Welltech LP-389 User Manual

LP389 IP Phone
LOGIN LP389 .................................................................................... 3
QUICK SETUP ............................................................................ 3
CONFIGURATION REFERENCE.............................................................. 7
Device Settings .......................................................................... 7
VOIP Parameters Setting ........................................................... 12
SIP Line Settings ...................................................................... 15
Phone Feature Settings ............................................................. 21
Dialing Plan ......................................................錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
Call History.............................................................................. 26
Device Status .......................................................................... 27
Device Maintenance .................................................................. 29



Login to LP389:
connect the Ethernet cable into WAN port. Start IE6.0 (or later version) to navigate LP389 web management system by typing the default URL is the screen will display User Name and Password (the default user id is root and user password is root). (Fig.1)
If you using the IPV6 only mode, you need to use LCD manual to check the auto configured IPV6 address and use it to connect to LP389. The URL will be like the following: http://[xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]. It is recommend to use IPV4 to configuration.
Setup the administrative PC’s IP address to be same as LP389 and
Step 2: The screen shows the Home page of LP389. (Fig.2)
Change Default IP Network:
Step 3: After successfully logon to the system, we need to change the network configuration. Click Device Setting > Network to setup the Interface parameters. First, you need to select the IP supported mode which could be IPV4/IPV6 dual stack, IPV4 only or IPV6 only. Since IPV6 address is getting from router advertisement plus the MAC address and cannot be changed, there is no need to set it up. You can tell the IPV6 address by the web page. For IPv4, please enter the deserved IP address, netmask and default gateway or selected to “DHCP”. Apply the change by clicking Apply button as fig (Fig.3)
P.S. If DHCP is used, you can use LCD to know the IP address used.
Change Default Time setting:
Step 4: When re-logon to the new IP address, the next is to setup the system time zone. Click Device Setting > Time to setup the system. Enter the
current date and time. Apply the change by clicking Apply button. (Fig.4)
Modify SIP Account Parameter: Step 5: The next step is to setup the SIP account parameters. Click SIP Lines > Line 1-3 to modify the parameter. Enter the effective user id, password and
proxy server or IPV6/IPV4…etc. You can have up-to 3 separate accounts to register or making calls. Apply the change by clicking Apply button. (Fig.5)
Soft Reset LP389: Step 6: After modify basic setting. Need to reset LP389. Click Maintenance > Maintenance > Soft-Reset to take effect. Apply the change by clicking Apply button. (Fig.6)
Check LP389 Registered Status:
Step 7: After soft-reset. Click Status > Phone Status to check whether each line is registered or not. (Fig.7)


Device Settings

Network Configuration
Device Setting > Network
Network: DHCP
Network: Fixed IP
Parameter Description:
z IP Support: IP stack to be supported (IPV6 and IPV4 or IPV6 or IPV4
z DHCP: Use IPv4 DHCP or not (available only when IPV4 is engaged)
z IPV6 Address: the auto configured IPv6 address (display only) z IP Addess: IPV4 address z Netmask: IPV4 network mask
z Default Gateway: IPV4 Default gateway z VOIP VLAN: Enable VOIP VLAN or not z VOIP VLAN ID(2-4096): VLAN ID to be used z DNS Server1: Primary DNS Server IP network z DNS Server2: Secondary DNS Server IP network
Device Time Setting:
LP389 support SNTP with time zone and daylight saving.
Device Setting > Time
Parameter Description:
z Now: Current Time (display only) z
NTP Time Server: SNTP time server
NTP Refresh Interval(sec): The frequency to sync NTP server in seconds
Time Zone: The time-zone LP389 is located.
- Standard: Use a predefined standard time zone
- Customize: Use a user defined time zone
z Daylight Saving: Auto adjust daylight saving timer or not z Daylight Bias: The offset added to the Bias when the time zone is in
daylight saving time
z Daylight Start: The date that a time zone enters daylight time
- Month: 01 to 12
- Week Day: Sunday to Saturday
- Apply Week (Day:01 to 05, Specifies the occurrence of day in the
month; 01 = First occurrence of day, 02 = Second occurrence of day, ...and 05 = Last occurrence of day)
- Hour: 00 to 23
z Standard Start: The date that a time zone enters daylight time
- Month: 01 to 12
- Week Day: Sunday to Saturday
- Apply Week (Day:01 to 05, Specifies the occurrence of day in the
month; 01 = First occurrence of day, 02 = Second occurrence of day, ...and 05 = Last occurrence of day)
- Hour: 00 to 23
Device Advance Setting:
Device Setting > Advance
Parameter Description:
z HTTP Port: The Administrator Web service port (the default is 80) z HTTPS: enable HTTPS web service or not z HTTPS Port: The HTTPS Web service port (the default is 443) z Telnet Port: The telnet service port (the default is 23) z LCD Language: LCD menu language setting. Currently, it only can
support English or French.
User Login Setting:
Three level of users can be used, administrator, supervisor, user. Each level of users will have different predefined access level.
Device Setting > User Login
Parameter Description:
z Administrator: The administrator level user which has full access of
z Supervisor: The supervisor level user which has limited administrative
access right.
z User: The user access right which only allows to setting some user
related features.
z User ID: Login User ID z Password: Login Password z Confirm Password: Confirm new password again z Language: The web page language used when the account login. To add
a customized local language, please contact Welltech.
Debug Settings:
LP389 provides the real time debug to syslog or telnet interface. It generates the debug information based on debug level and modules. Since the generating debug will consume system resource, it is recommended to turn on only for necessary and under Welltech FAE’s instruction.
Device Setting > Debug
Parameter Description:
z SYSLOG: Enable or disable to send system information to SYSLOGD
server or not
z Check for start from Any Time: Always Send: Always send syslog or only
during a specified time range.
z Syslog Start(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM): Always Send: Always send syslog
or only during a specified time range.
z Syslog Stop(YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM): The syslog stop sending time. z SyslogD Server: SyslogD server IP address
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