1New in this release.............................................................................................................................................................3
2 BlackBerry Enterprise Server architecture....................................................................................................................9
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server remote components........................................................................................13
3 BlackBerry Enterprise Server components and features............................................................................................17
BlackBerry messaging and collaboration services.................................................................................................................17
Types of BlackBerry Applications..........................................................................................................................................26
Wireless implementation of BlackBerry devices.................................................................................................................30
Centralized maintenance of BlackBerry devices................................................................................................................30
Controlling third-party applications on BlackBerry devices............................................................................................31
Standard message encryption...............................................................................................................................................32
Options for encrypting stored data......................................................................................................................................33
Controlling BlackBerry device access to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server...................................................................35
Management of BlackBerry device security over the wireless network using IT administration commands...........36
4 BlackBerry Enterprise Server process flows..................................................................................................................39
Messaging process flows............................................................................................................................................................39
Process flow: Connecting to a messaging server...............................................................................................................39
Process flow: Sending a message to a BlackBerry device.................................................................................................39
Process flow: Sending a message from a BlackBerry device............................................................................................40
Process flow: Searching an organization's address book from a BlackBerry device....................................................41
Instant messaging process flows..............................................................................................................................................42
Process flow: Starting an instant messaging session using the BlackBerry Client for use with Microsoft Office
Live Communications Server 2005 (Windows Messenger)...............................................................................................42
Process flow: Starting an instant messaging session using the BlackBerry Client for use with Microsoft Office
Live Communications Server 2005 (Microsoft Office Communicator)...........................................................................43
Process flow: Starting an instant messaging session using the BlackBerry Client for use with Microsoft Office
Communications Server 2007...............................................................................................................................................45
Process flow: Starting an instant messaging session using the BlackBerry Client for IBM Lotus Sametime...........46
Process flow: Starting an instant messaging session using the BlackBerry Client for Novell GroupWise Messenger
Process flow: Sending a file to a contact using the BlackBerry Client for IBM Lotus Sametime................................49
Message attachment process flows..........................................................................................................................................50
Process flow: Viewing a message attachment....................................................................................................................50
Process flow: Viewing an attachment through a link........................................................................................................52
Organizer data process flows....................................................................................................................................................52
Process flow: Synchronizing organizer data for the first time on a BlackBerry device................................................53
Process flow: Synchronizing subsequent changes to organizer data.............................................................................54
Mobile data process flows..........................................................................................................................................................55
Process flow: Requesting BlackBerry Browser content on a BlackBerry device............................................................55
Process flow: Requesting BlackBerry Browser content while access control is turned on for the BlackBerry MDS
Process flow: Requesting BlackBerry Browser content with two-factor authentication turned on...........................57
Process flow: Pushing application content to a BlackBerry device.................................................................................58
Process flow: Requesting BlackBerry MDS Runtime Applications from a BlackBerry device.....................................59
BlackBerry device management process flows.......................................................................................................................60
Process flow: Activating the BlackBerry device over the wireless network...................................................................60
Process flow: Resending an IT policy to the BlackBerry device manually......................................................................61
Process flow: Authenticating the data on a BlackBerry device without connecting to the BlackBerry Infrastructure
Rich-content email messagesBlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.1 SP6 supports HTML and rich-content
email messages for BlackBerry devices that are running BlackBerry® Device
Software version 4.5 or later. By default, this feature is turned on.
If users reply to messages or forward messages using their BlackBerry devices,
messages in HTML format or rich-content format appear in plain-text format.
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server and its components support HTML email
messages in a Japanese environment when the following options are selected in
the regional and language settings of the computer: Install files for complex
script and right-to-left languages, and Install files for East Asian languages.
View meeting invitee availabilityUsers can view the availability of meeting invitees on BlackBerry devices that
are running BlackBerry Device Software version 4.5 or later. You can turn off this
feature using the BlackBerry Manager.
Remote search for email messagesUsers can search for email messages that are located on the messaging server
using BlackBerry devices that are running BlackBerry Device Software version
4.5 or later. You can turn off this feature using the BlackBerry Manager.
By default, the remote search feature can only retrieve messages that contain
the full search term that the user types.
Download native attachment formatsUsers can download message attachments in any native format on BlackBerry
devices that are running BlackBerry Device Software version 4.5 or later. Users
can open and make changes to native file formats using an appropriate thirdparty application on their BlackBerry devices. Depending on the file format, users
might be able to open a file using the media application on their BlackBerry
Attachment support for .amr file
You can specify the maximum file size of attachments that users can download
to their BlackBerry devices.
The BlackBerry Attachment Service now supports the .amr audio file format.
Feature and Technical Overview
Separate messages list on BlackBerry
devices for messages received from
BlackBerry Enterprise Server instances
You can add a separate messages list to users’ BlackBerry devices that contains
messages received from BlackBerry Enterprise Server instances only. This feature
is turned off by default. For more information about how to turn on this feature,
visit www.blackberry.com/support to see article KB15003.
Monitor wireless application push
Apply application control policies to
BlackBerry MDS Runtime Applications
The new Software Config Status tab in the BlackBerry Manager allows you to
view any issues with the wireless delivery of applications.
You can now apply application control policies to BlackBerry MDS Runtime
Applications that are running on the BlackBerry® MDS Runtime version 4.5 or
The “Allow External Access” property in BlackBerry MDS Integration Service
device policies does not apply to BlackBerry devices running BlackBerry MDS
Runtime version 4.5 or later. To apply this property, you must apply an application
control policy to a BlackBerry MDS Runtime Application. For more information,
see the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Administration Guide.
Unconditional message encryption for
the BlackBerry MDS Integration
All messages exchanged between BlackBerry devices and the BlackBerry MDS
Integration Service are now encrypted by default.
Support for Microsoft® SQL Server®
2005 (64-bit)
Enhanced control of lost and stolen
BlackBerry devices
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server now supports the Microsoft SQL Server 2005
(64-bit) database management system.
You can specify a delay (in hours) when using the Erase Data And Disable
Handheld IT administration command over the wireless network. This change
applies to BlackBerry Device Software version 4.5 or later.
New in this release
Specify algorithms that BlackBerry
devices consider weak
The remote password reset cryptographic protocol is designed to allow you to
set the BlackBerry device password remotely, even if content protection is
enabled on the BlackBerry device. This change applies to BlackBerry Device
Software version 4.3 or later.
You can use the Weak Digest Algorithms IT policy rule to specify algorithms that
BlackBerry devices consider weak. This IT policy rule can be applied to BlackBerry
devices running BlackBerry Device Software version 4.3 or later.
Feature and Technical Overview
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server uses the list of weak digest algorithms when
verifying that the certificate chains for the certificates that BlackBerry devices
use with the SSL protocol over connections to external web servers are strong
BlackBerry devices use the list of weak digest algorithms when verifying that the
digital signatures on messages that BlackBerry devices receive are not generated
using a weak hash digest. BlackBerry devices use the list of weak digest
algorithms when verifying that the certificate chains for the certificates used to
sign messages that BlackBerry devices receive do not contain hashes generated
using a weak digest.
Digitally sign BlackBerry MDS
Runtime Applications
Developers can digitally sign BlackBerry MDS Runtime Applications that they
create using BlackBerry® MDS Studio, before publishing these applications to
the BlackBerry MDS Application Repository.
BlackBerry devices support using a private key with a corresponding certificate
in X.509 syntax to digitally sign BlackBerry MDS Runtime Applications. The
BlackBerry MDS Integration Service verifies the digital signature on the
BlackBerry MDS Runtime Application code before sending the application to
BlackBerry devices over the wireless network. When the BlackBerry device
receives the BlackBerry MDS Runtime Application, it displays the certificate
subject details as the code signer identity, and prompts the BlackBerry device
user to accept or reject the application.
Apply an encoding scheme to
BlackBerry data using transcoder
application code
You can apply an encoding scheme to BlackBerry data using transcoder
application code.
Third-party application developers can create encoding schemes that encrypt,
convert, or otherwise change the format of BlackBerry device data.
New in this release
Firewall Whitelist Addresses IT policy
This feature applies to BlackBerry devices running BlackBerry Device Software
version 4.5 or later.
You can use the Firewall Whitelist Addresses IT policy rule to specify the list of
email addresses that the BlackBerry device firewall allows. The BlackBerry device
receives messages from these email addresses even if the user blocks all
incoming messages on the device. This IT policy rule can be applied to BlackBerry
devices running BlackBerry Device Software version 4.2.3 or later.
Feature and Technical Overview
Changes to the BlackBerry
Configuration Database schema
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 4.1 SP6 contains changes to the BlackBerry
Configuration Database schema. The changes occur in the upgrade file that is
named UpgradeV20080410.sql.
Support for Microsoft® Office
Communications Server 2007
The BlackBerry Collaboration Service supports Microsoft Office Communications
Server 2007. BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 4.1 SP6 supports a new
collaboration client for use with this instant messaging server: the BlackBerry®
Client for use with Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007.
Support for IBM® Lotus® Sametime®
The BlackBerry Collaboration Service supports IBM Lotus Sametime version 8.0.
version 8.0
New names for the BlackBerry
collaboration clients
The collaboration client that was previously named BlackBerry® Instant
Messaging for Microsoft® Office Live Communications Server 2005 is now
named the BlackBerry® Client for use with Microsoft® Office Live
Communications Server 2005.
The collaboration client that was previously named BlackBerry® Instant
Messaging for IBM® Lotus® Sametime® is now named the BlackBerry® Client
for IBM® Lotus® Sametime®.
New in this release
The collaboration client that was previously named BlackBerry® Instant
Messaging for Novell® GroupWise® Messenger is now named the BlackBerry®
Client for Novell® GroupWise® Messenger.
Connecting the BlackBerry
Collaboration Service to a remote
BlackBerry Attachment Service to
support file transfer for the BlackBerry
Client for IBM Lotus Sametime
Users can use the BlackBerry Client for IBM Lotus Sametime to send files to the
contacts in their contact lists. To optimize files for viewing on BlackBerry devices,
the BlackBerry Collaboration Service must be able to connect to the BlackBerry
Attachment Service.
If you have not installed the on the same computer as the BlackBerry
Collaboration Service, you must connect the BlackBerry Collaboration Service to
the remote BlackBerry Attachment Service.
For more information, see the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Installation Guide.
Control RIM value-added applicationsYou can use new and existing IT policy rules to control RIM value-added
applications. For more information about new IT policy rules, see the Policy
Reference Guide.
Feature and Technical Overview
New naming conventions for the
BlackBerry® Mobile Data System and
related software
The component of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server that was previously named
the BlackBerry MDS Services is now named the BlackBerry MDS Integration
Service. The term BlackBerry MDS Services now refers collectively to the
BlackBerry MDS Integration Service and the BlackBerry MDS Connection
BlackBerry® MDS Studio Applications are now named BlackBerry® MDS
Runtime Applications. Java® applications that are developed for and used on
BlackBerry devices are now named BlackBerry Java Applications. Browser
applications that are developed for and used on BlackBerry devices are now
named BlackBerry® Browser Applications. The term BlackBerry Applications
refers collectively to BlackBerry MDS Runtime Applications, BlackBerry Java
Applications, and BlackBerry Browser Applications.
The BlackBerry Manager UI and the BlackBerry Enterprise Server documentation
reflect these new naming conventions.
New in this release
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry Enterprise Server architecture
BlackBerry Enterprise Server architecture
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server
The BlackBerry® Enterprise Server consists of various components that are designed to perform the following actions:
•provide productivity tools and data from an organization's applications to its BlackBerry device users
•monitor other BlackBerry Enterprise Server components
•process, route, compress, and encrypt data
•communicate with the wireless network
Feature and Technical Overview
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server
BlackBerry Attachment ServiceThe BlackBerry Attachment Service converts supported message attachments
into a format that users can view on their BlackBerry devices.
BlackBerry Collaboration ServiceThe BlackBerry Collaboration Service provides a connection between your
organization's instant messaging server and the collaboration client on
BlackBerry devices.
Feature and Technical Overview
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server
BlackBerry Configuration DatabaseThe BlackBerry Configuration Database is a relational database that contains
configuration data that BlackBerry Enterprise Server components use. The
BlackBerry Configuration Database includes the following data:
•details about the connection from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to the
wireless network
•user list
•address mappings between PINs and email addresses for BlackBerry MDS
Connection Service push features
•read-only copy of each master encryption key
BlackBerry ControllerThe BlackBerry Controller monitors the BlackBerry Enterprise Server
components and restarts them if they stop responding.
BlackBerry DispatcherThe BlackBerry Dispatcher compresses and encrypts all of the data that is sent
to and from BlackBerry devices. It sends the data through the BlackBerry Router,
to and from the wireless network.
BlackBerry ManagerThe BlackBerry Manager connects to the BlackBerry Configuration Database.
You can use the BlackBerry Manager to manage the BlackBerry Domain,
including user accounts and device administration. The BlackBerry Domain
consists of a single BlackBerry Configuration Database and all the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server instances that use it.
BlackBerry MDS Connection ServiceThe BlackBerry MDS Connection Service enables users to access web content,
the Internet, or your organization's intranet, and also enables applications on
BlackBerry devices to connect to your organization's application or content
servers for application data and updates.
for BlackBerry® MDS Runtime Applications on BlackBerry devices. You can use
the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service to install BlackBerry MDS Runtime
Applications that are stored in the BlackBerry MDS Application Repository on
BlackBerry devices. You can also use it to manage, update, and remove
The BlackBerry MDS Application Repository stores BlackBerry MDS Runtime
Applications that your organization's developers can create and publish using
the BlackBerry® MDS Studio or the BlackBerry® Plug-in for Microsoft® Visual
Feature and Technical Overview
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server
Studio® developer tools. You can use the BlackBerry Manager to manage the
BlackBerry MDS Runtime Applications that are stored in the BlackBerry MDS
Application Repository.
BlackBerry Messaging AgentThe BlackBerry Messaging Agent connects to your organization's messaging
server to provide messaging services, calendar management, address lookups,
attachment viewing, attachment downloading, and encryption key generation.
The BlackBerry Messaging Agent also acts as a gateway for the BlackBerry
Synchronization Service to access organizer data on the messaging server. The
BlackBerry Messaging Agent synchronizes configuration data between the
BlackBerry Configuration Database and the message store databases.
BlackBerry Policy ServiceThe BlackBerry Policy Service performs administration services over the wireless
network. It sends IT policies and IT administration commands and provisions
service books. IT policies and IT administration commands define BlackBerry
device security, settings for synchronizing data over the wireless network, and
other configuration settings on BlackBerry devices. The BlackBerry Policy Service
also sends service books to configure feature and component settings on
BlackBerry devices.
BlackBerry RouterThe BlackBerry Router connects to the wireless network to send data to and from
BlackBerry devices. It also sends data within your organization's network to
BlackBerry devices that are connected to computers with the BlackBerry® Device
BlackBerry Synchronization ServiceThe BlackBerry Synchronization Service synchronizes organizer data between
BlackBerry devices and the messaging server over the wireless network.
organization's application or content
The organization's application or content server provides push applications and
intranet content for the BlackBerry MDS Services.
instant messaging serverThe instant messaging server stores instant messaging accounts.
messaging serverThe messaging server stores email accounts.
user's computer with the BlackBerry
Device Manager
The user's computer with the BlackBerry Device Manager enables users to
connect their BlackBerry devices to their computers using a serial or USB
connection. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server and BlackBerry devices use this
connection to send data between them.
Feature and Technical Overview
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server remote components
Data traffic from BlackBerry devices bypasses the wireless network while
BlackBerry devices are connected to users' computers. The BlackBerry Device
Manager connects to the BlackBerry Router, which sends data directly to
BlackBerry devices.
Users can install the BlackBerry Device Manager separately from the
BlackBerry® Desktop Manager or with it as part of the full BlackBerry® Desktop
Software installation. The BlackBerry Device Manager is an optional component,
but it is required to support a bypass connection to the BlackBerry Router.
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server remote components
You can install all BlackBerry® Enterprise Server components on one computer, or you can install certain components on
separate computers. Different components impact system resources differently. You can choose to install only one remote
component on each computer in your organization's environment.
Sample architecture with a remote BlackBerry Collaboration Service
Feature and Technical Overview
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server remote components
Sample architecture with a remote BlackBerry MDS Connection Service
Feature and Technical Overview
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server remote components
Sample architecture with a remote BlackBerry MDS Integration Service
BlackBerry ManagerA remote BlackBerry Manager enables you to manage the BlackBerry Domain
from their computers.
BlackBerry Attachment ServiceA remote BlackBerry Attachment Service can support multiple BlackBerry
Enterprise Server instances.
The BlackBerry Attachment Service can use increased system resources when it
processes concurrent conversion requests. You can install the BlackBerry
Attachment Service on a remote computer to increase the number of concurrent
conversions without impacting message delivery.
BlackBerry Collaboration ServiceA remote BlackBerry Collaboration Service can support multiple BlackBerry
Enterprise Server instances.
The BlackBerry Collaboration Service uses a persistent socket connection for
each instant messaging session. You can install the BlackBerry Collaboration
Service on a remote computer to maximize the number of available sockets.
Feature and Technical Overview
Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Server remote components
You can install only one type of BlackBerry Collaboration Service (for example,
IBM® Lotus® Sametime®), and users can use only one type of enterprise instant
messaging application on their BlackBerry devices.
BlackBerry MDS Connection ServiceA remote BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can support multiple BlackBerry
Enterprise Server instances.
The BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can use increased system resources
when it processes content requests. You can install the BlackBerry MDS
Connection Service on a remote computer to minimize the impact on message
and data delivery.
BlackBerry MDS Integration ServiceA remote instance of the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service can support
multiple BlackBerry Enterprise Server instances and one BlackBerry MDS
Application Repository.
The BlackBerry MDS Integration Service can use increased system resources
when processing content requests. You can install a BlackBerry MDS Integration
Service on a remote computer to minimize the impact on message delivery.
BlackBerry MDS Application
A remote BlackBerry MDS Application Repository can support one instance of
the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service. You must install the BlackBerry MDS
Application Repository on the same database server as the BlackBerry
Configuration Database.
BlackBerry RouterA remote BlackBerry Router can support multiple BlackBerry Enterprise Server
The BlackBerry Router does not use many system resources, but it is a critical
connection point for the BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution. You can install multiple
standby instances of the BlackBerry Router as failover locations in the event that
the active BlackBerry Router is unavailable.
BlackBerry Configuration DatabaseA remote BlackBerry Configuration Database can support multiple BlackBerry
Enterprise Server instances, which creates a BlackBerry Domain.
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry Enterprise Server components and features
BlackBerry Enterprise Server components and features
BlackBerry messaging and collaboration services
The BlackBerry® messaging and collaboration services provide a wireless extension of an organization's messaging
environment. These services include the BlackBerry Messaging Agent, the BlackBerry Collaboration Service, the BlackBerry
Synchronization Service, and the BlackBerry Attachment Service.
BlackBerry Messaging Agent
The BlackBerry® Messaging Agent connects to an organization's messaging server and provides messaging services, calendar
management, address lookups, attachment viewing, attachment downloading, and encryption key generation. The
BlackBerry Messaging Agent also acts as a gateway for the BlackBerry Synchronization Service to access organizer data on
the messaging server. The BlackBerry Messaging Agent synchronizes configuration data between the BlackBerry
Configuration Database and the message store databases.
The BlackBerry Messaging Agent integrates with existing email accounts in your organization. The BlackBerry Messaging
Agent redirects messages from users’ email applications to their BlackBerry devices automatically. If users configure identical
signatures on their BlackBerry devices and in their email accounts, recipients cannot distinguish between the messages sent
from BlackBerry devices and those sent from email applications.
When users move or delete messages or mark messages as read or unread on their BlackBerry devices or in their email
applications, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent reconciles these changes over the wireless network between their BlackBerry
devices and the email applications. By default, both BlackBerry devices and the BlackBerry® Enterprise Server reconcile
email messages over the wireless network.
Wireless messaging features
BlackBerry® device users can use many of the same messaging features that are available in the email applications on their
email reconciliationThe BlackBerry® Enterprise Server reconciles the status of messages between
users' BlackBerry devices and their email applications. If users delete, archive,
or move messages to personal folders in their email applications, the messages
are deleted from the message list on the users' BlackBerry devices. If users mark
messages as read or unread in their email applications, the messages appear
with the same status on their BlackBerry devices.
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry messaging and collaboration services
Administrators can turn off wireless email reconciliation.
email message filtersUsers and BlackBerry Enterprise Server administrators can create and change
email message filters. Email message filters determine the actions that the
BlackBerry Enterprise Server takes if incoming messages match specific criteria:
forward, forward with priority, or do not forward to BlackBerry devices. For
example, users can create email message filters to forward messages from
specific senders to their BlackBerry devices with high priority.
message forwardingUsers can turn off message forwarding to their BlackBerry devices, for example,
if they are outside of a wireless coverage area. Administrators can also turn off
message forwarding to users' BlackBerry devices.
signatureUsers can add a signature to all of the messages that they send from their
BlackBerry devices. Administrators can add a signature and disclaimers to all of
the messages that the members of a user group send or a specific user sends.
contact lookupUsers can search for a contact’s first name, last name, or both in their
organization's directory. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server returns results for up
to 20 of the closest matches.
contact list updatesWhen users select contacts from the contact lookup results, they can add the
contacts to the contact lists on their BlackBerry devices.
custom fields in the contact listIf your organization maintains custom fields in users’ personal contact lists, you
can map these fields to corresponding fields that appear in the contact list on
BlackBerry devices. Users can use these custom fields to search for contacts on
their BlackBerry devices.
downloading attachmentsUsers with BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.5 or later can download
attachments in any native format to their BlackBerry devices. Users can open
and make changes to native file formats using an appropriate third-party
application on their BlackBerry devices. Depending on the file format, users
might be able to open files using the media application on their BlackBerry
To manage network resources in your organization's environment, you can
change the maximum file size of attachments that users can download to their
BlackBerry devices.
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry messaging and collaboration services
save sent messagesUsers can configure their BlackBerry devices to save copies of messages that
they send from their BlackBerry devices in the sent items folder in their email
BlackBerry Collaboration Service
The BlackBerry® Collaboration Service provides a connection between an organization's instant messaging server and the
collaboration client on BlackBerry devices. The BlackBerry Collaboration Service integrates with existing instant messaging
applications. The BlackBerry® Enterprise Server supports the following collaboration clients:
•BlackBerry® Client for use with Microsoft® Office Live Communications Server 2005
•BlackBerry® Client for use with Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007
•BlackBerry® Client for IBM® Lotus® Sametime®
•BlackBerry® Client for Novell® GroupWise® Messenger
The BlackBerry Collaboration Service sends messages between the organization's instant messaging server, the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server, and BlackBerry devices using public APIs, protocols that are defined by IBM, Microsoft, and Novell, and a
Research In Motion proprietary protocol.
Instant messaging features
Using the collaboration clients on their BlackBerry® devices, users can use many of the same features that are available in
the instant messaging applications on their computers.
session managementYou can specify the number of simultaneous instant messaging sessions that the
BlackBerry Collaboration Service supports. You can also specify a timeout
threshold, after which the BlackBerry Collaboration Service ends inactive
sessions automatically and permits new sessions to start.
You can control whether users of certain versions of the BlackBerry® Client for
IBM® Lotus® Sametime® or the BlackBerry® Client for Novell® GroupWise®
Messenger can see an icon on their BlackBerry devices when contacts in their
contact lists are using the same collaboration clients. By default, the icon
conversations with multiple contactsUsers can start and manage conversations with multiple instant messaging
contacts on their BlackBerry devices.
Feature and Technical Overview
BlackBerry messaging and collaboration services
availability statusUsers can change their availability status while they are logged in to their
collaboration clients. For example, users can set their availability status to away
or busy.
presence updatesUsing the latest version of the collaboration clients, users can set their
availability status to display as away if they do not use their BlackBerry devices
for a specified period of time.
presence levelUsing the latest version of the BlackBerry® Client for use with Microsoft® Office
Communications Server 2007, users can set the presence level of contacts in
their contact lists. Each presence level consists of rules that determine how a
contact can interact with a user through the instant messaging application. For
example, users can assign the Personal presence level to their contacts.
contact picturesUsing the latest version of the collaboration clients, users can add pictures to
the contacts in their contact lists. The pictures that users add using the
collaboration clients on their BlackBerry devices are not synchronized with the
instant messaging applications on users' computers.
synchronized contact listsThe instant messaging contact lists on users' BlackBerry devices are
synchronized with the contact lists in their organization's instant messaging
contact alertsUsers can request alerts when specific contacts become available.
file transferUsing the latest version of the BlackBerry Client for IBM Lotus Sametime, users
can send files to contacts in their contact lists. Recipients can view supported
file formats on their BlackBerry devices.
link instant messaging contacts to the
BlackBerry contact list
Using the latest version of the collaboration clients, users can link instant
messaging contacts to existing contact list entries on their BlackBerry devices,
or they can create new contact list entries for instant messaging contacts and
populate them with information from their organization's messaging server.
send email messages from contact listUsing the latest version of the collaboration clients on their BlackBerry devices,
users can send email messages to contacts directly from their contact lists.
call contactsUsing the latest version of the collaboration clients on their BlackBerry devices,
users can call instant messaging contacts directly from their contact lists. After
a user starts an instant messaging conversation with a contact, the user can
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