HEIDENHAIN TNC 410 User Manual

TNC 410 TNC 426 TNC 430
NC Software 286 060-xx 286 080-xx 280 476-xx 280 477-xx
User’s Manual
ISO Programming
Controls on the visual display unit
Split screen layout Switch between machining or
programming modes Soft keys for selecting functions in screen
Switching the soft-key rows Changing the screen settings
(only BC 120)
Typewriter keyboard for entering letters and symbols
File names Comments
ISO programs
Machine operating modes
Programming modes
Program/file management, TNC functions
Select or delete programs and files External data transfer
Enter program call in a program
MOD functions
Display help texts for NC error messages
Pocket calculator
Moving the highlight, going directly to blocks, cycles and parameter functions
Go directly to blocks, cycles and parameter
Move highlight
Override control knobs for feed rate/spindle speed
F %
S %
Programming path movements
Approach/depart contour
FK free contour programming
Straight line
Circle center/pole for polar coordinates
Circular arc with center
Circular arc with radius
Circular arc with tangential connection
Corner rounding
Tool functions
Enter and call tool length and radius
Cycles, subprograms and program section repeats
Program stop in a program
Enter touch probe functions in a program
Define and call cycles Enter and call labels for subprogramming and
program section repeats
Coordinate axes and numbers: Entering and editing
. . .
. . .
Decimal point
Change arithmetic sign
Polar coordinates
Incremental dimensions
Q parameters
Capture actual position
Skip dialog questions, delete words
Confirm entry and resume dialog
End block Clear numerical entry or TNC error
or delete error message Abort dialog, delete program section
Select coordinate axes or enter them into the program

TNC models, software and features

This manual describes functions and features provided by the TNCs as of the following NC software numbers.
TNC model NC software no.
TNC 426 CB, TNC 426 PB 280 476-xx
TNC 426 CF, TNC 426 PF 280 477-xx
TNC 426 M 280 476-xx
TNC 426 ME 280 477-xx
TNC 430 CA, TNC 430 PA 280 476-xx
TNC 430 CE, TNC 430 PE 280 477-xx
TNC 430 M 280 476-xx
TNC 430 ME 280 477-xx
TNC 410 286 060-xx
TNC 410 286 080-xx
The suffixes E and F indicate the export versions of the TNC The export versions of the TNC have the following limitations:
n Linear movement is possible in no more than 4 axes simultaneously.
The machine tool builder adapts the useable features of the TNC to his machine by setting machine parameters. Some of the functions described in this manual may not be among the features provided by your machine tool.
TNC functions that may not be available on your machine include:
n Probing function for the 3-D touch probe n Digitizing option n Tool measurement with the TT 130 n Rigid tapping n Returning to the contour after an interruption
Please contact your machine tool builder to become familiar with the features of your machine.
Many machine manufacturers, as well as HEIDENHAIN, offer programming courses for the TNCs. We recommend these courses as an effective way of improving your programming skill and sharing information and ideas with other TNC users.
Touch Probe Cycles User's Manual:
All of the touch probe functions are described in a separate manual. Please contact HEIDENHAIN if you require a copy of this User's Manual. ID number: 329 203-xx.
Location of use
The TNC complies with the limits for a Class A device in accordance with the specifications in EN 55022, and is intended for use primarily in industrially-zoned areas.

New features of the NC software 280 476-xx

n Thread milling cycles 262 to 267 (see “Fundamentals of thread
milling” on page 208)
n Tapping Cycle 209 with chip breaking (see “TAPPING WITH CHIP
BREAKING (Cycle G209, not TNC 410)” on page 206)
n Cycle 247(see “DATUM SETTING (Cycle G247, not TNC 410)” on
page 299)
n Entering two miscellaneous functions M (see “Entering
Miscellaneous Functions M” on page 148)
n Program stop with M01 (see “Optional Program Run Interruption”
on page 386)
n Starting NC programs automatically (see “Automatic Program Start
(not TNC 410)” on page 383)
n Selecting the screen layout for pallet tables (see “Screen layout for
executing pallet tables” on page 95)
n New columns in the tool table for managing TS calibration data (see
“Entering tool data in tables” on page 101)
n Management of unlimited calibration data with the TS triggering
touch probes (see User’s Manual for Touch Probe Cycles)
n Cycles for automatic tool measurement with the TT tool touch probe
in ISO (see User's Manual for Touch Probe Cycles)
n New Cycle 440 for measuring the axial displacement of a machine
with the TT tool touch probe (see User's Manual for Touch Probe Cycles)
n Support of Teleservice functions (see “Teleservice (not TNC 410)”
on page 418)
n Setting the display mode for blocks with more than one line, e.g. for
cycle definitions (see “General User Parameters” on page 422)
n M142 (see “Erasing modal program information: M142 (not TNC
410)” on page 163)
n M143 (see “Erasing the basic rotation: M143 (not TNC 410)” on
page 163)
n M144 (see “Compensating the machine's kinematic configuration
for ACTUAL/NOMINAL positions at end of block: M144 (not TNC
410)” on page 171)
n External access with the LSV-2 interface (see “Permitting/
Restricting external access” on page 419)

Changed features of the NC software 280 476-xx

n The feed-rate unit for M136 was changed from µm/rev to mm/rev.
(see “Feed rate in millimeters per spindle revolution: M136 (not TNC
410)” on page 159)
n The size of the contour memory for SL cycles was doubled. (see “SL
Cycles Group II (not TNC 410)” on page 265)
n M91 and M92 are now also possible with tilted working plane. (see
“Positioning in a tilted coordinate system” on page 306)
n Display of the NC program during the execution of pallet tables (see
“Program Run, Full Sequence and Program Run, Single Block” on page 8) and (see “Screen layout for executing pallet tables” on page

New/Changed Descriptions in this Manual

n TNCremoNT (see “Data transfer between the TNC and
TNCremoNT” on page 398)
n Summary of input formats (see “Input format and unit of TNC
functions” on page 443)
n Mid-program startup of pallet tables (see “Mid-program startup
(block scan)” on page 380)
n Exchanging the buffer battery (see “Exchanging the Buffer Battery”
on page 445)
Manual Operation and Setup
Positioning with Manual Data Input (MDI)
Programming: Fundamentals of File Management, Programming Aids
Programming: Tools
Programming: Programming Contours
Programming: Miscellaneous Functions
Programming: Cycles
Programming: Subprograms and Program Section Repeats
Programming: Q Parameters
Test Run and Program Run
MOD Functions
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Tables and Overviews
1 Introduction ..... 1
1.1 The TNC 410, the TNC 426 and the TNC 430 ..... 2
Programming: HEIDENHAIN conversational and ISO formats ..... 2
Compatibility ..... 2
1.2 Visual Display Unit and Keyboard ..... 3
Visual display unit ..... 3
Screen layout ..... 4
Keyboard ..... 5
1.3 Modes of Operation ..... 6
Manual Operation and Electronic Handwheel ..... 6
Positioning with Manual Data Input (MDI) ..... 6
Programming and editing ..... 7
Test Run ..... 7
Program Run, Full Sequence and Program Run, Single Block ..... 8
1.4 Status Displays ..... 10
“General” status display ..... 10
Additional status displays ..... 11
1.5 Accessories: HEIDENHAIN 3-D Touch Probes and Electronic Handwheels ..... 14
3-D touch probes ..... 14
HR electronic handwheels ..... 15
2 Manual Operation and Setup ..... 17
2.1 Switch-on, Switch-Off ..... 18
Switch-on ..... 18
Additional functions for the TNC 426, TNC 430 ..... 19
Switch-off ..... 19
2.2 Moving the Machine Axes ..... 20
Note ..... 20
To traverse with the machine axis direction buttons: ..... 20
Traversing with the HR 410 electronic handwheel ..... 21
Incremental jog positioning ..... 22
2.3 Spindle Speed S, Feed Rate F and Miscellaneous Functions M ..... 23
Function ..... 23
Entering values ..... 23
Changing the spindle speed and feed rate ..... 23
2.4 Datum Setting (Without a 3-D Touch Probe) ..... 24
Note ..... 24
Preparation ..... 24
Datum setting ..... 25
2.5 Tilting the Working Plane (not TNC 410) ..... 26
Application, function ..... 26
Traversing the reference points in tilted axes ..... 27
Setting the datum in a tilted coordinate system ..... 27
Datum setting on machines with rotary tables ..... 28
Position display in a tilted system ..... 28
Limitations on working with the tilting function ..... 28
To activate manual tilting: ..... 29
3 Positioning with Manual Data Input (MDI) ..... 31
3.1 Programming and Executing Simple Machining Operations ..... 32
Positioning with Manual Data Input (MDI) ..... 32
Protecting and erasing programs in $MDI ..... 35
4 Programming: Fundamentals of NC, File Management, Programming Aids,
Pallet Management ..... 37
4.1 Fundamentals ..... 38
Position encoders and reference marks ..... 38
Reference system ..... 38
Reference system on milling machines ..... 39
Polar coordinates ..... 40
Absolute and incremental workpiece positions ..... 41
Setting the datum ..... 42
4.2 File Management: Fundamentals ..... 43
Files ..... 43
Data backup TNC 426, TNC 430 ..... 44
4.3 Standard File Management TNC 426, TNC 430 ..... 45
Note ..... 45
Calling the file manager ..... 45
Selecting a file ..... 46
Deleting a file ..... 46
Copying a file ..... 47
Data transfer to or from an external data medium ..... 48
Selecting one of the last 10 files selected ..... 50
Renaming a file ..... 50
Converting an FK program into HEIDENHAIN conversational format ..... 51
Protecting a file / Canceling file protection ..... 52
4.4 Expanded File Management TNC 426, TNC 430 ..... 53
Note ..... 53
Directories ..... 53
Paths ..... 53
Overview: Functions of the expanded file manager ..... 54
Calling the file manager ..... 55
Selecting drives, directories and files ..... 56
Creating a new directory (only possible on the drive TNC:\) ..... 57
Copying a single file ..... 58
Copying a directory ..... 59
Choosing one of the last 10 files selected. ..... 59
Deleting a file ..... 59
Deleting a directory ..... 60
Tagging files ..... 60
Renaming a file ..... 61
Additional functions ..... 61
Data transfer to or from an external data medium ..... 62
Copying files into another directory ..... 63
The TNC in a network (applies only for Ethernet interface option) ..... 64
4.5 File Management for the TNC 410 ..... 66
Calling the file manager ..... 66
Selecting a file ..... 66
Deleting a file ..... 67
Copying a file ..... 68
Data transfer to or from an external data medium ..... 69
4.6 Creating and Writing Programs ..... 71
Organization of an NC program in ISO format ..... 71
Define blank form: G30/G31 ..... 71
Creating a new part program TNC 426, TNC 430 ..... 72
Creating a new part program TNC 410 ..... 73
Define the workpiece blank ..... 74
Programming tool movements ..... 76
Editing a program with TNC 426, TNC 430 ..... 77
Editing a program with TNC 410 ..... 81
4.7 Interactive Programming Graphics (only TNC 410) ..... 83
To generate/not generate graphics during programming: ..... 83
Generating a graphic for an existing program ..... 83
Magnifying or reducing a detail ..... 84
4.8 Adding Comments ..... 85
Function ..... 85
Adding comments during program input (not TNC 410) ..... 85
Adding comments after program input (not TNC 410) ..... 85
Entering a comment in a separate block ..... 85
4.9 Creating Text Files (not TNC 410) ..... 86
Function ..... 86
Opening and exiting text files ..... 86
Editing texts ..... 87
Erasing and inserting characters, words and lines ..... 88
Editing text blocks ..... 88
Finding text sections ..... 89
4.10 Integrated Pocket Calculator (not TNC 410) ..... 90
Operation ..... 90
4.11 Direct Help for NC Error Messages (not TNC 410) ..... 91
Displaying error messages ..... 91
Display HELP ..... 91
4.12 Pallet Management (not TNC 410) ..... 92
Function ..... 92
Selecting a pallet table ..... 94
Leaving the pallet file ..... 94
Executing the pallet file ..... 94
5 Programming: Tools ..... 97
5.1 Entering Tool-Related Data ..... 98
Feed rate F ..... 98
Spindle speed S ..... 98
5.2 Tool Data ..... 99
Requirements for tool compensation ..... 99
Tool numbers and tool names ..... 99
Tool length L ..... 99
Tool radius R ..... 100
Delta values for lengths and radii ..... 100
Entering tool data into the program ..... 100
Entering tool data in tables ..... 101
Pocket table for tool changer ..... 107
Calling tool data ..... 109
Tool change ..... 110
5.3 Tool Compensation ..... 111
Introduction ..... 111
Tool length compensation ..... 111
Tool radius compensation ..... 112
5.4 Peripheral Milling: 3-D Radius Compensation with Workpiece Orientation ..... 115
Function ..... 115
6 Programming: Programming Contours ..... 117
6.1 Tool Movements ..... 118
Path functions ..... 118
Miscellaneous functions M ..... 118
Subprograms and program section repeats ..... 118
Programming with Q parameters ..... 118
6.2 Fundamentals of Path Functions ..... 119
Programming tool movements for workpiece machining ..... 119
6.3 Contour Approach and Departure ..... 122
Starting point and end point ..... 122
Tangential approach and departure ..... 124
6.4 Path Contours—Cartesian Coordinates ..... 126
Overview of path functions ..... 126
Straight line at rapid traverse G00
Straight line with feed rate G01 F. . . ..... 127
Inserting a chamfer CHF between two straight lines ..... 128
Rounding corners G25 ..... 129
Circle center I, J ..... 130
Circular path G02/G03/G05 around circle center I, J ..... 131
Circular path G02/G03/G05 with defined radius ..... 132
Circular path G06 with tangential approach ..... 134
6.5 Path Contours—Polar Coordinates ..... 139
Overview of path functions with polar coordinates ..... 139
Zero point for polar coordinates: pole I, J ..... 139
Straight line at rapid traverse G10
Straight line with feed rate G11 F . . . ..... 140
Circular path G12/G13/G15 around pole I, J ..... 140
Circular arc with tangential connection ..... 141
Helical interpolation ..... 141
7 Programming: Miscellaneous Functions ..... 147
7.1 Entering Miscellaneous Functions M ..... 148
Fundamentals ..... 148
7.2 Miscellaneous Functions for Program Run Control, Spindle and Coolant ..... 149
Overview ..... 149
7.3 Miscellaneous Functions for Coordinate Data ..... 150
Programming machine-referenced coordinates: M91/M92 ..... 150
Activating the most recently set datum: M104 (not with TNC 410) ..... 152
Moving to positions in an untilted coordinate system with a tilted working plane: M130 (not with TNC 410) ..... 152
7.4 Miscellaneous Functions for Contouring Behavior ..... 153
Smoothing corners: M90 ..... 153
Insert rounding arc between straight lines: M112 (TNC 426, TNC 430) ..... 154
Entering contour transitions between contour elements: M112 (TNC 410) ..... 154
Contour filter: M124 (not TNC 426, TNC 430) ..... 156
Machining small contour steps: M97 ..... 157
Machining open contours: M98 ..... 158
Feed rate factor for plunging movements: M103 ..... 158
Feed rate in millimeters per spindle revolution: M136 (not TNC 410) ..... 159
Feed rate at circular arcs: M109/M110/M111 ..... 160
Calculating the radius-compensated path in advance (LOOK AHEAD): M120 ..... 160
Superimposing handwheel positioning during program run: M118 (not TNC 410) ..... 162
Erasing modal program information: M142 (not TNC 410) ..... 163
Erasing the basic rotation: M143 (not TNC 410) ..... 163
7.5 Miscellaneous Functions for Rotary Axes ..... 164
Feed rate in mm/min on rotary axes A, B, C: M116 (not TNC 410) ..... 164
Shorter-path traverse of rotary axes: M126 ..... 165
Reducing display of a rotary axis to a value less than 360°: M94 ..... 166
Automatic compensation of machine geometry when working with tilted axes: M114 (not TNC 410) ..... 167
Maintaining the position of the tool tip when positioning with tilted axes (TCPM*): M128 (not TNC 410) ..... 168
Exact stop at corners with nontangential transitions: M134 (not TNC 410) ..... 169
Selecting tilting axes: M138 (not TNC 410) ..... 170
Compensating the machine's kinematic configuration for ACTUAL/NOMINAL positions at end of block: M144
(not TNC 410) ..... 171
7.6 Miscellaneous Functions for Laser Cutting Machines (not TNC 410) ..... 172
Principle ..... 172
Output the programmed voltage directly: M200 ..... 172
Output voltage as a function of distance: M201 ..... 172
Output voltage as a function of speed: M202 ..... 173
Output voltage as a function of time (time-dependent ramp): M203 ..... 173
Output voltage as a function of time (time-dependent pulse): M204 ..... 173
8 Programming: Cycles ..... 175
8.1 Working with Cycles ..... 176
Defining a cycle using soft keys ..... 176
Calling a cycle ..... 177
Working with the secondary axes U/V/W ..... 179
8.2 Point Tables ..... 180
Function ..... 180
Creating a point table ..... 180
Selecting a point table in the program ..... 181
Calling a cycle in connection with point tables ..... 182
8.3 Cycles for Drilling, Tapping and Thread Milling ..... 183
Overview ..... 183
PECKING (Cycle G83) ..... 185
DRILLING (Cycle G200) ..... 186
REAMING (Cycle G201) ..... 187
BORING (Cycle G202) ..... 189
UNIVERSAL DRILLING (Cycle G203) ..... 191
BACK BORING (Cycle G204) ..... 193
UNIVERSAL PECKING (Cycle G205, not TNC 410) ..... 195
BORE MILLING (Cycle G208, not TNC 410) ..... 197
TAPPING with a floating tap holder (Cycle G84) ..... 199
TAPPING NEW with floating tap holder (Cycle G206, not TNC 410) ..... 200
RIGID TAPPING (Cycle G85) ..... 202
RIGID TAPPING NEW (Cycle G207, not TNC 410) ..... 203
THREAD CUTTING (Cycle G86, not TNC 410) ..... 205
TAPPING WITH CHIP BREAKING (Cycle G209, not TNC 410) ..... 206
Fundamentals of thread milling ..... 208
THREAD MILLING (Cycle G262, not TNC 410) ..... 210
THREAD MILLING/COUNTERSINKING (Cycle G263, not TNC 410) ..... 212
THREAD DRILLING/MILLING (Cycle G264) not TNC 410) ..... 216
HELICAL THREAD DRILLING/MILLING (Cycle G265, not TNC 410) ..... 220
OUTSIDE THREAD MILLING (Cycle G267, not TNC 410) ..... 223
8.4 Cycles for Milling Pockets, Studs and Slots ..... 231
Overview ..... 231
POCKET MILLING (Cycles G75, G76) ..... 232
POCKET FINISHING (Cycle G212) ..... 234
STUD FINISHING (Cycle G213) ..... 236
CIRCULAR POCKET MILLING (Cycle G77, G78) ..... 238
CIRCULAR STUD FINISHING (Cycle G215) ..... 242
SLOT MILLING (Cycle G74) ..... 244
SLOT with reciprocating plunge-cut (Cycle G210) ..... 246
CIRCULAR SLOT with reciprocating plunge-cut (Cycle G211) ..... 248
8.5 Cycles for Machining Hole Patterns ..... 252
Overview ..... 252
CIRCULAR PATTERN (Cycle G220) ..... 254
LINEAR PATTERN (Cycle G221) ..... 256
8.6 SL Cycles Group I ..... 259
Fundamentals ..... 259
Overview of SL Cycles, Group I ..... 260
CONTOUR GEOMETRY (Cycle G37) ..... 261
PILOT DRILLING (Cycle G56) ..... 262
ROUGH-OUT (Cycle G57) ..... 263
CONTOUR MILLING (Cycle G58/G59) ..... 264
8.7 SL Cycles Group II (not TNC 410) ..... 265
Fundamentals ..... 265
Overview of SL Cycles ..... 266
CONTOUR GEOMETRY (Cycle G37) ..... 267
Overlapping contours ..... 267
CONTOUR DATA (Cycle G120) ..... 270
PILOT DRILLING (Cycle G121) ..... 271
ROUGH-OUT (Cycle G122) ..... 272
FLOOR FINISHING (Cycle G123) ..... 273
SIDE FINISHING (Cycle G124) ..... 274
CONTOUR TRAIN (Cycle G125) ..... 275
CYLINDER SURFACE (Cycle G127) ..... 277
CYLINDER SURFACE slot milling (Cycle G128) ..... 279
8.8 Cycles for Multipass Milling ..... 287
Overview ..... 287
RUN DIGITIZED DATA (Cycle G60, not TNC 410) ..... 288
MULTIPLASS MILLING (Cycle G230) ..... 289
RULED SURFACE (Cycle G231) ..... 291
8.9 Coordinate Transformation Cycles ..... 294
Overview ..... 294
Effect of coordinate transformations ..... 294
DATUM SHIFT (Cycle G54) ..... 295
DATUM SHIFT with datum tables (Cycle G53) ..... 296
not TNC 410) ..... 299
MIRROR IMAGE (Cycle G28) ..... 300
ROTATION (Cycle G73) ..... 302
SCALING FACTOR (Cycle G72) ..... 303
WORKING PLANE (Cycle G80, not TNC 410) ..... 304
8.10 Special Cycles ..... 311
DWELL TIME (Cycle G04) ..... 311
PROGRAM CALL (Cycle G39) ..... 311
ORIENTED SPINDLE STOP (Cycle G36) ..... 312
TOLERANCE (Cycle G62, not TNC 410) ..... 313
9 Programming: Subprograms and Program Section Repeats ..... 315
9.1 Labeling Subprograms and Program Section Repeats ..... 316
Labels ..... 316
9.2 Subprograms ..... 317
Operating sequence ..... 317
Programming notes ..... 317
Programming a subprogram ..... 317
Calling a subprogram ..... 317
9.3 Program Section Repeats ..... 318
Label G98 ..... 318
Operating sequence ..... 318
Programming notes ..... 318
Programming a program section repeat ..... 318
Calling a program section repeat ..... 318
9.4 Separate Program as Subprogram ..... 319
Operating sequence ..... 319
Programming notes ..... 319
Calling any program as a subprogram ..... 319
9.5 Nesting ..... 320
Types of nesting ..... 320
Nesting depth ..... 320
Subprogram within a subprogram ..... 320
Repeating program section repeats ..... 321
Repeating a subprogram ..... 322
10 Programming: Q Parameters ..... 329
10.1 Principle and Overview ..... 330
Programming notes ..... 330
Calling Q parameter functions ..... 331
10.2 Part Families—Q Parameters in Place of Numerical Values ..... 332
Example NC blocks ..... 332
Example ..... 332
10.3 Describing Contours through Mathematical Operations ..... 333
Function ..... 333
Overview ..... 333
Programming fundamental operations ..... 334
10.4 Trigonometric Functions ..... 336
Definitions ..... 336
Programming trigonometric functions ..... 337
10.5 If-Then Decisions with Q Parameters ..... 338
Function ..... 338
Unconditional jumps ..... 338
Programming If-Then decisions ..... 338
Abbreviations used: ..... 339
10.6 Checking and Changing Q Parameters ..... 340
Procedure ..... 340
10.7 Additional Functions ..... 341
Overview ..... 341
D14: ERROR: Output error messages ..... 341
D15: PRINT: Output of texts or Q parameter values ..... 345
D19: PLC: Transferring values to the PLC ..... 346
10.8 Entering Formulas Directly ..... 347
Entering formulas ..... 347
Rules for formulas ..... 349
Programming example ..... 350
10.9 Preassigned Q Parameters ..... 351
Values from the PLC: Q100 to Q107 ..... 351
Active tool radius: Q108 ..... 351
Tool axis: Q109 ..... 351
Spindle status: Q110 ..... 351
Coolant on/off: Q111 ..... 352
Overlap factor: Q112 ..... 352
Unit of measurement for dimensions in the program: Q113 ..... 352
Tool length: Q114 ..... 352
Coordinates after probing during program run ..... 352
Deviation between actual value and nominal value during automatic tool measurement with the TT 130 ..... 353
Tilting the working plane with mathematical angles (not TNC 410): Rotary axis coordinates calculated by the
TNC ..... 353
Results of measurements with touch probe cycles (see also Touch Probe Cycles User's Manual) ..... 354
11 Test Run and Program Run ..... 363
11.1 Graphics ..... 364
Function ..... 364
Overview of display modes ..... 364
Plan view ..... 365
Projection in 3 planes ..... 366
3-D view ..... 367
Magnifying details ..... 367
Repeating graphic simulation ..... 369
Measuring the machining time ..... 370
11.2 Functions for Program Display ..... 371
Overview ..... 371
11.3 Test Run ..... 372
Function ..... 372
11.4 Program Run ..... 374
Function ..... 374
Running a part program ..... 375
Running a part program containing coordinates from non-controlled axes (not TNC 426, TNC 430) ..... 376
Interrupting machining ..... 377
Moving the machine axes during an interruption ..... 378
Resuming program run after an interruption ..... 379
Mid-program startup (block scan) ..... 380
Returning to the contour ..... 382
11.5 Automatic Program Start (not TNC 410) ..... 383
Function ..... 383
11.6 Blockwise Transfer: Running Long Programs (not with TNC 426, TNC 430) ..... 384
Function ..... 384
Blockwise program transfer ..... 384
11.7 Optional block skip ..... 385
Function ..... 385
11.8 Optional Program Run Interruption ..... 386
Function ..... 386
12 MOD Functions ..... 387
12.1 MOD functions ..... 388
Selecting the MOD functions ..... 388
Changing the settings ..... 388
Exiting the MOD functions ..... 388
Overview of MOD Functions TNC 426, TNC 430 ..... 388
12.2 System Information (not TNC 426, TNC 430) ..... 390
Function ..... 390
12.3 Software Numbers and Option Numbers (not TNC 410) ..... 391
Function ..... 391
12.4 Code Numbers ..... 392
Function ..... 392
12.5 Setting the Data Interface for the TNC 410 ..... 393
Selecting the setup menu ..... 393
Setting the OPERATING MODE of the external device ..... 393
Setting the BAUD RATE ..... 393
Creating the memory for blockwise transfer ..... 393
Setting the block buffer ..... 393
Data transfer between the TNC 410 and TNCremo ..... 394
12.6 Setting the Data Interfaces for TNC 426, TNC 430 ..... 395
Selecting the setup menu ..... 395
Setting the RS-232 interface ..... 395
Setting the RS-422 interface ..... 395
Setting the OPERATING MODE of the external device ..... 395
Setting the BAUD RATE ..... 395
Assign ..... 396
Software for data transfer ..... 397
12.7 Ethernet Interface (not TNC 410) ..... 400
Introduction ..... 400
Installing an Ethernet card ..... 400
Connection possibilities ..... 400
Configuring the TNC ..... 401
12.8 Configuring PGM MGT (not TNC 410) ..... 406
Function ..... 406
Changing the setting ..... 406
12.9 Machine-Specific User Parameters ..... 407
Function ..... 407
12.10 Showing the Workpiece in the Working Space (not TNC 410) ..... 408
Function ..... 408
12.11 Position Display Types ..... 410
Function ..... 410
12.12 Unit of Measurement ..... 411
Function ..... 411
12.13 Select the Programming Language for $MDI ..... 412
Function ..... 412
12.14 Selecting the Axes for Generating L Blocks (not TNC 410) ..... 413
Function ..... 413
12.15 Enter the Axis Traverse Limits, Datum Display ..... 414
Function ..... 414
Working without additional traverse limits ..... 414
Find and enter the maximum traverse ..... 415
Datum display ..... 415
Axis traverse limits for
test run (not TNC 426, TNC 430) ..... 415
12.16 The HELP Function ..... 416
Function ..... 416
Selecting and executing a HELP function ..... 416
12.17 Operating Time (via Code Number for TNC 410) ..... 417
Function ..... 417
12.18 Teleservice (not TNC 410) ..... 418
Function ..... 418
Calling/Exiting Teleservice ..... 418
12.19 External Access (not TNC 410) ..... 419
Function ..... 419
13 Tables and Overviews ..... 421
13.1 General User Parameters ..... 422
Input possibilities for machine parameters ..... 422
Selecting general user parameters ..... 422
13.2 Pin Layout and Connecting Cable for the Data Interfaces ..... 436
RS-232-C/V.24 Interface HEIDEHAIN devices ..... 436
Non-HEIDENHAIN devices ..... 437
RS-422/V.11 interface (not TNC 410) ..... 438
Ethernet interface RJ45 socket (option, not TNC 410) ..... 439
Ethernet interface BNC socket (option, not TNC 410) ..... 439
13.3 Technical Information ..... 440
TNC features ..... 440
13.4 Exchanging the Buffer Battery ..... 445
TNC 410 CA/PA, TNC 426 CB/PB, TNC 430 CA/PA ..... 445
TNC 410 M, TNC 426 M, TNC 430 M ..... 445
13.5 Addresses (ISO) ..... 446
G functions ..... 446
Assigned addresses ..... 449
Parameter functions ..... 450


1.1 The TNC 410, the TNC 426 and the TNC 430
HEIDENHAIN TNC controls are workshop-oriented contouring controls that enable you to program conventional machining operations right at the machine in an easy-to-use conversational programming language. They are designed for milling, drilling and boring machines, as well as for machining centers. The TNC 410 can control up to 4 axes, the TNC 426 up to 5 axes, and the TNC 430 up to 9 axes. You can also change the angular position of the spindle under program control.
An integrated hard disk provides storage for as many programs as you like, even if they were created off-line or by digitizing. For quick calculations you can call up the on-screen pocket calculator at any time.
Keyboard and screen layout are clearly arranged in such a way that the functions are fast and easy to use.

Programming: HEIDENHAIN conversational and ISO formats

HEIDENHAIN conversational programming is an especially easy method of writing programs. Interactive graphics illustrate the individual machining steps for programming the contour. If a production drawing is not dimensioned for NC, the HEIDENHAIN FK free contour programming does the necessary calculations automatically. Workpiece machining can be graphically simulated either during or before actual machining. It is also possible to program in ISO format or DNC mode.
You can also enter and test one program while the control is running

1.1 The TNC 410, the TNC 426 and the TNC 430

another. With the TNC 426, TNC 430 it is also possible to test one program while another is being run.


The TNC can execute all part programs that were written on HEIDENHAIN controls TNC 150 B and later.
2 1 Introduction
1.2 Visual Display Unit and Keyboard

Visual display unit

The TNC is available with either a color CRT screen (BC 120) or a TFT flat panel display (BF 120). The figure at top right shows the keys and controls on the BC 120, and the figure at center right shows those of the BF 120.
1 Header
When the TNC is on, the selected operating modes are shown in the screen header: the machining mode at the left and the programming mode at right. The currently active mode is displayed in the larger box, where the dialog prompts and TNC messages also appear (unless the TNC is showing only graphics).
2 Soft keys
In the footer the TNC indicates additional functions in a soft-key row. You can select these functions by pressing the keys immediately below them. The lines immediately above the soft­key row indicate the number of soft-key rows that can be called with the black arrow keys to the right and left. The line representing the active soft-key row is highlighted.
3 Soft key selector keys 4 Switching the soft-key rows 5 Setting the screen layout 6 Shift key for switchover between machining and programming

1.2 Visual Display Unit and Keyboard

Keys on BC 120 only
7 Screen demagnetization; Exit main menu for screen settings 8 Select main menu for screen settings:
n In the main menu: Move highlight downward n In the submenu: Reduce value or move picture to the left or
9 n In the main menu: Move highlight upward
n In the submenu: Increase value or move picture to the right or
10 n In the main menu: Select submenu
n In the submenu: Exit submenu
Main menu dialog Function
BRIGHTNESS Adjust brightness
CONTRAST Adjust contrast
H-POSITION Adjust horizontal position
HEIDENHAIN TNC 410, TNC 426, TNC 430 3
Main menu dialog Function
V-POSITION Adjust vertical position
V-SIZE Adjust picture height
SIDE-PIN Correct barrel-shaped distortion
TRAPEZOID Correct trapezoidal distortion
ROTATION Correct tilting
COLOR TEMP Adjust color temperature
R-GAIN Adjust strength of red color
B-GAIN Adjust strength of blue color
RECALL No function
The BC 120 is sensitive to magnetic and electromagnetic noise, which can distort the position and geometry of the picture. Alternating fields can cause the picture to shift periodically or to become distorted.

Screen layout

You select the screen layout yourself: In the Programming and Editing
1.2 Visual Display Unit and Keyboard
mode of operation, for example, you can have the TNC show program blocks in the left window while the right window displays programming graphics (only TNC 410). The available screen windows depend on the selected operating mode.
To change the screen layout:
Press the SPLIT SCREEN key: The soft-key row shows the available layout options (see “Modes of Operation,” page 6).
Select the desired screen layout.
4 1 Introduction
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