

List of software versions

Software Remarks
V02.04.00 1. Series release
V02.05.00 from serial no. 3001
V02.07.00 from serial no. 20001
V02.08.00 new S28 and S29 service routine

Round and angular support arm system

Example of round suppor t arm
The HELIODENT Plus is available with a round and angular support arm system.
In the images which do not exclusively demonstrate the angular support arm system, the round support arm system is shown.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT
1.9The most important subassemblies

The most important subassemblies

Position Designation
A X-ray tube unit
B Scissor arm
C Support arm
D Wall module
● Board DX1
● Front panel
● Control board DX4
E Remote Timer (Optional)
● Front panel
● Control board DX4
F Remote control (optional)
Position Designation
A X-ray tube assembly on overhead support
B LEDview on overhead support
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1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.9The most important subassemblies Service Manual HELIODENT
Position Designation
A X-ray tube unit
B Scissor arm
C 410 mm support arm
D Wall module
● Board DX1
● Front panel
● Control board DX4
E Mobile stand
F Power supply cord
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT


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1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.10Labeling Service Manual HELIODENT
Item Designation Info
10 ID label of X-ray tube assembly attached inside the cone
11 ID label of wall adapter
12 ID label of scissor arm
14 "Follow the operating instructions" label
15 ID label of round cone extension transp. / white print
16 ID label of square cone extension transp. / white print
17 ID label of radiation field limiter 2x3
18 ID label of radiation field limiter 3x4
20 Warning label for HELIODENT PLUS yellow / black print
21 Warning label for X-ray unit Affixed on site
32 ID label of LEDview
40 DHHS label about Regulations 21CFR (45x27) transp. / white print
42 DHHS label UL-CSA white / black print
50 Chinese label for HELIODENT PLUS
51 Chinese label for HELIODENT PLUS (ID)
53 Chinese label for CCIB
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT
1.11Removing covers

Removing covers

1.11.1 Wall module

Removing the cover
1. Turn the unit off.
2. Unlock the housing shell (C) of the support arm above the wall module by pinching the housing shells together at position (S).
3. Remove the housing shell (C) from the support arm.
4. Unscrew and remove the fastening screws (A) from the underside.
5. Pull the protective cover (B) slightly away from the wall and lift it up.
ª You can now remove the protective cover.
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1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.11Removing covers Service Manual HELIODENT
Hanging up the cover
➢ Hang the cover on the side of the wall adapter plate so that it is
securely positioned (see illustration). To do this from serial no. 27 000 onwards, the EMC plate must be removed beforehand.

1.11.2 Remote control and remote timer

Open remote
➢ Detach the housing of the remote control or the Remote Timer by
carefully inserting the tip of a screwdriver in opening A and pressing against the catch. Do not pry with or turn the screwdriver!
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT
1.11Removing covers

1.11.3 X-ray tube unit

1. Unscrew and remove the cover (A).
2. Remove the arm cover (L).
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1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
X400 V413V316
V409 D500
N´ N
X400 V413V316
N´ N
1.12Overview of PC boards Service Manual HELIODENT

Overview of PC boards

1.12.1 Generator board DX1

S1 Power switch F200 /
F300 Fuse for switched-mode power supply
X400 Direct contact with control board DX4 [ → 23] /
V409 LED, setpoint generation
(1A 250V quick-blow, order no.: 10 77 304)
cable L2 or L6.
- LED lights up during an X-ray exposure.
V414 LED, kV controller
V316 LED, supply voltage +15V
X401 Release and safety circuit only for installation
V413 LED, basic heating
V503 LED, kVactual cable
- LED lights up during an X-ray exposure if the kV controller is functioning correctly.
D500 Glow lamp, output stage
- The glow lamp lights up during an X-ray exposure. The high-voltage transformer is activated.
V611 LED, release
- LED lights up when the release button is
X600 Measuring points for the tube current
Fuse for PFC (10A 250V slow-blow, order no.: 10 77 460)
- LED lights up when +15 V supply voltage is present.
options 1, 2, 4, 6, and 6.1
- LED lights up when basic heating is correct.
- LED lights up during an X-ray exposure.
- LED lights up if the kVactual cable is incorrectly connected.
measurement (see section “Checking the tube current [ → 60]”).
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1General information
Service Manual HELIODENT
1.12Overview of PC boards

1.12.2 Control board DX4

(A) Protective circuit (door contact) (B) Release button
(C) EMC shielding V108 LED, +3.3 V for LCD
V200 LED, Debugging V201 LED, status indicator
- LED flashes with 100% unit function.
H200 Acoustic signal
- Acoustic signal sounds during an X-ray exposure.
X103 Direct contact with generator board DX1
[ → 22] / cable L2 (installation options 1, 2, 4, 6 and 6.1)
V600 LED, +8V input voltage V602 LED, +3.3 V controller voltage
X100 Remote timer connection outside the X-ray
X108, X109
X105, X106
Connection to membrane keyboard
Direct contact with generator board DX1 [ → 22] as remote control / cable L6 (installation options 3, 5, 7 and 8)
Changeover switch, internal/external trigger
Changeover switch, safety circuit ON/OFF
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1General information Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.13Required items Service Manual HELIODENT

Required items

1.13.1 Additional documents

● Spare parts list
– Order No.: 62 34 111
● Wiring diagrams
– Order No.: 62 15 086

1.13.2 Tools and auxiliary materials

Allen key / size 13:
● Allen key / size 13:
Spirit level (general purp ose)
● Spirit level
● Screwdriver, Torx
Side cutting pliers
● Side cutting pliers
General purpose adhesi ve tape
, sizes T10, T15, T20 and T30, 200 mm
● adhesive tape
● 2x multimeter or one of each of the following measuring instruments:
– 1x voltmeter
– 1x ammeter
Device leakage current
● Test unit for device leakage current measurement: For measurements, Sirona recommends an automatic tester (example illustration) which complies with standard IEC 62353. If you do not use an automatic tester, please pay attention to the specifications in the standard IEC 62353.
Power source
● Power source for protective ground wire test Technical data:
– No-load voltage max. 6V
– Short-circuit current at least 5A - max. 25A
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2List of messages
Service Manual HELIODENT

List of messages

2.1Error messages

Error messages

2.1.1 General

The error messages appear on the display of the control electronics.
Error messages can be recognized by a six-digit error code (Ex yy zz) beginning with a large E.
The structure of the error messages is explained in the section entitled "Structure [ → 25]".
Handling error messages
As a general rule, error messages are acknowledged via all buttons except for the release button.
If trouble-free operation is possible after the error is acknowledged, then no further action is necessary.
If error messages reoccur or occur frequently or trouble-free operation is not possible, identify the error as described in the section "List of error messages [ → 26]" and take appropriate action to eliminate the corresponding error or fault.

2.1.2 Structure

The codes provide you with error type, error location and troubleshooting information. Plain text error output follows.
The error codes are structured according to the following pattern: Ex yy zz
Explanation of abbreviations:
Ex – Error type
"Remedy" classification for the user. The x character provides a foundation for making quick decisions as to how serious the error is and how to handle the error.
yy – Locality
Describes the impacted functionality.
This functionality can be:
● Subassembly
● Subsystem
● Logical functional unit
zz – Identification
Describes a further specification of the error via a consecutive number with error identification.
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2List of messages Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.1Error messages Service Manual HELIODENT

2.1.3 List of error messages

Error code Description Actions required
None Release does not result in any reaction/
E1 11 88 Demo mode ACTIVE Acknowledge the error message with any
E1 04 03 Acknowledge the error message with any
E1 04 04 Error programming the values. Acknowledge the error message with any
E1 04 60 Error of serial port Replace DX4.
E3 04 30 Power-up error
See Section "Error message NONE [ → 29]
For "normal operation" - change service routine 26 [ → 77]
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced.
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced.
Switch unit OFF and ON again
Release button was actuated during power-on
E3 04 31 Error keys
A front panel key was actuated during power-on
E5 01 02
E5 01 12
No target values are generated
DX4 buzzer sounds, no exposure
E5 01 14
E5 01 32
E5 01 42
E5 01 02
E5 01 12
Buzzer sounds
No exposure
E5 01 14
If the error message reappears, remove the release button.
If there are no more error messages, use a new release button.
If the error message persists, check the cable between DX1 and DX4. DX4 may need to be replaced
Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error reoccurs, perform a key test with Service routine S22 [ → 75].
Key defective? Replace front panel
Check the cable between DX1 and DX4 (B4). Replace the entire cable if necessary.
If the error message reappears, DX1 must be replaced.
Replace DX1
E5 01 32
E5 01 02
E5 01 12
Buzzer sounds
No exposure
See Section ""Error message E5 01 02 / E5 01 12 / E5 01 14 [ → 32]"
E5 01 14
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2List of messages
Service Manual HELIODENT
Error code Description Actions required
E5 01 02
Buzzer sounds
2.1Error messages
Replace DX1
E5 01 14
E7 01 51
E5 01 22 Buzzer does not sound
E5 04 50 Internal software error Switch unit OFF and ON again
E6 01 13 Internal hardware error Replace DX1.
E6 01 31 Internal hardware error Replace DX1
E6 01 41 Buzzer sounds although the release was not
E6 01 23 Cable is incorrectly attached or internal
E6 01 11 Internal hardware error Replace DX1
E6 01 61 Error diagnosis not working Check the cable between DX1 and DX4.
E6 01 62 Error diagnosis not working Check the cable between DX1 and DX4.
no exposure temporarily
No exposure
hardware error
See Section ""Error message E5 01 22 [ → 33]"
Repeat the exposure with the same values
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced.
Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
If the error message reappears, DX1 must be replaced
See Section ""Error message E6 01 23 [ → 34]"
Cable may need to be replaced
Cable may need to be replaced
If the error message reappears, DX1 must be replaced
E6 04 01 Internal hardware error Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
E6 04 02 Internal error Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
E6 04 11 Internal error Replace DX4
E6 04 40 LCD is somewhat darker in some cases Replace DX4
E6 04 41 Power supply of DX4 is interrupted Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
E6 04 42 Power supply of DX4 is interrupted Replace DX4
E6 04 10 Internal error Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
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2List of messages Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.1Error messages Service Manual HELIODENT
Error code Description Actions required
E6 04 06 Internal error Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
E6 04 12 Internal error Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
E6 04 20 Internal error Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
E6 04 21 Internal error Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX4 must be replaced
E7 01 01 Cable is incorrectly attached or internal
hardware error
E7 01 21 Release actuated
See Section ""Error message E7 01 01 [ → 36]"
Check the cable between DX1 and DX4.
No buzzer sound
Cable may need to be replaced
No exposure
E7 01 51 Internal hardware error Switch unit OFF and ON again
If the error message reappears, DX1 must be replaced
E7 04 51 Safety circuit (door contact) Go to section
“Error message: E7 04 51 - Door contact error [ → 38]”
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+ 64 hidden pages