Metrohm 791VA User Manual

791 VA Detector
Metrohm AG CH-9101 Herisau Switzerland Phone +41 71 353 85 85 Fax +41 71 353 89 01
791 VA Detector
8.791.1013 01.2006 chs
Teachware Metrohm AG CH-9101 Herisau
This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Although all the information given in this documentation has been checked with great care, errors cannot be entirely excluded. Should you notice any mistakes please send us your comments using the address given above.
Documentation in additional languages can be found on under Literature/Technical documenta-
Table of contents

Table of contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 1
1.1 Instrument description .............................................................................1
1.2 Parts and controls.....................................................................................2
1.3 Information on the Instructions for Use ................................................4
1.3.1 Organization ..................................................................................4
1.3.2 Notation and pictograms ..............................................................5
1.4 Safety notes................................................................................................6
1.4.1 Electrical safety..............................................................................6
1.4.2 General precautionary rules..........................................................6
2 Installation.............................................................................................. 7
2.1 Setting up the instrument.........................................................................7
2.1.1 Packaging......................................................................................7
2.1.2 Check ............................................................................................7
2.1.3 Location.........................................................................................7
2.1.4 Arrangement of the instruments....................................................7
2.2 Mains connection ......................................................................................8
2.2.1 Setting the mains voltage.............................................................. 8
2.2.2 Fuses ............................................................................................. 9
2.2.3 Mains cable and mains connection .............................................. 9
2.2.4 Switching the instrument on/off.....................................................9
2.3 656 Electrochemical detector................................................................10
2.3.1 Installation and startup ................................................................10
2.3.2 Connection to 791 VA Detector...................................................10
2.4 6.5303.030 ELCD cell for IC...................................................................11
2.4.1 Assembling the ELCD cell...........................................................11
2.4.2 Connection to 791 VA Detector...................................................13
2.5 Analog output connections ...................................................................14
791 VA Detector
3 Operation...............................................................................................15
3.1 Electrochemical detection .....................................................................15
3.1.1 Classes of substances which can be determined...................... 15
3.1.2 Influence on detector signal........................................................16
3.1.3 Selection of polarization voltage .................................................17
3.1.4 Procedure for unknown substances ...........................................17
3.1.5 Practical information about ELCD...............................................18
3.2 Electrodes.................................................................................................20
3.2.1 Working electrodes .....................................................................20
3.2.2 Reference electrode ....................................................................22
3.2.3 Auxiliary electrode .......................................................................22
3.3 Operating element functions.................................................................23
3.4 Startup.......................................................................................................26
3.4.1 Preparing the ELCD cell..............................................................26
3.4.2 Zero balancing and equilibration phase .....................................27
3.4.3 Measuring procedure..................................................................29
Table of contents
4 Maintenance – Malfunctions.......................................... 31
4.1 Maintenance and servicing ...................................................................31
4.2 Shutdown..................................................................................................31
4.3 Malfunctions and their rectification .....................................................32
4.4 Instrument test with the dummy cell.................................................... 34
4.4.1 Check of "meas" and "damp" commutators and
of current amplifier offset ............................................................34
4.4.2 Check output voltage.................................................................. 35
4.4.3 Check of current compensation .................................................36
4.4.4 Check of current and voltage overload ...................................... 38
4.4.5 Check sensitivity knob
4.4.6 Check of noise from current amplifier......................................... 40
8 ............................................................. 39
5 Appendix................................................................................................. 41
5.1 Technical data..........................................................................................41
5.2 Standard equipment ...............................................................................43
5.2.1 2.791.0010 VA Detector for HPLC .............................................. 43
5.2.2 2.791.0020 VA Detector for IC ....................................................44
5.3 Optional accessories.............................................................................. 45
5.4 Warranty and conformity .......................................................................46
5.4.1 Warranty ......................................................................................46
5.4.2 EU Declaration of conformity ...................................................... 47
5.4.3 Certificate of conformity and system validation.......................... 48
5.5 Index..........................................................................................................49
List of figures
Fig. 1: Front of the 791 VA Detector ............................................................................. 2
: Rear of the 791 VA Detector.............................................................................. 3
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
: Setting the mains voltage.................................................................................. 9
Fig. 4
: Connection 656 – 791 .....................................................................................10
Fig. 5
: ELCD cell assembly ........................................................................................12
Fig. 6
: Connection of ELCD cell at detector block..................................................... 13
Fig. 7
: Connection of ELCD cell at 791 VA Detector.................................................. 13
Fig. 8
: Selection of polarization voltage .....................................................................17
Fig. 9
: Circuit of 6.2813.020 Dummy Cell................................................................... 34
791 VA Detector
1.1 Instrument description

1 Introduction

1.1 Instrument description

The 791 VA Detector allows the use of electrochemical/amperometric detection in IC and HPLC; various working electrodes are available de­pending on the application. It can be used in series with another detec­tor (e.g. 732 Conductivity detector) or simply as a «stand alone» detec­tor.
The self-ventilating measuring cell functions according to the time­proved wall-jet principle with three-electrode technology. A silver/silver chloride system is used as the reference electrode and a solid gold pin as the auxiliary electrode. The carbon paste electrode and the silver electrode have proved to be the best working electrodes; but other electrode materials such as glassy carbon, gold, platinum and impreg­nated graphite are available for special applications.
The 791 VA Detector is available in the two following versions:
2.791.0010 VA Detector for HPLC
The measuring cell is built into the 656 Electro­ chemical detector.
2.791.0020 VA Detector for IC
The measuring cell belongs to the accessories and is built into the 733 IC Separation Center.
791 VA Detector
1 Introduction

1.2 Parts and controls

2 4567
VA Detector791
0.02 nA
overload meas
10 mV
Met rohm
(U = 1 V)
11 89
Fig. 1
Mains pilot lamp
Lit up when instrument switched
: Front of the 791 VA Detector
7 Commutator
Changing the polarity of I
2 Overload display 8 Adjusting knob
Setting the current measuring sensi­tivity
3 Commutator
Changeover Stand-by/Measure
4 Commutator
Switching on/off damping
5 Commutator
Switching on/off multiplication of
by a factor of 5
9 Potentiometer
Setting the absolute compensation current I
10 Potentiometer
Setting the relative compensation current I
11 Digital switch
Setting the polarization voltage
6 Commutator
Switching on/off multiplication of
by a factor of 50
791 VA Detector
1.2 Parts and controls
Type 1.791.0010
f = 50-60 Hz Made by Metrohm Herisau Switzerland S = 5 VA
100-240 V: 1A(T)
WARNING - Fire Hazard -
For continued protection replace only with the same type and rating of fuse
pilot voltage
16 17 18 19
AE RE WE shield
output 0...1 V
com 0...10 mV
Fuse holder
changing the fuses, see section 2.2
26 20
Fig. 2
: Rear of the 791 VA Detector
20 Selector
Selection of polarity for analog output
13 Mains voltage indicator 21 Selector
Selection of full-scale deflection for analog output
14 Earthing socket 22 Analog output (live)
15 Connection AE
23 Analog output (common)
Connection of auxiliary electrode
16 Serial number 24 Pilot voltage
Input for external voltage input for potentiostat control
17 Connection RE
Connection of reference electrode
25 Mains switch
To switch instrument on/off: I = ON 0 = OFF
18 Connection WE
26 Mains connection plug
Connection of working electrode
19 Connection for protective screen
791 VA Detector
Mains connection, see section 2.2
1 Introduction

1.3 Information on the Instructions for Use

Please read through these Instructions for Use carefully before you put the 791 VA Detector into operation. The Instructions for Use contain information and warnings to which the user must pay attention in order to assure safe operation of the instrument.

1.3.1 Organization

These 8.791.1013 Instructions for Use for the 791 VA Detector pro­vide a comprehensive overview of the installation, startup procedure, operation, fault rectification and technical specifications of this instru­ment. The Instructions for Use are organized as follows:
Section 1 Introduction
General description of instrument, parts and controls and safety notes
Section 2 Installation
Installation of accessories, connection to IC system
Section 3 Operation
Electrodes, operating element functions, startup
Section 4 Maintenance – Faults
Maintenance, fault rectification
Section 6 Appendix
Technical data, standard equipment, options, warranty, declarations of conformity, index
To find the required information on the instruments you will find it an advantage to use either the Table of contents or the Index at the back.
791 VA Detector
1.3 Information on the Instructions for Use

1.3.2 Notation and pictograms

The following notations and pictograms (symbols) are used in these In­structions for Use:
15 Part or control of 791
This symbol draws attention to a possible danger to life or of injury if the associated directions are not followed correctly.
Warning This symbol draws attention to possible damage to instruments or instrument parts if the associated directions are not followed cor­rectly.
Caution This symbol marks important information. First read the associ­ated directions before you con­tinue.
Comment This symbol marks additional information and tips.
791 VA Detector
1 Introduction

1.4 Safety notes

1.4.1 Electrical safety

While electrical safety in the handling of the 791 VA Detector is assured in the context of the specifications IEC 1010-1 (protection class 1, de­gree of protection IP40), the following points should be noted:
Mains connection
Setting of the mains voltage, checking the mains fuse and the mains connection must be effected in accordance with the instruc-
tions in section 2.2.
Opening the 791 VA Detector
If the 791 VA Detector is connected to the power supply, the instru­ment must not be opened nor must parts be removed from it, other­wise there is a danger of coming into contact with components which are live. Hence, always disconnect the instrument from all voltage sources before you open it and ensure that the mains cable is disconnected from mains connection 26 !
Protection against static charges
Electronic components are sensitive to static charging and can be destroyed by discharges. Before you touch any of the components inside the 791 VA Detector, you should earth yourself and any tools you are using by touching an earthed object (e.g. housing of the instrument or a radiator) to eliminate any static charges which exist.

1.4.2 General precautionary rules

Handling of solvents
Check all lines periodically for possible leaks. Follow the relevant instructions regarding the handling of flammable and/or toxic solvents and their disposal.
791 VA Detector

2.1 Setting up the instrument

2 Installation

2.1 Setting up the instrument

2.1.1 Packaging

The 791 VA Detector is supplied together with the separately packed accessories in special packagings containing shock-absorbing foam linings designed to provide excellent protection. The instrument itself is packed in an evacuated polyethylene bag to prevent the ingress of dust. Please store all these special packagings as only they assure transport of the instrument free from damage.

2.1.2 Check

After receipt, immediately check whether the shipment is complete and has arrived without damage (compare with delivery note and list of accessories in section 5.2). In the case of transport damage, see instructions in section 5.4.1 "Warranty".

2.1.3 Location

Position the instrument in the laboratory at a location convenient for operation, free from vibrations and protected against a corrosive atmosphere and contamination by chemicals.

2.1.4 Arrangement of the instruments

The 791 VA Detector can be placed on the 732 IC Detector or the 733 IC Separation Center.
791 VA Detector
2 Installation

2.2 Mains connection

Follow the instructions below for connecting to the power supply. If the instrument is operated with a mains voltage set wrongly and/or wrong mains fuse, there is a danger of fire!

2.2.1 Setting the mains voltage

Before switching on the 791 VA Detector for the first time, check that the mains voltage set on the instrument (see Fig. 3) matches the local mains voltage. If this is not on the instrument as follows:
the case, you must reset the mains voltage
1 Disconnect mains cable
Disconnect mains cable from mains connection plug 26 of the 791 VA Detector.
2 Remove fuse holder
Using a screwdriver, loosen fuse holder 12 and take out com­pletely.
3 Change mains voltage
Completely remove voltage selection insert 13 by hand, rotate it through 180° and reinsert it. The required mains voltage (115 or 230 V) must now be visible from the front.
4 Check fuses
Carefully take both fuses out of fuse holder 12 and check their specifications:
100240 V 1 A (slow-blow) Metrohm-No. U.600.0016
5 Insert fuses
Change both fuses if necessary and reinsert in fuse holder 12.
6 Install fuse holder
Push fuse holder 12 back into the opening of 791 VA Detector by hand until it clicks into place properly.
791 VA Detector
2.2 Mains connection
100 – 120 V220 – 240 V
12 Fuse holder
13 Voltage selection
insert with display of voltage
Fig. 3
: Setting the mains voltage

2.2.2 Fuses

Two fuses 1 A/slow-blow for 100240 V are installed in the fuse holder 12 of the 791 VA Detector as standard.
Ensure that the instrument is never put into operation with fuses of another type, otherwise there is danger of fire!
For checking or changing fuses, proceed as described in section 2.2.1.

2.2.3 Mains cable and mains connection

Mains cable
The instrument is supplied with one of three mains cables
25 Mains switch
26 Mains connection
6.2122.020 with plug SEV 12 (Switzerland, …)
6.2122.040 with plug CEE(7), VII (Germany, …)
6.2133.070 with plug NEMA 5-15 (USA, …)
which are three-cored and fitted with a plug with an earthing pin. If a dif­ferent plug has to be fitted, the yellow/green lead (IEC standard) must be connected to protective earth (protection class 1).
Any break in the earthing inside or outside the instrument can make it a hazard!
Mains connection
Plug the mains cable into mains connection plug 26 of the 791 VA De­tector (see Fig. 3).

2.2.4 Switching the instrument on/off

The 791 VA Detector is switched on and off using mains switch 25. When the instrument is switched on lamp 1 lights up.
791 VA Detector
2 Installation

2.3 656 Electrochemical detector

2.3.1 Installation and startup

Inserting the detector cell in shield housing, fitting the electrodes and startup of the 656 Electrochemical detector (order number 2.656.0020) are described in detail in the 656 Instructions for use.

2.3.2 Connection to 791 VA Detector

The electrodes used in the detector cell are each connected to the cor­responding connection of the 791 VA Detector with a 6.2120.020 Elec­trode cable as shown in Fig. 4. In addition the two earthing sockets are connected with a 6.2106.020 Cable.
6.2120.0 20 6.2106.0 20
Fig. 4
: Connection 656 – 791
791 VA Detector

2.4 6.5303.030 ELCD cell for IC

2.4 6.5303.030 ELCD cell for IC

2.4.1 Assembling the ELCD cell

The reference electrode and working electrode must be inserted in the
6.5303.030 ELCD Cell supplied with the 2.791.0020 VA Detector. The cell is then screwed into the detector block built into the 733 IC Separa­tion Center. Proceed as follows (see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6):
1 Insert reference electrode
Reference electrode 39 (6.0727.000, details see section 3.2.2) included in the supply is already filled with c(KCl) = 3 mol/L and protected with a cap. It is assembled as follows (see Fig. 5):
Screw off the cap of electrolyte storage vessel 41 of reference
electrode 39. Normally PTFE gasket 31 remains in the cap and can be left there.
Insert one of the supplied PTFE gaskets 31 into the corre-
sponding opening of cell body 32 and screw reference elec­trode 39 into this opening.
2 Insert working electrode
Working electrode 28 is not supplied with the 791 VA Detector and must be ordered separately. Details about the working electrodes and information about pretreatment (e.g. polishing) can be found in section 3.2.1. A working electrode is assembled as follows (see Fig. 5):
Insert working electrode 28 in screw nipple 29.
Push one of the supplied PTFE gaskets 31 sufficiently far
along the working electrode from below.
Carefully insert working electrode 28 into the corresponding
opening of cell body 32 from above and press it in until it clearly clicks into position.
Push screw nipple 29 downwards and screw it in.
3 Connect ELCD cell to the detector block
The ELCD cell is screwed onto the 1.733.0X10 Detector block mounted inside the 733 Separation Center. Proceed as follows (see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6):
Screw cell body 32 onto detector block 42 with the help of
the two red knurled screws 43.
Push one of the supplied PTFE gaskets 31 over screw nipple
33 and screw this into the corresponding opening of cell body 32.
Place a screw nipple 36 and a PTFE gasket 35 on the outlet
end of the outlet capillary 37 permanently connected to de­tector block 42.
Insert outlet capillary 37 with screw nipple 36 in place into
screw nipple 33 and press in outlet capillary 37 until it reaches the stop.
791 VA Detector
+ 39 hidden pages