siemens 840D Users Guide

User's Guide 11/2002 Edition
Measuring Cycles SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
Part 1: User's Guide
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
Measuring Cycles
User's Guide
Description of Parameters
Measuring Cycle Auxiliary
Measuring in JOG
Measuring Cycles for
Milling and Machining
Valid for
Control Software version
SINUMERIK 840D 6 SINUMERIK 840DE (export version) 6 SINUMERIK 840D powerline 6 SINUMERIK 840DE powerline 6 SINUMERIK 840Di 2 SINUMERIK 840DiE (export version) 2 SINUMERIK 810D 3 SINUMERIK 810DE (export version) 3 SINUMERIK 810D powerline 6 SINUMERIK 810DE powerline 6
Measuring Cycles for
Turning Machines
Miscellaneous Functions
Part 2: Description of
Hardware, Software and
Data Description
11.02 Edition
Data Fields, Lists
Contents 11.02
SINUMERIK® Documentation
Printing history
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C .... Revised edition with new status.
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Edition Order No. Remarks
6FC5298-3AA01-0BP0 6FC5298-3AA70-0BP1
12.97 6FC5298-4AA70-0BP0 C
12.98 6FC5298-5AA70-0BP0 C
08.99 6FC5298-5AA70-0BP1 C
06.00 6FC5298-5AA70-0BP2 C
10.00 6FC5298-6AA70-0BP0 C
09.01 6FC5298-6AA70-0BP1 C
11.02 6FC5298-6AA70-0BP2 C
This manual is included in the documentation available on CD ROM (DOCONCD) Edition Order No. Remarks
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Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when servicing.
We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to the hardware and software described. Nonetheless, differences might exist and therefore we cannot guarantee that they are completely identical. The information contained in this document is, however, reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the next edition. We welcome suggestions for improvement.
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11.02 Contents
Part 1: User's Guide
Introduction 1-15
1.1 Basics.............................................................................................................................. 1-16
1.2 General preconditions ..................................................................................................... 1-17
1.3 Plane definition................................................................................................................ 1-19
1.4 Suitable probes ............................................................................................................... 1-20
1.5 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memory............................................................ 1-22
1.5.1 Workpiece probe in TO memory for milling machines and machining centers ........ 1-22
1.5.2 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memory on turning machines .................... 1-23
1.6 Measuring principle ......................................................................................................... 1-25
1.7 Measuring strategy and compensation value calculation for tools with automatic
tool offset......................................................................................................................... 1-28
1.8 Parameters for checking the dimension deviation and compensation............................ 1-31
1.9 Effect of empirical value, mean value and tolerance parameters ................................... 1-37
1.10 Reference points on the machine and workpiece ........................................................... 1-38
1.11 Measurement variants for milling machines & machining centers .................................. 1-39
1.11.1 Workpiece measurement for milling machines......................................................... 1-39
1.11.2 Measurement variants for fast measurement at a single point ................................. 1-40
1.11.3 Measurement variants for workpiece measurement paraxial ................................... 1-40
1.11.4 Measurement variants for workpiece measurement at random angles .................... 1-42
1.11.5 Measuring a surface at a random angle ................................................................... 1-43
1.12 Measurement variants for lathes.................................................................................... 1-44
1.12.1 Tool measurement for lathes .................................................................................... 1-44
1.12.2 Workpiece measurement for turning machines: Single-point measurement............ 1-45
1.12.3 Workpiece measurement for turning machines: Two-point measurement ............... 1-47
1.13 Measuring cycles interface............................................................................................. 1-48
1.13.1 Displaying measuring result screens ........................................................................ 1-48
1.13.2 Setting parameters.................................................................................................... 1-50
Description of Parameters 2-53
2.1. Parameter concept for measuring cycles........................................................................ 2-54
2.2 Parameter overview ........................................................................................................2-56
2.2.1 Input parameters ....................................................................................................... 2-56
2.2.2 Result parameters..................................................................................................... 2-57
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 0-5
Contents 11.02
2.3 Description of the most important defining parameters...................................................2-58
2.3.1 Measurement variant: _MVAR ..................................................................................2-58
2.3.2 Number of measuring axis: _MA............................................................................... 2-61
2.3.3 Tool number and tool name: _TNUM and _TNAME .................................................2-62
2.3.4 Offset number _KNUM.............................................................................................. 2-63
2.3.5 Offset number _KNUM with flat D number structure................................................. 2-65
2.3.6 Variable measuring speed: _VMS............................................................................. 2-66
2.3.7 Compensation angle position for monodirectional probe: _CORA............................ 2-66
2.3.8 Tolerance parameters: _TZL, _TMV, _TUL, _TLL, _TDIF and _TSA....................... 2-67
2.3.9 Multiplication factor for measurement path 2a: _FA..................................................2-68
2.3.10 Probe type/Probe number: _PRNUM ........................................................................2-69
2.3.11 Empirical value/mean value: _EVNUM ..................................................................... 2-70
2.3.12 Multiple measurement at the same location: _NMSP ...............................................2-71
2.3.13 Weighting factor k for averaging: _K .........................................................................2-71
2.4. Description of output parameters ...................................................................................2-72
2.4.1 Measuring cycle results in _OVR ..............................................................................2-72
2.4.2 Measuring cycle results in _OVI ................................................................................2-73
Measuring Cycle Auxiliary Programs 3-75
3.1 Package structure of measuring cycles.......................................................................... 3-76
3.2 Measuring cycle subroutines ..........................................................................................3-77
3.2.1 CYCLE103: Parameter definition for measuring cycles ............................................3-78
3.2.2 CYCLE116: Calculation of center point and radius of a circle................................... 3-79
3.3 Measuring cycle user programs .....................................................................................3-81
3.3.1 CYCLE198: User program prior to calling measuring cycle ......................................3-81
3.3.2 CYCLE199: User program at the end of a measuring cycle .....................................3-82
3.4 Subpackages..................................................................................................................3-83
Measuring in JOG 4-85
4.1 General preconditions .................................................................................................... 4-86
4.2 Workpiece measurement ............................................................................................... 4-89
4.2.1 Operation and function sequence of workpiece measurement .................................4-90
4.2.2 Measuring an edge.................................................................................................... 4-91
4.2.3 Measuring a corner ................................................................................................... 4-92
4.2.4 Measuring a hole .......................................................................................................4-94
4.2.5 Measuring a spigot .................................................................................................... 4-95
4.2.6 Calibrating the measuring probe ...............................................................................4-96
4.3 Tool measurement .........................................................................................................4-99
4.3.1 Operation and function sequence of tool measurement ...........................................4-99
4.3.2 Tool measurement ..................................................................................................4-100
4.3.3 Calibrating the tool measuring probe ...................................................................... 4-101
0-6 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
11.02 Contents
Measuring Cycles for Milling and Machining Centers 5-103
5.1 General preconditions ................................................................................................... 5-104
5.2 CYCLE971 Tool measuring for milling tools ................................................................. 5-106
5.2.1 CYCLE971 Measuring strategy............................................................................... 5-108
5.2.2 CYCLE971 Calibrate tool probe .............................................................................. 5-110
5.2.3 CYCLE971 Measure tool......................................................................................... 5-114
5.3 CYCLE976 Calibrate workpiece probe.......................................................................... 5-119
5.3.1 CYCLE976 Calibrate workpiece probe in any hole (plane) with known
hole center .............................................................................................................. 5-122
5.3.2 CYCLE976 Calibrate workpiece probe in any hole (plane) with unknown hole
center (measuring cycles SW 4.4 and higher) ........................................................ 5-124
5.3.3 CYCLE976 Calibrate workpiece probe on a random surface ................................. 5-126
5.3.4 Calibrate workpiece probe in applicate with calculation of probe length
(measuring cycles SW 4.4. and higher) .................................................................. 5-128
5.4 CYCLE977 Workpiece measurement: Hole/shaft/groove/web/rectangle (paraxial) ..... 5-130
5.4.1 CYCLE977 Measure hole, shaft, groove, web, rectangle ....................................... 5-134
5.4.2 CYCLE977 ZO calculation in hole, shaft, groove, web, rectangle .......................... 5-140
5.5 CYCLE978 Workpiece measurement: Surface ............................................................ 5-146
5.5.1 CYCLE978 ZO calculation on a surface (single point measuring cycle)................. 5-149
5.5.2 CYCLE978 Single-point measurement ................................................................... 5-152
5.6 CYCLE979 Workpiece measurement: Hole/shaft/groove/web (at a random angle)..... 5-156
5.6.1 CYCLE979 Measure hole, shaft, groove, web ........................................................ 5-159
5.6.2 CYCLE979 ZO calculation in hole, shaft, groove, web ........................................... 5-164
5.7 CYCLE998 Angular measurement (ZO calculation) ..................................................... 5-169
5.8 CYCLE961 Automatic setup of inside and outside corner ............................................ 5-180
5.8.1 Automatic setup of corner with distances and angles specified.............................. 5-180
5.8.2 Automatic setup of corner by defining 4 points (measuring cycles SW 4.5) ........ 5-185
Measuring Cycles for Turning Machines 6-189
6.1 General preconditions .................................................................................................. 6-190
6.2 CYCLE972 Tool measurement ....................................................................................6-192
6.2.1 CYCLE972 Calibrating the tool probe ..................................................................... 6-194
6.2.2 CYCLE972 Determine dimensions of calibration tools ........................................... 6-197
6.2.3 CYCLE972 Measure tool......................................................................................... 6-198
6.3 CYCLE982 Tool measurement (SW 5.3 and higher)................................................... 6-203
6.3.1 CYCLE982 Calibrate tool measuring probe ............................................................ 6-208
6.3.2 CYCLE982 Measure tool......................................................................................... 6-210
6.3.3 CYCLE982 Automatic tool measurement ............................................................... 6-221
6.3.4 Incremental calibration (SW 6.2 and higher)........................................................... 6-228
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 0-7
Contents 11.02
6.3.5 Incremental measurement (SW 6.2 and higher) .....................................................6-231
6.3.6 Milling tool: suppression of starting angle positioning with _STA1 ( SW 6.2)........6-237
6.4 CYCLE973 Calibrate workpiece probe .........................................................................6-238
6.4.1 CYCLE973 Calibrate in the reference groove (plane) .............................................6-240
6.4.2 CYCLE973 Calibrate on a random surface .............................................................6-242
6.5 CYCLE974 Workpiece measurement ..........................................................................6-244
6.5.1 CYCLE974 Single-point measurement ZO calculation ...........................................6-246
6.5.2 CYCLE974 Single-point measurement ...................................................................6-249
6.5.3 CYCLE974 Single-point measurement with reversal ..............................................6-253
6.6 CYCLE994 Two-point measurement............................................................................ 6-257
6.7 Complex example for workpiece measurement ...........................................................6-262
Miscellaneous Functions 7-265
7.1 Logging of measuring results .......................................................................................7-266
7.1.1 Storing the log .........................................................................................................7-266
7.1.2 Handling of log cycles.............................................................................................. 7-267
7.1.3 Selecting the log contents .......................................................................................7-269
7.1.4 Log format ...............................................................................................................7-271
7.1.5 Log header ..............................................................................................................7-272
7.1.6 Variable for logging.................................................................................................. 7-273
7.1.7 Example of measuring result log .............................................................................7-274
7.2 Cycle support for measuring cycles..............................................................................7-276
7.2.1 Files for cycle support.............................................................................................. 7-277
7.2.2 Loading the cycle support........................................................................................ 7-277
7.2.3 Assignment of calls and measuring cycles.............................................................. 7-278
7.2.4 Description of parameterization cycles.................................................................... 7-279
7.3 Measuring cycle support in the program editor ( SW 6.2) ..........................................7-290
7.3.1 Menus, cycle explanation ........................................................................................ 7-290
7.3.2 New functions of the input forms .............................................................................7-291
7.3.3 GUD variables for adaptation of measuring cycle support ......................................7-297
Part 2: Description of Functions
Hardware, Software and Installation 8-301
8.1 Overview....................................................................................................................... 8-302
8.2 Hardware requirements ................................................................................................8-303
8.2.1 General hardware requirements.............................................................................. 8-303
8.2.2 Probe connection..................................................................................................... 8-303
8.2.3 Measuring in JOG ................................................................................................... 8-303
8.3 Software requirements .................................................................................................8-308
8.3.1 General measuring cycles.......................................................................................8-308
0-8 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
11.02 Contents
8.3.2 Measuring in JOG ................................................................................................... 8-309
8.4 Function check .............................................................................................................8-310
8.5 Start-up sequences ......................................................................................................8-312
8.5.1 Start-up flowchart for measuring cycles and probe circuit ...................................... 8-312
8.5.2 Starting up the measuring cycle interface for the MMC 102 ...................................8-315
Supplementary Conditions 9-317
Data Description 10-319
10.1 Machine data for machine cycle runs......................................................................... 10-320
10.2 Cycle data................................................................................................................... 10-323
10.2.1 Data concept for measuring cycles ....................................................................... 10-323
10.2.2 Data blocks for measuring cycles: GUD5.DEF and GUD6.DEF........................... 10-324
10.2.3 Central values .......................................................................................................10-328
10.2.4 Central bits ............................................................................................................ 10-333
10.2.5 Central strings ....................................................................................................... 10-336
10.2.6 Channel-oriented values ....................................................................................... 10-337
10.2.7 Channel-oriented bits ............................................................................................ 10-339
10.3 Data for measuring in JOG ........................................................................................ 10-344
10.3.1 Machine data for ensuring ability to function ......................................................... 10-344
10.3.2 Modifying the GUD7 data block ............................................................................ 10-346
10.3.3 Settings in data block GUD6 ................................................................................. 10-349
10.3.4 Loading files for measuring in JOG....................................................................... 10-351
Examples 11-353
11.1 Determining the repeat accuracy ............................................................................... 11-354
11.2 Adapting the data for a particular machine ................................................................ 11-355
Data Fields, Lists 12-359
12.1 Machine data.............................................................................................................. 12-360
12.2 Measuring cycle data ................................................................................................. 12-360
12.3 Alarms ........................................................................................................................ 12-361
Appendix A-369
A Overview of measuring cycle parameters ....................................................................A-371
B Abbreviations................................................................................................................A-405
C Terms ...........................................................................................................................A-407
D References...................................................................................................................A-415
E Index.............................................................................................................................A-429
F Identifiers......................................................................................................................A-434
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 0-9
Preface 11.02
Structure of the manual
840 D NCU 571
840 D NCU 572 NCU 573
810 D 840 Di
Organization of documentation
The SINUMERIK documentation is organized on 3 different levels:
General Documentation
User Documentation
Manufacturer/Service Documentation
Target group
This manual is aimed at machine tool users. It provides detailed information for operating the SINUMERIK 840D, 810D.
Standard scope
This Operator's Guide describes only the functionality of the standard scope. A description of add-on features or modifications made by the machine builder are not included in this guide.
For more detailed information on SINUMERIK 840D, 810D publications and other publications covering all SINUMERIK controls (e.g. universal interface, measuring cycles...), please contact your local Siemens office.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when servicing.
This User's Guide is valid for the following controls: SINUMERIK 810D, 840D, 840Di, MMC 100 and MMC 102/103. Software versions stated in the User's Guide refer to the 840D and their 810D equivalent, e.g. SW 6 (840D) corresponds to SW 3 (810D).
SINUMERIK 840D powerline From 09.2001
SINUMERIK 840D powerline and
SINUMERIK 840DE powerline
are available, with improved performance. A list of the available powerline modules can be found in the hardware description /PHD/ in Section 1.1
SINUMERIK 810D powerline From 12.2001
SINUMERIK 810D powerline and
SINUMERIK 810DE powerline
are available, with improved performance. A list of the available powerline modules can be found in the hardware description /PHC/ in Section 1.1
0-10 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
11.02 Preface
Structure of the manual
840 D NCU 571
Internet address
840 D NCU 572 NCU 573
810 D 840 Di
Explanation of symbols
Please address any questions to the following hotline: A&D Technical Support Phone: ++49-(0)180-5050-222
Fax: ++49-(0)180-5050-223 Email:
If you have any questions (suggestions, corrections) concerning the documentation, please fax or e-mail them to the following address:
Fax: ++49-(0)0131-98-2176 Email:
Fax form: See answer form at the end of the document.
Ordering option
Programming example
Further notes
Cross-reference to other documentation, chapters, sections, or subsections
Notes and indication of danger
Additional notes or background information
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 0-11
Preface 11.02
Use as intended
840 D NCU 571
The following warnings are used with graded severity.
840 D NCU 572 NCU 573
810 D 840 Di
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury or in substantial property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury or in substantial property damage.
Used with the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or in property damage.
Used without safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
Used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potential situation which, if not avoided, may result in an undesirable result or state.
0-12 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
11.02 Preface
Use as intended
840 D NCU 571
Your SIEMENS SINUMERIK 840D, 804Di, 810D is state of the art and is manufactured in accordance with recognized safety regulations, standards and specifications.
Add-on equipment
Using special add-on equipment and expanded configurations from SIEMENS, SIEMENS controls can be adapted to suit your specific application.
Personnel Only authorized and reliable personnel with the relevant training must be allowed to handle the
control. Nobody without the necessary training must be allowed to work on the control, not even for a short time.
840 D NCU 572 NCU 573
810 D 840 Di
The responsibilities of the personnel employed for setting, operating and maintenance must be clearly
defined and supervised.
Behavior Before the control is started up, it must be ensured
that the Operator's Guide has been read and under­stood by the personnel responsible. The operating company is also responsible for constantly monitoring the overall technical state of the control (faults and damage apparent from the outside and changes in response).
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 0-13
Preface 11.02
Use as intended
840 D NCU 571
Repairs must only be carried out in accordance with the information given in the Service and Maintenance Guide by personnel trained and qualified in the relevant field. The relevant safety regulations must be observed.
Note The following is contrary to the intended purpose and exonerates the manufacturer from any liability:
Any use whatsoever beyond or deviating from the
application stated in the above points.
If the control is not in perfect technical condition, or is operated without awareness for safety or the dangers involved or without observing the instructions given in the instruction manual.
840 D NCU 572 NCU 573
810 D 840 Di
If faults that can reduce safety are not remedied before the control is started up.
Any modification, overriding or deactivation of equipment on the control used for the perfect functioning, unrestricted use or active and passive safety.
This can result in unforeseen dangers for:
the health and life of people,
the control, machine and other property of the
operating company and user.
0-14 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
12.97 Introduction
1.1 Basics.............................................................................................................................. 1-16
1.2 General preconditions ..................................................................................................... 1-17
1.3 Plane definition................................................................................................................ 1-19
1.4 Suitable probes ............................................................................................................... 1-20
1.5 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memory............................................................ 1-22
1.5.1 Workpiece probe in TO memory for milling machines and machining centers ....... 1-22
1.5.2 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memory on turning machines ................... 1-23
1.6 Measuring principle ......................................................................................................... 1-25
1.7 Measuring strategy and compensation value calculation for tools with automatic
tool offset......................................................................................................................... 1-28
1.8 Parameters for checking the dimension deviation and compensation............................ 1-31
1.9 Effect of empirical value, mean value and tolerance parameters ................................... 1-37
1.10 Reference points on the machine and workpiece ........................................................... 1-38
1.11 Measurement variants for milling machines & machining centers .................................. 1-39
1.11.1 Workpiece measurement for milling machines........................................................ 1-39
1.11.2 Measurement variants for fast measurement at a single point................................ 1-40
1.11.3 Measurement variants for workpiece measurement paraxial .................................. 1-40
1.11.4 Measurement variants for workpiece measurement at random angles................... 1-42
1.11.5 Measuring a surface at a random angle .................................................................. 1-43
1.12 Measurement variants for lathes ..................................................................................... 1-44
1.12.1 Tool measurement for lathes ................................................................................... 1-44
1.12.2 Workpiece measurement for turning machines: Single-point measurement........... 1-45
1.12.3 Workpiece measurement for turning machines: Two-point measurement.............. 1-47
1.13 Measuring cycles interface.............................................................................................. 1-48
1.13.1 Displaying measuring result screens ....................................................................... 1-48
1.13.2 Setting parameters................................................................................................... 1-50
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 1-15
Introduction 12.97
1.1 Basics
840 D
NCU 571
1.1 Basics
Measuring cycles are general subroutines designed to solve specific measurement tasks. They can be suitably adapted to the problem at hand by means of parameter settings.
With regard to measurement applications, a distinction
must generally be made between tool measurement
and workpiece measurement.
Workpiece measurement
For workpiece measurement, a measuring probe is moved up to the clamped workpiece in the same way as a tool. The flexibility of the measuring cycles makes it possible to perform nearly all measurements which may need to be taken on a milling machine. An automatic tool offset or an additive ZO can be applied to the result of the tool measurement. The measurement variants which can be implemented with the measuring cycles available in this configuration are described on the following pages.
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
Tool measurement
To perform tool measurement, the changed tool, which in the case of a lathe is usually located in the turret, is moved up to the probe which is either permanently fixed or swiveled into the working range. The automatically derived tool geometry is entered in the relevant tool offset data record.
1-16 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
12.97 Introduction
1.2 General preconditions
840 D
NCU 571
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
1.2 General preconditions
Certain preconditions need to be fulfilled before measuring cycles can be used.
These conditions are described in greater detail in Part 2 Description of Functions (from Chapter 8 onwards).
The following checklist is useful in determining whether all such preconditions are fulfilled:
All machine axes are designed in accordance with
DIN 66217
Availability of cycles
The data blocks:
GUD5.DEF and
GUD6.DEF have been loaded into the control ("Definitions" directory in file system) and
the measuring cycles have been loaded into the
standard cycle directory of the control followed by a power ON operation.
Initial position
The reference points have been approached.
All axes are positioned prior to the cycle call in such
a way that the setpoint position can be approached without a change in direction.
The start position can be reached without collisions
by means of linear interpolation.
Displaying measuring result screens
It is only possible to display measurement result screens with an MMC/PCU.
810 D 840Di
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 1-17
Introduction 12.97
1.2 General preconditions
840 D
NCU 571
The inch/metric units system selected in the
The milling radius compensation and the
All parameters for the cycle call have been defined
The cycle is called no later than at the 5th program
Neither of the operating modes "Block search" or
The specified default setting of the supplied data
With measuring cycles SW 4.4 and higher,
With measuring cycles SW 4.4 and higher,
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
machine data for the basic setting is active.
programmable frame are deselected prior to the cycle call.
"Dry run" is active since these are automatically skipped by the measuring cycles.
blocks is required to ensure that all example programs run correctly.
measurement in a programmed measurement system that differs from the basic system is possible, i.e. in a metric basic system with active G70 and in an inch basic system with active G71.
measurement in a programmed measurement system that differs from the basic system is possible with technology data switched over. This means in a metric basic system with active G700 and in an inch basic system with active G710.
810 D 840Di
Software status ID
In the delivery status of the measuring cycles, the current software status of the control is entered in parameter _SI[1] in the GUD6 block, i. e. 5 for SW 5. This parameter must be changed to match the measuring cycles to older software releases. Example: When using measuring cycles status 5.x.x on a control with SW 4, à_SI[1] = 4 Precondition: In order to use the measuring cycles, the software
status of the control must be 3.
1-18 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
12.97 Introduction
1.3 Plane definition
840 D
NCU 571
1.3 Plane definition
Tool radius compensation planes G17, G18 or G19 can
be selected. Lengths 1, 2 and 3 are assigned as follows to the axes depending on the tool type used:
G17 plane
Tool type 100 Length 1 applies to Z Length 2 applies to Y Length 3 applies to X
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
Y Ordinate
Abscissa X
Z Applicate
G18 plane
Tool type 100 Length 1 applies to Y Length 2 applies to X Length 3 applies to Z
G19 plane
Tool type 100 Length 1 applies to X Length 2 applies to Z Length 3 applies to Y
X Ordinate
Abscissa Z
Y Applicate
Z Ordinate
Abscissa Y
X Applicate
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 1-19
Introduction 12.97
1.4 Suitable probes
840 D
NCU 571
1.4 Suitable probes
In order to measure tool and workpiece dimensions, a touch-trigger probe is required that supplies a constant signal (rather than a pulse) when deflected.
The probe must be capable of virtually bounce-free switching. This is normally achieved by adjusting the probe mechanically.
The probe type is defined in the measuring cycles in a parameter.
Various types of probes made by different manufacturers are available on the market. Probes are classified in three groups according to the number of directions in which they can be deflected.
Classification of probe types
Probe type Turning machines Milling mach. and mach. centers
While a bidirectional probe can be used for turning machines, with milling machines and machining centers it is also possible to use a mono probe for workpiece measuring.
The probe is defined in the measuring cycles in a parameter.
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
Tool measurement Workpiece measurement Workpiece measurement
- X X
- - X
810 D 840Di
1-20 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
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12.97 Introduction
1.4 Suitable probes
840 D
NCU 571
Multidirectional probe (3D)
With this type, measuring cycles for workpiece measurement can be used without limitation.
Bidirectional probe
This probe type is used for workpiece measurement on milling machines and machining centers.
This probe type is treated in the same way as a monodirectional probe for workpiece measurement on milling machines and machining centers.
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
Monodirectional probe
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 1-21
This probe type can only be used for workpiece measurement on milling machines and machining centers with slight limitations; reference is made to this in the cycles concerned. In order to be able to use this type of probe on milling machines and machining centers, it must be possible to position the spindle with the NC function SPOS and to transmit the switching signal of the probe through 360° to the receiving station (at the machine column).
Introduction 12.97
1.5 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memor
840 D
NCU 571
The probe must be mechanically aligned in the spindle in
such a way that measurements can be taken in the fol­lowing directions at the 0 degree position of the spindle.
X-Y plane G17 positive X direction
Z-X plane G18 positive Z direction
Y-Z plane G19 positive Y direction
The measurement will take longer when using a
1.5 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memory
1.5.1 Workpiece probe in TO memory for milling machines and machining centers
monodirectional probe since the spindle must be positioned in the cycle several times by means of SPOS.
Workpiece probe
On milling machines and machining centers, the probe is classified as tool type 1x0 and must therefore be entered as such in the TO memory. In SW 4 and higher, tool type 710 (3D probe) can also be used.
Entry in TO memory
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
P1 710 Tool type P3 L1 Geometr P6 r Geometry P21 L1 Tool base dimension
1-22 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
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12.97 Introduction
1.5 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memor
840 D
NCU 571
1.5.2 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memory on turning machines
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
On turning machines, the probes are treated as tool
type 500 with the permissible tool edge positions 5 to 8 and must therefore be entered like this in the TO memory. Measuring cycle SW 6.2 and higher also allows you to enter probe type 580 with tool edge positions 5 to 8. Due to their spatial positions, the probes are divided into the following types:
Workpiece probe SL 5
Entry in TO memory
P1 500 Tool type P2 5 Tool edge position P3 L1 Geometry
P4 L2 Geometry P6 r Geometry P12 L1 Wear P13 L2 Wear
P15 r Wear P21 L1 Tool base dimension P22 L2 Tool base dimension
Workpiece probe SL 6 (8)
(data in brackets is in front of turning center) Entry in TO memory
P1 500 Tool type P2 6 (8) Tool edge position P3 L1 Geometry P4 L2 Geometry P6 r Geometry
P12 L1 Wear P13 L2 Wear P15 r Wear P21 L1 Tool base dimension P22 L2 Tool base dimension
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 1-23
Introduction 12.97
1.5 Workpiece probe, calibration tool in TO memor
840 D
NCU 571
Workpiece probe SL 7
Entry in TO memory
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
P1 500 Tool type P2 7 Tool edge position P3 L1 Geometry
P4 L2 Geometry P6 r Geometry P12 L1 Wear
P13 L2 Wear P15 r Wear P21 L1 Tool base dimension P22 L2 Tool base dimension
Workpiece probe SL 8 (6)
(data in brackets is in front of turning center) Entry in TO memory
P1 500 Tool type P2 8 (6) Tool edge position P3 L1 Geometry
P4 L2 Geometry P6 r Geometry
P12 L1 Wear P13 L2 Wear P15 r Wear P21 L1 Tool base dimension P22 L2 Tool base dimension
Calibration tool
On turning machines, the calibration tool is classified as a tool with tool edge position 3 and must therefore be entered as such in the TO memory. Entry in TO memory
P1 500 Tool type P2 3 Tool edge position
P3 L1 Geometry P4 L2 Geometry P6 r Geometry
P12 L1 Wear P13 L2 Wear P15 r Wear P21 L1 Tool base dimension P22 L2 Tool base dimension
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
1-24 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
12.97 Introduction
1.6 Measuring principle
840 D
NCU 571
1.6 Measuring principle
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
Two inputs for the connection of touch trigger probes
are provided on the I/O device interface of the SINUMERIK 840D and the FM-NC control systems.
Evaluation of the measuring probe signal If a measuring point is to be approached, a traverse command is transmitted to the position control loop and the probe is moved towards the measuring point. A point behind the expected measuring point is defined as setpoint position. As soon as the probe makes contact, the actual axis value at the time the switching position is reached is measured and the drive is stopped. The remaining "distance-to-go" is deleted.
Meas. cycle
Delete distance­to-go
Act. val. acquis.
Position control
Actual value
"On-the-fly" measurement
The principle of "on-the-fly" measurement is implemented in the control. The advantage of this method is that the probe signal is processed directly in the NC.
Set position
Meas. dist. a
Delete dist.-to-go
=Traversing path by signal processing
=Following error
1) Actual value loaded with probe signal
Meas. dist. a
Act. position
Probe switching point
Start position = End position
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 1-25
Introduction 12.97
1.6 Measuring principle
840 D
NCU 571
Start position/setpoint position
In the measuring procedure used, a position is specified as setpoint value for the cycle at which the signal of the touch-trigger probe is expected.
Since it is unlikely that the probe will respond at precisely this point, the start position is approached by the control in rapid traverse mode or at a defined positioning velocity. The set position is then approached at the feedrate specified in the parameter for measurement speed. The switching signal is then anticipated over a distance of a maximum length of 2a from the start position.
Load actual value/delete distance-to-go
At the instant the switching signal is output by the probe, the current position is stored internally "on-the­fly" as the actual value followed by execution of the "Delete distance-to-go" function.
Measuring path a/measuring speed
The path increment a is normally 1 mm, but can be increased with a parameter when measuring cycles are called.
The approach speed automatically increases from 150 mm/min to 300 mm/min if the value for a is defined as greater than 1.
The maximum approach speed (measurement speed) is thus dependent upon
the permissible deflection path of the probe used
the delay until "delete distance to go" is executed
the deceleration behavior of the axis.
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
1-26 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
12.97 Introduction
1.6 Measuring principle
840 D
NCU 571
Calculation of the deceleration path
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
Since an optimal measurement speed can be set for measuring cycles via a parameter, it must be ensured that safe deceleration can take place within the deflection path of the probe. The required deceleration path can be calculated as follows:
sb = v t +
Deceleration path in m
+ ∆s
v Approach speed in m/s t Delay in s b Deceleration in m/s
s Following error in m
Measuring accuracy
The repeat accuracy of the 840D and FM-NC controls for "on-the-fly measurement" is ±1 µm.
The measuring accuracy which can be obtained is thus dependent on the following factors:
Repeat accuracy of the machine
Repeat accuracy of the probe
Resolution of the measuring system
Example: Path-time diagram
s [mm]
b = 1m/s
(11 mm)
(1.66 mm)
The deflection of the probe up to zero spee d of the axis is approximately 12.6 mm with an approach speed of 6 m/min and a delay of 1 m/s
Zero speed
1 m/min
(16 ms) Delay until distance-to-go is deleted
6 m/min Approach speed v
4 m/min
10 10
Axis zero speed
Zero speed
t [ms]
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 1-27
Introduction 12.97
1.7 Measuring strategy and compensation value calculation for tools
840 D
NCU 571
1.7 Measuring strategy and compensation value calculation for tools with automatic tool
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
The actual workpiece dimensions must be measured
exactly in order to be able to determine and compensate the actual dimensional deviations on the workpiece.
When taking measurements on the machine, the actual dimensions are derived from the path measuring systems of the position-controlled feed axes. For each dimensional deviation determined from the set and actual workpiece dimensions there are many causes which essentially can be classified in 3 categories:
Dimensional deviations with causes that are
n o t subject to a particular trend,
scatter of the feedforward axes or differences in measurement between the internal measurement (measuring probe) and the external measuring device (micrometer, measuring equipment, etc.).
In this case, it is possible to apply so-called
empirical values, which are stored in separate
memories. The set/actual difference determined is automatically compensated by the empirical value.
Dimensional deviations with causes that a r e
subject to a particular trend
thermal expansion of the leadscrew.
These deviations are compensated by specifying fixed threshold values.
Accidental dimensional deviations, e.g. due to
temperature fluctuations, coolant or slightly soiled measuring points.
, e.g. tool wear or
e.g. positioning
1-28 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved
12.97 Introduction
1.7 Measuring strategy and compensation value calculation for tools
840 D
NCU 571
840 D
NCU 572
NCU 573
810 D 840Di
Assuming the ideal case, only those dimensional
deviations which are subject to a trend can be taken into account for compensation value calculation. Since, however, it is hardly ever known to what extent and in which direction accidental dimensional deviations influence the measurement result, a strategy (floating average value generation) is needed which derives a compensation value from the actual/set difference measured.
Mean value calculation
Mean value calculation in combination with a higher­order measurement weighting has proved a suitable means to do this.
The formula of the mean value generation chosen is:
Mv D
Mv Mv
new old
old i
Mv Mv
Mean value new = amount of compensation
Mean value prior to last measurement
k Weighting factor for average value calculation D
Actual/set difference measured
(minus empirical value, if any)
The mean value calculation takes account of the trend
of the dimensional deviations of a machining series,
weighting factor k from which the mean value is
where derived is selectable.
A new measurement result affected by accidental dimensional deviations only influences the new tool offset to some extent, depending on the weighting factor.
Siemens AG, 2002. All rights reserved SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition 1-29
Introduction 12.97
1.7 Measuring strategy and compensation value calculation for tools
840 D NCU 571
Computational characteristic of the mean value
840 D NCU 572 NCU 573
810 D 840Di
with different weightings k (effects)
The greater the value of k, the slower the formula
will respond when major deviations occur in computation or counter compensation. At the same time, however, accidental scatter will be reduced as k increases.
The lower the value of k, the faster the formula will
react when major deviations occur in computation or counter compensation. However, the effect of accidental variations will be that much greater.
The mean value Mv is calculated starting at 0 over
the number of workpieces i, until the calculated average value exceeds the range of "zero compensation". From this limit on, the calculated average value is applied for compensation.
Example of mean value generation
Lower limit = 40 µm
Mean value
Mean value
1st measurement 30 10 15
2nd measurement 50 23.3 32.5
3rd measurement 60 35.5 46.2
4th measurement 20 30.3 10 5th measurement 40 32.6 25 6th measurement 50 38.4 37.5 7th measurement 50 42.3
8th measurement 30 10 15 9th measurement 70 30 42.5
10th measurement 70 43.3
Set/actual difference
Mean value calculated
1234 560
Characteristic of mean values with two different weighting factors k
Lower limit = "Zero offset"
Number of averaging operations (workpieces)
Number of averaging operations (workpieces)
Mean value calculated
Set/actual difference
Zero com­pensation
1-30 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D User's Guide Measuring Cycles (BNM) – 11.02 Edition
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