siemens 840D configuration manual

SINUMERIK 840D sl SINUMERIK 840D sl STEP 7 Toolbox V17
Valid for Control system SINUMERIK 840D sl/840DE sl Software CNC software for 840D sl/840DE sl V4.5, V4.7, V4.8, V4.91, V4.92, V4.93, V4.94, V4.95
Fundamental safety instructions
Con󹪝guration Manual
Product information
Con󹪝guring the NCU
Programming the PLC
Con󹪝guring networks
Con󹪝guring telegrams and
drive units
Con󹪝guring I/O
Tag selection with NC VAR selector
Importing user alarms
Safety con󹪝guration
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.
Quali󹪝ed Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel quali󹪝ed for the speci󹪝c task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Quali󹪝ed personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identi󹪝ed by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG Digital Industries Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG GERMANY
Document order number: 6FC5397-0GP40-0BA2 Ⓟ 06/2021 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2013 - 2021. All rights reserved

Table of contents

1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 About SINUMERIK ................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 About this documentation ................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Documentation on the internet............................................................................................ 8
1.3.1 Documentation overview SINUMERIK 840D sl....................................................................... 8
1.3.2 Documentation overview SINUMERIK operator components ................................................. 9
1.4 Feedback on the technical documentation ........................................................................... 9
1.5 mySupport documentation .................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Service and Support........................................................................................................... 10
1.7 Important product information .......................................................................................... 12
2 Fundamental safety instructions......................................................................................................... 13
2.1 General safety instructions................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Equipment damage due to electric 󹪝elds or electrostatic discharge ..................................... 17
2.3 Warranty and liability for application examples ................................................................... 17
Structure, content, target group
... ...................................................................................... 7
2.4 Security information .......................................................................................................... 17
2.5 Residual risks of power drive systems ................................................................................. 19
3 Product information............................................................................................................................. 21
3.1 Validity of the description................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Product features ................................................................................................................ 21
3.3 Installation notes ............................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Limitations for use ............................................................................................................. 23
4 Con󹪝guring the NCU............................................................................................................................ 25
4.1 SINUMERIK NCU................................................................................................................. 25
4.1.1 Structure of SINUMERIK NCU.............................................................................................. 25
4.1.2 Insert NCU ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Insert NX module............................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Replacing a device or upgrading 󹪝rmware .......................................................................... 32
4.3.1 Replacing the NCU ............................................................................................................. 32
4.3.2 Replacing an NX................................................................................................................. 32
4.3.3 Basic procedure ................................................................................................................. 33
4.4 Establish the communication connection ........................................................................... 36
4.5 Load hardware con󹪝guration into the PLC........................................................................... 37
4.6 Creating SINUMERIK PLC archives ....................................................................................... 40
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Table of contents
4.6.1 Creating a SINUMERIK PLC archive ...................................................................................... 40
4.6.2 Available SINUMERIK archive types..................................................................................... 43
4.6.3 External tools for SINUMERIK archives ................................................................................ 44
4.6.4 Creating a PLC hardware upgrade archive........................................................................... 44
4.6.5 Creating a PLC commissioning archive................................................................................ 46
4.6.6 Creating a PLC reload archive ............................................................................................. 48
5 Programming the PLC .......................................................................................................................... 51
5.1 General information about the PLC program....................................................................... 51
5.1.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 51
5.1.2 Execution structure............................................................................................................ 51
5.1.3 Using copy templates......................................................................................................... 54
5.1.4 Block listing as table........................................................................................................... 57
5.1.5 Blocks with user-speci󹪝c adaptations.................................................................................. 61
5.1.6 Assignment overview......................................................................................................... 62
5.1.7 Generating blocks at runtime on the NCU........................................................................... 63
5.2 Opening the PLC basic program system library.................................................................... 64
5.3 Adding the PLC basic program............................................................................................ 65
5.4 Con󹪞icts when copying blocks ........................................................................................... 70
5.5 Correcting OB1 .................................................................................................................. 71
5.6 Upgrading the PLC basic program....................................................................................... 71
5.7 Copying blocks from one project into another..................................................................... 73
5.8 Use and handling of groups ............................................................................................... 76
5.9 Create blocks from external sources ................................................................................... 77
5.10 Exporting PLC symbols for SINUMERIK Operate................................................................... 78
5.10.1 Creating and loading PLC symbols...................................................................................... 78
5.10.2 Exporting PLC symbols ....................................................................................................... 80
5.10.3 Importing PLC symbols....................................................................................................... 82
5.11 Edit blocks ......................................................................................................................... 83
6 Con󹪝guring networks .......................................................................................................................... 85
6.1 Con󹪝guring an Ethernet Interface....................................................................................... 85
6.2 Con󹪝guring PROFIBUS DP ................................................................................................... 86
6.3 Con󹪝guring Integrated PROFIBUS (DP Integrated) ............................................................... 87
6.4 Con󹪝guring PROFINET........................................................................................................ 88
6.5 Con󹪝guring PROFINET IO with IRT....................................................................................... 89
6.5.1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 89
6.5.2 Rules and requirements...................................................................................................... 89
6.5.3 Isochronous-capable modules identi󹪝cation ....................................................................... 91
6.5.4 Con󹪝guring isochronous NC-controlled drives..................................................................... 93
6.5.5 Con󹪝guring I/O used by NC isochronously........................................................................... 94
6.5.6 Con󹪝guring the NCU .......................................................................................................... 95
6.5.7 Con󹪝guring PROFINET IO IRT devices .................................................................................. 96
6.5.8 Con󹪝guring IO modules or drive telegrams......................................................................... 98
6.5.9 Con󹪝guring the input delay for digital input modules........................................................ 101
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Table of contents
6.5.10 Con󹪝guring sync domains ................................................................................................ 102
6.5.11 Match values between PROFINET IO and PROFIBUS Integrated .......................................... 103
6.5.12 Assigning drive addresses to the NCU machine data.......................................................... 104
6.5.13 Assigning I/O addresses to the NCU machine data............................................................. 105
7 Con󹪝guring telegrams and drive units.............................................................................................. 107
7.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 107
7.2 Standard telegram con󹪝guration...................................................................................... 108
7.3 Viewing I/O addresses in the TIA Portal ............................................................................. 108
7.4 Changing the addressing schematic ................................................................................. 109
7.5 Resetting telegrams ......................................................................................................... 111
7.6 Displaying or adapting the telegram con󹪝guration............................................................ 112
7.6.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 112
7.6.2 Calling the telegram con󹪝guration ................................................................................... 113
7.6.3 Structure of the "Telegram con󹪝guration" dialog ............................................................... 113
7.6.4 Changing the properties of send telegrams (actual value)................................................. 114
7.6.5 Changing the properties of receive telegrams (setpoint)................................................... 117
7.6.6 Adapting the number of drives......................................................................................... 119
7.7 Available telegram types.................................................................................................. 120
7.7.1 Telegrams for the transfer of standard data (PROFIdrive)................................................... 120
7.7.2 Telegrams in SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (SPL) mode ..................................................... 122
7.7.3 Telegrams for PROFIsafe communication.......................................................................... 122
7.7.4 Telegrams for SIC/SCC communication.............................................................................. 123
7.8 Adapting I/O start addresses............................................................................................. 124
7.8.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 124
7.8.2 PROFIdrive telegrams for standard data............................................................................ 125
7.8.3 PROFIdrive telegrams for Safety Integrated (SPL)............................................................... 128
7.8.4 PROFIsafe/PROFIdrive telegrams for Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC) .................................... 130
7.9 Deviations from the standard I/O addressing schematic..................................................... 133
7.9.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 133
7.9.2 Matching of deviating I/O addresses................................................................................. 134 Matching I/O addresses for use of the optimized I/O addressing schematic ........................ 134 Matching user-speci󹪝c adaptations................................................................................... 135
7.9.3 Viewing messages in the info area.................................................................................... 135
7.9.4 Availability of suitable I/O addresses ................................................................................ 136
8 Con󹪝guring I/O................................................................................................................................... 139
8.1 Inserting ADI4 module (840 sl)......................................................................................... 139
8.2 Installing general station description 󹪝les for SINUMERIK I/O............................................. 142
8.3 Inserting the SINUMERIK I/O module PP72/48 ................................................................... 144
8.4 Inserting SINUMERIK MCP/MPP......................................................................................... 146
9 Tag selection with NC VAR selector ................................................................................................... 149
9.1 NC VAR selector ............................................................................................................... 149
9.2 Selecting tags and saving as STL 󹪝le ................................................................................. 149
9.3 Adding a tag 󹪝le (STL) in the TIA Portal ............................................................................. 151
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Table of contents
10 Importing user alarms ....................................................................................................................... 153
10.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 153
10.2 Exporting TS 󹪝les from SINUMERIK Operate ...................................................................... 153
10.3 Language assignment in language-dependent texts ......................................................... 154
10.4 Enable project languages ................................................................................................. 156
10.5 Importing SINUMERIK PLC alarm texts .............................................................................. 156
11 Safety con󹪝guration .......................................................................................................................... 159
11.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 159
11.2 Representation of safety-related resources in the TIA Portal .............................................. 159
11.3 Changing the Safety Integrated mode .............................................................................. 162
11.4 Parameterization of relevant properties ............................................................................ 163
11.5 Availability of I/O addresses at the mode change............................................................... 167
11.6 Licensing ......................................................................................................................... 169
11.6.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 169
11.6.2 Software options for Safety Integrated (SPL)..................................................................... 170
11.6.3 Software options for Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC)........................................................... 171
11.7 Con󹪝guring Safety Integrated (SPL).................................................................................. 172
11.7.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 172
11.7.2 Con󹪝guring the F-peripherals ........................................................................................... 172
11.7.3 Parameterizing F-input modules....................................................................................... 174
11.7.4 Con󹪝guring drives with F-functions .................................................................................. 175
11.7.5 Parameterizing F-output modules..................................................................................... 177
11.7.6 Con󹪝guration of the PROFIsafe addresses (peripherals)..................................................... 177
11.7.7 Con󹪝guration of the PROFIsafe addresses (drives)............................................................. 181
11.7.8 Parameterizing PROFIsafe telegrams................................................................................. 183
11.8 Con󹪝guring Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC) ........................................................................ 184
11.8.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 184
11.8.2 Con󹪝guring Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC) ........................................................................ 186
11.8.3 Creating a second F-runtime group for Safety Integrated plus (F-PLC)................................ 188
11.8.4 Con󹪝guring PROFIsafe...................................................................................................... 190
11.8.5 Checking the PROFIsafe address ....................................................................................... 191
Index .................................................................................................................................................. 195
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rom simple, standardized CNC machines to premium modular machine designs – the
F SINUMERIK CNCs o󹪜er the right solution for all machine concepts. Whether for individual parts or mass production, simple or complex workpieces – SINUMERIK is the highly dynamic automation solution, integrated for all areas of production. From prototype construction and tool design to mold making, all the way to large-scale series production.
Visit our website for more information SINUMERIK (

1.2 About this documentation

Target group
Standard scope
Structure, content, target group
This document is intended for 󹪝rst-time users who want to familiarize themselves with the product.
Con󹪝guration Manual enables the target group to apply the rules and guidelines to be
The observed when con󹪝guring products and systems. It helps you select products and functions.
The Con󹪝guration Manual helps the target group create a system or plant con󹪝guration.
This documentation only describes the functionality of the standard version. This may di󹪜er from the scope of the functionality of the system that is actually supplied. Please refer to the ordering documentation only for the functionality of the supplied drive system.
It may be possible to execute other functions in the system which are not described in this documentation. This does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when servicing.
For reasons of clarity, this documentation cannot include all of the detailed information on all product types. Further, this documentation cannot take into consideration every conceivable type of installation, operation and service/maintenance.
The machine manufacturer must document any additions or modi󹪝cations they make to the product themselves.
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1.3 Documentation on the internet

Websites of third-party companies
This document may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites. Siemens is not responsible for and shall not be liable for these websites and their content. Siemens has no control over the information which appears on these websites and is not responsible for the content and information provided there. The user bears the risk for their use.
1.3 Documentation on the internet

1.3.1 Documentation overview SINUMERIK 840D sl

You will 󹪝nd extensive documentation on the functions of SINUMERIK 840D sl from version 4.8 SP4 at 840D sl documentation overview (
You can display documents or download them in PDF and HTML5 format.
The documentation is divided into the following categories:
• User: Operating
• User: Programming
• Manufacturer/Service: Functions
• Manufacturer/Service: Hardware
• Manufacturer/Service: Con󹪝guration/Setup
• Manufacturer/Service: Safety Integrated
• Manufacturer/Service: SINUMERIK Integrate/MindApp
• Information and training
• Manufacturer/Service: SINAMICS
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1.5 mySupport documentation

1.3.2 Documentation overview SINUMERIK operator components

Comprehensive documentation about the SINUMERIK operator components is provided in the Documentation overview SINUMERIK operator components (https://­sinumerik-bedienkomponenten?dti=0&lc=en-WW).
You can display documents or download them in PDF and HTML5 format.
The documentation is divided into the following categories:
• Operator Panels
• Machine control panels
• Machine Pushbutton Panel
• Handheld Unit/Mini handheld devices
• Further operator components
An overview of the most important documents, entries and links to SINUMERIK is provided at SINUMERIK Overview - Topic Page (
109766201/sinumerik-an-overview-of-the-most-important-documents-and-links? dti=0&lc=en-WW).

1.4 Feedback on the technical documentation

If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections regarding the technical documentation which is published in the Siemens Industry Online Support, use the link "Send feedback" link which appears at the end of the entry.
1.5 mySupport documentation
With the "mySupport documentation" web-based system you can compile your own individual documentation based on Siemens content, and adapt it for your own machine documentation.
To start the application, click on the "My Documentation" tile on the mySupport homepage (
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1.6 Service and Support

The con󹪝gured manual can be exported in RTF, PDF or XML format.
Siemens content that supports the mySupport documentation application can be identi󹪝ed by the presence of the "Con󹪝gure" link.
1.6 Service and Support
Product support
You can 󹪝nd more information about products on the internet:
Product support (
The following is provided at this address:
• Up-to-date product information (product announcements)
• FAQs (frequently asked questions)
• Manuals
• Downloads
• Newsletters with the latest information about your products
• Global forum for information and best practice sharing between users and specialists
• Local contact persons via our Contacts at Siemens database (→ "Contact")
• Information about 󹪝eld services, repairs, spare parts, and much more (→ "Field Service")
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Technical support
Country-speci󹪝c telephone numbers for technical support are provided on the internet at address (
If you have any technical questions, please use the online form in the "Support Request" area. in the "Contact" area.
You can 󹪝nd information on SITRAIN at the following address (
SITRAIN o󹪜ers training courses for automation and drives products, systems and solutions from Siemens.
Siemens support on the go
1.6 Service and Support
With the award-winning "Siemens Industry Online Support" app, you can access more than 300,000 documents for Siemens Industry products – any time and from anywhere. The app can support you in areas including:
• Resolving problems when implementing a project
• Troubleshooting when faults develop
• Expanding a system or planning a new system
Furthermore, you have access to the Technical Forum and other articles from our experts:
• FAQs
• Application examples
• Manuals
• Product announcements and much more
The "Siemens Industry Online Support" app is available for Apple iOS and Android.
Data matrix code on the nameplate
The data matrix code on the nameplate contains the speci󹪝c device data. This code can be read with a smartphone and technical information about the device displayed via the "Industry Online Support" mobile app.
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1.7 Important product information

1.7 Important product information
Using OpenSSL
This product can contain the following software:
• Software developed by the OpenSSL project for use in the OpenSSL toolkit
• Cryptographic software created by Eric Young.
• Software developed by Eric Young
You can 󹪝nd more information on the internet:
• OpenSSL (
• Cryptsoft (
Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation
Siemens observes standard data protection principles, in particular the data minimization rules (privacy by design).
For this product, this means:
The product does not process or store any personal data, only technical function data (e.g. time stamps). If the user links this data with other data (e.g. shift plans) or if he/she stores person­related data on the same data medium (e.g. hard disk), thus personalizing this data, he/she must ensure compliance with the applicable data protection stipulations.
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Fundamental safety instructions

2.1 General safety instructions

Electric shock and danger to life due to other energy sources
Touching live components can result in death or severe injury.
• Only work on electrical devices when you are quali󹪝ed for this job.
• Always observe the country-speci󹪝c safety rules.
Generally, the following steps apply when establishing safety:
1. Prepare for disconnection. Notify all those who will be a󹪜ected by the procedure.
2. Isolate the drive system from the power supply and take measures to prevent it being switched back on again.
3. Wait until the discharge time speci󹪝ed on the warning labels has elapsed.
4. Check that there is no voltage between any of the power connections, and between any of the power connections and the protective conductor connection.
5. Check whether the existing auxiliary supply circuits are de-energized.
6. Ensure that the motors cannot move.
7. Identify all other dangerous energy sources, e.g. compressed air, hydraulic systems, or water. Switch the energy sources to a safe state.
8. Check that the correct drive system is completely locked.
After you have completed the work, restore the operational readiness in the inverse sequence.
Electric shock due to connection to an unsuitable power supply
When equipment is connected to an unsuitable power supply, exposed components may carry a hazardous voltage. Contact with hazardous voltage can result in severe injury or death.
• Only use power supplies that provide SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) or PELV- (Protective Extra Low Voltage) output voltages for all connections and terminals of the electronics modules.
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Fundamental safety instructions
2.1 General safety instructions
Electric shock due to equipment damage
Improper handling may cause damage to equipment. For damaged devices, hazardous voltages can be present at the enclosure or at exposed components; if touched, this can result in death or severe injury.
• Ensure compliance with the limit values speci󹪝ed in the technical data during transport, storage and operation.
• Do not use any damaged devices.
Electric shock due to unconnected cable shields
Hazardous touch voltages can occur through capacitive cross-coupling due to unconnected cable shields.
• As a minimum, connect cable shields and the cores of cables that are not used at one end at the grounded housing potential.
Electric shock if there is no ground connection
For missing or incorrectly implemented protective conductor connection for devices with protection class I, high voltages can be present at open, exposed parts, which when touched, can result in death or severe injury.
• Ground the device in compliance with the applicable regulations.
Damage to equipment due to unsuitable tightening tools.
Unsuitable tightening tools or fastening methods can damage the screws of the equipment.
• Be sure to only use screwdrivers which exactly match the heads of the screws.
• Tighten the screws with the torque speci󹪝ed in the technical documentation.
• Use a torque wrench or a mechanical precision nut runner with a dynamic torque sensor and speed limitation system.
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Fundamental safety instructions
2.1 General safety instructions
Spread of 󹪝re from built-in devices
In the event of 󹪝re outbreak, the enclosures of built-in devices cannot prevent the escape of 󹪝re and smoke. This can result in serious personal injury or property damage.
• Install built-in units in a suitable metal cabinet in such a way that personnel are protected
against 󹪝re and smoke, or take other appropriate measures to protect personnel.
• Ensure that smoke can only escape via controlled and monitored paths.
Unexpected movement of machines caused by radio devices or mobile phones
Using radio devices or mobile telephones in the immediate vicinity of the components can result in equipment malfunction. Malfunctions may impair the functional safety of machines and can therefore put people in danger or lead to property damage.
• Therefore, if you move closer than 20 cm to the components, be sure to switch o󹪜 radio
devices or mobile telephones.
• Use the "SIEMENS Industry Online Support app" only on equipment that has already been
switched o󹪜.
Fire due to inadequate ventilation clearances
Inadequate ventilation clearances can cause overheating of components with subsequent 󹪝re and smoke. This can cause severe injury or even death. This can also result in increased downtime and reduced service lives for devices/systems.
• Ensure compliance with the speci󹪝ed minimum clearance as ventilation clearance for the
respective component.
Overheating due to inadmissible mounting position
The device may overheat and therefore be damaged if mounted in an inadmissible position.
• Only operate the device in admissible mounting positions.
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Fundamental safety instructions
2.1 General safety instructions
Unexpected movement of machines caused by inactive safety functions
Inactive or non-adapted safety functions can trigger unexpected machine movements that may result in serious injury or death.
• Observe the information in the appropriate product documentation before commissioning.
• Carry out a safety inspection for functions relevant to safety on the entire system, including all safety-related components.
• Ensure that the safety functions used in your drives and automation tasks are adjusted and activated through appropriate parameterizing.
• Perform a function test.
• Only put your plant into live operation once you have guaranteed that the functions relevant to safety are running correctly.
Note Important safety notices for Safety Integrated functions
If you want to use Safety Integrated functions, you must observe the safety notices in the Safety Integrated manuals.
Malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed parameter settings
As a result of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn can lead to injuries or death.
• Protect the parameterization against unauthorized access.
• Handle possible malfunctions by taking suitable measures, e.g. emergency stop or emergency o󹪜.
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Fundamental safety instructions

2.4 Security information

2.2 Equipment damage due to electric 󹪝elds or electrostatic discharge
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) are individual components, integrated circuits, modules or devices that may be damaged by either electric 󹪝elds or electrostatic discharge.
Equipment damage due to electric 󹪝elds or electrostatic discharge
Electric 󹪝elds or electrostatic discharge can cause malfunctions through damaged individual components, integrated circuits, modules or devices.
• Only pack, store, transport and send electronic components, modules or devices in their
original packaging or in other suitable materials, e.g conductive foam rubber of aluminum foil.
• Only touch components, modules and devices when you are grounded by one of the
following methods: – Wearing an ESD wrist strap – Wearing ESD shoes or ESD grounding straps in ESD areas with conductive 󹪞ooring
• Only place electronic components, modules or devices on conductive surfaces (table with
ESD surface, conductive ESD foam, ESD packaging, ESD transport container).

2.3 Warranty and liability for application examples

Application examples are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding con󹪝guration, equipment or any eventuality which may arise. Application examples do not represent speci󹪝c customer solutions, but are only intended to provide support for typical tasks.
As the user you yourself are responsible for ensuring that the products described are operated correctly. Application examples do not relieve you of your responsibility for safe handling when using, installing, operating and maintaining the equipment.
2.4 Security information
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems, machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. 󹪝rewalls and/or network segmentation) are in place.
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please visit (
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Fundamental safety instructions
2.4 Security information
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed under (
Further information is provided on the Internet:
Industrial Security Con󹪝guration Manual (
Unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations, e.g. viruses, Trojans, or worms, can cause unsafe operating states in your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage.
• Keep the software up to date.
• Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept for the installation or machine.
• Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept.
• Protect 󹪝les stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners.
• On completion of commissioning, check all security-related settings.
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2.5 Residual risks of power drive systems
When assessing the machine- or system-related risk in accordance with the respective local regulations (e.g., EC Machinery Directive), the machine manufacturer or system installer must take into account the following residual risks emanating from the control and drive components of a drive system:
1. Unintentional movements of driven machine or system components during commissioning, operation, maintenance, and repairs caused by, for example,
– Hardware and/or software errors in the sensors, control system, actuators, and cables and
– Response times of the control system and of the drive
– Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the speci󹪝cation
– Condensation/conductive contamination
– Parameterization, programming, cabling, and installation errors
– Use of wireless devices/mobile phones in the immediate vicinity of electronic components
– External in󹪞uences/damage
Fundamental safety instructions

2.5 Residual risks of power drive systems

– X-ray, ionizing radiation and cosmic radiation
2. Unusually high temperatures, including open 󹪞ames, as well as emissions of light, noise, particles, gases, etc., can occur inside and outside the components under fault conditions caused by, for example:
– Component failure
– Software errors
– Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the speci󹪝cation
– External in󹪞uences/damage
3. Hazardous shock voltages caused by, for example:
– Component failure
In󹪞uence during electrostatic charging
– Induction of voltages in moving motors
– Operation and/or environmental conditions outside the speci󹪝cation
– Condensation/conductive contamination
– External in󹪞uences/damage
4. Electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic 󹪝elds generated in operation that can pose a risk to people with a pacemaker, implants or metal replacement joints, etc., if they are too close
5. Release of environmental pollutants or emissions as a result of improper operation of the system and/or failure to dispose of components safely and correctly
6. In󹪞uence of network-connected communication systems, e.g. ripple-control transmitters or data communication via the network
For more information about the residual risks of the drive system components, see the relevant sections in the technical user documentation.
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Fundamental safety instructions
2.5 Residual risks of power drive systems
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Product information

3.1 Validity of the description

These notes take precedence over statements in other documents.
Please read the notes carefully since important information for installation and use of the software is included for you.
Notes that were no longer able to be taken into account in the online help can be found under Limitations for use (Page 23).

3.2 Product features

Functional scope
Software component SINUMERIK 840D sl STEP 7 Toolbox V17 contains the following tools and functions:
• Supplementation of the hardware catalog with the following modules of the SINUMERIK 840D sl (as of 󹪝rmware V4.5 SP2 or higher):
– NCU 710.3
– NCU 720.3
– NCU 730.3
– NX10.3
– NX15.3
• Supplement of the hardware catalog to include the ADI4 module
• SINUMERIK PLC basic program The SINUMERIK 840D sl STEP 7 Toolbox V17 automatically installs the PLC basic program as the "SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC Basic Program" system library. Matching the 󹪝rmware versions of the modules, there are di󹪜erent versions of the PLC basic program:
– SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.5.x.x
– SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.7.x.x
– SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.8.x.x
– SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.91.x.x
– SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.92.x.x
– SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.93.x.x
– SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.94.x.x
– SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.95.x.x
• Export of PLC symbols for SINUMERIK Operate
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Product information

3.3 Installation notes

• Importing SINUMERIK user alarm texts
• Creating SINUMERIK PLC archives
• Support of PROFINET IO IRT for NCK
• Support of SINUMERIK Safety Integrated and Safety Integrated plus
• NC VAR selector (external tool)
3.3 Installation notes
Software requirements
SINUMERIK STEP 7 Toolbox V17 is a TIA Portal option package with additional setup that requires the following products to be installed:
• SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V17
When installing SINUMERIK STEP 7 Toolbox V17, software components "SINUMERIK 840D sl STEP 7 Toolbox V17" and "SINUMERIK ONE STEP 7 Toolbox V17" are automatically installed.
Hardware requirements and other system requirements
All of the hardware and system requirements of SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional apply.
You can 󹪝nd the system requirements of STEP 7 Professional in the following documentation:
• STEP 7 Professional System Manual (
• TIA Portal online help, search term "System requirements STEP 7 Professional"
Before installing, exit all of the applications (e.g. TIA Portal) and execute the "Start.exe" setup 󹪝le in the master directory of the product DVD.
Via the installation wizard of the TIA Portal, you can uninstall the software, which is entered in the Windows dialog "Uninstall or change program":
"Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall Program > Siemens Totally Integrated Automation Portal"
The NC VAR selector must be uninstalled separately.
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3.4 Limitations for use
According to the state of the art, it can admittedly not be excluded - given the complexity of the software products - that sporadic functional restrictions can occur under the greatly di󹪜ering system and application conditions.
In this context, please observe the current boundary conditions, functional restrictions and workarounds on the Internet:
Product information

3.4 Limitations for use

Boundary conditions in Siemens Industry Online Support (
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Product information
3.4 Limitations for use
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Con󹪝guring the NCU


4.1.1 Structure of SINUMERIK NCU

Subcomponents of the NCU
A SINUMERIK NCU comprises the following integrated subcomponents:
• CP
• SINAMICS Integrated (DRIVE)
These subcomponents are always a 󹪝xed component of an NCU and can only be handled in combination with the NCU. Subcomponents cannot be individually pasted, copied or moved in the project or across projects (e.g. in libraries).
Note Copying and pasting the NCU or the DP master system
You can copy and insert NCUs within a project. For this purpose, switch to the network view or to the topology view of the project view.
The DP master system (PROFIBUS Integrated) cannot be individually copied, pasted or deleted. It is considered as an integral part of the NCU.
If you copy an NCU, all integrated subcomponents are also copied, e.g. SINAMICS Integrated or PROFIBUS Integrated.
Additional connectable components
Optionally, the following components can be connected to the NCU:
• NX10.3 and NX15.3 modules
These components are not inserted automatically when inserting an NCU, but must be integrated manually (Page 27).
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Con󹪝guring the NCU

4.1.2 Insert NCU

• A project is open in the TIA Portal.
To insert a SINUMERIK NCU in the project view, proceed as follows:
1. Click "Add new device" in the project tree.
2. Click the "Controllers" button.
3. In the folder structure under "Controllers", expand the corresponding SINUMERIK device family (e.g. SINUMERIK 840D sl) and required NCU and select these.
Figure 4-1 Selected NCU using the SINUMERIK 840D sl NCU 730.3 PN V4.8 as an example
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4. Select the 󹪝rmware version that matches the envisaged 󹪝rmware version of the real NCU in
the "Version" drop-down list.
5. Con󹪝rm your selection with "OK".
The SINUMERIK NCU is created as new device.
See also
Replacing a device or upgrading 󹪝rmware (Page 32)
4.2 Insert NX module
Con󹪝guring the NCU

4.2 Insert NX module

In order to insert an NX module into the project via the hardware catalog, proceed as follows:
1. In the network view, navigate in the hardware catalog to the folder "Controller >
SINUMERIK 840D sl > NX" and select, for example, NX15.3 .
2. You can select the 󹪝rmware version of the NX module at "Information" in the hardware
catalog. This must match the 󹪝rmware version of SINAMICS Integrated. Firmware versions of the con󹪝gured hardware and the real hardware must match.
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Con󹪝guring the NCU
4.2 Insert NX module
3. Use drag-and-drop to move the NX module from the hardware catalog to the network view.
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Con󹪝guring the NCU
4.2 Insert NX module
4. To connect the NX module with a master system, click "Not assigned" and select the master
Note Connection to DP Integrated
Note that the NX modules can only be connected to the DP Integrated of a SINUMERIK NCU, and not to external PROFIBUS interfaces!
The NX is connected with the NCU and the "Wiring between control and NX" dialog opens.
5. In the "Wiring between control and NX" dialog, select the DP address of the NX in the master
system that matches your real wiring. The DP addresses of the NX modules are permanently assigned to the DRIVE-CLiQ sockets of the NCU.
DP address of the NX in the master system DRIVE-CLiQ socket on the NCU
10 X100 11 X101 12 X102 13 X103 14 X104 15 X105
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Con󹪝guring the NCU
4.2 Insert NX module
Note This setting cannot be undone
Please note that once set, the DP address of an NX cannot be subsequently changed. The NX modules must be connected to the DRIVE-CLiQ socket of the NCU in the real wiring that corresponds to the permanently assigned DP address.
If you have incorrectly set the DP address of an NX, delete this NX from the project and add a new one.
The DP address of the NX module is speci󹪝ed in accordance with your setting and the appropriate I/O addresses of the telegrams are set automatically.
Note Default I/O addresses of the telegrams
Depending on the set DP address, the appropriate I/O addresses of the telegrams are set automatically.
Change this setting only when the I/O addresses of your telegrams di󹪜er from the default setting!
You can also 󹪝nd information on the wiring between NCU and NX in the properties of the DP Integrated interface on the NCU and NX under "PROFIBUS address".
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