Texas instruments TI-73 Rational Number Rampage

Rational Number Rampage
A software application for the TI-73 Explorer
Getting Started
How To…
Play Rational Timer Play Rational Match Play Perc ent Square
More Information
Getting Help Deleti ng th e Appl i cation Error Recovery Fractio ns Less than One Percent Square Images
12/11/03 © 2002, 2003 Texas Instruments

Important Information

Texas Instruments makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding any programs or book materials and makes such materials available solely on an “as-is” basis.
In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and exclusive liability of Texas Instruments, regardless of the form of action, shall not exceed the purchase price of this item or material. Moreover, Texas Instruments shall not be liable for any claim of any kind whatsoever against the use of these materials by any other party.
Graphing product applications (Apps) are licensed. See the terms of the lic ense agr eement
for this product.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Apple, and Macintosh are trademarks their respective owners.
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What is the Rational Number Rampage App?

The Rational Number Rampage App helps strengthen math skills dealing with fractions, decimals, and percents. This application contains three different games:
Rat ion al Ti mer challenges yo u to convert numbers to fractions, decimals, or percents, and input your answer before ti me runs out on the clock.
Rational Match tests your memory as well as your math skills. Sixteen cards are shown facedown. On the face of each is a number in fraction, decimal, or percent form. For each of these numb ers, ther e is an equival ent r epresen tation on a different card. You turn over two cards at a time, trying to match all of the cards using the fewest tries possible.
Percent Square shows numbers visually on the screen using a hundreds square (10 by 10 grid). For each problem, a different number of squares in the grid are shaded. You must determine what portion the grid is shaded and enter the answer in fraction, decimal, or percent form.
For assistance in playing Rational Number Rampage, see the tables of equivalent values for fractions less than one challenging hundreds squares
Rational Number Rampage App Page 3
The Rational Number Rampage application is a concept appli cati on that TI want s to share w ith our customer s, educators, and students before the product definition and testing are complete. It is an alpha software version, and as such, it may contain imperfections, or the coding may be incomplete.
TI invites your feedback concerning the functionality and educational value of the Rational Number Rampage application. Please send your comments and questions to concept@list.ti.com.
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What You Need

Hardware and Software Note
TI-73 Explorer with ver si on 1.60 or latest version of t he Graph Ex plor er software
Computer with Micr osoft ® Windows® 95/98/2000/XP, Windows NT®, or Apple® MacIntosh® OS 7. 1 or hi gher installed
TI Connectivity computer-to-device cable
TI Connect™ soft ware, whi c h works with most supported models of Flash­based TI graphing dev ices
You can download a free copy of the latest Graph Explorer software from
Follow the link to Operati ng Systems.
TI Connectivity cables are available for purchase fr om ret ail stor es, online retailers, and instructional dealers. See a list at education.ti.com/buy You may also purchase TI Connectivit y cables from the TI online store at education.ti.com/shop
You can download free copies of TI Connect software from
Rational Number Rampage App Page 5

Where to Find Installation Instructions

Det ailed instructions on insta l ling thi s and o t her appl icat ion s are available at education.ti.com/guides
. Follow the link to Flash
Installa tion Inst ructio ns.

Getting Help

The instructions in this guidebook are only for this application. If you need help using the TI-73 Explorer, refer to its comprehensive guidebook at education.ti.com/guides
For this application, help for each game is available from the main menu and fro m the
1. From the main menu, highlight the number of the game you
need hel p w ith a nd then sel ect — or — From the
SELECT A LEVEL scr een for th e game, select HELP
(press s).
HELP (press s).
2. Select
NEXT (press s) to display subsequent screens of
help text.
3. Select
Rational Number Rampage App Page 6
QUIT HELP (p ress o) to return to the main menu.

Starting and Quitting the Application

Starting the Application

1. Press Œ t o displ ay the list of applications on your TI-73.
2. Select
RRampage. The ap plication ’ s information sc reen is
3. Press any key to continue. The programmer’s screen is displayed.
4. Press any key to continue. The
menu is displayed.

Quitting the Application

From the
RATIONAL NUMBER RAMPAGE menu, select QUIT or press
y 5.
Rational Number Rampage App Page 7


For example,

Selecting Menu Items

You can select menu items in the following ways:
Press } or to highlight the menu item, and then press Í to select it.
Press the number key that corresponds to the menu item.

Using On-Screen Options

Each screen displays one or more options along the bottom of the screen. To s elec t an option, pr ess the gra phing key direct l y be low the option.
press s to select %.
Note You must use the on-screen option key s for UNIT, n/d, and %. You
CANNOT use device keys.
Rational Number Rampage App Page 8

Rational Timer

The game displays a fraction, decimal or percent inside the clock. The format that th e number should be c onverted to is sh own b elow t he clock. Try to beat th e clo ck, entering your answer as quickly as possible. The faster you correctly answer problems, the more points you score.
1. Select
LEVEL screen is displayed.
RATIONAL TIMER from the main menu. The SELECT A
2. Press } or † to m ove the cu rsor to the level you want to
play, and then press Í to se le ct the level. The Rational Timer game scre en is disp layed.
Level Description
Bronze The game contains fr ac tion, decimal, and percent
representations of halves, thirds (equivalent fractions only), fourths, fifths, si x ths (equivalent fractions onl y ) , eighths, and tenths. Number s range bet ween 0 and 1.
Silver The game contains fraction, decimal, and percent
representations of halves, thirds, fourt hs, fif ths, sixths, eighths, tent hs, twelfths, and sixteenths. Number s range between 0 and 1.
Gold Same as Silver but numbers range between 0 and 2.
Note From the SELECT A LEVEL screen, you can see the hi gh scores for
the game, by selecting
Rational Number Rampage App Page 9
3. P ress any key t o disp lay t he first problem.
For this problem,
convert 0.125 to a
Messages are
Enter your
displa yed here.
answer here.
4. Input your answer, and then press Í to check your
answer. The message box displays answer is correct, or
TIME OUT if you do not enter the correct
WELL DONE! when your
answer before time on the clock runs out.
Note If your answer is incorr ec t and you still have time left on the clock,
your answer is erased so that you can ent er a new answer.
To input this type of number …
Repeating decimal Input the decimal v alue, place the cursor on the
Fraction Input the numerator, select n/d, and then input the
Do this:
number that repeat s, and then select BAR. Example: 0.083 BAR "
denominat or. All frac tions must be in the simplest form.
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