Operating Instructions
IK 5000
(QC 5000)
Video Edge Detection Systems
English (en)

Video Edge Detection Systems
QC5200, QC5210, QC5230 and QC5240

QC5200 Series User’s Guide
Video edge detection systems: QC5200, QC5210, QC5230, and QC5240
Printed in the United States of America
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While Metronics, Inc. exercised great care in the preparation of this book, Metronics makes no representa-
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Metronics part number: 11A10558
Publishing date: June, 2005

This User Guide describes the operation of the video edge series of QC5200 metrology products. This series
of QC5200 instruments conducts a wide variety of precise 2-D measurements using a wide assortment of
video edge detection probes. The QC5200 software supports manual part positioning and feature measure-
ment under user control, and CNC part positioning and automated measurement under program control.
While it is likely that this Guide includes some material that doesn’t apply to your specific QC5200 system,
information pertaining to your system will be easy to find using the Table of Contents and Index.
Who should read this Guide?
This Guide is necessary for the efficient operation of the QC5200 system. Operators and supervisors will
find the contents invaluable in conducting measurements, programming automatic functions and reporting
results. User setup functions are also described that will help users and supervisors customize the QC5200
measurement tools, user interface screens and report formats.
Operators and supervisors are assumed to have a good basic understanding of dimensional metrology
theory and practice, and a good understanding of Microsoft Windows use and conventions.
The conventions used to call attention to notes, cautions and warnings, and the shorthand used to show
menu navigation paths are described below:
This guide uses the following icons to highlight
note, warning and caution
The note icon indicates additional or supplementary information about an activity or

The exclamation point icon indicates a situation or condition that can lead to
equipment malfunction or da
mage. Do not proceed until the caution message is read
and thoroughly understood. Caution messages are shown in bold type.
The raised hand icon warns of a situation or condition that can lead to serious
equipment damage, personal injury or death. Do not proceed until the warning is
read and thoroughly understood. Warning messages are shown in bold type.
Throughout the Guide, many references are made to screens that must be displayed by clicking the mouse
cursor on a series of menu items and screen tabs. This kind of navigation path is demonstrated in this
example of displaying the
screen, shown in text as: Tools/Customize/Colors.
then clicking the Colors tab...
then clicking the Customize menu item...

Many commands are displayed by right-clicking the mouse cursor in a window, and then on one or a
series of menu items. This kind of command path is demonstrated in this example of using the Part View
window/Print Part View command to print the part view. The command is shown in text as: Part View
Right-clicking the Part View window, then clicking Print Part View
prints the current part view

This Guide contains eleven chapters and three reference appendices. An overview of the contents is pro-
vided below. Experienced users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the first six chapters before
beginning to use the QC5200. Users that are new to the QC5200 and similar Metronics products should
read the first six chapters carefully and then follow the tutorial in
Quick Start Demonstartion
Quick Start Demonstartion
Brief introduction to the QC5200 series features and benefits
Comprehensive description of the user interface covering screens, menus, toolbars the statusbar and work-
Brief demonstration of using the basic functions of the QC5200 including:
• Organizing the workspace
• Selecting and teaching the probe
• Recording measurement activities as a program
• Measuring & constructing datums
• Saving the part and program
Instructions for calibrating and using video edge detection measurement probes
Instructions for constructing datums and measuring, constructing and creating features.
Instructions for applying tolerances to measurements.
Instructions for organizing, formatting, exporting and printing measurement results.
Descriptions of programming functions and instructions for creating, editing, and debugging programs.

Instructions for calibrating and configuring axis encoders.
Descriptions of setup tools and screens used to configure and customize measurement, programming and
Basic troubleshooting guide in the form of a simple table of symptoms, probable causes and recommended

The QC5200 is inherently safe, and in proper use few if any potential safety hazards exist. However, many
systems include motorized CNC stages that, as is the case with all motorized equipment, must be treated
with caution to avoid collision and pinch injuries. Also, an entire system often consists of electrical equip-
ment connected by many cables, which must be treated with care to avoid shock and tripping injuries.
Be prepared to depress the emergency off mushroom switch or other similar device
quickly in the event of an emergency when motor axes are active.
on or create a tripping hazard.
The system components are equipped with 3-wire power plugs that include a separate ground
connection, or are grounded through a separate wire. Always connect the power plug to a 3-wire
grounded outlet. The use of 2-wire power plug adapters or any other connection accessories that
remove the third grounded connection create a safety hazard and should not be permitted. If a
3-wire grounded outlet is not available, ask your electrician to provide one. Never disconnect any
Do not open the QC5200 enclosure. There are no user-serviceable components or assemblies
General safety precautions must be followed when configuring, maintaining or operating the system.
Failure to observe these precautions could result in damage to the equipment, or injury to personnel.
It is understood that safety rules within individual companies vary. If a conflict exists between the material
contained in this guide and the rules of a company using this system, the more stringent rules should take
Additional safety information is included throughout the remainder of this guide.
Always stay clear of axis motion paths.
Disconnect axis motor power when motor activities are not required.
Disconnect the system components from electrical sources before cleaning or
Do not allow any power cord or signal cable to be located such that it can be walked

Disconnect the QC5200 from the power source and seek the assistance of a qualified service
• The power cord is frayed or damaged or the power plug is damaged
• Liquid is spilled or splashed onto the enclosure
• The QC5200 has been dropped or the exterior enclosure has been damaged
• The QC5200 exhibits degraded performance or indicates a need for service some other way
Use only a cloth dampened with water and a mild detergent for cleaning the exterior surfaces and display
screens. Never use abrasive cleaners, and never use strong detergents or solvents. Only dampen the cloth,
do not use a cleaning cloth that is dripping wet.
Display resolutions in this guide are examples. User display resolutions are likely to vary according to the
specific application. Metric units of measure are used in examples.
Measurement accuracy is determined by many factors, such as the resolution of the encoders connected to
axis inputs. Generally, the display resolution of the QC5200 can exceed encoder resolutions. Setting the
display resolution to exceed the encoder resolution does not increase measurement accuracy.
Help is available in this printed Guide, in the electronic version of this Guide accessed from the Help
menu of the QC5200 software, from your Metronics distributor or system provider and directly from
The information contained in this guide should be adequate to customize the measurement, display and
programming aspects of system, and to perform the minimal setup and troubleshooting required beyond
the services provided by your Metronics distributor or system provider. However, in the event that your
Metronics distributor or system provider cannot provide the assistance you need, our support staff is com-
mitted to insuring your positive experience with the QC5200 series of products. To receive technical
e-mail our support staff at: techsupport@metronics.com

Telephone your Metronics distributor, or telephone our support staff at: (603) 622.0212
• A description of the equipment attached to the QC5200 computer, including the
manufacturer and model number
• The QC5200 software version number, found on the Help/About QC5000
The most recent version of the QC5200 software can be downloaded from the
Please carefully read all the instructions and cautions published on our site regarding your software update
before attempting to perform the update.
Additional publications for the QC5200
Additional application or instructional information is sometimes available for download from the Product
If it becomes necessary to contact us directly, be prepared to supply the following
• The QC5200 series serial number
(5-Digit number printed on back label)

Overview of system features

Opening custom workspaces
Turning program recording OFF

lighting with magnifications
disabling light associations
Initial setup of the video probe system
magnifications with associated
Adding magnifications to the
highest magnification to the
Adding other magnifications and

data collection parameters
Preparing to use video probes
Leveling the part (optional)
Probing a datum zero point
Constructing a datum zero point
Probing specific feature types

Applying tolerances to features
Naming and saving tolerances
MMC/LMC (Material condition)
Generating new default templates
Adding multiple data fields as a single new column
dding multiple data fields as multiple new columns
Appending data fields to an existing column

Aligning column titles and data
Editing headers and footers
Prompting the user for alphanumeric information
special steps to a program

Program runtime environment
Palletizing multiple parts
special and CNC program steps

Inserting new program steps
Curvature joystick parameter
Tools/Customize menu item screens
Tools/Options menu item screens
maximum program executions

file names, locations and backups
Tools/CNC menu item screens
appearance have changed. Everything looked
okay the last time you were on the system, now it’s different
Window is missing from the screen, but is enabled
Measurements are inaccurate or inconsistent
Cannot drag data fields from the Results window into a template
to the QC5200 settings, window positions, etc.
QC5200 program doesn’t launch, but other Windows programs do
Cannot print from the QC5200 program
unwanted data or formatting
Cannot make changes to the QC5200 settings
Cannot see image in the live video window
The auto focus does not work properly
The measurements finish before I’m ready
Cannot find captured images
Appendix A Import File Formats
Reference feature called for in

1 System Overview
The Metronics QC5200 series of metrology instruments is a family of Windows PC-based products for
conducting precision dimensional measurements on 2-D parts. Systems can be supplied with video sys-
tems and measuring microscopes. Systems support manual part positioning and feature measurement
under user control, or CNC part positioning and automated measurement under program control.
All QC5200 systems consist of a Windows-based user interface and a dedicated Metronics
All axis cards include input circuitry for reading the axis position. Axis cards in systems capable of CNC
axis motion control also include circuitry for driving
CNC servo motor amplifiers.
2-D part features in the X–Y plane. Additionally, systems can include a Z-axis input
for height measurements and part leveling and a Q-axis for rotational measurements.
Basic QC5200 for video systems or microscopes with
joystick part positioning

features can be measured, constructed from measured features, created from user data, copied from
existing features or imported from .dxf, .igs and other files.
tolerances include location,
form, orientation, runout and size. In
addition, tolerances can be applied to
groups of selected features.
Tolerances are context sensitive. For
example, straightness is provided for
lines and circularity is provided for
circles. Tolerances can be displayed
for evaluation and the tolerance criteria
can be edited with a few clicks of the
mouse, as shown in this example of a

1 System Overview
Programs can be created in manual sys-
tems to semi-automate repetitive tasks
and simplify operator interactions, or
to automate measurements eliminat-
ing measurement errors and increasing
throughput. Programs can be recorded
automatically as a series of measure-
ments are performed, can be created
to include conditional branching and
messages, can be edited in static or
single-step modes and can be created
programming is simplified by
programming wizards and a comprehensive program debugging environ-
Reports can be custom-formatted in a
wide variety of formats to satisfy the
requirements of different audiences
by simply dragging and dropping data
selections into templates.
can easily be customized. Completed
reports can be archived, printed, ex-
ported or saved for e-mailing.
data can be sent to CAD applications,
The user interface conforms to stan-
dard Windows conventions and can
be quickly mastered by experienced
Windows users. Task-specific menus,
icons and toolbars further simplify in-
teractions with QC5200 features and measurement functions. Many aspects of the user interface can be
customized to suit the needs of each user.
Customized arrangements of windows and toolbars can be saved
as unique workspaces to facilitate the most efficient use of the system by different users.
This User’s Guide can be accessed and displayed from the
Help menu, and includes links from all page
references in the Table of Contents and Index to Guide content.
Example of a program recorded automatically as measurements
Example of a report of feature data

2 User Interface
The QC5200 user interface is a
overall appearance of the user interface can vary greatly and can be customized to satisfy the requirements
and personal preferences of the user. The following pages contain a detailed description of the QC5200
user interface. Here’s what you’ll find in this chapter:

Opening custom workspaces
Launching the QC5200 program into a specific workspace

2 User Interface
user interface is a workspace consisting of windows, menus, toolbars and a statusbar. The
overall appearance of the user interface can vary greatly and can be customized to satisfy the requirements
and personal preferences of the user. However, the individual elements of every workspace are consistent
in purpose and function, and do not significantly change. Workspace elements include:
• The DRO, Template, Results, Part View and Live Video windows
• Menu bar and on-screen menus
The overall appearance of the user interface, or workspace,
can be customized to vary greatly as shown here, but indi-
vidual workspace elements remain essentially unchanged.

Four window types are used to present numeric, text and graphic information:
• DRO • Templates • Results • Part View • Live Video
The Digital Readout (DRO) presents numeric position information for
Template windows present tabular data describing fea-
tures, programs, runs database contents and tolerance
measurements. The template windows shown here
are stacked. However, each window can be presented
The Results window contains measurement data related
to a feature selected in a template or in the Part View
The Part View window contains a graphic display of the
measurement reference frame and measured features.
The Part View window contains a real-time display of the
video camera image including the part view at the active
magnification with the active video probe superimposed