siemens 828D Programming Manual

SINUMERIK 840D sl / 828D Fundamentals
Programming Manual
Preface Fundamental Geometrical
Principles Fundamental Principles of
NC Programming
Creating an NC program
Tool change
Tool offsets
Spindle motion
Feed control
Geometry settings
Motion commands
Tool radius compensation
Path action Coordinate transformations
Auxiliary function outputs
Supplementary commands
Other information
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Valid for
Software Version CNC software 4.5 SP2
Legal information Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
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The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
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Order number: 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1 04/2013 Technical data subject to change
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Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
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Target group
This publication is intended for:
● Programmers
● Project engineers
With the programming manual, the target group can develop, write, test, and debug programs and software user interfaces.
Standard scope
This Programming Manual describes the functionality afforded by standard functions. Extensions or changes made by the machine tool manufacturer are documented by the machine tool manufacturer.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when servicing.
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4 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Information on structure and contents
"Fundamentals" and "Job planning" Programming Manual
The description of the NC programming is divided into two manuals:
1. Fundamentals
This "Fundamentals" Programming Manual is intended for use by skilled machine operators with the appropriate expertise in drilling, milling and turning operations. Simple programming examples are used to explain the commands and statements which are also defined according to DIN 66025.
2. Job planning
The "Job planning" Programming Manual is intended for use by technicians with in-depth, comprehensive programming knowledge. By virtue of a special programming language, the SINUMERIK control enables the user to program complex workpiece programs (e.g. for free-form surfaces, channel coordination, ...) and makes programming of complicated operations easy for technologists.
Availability of the described NC language elements
All NC language elements described in the manual are available for the SINUMERIK 840D sl. The availability regarding SINUMERIK 828D can be found in table "Operations: Availability for SINUMER
IK 828D (Page 455)".
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6 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1

Table of contents

Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Fundamen
1.1 Workpiece pos
1.1.1 Workpiece c
1.1.2 Cartesian c
1.1.3 Polar coordinates .......................................................................................................
1.1.4 Abso
1.1.5 Incr
1.2 Working planes
1.3 Zero points
1.4 Coordinate sys
1.4.1 Mach
1.4.2 Basi
1.4.3 Basi
1.4.4 Settable ze
1.4.5 Workpiece c
1.4.6 What is the relation
2 Fundamen
2.1 Name of an NC program.....................................................................................................
2.2 Struct
2.2.1 Blocks
2.2.2 Block
2.2.3 Value assi
2.2.5 Skipping block
tal Geometrical Principles ....................................................................................................... 13
oordinate systems....................................................................................................13
lute dimensions....................................................................................................................18
emental dimension.................................................................................................................20
and reference points .................................................................................................22
tems .....................................................................................................................24
ine coordinate system (MCS)..............................................................................................24
c coordinate system (BCS) ...................................................................................................27
c zero system (BZS) .............................................................................................................29
ro system (SZS).........................................................................................................30
oordinate system (WCS)..........................................................................................31
ship between the various coordinate systems?............................................31
tal Principles of NC Programming........................................................................................... 33
ure and contents of an NC program...................................................................................35
and block components .....................................................................................................35
s ............................................................................................................................39
3 Creating
3.1 Basi
3.2 Available c
3.3 Program header ............................................................................................................
3.4 Program exa
3.4.1 Example 1: Firs
3.4.2 Example 2: NC program for turning
3.4.3 Example 3: NC program for milling
4 Tool chan
4.1 Tool change without tool m
4.1.1 Tool change with T c
4.1.2 Tool ch
4.2 Tool change with tool management (opti
Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
an NC program.......................................................................................................................... 43
c procedure ...........................................................................................................................43
t programming steps ...........................................................................................47
ge............................................................................................................................................. 53
ange with M6....................................................................................................................54
Table of contents
4.2.1 Tool change with T command with active tool management (option)......................................... 56
4.2.2 Tool change with M6 with active tool management (option)....................................................... 58
4.3 Behavio
5 Tool o
ffsets.............................................................................................................................................. 61
5.1 General information about the tool offsets
r with faulty T programming ........................................................................................... 60
.................................................................................. 61
5.2 Tool length compensation..................................................................................................
5.3 Tool radius
5.4 Tool compens
5.5 Tool types
5.5.1 General information about the tool types
5.5.2 Milling tools
5.5.3 Drills ..................................................................................................................
5.5.4 Grinding tools ..........................................................................................................
5.5.5 Turning tools
5.5.6 Specia
5.5.7 Chaining rule ...........................................................................................................
5.6 Tool offset call (D)
5.7 Change in the tool offset data
compensation........................................................................................................... 63
ation memory........................................................................................................ 64
.................................................................................................................................... 65
.................................................................................... 65
................................................................................................................................. 66
.......................... 68
.................... 69
............................................................................................................................... 70
l tools................................................................................................................................ 71
.................... 72
....................................................................................................................... 73
..................................................................................................... 75
5.8 Programmable tool offset (TOFFL, TOFF, TOFFR).................................................................... 76
6 S
pindle mot
6.1 Spindle speed (S), spi
ion......................................................................................................................................... 81
ndle direction of rotation (M3, M4, M5).................................................... 81
......... 62
6.2 Cutting rate (
6.3 Cons
6.4 Cons
6.5 Programmable sp
7 Feed cont
rol........................................................................................................................................... 101
tant cutting rate (G96/G961/G962, G97/G971/G972, G973, LIMS, SCC) ......................... 92
tant grinding wheel peripheral speed (GWPSON, GWPSOF)............................................ 97
SVC)....................................................................................................................... 85
indle speed limitation (G25, G26)................................................................... 99
7.1 Feedrate (G93, G94, G95, F, FGROUP, FL, FGREF)
7.2 Travers
7.3 Position-controlled spindle mode (SP
7.4 Positioning spindles
7.5 Feedrate for pos
7.6 Programmable feedrate ov
7.7 Programmable acc
e positioning axes (POS, POSA, POSP, FA, WAITP, WAITMC) ................................. 110
CON, SPCOF) ............................................................... 113
(SPOS, SPOSA, M19, M70, WAITS)....................................................... 115
itioning axes / spindles (FA, FPR, FPRAON, FPRAOF) ................................ 123
erride (OVR, OVRRAP, OVRA) ..................................................... 127
eleration override (ACC) (option)................................................................ 129
7.8 Feedrate with handwheel override (FD
7.9 Feedrate opti
7.10 S
everal feedrate values in one block (F, ST, SR, FMA, STA, SRA)......................................... 137
7.11 Non-modal
7.12 Tooth feedrat
mization for curved path sections (CFTCP, CFC, CFIN)..................................... 135
feedrate (FB) .......................................................................................................... 141
e (G95 FZ) ........................................................................................................... 142
.............................................................. 101
, FDA) .......................................................................... 131
8 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Table of contents
8 Geometry settings.................................................................................................................................. 149
8.1 Settable zero offset (G54 to G57, G505 to G599, G53, G500, SUPA, G153)...........................149
8.2 Selection of the worki
8.3 Dimensions
8.3.1 Abso
8.3.2 Incr
lute dimensions (G90, AC).................................................................................................156
emental dimensions (G91, IC) .............................................................................................159
8.3.3 Absolute and incremental dimensi
8.3.4 Abso
8.3.5 Inch
8.3.6 Channel
lute dimensions for rotary axes (DC, ACP, ACN)..............................................................163
or metric dimensions (G70/G700, G71/G710) ...................................................................165
-specific diameter/radius programming (DIAMON, DIAM90, DIAMOF,
ng plane (G17/G18/G19).........................................................................153
ons for turning and milling (G90/G91) .................................162
DIAMCYCOF) ............................................................................................................................168
diameter/radius programming (DIAMONA, DIAM90A, DIAMOFA,
DIACYCOFA, DIAMCHANA, DIAMCHAN, DAC, DIC, RAC, RIC)............................................170
9 Motion commands
Position of workpiec
................................................................................................................................. 177
9.1 General information about the travel commands
9.2 Trav
el commands with Cartesian coordinates (G0, G1, G2, G3, X..., Y..., Z...)........................179
9.3 Travel commands
9.3.1 Referenc
9.3.2 Trav
e point of the polar coordinates (G110, G111, G112).................................................180
el commands with polar coordinates (G0, G1, G2, G3, AP, RP)........................................182
e for turning................................................................................................175
with polar coordinates ..................................................................................180
9.4 Rapid traverse motion (G0, RTLION, RTLIOF) .........................................................................186
9.5 Linear interpolation (G1) .................................................................................................
9.6 Circular interpolation
9.6.1 Circular interpolation types
9.6.2 Circular
9.6.3 Circular
9.6.4 Circular
interpolation with center point and end point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z..., I... J... K...) ...........196
interpolation with radius and end point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z..., CR) ...............................199
interpolation with opening angle and center point (G2/G3, X... Y... Z.../ I... J...
(G2/G3, ...) .....................................................................................192
K..., AR)......................................................................................................................................201
9.6.6 Circular
interpolation with polar coordinates (G2/G3, AP, RP)..................................................203
interpolation with intermediate point and end point (CIP, X... Y... Z..., I1... J1...
9.7 Helica
9.8 Invo
9.9 Contour definitions .......................................................................................................
interpolation with tangential transition (CT, X... Y... Z...)..............................................208
l interpolation (G2/G3, TURN) .........................................................................................211
lute interpolation (INVCW, INVCCW)..................................................................................214
9.9.1 Contour definition programming.................................................................................................219
9.9.2 Contour definitions
9.9.3 Contour definitions
9.9.4 Contour definitions: Three s
9.9.5 Contour definitions: End point programming with angle
9.10 Thread cutting
: One straight line.........................................................................................220
: Two straight lines.......................................................................................221
traight lines ....................................................................................225
9.10.1 Thread cutting with constant lead (G33, SF) .............................................................................229
9.10.2 Programmed run-in and run-out path (DI
9.10.3 Thre
ad cutting with increasing or decreasing lead (G34, G35) .................................................237
TS, DITE):..................................................................235
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Table of contents
9.10.4 Fast retraction during thread cutting (LFON, LFOF, DILF, ALF, LFTXT, LFWP, LFPOS,
POLF, POLFMASK, POLFMLIN).............................................................................................. 239
9.11 Tapping
9.11.1 Tapping without compensating chuck (G331, G332)
9.11.2 Tapping with compensating chuck (G63)
9.12 Chamfer, rounding (CHF, CHR, RND,
10 Tool r
adius compensation...................................................................................................................... 257
10.1 Tool radius
10.2 Appro
10.3 Compensa
..................................................................................................................................... 243
................................................................ 243
.................................................................................. 248
RNDM, FRC, FRCM)................................................... 250
compensation (G40, G41, G42, OFFN) ................................................................. 257
aching and leaving contour (NORM, KONT, KONTC, KONTT)...................................... 267
tion at the outside corners (G450, G451, DISC) ..................................................... 274
10.4 Smooth approach and retraction...........................................................................................
10.4.1 Appro
ach and retraction (G140 to G143, G147, G148, G247, G248, G347, G348, G340,
G341, DISR, DISCL, DISRP, FAD, PM, PR) ............................................................................ 278
10.5 Collisi
ach and retraction with extended retraction strategies (G460, G461, G462).................. 289
on detection (CDON, CDOF, CDOF2) ............................................................................ 293
10.6 2D tool compensation (CUT2D, CUT2DF)................................................................................ 296
10.7 Keep tool ra
10.8 Tools with a relevant cutting edge positi
11 Pa
th action............................................................................................................................................. 305
11.1 Exac
t stop (G60, G9, G601, G602, G603)................................................................................ 305
dius compensation constant (CUTCONON, CUTCONOF) ................................... 300
on............................................................................... 302
.... 278
11.2 Contin
12 Coordinat
12.1 Frames ...................................................................................................................
12.2 Frame instructions
12.3 Programmable ze
12.3.1 Zero offset (TRANS, ATRAN
12.3.2 Axial z
uous-path mode (G64, G641, G642, G643, G644, G645, ADIS, ADISPOS)................. 308
e transformations (frames) ..................................................................................................... 319
................... 319
..................................................................................................................... 321
ro offset......................................................................................................... 326
S)................................................................................................. 326
ero offset (G58, G59)...................................................................................................... 330
12.4 Programmable rotation (ROT, AROT, RPL) ............................................................................. 333
12.5 Programma
12.6 Programmable sc
ble frame rotations with solid angles (ROTS, AROTS, CROTS) ........................... 340
aling factor (SCALE, ASCALE)..................................................................... 342
12.7 Programmable mirroring (MIRROR, AMIRROR) ...................................................................... 345
12.8 Frame
generation according to tool orientation (TOFRAME, TOROT, PAROT):..................... 351
12.9 Deselect frame (G53, G153, SUPA, G500) .............................................................................. 354
12.10 Des
13 Auxiliary function outputs
13.1 M functions
14 Supplementary co
electing overlaid movements (DRFOF, CORROF) ............................................................ 355
....................................................................................................................... 359
................................................................................................................................ 362
mmands .................................................................................................................... 367
14.1 Output messages
(MSG) .......................................................................................................... 367
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Table of contents
14.2 Writing string in OPI variable (WRTPR).....................................................................................369
14.3 Working area limitation ..............................................................................................................370
14.3.1 Wo
14.3.2 Working area limitation in WCS/SZS (WALCS0 ... WALCS10)
rking area limitation in BCS (G25/G26, WALIMON, WALIMOF)..........................................370
14.4 Reference point approach (G74) ...........................................................................................
14.5 Approaching a fix
14.6 Travel to fix
ed point (G75) ................................................................................................377
ed stop (FXS, FXST, FXSW) ..................................................................................381
14.7 Dwell time (G4) ..........................................................................................................
14.8 Internal preprocess
15 Other
information................................................................................................................................... 389
15.1 Axes
15.1.1 Main axes/Geometry
15.1.2 Special ax
15.1.3 Main spindle,
15.1.4 Mach
ine axes.............................................................................................................................392
ing stop........................................................................................................388
axes .........................................................................................................390
master spindle .....................................................................................................392
15.1.5 Channel axes ...........................................................................................................
15.1.6 Path axe
15.1.7 Posi
15.1.8 Synchroniz
15.1.9 Command axes
s ...................................................................................................................................393
tioning axes.........................................................................................................................393
ed axes.....................................................................................................................394
15.1.10 PLC axes..............................................................................................................
15.1.11 Link
15.1.12 Lead link axes ........................................................................................................
15.2 From travel
15.3 Path calculation
command to machine movement ...........................................................................399
15.4 Addresse
s ..................................................................................................................................400
15.5 Identifier ...............................................................................................................
15.6 Constant
16 Tables......................................................
.............................................................................................. 407
16.1 Operations...............................................................................................................
16.2 Operations: Availability for SINUMERIK
16.3 Addresse
16.3.1 Address letters
16.3.2 Fixed address
16.3.3 Settable addresses
16.4 G Functions
s ..................................................................................................................................479
828D ..........................................................................455
16.5 Predefined procedures....................................................................................................
16.6 Predefined procedures in synchroni
zed actions........................................................................535
16.7 Predefined functions .....................................................................................................
16.8 Currently set language in the HMI
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Table of contents
A Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 551
A.1 List of abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 551
A.2 Docu
mentation overview........................................................................................................... 560
sary ................................................................................................................................................ 561
...................................................................................................................................................... 583
12 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1

Fundamental Geometrical Principles

1.1 Workpiece positions

1.1.1 Workpiece coordinate systems

In order that the machine or the controller can work with the positions specified in the NC program, these specifications have to be made in a reference system that can be transferred to the directions of motion of the machine axes. A coordinate system with the axes X, Y and Z is used for this purpose.
DIN 66217 stipulates that machine tools must use clockwise, right-angled (Cartesian) coordinate systems.
= ;
; <
Workpiece coordinate system for turning
The workpiece zero (W) is the origin of the workpiece coordinate system.
Sometimes it is advisable or even necessary to work with negative position specifications. For this reason, positions that are to the left of the zero point are assigned a negative sign ("-").
Workpiece coordinate system for milling
Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.1 Workpiece positions

1.1.2 Cartesian coordinates

The axes in the coordinate system are assigned dimensions. In this way, it is possible to clearly describe every point in the coordinate system and therefore every workpiece position through the direction (X, Y and Z) and three numerical values The workpiece zero always has the coordinates X0, Y0, and Z0.
Position specifications in the form of Cartesian coordinates
To simplify things, we will only consider one plane of the coordinate system in the following example, the X/Y plane:
Points P1 to P4 have the following coordinates:
Position Coordinates P1 X100 Y50 P2 X-50 Y100 P3 X-105 Y-115 P4 X70 Y-75
14 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.1 Workpiece positions
Example: Workpiece positions for turning
With lathes, one plane is sufficient to describe the contour:
3 3
Points P1 to P4 have the following coordinates:
Position Coordinates P1 X25 Z-7.5 P2 X40 Z-15 P3 X40 Z-25 P4 X60 Z-35
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Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.1 Workpiece positions
Example: Workpiece positions for milling
For milling, the feed depth must also be described, i.e. the third coordinate (in this case Z) must also be assigned a numerical value.
Points P1 to P3 have the following coordinates:
Position Coordinates P1 X10 Y45 Z-5 P2 X30 Y60 Z-20 P3 X45 Y20 Z-15
16 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.1 Workpiece positions

1.1.3 Polar coordinates

Polar coordinates can be used instead of Cartesian coordinates to describe workpiece positions. This is useful when a workpiece or part of a workpiece has been dimensioned with radius and angle. The point from which the dimensioning starts is called the "pole".
Position specifications in the form of polar coordinates
Polar coordinates are made up of the polar radius and the polar angle.
The polar radius is the distance between the pole and the position.
The polar angle is the angle between the polar radius and the horizontal axis of the working plane. Negative polar angles are in the clockwise direction, positive polar angles in the counterclockwise direction.
Points P1 and P2 can then be described – with reference to the pole – as follows:
Position Polar coordinates P1 RP=100 AP=30 P2 RP=60 AP=75 RP: Polar radius AP: Polar angle
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Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.1 Workpiece positions

1.1.4 Absolute dimensions

Position specifications in absolute dimensions
With absolute dimensions, all the position specifications refer to the currently valid zero point.
Applied to tool movement this means:
the position, to which the tool is to travel.
Example: Turning
3 3
In absolute dimensions, the following position specifications result for points P1 to P4:
Position Position specification in absolute dimensions P1 X25 Z-7.5 P2 X40 Z-15 P3 X40 Z-25 P4 X60 Z-35
18 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.1 Workpiece positions
Example: Milling
In absolute dimensions, the following position specifications result for points P1 to P3:
Position Position specification in absolute dimensions P1 X20 Y35 P2 X50 Y60 P3 X70 Y20
Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.1 Workpiece positions

1.1.5 Incremental dimension

Position specifications in incremental dimensions
In production drawings, the dimensions often do not refer to a zero point, but to another workpiece point. So that these dimensions do not have to be converted, they can be specified in incremental dimensions. In this method of dimensional notation, a position specification refers to the previous point.
Applied to tool movement this means:
The incremental dimensions describe the distance the tool is to travel.
Example: Turning
3 3
In incremental dimensions, the following position specifications result for points P2 to P4:
Position Position specification in incremental dimensions The specification refers to: P2 X15 Z-7.5 P1 P3 Z-10 P2 P4 X20 Z-10 P3
DIAMOF or DIAM90 active, the set distance in incremental dimensions (G91) is
programmed as a radius dimension.
20 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles

1.2 Working planes

Example: Milling
The position specifications for points P1 to P3 in incremental dimensions are:
In incremental dimensions, the following position specifications result for points P1 to P3:
Position Position specification in incremental
dimensions P1 X20 Y35 Zero point P2 X30 Y20 P1 P3 X20 Y -35 P2
1.2 Working planes
An NC program must contain information about the plane in which the work is to be performed. Only then can the control unit calculate the correct tool offsets during the execution of the NC program. The specification of the working plane is also relevant for certain types of circular-path programming and polar coordinates.
The specification refers to:
Two coordinate axes define a working plane. The third coordinate axis is perpendicular to this plane and determines the infeed direction of the tool (e.g. for 2D machining).
Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles

1.3 Zero points and reference points

Working planes for turning/milling
Working planes for turning
Programming of the working planes
The working planes are defined in the NC program with the G commands G17, G18 and G19 as follows:
Working planes for milling
G command Working plane Infeed direction Abscissa Ordinate Applicate
G17 G18 G19
1.3 Zero points and reference points
Various zero points and reference points are defined on an NC machine:
Zero points
M Machine zero
The machine zero defines the machine coordinate system (MCS). All other reference points refer to the machine zero.
W Workpiece zero = program zero
The workpiece zero defines the workpiece coordinate system in relation to the machine zero.
A Blocking point
Can be the same as the workpiece zero (only for lathes).
22 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.3 Zero points and reference points
Reference points
R Reference point
Position defined by output cam and measuring system. The distance to the machine
zero M must be known so that the axis position at this point can be set exactly to this
B Starting point
Can be defined by the program. The first machining tool starts here.
T Toolholder reference point
Is on the toolholder. By entering the tool lengths, the controller calculates the distance
between the tool tip and the toolholder reference point.
N Tool change point
Zero points and reference points for turning
Zero points for milling
Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles

1.4 Coordinate systems

1.4 Coordinate systems
A distinction is made between the following coordinate systems:
● Machine coordinate system (MCS) (Page 24) with the machine zero M
● Basic coordinate system (BCS) (Page 27)
● Basic zero system (BZS) (Page 29)
● Settable zero system (SZS) (Page 30)
● Workpiece coordinate system (WCS) (Page 31) with the workpiece zero W

1.4.1 Machine coordinate system (MCS)

The machine coordinate system comprises all the physically existing machine axes.
Reference points and tool and pallet changing points (fixed machine points) are defined in the machine coordinate system.
If programming is performed directly in the machine coordinate system (possible with some G functions), the physical axes of the machine respond directly. Any workpiece clamping that is present is not taken into account.
If there are various machine coordinate systems (e.g. 5-axis transformation), then an internal transformation is used to map the machine kinematics on the coordinate system in which the programming is performed.
24 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.4 Coordinate systems
Three-finger rule
The orientation of the coordinate system relative to the machine depends on the machine type. The axis directions follow the so-called "three-finger rule" of the right hand (according to DIN 66217).
Seen from in front of the machine, the middle finger of the right hand points in the opposite direction to the infeed of the main spindle. Therefore:
● the thumb points in the +X direction
● the index finger points in the +Y direction
● the middle finger points in the +Z direction
Figure 1-1 "Three-finger rule"
Rotary motions around the coordinate axes X, Y and Z are designated A, B and C. If the rotary motion is in a clockwise direction when looking in the positive direction of the coordinate axis, the direction of rotation is positive:
Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.4 Coordinate systems
Position of the coordinate system in different machine types
The position of the coordinate system resulting from the "three-finger rule" can have a different orientation for different machine types. Here are a few examples:
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Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.4 Coordinate systems

1.4.2 Basic coordinate system (BCS)

The basic coordinate system (BCS) consists of three mutually perpendicular axes (geometry axes) as well as other special axes, which are not interrelated geometrically.
Machine tools without kinematic transformation
BCS and MCS always coincide when the BCS can be mapped onto the MCS without kinematic transformation (e.g. 5-axis transformation, TRANSMIT/TRACYL/TRAANG).
On such machines, machine axes and geometry axes can have the same names.
Figure 1-2 MCS = BCS without kinematic transformation
Machine tools with kinematic transformation
BCS and MCS do not coincide when the BCS is mapped onto the MCS with kinematic transformation (e.g. 5-axis transformation, TRANSMIT/TRACYL/TRAANG).
On such machines the machine axes and geometry axes must have different names.
Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.4 Coordinate systems
Figure 1-3 Kinematic transformation between the MCS and BCS
Machine kinematics
The workpiece is always programmed in a two or three dimensional, right-angled coordinate system (WCS). However, such workpieces are being programmed ever more frequently on machine tools with rotary axes or linear axes not perpendicular to one another. Kinematic transformation is used to represent coordinates programmed in the workpiece coordinate system (rectangular) in real machine movements.
Function Manual Expansion Functions; M1: Kinematic transformation
Function Manual, Special Functions; F2: Multi-axis transformations
28 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.4 Coordinate systems

1.4.3 Basic zero system (BZS)

The basic zero system (BZS) is the basic coordinate system with a basic offset.
Basic offset
The basic offset describes the coordinate transformation between BCS and BZS. It can be used, for example, to define the palette window zero.
The basic offset comprises:
● External zero offset
● DRF offset
● Overlaid movement
● Chained system frames
● Chained basic frames
Function Manual, Basic Functions; Axes, Coordinate Systems, Frames (K2)
Fundamentals Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Fundamental Geometrical Principles
1.4 Coordinate systems

1.4.4 Settable zero system (SZS)

Settable zero offset
The "settable zero system" (SZS) results from the basic zero system (BZS) through the settable zero offset.
Settable zero offsets are activated in the NC program with the G commands
G505...G599 as follows:
G54...G57 and
If no programmable coordinate transformations (frames) are active, then the "settable zero system" is the workpiece coordinate system (WCS).
Programmable coordinate transformations (frames)
Sometimes it is useful or necessary within an NC program, to move the originally selected workpiece coordinate system (or the "settable zero system") to another position and, if required, to rotate it, mirror it and/or scale it. This is performed using programmable coordinate transformations (frames).
See Section: "Coordinate transformations (frames)"
30 Programming Manual, 03/2013, 6FC5398-1BP40-3BA1
Programmable coordinate transformations (frames) always refer to the "settable zero system".
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