siemens 802Dsl Operation Programming

Introduction 1

Operation and Programming Turning

Reference Point Approach
Setting Up 3
Manually Controlled Mode 4
Automatic Mode 5
Part Programming 6
System 7
Programming 8
Valid for
Control system Software version
SINUMERIK 802D sl 1.2
Cycles 9
10/2006 Edition
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The unit may be used only for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description, and only in combination with equipment, components and devices supplied by other -manufacturers where recommended or permitted by Siemens. This product can only function correctly and safely if it is transported, stored, set up, and installed correctly, and operated and maintained as recommended.
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Siemens AG Automation and Drives P.O. Box 4848 90437 NUREMBERG GERMANY
Copyright (E) Siemens 6FC5398--1CP10-- 2BA0
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G 2006.


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SINUMERIK 802D sl Operation and Programming Turning (BP--D), 10/2006 Edition 6FC5 398--1CP10--2BA0
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SINUMERIK 802D sl Operation and Programming Turning (BP--D), 10/2006 Edition
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1 Introduction 1-11..................................................................
1.1 Screen layout 1-11................................................................
1.2 Operating areas 1-15..............................................................
1.3 Accessibility options 1-16...........................................................
1.3.1 Calculator 1-16....................................................................
1.3.2 Aligning contour elements 1-18......................................................
1.3.3 Editing Chinese characters 1-22.....................................................
1.3.4 Hotkeys 1-22.....................................................................
1.3.5 Copying and pasting files 1-23.......................................................
1.4 The help system 1-23..............................................................
1.5 Network operation (optional) 1-25....................................................
1.5.1 Configuring the network connection 1-25..............................................
1.5.2 User management 1-28............................................................
1.5.3 User log--in -- RCS log-in 1-29.......................................................
1.5.4 Working with a network connection 1-30..............................................
1.5.5 Sharing directories 1-30............................................................
1.5.6 Connecting/disconnecting network drives 1-31.........................................
1.6 RCS tool 1-34.....................................................................
1.7 Coordinate systems 1-35...........................................................
2 Turning On and Reference Point Approach 2-39.....................................
3 Setting Up 3-41...................................................................
3.1 Entering tools and tool offsets 3-41...................................................
3.1.1 Create new tool 3-43...............................................................
3.1.2 Determining the tool offsets (manually) 3-44...........................................
3.1.3 Determining tool compensations using a probe 3-47....................................
3.1.4 Determining the tool offsets using optical measuring instruments 3-48.....................
3.1.5 Probe settings 3-48................................................................
3.2 Entering/modifying a work offset 3-51.................................................
3.2.1 Determining the work offset 3-52.....................................................
3.3 Programming setting data -- ”Parameter” operating area 3-53............................
3.4 R parameters -- ”Offset/Parameter” operating area 3-56.................................
4 Manually Controlled Mode 4-57....................................................
4.1 Jog mode -- ”Position” operating area 4-58............................................
4.1.1 Assigning handwheels 4-61.........................................................
4.2 MDA mode (manual input) -- ”Machine” operating area 4-62..............................
4.2.1 Face turning 4-65..................................................................
5 Automatic Mode 5-69..............................................................
5.1 Selecting/starting a part program -- ”Machine” operating area 5-73........................
5.2 Block search -- ”Machine” operating area 5-75.........................................
5.3 Stopping/canceling a part program 5-76..............................................
5.4 Reapproach after cancellation 5-77..................................................
5.5 Repositioning after interruption 5-77..................................................
5.6 Execution from external 5-78........................................................
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6 Part Programming 6-79............................................................
6.1 Entering a new program -- ”Program” operating area 6-82...............................
6.2 Editing part program -- ”Program” operating area 6-83...................................
6.3 Contour definition programming 6-85.................................................
6.4 Simulation 6-104...................................................................
6.5 Data transfer via the RS232 interface 6-105............................................
7 System 7-107......................................................................
7.1 System softkeys (start--up) 7-110.....................................................
7.2 System softkeys (MD) 7-111.........................................................
7.3 System -- softkeys (Service display) 7-116.............................................
7.4 System softkeys (PLC) 7-125.........................................................
7.5 System softkeys (start--up files) 7-127.................................................
7.6 Creating/reading in/reading out a start--up archive 7-131.................................
7.7 Reading in/reading out PLC projects 7-134.............................................
7.8 PLC diagnosis represented as a ladder diagram 7-135...................................
7.8.1 Screen layout 7-135................................................................
7.8.2 Operating options 7-136.............................................................
7.9 Alarm display 7-146.................................................................
8 Programming 8-147................................................................
8.1 Fundamental principles of NC programming 8-147.......................................
8.1.1 Program names 8-147...............................................................
8.1.2 Program structure 8-147.............................................................
8.1.3 Word structure and address 8-148....................................................
8.1.4 Block structure 8-149................................................................
8.1.5 Character set 8-150.................................................................
8.1.6 List of instructions 8-152.............................................................
8.2 Positional data 8-165................................................................
8.2.1 Programming dimensions 8-165......................................................
8.2.2 Absolute/incremental dimensioning: G90, G91, AC, IC 8-167..............................
8.2.3 Dimensions in metric units and inches: G71, G70, G710, G700 8-168......................
8.2.4 Radius/diameter dimensional notation: DIAMOF, DIAMON 8-169..........................
8.2.5 Programmable work offset: TRANS, ATRANS 8-170.....................................
8.2.6 Programmable scaling factor: SCALE, ASCALE 8-172...................................
8.2.7 Workpiece clamping -- settable work offset:: G54 to G59, G500, G53, G153 8-173............
8.2.8 Programmable working area limitation: G25, G26, WALIMON, WALIMOF 8-174..............
8.3 Axis movements 8-177..............................................................
8.3.1 Linear interpolation with rapid traverse: G0 8-177........................................
8.3.2 Linear interpolation with feedrate: G1 8-178............................................
8.3.3 Circular interpolation: G2, G3 8-179...................................................
8.3.4 Circular interpolation via intermediate point: CIP 8-183...................................
8.3.5 Circle with tangential transition: CT 8-183..............................................
8.3.6 Thread cutting with constant lead: G33 8-184...........................................
8.3.7 Programmable run--in and run--out path for G33: DITS, DITE 8-187........................
8.3.8 Thread cutting with variable lead: G34, G35 8-188.......................................
8.3.9 Thread interpolation: G331, G332 8-189...............................................
8.3.10 Fixed point approach: G75 8-191.....................................................
8.3.11 Reference point approach: G74 8-191.................................................
8.3.12 Measuring with touch--trigger probe: MEAS, MEAW 8-192................................
8.3.13 Feedrate F 8-193...................................................................
8.3.14 Exact stop/continuous--path mode: G9, G60, G64 8-194..................................
8.3.15 Acceleration pattern: BRISK, SOFT 8-196..............................................
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8.3.16 Percentage acceleration override: ACC 8-197..........................................
8.3.17 Traversing with feedforward control: FFWON, FFWOF 8-198..............................
8.3.18 3rd and 4th axis 8-199...............................................................
8.3.19 Dwell time: G4 8-200................................................................
8.3.20 Travel to fixed stop 8-200............................................................
8.4 Spindle movements 8-204...........................................................
8.4.1 Spindle speed S, directions of rotation 8-204...........................................
8.4.2 Spindle speed limitation: G25, G26 8-204..............................................
8.4.3 Spindle positioning: SPOS 8-205.....................................................
8.4.4 Gear stages 8-206..................................................................
8.4.5 2nd spindle 8-206..................................................................
8.5 Special turning functions 8-208.......................................................
8.5.1 Constant cutting rate: G96, G97 8-208.................................................
8.5.2 Rounding, chamfer 8-210............................................................
8.5.3 Contour definition programming 8-213.................................................
8.6 Tool and tool compensation 8-215.....................................................
8.6.1 Tool T 8-215.......................................................................
8.6.2 Tool compensation number D 8-216...................................................
8.6.3 Selecting the tool radius compensation: G41, G42 8-220.................................
8.6.4 Corner behavior: G450, G451 8-222...................................................
8.6.5 Tool radius compensation OFF: G40 8-223.............................................
8.6.6 Special cases of the tool radius compensation 8-224....................................
8.6.7 Example of tool radius compensation 8-225............................................
8.6.8 Use of milling cutters 8-226..........................................................
8.6.9 Special handling of tool compensation 8-228...........................................
8.7 Miscellaneous function M 8-229......................................................
8.8 H function 8-230....................................................................
8.9 Arithmetic parameters R, LUD and PLC variables 8-231..................................
8.9.1 Arithmetic parameter R 8-231........................................................
8.9.2 Local User Data (LUD) 8-233.........................................................
8.9.3 Reading and writing PLC variables 8-234..............................................
8.10 Program jumps 8-235...............................................................
8.10.1 Jump destination for program jumps 8-235.............................................
8.10.2 Unconditional program jumps 8-235...................................................
8.10.3 Conditional program jumps 8-236.....................................................
8.10.4 Program example for jumps 8-238....................................................
8.11 Subroutine technique 8-239..........................................................
8.11.1 General 8-239......................................................................
8.11.2 Calling machining cycles 8-241.......................................................
8.12 Timers and workpiece counters 8-242.................................................
8.12.1 Runtime timer 8-242................................................................
8.12.2 Workpiece counter 8-243............................................................
8.13 Language commands for tool monitoring 8-245.........................................
8.13.1 Tool monitoring overview 8-245.......................................................
8.13.2 Tool life monitoring
8.13.3 Workpiece count monitoring 8-247....................................................
8.14 Milling on turning machines 8-250.....................................................
8.14.1 Milling of the front face -- TRANSMIT 8-250.............................................
8.14.2 Milling of the peripheral surface -- TRACYL 8-252.......................................
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9 Cycles 9-259.......................................................................
9.1 Overview of cycles 9-259............................................................
9.2 Programming cycles 9-260...........................................................
9.3 Graphical cycle support in the program editor 9-262.....................................
9.4 Drilling cycles 9-264.................................................................
9.4.1 General 9-264......................................................................
9.4.2 Requirements 9-265................................................................
9.4.3 Drilling, centering – CYCLE81 9-268..................................................
9.4.4 Drilling, counterboring – CYCLE82 9-271...............................................
9.4.5 Deep--hole drilling – CYCLE83 9-273..................................................
9.4.6 Rigid tapping – CYCLE84 9-277......................................................
9.4.7 Tapping with compensating chuck – CYCLE840 9-280...................................
9.4.8 Reaming1 (boring 1) – CYCLE85 9-286................................................
9.4.9 Boring (boring 2) – CYCLE86 9-289...................................................
9.4.10 Boring with Stop 1 (boring 3) – CYCLE87 9-293.........................................
9.4.11 Drilling with Stop 2 (boring 4) – CYCLE88 9-295.........................................
9.4.12 Reaming 2 (boring 5) – CYCLE89 9-297...............................................
9.4.13 Row of holes – HOLES1 9-299.......................................................
9.4.14 Circle of holes – HOLES2 9-304......................................................
9.5 Turning cycles 9-308................................................................
9.5.1 Requirements 9-308................................................................
9.5.2 Groove – CYCLE93 9-310...........................................................
9.5.3 Undercut (forms E and F to DIN) – CYCLE94 9-319.....................................
9.5.4 Cutting with relief cut – CYCLE95 9-325...............................................
9.5.5 Thread undercut – CYCLE96 9-338...................................................
9.5.6 Thread cutting – CYCLE97 9-343.....................................................
9.5.7 Chaining of threads – CYCLE98 9-350.................................................
9.6 Error messages and error handling 9-357..............................................
9.6.1 General notes 9-357................................................................
9.6.2 Error handling in the cycles 9-357.....................................................
9.6.3 Overview of cycle alarms 9-357.......................................................
9.6.4 Messages in the cycles 9-359........................................................
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Key definition of the full CNC keyboard (vertical format)

Key definition of the full CNC keyboard (vertical format)
Delete key (Backspace)
Delete key
Insert key
ENTER/Input key
”Position” operating area key
”Program” operating area key
”Parameter” operating area
”Program Manager” operating area key
”Alarm/System” operating area
Recall key
ETC key
”Acknowledge alarm” key
without function
Info key
Shift key
Control key
Alt key
not assigned
PageUp/PageDown keys
Cursor keys
Selection key/toggle key
Alphanumeric keys
Double assignment on the Shift level
Numeric keys
Double assignment on the Shift level
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Key definition of the machine control panel

Key definition of the machine control panel
User--defined key with LED
User--defined key without LED
Reference point
SINGLE BLOCK Single block
MANUAL DATA Manual input
SPINDLE START LEFT Counterclockwise
RAPID TRAVERSE OVERLAY Rapid traverse override
X axis
Z axis
Spindle override
Feedrate override Feedrate control
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1.1 Screen layout

Status area
Application area
Tip and softkey area
Fig. 1-1 Screen layout
The screen is divided into the following main areas:
S Status area
S Application area
S Tip and softkey area
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1.1 Screen layout
Status area
Fig. 1-2 Status area
Table 1-1 Explanation of the screen controls in the status area
Screen item
Display Meaning
Active operating area, active mode
JOG: 1 INC, 10 INC, 100 INC, 1000 INC, VAR INC (evaluation by increments in the
Offset Program Program Manager S
Interrupt Marked as an ”external language” using G291
Alarm and message line
In addition, the following is displayed:
larm number with alarm text,or
2. Message Text
Program status
RESET Program canceled/default status
RUN Program running
STOP Program stopped
Program controls in Automatic mode
NC messages
Selected part program (main program)
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Tip and softkey area
Fig. 1-3 Tip and softkey area
1.1 Screen layout
Table 1-2 Explanation of the screen controls in the tip and softkey area
Screen item
Display Meaning
Recall symbol
Pressing the Recall key lets you return to the next higher menu level.
Tip line
Displays tips for the operator
MMC status information
ETC is possible (Pressing this key displays the horizontal softkey bar
providing further functions.)
Mixed notation active (uppercase/lowercase letters)
Data transfer running
Connection to the PLC programming tool active
Vertical and horizontal softkey bar
Representation of the softkeys in the document
To make the softkeys easier to locate, the horizontal and vertical softkeys are represented with different primary colors.
Horizontal softkey
Vertical softkey
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1.1 Screen layout
Standard softkeys
Use this softkey to quit the screen form.
Use this softkey to cancel the input; the window is closed.
Selecting this softkey will complete your input and start the calculation.
Selecting this softkey will complete your input and accept the values you have entered.
This function is used to switch the screen form from diameter programming to radius pro­gramming.
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1.2 Operating areas

The functions of the control system can be carried out in the following operating areas:
Position Machine operation
Offset/Parameters Input of offset values and setting data
Program Creation of part programs
Program Manager Part program directory
System Diagnosis, start--up
Alarm Alarm and message lists
1.2 Operating areas
Protection levels
To switch the operating area, use the relevant key (hard key).
The SINUMERIK 802D sl provides a concept of protection levels for enabling data areas. The control system is delivered with default passwords for the protection levels 1 to 3.
Protection level 1 Expert password
Protection level 2 Manufacturer password
Protection level 3 User password
These control the individual access authorizations.
In the menus listed below the input and modification of data depends on the protection level set:
S Tool offsets
S Work offsets
S Setting data
S RS232 settings
S Program creation/program editing
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1.3 Accessibility options

1.3 Accessibility options

1.3.1 Calculator

The calculator function can be activated from any operating area using ”SHIFT” and ”=”.
To calculate terms, the four basic arithmetic operations can be used, as well as the functions ”sine”, ”cosine”, ”squaring” and ”square root”. A bracket function is provided to calculate nested terms. The bracket depth is unlimited.
If the input field is already occupied by a value, the function will accept this value into the input line of the calculator.
When you press the Input key, the result is calculated and displayed in the calculator.
Selecting the Accept softkey enters the result in the input field at the current cursor position of the part program editor and closes the calculator automatically.
If an input field is in editing mode, it is possible to restore the original status using the ”Toggle” key.
Fig. 1-4 Pocket calculator
Characters permitted for input
+, --, *, / Fundamental operations of arithmetic
S Sine function
The X value (in degrees) in front of the input cursor is replaced by the sin(X) value.
O Cosine function
The X value (in degrees) in front of the input cursor is replaced by the cos(X) value.
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1.3 Accessibility options
Q Square function
The X value in front of the input cursor is replaced by the X
R Square root function
The X value in front of the input cursor is replaced by the X value.
( ) Bracket function (X+Y)*Z
Calculation examples
100 + (67*3) 100+67*3 --> 301
sin(45_) 45 S --> 0.707107
cos(45_) 45 S --> 0.707107
4 4R -->2
(34+3*2)*10 (34+3*2)*10 --> 400
To calculate auxiliary points on a contour, the calculator offers the following functions:
S Calculating the tangential transition between a circle sector and a straight line
S Moving a point in the plane
Task Input --> Result
4Q -- > 1 6
S Converting polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
S Adding the second end point of a straight line/straight line contour section given from an
angular relation
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1.3 Accessibility options

1.3.2 Aligning contour elements

When you open the calculator, softkeys for editing contour elements appear. You enter the values for the contour element in the respective input screens. Press ”Accept” to perform the calculation.
This function is used to calculate a point on a circle. The point results from the angle of the tangent created, as well as from the radius and the direction of rotation of the circle.
Fig. 1-5
Enter the circle center, the angle of the tangent and the circle radius.
Use the G2/G3 softkey to define the direction of rotation of the circle.
Use this softkey to calculate the abscissa and ordinate values. The abscissa is the first axis, and the ordinate is the second axis of the plane. The abscissa value is copied into the input field from which the calculator function has been called, and the value of the ordinate is cop­ied into the next following input field. If the function has been called from the part program editor, the coordinates are saved with the axis names of the selected basic plane.
Example: Calculating the point of intersection between the circle sector
in plane G18.
and the straight
Given: Radius: 10
Circle center: Z 147 X 103 Connection angle of the straight line: --45
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Result: Z = 154.071
X = 110.071
1.3 Accessibility options
Fig. 1-6
This function calculates the Cartesian coordinates of a point in the plane, which is to be con­nected to a point in the plane (PP) on a straight line. For calculation, the distance between the points and the slope angle (A2) of the new straight line to be created with reference to the slope (A1) of the given straight line must be known.
Fig. 1-7
Enter the following coordinates or angles:
S the coordinates of the given point (PP)
S the slope angle of the straight line (A1)
S the distance of the new point with reference to PP
S the slope angle of the connecting straight line (A2) with reference to A1
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1.3 Accessibility options
Use this softkey to calculate the Cartesian coordinates which are subsequently copied into two input fields following one after another. The abscissa value is copied into the input field from which the calculator function has been called, and the value of the ordinate is copied into the next following input field. If the function has been called from the part program editor, the coordinates are saved with the axis names of the selected basic plane.
This function converts the given polar coordinates into Cartesian coordinates.
Fig. 1-8
Enter the reference point, the vector length and the slope angle.
Use this softkey to calculate the Cartesian coordinates which are subsequently copied into two input fields following one after another. The abscissa value is copied into the input field from which the calculator function has been called, and the value of the ordinate is copied into the next following input field. If the function has been called from the part program editor, the coordinates are saved with the axis names of the selected basic plane.
Use this function to calculate the missing end point of the straight line/straight line contour section whereby the second straight line stands vertically on the first straight line.
The following values of the straight line are known:
Straight line 1: Starting point and slope angle
Straight line 2: Length and one end point in the Cartesian coordinate system
Fig. 1-9
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1.3 Accessibility options
This function is used to select the given coordinate of the end point. The ordinate value or the abscissa value is given.
The second straight line is rotated in the CW direction or in the CCW direction by 90 degrees relative to the first straight line.
The missing end point is calculated. The abscissa value is copied into the input field from which the calculator function has been called, and the value of the ordinate is copied into the next following input field. If the function has been called from the part program editor, the coordinates are saved with the axis names of the selected basic plane.
Fig. 1-10
Add the drawing above by the value of the center circle in order to be able to calculate the intersection point between the circle sector of the straight line. The missing center point
coordinate is calculated using the calculator function
, as the radius in the tangential
transition stands vertically on the straight line.
Fig. 1-11
Calculating M1 in section 1:
The radius stands at an angle of 90° turned CW on the straight--line defined by the angle.
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1.3 Accessibility options
Use the softkey to select the appropriate direction of rotation. Use the softkey
Enter the coordinates of the pole, the slope angle of the straight line, the ordinate angle of the end point and the circle radius as the length.
Fig. 1-12
Result: X = 60
to define the given end point.
Z = --44.601

1.3.3 Editing Chinese characters

This function is only available in the Chinese language version.
The control system provides a function for editing Chinese characters in the program editor and in the PLC alarm text editor. After activation, type the phonetic alphabet of the searched character in the input field. The editor will then offer various characters for this sound, from which you can choose the desired one by entering either of the digits 1 to 9.
Fig. 1-13 Chinese editor
Alt S Use this key combination to turn on/off the editor

1.3.4 Hotkeys

This operator control can be used to select, copy, cut and delete texts using special key commands. These functions are available both for the part program editor and for input fields.
CTRL C Copy CTRL B Select CTRL X Cut CTRL V Paste Alt L Switch between uppercase/lowercase letters Alt H Help system or Info key
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1.3.5 Copying and pasting files

In the Program Manager area (Section 6) and with the Start--up files function (Section
7.6), files or even complete directories can be copied into another directory or to another drive using the softkey functions Copy and Paste. When doing so, the Copy function enters the references to the files or directories in a list which is subsequently executed by the Paste function. This function will perform the actual copying process.
The list is kept until a new copying process overwrites this list.
Special feature: If the RS232 interface has been selected as the data target, the Paste function is replaced by the Send softkey function. When reading in files ( Receive) softkey), it is not necessary to specify a target, since the name of the target directory is not contained in the data flow.

1.4 The help system

1.4 The help system
To activate the help system, use the Info key. It offers a brief description for all important operating functions.
In addition, the help function offers the following topics:
S Overview of the NC commands with a brief description
S Cycle programming
S Explanation of the drive alarms
Fig. 1-14 Table of contents of the help system
SINUMERIK 802D sl Operation and Programming Turning (BP-- D), 10/2006 Edition 6FC5 398--1CP10--2BA0
This function opens the selected topic.
1.4 The help system
Fig. 1-15 Description for a help topic
Go to topic
Use this function to select cross references. A cross reference is marked by the characters
”>>....<<”. This softkey is only unhidden if a cross reference is displayed in the application
Back to topic
Use this function to select a cross reference; in addition, the Back to topic softkey is dis­played. Select this function to go back to the previous screen.
Use this function to search for a term in the table of contents. Type the term you are looking for and start the search process.
Help in the ”Program editor” a rea
The system offers an explanation for each NC instruction. To display the help text directly, position the cursor after the appropriate instruction and press the Info key.
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1.5 Network operation (optional)

The network function is only available for SINUMERIK 802D sl.
Thanks to the integrated network adapter, the control system is network--capable. The fol­lowing connections are possible:
S Peer--to--Peer: Direct connection between control system and PC using a cross--over
S Twisted Pair: Integration of the control system into an existing, local network using a
patch cable.
Screened network operation with encrypted data transfer is possible using an 802D specific transmission protocol. This protocol is used, e.g. for transmitting and executing part pro­grams in conjunction with the RCS tool.
1.5 Network operation (optional)

1.5.1 Configuring the network connection

The control system is connected to the PC or the local network via the X5 interface.
Entering network parameters
In the ”System” operating area, select the Service display > Service control menu.
Service display
Service control
Fig. 1-16
Service network
SINUMERIK 802D sl Operation and Programming Turning (BP-- D), 10/2006 Edition 6FC5 398--1CP10--2BA0
Select the Service network softkey to obtain access to the input screen to input the network parameters.
1.5 Network operation (optional)
Fig. 1-17
Table 1-3 Required network parameters
DHCP A TCP/IP service protocol which offers the dynamically leased configuration of
host IP addresses and thus distributes meaningful configuration parameters to authorized network clients.
If you enter here No, the network addresses are fixed.
If you enter Yes, the network addresses are assigned dynamically. Input fields that are no longer needed are hidden.
Cmpt. name Name of the control system in the network
IP address Network address of the control system (e.g.
Subnet mask Network identification (e.g.
SINUMERIK 802D sl Operation and Programming Turning (BP-- D), 10/2006 Edition
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Enabling the communication ports
1.5 Network operation (optional)
Service Firewall
Use the ”Service Firewall” softkey to enable or disable communication ports.
To ensure maximum possible safety, all ports not needed should be closed.
Fig. 1-18
The RCS network requires the ports 80 and 1597 for communication.
To change the port status, select the relevant port using the cursor. Pressing the INPUT key changes the port status.
Open ports are shown with the check box enabled.
SINUMERIK 802D sl Operation and Programming Turning (BP-- D), 10/2006 Edition 6FC5 398--1CP10--2BA0
1.5 Network operation (optional)

1.5.2 User management

Service display
Service network
Service control
Authoriz ation
In the ”System” operating area, select the Service display > Service control menu.
Select the Service network > Authorization softkey to obtain access to the input screen to input the network parameters.
The user accounts serve for saving personal settings of the users. To create a new account, type the user name and the log--in password in the input fields.
Use the Create softkey to insert a new user into the user management.
Fig. 1-19
Use the Delete softkey to delete the selected user from the user management.
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1.5.3 User log--in -- RCS log-in

1.5 Network operation (optional)
RCS log--in
Logging in
In the ”System” operating area, select the RCS log--in softkey. Use this softkey to open the input screen for the user login.
Fig. 1-20 User log--in
Type a user name and the password in the appropriate input fields and select the Log in softkey to confirm.
Logging out
After successful log--in, the user name is displayed in the Current user line.
Select the Back softkey to quit the dialog box.
This log--in simultaneously serves for user identification for remote connections.
Select the Log out softkey. This will log out the current user, all user--specific settings are saved, and any enables already granted are canceled.
SINUMERIK 802D sl Operation and Programming Turning (BP-- D), 10/2006 Edition 6FC5 398--1CP10--2BA0
1.5 Network operation (optional)

1.5.4 Working with a network connection

Remote access (access to the control system from a PC or from a network) to the control system is disabled by default.
After log--in of a local user, the RCS tool are offered the following functions:
S Start--up functions
S Data transfer (transfer of part programs)
S Remote control for the control system
To grant access to a part of the file system, first share the relevant directories with other
If you share directories with other users, the authorized network nodes are granted access to the shared files in the control system. Depending on the sharing option, the user can modify or delete files.

1.5.5 Sharing directories

This function defines the rights for access of remote users to the file system of the control system.
Use the Program Manager to select the directory you want to share.
Press More...
Use the Shares softkey to open the input screen for sharing the selected directory.
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6FC5 398--1CP10--2BA0
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