This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the relevant information is not taken into account.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of SiemensAG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this
publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG
Industry Sector
Postfach 48 48
Order number:6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
Ⓟ 02.2012 Technical data subject to change
You can find information on SINUMERIK under the following link:
This documentation is intended for project engineers, commissioning engineers, machine
operators and service and maintenance personnel.
The intended target group can use the Parameter Manual to test and commission the system
or the plant professionally and safely.
Utilization phase: Installation and commissioning phase
Technical Support
This documentation only describes the functionality of the standard version. Additions or
revisions made by the machine manufacturer are documented by the machine manufacturer.
Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This
does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or
when servicing.
For the sake of simplicity, this documentation does not contain all detailed information about
all types of the product and cannot cover every conceivable case of installation, operation, or
You will find telephone numbers for other countries for technical support in the Internet under
1.1Structure of the parameter descriptions for SINAMICS
Basic structure of the parameter descriptions
The data in the following example has been chosen at random. The description of a
parameter includes as a maximum, the information listed below. Some of the information is
The parameter list (see SINAMICS parameters (Page 19)) has the following structure:
--------------------------------------------- Start of the example --------------------------------------------------
Drive object
(function module)
Value:0: Name and meaning of value 0
Recommendation: Text
Index:[0] = Name and meaning of bit 0
BICO: Full parameter name / abbreviated name
Can be changed
into: C1(x)
Data type:
P group:Unit group: -Unit selection: p0100
Not for motor type:
Min.MaxFactory setting
0.00 [Nm]10.00. [Nm]0.00 [Arms]
1: Name and meaning of value 1
2: Name and meaning of value 2
[1] = Name and meaning of bit 1
[2] = Name and meaning of bit 2
[00] = Name and meaning of
bit 0
[01] = Name and meaning of
bit 1
[02] = Name and meaning of
bit 2
See also: pxxxx,rxxxx
See also: Fxxxxx, Axxxxx
Danger:Warning:Caution:Safety-related text with
Caution:Notice:Safety-related text
Note:Information which might be useful.
--------------------------------------------- End of the example ---------------------------------------------------
1 signal
0 signal
warning triangle
without warning triangle
1.2Meaning of the parameter descriptions
Parameter number
The parameter number consists of a leading "p" or "r", followed by the parameter number and
the index (optional).
Examples of the representation in the parameter list:
• p...
Adjustable parameter (read and write parameter)
• r...
Display parameters (read only)
• p0918
Adjustable parameter 918
• p0099[0...3]
Adjustable parameter 99, indices 0 to 3
• p1001[0...n]
Adjustable parameter 1001, indices 0 to n (n = configurable)
• r0944
Display parameter 944
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
Explanation of list of parameters
1.2 Meaning of the parameter descriptions
Other examples of the notation used in the documentation:
• p1070[1]
Adjustable parameter 1070, index 1
• p2098[1].3
Adjustable parameter 2098, index 1 bit 3
• r0945[2](3)
Display parameter 945, index 2 of drive object 3
• p0795.4
Adjustable parameter 795, bit 4
• r2129.0...15
Display parameter 2129 with bit array (maximum 16 bit)
The following applies to adjustable parameters:
The parameter value "when shipped" is specified under "Factory setting" with the relevant unit
in square parentheses. The value can be adjusted within the range defined by "Min" and
The term "linked parameterization" is used in cases where changes to adjustable parameters
affect the settings of other parameters.
Linked parameterization is initiated, for example, as a result of the following actions and
• Executing macros
p0015, p0700, p1000, p1500
• Setting a PROFIBUS telegram (BICO interconnections)
• Setting component lists
p0230, p0300, p0301, p0400
• Automatically calculating and preassigning
p0112, p0340, p0578, p3900
• Restore factory settings
The following applies to display parameters:
The fields "Min", "Max" and "Factory setting" are specified with a dash "-" and the relevant unit
in square parentheses.
The parameter list can contain parameters that are not visible in the expert lists of the
respective commissioning software (e.g. parameters for trace functions)
This parameter is available as both an "analog" and a digital signal for interconnection with
other parameters.
A Connector Input (CI) cannot be interconnected with just any Connector Output (CO,
signal source).
When interconnecting a connector input using the commissioning software, only the
signal sources that are actually possible are listed.
Drive object (function module)
A drive object (DO) is an independent, "self-contained" functional unit with its own
parameters, faults messages, and alarms.
For each parameter, it is specified in which drive object this parameter is located and for
which function module.
A parameter can belong to a single, multiple, or all drive objects.
The following information relating to "Drive object" and "Function module" can be displayed
under the parameter number:
Drive object (function module)TypeMeaning
A_INF_828103Active Infeed closed-loop control
Closed-loop controlled, self-commutated infeed/regenerative feedback
unit for generating
a constant DC-link voltage.
A_INF_828 (line transformer)Active Infeed closed-loop control with "line transformer" function module
A_INF_828 (Brk Mod Ext)Active Infeed closed-loop control with "Brk Mod Ext?" function module
A_INF_828 (Master/Slave)Active Infeed closed-loop control with "Master/Slave" function module
A_INF_828 (Parallel)Active Infeed closed-loop control with "Parallel?" function module
A_INF_828 (Recooling unit)Active Infeed closed-loop control with "Cooling unit" function module
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
Explanation of list of parameters
1.2 Meaning of the parameter descriptions
Drive object (function module)TypeMeaning
B_INF_828103Basic Infeed closed loop control
Uncontrolled infeed unit (without energy recovery) to
rectify the line voltage for the DC link.
B_INF_828 (Brk Mod Ext)Basic Infeed closed-loop control with "Brk Mod Ext?" function module
B_INF_828 (Parallel)Basic Infeed closed-loop control with "Parallel?" function module
Basic Infeed closed-loop control with "Cooling unit" function module
CU_I_COMBI102Control Unit SINAMICS Integrated Combi
CU_I_828103Control Unit SINAMICS Integrated Booksize
CU_LINK254Object for Controller Extension 32 (CX32)
HUB150DMC20 DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module
SERVO_COMBI102Servo drive
SERVO_COMBI (Safety rot)Servo drive with "Safety rot?" function module
SERVO_828103Servo drive
SERVO_828 (Safety rot)Servo drive with "Safety rot?" function module
SI_INF_COMBI (Brk Mod Ext)
S_INF_828 (Parallel)
S_INF_828 (Brk Mod Ext)
S_INF_828 (Recooling unit)
TM120207Terminal Module 120
TM54F_MA205Terminal Module 54F Master
TM54F_SL206Terminal Module 54F Slave
Can be changed
A "-" character indicates that the parameter can be changed in any object state and that the
change will become effective immediately.
The information "C1(x), C2(x), T, U" ((x): optional) means that the parameter can be changed
only in the specified drive object state and that the change will not take effect until the object
switches to another state. This can be one or more states.
•C1(x)Device commissioningC1: Commissioning 1
The device is being commissioned (p0009>0).
Pulses cannot be enabled.
The parameter can only be changed when the device commissioning
settings (p0009>0) are as follows:
•C1: Can be changed for all settings p0009>0.
•C1(x): Can only be changed when the settings are p0009 = x.
A modified parameter value does not take effect until the device
commissioning mode is exited with p0009 = 0.
•C2(x)Drive object commissioningC2: Commissioning 2
The drive is being commissioned (p0009=0 and p0010>0).
Pulses cannot be enabled.
The parameter can only be changed when the drive commissioning
settings (p0010>0) are as follows:
•C2: Can be changed for all settings p0010>0.
•C2(x): Can only be changed when p0010 = x.
A modified parameter value does not take effect until the device
commissioning mode is exited with p0010 = 0.
•URunU: Run
Pulses are enabled.
•TReady to runT: Ready to run
The pulses are not enabled and the status "C1(x)" or "C2(x)" is not active.
Parameter p0009 is CU specific (belongs to Control Unit).
Parameter p0010 is drive specific (belongs to each drive object).
The operating state of individual drive objects is displayed in r0002.
Specifies whether the parameter is influenced by automatic calculations.
The calculation attribute defines which activities influence the parameter.
The following attributes apply:
– p0340 = 1
– Project download with commissioning software and send from p0340 = 3
– p0340 = 4
– p0340 = 2
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
Access level
Explanation of list of parameters
1.2 Meaning of the parameter descriptions
– p0340 = 1, 3, 5
– p0578 = 1
– p0340 = 1, 3
For p3900 > 0, p0340 = 1 is also called automatically.
After p1910 = 1, p0340 = 3 is automatically called.
Specifies the access level required so that the parameter can be displayed and/or modified.
The required access level can be set via parameter p0003.
The system uses the following access levels:
Data types
1 =Standard
2 =Extended
3 =Expert
4 =Service
Please contact your local Siemens office for the password for parameters with access
level4 (Service).
Parameter p0003 is CU-specific (available on the Control Unit).
The information on the data type can consist of the following two items (separated by a
• First item
Data type of the parameter
• Second item (for binector or connector input only)
Data type of the signal source to be interconnected (binector/connector output)
Parameters can have the following data types:
Data type (abbreviated name)Data type (full name)Meaning
I8Integer88-bit integer number
I16Integer1616-bit integer number
I32Integer3232-bit integer number
Data type (abbreviated name)Data type (full name)Meaning
U8Unsignet88 bits without sign
U16Unsignet1616 bits without sign
U32Unsigned3232 bits without sign
FloatFloatingPoint3232-bit floating point number
Dynamic index
For parameters with a dynamic index [0 to n], the following information is specified here:
• Data set (if this is available).
• Parameter for the number of indices (n = number - 1).
The following information can be contained in this field:
• "CDS, p0170" (Command Data Set, CDS count)
p1070[0] -> main setpoint [command data set 0]
p1070[1] -> main setpoint [command data set 1], etc.
• "DDS, p0180" (Drive Data Set, DDS count)
• "EDS, p0140" (Encoder Data Set, EDS count)
• "MDS, p0130" (Motor Data Set, MDS count)
• "PDS, p0120" (Power unit Data Set, PDS count)
• "p2615" (traversing blocks count)
Information on the data sets can be taken from the following references:
/FH1/ SINAMICS S120 Function Manual Drive Functions Chapter "Data Sets"
P group (only when accessing via BOP (Basic Operator Panel))
Specifies the functional group to which the parameter belongs. The required parameter group
can be set via p0004.
Unit, unit group and unit selection
The standard unit of a parameter is specified in square parentheses after the values for "Min",
"Max", and "Factory setting".
For parameters where the unit can be changed, "Unit Group" and "Unit Selection" specify
which group this parameter belongs and which parameter can be used to change the unit.
Unit group: 7_1, Unit selection: p0505
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
The parameter belongs to Unit Group 7_1 and the unit can be changed using p0505.
Parameter values
• Min.
• Max
• Factory setting
Explanation of list of parameters
1.2 Meaning of the parameter descriptions
Detailed information on changing units can be found in the following references:
/FH1/SINAMICS S120 Function Manual
/BA3/SINAMICS S150 Operating Instructions
Minimum value of the parameter [unit]
Maximum value of the parameter [unit]
Value when delivered [unit]
When commissioned for the first time, it is possible that another value is visible for certain
parameters (e.g.p1800).
Not for motor type
Specifies for which motor type this parameter has no significance
ASM: Asynchronous motor (induction motor)
FEM: Separately excited synchronous motor
PEM: Permanent-magnet synchronous motor
REL: Reluctance motor/SIEMOSYN motor
Specification of the reference variable with which a signal value is automatically converted for
a BICO interconnection.
The following reference variables are possible:
• p2000 ... p2007: Reference speed, reference voltage, etc.
• TEMP: 100 °C = 100 %
The setting of these parameters is determined by the operating environment of the Control
Unit (e.g.depending on the device type, macro, Power Module).
Specifies whether this parameter is available in the expert list of the specified drive objects in
the commissioning software.
• 1: Parameter does exist in the expert list.
• 0: Parameter does not exist in the expert list.
Users assume full responsibility for using parameters marked "Expert list: 0" (parameter
does not exist in the expert list).
These parameters and their functionalities have not been tested and no further user
documentation is available for them (e.g. description of functions).
Further, for these parameters, support through "Technical Support" (hotline) is no longer
Explanation of the function of a parameter.
Lists the possible values of a parameter.
Information about recommended settings.
The name and meaning of each individual index are specified for indexed parameters.
The following applies to the values (Min, Max, Factory setting) of indexed adjustable
• Min, Max:
• Factory setting:
The adjustment range and unit apply to all indices.
When all indices have the same factory setting, index 0 is specified with the unit to
represent all indices.
When the indices have different factory settings, they are all listed individually with the
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
Bit array
Explanation of list of parameters
1.2 Meaning of the parameter descriptions
For parameters with bit arrays, the following information is provided about each bit:
• Bit number and signal name
• Meaning with signal states 0 and 1
Conditions that must be fulfilled in conjunction with this parameter.
Also includes special effects that can occur between this parameter and others.
See also: List of other additional parameters to be considered.
Notice:For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed.
Note:OC: Operating condition
Can be changed: -Calculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 250 -
21:Ready for operation - set "Operation enable" = "1" (p0852)
31:Rdy for sw on - pre-chrg running (p0857)
32:Ready for switching on - set "ON/OFF1" = "0/1" (p0840)
35:Switching on inhibited - carry out first commissioning (p0010)
41:Switching on inhibited - set "ON/OFF1" = "0" (p0840)
42:Switching on inhibited - set "OC/OFF2" = "1" (p0844, p0845)
44:Switching on inhibited - connect 24 V to terminal EP (hardware)
45:Switching on inhibited - remove fault cause, acknowledge fault
46:Switching on inhibited - exit comm mode (p0009, p0010)
60:Infeed de-activated/not operational
200:Wait for booting/partial booting
250:Device signals a topology error
EP: Enable Pulses (pulse enable)
COMM: Commissioning
r0002Infeed operating display / INF op_display
B_INF_828Can be changed: -Calculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 250 -
Description:Operating display for the infeed.
Value:0:Operation - everything enabled
31:Rdy for sw on - pre-chrg running (p0857)
32:Ready for switching on - set "ON/OFF1" = "0/1" (p0840)
35:Switching on inhibited - carry out first commissioning (p0010)
41:Switching on inhibited - set "ON/OFF1" = "0" (p0840)
42:Switching on inhibited - set "OC/OFF2" = "1" (p0844, p0845)
44:Switching on inhibited - connect 24 V to terminal EP (hardware)
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 250 -
Description:Operating display for the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module.
Value:0:Module in cyclic operation
Notice:For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed.
40:Module not in cyclic operation
120:Module de-activated
200:Wait for booting/partial booting
250:Device signals a topology error
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
SINAMICS parameters
r0002Drive operating display / Drv op_display
Description:Operating display for the drive.
Value:0:Operation - everything enabled
Dependency:Refer to: r0046
Notice:For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed.
Note:OC: Operating condition
Can be changed: -Calculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 250 -
10:Operation - set "enable setpoint" = "1" (p1142, p1152)
11:Operation - set "enable speed controller" = "1" (p0856)
12:Operation - RFG frozen, set "RFG start" = "1" (p1141)
13:Operation - set "enable RFG" = "1" (p1140)
14:Oper. - MotID, excit. running and/or brake opens, SS2, SOS
15:Operation - open brake (p1215)
16:Operation - withdraw braking with OFF1 using "ON/OFF1" = "1"
17:Operation - braking with OFF3 can only be interrupted with OFF2
18:Operation - brake on fault, remove fault, acknowledge
19:Operation - armature short-circ./DC brake act. (p1230, p1231)
21:Ready for operation - set "Operation enable" = "1" (p0852)
22:Ready for operation - de-magnetizing running (p0347)
23:Ready for operation - set "Infeed operation" = "1" (p0864)
31:Ready for switching on - set "ON/OFF1" = "0/1" (p0840)
35:Switching on inhibited - carry out first commissioning (p0010)
41:Switching on inhibited - set "ON/OFF1" = "0" (p0840)
42:Switching on inhibited - set "OC/OFF2" = "1" (p0844, p0845)
43:Switching on inhibited - set "OC/OFF3" = "1" (p0848, p0849)
44:Switching on inhibited - connect 24 V to terminal EP (hardware)
45:Switching on inhibited - rectify fault, acknowledge fault, STO
46:Switching on inhibited - exit comm mode (p0009, p0010)
60:Drive object de-activated/not operational
200:Wait for booting/partial booting
250:Device signals a topology error
EP: Enable Pulses (pulse enable)
RFG: Ramp-function generator
COMM: Commissioning
MotID: Motor data identification
SS2: Safe Stop 2
SOS: Safe Operating Stop
STO: Safe Torque Off
r0002TM120 operating display / TM120 op_display
TM120Can be changed: -Calculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 250 -
Description:Operating display for Terminal Module 120 (TM120)
Notice:For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed.
40:Module not in cyclic operation
120:Module de-activated
200:Wait for booting/partial booting
250:Device signals a topology error
r0002TM150 operating display / TM150 op_display
TM150Can be changed: -Calculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 250 -
Description:Operating display for Terminal Module 150 (TM150)
Value:0:Module in cyclic operation
Notice:For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed.
40:Module not in cyclic operation
120:Module de-activated
200:Wait for booting/partial booting
250:Device signals a topology error
r0002TM54F operating display / TM54F op_display
Description:Operating display for Terminal Module 54F (TM54F).
Value:0:Module in cyclic operation
Can be changed: -Calculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 250 -
40:Module not in cyclic operation
120:Module de-activated
200:Wait for booting/partial booting
250:Device signals a topology error
p0003BOP access level / BOP acc_level
Description:Sets the access level for reading and writing parameters via the Basic Operator Panel (BOP).
Can be changed: C1, U, TCalculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 0
Min Max Factory setting
1 4 1
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
SINAMICS parameters
Note:Access level 1 (standard):
Parameters for simplest possible operations.
Access level 2 (extended):
Parameters to operate the basic functions of the drive unit.
Access level 3 (experts):
Expert know-how is required for these parameters (e.g. BICO parameterization).
Access level 4 (service):
For these parameters, it is necessary that authorized service personnel enter the appropriate password (p3950).
p0005[0...1]BOP operating display selection / BOP op_disp sel
HUB, TM120,
TM150, TM54F_MA,
Description:Sets the parameter number and parameter index for display for p0006 = 2, 4 for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP).
Index:[0] = Parameter number
Dependency:Refer to: p0006
Can be changed: U, TCalculated: -Access level: 2
Data type: Unsigned16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 65535 [0] 2
[1] 0
Examples for the SERVO drive object:
p0005[0] = 21, p0005[1] = 0: Actual speed smoothed (r0021)
p0005[0] = 25, p0005[1] = 0: Output voltage smoothed (r0025)
[1] = Parameter index
The parameter number to be displayed should be set in index 0. Only the monitoring parameters (read-only parameters) can be set that actually exist for the actual drive object.
If the set parameter number is not indexed, or if there is an index in index 1 that lies outside the valid range of the set
parameter, then index 1 is automatically set to 0.
The index that belongs to the parameter set in index 0 should be set in index 1. The permissible changes in index 1
always depend on the parameter number set in index 0.
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
4 4 4
and "operation".
Mode 4 is available for all drive objects.
SINAMICS parameters
p0009Device commissioning parameter filter / Dev comm par_filt
Description:Sets the device and basic drive commissioning.
Notice:For p0009 = 10000 the following applies:
Note:The drives can only be powered up outside the device commissioning (the inverter enabled). In this case, p0009 must
Can be changed: C1, TCalculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 10000 1
By appropriately setting this parameter, those parameters are filtered that can be written into in the various commissioning steps.
1:Device configuration
2:Defining the drive type/function module
3:Drive base configuration
4:Data set base configuration
29:Device download
30:Parameter reset
50:OA application configuration
55:OA application installation
101:Topology input
111:Insert drive object
112:Delete drive object
113:Change drive object number
114:Change component number
115:Parameter download
117:Delete component
10000: Ready (asynchron)
After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996.
Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0.
be 0 (Ready) and the individual drive objects must have already gone into operation (p0010).
p0009 = 1: Device configuration
At the first commissioning of the device, after booting, the device is in the "device configuration" state. To start the
internal automatic first commissioning of the drive unit, p0009 should be set to 0 (Ready) after the ID for the actual
topology (r0098) was transferred into the ID for the target topology (p0099). To do this, it is sufficient to set a single
index value of p0099[x] the same as r0098[x]. Before the device has been completely commissioned, no other parameter can be changed. After the first commissioning was carried out, in this state, when required, other basic device configuration parameters can be adapted (e.g. the basic sampling time in p0110).
p0009 = 2: Defines the drive type / function module
In this state, the drive object types and/or the function modules can be changed or selected for the individual drive
objects. To do this, the drive object type can be set using p0107[0...15] and the function can be set using p0108[0...15]
(refer to p0101[0...15]).
p0009 = 3: Drive basic configuration
In this state, after the device has been commissioned for the first time, basic changes can be made for the individual
drive objects (e.g. sampling times in p0111, p0112, p0115 and the number of data sets in p0120, p0130, p0140,
p0170, p0180).
p0009 = 4: Data set basic configuration
In this state, after the device has been commissioned for the first time, for the individual drive objects changes can be
made regarding the assignment of the components (p0121, p0131, p0141, p0151, p0161) to the individual data sets
and the assignment of the power unit, motor and encoder to the drive data sets (p0185, ...).
p0009 = 29: Device download
If a download is made using the commissioning software, the device is automatically brought into this state. After the
download has been completed, p0009 is automatically set to 0 (ready). It is not possible to manually set p0009 to this
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
SINAMICS parameters
p0009 = 30: Parameter reset
In order to bring the complete unit into the "first commissioning" state or to load the parameters saved using p0977, to
start, p0009 must be set to this value. p0976 can then be changed to the required value.
p0009 = 50: OA application configuration
In this state, after the device has been commissioned for the first time, changes can be made for the individual drive
objects regarding the activity (p4956) of the OA applications.
p0009 = 55: OA application installation
OA applications can be installed and/or uninstalled in this state.
p0009 = 101: Topology input
In this state, the DRIVE-CLiQ target topology can be entered using p9902 and p9903.
p0009 = 111: Insert drive object
This state allows a new drive object to be inserted using p9911.
p0009 = 112: Delete drive object
This state allows existing drive objects to be deleted using p9912 after the device has been commissioned for the first
p0009 = 113: Change drive object number
This state allows the drive object number of existing drive objects to be changed using p9913 after the device has been
commissioned for the first time.
p0009 = 114: Change component number
This state allows the component number of existing components to be changed using p9914 after the device has been
commissioned for the first time.
p0009 = 115: Parameter download
This state allows the complete device and drive commissioning using the parameter services.
p0009 = 117: Delete component
This state allows components to be deleted using p9917 after the device has been commissioned for the first time.
p0010Infeed commissioning parameter filter / INF comm par_filt
Description:Sets the parameter filter to commission an infeed unit.
Note:The drive can only be powered up outside the drive commissioning (inverter enable). To realize this, this parameter
Can be changed: C2(1), TCalculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 30 1
Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps.
1:Quick commissioning
2:Power unit commissioning
5:Technological application/units
29:Only Siemens int
30:Parameter reset
must be set to 0.
For p3900 not equal to 0, at the end of the quick commissioning, this parameter is automatically reset to 0.
Procedure for "Reset parameter": Set p0010 to 30 and p0970 to 1.
Description:Sets the parameter filter to commission a drive.
Notice:For p0010 = 10000 the following applies:
Note:The drive can only be powered up outside the drive commissioning (inverter enable). To realize this, this parameter
Can be changed: C2(1), TCalculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: 2800, 2846
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 10000 1
Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps.
1:Quick commissioning
2:Power unit commissioning
3:Motor commissioning
4:Encoder commissioning
5:Technological application/units
15:Data sets
17:Basic positioner commissioning
25:Position control commissioning
29:Only Siemens int
30:Parameter reset
95:Safety Integrated commissioning
10000: Ready with immediate feedback signal
After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996.
Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0.
must be set to 0.
By setting p3900 to a value other than 0, the quick commissioning is completed, and this parameter is automatically
reset to 0.
Procedure for "Reset parameter": Set p0010 to 30 and p0970 to 1.
p0010 = 10000 corresponds to p0010 = 0. Unlike with p0010 = 0, the parameter modification is applied immediately
and the calculations are made in the background. Further parameter modifications cannot be made while the calculations are being performed.
p0010TM120 commissioning parameter filter / TM120 com par_filt
TM120Can be changed: C2(1), TCalculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 30 0
Description:Sets the parameter filter for commissioning a Terminal Module 120 (TM120).
Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps.
For the BOP, this setting also causes the read access operations to be filtered.
29:Only Siemens int
30:Parameter reset
Dependency:Refer to: p0970
Note:Only the following values are possible: p0010 = 0, 30
Procedure for "Reset parameter": Set p0010 to 30 and p0970 to 1.
Parameter description
Parameter Manual, 02/2012, 6FC5397-8DP40-3BA0
SINAMICS parameters
p0010TM150 commissioning parameter filter / TM150 com par_filt
TM150Can be changed: C2(1), TCalculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: -
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 30 0
Description:Sets the parameter filter for commissioning a Terminal Module 150 (TM150).
Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps.
For the BOP, this setting also causes the read access operations to be filtered.
29:Only Siemens int
30:Parameter reset
Dependency:Refer to: p0970
Note:Only the following values are possible: p0010 = 0, 30
Procedure for "Reset parameter": Set p0010 to 30 and p0970 to 1.
p0010TM54F commissioning parameter filter / TM54F com par_filt
TM54F_MACan be changed: C2(1), TCalculated: -Access level: 1
Data type: Integer16Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: 2847
P-Group: -Units group: -Unit selection: -
Not for motor type: -Scaling: -Expert list: 1
Min Max Factory setting
0 95 0
Description:Sets the parameter filter for commissioning a Terminal Module 54F (TM54F).
Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps.
For the BOP, this setting also causes the read access operations to be filtered.
29:Only Siemens int
30:Parameter reset
95:Safety Integrated commissioning
Dependency:Refer to: p0970
Note:Procedure for "Reset parameter": Set p0010 to 30 and p0970 to 1.
p0013[0...49]BOP user-defined list / BOP list
HUB, TM120,
TM150, TM54F_MA,
Description:Sets the required parameters to read and write via the Basic Operator Panel (BOP).
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
The line frequency is available smoothed (r0024) and unsmoothed (r0066).
A positive sign of the frequency is obtained when the line supply phases U, V and W are connected with the correct
phase sequence.
A negative sign of the frequency is obtained when the 3 line phases are interchanged therefore designating a negative
direction of the rotating field of the 3-phase line supply voltage.
4710, 6799
r0024Output frequency smoothed / f_outp smooth
Description:Displays the smoothed converter frequency.
Dependency:Refer to: r0066
Note:Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
Can be changed: -Calculated: -Access level: 3
Data type: FloatingPoint32Dynamic index: -Func. diagram: 1690, 5300,